Twinkling Watermelon (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Passion Is Born

[Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, & Korea Creative Content Agency]
[This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, agencies, incidents, organizations, and jobs have no connections to real life. Child actors were safely filmed with a guardian present.]
Oh, um
What can I get you?
Help me?
Maybe they don't speak English.
Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan.
[You're getting what you got last time, right?]
[So why are you taking so long? You want whipped cream?]
[Of course]
[Don't forget, get an extra espresso shot]
[Are you crazy? That's expensive. Just drink it normally.]
[I thought you were going to use reward points anyway.]
[You cheapskate!]
Hello, excuse me.
Excuse me. Um
If you can write down what you would like
I would like a large double espresso frappe with extra whipped cream and caramel syrup.
And a large mocha java chip frappe, please.
You got that, right?
[Did you get the extra shot?]
Double espresso with whipped cream
Excuse me, could I get an extra shot in the double espresso frappe?
Extra shot.
[Why do you want me to wear this? It's useless.]
You don't get it.
You need this so cars don't honk at you.
They know you won't hear them,
so they just go around you.
You also look cool.
[Episode 1]
My older brother is deaf.
- Hello!
- Hey, Eun Gyeol!
- Are you here to eat?
- Yeah!
Have a nice day!
- Hi, Eun Gyeol!
- Hello!
[Cucumber-flavored green chilies]
[Grab the handles! It's dangerous!]
[Don't go so fast, you'll fall!]
[Don't do that]
My parents are deaf, too.
But I'm not.
I can hear.
I can speak.
We need more chicken over here.
Coming right up!
Today's special!
Wow, Eun Gyeol!
Helping your parents out again today?
Aigoo, you are such a good kid.
- I heard you do well in school, too.
- Sort of.
If I had a son like you, I'd gladly raise ten of them.
- I agree.
- Hold on.
Take it, take it.
No. My dad would get mad at me.
Just take it, kid.
Maybe you could bring out two makgeollis?
I can't do that. If you're drunk, you'll get into an accident.
Just one glass per person.
But I'll make sure they're strong pours.
Got it, kid!
Cabbage delivery!
- Hi!
- Hey, Eun Gyeol!
Aigoo, so busy!
What? Is something wrong with the delivery?
She says to take it back right now.
What did you say?
She says if you keep bringing inventory that won't sell, she'll stop working with you.
When did I do that?
These meals feed people who put in their blood and sweat.
She says, don't mess around with the ingredients.
Wow. This is crazy.
Who messed with it? Me?
She says just because we can't hear or speak doesn't mean we're stupid.
Don't even think about ripping us off.
She's let it go until now because of my dad, but she won't take it anymore.
She'll look at what you bring tomorrow and pay for this month's ingredients.
But why does it feel like you're scolding me?
The last thing you said. You didn't make that up, did you?
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Why did you wake up?
The choir singing and the snow falling woke me up.
I thought snow fell silently.
I can hear it.
What does it sound like?
A sound that gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling, like the laundry you dry in the sun.
Snow is cold, but the sound is warm?
Eun Gyeol, you might grow up to be a poet.
Oh, it's snowing!
Let's go outside and make a snowman.
Mom! Dad! Mom!
Mom! Dad! Hyung!
That thing's going to fall!
It's dangerous! Hurry up!
I told you not to go near buildings under construction. It's dangerous.
But Dad saved me.
What if Eun Gyeol had been next to you?
Dad, if Hyung and I are both in danger,
who are you going to save first?
If Hyung and I are both in danger,
who are you going to save first?
Sounds fun.
If Eun Ho, Eun Gyeol, and I are all in danger?
Who are you going to save first?
I regretted asking that question.
From that day, I remembered my dad's answer at every important moment in my life
and my heart ached every time.
What floor are we on?
You made it!
Mom, ahjumma is here.
You're early.
You know I'm giving you way under the market rate, right?
Ahjumma says the house is cheap. You know that, right?
No one in the building liked the idea,
but I went door to door to convince them.
I told them, at least you won't be loud.
I like it quiet and peaceful, and disabled people-
I don't have anything against them.
Ahjumma welcomes us.
