Uncle Samsik (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Three Meals A Day

It's out of love and respect
that everybody calls me
Samsik, brother Samsik, Uncle Samsik…
and I just love it.
My nickname, I mean.
Year 1960
Unknown, South Korea
Capital Defense Unit, Secret Bunker
It's a standard investigation.
If you cooperate,
it shouldn't take too long.
Good to see you here…
San, is that you? You're here too?
We didn't plan any of this!
This was all Samsik, not us!
Tell them, please!
Tell them it was all Samsik! It's not us!
You knew Pak Doochill,
the CEO of Sail Developments?
Yes, I know him.
You called him Samsik, right?
I did.
What does it mean, Samsik?
He made sure everyone had three meals
even during the war.
"Sam" means three. "Sik" means food.
Three meals.
He doesn't let anyone go hungry.
Uncle Samsik
Uncle Samsik
Three Meals a Day
November 26, 1959
Seoul, South Korea
US Army, Oil Storage Facility
- Two?
- 20,000 hwan.
For the oil.
What's "oil" in English?
That's 10 bills.
Oil. Oil.
That's 20,000 hwan.
That's 20,000 hwan.
A little bit more,
a little bit more.
What the fuck is he saying?
- Get out! Get out of here!
What was that?
Gu Haejun and Han Soo
Seodaemun Gang
November 30, 1959
Seoul, South Korea
Rhee Seungmin to run for reelection
We must protect our president!
That's the thing about Samsik, you know,
he's got connections everywhere.
And those guys in Gunsan
got caught smuggling Japanese radios,
- Samsik got them all out there too.
- Yeah, you said that already.
Oh, did I?
Hey, don't talk back to me,
you little brat.
I heard everyone got turned over
to the CIC.
How much longer we got to wait?
Hey, keep it down!
Hey, don't, I'm serious.
He will see you now.
Our hope! Our hope!
We want Rhee! We want Rhee!
Retract it! Retract it!
President Rhee is our only hope!
Our hope! Our hope!
Yes, in here. Come in.
We want Rhee! We want Rhee!
Uncle Samsik?
We support the president's reelection!
We support! We support!
Come in, come in. Here.
So, you're with the Soedaemun gang?
- Yes.
- You stole oil from US troops?
Yeah, now,
our boys are being held at the CIC.
Why the CIC?
I'm not sure,
the Counter Intelligence Corps…
Over in Osaka, thugs don't have to hide,
they drive around freely.
And then we have you two
who are doing nothing more
than just a little petty theft.
Don't you think you should try
something a bit more decent?
Just tell us.
Can you get our guys out of there or not?
And if I can?
We'll pay you well.
You're pretty cocky
for someone trying to ask a favor.
Let's go.
Hey, come on, man!
Let's go!
- Hey, Han Soo!
- Let's go!
Look at you.
Leaving just like that?
Hey, how about you try
calling me Uncle Samsik?
Call you what?
Try it, try calling me Uncle Samsik.
Why should I?
Because I'll feed you.
I won't pretend you're family
just to get fed.
All right.
You know Yoon Palbong
with the Dongdaemun gang?
I can give you his turf.
But Yoon Palbong
is with the Liberal Party.
- How could we…
- I'm saying I could give it to you.
- Miss Kim, bring me 10 envelopes.
- Yes?
I'm giving you this money
and you're going to break
Yoon Palbong's legs.
Protests continue throughout the country
expressing opposition
to President Rhee's withdrawal
of his candidacy for reelection.
Political circles
are closely following the protests
and are waiting to see
whether President Rhee…
- Let's go, Jina.
- …and run for reelection.
Uncle, is your report going to help
our country get better?
You just focus on your studies, hmm?
Put your shoes on.
We're off. See you later.
- Have a nice day.
- Let's go.
- Bye, Jina. Study hard.
- Okay.
Ministry of Home Affairs
National Reconstruction Bureau.
Oh, hello.
Mr. Kim.
- Mr. Kim?
- Yes?
Phone call, sir.
Who is it?
Hello, this is Manager Kim.
- Hello, San.
- Yeojin.
Hi, are you free to talk?
Yes, I'm free.
Listen, I don't want you to come today.
I've been noticing
a lot of suspicious people lurking around.
Wait, what do you mean?
I'll come right after work.
Don't worry about it.
I'll see you later.
- Oh, Mr. Kim, the minister's here. Hurry.
- Great.
- Be right there.
- Come on. Hurry!
Miss Kim.
Site for Seohae Oil Factory
Can you see…
the Seohae Oil factory from there?
