Truth Seekers (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

The Haunting of Connelly's Nook

Oh! What the hell was that?
I think the tumble dryer
might be on the mend.
Is there anybody here?
One. One. One.
One. One. One. One.
All right, let's have a look
at what we have.
One. One.
Let's see if this does
the trick.
Ah, yes.
Hey, did you steal
one of my digestives?
You did,
I can see you chewing.
You don't have to
creep around here, Dad,
just nicking things,
it's daft.
Hm. I like it.
Makes me feel like Raffles,
the gentleman thief.
Hey! When are you gonna fix
the upstairs/downstairs?
I'll look at it when I
come back from work, all right?
But please,
if you're gonna use it,
put on some underpants
'cause it's really unhygienic.
Oh, stop trying
to control me.
Hey. Hey!
Oh, damn you!
Hello, Dave.
- Morning, Gus.
- Are you here yet?
- Yeah.
- Just pulling in now.
Bang on time
as always.
Would you mind
popping into my office?
I have a surprise for you that
I think you're going to like.
- No.
- Gus, I need to train up
more people like you,
and who better to train up
more Gus Robertses
than Gus Roberts himself?
I work better alone.
Well, you worked
very well with Paul.
How did you like that copy
of "The White Sheet?"
Some pretty good articles
in that one.
It's only 200 printed.
It's very rare.
Listen, Dave, um,
babysittin' some greenhorn
who doesn't know his
RG142 coaxial cable
from an eight inch heliax.
No. The last thing
I need is
some clueless millennial
mouth breather
cluttering up my van.
Elton, I really should have
asked you to wait outside.
- Elton.
- Huh?
If you would.
His wig's
a bit obvious, isn't it?
Who's wig?
What's a greenhorn?
Somebody who doesn't know
their RG142 coaxial
from an eight inch heliax.
Oh. Like a noob.
What is a noob?
It's like a greenhorn.
All right, noob,
we've got five installs
before lunch.
Better get a wriggle on.
Watch and learn, kid.
Watch and learn.
Sorry about
your old partner.
Yeah, well, he's dead to me.
- Don't touch my shit.
- Oh, sorry.
Wouldn't he be dead
to everyone?
No, he's very much alive.
- He went and joined ISIS.
- What?
Infrared Specialist
Internet Systems.
Oh. I thought you meant
Ipswich Server Interwoven Sciences
and Instant Supply Information Solutions.
Why would Paul join
those clowns?
I think we got
our wires crossed.
Yep. That is what happens
when you put an RG142 cable
into an AVA five port.
You can take
that smile off your face.
- Sorry.
- Kind of mistake could kill a man.
- All right?
- Yep.
One. One.
- So
is there a Mrs. Roberts?
- Shush.
- One. One. One.
What's this, then,
radio one?
It's a number station.
- Cool.
What's a number station?
They're these secret
long wave transmissions
that are just repeating
over and over and over again.
Since the second world war.
No one knows who sends them,
no one knows what they're for.
This particular one is called
the Lancashire Poacher.
- Yeah, a bit creepy.
Should we listen to five?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Five.
One. Five.
- Oh.
- One. One. One.
- What have you done?
- I haven't done anything.
I swear, I didn't do anything,
I swear.
- Ah
- Five.
- F Okay, we, um
- One.
- We need to go.
I need to
We need to go.
One. One. One. Five.
That station has never
broadcast anything
except the number one.
- And now five.
- Five, yes, yes.
It must mean something.
Ah. It's Dave.
He's got a new install.
Let's go.
Shukraan, Muhammed.
Let's go.
What? Where are we going?
- Miss Connelly?
My name is Gus Roberts.
This is my colleague
Uh, John.
Um, we're with Smyle.
I understand you have a problem
with your connection.
Oh, I didn't expect you
so soon.
Oh, this is a nice surprise.
Maybe that's why
we're called Smyle.
- Come in, boys.
- Thank you.
Oh, wow.
Look at this place.
- Hah!
- Uh, was this house
named after you,
Miss Connelly?
It was built by
my grandfather
who passed it to my father
who left it to me
when he passed.
- Oh.
- It was his practice when I was a little girl.
- Oh, he was a doctor.
- A vet.
Nice. I was a receptionist
in a vet's office once.
Whole place
smelled like cats' piss.
- Oh
- Was it the TV signal
that was the problem,
Miss Connelly?
Um it just
stopped working.
Ah. Leave it with us.
Would you like a cup of tea?
Yeah, a cup of tea
would be lovely. Thank you.
I'll bring you
some biscuits, just in case.