She says, go on and move in your stuff.
Why are your parents laughing at me?
You didn't talk trash about me, did you?
No. I told them what you said.
So why was it so short? I talked for a long time.
If that's all, could I go move our stuff now?
Sure, well. Sure!
See you later.
[Award Certificate]
What in the world? He is different than he looks.
Hey, Byung Ho. Where are you right now?
An especially bright, happy day ♪
My heart is beating, you might hear it ♪
I don't want anyone but me to know ♪
You don't know how I feel ♪
I feel weird when I look at you ♪
Did I find the universe I lost? ♪
I'm so curious, the story of you and me ♪
Tell me, do you feel the way I do sometimes? ♪
You can tell me that you feel the same way, too ♪
We're going to be coming home late often.
If something happens, call us right away. Okay?
After school, come to the restaurant to have lunch.
You'll pack us dinner, so we'll bring it home to eat.
Don't ever touch the gas stove.
After sunset, come home
I'll always stay with Hyung, no matter what.
I need to go right now.
Do I need to go to the bathroom with him, too?
Hello, my name is Yeom Byung Ho. I live on the 4th floor with my mom, the landlady.
My mom told me to say hello.
- Okay.
- Hi!
Are you Ha Eun Gyeol?
Can I go play with Eun Gyeol?
I want to show him around the neighborhood.
Of course, of course.
Can my brother come?
My mom told me to be friends with just you since you get good grades-
Today is just for fourth graders.
Let's hang out with your brother next time.
Is that okay?
Of course.
[Viva Music]
Why are we stopping?
You should know.
You always avoid that place.
[Viva Music, Instruments for Sale, Lessons]
I heard the old guy who runs that store eats children.
Do you actually believe that?
This guy can't follow a joke.
What we mean is,
he wears a special bracelet right here.
Hold on!
Get it! Please!
- No, no, no, no!
- Eat, eat. Hurry.
Hurry up, hurry up.
Eat, eat!
Is there more?
No, no, right there!
Next to you! No, in front of you!
What are you doing?
Eun Gyeol, come home right now!
Why? I'm having fun.
Hey! What are you doing with the charger? The center is wide open.
Gosh! I died.
Mom and I need to go to the restaurant.
Your brother is going to be alone.
Hurry home right now.
Sorry, guys. I need to go home.
What was he doing on his phone?
Sign language.
It's creepy. Don't bring him along next time.
Deal with it.
I'll put him to good use later.
You guys remember tomorrow is the math chapter test, right?
The test will cover multiplication to division.
Please try your best to be ready.
- Hey, Ha Eun Gyeol.
- Yes?
Maybe you can be polite this time and get one question wrong?
You know I'm kidding, right?
- Yeom Byung Ho!
- Yes?
Maybe you can be polite this time and get one question, right?
You know I totally mean that, right?
Want to study for the test together?
Why would we both study? That's unproductive.
Only you need to study.
Hey, Yeom Byung Ho!
The guys we crushed yesterday want revenge. What do you say?
We got to fight them, then.
Okay, let's go.
Put it in my room.
Hey, what did you mean by that earlier?
Darn it.
I thought you were supposed to be smart.
It's simple, so listen up.
Write my name on your test tomorrow.
Then I'll write your name on mine.
Super easy, right?
You want to defraud?
(He uses a difficult word for "cheating" here)
I don't know what that means, but do your best, okay?
Don't forget, your family's future depends on you.
My family's future?
How much more do I need to beat around the bush?
Don't piss off the landlady's son and have your poor family on the streets.
[Math Chapter Test]
Five more minutes, guys. Wrap it up.
[Ha Eun Gyeol]
[Yeom Byung Ho]
Are you trying to show off or something?
I hung out with you out of pity, and you think you're all that?
Don't stare at me.
You want to get beaten up?
I never said I'd cooperate.
"I never said I'd cooperate."
I'll let it go today.
- But next time, I'll tell your mom-
- You fucker!
Hey, let go, let go.
Watch me. I'll talk to my mom,
and kick out your dirty family from our building.
Get ready, you fucker!
[Viva Music]
[Viva Music]
Towel off.
