True Love (2012) s01e01 Episode Script


1 What the world needs now is love, sweet love.
It's the only thing that there's just too little of.
What the world needs now is love, sweet love.
No, not just for some but for everyone Everyone, just a sec.
Come on.
Come here, Ruth.
- Aw! - Here we go! Listen, just quickly to say, er, it's lovely to have you all here today to say a big happy birthday to Ruth.
- Happy birthday, Ruth! - Thanks.
My long-suffering wife is 34 years young today.
- Thank you.
- Looks every day of it! Doesn't look a day over 33.
She's very special, because she puts up with me.
Erm, I feel very lucky to have such a beautiful, - clever, loving wife.
- Careful! Yeah.
And of course, two beautiful babies, Lorraine and Darren, who - Come on.
- Come on, mate.
Come on.
Don't be shy.
Luckily for them, they both inherited their mother's looks.
Erm, anyway, she keeps us all in check.
I wear the apron, but she wears the trousers.
Erm - and I love you very much.
- Aw I love you too.
Happy birthday, baby.
Thank you.
- Did you have a nice time? - I had a lovely time.
I love you.
I love you too.
And I still fancy the arse off you, do you know that? Well, I should hope so! It's ridiculous, you're so old now! Was that you? No? - It wasn't me.
- Was it you? - I suspect it might be a lie.
- Ah.
Hello, Communications, Nick speaking.
OK, erm Just Don't send her up, I'll be down in about five.
Thanks, Phil.
There's someone downstairs I'm just going to have to deal with.
You all right? Yeah.
Ground floor.
Doors opening.
The first time ever I saw your face - Hi.
- Hi.
- Shall we? - Yeah.
I thought the sun rose in your eyes.
And the moon, and the stars were the gifts you gave This is a bit of a surprise.
Well, I'm sorry if I've shocked you.
Where have you been? Um, I've been living in Canada.
All this time? About 13 years, yeah.
I've got a little girl.
Oh, nice.
What's her name? - Ali, she's four.
- Nice.
She's back in Canada with my ex.
He's going to look after her while I've come here for a bit.
It just I don't know, my sister's living here, you're living here.
It just all seemed a little bit weird for me to come all this way then not to try and say hi.
You know? - I wanted to see you while I was here.
- Right.
You look exactly the same.
Well, thank you.
I've missed you.
A lot.
Jesus Christ.
Serena? Oh, my God, Ruth! - How are you doing? - Oh, God! - Hiya.
- Hi! You all right? What are you doing here? Erm, Michelle, my My sister's moved here.
Really? Yeah, she's been here about a year.
Erm, in Palm Bay.
- My God! I never knew that.
- Yeah.
- How long have you been here? - Did you not know we were here? No, no, didn't have a clue.
Er, yeah, about about seven years.
- God, wow! - We love it.
Love it.
- Yeah, well, it's a beautiful place.
- Yeah.
Good, so, er - Are you here for long or? - No, just a couple of days.
- I'm living in Canada, so I've just - Right.
Popped over, but - Well, it's great to see you.
- Yeah.
You look exactly the same.
But look, I've got to shoot off, but erm, you should, er You should pop over, you know.
Yep, we'll sort something.
All right.
- Well, take care.
See you.
- Yeah.
See you later.
Hello? Hi.
Hey, babe.
- You all right? - Yeah.
- How are you? - Mm, good.
- Hello.
You all right, sweetheart? - I'm OK.
Dinner won't be long now, just a few minutes.
OK? - OK.
All right, Dazza? - Yeah.
- How was school? - It was all right.
Brilliant! How was today? - Erm, yeah, good.
- Yeah? How about you? - Yeah, good.
- Yeah? Yeah.
Just another day.
Um, I'm going to go and get changed.
- OK, don't be long.
- Yeah.
How was the meeting? Oh, it didn't happen in the end.
How come? Oh, it was It didn't need to happen today.
So Stuff, other stuff happened this afternoon, so We can do it tomorrow, it's not a problem.
Do you fancy a glass of wine? Are we allowed on a school night? I feel like one.
Really? You feeling a bit frisky? I'm nowhere near it.
Oh, yes, my love Are you OK? Yeah.
- You? - Yeah.
But I'll blame it on the sun, the sun that didn't shine.
I'll blame it on the wind and trees.
I'll blame it on the time that never was enough Nick? - Hello? - Hi.
Michelle, Serena's sister.
Oh, God, Michelle! Hi.
Yeah, Serena said that you'd moved down here.
I, er, I just wondered if you've got five minutes for a quick chat? Erm Yeah, OK.
You were eight the last time I saw you.
Look, erm, I haven't come here for a chat.
I just wanted to make sure that you knew that the reason Serena's in Margate is to see you.
Well Now, I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or the wrong thing.
I don't know, but Serena doesn't know I'm here.
