Twilight of the Gods (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

The Bride-Price

[dramatic opening theme music plays]
[music ends]
[water lapping]
[Leif] Now hear of Sigrid,
and when I first saw her.
Foreign swords had come for our land.
For Völsung land.
We were few.
[blades clanging]
[Leif] They
were many.
[dramatic music playing]
- [yells]
- [groans]
- [Leif grunting]
- [men groaning]
- [grunts]
- [Leif groans]
[Leif] Then
came the woman.
[music intensifies]
[Leif] I did not know her.
[Leif] But her shield
bore Völsung markings.
She hewed men and horses both.
Her sword arm bloody to the shoulder.
Neither helmet nor mail-coat
withstood her that day.
- Still, as I said they were many.
- [both grunting]
- [Leif grunting]
- [groans]
- [grunts]
- [man yelling]
[Leif] Death was close,
of that much I was sure.
- [grunting]
- [blade clangs]
- [grunts]
- [groans]
[triumphant music plays]
[both panting]
[mysterious music plays]
[energy surges, booms]
[Leif] But lo, a Valkyrie descended.
Beautiful it was,
but monstrous.
And silence fell.
For the fighters knew
the creature would decide
who would live and die on that field.
[ethereal music playing]
[Leif] Others were taken.
We were spared.
By whose design, we do not know.
But as it left us the Valkyrie bowed.
To my Sigrid.
[dramatic music plays]
[Valkyrie] Hmm.
[lips smack]
[grunts softly]
[crackling, whooshing]
And I knew love.
- [cattle bells clanking]
- [cattle lowing]
[wind whistling]
Why are your men staring at me?
Well, the king told us
of your fateful meeting.
[chuckles softly] And what story
did the king tell this time?
I believe a Valkyrie was
All right, everyone, stop!
If it's a story you want, let it be mine.
There was a battle.
There were invaders.
And no swords left un-swung.
I saw your king across the field,
and watched him well.
That night, it was cold.
We shared an ale horn,
and we entered one bed.
My King is hung like a horse,
and I rode him as such.
And I knew love.
You're a poet, Egill.
If you want something to sing about,
try his beautiful lust-limb.
[all laughing]
Away! The lot of you!
Egill, scale the fish
and make ready a meal.
Yes, my master.
Sigrid, come with me.
I need to show you something.
[mysterious music plays]
[Sigrid chuckles]
Where are we going?
[enchanting music plays]
[Leif] It was hard to keep from you.
But when we are wed,
I want to feel something has changed.
I will not wait any longer.
When this house is finished,
it will see our wedding feast.
You do still want to marry me. Yes?
- Yes.
- [Leif] Mm.
[Sigrid moans softly]
I like when you come from the sea.
You taste of salt.
Here? We will freeze to death.
[ethereal music building]
[gasps softly]
[Leif groans softly]
[Sigrid sighs contentedly]
[moaning softly]
[soft moaning continues]
[ethereal music continues]
You are quiet.
Something troubles you.
[Sigrid] Do you see those stars?
Those are Thiazi's Eyes.
They watch over the land of my people.
You've never seen my sky.
It's all right.
No one travels to my home.
But there was always a part of me
that thought that we would.
That the nations would see peace
so I could be married among my kin.
It is beautiful there, Leif.
And I wish you could meet my family.
[music becomes hopeful]
Then I will.
We'll ride in the morning.
[Hervor] I hear talk of you leaving.
Have you no pleasant words
for your friend?
I am to be married.
In truth, I thought he'd take another,
and you as a concubine.
You haven't borne children.
I suppose he decided he wanted me
more than he wanted heirs.
I meant no venom. You're lucky.
Children take us from the battlefield.
But the clan will see it otherwise.
They whisper that your wedding
will anger the gods.
Anger the
Spare a thought for me, Hervor.
When next you see me,
I will be your queen.
[wind whistling]
[Leif] You wanted your line to continue.
I know this.
She may yet give you a grandson.
Or she may not.
But we will be wed, Father.
