Uspjeh (2019) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

First they fired me,
because I had a son
who was sick and I couldn't
work 12 hours a day.
Then they took my apartment.
And then it got even worse.
I lost everything.
But still Here I am.
Right here.
How did I get here?
One night I met three people.
We had nothing in common
except that life had us cornered.
They helped me then.
And now I'm here to help you.
My name is Kristijan Mihletić.
And tonight I'll teach you
the six steps to success!
Hey, honey. Is the health
insurance card on the table?
Go and check, please.
No, I didn't lose it! Where could
I lose it? Oh, I have it! I have it.
I have to rush. Keep the compress
on him until i get back. Bye.
Goddamn it!
You idiot!
-I'm coming.
Did you go to bed at three again?!
How long will I have to take care
of your life?!
I'm coming, Dad.
-Who's calling you?!
-It's the alarm.
Why is he calling you
at 7 am, goddamn it?!
-You're not in bed yet?
-No, I'm not.
My dad's freaking out,
don't call this early.
Fuck him! Switch to video call.
-I'm hard.
-Don't, my old man will hear you.
-Fuck him
-I mean it.
-Are you wet?
Come on, let me see.
-You're crazy.
-Come on, out with your pussy.
I’ll get you a tattoo. A big "V" so
everyone'll see who you belong to.
Spread it, let me see.
-That's it.
-Are you jerking off?
What can I do when my
slut has to go to school?
So, will you get your own office?
Some day.
No secretary and no office,
how is that a promotion?
Well, I'll get them in a year or two.
What did you want to be
when you were a kid?
A princess.
-No. A teacher.
-Good morning.
Where did you park
the car last night?
But where? I don't
want to have to search for it.
-You're taking the car today?
-I told you on Friday.
-I told you.
Why didn't you wake me sooner?
I can't be late,
it's my first day on the job.
What good is the promotion if
you have to go to work at dawn?
You two are such great support.
No, but I was counting on the car.
-I told you.
-Five days ago.
I didn't know you'd forgotten.
Oh, great.
It's doubtful the mayor will have
enough votes in the assembly.
The mayor's spokesperson said
The talks are progressing well. We
hope the deputies will be responsible,
and back the development
of the central Zagreb area.
Ready for a change?
Want more from life?
Maybe you already know
your driving passion,
but you don't know how to make
your passion become your life?
Here's the request. She has to
send it to Faizović today.
-I know.
-If she doesn't
I know what will happen, damn it!
Calm down. We did it.
If this goes through really
It will. We deserve a bit of luck.
-Ivor! Let's go.
-Come on.
Come on, love.
I put the Ventolin in your bag.
I'll call
as soon as I'm done at the bank.
OK, call me at once.
Hey, Kiki! Kiki!
-Whoa, Blanka! How you've grown!
-Blow me, faggot.
What's with the attitude, skank?
You put your tits and ass out
and I'm a jerk for looking?
If I tell Viktor you touched me,
he'll stuff a hammer up your ass.
Does it hurt you when he stuffs his?
-Look, don't touch, it's not yours.
-Antić! What's this?
-The maniac's harassing me.
-You come to school like this?
-Go see the principal.
At once.
He can molest me
because he gets a boner?
I told you, go to the
principal's office.
-Sir, I didn't mean to
-I know.
That's a lot,
I'll never save that much.
I work at a bank and you can't save.
-OK, I'll ask Dad for the money.
-Alright. Give him a call now.
Yeah, now when he's in a bad mood.
-Do you want the money?
Give him a call then.
Get a move on!
Want some music?
She told me to ask you.
No, no. You said you'd ask him.
Dad, some guy just
bumped into our car.
Are you okay? Fuck.
Can you pull back a bit
- Don't, don't!
It's a matter of statics, the
supporting columns will be ugly
He wants a lower price
- The new panels wil cost
-Fuck that
Fuck it, huh, Filip? After three
months of work, we cannot agree.
Could we get three more
days to present a new option?
New option?
Which one is this?
Kalem 1 has been standing
empty for four years.
And we're building two more
million square meters of nothing.
Worse than nothing. A disaster.
Billions of kuna for nothing.
Out. Get out!
Get out!
-Thank you.
Good morning.
I'm Kristijan Mihletić.
I have an appointment with
Ms. Ćosić Ms. Čorić, sorry!
I've been waiting since nine.
Today's the last day.
-I'm sorry, sir.