- I can.
- Mm.
Once that's in place,
I'll be an official member
of the Cheongwoo Federation.
You understand what that means, right?
You'll be
a South Korean nobility?
South Korean nobility? Please.
I'll be the one
reigning over the nobility.
Hurry. Let's go.
San, hurry!
- They're almost here! Let's go, come on!
- Okay, I'm coming.
General Jang Doosik is heading
to Taepyeonggak.
Why does he insist to calling me over?
To watch him pig out?
Boy, you sure did a fine job
with those shoes.
Yoon Palbong's coming.
- Let's go, just go. Don't look.
- Hey, Samsik!
Damn it, Samsik!
Well, well, well.
Well, if it isn't Yoon Palbong.
Good day to you.
I've called up 25 of my men for later.
Ah, good. How reassuring. Huh?
Did you talk to Kang Seongmin?
Oh, of course.
- Hey.
- Hey now, people are watching.
- Hey, just give me a straight answer.
- Come on, they're looking.
If what we did in Busan ever comes out,
the three of us are dead.
If I don't get the Dongdaemun nomination,
I won't take it lying down.
Have you gone insane?
I told you to stop bringing up Busan.
I'll stop when Kang Seongmin
keeps his promise.
And why are you being so impatient?
Listen, he surely has everything handled.
So, don't worry.
- Then why is he avoiding me?
- You keep visiting him uninvited.
Listen, don't forget
what we did for Kang Seongmin, okay?
Were we ever rewarded for it?
I'll be at the Innovation Party's speech
to show you what I'm made of.
So you tell him
that this is his last warning.
That bastard's stepping out of line.
You told the police to pull out, right?
Yes, I made the call.
Get ready to be humiliated today.
Let's begin.
The unemployment rate has sharply
increased due to the collapse of farms,
small manufacturers, and traders.
The agricultural surpluses
from USAID are fueling farming debt.
80% of which is in private loans
with annual interest rates of over 6%.
The agricultural economy
is on the brink of collapse.
Now with South Korea's
abundant young workforce…
The president is asking for you.
Is he running for reelection?
He said he's not sure yet.
- That's all for today.
- Sir,
- we've barely started the briefing.
- It can wait.
Our team spent all night
putting it together.
Who is that guy?
He's manager Kim San
from the National Reconstruction Bureau.
Minister Choi.
The way forward for South Korea…
is laid out here.
Why is he so cocky?
Well, he studied economics in the US.
He was also an Albright scholar, sir.
- Albright?
- Yes.
- Were you in the military?
- Yes, that's right.
What's a military academy grad doing here?
You couldn't adjust to it?
Minister Choi,
the president is waiting for you.
Submit the report again.
We've already submitted several.
- But… we'll resubmit it.
- We've been doing that for two years.
Right now, the president's reelection
is our top priority.
Why is that your priority?
Unemployment is through the roof,
agriculture is falling apart,
this country can't do anything
without American aid.
- Is he out of his mind or what?
- Hey, hey.
Minister, please just give us an hour.
Minister Choi.
Minister Choi!
Please just give us one hour!
Oh, God.
We've been running reports for two years.
Waterfowl ♪
Why are you crying ♪
Do not resent the time ♪
That flies by… ♪
Bunch of rookies.
Why did he bring the whole flock here?
I wonder.
Leaving only the green mountains ♪
In this transient world ♪
Hey, Samsik.
How strange. This bottle's gone lower.
It was up to here.
Are you all right?
Why is a general hanging around
with a bunch of rookies, huh?
A general should treat his men
to food and booze
in order to gain their respect,
ain't that right?
But I pay for their booze, don't I?
Are you close with Hong Youngki,
the head of CIC?
Hong Youngki? Why?
Uh, my nephew got caught stealing oil
from US troops and the CIC detained him.
You want me to get him out?
Yes, I do.
You're making a general
do menial task, huh?
I made you a general precisely
so you could do such task.
Don't you know what Hong Youngki is like?
If he would get a hold of you,
it doesn't matter what rank you are.
Just last year…
he got a third of all our generals
stripped of their badges.
How's that? On what grounds?
Well, you're a commie
if Hong Youngki says you're a commie.
He goes and cooks up some evidence
and you're behind bars.
- I guess he and I are similar then.
- How so?
Well, you just said
he can get generals dismissed.
Why would someone like that
bother with petty thieves?
- He wants to use them as bait.
- Bait?
Go and meet Hong Youngki.
Are you insane?