You'll catch a cold staying wet like that.
Or come inside and have some hot chocolate.
If you go home like that, your parents will be worried.
Hey, look. Not here.
Not here. Cool?
Thank you.
Why are you crying because of those little bastards?
Those kids are ruthless.
The whole neighborhood's given up on them.
Just ignore them.
That's not why I was crying.
I was crying because of the song.
The song was so sad.
I felt like it was talking to me.
You know Eric Clapton?
Who is that?
Don't hold it all in.
Tell your parents.
I can't do that.
You can tell your parents anything.
- Just explain.
- If I cause trouble,
people talk badly of my parents.
That they're disabled and don't know how to raise their children.
They're both deaf.
If I make a mistake,
they'll be blamed twice as much as others.
So, I need to be good.
You don't have any siblings?
My older brother is deaf, too.
Thank you for the drink.
Do you want to learn guitar?
The Eric Clapton song.
Don't you want to play it yourself?
If you master that one song,
your life will be completely different.
Number one
Don't feed the beast.
You feed kids like that,
they'll poop it out with their mouths.
You can't reason with guys like that.
But an instrument is different.
This guitar is not like those kids.
If you speak to it truthfully,
it will answer truthfully.
And if you speak to it tenderly,
it will respond tenderly.
And if you're happy,
it will be happy too.
Or, maybe you're angry.
It will be angry with you.
How can I play like you?
You need to learn its language.
- Language?
- Yeah.
You need to know how to speak to this guy.
See the English here?
These are chords. They're like names.
You sing these to the guitar, one by one.
Not with your mouth, but with your hands.
Then, it will respond
the way you want it to.
In a way, it's like sign language.
You talk with your hands, and the music talks back.
Oh, my goodness, I'm so busy. What are you doing here?
Ahjumma, I have a question.
I heard there's a law called tenant protection.
Even if you're the landlady, if it's during the lease,
you can't evict the tenant. Is that true?
Are you threatening me?
Who said I'm evicting your family?
Oh, so we are protected by law!
Thank you.
I'll tell my parents, too.
See you later.
What the heck? I don't have time for this.
You have major chords and minor chords.
Right, now go to two. The second one?
If major chords sound bright,
minor chords feel a little sad and melancholic.
Try it. That's right.
To be considerate is not a difficult thing.
Just like how all of you are quietly focusing on me,
you think of the other person
Major and minor chords must coexist harmoniously,
in order to complete a great song.
Life is like that, too.
There has to be hardship and the joy.
That's how you make your life twinkle.
Slow strumming.
Slow strumming. Listen.
One-two, three-four
Let's try it.
But why do you hide this from your family?
I just feel bad.
That you're the only one who can hear music?
That I'm the only one who can play it.
[Viva Music]
Just say it.
- Say what?
- You're deciding whether to compliment me.
Hold on a second.
What is this?
Listen to the song on it.
Then, make up a guitar riff.
If I listen to it and think it's good,
I'll give you that guitar you've been eyeing.
You'll really give me that guitar?
I said if I listen to it and think it's good.
I said that very clearly.
It's not a complete song.
It just has a lead guitar, the main melody.
You fill it out.
[Please forgive me]
What are you doing? Just go!
What are you doing?
Hey! Don't toss your garbage here! Take it back!
Hey! Hey! Ha Eun Gyeol!
Hey! Take it back!
Why are you making all that noise?
Ten more minutes!
Don't you dare move!
Where are you going?
I thought it was the restaurant's day off.
We have to go to headquarters to talk about extending the restaurant's contract.
Your brother has a cold.
He took his medicine and is sleeping.
Wake him up around seven and give him his fever medicine.
Don't go outside. Please stay with your brother. Okay?
See you later.
But who wrote this song?
Was it you, by any chance?
No. There's no way.
You wouldn't know even if I told you.
Or no one would.
They were an unknown artist.
Ha Eun Gyeol!
Come outside!
Are you ignoring me?
If you don't come out in three, I'll kill you.
Geez, you dirty bastard.
Don't give me your trash.
Put your trash in your trash can.
The customer can't answer the call right now.
Grandpa, why aren't you answering your phone?
