Undead Unluck (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Undead and Unluck

[plane engine whirring]
[girl breathing heavily]
[distant church bells ringing]
-[breathing heavily]
-[music plays, with Japanese vocals]
[breathing heavily]
[plane engines whirring]
[distant church bells ringing]
Don't go.
[engine revving]
[girl gasps]
[bells ringing]
[boy] I never properly told
you how I feel.
[girl] No need. I already know.
[distant bells ringing]
-[Fuko giggles]
AUGUST 1, 2020
Oh, wow! And with that, it ends.
It's just too bad my youth
wasn't more like that.
Okay, now that I've read
my favorite manga to the end,
I think it's about time
I put an end to myself!
[man] That's dangerous.
I, too, wanted a shot
at a passionate romance like
the one in this manga.
But thanks to this body,
that'll never happen.
[man] Huh?
That's why I must die!
Don't mess with me.
Listen to me!
If you touch my body, you'll, uh
you'll contract
an incurable disease and die!
I'm serious.
I've got nothing to live
for with a body like this.
So I gotta die.
What happened?
DDid I do that?
A deadly disease transmitted
by touch, huh?
-Never heard of such a thing!
Wicked sick!
Suicides nowadays have been
getting kind of stale, you know?
-Bring it on!
My hand was all over ya!
What's gonna happen?
And where's it gonna hurt?
The outside? Inside?
-[Fuko] It's coming.
My unluck!
[train brakes screeching]
I'm so sorry.
I've done it again.
Dragged another person into this.
All because I took too long to do it.
-Now I get it!
That disease stuff,
it's just a front to protect people!
What? That guy's head?
[man] That's sick!
And good to know.
It means you're on my side.
[Fuko] HHis body is repairing itself!
Looks like today's my lucky day!
It's a zombie!
Get away from me, you freak!
[man snarls]
Why, you
Don't you dare lump me in
with those rotting meat sacks!
Listen up!
I am undead!
Now quit your struggling!
I've got a few questions for ya!
Back there, you said something
about your unluck
was coming, right?
-We've got some company.
-[Fuko shouting]
So it's time to bolt.
Hold on tight.
[Fuko] Uh?
[man cackling]
[Fuko] Stop!
This is way too scary!
Jumping from building
to building like that
was wicked sick, right?
Just so you know, I regenerated
my torn-off legs at high speeds
and used the momentum
to kick down on the ground
-to create immense jumping power!
-Whatever he is,
-I need to get out of here!
-The body part I regenerate
-and speed
Where do you think you're goin'?
I've still got some questions.
You can't leave yet.
Stop it! You're touching my leg!
You'll trigger my unluck again!
-Let me go!
I'm safe if I only touch
your clothes, right?
WhWhatever, just let me go already!
Sure, I can do that.
-Long way down.
When did we get here?
Explain how this so-called unluck works.
Then I'll help you out. Deal?
[groans] Forget it!
I planned to die today anyway!
You don't scare me! Not one bit!
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
Stop! I'm gonna fall!
Okay, fine! I'm scared, all right?
I'll talk! I said I'll talk!
[gasping for breath]
-Spill it.
-[Fuko gasps]
[inhales and exhales sharply]
It started ten years ago.
[announcer] [on speaker] Group six
now boarding flight 987.
[Fuko] I was only eight years old.
My parents were heading
overseas on business
and I was seeing them off.
They said they'd be gone for a week,
so they hugged me
a whole bunch before they left.
About a half hour later
Their plane experienced engine trouble.
All 270 people aboard including
my parents died.
That's how I learned that
the degree of it varies
that one way or another,
people who touch me end up getting hurt.
It was a pretty terrible way
to discover it was me.
I caused it.
Since then I've covered my bare skin t
[man] So you're saying the biggest strokes
of unluck hit when you get hugged, right?
[screams] Hold on, what are you
-Were you even listening?
-Oh, yeah!
-Now I'm testing it out!
-Just let go of me!
And why are you copping a feel?
You said it needs
to be direct contact, right?
No excuse!
I need to run while I still can!
You lying little brat!
This crap ain't gonna cut it!
[Fuko] Really? Seriously?
My entire life is over because
I slipped on a banana peel?
I never got to experience anything.
Fashion, love
I didn't even get to do anything girly!
Not a single thing!
No, not like this.
I'm not ready. Not yet.
-You dummy.
I ain't lettin' you die.
-Not since I finally found it!
The power capable of giving me
a real death!
There's a rule you tried to hide
from me back there.
If I figure it out then
I'll be able to make
an even bigger stroke
of unluck happen, yeah?
Then maybe your greatest stroke
of unluck will finally give me
what I really want
to snuff out my stupidly long life!
-[Fuko screams]
-[man] Now this party's getting started!
Time to head back to my hideout
and figure out this unluck ability!
[leader] Yes, he appears to be en route
to his hideout with a new breed.
Roger that.
Upon ability confirmation, will apprehend.
[distant thunder rolling]
[man] So, how long I touch you correlates
to the size of the unluck.
Next up, surface area.
-[Fuko gasps]
-Get naked!
I'm gonna try clinging to
as much flesh as I
-[Fuko whimpering]
Where do you think you're goin'?
There's no way I'm gonna strip for you!
Please give up on this crazy plan already!
We wouldn't have to do this
if you hadn't hid the rules
-in the first place!
-How is this my fault?
-I just didn't wanna tell you!
-Come on, it's no big deal!
Says you! It is to me!
Hell of a mane.
He's seen everything!
I can't help it, okay?
Nobody's able to cut it for me!
Any hairstylist would just end up dead!
[man groans]
-[scissors snipping]
-[Fuko gasps]
-WhWhat are you doing?