Why would you argue with the minister?
Might as well punch the guy in the face!
If you want to go rogue,
then get into politics!
Go and be a politician like Choo Intae!
Go and run a campaign, give speeches!
- I'm going to.
- What?
I'm giving a speech
at the current affairs talk later.
A civil servant,
speaking in front of the Innovation Party?
Mr. Choo Intae is like a father to me.
Well, he's not your real father, kid.
- So stay out of there. Hey!
- I'm heading out.
You're still on the clock!
I'm done writing reports.
Stop writing them.
Office of the President
I've served three terms
as president of this country.
Well, it is what the people want, sir.
I already withdrew my candidacy.
If I go back on my word…
…they'll surely criticize me.
Have you seen
Choo Intae's approval rating?
So, do you actually think
I could beat him?
Yes, sir. I'm certain.
I'll use any means necessary
to get you elected.
You'll use any means necessary?
You can count on me.
Banya Hotel
Right. The Cheongwoo Federation…
Ah, right. Keep it up. Here.
For you.
"Thanks to the guidance
of the Cheongwoo Federation members.
I… I'm here
at this distinguished event today.
This honorable…" How corny.
So? Are you ready?
Honestly, I'm nervous.
Well, congratulations.
Not everyone gets inducted
into the Cheongwoo Federation.
You're one of the top businessmen
in the whole country.
"Thanks to An Yosub's guidance,
I have the honor of…"
I now have the honor
of standing here before you. Yes.
As soon as our industrial complex
is finished…
we all will be eating pizza
like the Americans.
Pizza. I'm sure
that none of you have heard of it.
Ah, it's extraordinary.
Come on, this is taking too long.
So, since he's acquired us
60% stake in Seohae Oil,
I believe we can officially welcome
our new member Samsik.
No, Mr. Pak Doochill, I mean.
All in favor of accepting our new member?
Petron Harvest,
Sierra Union, Hassel Chemistry…
All eight companies
that agreed to the partnership
have given the same response.
Payment guarantees
from the Korean government,
the right to use port facilities,
the right to manage railways,
and they want diplomatic status
for their staff at the complex?
It's like they want to call off the deal!
An Kichul
An Yosub's youngest son
Hey, do you know what pizza is?
I doubt it.
They use an oven
that's wider than your bedroom
to bake bread bigger than you are.
And you add meat, cheese, vegetables. Ah…
You take one bite, and…
Ah, you probably
haven't heard of cheese either.
Cheese? Cheese is like bread, right?
Man, oh, man, oh, man!
Look at you, it's so obvious
you're a blue-collar worker.
Yoo Yeonchul, how are you
in the Cheongwoo Federation, huh?
People in America,
they eat that bread daily.
- And most of them don't even eat it all.
- Uh-huh.
Once the industrial complex is complete,
then we'll have bread like theirs
and we'll throw out the rest.
There must be some reason
they're suddenly doing this.
Think about all the money
we poured into this!
Isn't that a bit strange that all at once,
all eight are making the same demand?
I'll look into possible motives
right away, sir.
Kang Seongmin.
Bring him right now.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, the day is coming soon.
Hey, how'd it go?
What's going on?
Petron Harvest is now…
making certain demands.
Huh? What demands?
I don't understand all this.
What does it say?
A payment guarantee from the government,
the right to use port facilities,
and the right to audit government grants.
Uh, but why all of a sudden?
Well, these bastards, they just
can't trust the Korean government.
Well then, what's next?
I have no idea.
It could mean it's the end.
Am I…
I'm still a Cheongwoo Federation member,
aren't I?
If there's no Seohae Oil,
then it sounds like the show is over.
Hey, hey, get out, get out, get out.
Kang Seongmin.
Why is it so hard to reach you?
I thought I told you to stay away.
You heard about
the Innovation Party speech today?
We're about to send 25 of our men.
So I'm asking you
to acknowledge what we've done.
We'll speak after the election.
The Dongdaemun nomination,
there's a rumor
it's going to some other guy.
Keep your promises
and don't just use people.
Yosub will be there, won't he?
I wonder how he'll react
if he finds out
who killed An Minchul in Busan.
Should I tell him who killed his son?
Kang Seongmin
Liberal Party Assemblyman
We've come all this way
with a single goal in mind.
So we have to think of something fast.
Oh, welcome.
Samsik, a word.
Hey, what's the matter? What's going on?
Yoon Palbong approached me again
just a second ago.
That idiot showed up again?
I thought
I'd gotten through to him earlier.