I already did my homework.
I'm headed to the shop now. Please take a listen.
I'm super confident you'll like it.
[Viva Music]
[Viva Grandpa]
[Ha Eun Gyeon]
Cut off the gas and electricity.
Get the equipment and follow me.
Yes, sir!
What were you doing? Why are you so late?
You're looking for your kids, right?
The firefighters just went inside. Just wait.
They're coming out! They're coming out.
Here, here, here, here, here.
They have two kids.
He's trying to say there's one more inside.
- We looked everywhere.
- Yes.
- Please tell him no one else is inside.
- Oh, my.
Hey, there is no one inside.
No one is inside your house.
Mr. Ha! Mr. Ha!
No, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no.
Excuse me! Excuse me!
Why are you here?
Where's Hyung?
He's in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.
Where's Dad?
He went inside to get you.
Dad, if Hyung and I are both in danger,
who will you save first?
Of course, it's you, Eun Gyeol.
You're lying.
It's true.
Of course, I would try to save our whole family.
But it might be hard on my own.
So I'm going to save you first.
You're going to run and find someone who can help me.
Eun Gyeol, you are the voice that connects our family to the world.
You're an angel.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Dad! dad!
Are you okay?
Hurry up, hurry up!
But how did the fire start?
The kid was sleeping alone at home.
I don't know.
You pay back my kindness with such cruelty.
Are you so bored that you set someone's building on fire?
The fire wasn't our fault. It was because of a cigarette.
Anyway, I've been considerate of your situation. I've done enough.
Renters insurance or whatever. File a lawsuit or start a protest. Do whatever you want.
But leave my building right now.
I can't give you your deposit back.
You know it doesn't come close to covering the repair cost, right?
Did you check if you forgot anything?
Everything's burnt down.
- Did you forget anything?
- No.
Hold on just one minute.
I want to say bye to a friend.
[In Mourning]
We are in different times ♪
We met while wandering around ♪
Among so many people ♪
You looked so different ♪
We dream the same dream ♪
We could have been together ♪
Go all the way around a distance at the end of this road ♪
I sing a love song ♪
These twinkling moments ♪
I can give them all to you ♪
Our small dreams ♪
I'll protect you until then, so you don't let go ♪
[Viva Music]
[Six years later]
Get out of the car.
This is where we're going to live now. Just the two of us.
You just focus on music.
You know what I mean, right?
Good, good, good! Finish it, finish it, finish it!
That's right!
Okay, okay.
Circle up.
Since you blew out your cruciate ligament last match, you keep hesitating on your kicks.
It could turn into a bad habit, so be careful.
He's saying that you hurt yourself at the last match, so be careful.
Okay, okay.
Careful, okay?
- Yes, sir.
- All right.
Wow. Anyway, you might be ready to compete after helping your brother.
You're getting light-years better every day.
Do you want to try?
I need to help him get a medal first.
Hey, hey, you'll get hurt, hey!
Hey, no.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Anyway, listen to the coach and focus on physical therapy.
Before the national competition,
you need to be in top shape.
[Totally an idol]
You know admissions is tough with scores.
At the individual games,
you need to be in the top 3 if you want to be safely recruited.
Hey! Stop it!
You have a girlfriend again, don't you?
Before an important match? Good going.
Who is she this time?
A pretty girl.
She's like me.
Like what?
Being pretty?
Or does she play taekwondo?
No. She's deaf like me.
She majors in cello at the arts high school.
Hello! What can I get-
[Choi Se Kyeong]
It's a new beginning, breathe ♪
Hold, h-hold on one moment, please.
He smells.
What can I get for you?
Don't look back, you won't have any regrets ♪
No need to hesitate ♪
This chance won't come again, so let's begin ♪
The days that shone so bright ♪
All our full dreams (shining, shining) just like now, don't stop ♪
Please, let me hear your voice
Come on, come on
Come on, come on!
But how does a deaf person play the cello?
I want the watermelon sugar.
How about you guys?
It's a lie?
So, she's not actually deaf?
Why would she lie about that?
I don't know. She must have a reason.
Or maybe she just pretends in front of me.