- Oh, wicked.
Thanks, Miss Connelly.
- Oh, she's nice.
Are they all this friendly?
She's lonely.
See it all the time
in my game.
Starved of company,
next thing you know,
she's round the back of a TV
with a pair of scissors.
Loneliness can make people do
desperate things, my friend.
- Here we go.
- Jesus Christ.
Did you find the problem?
Yeah. We have.
How'd you think
that happened?
Never mind.
I'll go and fetch you
a replacement.
Well, maybe it was mice.
- Yeah, uh
maybe you should get a cat?
Oh, cats are bastards.
I like dogs.
I used to have one.
His name was Pepper,
but he ran away.
- Oh, uh, I'm sorry.
- I put up some posters,
but so far, nobody's called.
Uh, when did he run away?
Uh, of course.
Oh, that's, uh,
a picture of Pepper
with Father and I.
- What was that?
- Oh
Let me just place this cable,
and we shall be
on our way.
- Oh.
- There we go.
Thank you.
All right, here we are,
Hey, I feel a bit sorry
for Miss Connelly.
All alone in that big,
scary house.
What do you mean, scary?
I don't know, haunted.
Haunted. Huh.
You ever had a
paranormal experience?
What? No.
Have you?
- Do me a favor.
Get your phone out.
Open the Youtube app.
- Yeah.
- The channel you're looking for is
the Truth Seeker.
And then cycle through
until you see.
"Chills at Cordry Rectory."
- Uh, that one.
- Oh.
Cordry Rectory.
Arguably, the second most
haunted rectory in Britain,
behind my beloved
boarding room, of course.
Uh, cycle on a bit.
- Many, many years ago
- Yep.
children were found dead
- Bit more.
There's two of them.
Bingo. From there.
my paranormal hearings
and what not.
I sat and I watched it
slam closed
over a period of nine hours.
Not really slammin',
is it?
Are you trying to suggest
this wasn't a paranormal event?
- No. Just a really slow one.
- Ah
But it's this
door that interested me most.
Oh, my sister's got
a Youtube channel.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, she does, like, make-up tutorials.
She's got a few thousand
Good. Bye.
Oh. Okay.
Just close the door.
Okay, so, bye.
See you tomorrow.
Hello, Elie.
Helen, don't do that.
It's all going wrong.
How'd you even get it on?
I can't seem to fix
the panels onto the scooter.
CovCo CosCon is next week.
You have no idea how tired
this all makes me.
I was so exhausted by
lunch time,
I had to lay down and watch
"The Hobbit" trilogy.
- Did you finish it this time?
- Of course, I didn't.
Didn't even make it past
the mines of Moria.
So, don't you want to know
how my day went?
Oh, my God. It's always
about you, isn't it?
Okay, don't tell me.
You quit already.
- Ah, actually, I didn't.
I made a new friend.
And he's got
a Youtube channel.
Oh, what
What does he call himself?
What's he c
What does he call himself?
- Good night.
- Elton, what's he call himself?
One. One. One. Five.
What is the meaning of this?
Just want to see you
in those pants.
Okay? Hello.
Uh, Gus, it's Dave.
I'm not interrupting
anything, am I?
No, no, no, just
I'm talking to my dad.
What can I do you for?
Um, sorry, I just
I need you to do me
a favor tomorrow.
Um, it's Miss Connelly again.
I expect you didn't think
you'd see me again so soon.
Right, and you're saying
you still got a problem with
the TV signal,
Miss Connelly.
No, no, no, it's working,
but not the way
it's supposed to.
Here we go.
What the hell?
Do that again.
- What?
- Just step forward.
Look at that.
This looks like it's live.
- Where is that?
- I don't know.
I heard that yesterday. I
told you this house was creepy.
Are you sure you're the only
person here in the house?
It's only ever been me.
Well, since Father died,
of course.
- Of course.
You don't mind if we have
a little look around
upstairs, do you?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What are you doin'?
- Don't look.
- Oh, sorry, sorry.
Don't open that door.
- I didn't know. Sorry.
I was gettin' the stuff.
- Don't look.
- Okay.
- Take this.
- You said
- Just now. Take it.
It's fine.
Oh, wicked.
- Oh.
- Is that standard issue, then?
None of this
is standard issue.
Is it, girl?
What is it?
This is a electroplasmic
Reveals the, uh, presence
of EM waves
emitted from
the spectral plane.
Don't move.
Huh. It's a ghost detector.
Shut the door.
You must
think me so rude.
I haven't even offered you
a cup of tea,
- a roast or a bowl.
- I'll have a bowl.