I will have to teach him a proper lesson
at the Innovation Party speech later.
- Don't you worry about him.
- Kill him.
Kill Yoon Palbong.
I'm so afraid.
I keep seeing An Minchul in my dreams.
Assemblyman, that brat Yoon Palbong,
all he's ever wanted
is a national assembly badge.
- Can't you just give it to him?
- Please kill him.
Do you want to watch me
worry myself to death?
As you wish.
Uncle Samsik,
you're the only one I can count on.
Please help me get some sleep at night.
The eight partnering companies
sent us these demands all at once.
Why all of a sudden?
They distrust the Korean government.
Why on earth…
did I let you join the national assembly?
If Minchul was still alive right now…
he would be sitting there instead of you.
He would've done well far better than you.
Kang Seongmin
has ordered me to kill Yoon Palbong.
He keeps mentioning what we did
in Busan together. That lunatic.
And how we killed An Yosub's son.
Do you think
the president will run for reelection?
- It's not certain just yet.
- He definitely will.
He even went so far
as to hire those filthy protesters.
I will look into it.
You're always one step behind.
Our industrial complex
is slipping away from us here.
That bastard Kang Seongmin
is another coward.
He's not satisfied
until the people he fears are killed.
He wants you to do it?
I'll be the next one.
Those with power and with money
will do everything they can to stay out
of the mud while wearing their best shoes.
Why do you think
he's asked me to kill Yoon Palbong?
I've known Kang Seongmin a long time
since he was born.
He gets this look
as if he could murder somebody
without batting an eye.
He had it when he told us
to kill An Minchul.
And he had it again just now.
Just wait.
I'm all but certain
that he'll try to kill me next.
Petron Harvest apparently sent
an inspection team to the Philippines.
They're trying to take our business there?
Are they out of their minds?
They sent an inspection team,
it's not out of the question.
We can't let someone else
reap our rewards.
Choi Minkyu has been dragging his feet
too long and now it's all ruined!
I'll meet with Mr. Choi Minkyu, sir.
Go now!
Tell him we'll give him whatever he wants.
San, why are you here so early?
The preparations are going well?
Well, I'm doing my best,
but I'm not so sure.
This is the first time
Father will be speaking to a large crowd.
Don't worry about it.
I'm sure he'll do great.
Allow me to escort you, Minister.
Seonyoowon here.
Minister Choi Minkyu has just arrived.
He's arrived at Seonyoowon.
Yoon Palbong is sending 25 of his guys
to the Innovation Party event.
So he can cause a scene
and ruin the speech.
It's what Yoon Palbong
has been doing for the past decade.
He always targets
opposition party politicians
under someone else's orders.
How many men do you have?
Right, we have around 15 men, sir.
You think they are able to hold back 25?
Haejun, Heesung, and I
will be inside the hall.
And Jongsol, you look out,
when the Dongdaemun guys arrive,
just run them down with the truck.
Add more chili powder.
I'm not worried about taking on 25 men,
but what happens after that, sir?
What will happen
is we'll be the ones to get arrested,
not the Dongdaemun guys.
I guess we'll need
to get rid of the police.
Can you keep the police away?
Of course I can.
Han Soo, hey, look,
the police are all retreating.
- All of them?
- Yeah.
Yeah, good, we can handle those 25 men.
Yoon Palbong is our prime target.
You better make damn sure
to break that bastard's legs, huh?
There will be a lot of people
attending Choo Intae's speech.
A lot of politicians.
All kinds of people will be there.
They're all trying to befriend Choo Intae.
He's more popular
than the president right now.
If he runs for office, he's sure to win.
No wonder he's being targeted.
Choo Intae
Innovation Party Leader
Innovation Party's Speech
Peaceful reunification
and our nation's path by Choo Intae
Now, let us begin
the current affairs address,
hosted by the Innovation Party.
Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
Thank you.
I am Choo Intae.
A question.
What is the way forward for our country?
The answer,
first of all, peaceful unification,
and second of all, peaceful unification.
It is the peaceful coexistence
of South and North Korea.
Hear, hear!
What has the current administration
done for the people of South Korea?
Nothing. All the president's done
is impoverish our country,
bringing suffering to farmers and workers.
Hear, hear!
Get in there, you fucker.
Good fucking luck.
The incumbent president
has been putting on a little show
by withdrawing his candidacy.
Who on earth could possibly
fall for his tricks?
That's right!
There will still be
five or six Dongdaemun guys in the hall.
Can you stop them on your own?
Of course.
