Two Worlds (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Kornthas Rujeerattanavorapan
Natasit Uareksit
Thanawat Kaowbamrung
Varayu Phusomjitsakul/Dechin Phaisanwan
Rapeepat Ekpankul
Akaradech Rodvinij
Thiyada Phanbua
Waranit Nitanitiphat /Penpat Kairapee Supawit Vichitrananda/Noravee Chancharoenkul/Katavut Udompant/Nattawat Toonkaew
Janya Thanasawangkul /Kittipop Putarapat/Titiwat Tanawatpatkul/ Phasin Stitham /Pratamaporn Rattanapakdee/Pariya Vimolnoch
The moonlight pond is a sacred place.
Whenever the water turns blue.
Both worlds will be intertwined.
Deceased ones will be resurrected.
Phupha Phupha!!
Help…help. Anybody help!
And the ones alive will disappear into some other world.
This’s my locket.
I give it to you.
Shit! You scared the shit out of me! Thought I saw a ghost.
I should be an angel.
I’ve not seen you for over 2 weeks. Been missing me?
Of course! But what can I do. I don’t wanna upset your grandma.
Yeah…. she goes on and on about it all the time.
The closer we are to the Ash Exchange Ceremony, the risky it is for us to meet.
No to this….no to that.
But I’ve missed you!! So, I had to come.
Happy to see me?
I came all the way here to see you.
Oh…where is she now?
Dad, I’m back!
One second.
I’m coming.
Fish porridge again!! Thought you said you’d get something nicer.
I’m sorry Kram,
didn’t sell any of the paintings today.
Guess I’m no talent.
They don’t appreciate my work any more.
I think they’re great! Maybe people just don’t get it.
Why don’t you ask them what they like?
Well, some of the might. My friends tell me all those rich people like having themselves painted
and put the portraits up to decorate their house.
Why don’t you pose for me.
I think you’d be good at it.
Nah. Not into it.
It’s so easy and it won’t take long. Just sit. I’ll draw. It’ll be perfect.
Nah. I’m too embarrassed.
OK…OK you eat first. Enjoy!
Hey! Who’s that over there?
Hey…wait….no no I’m not…
You pervert!!
Help me, dad. Help me!!!
Dad!! We’re getting robbed!!
Wait, Kram!! He’s not a thief.
Then who’s this guy?
This is Phupha, son of uncle Adisak.
You’ve met when you were young, remember?
Huh?? That little brat???
Sorry about this. We have a lot of robbery around here.
You should have stopped and think for a bit. What kind of thief would come naked.
And what kind of sane people come in naked into someone. else’s home naked?!?
Don’t worry kids, it was my fault spilling tea onto him.
So, he had to wash up in the bathroom.
Yeah…you guys should make friends. Phupha will be with us for a while.
Who would stay with him?
Why me…. wait! You said he’ll be living with us for a while?
Yes. Phupha is recovering
so uncle Adisak would like him to stay with us It’s only gonna be temporary.
We’re not a hotel. Maybe he can go somewhere else.
He can’t be anywhere else.
Phupha is about to take on my role at work.
And if the Big Slum gang finds out, they might attack him.
That’s why I need to leave him here with you guys.
You’ve saved me a lot of times.
It’s time I do something to return your favor.
Don’t worry. I’ll take the best care of him.
Kram, why don’t you take Phupha out for a walk.
Go go.
The village is over that way.
And there’s a river on the left.
Any other question?
I didn’t ask in the beginning.
I’ve not seen you for ages. How’s life been, Richie rich?
Can you not call me that?
You’ve always acted that way.
So, I think you’re one.
Have you forgotten all about it?
I don’t remember anything.
Let me remind you again.
Richie rich.
Richie rich.
Richie rich.
Richie rich.
I bought you this from Rattha. Stuff it in and shut up!
How long do I have to put up with you.
Where are you going, Kram? Where’s Phupa?
Dunno. I’ll be out drawing for a while.
What the fuck you think you’re doing.
It’s about to rain. Just thought I’d warn you.
Don’t you ever do this again!!
Why are you throwing this away?
I drew Tai, son of Por, by mistake.
Tai? Son of Por. Head of the Big Slum gang?
Yes. But I didn’t realize it was him.
It looks good though. Didn’t know you were this good.
Are you feeling alright? Normally we hardly talk.
I’m just into art.
Wanna buy this piece? I’ll do discount.
But I want to hire you to draw me.
What made you want to go all the way to Moon Shadow waterfall? It’s all the way over there!
Well, once in a lifetime, I should be there
Hey. They’re picking on Samorn again.
He’s a rabbit. I saved him once.
Something wrong?
Nah. Nothing.
You’re still into animals like you used to.
And you said you don’t recall much.
Why did you have to lie?
I just don’t want to get too close to anyone.
I’ve learned to keep a distance to be stabbed in the back.
That’s just the life I’ve lived.
What’s with the hug?
Dad teaches me to be kind.
To console a friend when he’s in need.
It must have hurt you a lot.
It’s alright. You can be yourself here.
Let’s go. We should get there before it gets dark.
So what kind of portrait do you like.
What?? Like…
Hang on.
I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Art is subjective.
Our beautiful bodies are great art.
I want to treasure this moment when my body is still in good shape.
Sit still, would you?
Lots of mosquitoes around here. Can you rub some repellent on me?
I charge twice as much.
Have you heard the myth of Moon Shadow waterfall?
I heard if the water turns blue,
you’ll get to meet the deceased ones.
Only kids believe in old tales.
How do you know for real?