I know you met up and and you had a chat, but I think she just feels like there are still a few things left unsaid, and I guess a few things that she needs to say to you.
I can't get into this, so I know, I just don't want to see my sister unhappy.
Well You two were made for each other.
Look, I remember being younger and looking at you and thinking, "Oh, I really hope I have that one day.
" And I do.
I have it now and I You know, I wouldn't want you two to miss out on something like that.
Oh, stop it, come on.
This is I can't even have this conversation.
Sorry if If I've put you in an awkward position.
Look, I'm going to give you my address.
- Don't do that.
- Just in case you change your mind.
No, because what am I going to do with this? Take it.
She'd really love to see you before she goes back to Canada.
Well, I can't.
- It was nice to see you.
- And you.
- Nick? - Yeah? - You OK? - Mm.
Are you all right? Yeah.
I'm really worried about you, mate.
You don't seem your usual self.
Do you need to talk, do you want to talk about it? - You don't have to if you don't - Yeah.
There's this girl that's shown up From way back.
And? And I can't stop thinking about her.
This is the woman that was on the phone yesterday.
- Yeah.
- Showed up at reception.
Who is she? She's called Serena.
We went out 17 years ago now.
Have you still got feelings for her or what? I saw her yesterday and I just can't - Can't stop thinking about her.
- Look, Nick, you've got to think about what you've got right now.
Not what you had with somebody from years and years ago.
- Yeah.
I know.
I know.
- It doesn't matter, it's the past.
I know.
Nick, seriously, just stay away from her.
If you want any advice from me, you stay away from her.
Don't see her again, don't return any of her phone calls.
Steer clear.
I don't think I can.
I kept meaning to bring you to Margate, didn't I? Yeah.
You used to come, didn't you, when you was younger? My granny lived here when I was a kid, yeah.
Skegness for me.
- Yeah.
I remember, that was a glorious fortnight.
My grandma's caravan.
Your grandma's stinking caravan! - It was not stinking.
- It was disgusting.
- No, it wasn't.
- It was! It used to stink of old kippers or something.
- She liked her kippers.
- She didn't like me! - No, she wasn't keen on you.
- She did not like me, did she? I think it might be the Scottish thing.
Why would being Scottish Sorry.
The first time ever I kissed your mouth, I felt the Earth move in my hands, like the trembling heart of a captive bird that was there at my command, my love.
That was there at my command Can I have a hug? My love.
The first time ever I saw your face Why did you leave? Because I just couldn't see our future.
It just didn't feel like you were in it for the long run.
Well, of course I was.
I needed commitment.
You wanted different things.
Just through knowing what you wanted out of life back then, it just didn't seem like what you've got now.
You wanted to travel and There was never talk of children and But you just disappeared.
You've no idea how much I regret it.
We were meant to be together forever.
- Weren't we? - I know.
For the rest of our lives.
But we can't, can we? No.
So, then I never loved anyone like I loved you.
Hey, babe, we're probably going to do a late one tonight.
Erm Jim and I are going to just keep that planning meeting going until it's done.
So We'll be quite late, I think.
- OK.
- Yeah.
- Finished? - Mm.
So you'll never guess who I bumped into the other day.
Who? Serena.
- No! - Yeah.
What's she doing here? I don't know.
She said something about her sister lives here or something.
No! Where was this? Just in the street.
I came out of work and there she was.
Why didn't you mention this before? I thought you might've seen her, that she might have been in touch with you.
- No, no.
- Really? No, of course not.
And you'd tell me if you had, wouldn't you? Of course I would.
Promise? Of course I would.
Of course.
Hey, what are you talking about? Daft.
Look, I've got to go.
Don't be daft.
- I'll phone you later.
- OK.
- Have a good day.
- Yeah.
What do we do next? Well We go back to our old lives.
You go back to Ruth and the kids, and I'll go back to Canada and Ali.
And we carry on knowing that we love each other.
It's just the way it has to be.
I don't know if I can.
What do you mean? I don't know if I can.
You don't know if you can what? Just go back.
We could just go somewhere.
We could just go somewhere else and just start again.
- Yeah, we could.
- We could? Just go somewhere and change our names, be someone else, just start again.
It's what I've always wanted.
Let's do it.
Let's not waste any more time.
I'm a fool to want you.
I'm a fool to want you.
To want a love that can't be true.
A love that's there for others too.
I'm a fool to hold you.
Such a fool to hold you To seek a kiss not mine alone.
To share a kiss the devil has known.
Time and time again, I said I'd leave you.
Time and time again, I went away It'll be OK.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Bye, Nick.
I'm sorry.
What the world needs now is love, sweet love.
It's the only thing that there's just too little of.
What the world needs now is love, sweet love.
No, not just for some but for everyone.
Lord, we don't need another mountain You can play after.
Here y'are.
I'm Stella.
What the world needs now
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