-Don't move.
As long as I'm touching you,
the unluck won't happen.
Let me finish up your trim.
But once you let go,
all the unluck will hit.
You forget who you're talkin' to?
I'm undead, remember?
[scissors snipping]
-[Fuko] Were you a stylist before?
-[man] Ages ago.
You're all set.
Good for my first time in a while, huh?
Really? For real?
Hey, quit bein' all shy.
Just take a look in the mirror.
[Fuko groans]
I, um
Thank you.
[snickers] All righty, then!
I touched you for 15 minutes!
This unluck is bound to be a whopper!
-Whatever! [gasps]
[thunder claps]
You have my gratitude,
unluckmiss Fuko Izumo.
Thanks to your presence,
he was distracted and dropped his guard.
Who are you people?
Hold that thought.
Undead must be put in containment,
as per our protocol.
That special capsule
won't allow regeneration.
But why do such a [gasps]
[gasps] Aren't you on my side?
Pardon me? On your side?
Surely you can't be serious.
Our job is to police any
unselected negators such as yourselves,
or any UMAs that throw
the world into chaos.
[Fuko] What's he talking about?
-[thunder claps]
Still, your ability is quite incredible.
You negate the luck of whoever touches you
-and kill them.
-[Fuko gasps]
An ability that's
perfectly suited for murder.
Though, touching you through
cloth keeps one perfectly safe.
So once these conditions are well-known,
it's easy to counter.
[distant thunder rolls]
You want to do something with my power?
[leader] Hmm.
Well, given that we can utilize it,
what use could there be besides killing?
[Fuko grunts]
I'm certain Undead captured you
-for that very reason.
[leader] After all,
you'd be quite the ferocious weapon
-if you bent to his will.
-[Fuko] YYou're wrong!
We may have just met today,
but he only wanted
to use my unluck on himself
to find a way that he could die!
He's nothing like you!
Compared to you guys, that zombie is
I'd advise you to watch
that little mouth.
Instead of capturing you,
I could always simply dispose of you.
ThThe zombie,
he didn't wear any gloves the whole time.
He touched me without
a single ounce of fear!
I'm so sorry, zombie!
This is all happening
'cause you cut my hair,
but I'm so grateful you did!
Thank you so much, zombie!
[thunder cracks]
[thug screaming]
[red-masked man] A lightning bolt?
Is this part of her unluck?
[leader] No, the activation
requirements haven't been met.
Perhaps it was a stroke of his own unluck.
He's wrong. That was no fluke.
Guns will be ineffective.
Attack all at once and cut him down.
The guy may be undead,
but he's a novice at combat.
[all] Roger that!
[man] A novice, huh?
Maybe now
But not in the past!
Usually I don't have
enough space for it all,
so I put a cork in my brain
to keep 100 years worth
of memories bottled up!
[all grunting]
[man] Otherwise
I'd go off the rails!
[Fuko chuckles]
[man] Now I get it.
Getting' my noggin sliced off
wasn't your unluck's doing.
The unluck for touching
you during the haircut
was that lightning bolt!
Guess there's a time lag factor.
I'll need to run some tests for that.
[leader] So you're not simply
an undead, it seems.
The skills you cultivated
through your long life
-are also your weapons?
-[man] More or less.
I've been alive a lot longer
than any of you.
[leader] Indeed.
Thus my response will have
to be rather underhanded.
Hand over your head. No regenerating.
You disobey, I cut off her head instead.
[gasps] But why, though?
-That's meaningless!
-Oh, I believe there's meaning.
He seems to have quite a lot
of stock in you, after all.
-[Fuko gasps]
So you're not gonna fight?
Man, and I was so
looking forward to it, too.
What are you doing?
[man] Isn't it obvious?
I'm cuttin' off my head to save your neck!
[Fuko] II can see that,
but then you'll end up
getting captured, too!
-[man] Guess I will.
-[Fuko] Then stop! Don't do it!
I can't take it anymore.
People around me always getting hurt,
dying, even if it's you,
who can't die.
Please, just forget about me!
And don't worry, I
-Listen to what I'm saying!
Pipe down, will ya?
Got some opinions, huh?.
I really don't give a damn.
I had fun today.
If I ever see ya again down the road,
let's party up.
[Fuko] The truth is, I do know
The way to trigger
the biggest stroke of unluck!
[both grunting]
[Fuko] This might not go well, but
[grunts, kisses]
You there! What did you just do?
Just thought it was kinda nice,
casting all worries aside
and touching someone!
Here it comes- my unluck!
What are you babbling about?
Oh, now I get it!
-Run for it!
[Fuko] Right!
-Sorry, buddy!
But we've got you beat!
When you ran into the two of us,
your luck ran out!
Whoa, sick! Wicked sick!
[Fuko groaning]
[man] Hot damn!
I've never taken a meteorite
to the face till today.
[man] I ain't no zombie. I'm undead.
Good assist back there.
That was some real nice unluck.
[chuckles nervously]
Not sure if I'd call it nice.
[both laughing]
Um, I'm Fuko. Fuko Izumo.
So what's your name?
[man] Don't remember.
Undead's good enough, ain't it?
No, it's not at all!
Guess I'll have to name you, then!
Because you're undead!
Whatever, fine.
[giggles] Yep!
[Andy] Still, a kiss did all this, huh?
[Fuko] Uh-huh.
Guess next we'll try [bleep].
[Fuko breathing erratically]
[Andy] What are you runnin' for?
[Fuko] UndeadAndy!
UnluckFuko Izumo.
-[Andy] Come on, I know you're curious!
-[Fuko] I'm so not!
This is the story of their quest
for the greatest death ever.
[singing in Japanese]
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