I came here everyday
after mum died.
Isn’t that a proof already?
Sorry about your mum.
That’s alright.
My mum died when I was young too.
I would have done the same.
I cried day after day at the fall,
hoping water would turn blue.
That day never came..
What are you doing?
“You console a friend when they’re sad” you’ve told me that.
I’m just doing the same thing.
I’m over it now. Let’s put on some more.
Still awake?
I don’t know what it is between you and me.
But I am most myself when I’m with you.
Me too.
Let’s spend more time getting to know each other, shall we?
What do you do?
Good thing I built a shelter here.
It’s surreal.
I can almost leave everything behind just to be with you.
You can’t do that. You’ll have to go back to work one day.
Would you like to come with me?
I can…but you can’t leave me!!
Take this…as my promise.
It’s my birth date locket. You can have it.
Are you sure?
Thank you.
But I’m not just giving it to you.
This is in exchange for a big hug.
It tickles!
What are you doing?
Should we….umm….today?
But I’ve never…..
It’ll be the first time for both of us.
Did you bring…the thing?
I didn’t. Is that alright?
I'm okay.
Should we freshen up first?
Do we have to?
I think we should freshen up first?
I think so. Let me go first.
Is everything ok?
How do you do it? I’ve never done it before.
Don’t laugh. I really don’t know how.
Let’s just leave it.
We can do it some other time.
Having you in my arms is more than enough now.
I want to call off our Ash Exchange Ceremony.
I know you’re in love with Phupha.
I’ve always known I can only be a friend.
But I’ve let myself on.
I thought if we could be together,
You could be in love with me one day.
I went to your shelter last night.
I’m….. I’m sorry.
It’s alright. I get it
and I’m happy for you…
that you’ve finally found the one
I’ve gotta go now. Grandma’s looking for me.
Ouch!! Yes!!.Tai!
What the fuck are you looking at. Carry on!
We got them, sir!
Tai, Por would like to see you.
What’s it about?
I believe it’s to do with Phupha.
Whoaa.. a lot has changed around here.
Where are you taking me today?
You’ll know. Let’s go.
Wow. A gallery??
Rent must be super expensive.
Who said we had to pay.
Don’t tell me….
I run a real estate company.
This is one of the buildings we own.
So they asked me to be here today for an opening ceremony.
You stay right here. I’ll go get change.
“Ars longa, vita brevis”
– one of the reasons I bought this place
So art can be accessible.
One day when I’m long gone, art remains for.
our next generation to endure.
Hi you.
Hey sis! Didn’t know you were into art too.
What’s up?
Fuck art!
You don’t give up easily, do you?
I’m sorry.
Thank God you’re safe. I was appalled!
If he comes back again, I might have to hire a bodyguard
Let’s not overreact.
I think he knows it’s wrong.
Are you ok, my dear?
I’m alright.
No wonder why he’s so spoiled.
I think we might have to delay promoting you up.
Let’s wait until we can settle this.
Not a bad idea. Why don’t we send him abroad for a while.
What do you think, Phupha?
I’ll stay right here.
(to dad) You taught me yourself not to give.
I’ll stay and I’ll fight them.
They need to know we’re not cowards.
Though you’re not working at Khumfah anymore,
but I know there’s something fishy going on.
Like what?
Someone is unhappy you’re taking on the position.
But this is his dad’s company.
If not Phupha, then who?
It’s just my assumption.
I’ll have someone investigate into it.
You both should stay cautious for the time being.
Run, can you come to see me? Phupa and his friend are here…ok
Run will come by. Why don’t you stay for dinner.
It’s ok. I was about to….
Aren’t you happy to get to see your fiancée?
She’s been worried about you.
When were you going to tell me about your fiancée?
I couldn’t find a perfect time to.
You couldn’t or you just didn’t want to?
Give me time.
I promise I’ll tell everyone about us.
Stop! Don’t touch my dad.
Are you ok?
You’re bleeding so much!
He has Hemophilia.
Don’t tell anyone you have Hemophilia.
Got it. I won’t tell.
Yes. We have an emergency here at 65/583 Soi Thammarat 20
We need an ambulance right now. The injured has Hemophilia.
Noted. A patient’s been stabbed, and he has Hemophilia. House number is 65/583?
I’ve not told you he’s been stabbed.
No one’s picking up the phone! What’s happening? What should we do?
We’re framed.
I don’t think dad can take much more. Do something, Phupha!
Just hold down tight!
Just hang in there, dad.
There’s one more place I can think of. It’s far but safer than here.
Let’s go.
Patient has lost a lot of blood from Hemophilia.
And he’s an O-negative, which is very rare.
We don’t have enough stock in the blood bank.
What about Run. Can she donate?
I’m only his stepdaughter.
How is he?
We found O-negative just in time. The patient is out of critical condition.
I need to be somewhere. You both stay right here.
I’m not your real son, am I?
How do you know? Who told you?
I’ve known it since the beginning.
I’m uncle Viroj’s son.
This is why you sent people to take down both of us.
Calm down! It’s not what you think it is.
Why didn’t you tell me the truth!!!
Let’s not talk over the phone.
Come see me at the warehouse.
I’ll be there in an hour.
Sorry I was eavesdropping.
I’ve heard everything. Can I come too?
I’ll handle this by myself.
What if it’s another trap?
I need to know the truth.
You go home and wait for me there.
If I don’t come back by tomorrow morning, call the police.
You’re the only one I trust
Don’t you say that. I know you’ll be back.
Promise me you will?
I promise
Phupha.. Phupa!! I’m back!
Next Episode