As long as you give me their turf…
Uncle Samsik.
This incumbent is shameless enough…
Let's go.
…to ask for yet another term as president.
It is his goal to wage another war
and reach unification with violence!
Once again flooding these lands
with the blood of innocent people.
You'll take on 100 each, each of you.
If you go down, take three with you!
We cannot wage yet another war
on these lands.
Never again, everyone!
Choo Intae! Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
Choo Intae is a commie!
Get outta here,
you punks!
You motherfuckers!
Hey, you!
Let's go.
Someone get the police in here!
- Hey!
- What are you doing?
Call the cops. Huh?
Hey! Call the fucking cops right now.
Shit or get off the pot, alright?
I got it done, huh?
Let's go.
Wait a minute,
has Mr. Choo Intae already run away?
That lilly-liver little commie.
Can't handle politics, huh?
No, he can't.
Excuse me.
- Are you talking to me?
- Who are you?
That's Pak Jiwook of the Liberal Party.
You should stop.
Ah, calm down, Assemblyman.
Calm down.
Who do you think you are
interrupting an assemblyman?
Mr. Choo Intae is not a commie.
- Apologize right now.
- What?
He aspires to bring the people
peaceful coexistence and prosperity.
Well, that's precisely
what we call a commie, boy.
Do you have any idea
what kind of man he is?
Do you?
Have you read
Co-prosperity on the Korean Peninsula?
It's a detailed exploration
of the prosperity of a nation.
Do you know it, sir? I bet you don't.
- No, you punk.
- Well…
may I explain it to you?
- Be my guest.
- Thank you, sir.
Let's hear what he has to say.
This is where I come
when I want to relax, think,
or just be alone.
Feel free to come here, have a drink.
Whenever you need a moment to yourself.
Is this about the Cheongwoo complex?
I can't help you.
The president's opposed to it.
He thinks a planned economy
is something only commies do.
Hello, everyone.
I work at the Reconstruction Bureau.
Prior to this,
I received a doctorate in economics.
I was an Albright scholar
at an American university.
During my time in America,
there was beauty and abundance
everywhere I'd look.
Meanwhile, my countrymen
were stripped bare and starving.
Do you know what pizza is?
Has anyone tried it?
Mr. Pak, have you tried it, sir?
No, I haven't, boy.
During my time abroad,
I lived above a pizza shop
and couldn't afford
a single proper meal a day.
Every day, I smelled pizzas baking.
Every night, it kept me up.
Listen, the economy
matters more than guns.
I saw a country
where no one worried about food,
where you can have
three decent meals every day.
What I envied during my studies abroad
wasn't their fighter jets
or aircraft carriers. It was pi…
it was pizza.
What is the point
of winning a war when the entire nation
is starving to death?
That's why Mr. Choo Intae said
that I should study economics.
Steel, shipbuilding,
transport, chemical, oil, and textiles.
All the key industries a country needs.
They're each putting their life
on the line for this complex.
If we don't act quickly,
the overseas partners
we'll go do business
with the Philippines and Taiwan.
We can't afford
any further investments in facilities.
We poured everything we have
into this industrial complex.
If we can't secure foreign capital,
all the money we've put down…
it all goes down the drain.
So if the government
were to help us out here…
You'll help us
with the presidential election?
The president and Mr. An Yosub
are well into their eighties now.
How much longer do you think
they'll hold on to power?
My time will come soon. After that…
yours could too.
You understand?
With your wealth and background
and my political power,
imagine what we could do
if we share what we have?
I believe…
we'd be invincible.
I think so too.
Use this election to your advantage
and take control of the party.
Become the chairman
of the campaign committee.
All I need to do
is speak to the president.
And I could give you
the chance to reign
over the Liberal Party.
what are you asking for in return?
Do you have anything…
aside from the Cheongwoo Federation?
Now take a look.
Seoul and Busan will be connected
by a new expressway
and we'll build
industrial complexes and ports.
Seoul and Incheon could connect too,
and we'd ship our goods
all the way to China.
If the 700 million people in China
each buy one pair of shoes,
we can sell 1.4 billion shoes to them.
Hey, smart-ass.
Why on earth would we sell shoes
to the damn Chinese?
That's the kind of ideal
only a commie would have.
- Exactly, yeah!
- That's right!
Don't commies wear shoes too?
The Republic of Korea
can use its young and abundant workforce
to become an industrialized nation.
With our peninsular position,
we could become the next center of trade.
That is exactly the kind of nation…
that Mr. Choo Intae dreams of.
Choo Intae! Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
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