Why would she put up a show like that in front of you?
Because she likes me? She wants to be like me?
She wants my attention?
You really have some unbridled confidence.
So, how do you talk to each other?
You said she doesn't even speak sign language.
We write notes back and forth.
Her handwriting is as beautiful as her face.
[We have a jindo dog. Both of you, to the restaurant. Hurry up!]
Your ice cream is ready!
Ta-da! Surprise!
Please talk to me. Don't step on my heart like that.
- That's not what I ordered.
- Yes, it is.
- No, it's not.
- Yes, it is.
Watermelon sugar, right?
I put a little tiny bit of my heart on top, very gently.
I'm sorry. I don't think I can carry that.
I'll carry it for you.
All the way to your seat, safely.
Move out of my way!
Your watermelon sugar has safely arrived!
Hey, Ha Yi Chan!
One jindo dog. Run.
Hey, what are you doing, being so crass? We have patrons here.
- Your grandma is here, you bastard!
- What?
My name is Ha Yi Chan. Please come again.
Stop right there.
Grandma, put that down.
You young bastard. I told you to study.
All you think of is how you can scam people to make money.
What? Scam?
How can you talk to your grandson like that?
You stole student ID cards from the kids renting rooms
and got a job under false pretenses! That's a scam!
It's not false pretenses. It's a side hustle!
Who told you to get a side hustle?
It's not just for me!
It's so I can take care of you! You handle it!
Let me just catch you!
I'll sew your mouth shut first!
- What are you doing?
- I'm so sorry.
- You messed up my tray!
- I'm so sorry.
Oh, all right.
Even if your marriage fails, go for it.
Hey, you!
[Speechless Chicken]
What happened? One jindo dog?
There's the jindo dog.
How is it?
It's going well. Really well.
[Eun Gyeol is so smart. He's the first in his class]
- I hope it goes well.
- Tell them good luck.
We met about it today. It'll go well.
Your dad brought them all after the vendors' meeting.
For what?
He's back after six years. He's bragging about his success.
He's been bragging about his kids for an hour.
I'll admit it, I'm jealous.
You did a great job with your kids. Great job.
- You're right.
- Aigoo.
Five, four, three, two, one!
- He's asleep.
- Aigoo, this again.
Take him home.
Can you finish up?
Why? Do you need something?
Everyone at the vendors association was jealous of me.
They thought nothing of me six years ago.
No one can look down on me now.
I have a son who's going to be on the taekwondo national team,
and a valedictorian son who's going to be a doctor.
I have two amazing sons.
I'm not a doctor yet.
Thank you.
Eun Gyeol, I would never be treated like this without you.
Just focus on your studies.
I'll help you in any way I can.
There really must be God.
He took away sound from me,
but instead, he gave me you and Eun Ho as a gift.
Nobody can look down on me now.
Thank you.
Eun Gyeol, I would never be treated like this without you.
Just focus on your studies.
I'll help you in any way I can.
[To Med School!]
Do you know what this symbol is?
This is like a secret code for people who do music.
It's called a coda.
If you put a coda at the end of a musical phrase,
it means getting ready to wrap up the song with a beautiful end.
It's a really good thing.
Want to know a secret?
- You're a coda, too.
- Me?
They call kids like you codas. The only one in a family who can hear and speak.
There are other kids like me?
Of course, there are.
They are people who connect the hearing world and the silent world.
With your voice and your hands.
And sometimes, with music like you.
[Thank you, Chun Ho Jin, Kim Mi Hwa, and Huh Jung Min, for your special appearances]
I'm alone on top of the clock's hand ♪
All the days I've ran, all that time ♪
The bright future that everyone dreamed of ♪
[Twinkling Watermelon]
I want to do music.
You might not like it, but this is the real me.
You're lost right now.
This isn't the real you.
Welcome to our store.
How can I help you?
Oh, you're going to sell that guitar?
You fell in love.
The only way a poor, powerless man to win over a beautiful woman
is to be in a band!
What did you just say?
- You want to be what?
- Choi Se Kyeong's boyfriend.
- Your fly's open.
- Oh, my.
Oh my.
Yoon Dong Jin?
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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