Ultraman (2019) s01e01 Episode Script

A Power That Shouldn't Be On This Earth

Previously in this world,
there was a Giant of Light.
The Giant of Light assimilated itself
with a human
and protected the world from
numerous threats of destruction and chaos
due to the invasion of aliens
and giant creatures called monsters.
Eventually, the Giant of Light
completed its mission
and returned to its home
in a distant universe.
The human it had assimilated with
lost all memory of those events
and returned to where he belonged.
The world that had been released
from danger was at peace.
Conflicts among humans have yet to cease,
but threats to humanity
from external enemies
have disappeared entirely.
Then, decades later
This is a story of the world
where the Giant of Light, Ultraman,
is a thing of the past.
The Giant of Light Museum
has recreated the many battles
of Ultraman and the SSSP
in these dioramas.
Next, please look at this.
This is a picture of the members of the
Scientific Special Search Party,
also known as SSSP.
I guess I don't really need
to explain that though.
Do you know which one is your dad?
I do.
That's you.
That's right. You spotted me easily.
I mean, you're my dad, after all.
Defense Minister Hayata.
I haven't seen you
since the spring meeting.
Ide, you're here too?
You bet.
You've sure grown.
Do you know which one is me?
This guy.
You spotted me easily.
Like your father,
you're sharp too, Shinjiro.
Hey, Dad.
Can I look over there?
-Sure, but don't run.
You must love him more than anything.
I didn't have him until I was older,
after all.
More importantly,
what are you doing here again today?
I happened to be nearby for work.
Then when I heard you were at the museum,
I thought I would pay you a visit
since I haven't seen you in a while.
Excuse me,
I hate to interrupt while you're talking.
-Can I have your autograph?
-Sorry, but that's not allowed.
I don't mind.
Thank you. I really appreciate it.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
Don't you want mine?
Shinjiro! Hey, Shinjiro!
-Hayata, get him to a hospital!
-He's all right.
"All right"? Do you see how far he fell?
He's not hurt anywhere.
He's just crying because he's scared.
Has Shinjiro gone to sleep?
Yes. I think he was exhausted.
He's deep asleep.
I see.
No doubt about it.
That boy isn't normal.
Sorry to call you this late.
Can I see you now?
Why are we meeting here again?
You're not comfortable
at your old workplace?
I'm fine.
So, what is it you want
to talk to me about?
I have no memory.
You have no memory?
Memory of what?
How can I put this?
have no memory of seeing Ultraman.
You mean,
you don't know what Ultraman did?
That's right.
That's crazy.
I mean, back then
you were with me in the SSSP.
Yes, I know that.
In the final battle,
when Zetton showed up,
-you hit your head pretty hard.
-That's not what I mean!
Look at this.
That's pretty amazing.
But, why did you wait until now
to tell me such an important thing?
I can't hide it anymore.
You mean Shinjiro?
You saw it too. That boy isn't normal.
He may be even greater than me.
Actually, there's something
that I want you to see.
Come with me.
-Where are we going?
-Just follow me.
This is nothing more than a museum, right?
No, it's not.
This place is operational.
The museum is just for show.
What the heck is this? What's going on?
Hold on. I'm getting to that.
The Japan office of the SSSP
is still going strong.
Have you calmed down a little?
Of course, I can't calm down.
I have no idea what's going on.
Well, I can understand
why you're surprised.
But there's a reason
why I've kept it hidden.
What reason would that be?
Actually, right now,
Earth is facing a new danger.
Look at this.
Is this the incident from six months ago?
That's right.
At first we were told
it was a terrorist act.
But then it was cleared up by saying
it was improper maintenance.
Look closely at this.
Who is that?
This accident was caused by this guy.
Did you remember something?
was Ultraman.
I knew that.
Everyone in the SSSP realized it.
What? Then why didn't you say anything?
What if the world found out?
You and Shinjiro would be
treated like guinea pigs.
You and your son
have inherited the genes of Ultraman.
The genes of Ultraman?
We did it to protect both of you.
I'm sorry.
You mean
the SSSP has kept operating for our sake?
That's right.
But now it's time for it
to perform its original function.
Because of him?
This time, he is not friendly to humanity.
I know I've hidden this from you,
but will you cooperate with me now?
They are all such pretty women.
She's looking at you.
I'm serious.
I swear that girl was looking at you.
She probably thought I was someone else.
No. She was looking at you, Shinjiro,
no doubt about it.
you're just trying to get me
to talk to girls, aren't you?
No, that's not it.
I'm just telling you
that you've got a chance with her.
You're the only one of us
without a girlfriend, Shinjiro.
Don't you want a girlfriend?
Of course, I want one.
Then quit acting shy all the time
and go get one.
I'm not acting.
-See you.
I'm home.
You've been coming home late recently.
Really? It's the same as always.
I heard you dropped out of
your school club. Did something happen?
No, nothing.
Isn't there something
you want to talk about?
No. I'm thinking things through
in my own way.
And I want to know
what it is you're thinking about.
All kinds of stuff.
Hey, isn't that the girl?
She was the one
looking at you yesterday, Shinjiro.
You know, doesn't she look
a lot like Rena Sayama?
You mean the pop idol?
Yes, I guess she does look like her.
That looks like a load of trouble.
Those guys are from Nishi High, right?
-We're better off staying out of it.
We could score a ton of points.
Regardless of whether
they were looking at us or not,
if we helped them,
we would score a ton of points with them.
Oh, come on. And if we got
our butts kicked, we would lose points.
-Hey! Shinjiro!
I have to quit worrying about stuff now.
If I hold back, they should be all right.
-Yes, good idea.
-You bet it is.
What the heck do you want?
Cut that out.
Can't you see those girls are frightened?
Who the hell are you?
Are you this girl's boyfriend
or something?
But, I wouldn't mind dating her.
Or are you
one of those rare dudes now
who fights for justice?
No, that's not what I am.
Then what the hell are you?
You're really pissing me off, asshole!
How did that happen?
You okay, man?
What did you do to him?
I just grabbed his foot.
-Let's run.
-His foot is in bad shape.
Hey, someone call the police!
-You all right?
-All I did was
-Shit. This is bad.
Hang in there!
What will I do now?
I did something awful.
It happened so fast,
I guess I used too much force.
That's not what I meant to do.
What's the deal with this power anyway?
Just when I thought I finally
had control of it.
It seems Hayata hasn't told you a thing.
Who's there?
Who is it?
Would you like to know about
that power?
That power does not belong on Earth.
You're better than I expected.
I guess I got away.
No, you haven't gotten away.
What the hell? What do you want?
Why did you attack me?
I believe I just told you.
That power does not belong on Earth.
What am I supposed to do?
It's not like I wanted this power.
You're right.
If you want to get angry about it,
then turn your anger toward Shin Hayata!
Are you okay, Shinjiro?
Are you injured?
What are you doing here?
I've known this guy for over a decade.
What the heck is he?
He looks like Ultraman.
Listen, Shinjiro.
He is not Ultraman.
I am
You must be kidding.
Subtitle translation by Brian Athey
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