I think we're fine
for the time being.
Thank you, Mrs. Connelly.
What is this?
- Can we go back down now?
- No, no.
Let's wait and see if we can
hear the noise, okay?
Let's listen.
Don't film me.
I think it's
coming from in there.
Well, that's
Father's old study,
where he used to do
all his work.
I never go in there.
I was never allowed.
Do you mind if
we have a look?
Well, I I suppose.
Film this.
- Here we go. You ready?
- No.
- One
- Ooh, a bit dizzy.
Two three.
Gus, have you still got
those spare pants in the van?
- Yep.
- Thank you.
- That was Pepper's ball.
- Excuse me.
How about we have that
cup of tea now, Miss Connelly, huh?
- Oh, yes.
I'll pop the kettle on.
You do that.
Right, it was
the ball all along.
Should we just
chip off, then?
No, no. Balls just don't
bounce around on their own.
Hang on, that's weird.
This room should be bigger
judging from the exterior.
How on earth
would you know that?
I worked for
an architect one summer.
'Course you did.
Hey, film me, I'm gonna do
a little PTC.
Okay. Uh, what's PTC?
A piece to camera.
Okay. Okay, uh
Tell me when you're rolling.
- Rolling.
- Okay.
Welcome, viewer,
to the Truth Seeker.
You join me here in a place
I've come to know as.
Connelly's Nook
to solve the mystery
posed by this very ball.
Just zoom in.
Join me.
- D Did you hear that?
- Yeah.
Right. Great shot. Should
we head to the edit suite?
No, no. Film this.
What did you say?
- Shawshank.
- Oh. Can I use that?
- It's really good.
- Yeah.
- It's a big hole.
- Sure. Yeah, sure, yeah.
Here we go.
Now. Here we go.
That was it.
- It's attached here.
- Careful.
Whaddaya know?
Wow. You were right.
- A tiny door.
- Yeah, that we shouldn't go in.
- Don't be such a noob.
Come on, let's go.
- Oh, my God.
- What is it?
This looks like
what was on the TV downstairs.
- Is that Pepper?
- It's a badger, you pranny.
If this guy is just a vet,
then I am just a broadband
installation engineer.
- What'd you mean?
What else are you?
You Just
Look at this.
Gus, I don't like this.
What have we got here?
Hey. Pepper.
Are you sh
Are you sure we should be
playing that?
Haven't you seen
"The Ring"?
the 17th of December, 1965.
I'm closer than I've ever been
to discovering the secrets
of soul separation
and transfer.
Tea's up.
What's this room?
I've run out of test subjects.
That's Father's voice.
- Quiet, Pepper.
- Go and play.
- Good boy.
- There's a good boy.
Is he still alive?
Now, don't struggle.
Your sacrifice
shan't be for naught.
- Oh
- Now, where's my ax?
My beautiful Pepper.
is Pepper there with you?
No, Jennifer,
he's not in here.
He must be, uh,
somewhere else.
Somewhere else.
Miss Connelly?
Miss Connelly,
are you still with us?
- El, cut there.
- Huh?
Cut it.
Thank you again.
No, thank you,
Miss Connelly.
If you got a problem with your
smart connection or anything else,
give us a ring, yeah?
So where do you think
Pepper went?
I guess he just moved on.
- Moved where?
Where does your soul go to?
Well, that's one of the
ultimate questions, isn't it?
- So you don't know.
- No.
Pepper. Come.
Good boy.
- You know what?
- I think Dave made
a very wise choice
putting us together.
You, sir, are gonna be
my new lucky charm.
I'm leaving Smyle.
- What?
- I'm not cut out for this, Gus.
What? Look, I understand you
might be feeling a bit discombobulated.
Believe me, I feel a bit
discombobulated, too,
but I think you should stay.
I just don't like the idea of going
around a load of spooky houses.
It's not all like this.
Five. Nine. Seven.
- One. Five. Nine. Seven.
- What?
Look out!
- What was that?
- One. Five.
- Did we hit anything?
- Nine. Seven.
- Anything?
- No.
Must have been
a trick of the light.
What, that we both saw at the
same time the number station changed?
- Nine.
- No way.
This means something.
- Should we go?
- Yeah.
I told you I wasn't
cut out for this.
I've never felt more alive.
Well, don't get used to it.
Life on the road with Smyle
is usually a lot more mundane.
Good. Can we just
put it behind us?
I've had enough scares
for one lifetime.
- Come on, you big blouse.
I'll drop you home.
- Put your foot down.
- When you drive, which will be never,
you can choose the speed.
Next Episode