And I want your blessing.
[groans loudly]
[panting heavily]
If you refuse it, keep your sword.
[thrilling music plays]
[music darkens]
- [exciting music plays]
- [grunting]
[horn bellows loudly]
[ground rumbling]
[dramatic, adventurous music plays]
[horse snorts, neighs]
[Sigrid] Mm.
[music fades]
- [loud rumbling]
- [man yells]
[both grunt]
- [both grunting]
- [exciting music playing]
[grunts loudly]
[tense music plays]
[footsteps thudding loudly]
You'll want to put
that sword away, traveler.
Have you not heard?
We eat your kind.
Threaten him again,
and you'll have no teeth to eat with.
[both grunt]
[both sighing contentedly]
[both laughing]
[ethereal music plays]
Arise, Sómr! Our sister has returned!
[tree thuds loudly]
And now we are in Jötunheim.
[ethereal music continues]
[music building majestically]
- [music swells]
- [gates clang open]
My daughter.
You have come back.
But you have not come alone.
We are giant-folk.
Children of Suttung.
We do not feast with men.
He was with Sigrid, Father.
Sigrid has giant's blood.
Fjölverkr, it has been so long.
Will you remind me
of the name of my father's domain?
It's called the the
"The Open Hand."
Thank you, Little Root.
And is it true to its name?
Or does my family offer a fist instead?
Our laws are clear, daughter.
We allow no strangers here.
Let us not be strangers, then!
We can speak as kings do.
When two kings are met at the same hall,
violence often follows.
I grew weary of fighting long ago.
My father does not trust men of peace.
At least a war-like man
will stab you in the front.
I'm sure there are exceptions.
I have no blade with me
but my father's sword.
A gift I intend as a marriage token.
- [solemn music plays]
- [sighs]
And the bride-price for my daughter?
What pay ye?
[Leif] The Völsung hoard.
[all gasp]
[brothers gasp]
Every coin taken
from a different wicked man.
Your clan won't miss such treasure?
We cannot eat it.
And neither can you.
[hopeful music plays]
So I bring a gift of silver
and a gift of seeds.
Hard times for us all, husband.
It's the gods' doing.
Before Odin pillaged our lands,
we giants had honor.
Heroes full worthy.
We prospered.
Fuck the gods,
for plenty have they fucked us.
Shall we have a wedding?
[all cheering]
[indistinct conversations and laughter]
Tomorrow, Leif of the Völsung,
you'll be giant-folk.
So [chuckling]drink like it!
[giants cheering and laughing]
[man] Drink!
[men chanting encouragement]
[yells in triumph]
In the Open Hand, we fear no gods.
We fear no gods!
[all] We fear no gods!
[both] We fear no gods!
There is gray in his beard,
and you are no maiden.
Is he the sort who changes with the tides?
[chuckles] No.
Never will you meet a man
to match my Leif for resolve.
Why then did he wait so long?
Other clans gave us favor,
thinking Leif a match for their daughters.
It helped keep the peace.
And now?
He did that as a king.
He does this as a man.
Do your thoughts laugh with him?
[chuckling] Yes.
Then I like him!
Even if he is small.
Is he small everywhere?
A simple enough question!
[Sigrid laughs]
Hafli's watchtower was abandoned
as we crossed into Jötunheim.
Why do you stand so at ease?
We are in a slow war now.
The gods do not come here.
Leastways, not as they once did.
And we called some warriors back for
[clears throat]
Have no fear.
It's quite safe here
for you and your king.
You do not approve.
No, it is not that. I
[somber music plays]
[sighs] Your mother, she was a good woman.
Short, but good.
When she died, I thought you would return.
You did not.
You chose Man over Giant.
Father, my feet don't touch the ground
when I sit at your table.
You know I would have sawed the legs
from every chair in the Open Hand
to keep you.
You did not always feel at home here,
but you were always a giant.
[gentle music plays]
And you always will be.
