Unicorn: Warriors Eternal (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

The Awakening

I have found it.
Where is he?
Can you find him?
He is in time.
We need him now!
He is the one responsible.
Melinda is hurt.
Edred, my love.
I-- I heard someone
Save your strength.
He is coming.
You have succeeded--
as I knew you would.
You cold-hearted fool!
It almost cost Melinda
her life.
But it did not.
The evil will return,
and so must you.
Yes. I see it.
Your souls will protect
the world throughout eternity.
This is Copernicus.
It will command your souls
to return.
I have brought him
from the future.
We have the blessing
of the magic realm.
It's a crazy demon!
You know, father,
no one will think less of you
for shedding a tear
at your only daughter's wedding.
I'm just allergic to
that floral arrangement
on top a'
your mother's head.
What your father means
is that he loves you.
We're so happy
for you.
True love is so difficult
to find in these modern times.
But you and Winston
have adored each other
since you were little.
You're both
fine people, and
Oh, no.
Look what ya' did.
Ohh, there it is, daughter--
a tear.
But it's a tear
of pure joy, love.
I wish you and Winston a
lifetime a' happiness together.
Thank you, father.
Shall we continue?
- Yes!
- Yes!
Friends, we have gathered here
with Winston and Emma
to share in this day--
this most important day
in their lives.
Through the years,
their love for,
and understanding of, each other
has grown and matured.
What is the meaning
of this?
Who are you?
Come on, men!
What in blazes?
My dearest child.
I am not your child.
Oh, Emma.
Emma, please,
it's me.
That thing
it did something to you.
Please let me help you.
I love you, Emma.
I am not Emma!
What happened?
I should've known
it would not be so easy.
Gather the others quickly,
before anyone comes.
"Here lies Lulu,
beloved pet of the prince,
a most humble gift from
The Maharaja of India."
Perhaps this
can work.
But it is a risk.
What did you do
to me?
Am I supposed to understand
any of that?
What is happening?
Where are you
taking me?
That is me?
How is this possible?
This day
This day was supposed
to be different-- special.
That place, those people,
that boy.
My parents?
Were they my parents?
How can I not know?
Get that light
off me.
If I am her,
and you found me
then where are they?
Maybe-- Maybe they will know
what is happening.
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