- [Sigrid whimpers softly]
- [Glaumar gasps]
[both sigh]
[slow, dramatic music plays]
[Glaumar] Give praise
to the day at evening.
To a woman on her pyre.
To a weapon which is tried.
To a maid at wedlock.
You are as gleaming gold
next to dull iron.
Nothing dull about iron, Amma.
But thank you.
Give praise to ice when it's crossed
and to mead that is drunk!
[all cheering, laughing]
Your next drink
will be from the loving cup.
But for now, you have gifts to bestow.
I know you don't care for ornaments,
but you will wear it always,
or suffer my wrath.
With this, our lines are joined.
[music becomes ominous]
[thunder crashing]
[dramatic music plays]
[sinister choral music playing]
I am Glaumar,
- King of the Open Hand.
- [munches noisily]
[Glaumar] I speak for my people.
Perhaps we can speak elsewhere.
Bring out the bride. I bid you, show me.
Which woman's day do I darken?
You have not given your name
or your purpose.
And you were not invited.
[lightning crackles]
A storm needs no summons.
Nor will it be sated
with only a wedding feast.
You're wet, woman.
[tense music playing]
And you are trespassing.
My brother's feet fall heavy as always,
and he has borne me hence.
- We hunt a coward who flew our keep.
- [growls]
It's the cocksucker Loki we seek.
There are no gods here but you.
Though I wonder,
whatever did Loki do to wound you so?
You'd harm your kindly hosts?
My blessed brother, Baldr.
He counsels peace and courtly words
when I would go to war.
Do not do this.
I leave with Loki, or I live in shame.
Bring the bastard to me! Now!
Your Loki is not here.
And you will leave. Now.
The wrath that I announce myself.
Oh, well, you know my name!
I am thunder-born. Thor Odinson.
And joy I take
- [lightning crackling]
- in giants' blood!
[Glaumar groans]
[grunts, gasps]
[grunts briefly]
[power hums]
[lightning crackles]
- [grunts, groans]
- [Glaumar gasps]
The children Go!
Take them to the cellar!
- [grunts]
- [dramatic music plays]
- [yells]
- [grunts]
[lightning crackles]
[giants yelling]
[giants grunting]
[lightning crackling]
[giants groan]
[dramatic music continues]
Sigrid, hurry!
[Leif grunting]
[giant groans]
[lightning crackles]
[woman screams]
[yells, grunts, screams]
[grunts, screams]
[Glaumar grunting]
- [grunts]
- [Glaumar screams]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [yelling]
- [Glaumar grunts]
- [grunts, screams]
- [bones crack]
[Jarnglumra grunts, groans]
- [chokes, gasps for air]
- [gasps]
[Jarnglumra gasping, groaning]
No. No.
[children panting]
Protect our sisters, Little Root.
We fear no gods.
[lightning crackling]
[thunder crashes]
[music fades]
[eerie music playing]
[lightning crackling]
[Sigrid panting]
[power drones]
[power trills, whooshes]
- [Sigrid groans]
- [rumbling explosion]
[Sigrid and Leif groan]
[Leif groans]
[ominous music plays]
[Sigrid groans weakly]
[groans weakly]
[Leif groans]
Have you any survivors?
They're dead, Thor.
Thy labor's done.
- [grunts]
- [clatters]
[lightning crackles]
[groans weakly]
[somber music plays]
[thunder crashing in distance]
[Sigrid sobbing]
We said we would follow
each other anywhere.
Did you mean it?
- Sigrid, what are you saying?
- Did you mean it?
[shudders] I hope so.
Because before my breath leaves me,
I will kill him.
I swear it. I will kill Thor.
[ground rumbling]
[Leif gasps]
[sinister music playing]
- [yelps] Sigrid!
- [screams]
- [squelching]
- [eerie music playing]
Who are you?
My name is Loki, Laufeyson.
You've reached now Hel's red door.
It's well you acquire a taste for blood.
Drink deep.
I offer
[dramatic music plays darkly]
[haunting choral music plays]
[music continues instrumentally]
[music fades to silence]
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