-I don't mind waiting.
She wanted to settle this today.
-It's about the foreclosure.
-I understand, sir.
-Ms. Čorić won't be coming in today.
-Who's standing in for her?
-No one, there's been an emergency.
-This is an emergency!
I have to get this to the
lawyer today. Please.
-No. Could you
-Sir, please.
No, no!
Please, I'll lose my home. My son
is nine, he has asthma.
You'll throw us out
because of her emergency!
She said it's all settled!
She had it on her desk!
-Just take a look!
-Leave, please.
-Why aren't you answering?
-You're not in school?
I'm waiting for the principal.
They say I dress indecently.
My, oh, my, such a good
girl and such a skank.
Fuck you, I told you I'd get in
trouble if you chose my clothes.
Cut the crap!
If you want to be my main bitch,
you do what I tell you.
Don't worry, let the principal
fondle your tit and it'll be fine.
-Good morning, sir
No, I don't care.
-But I didn't
-I don't care! Go home!
If you dress like this,
don't come to school.
What about my side of the story?
I can see both sides of your story. Go.
It's an unexcused absence for the day.
Go on.
I know it hurts.
But I think it's just a contusion.
We'll do an x-ray just in case.
This will all heal.
Where's Tea?!
My daughter, she was with me.
-I'd like to see her?
-She's outside, with your husband.
Don't worry. Relax.
Sorry, we have several witness
statements and the attacker's car.
-Who is he?
-You don't know him?
No. I didn't get a good look at
his face. He just started hitting me.
How come you have his car,
but you don't know who he is?
-Are you okay?
-You're Mr. Čorić?
-Janjić, my wife kept her surname.
Did you break too hard? The driver
that hits from behind is guilty, right?
-You can't be here, wait outside.
-Did you call the insurance?
What's the damage?
Ružica, have you ever noticed
how the world is sharp?
Like paper. The edge is
sharp and it can cut you.
But the rain
The rain is radioactive,
it's trying to kill us.
We don't see what's behind it all,
just what our brain wants us to see.
Do you believe in evolution?
-I never graduated
-Fuck diplomas.
Don't you feel this fear,
this threat in your bones?
You're not afraid of the world?
It is what it is.
We can't control things.
You've worked for me a
long time. You know me.
-Do I look different to you?
-Boss, what is this?
What's happening?
Those people are worried, scared.
I know, they see something's
wrong, so they're afraid.
But you're not afraid.
You're not really someone
we should fear.
That's because you see
me, Ružica. You see me.
-And I see you.
-Vera. My name is Vera.
I don't know Ružica.
Maybe she used to work here.
That's not important now. Sorry.
Say something to them. They're afraid.
Could he have been a
disgruntled client of your bank?
My clients are first
time homebuyers.
If they have a car,
it's not that kind.
He looked like a banker, not a client.
At least not my client.
The car is registered to DosEX.
But it seems the attacker's
not an employee.
-How's that possible?
-Have you heard of this company? DosEX.
No. Is that all?
Could anyone in your private life
have a reason to assault you?
-A friend of mine?
-Or more than a friend.
A lover?
A jealous lover who attacked
me on the bridge for all to see?
Do you owe money?
You might have been targeted.
If it was random, he'll be
much more difficult to find.
I don't have a lover,
I don't owe anyone money.
He'll need to see our
school psychologist at least.
Because of a single incident?
Peer violence is a serious problem.
The sooner we act the better.
-He's not a bully!
-Something's happening to him.
Behavior and lack of interest
in class, academic success
Today notwithstanding, it would
be good for him to see an expert.
-So he did nothing to you?
-He was hitting Danko.
Tell the teacher then.
He insulted Danko
and they got into a fight.
He pushed Danko, so I hit him.
Danko can't fight and
I'm not afraid of him.
You didn't help him by fighting.
Nobody helped the woman
on the bridge either.
-Was I supposed to fight that lunatic?
You come here, too.
Don't move. Stop,
Blanka. Blanka, stop!
Don't sulk, take off your
clothes and come outside.
Relax. Have a drink.
-Come on.
-Relax your ass.
You have a little slut here
while I'm in school.
She came of her own accord, believe me.
Look at my eyes,
I'm begging you like a puppy.
I won't touch her.
You two just kiss a bit.
-Go to hell!
-You won't do it, bitch?!
-Let go of me!
-Come here!
-Let me go! Fuck you!
-You won't, huh?!
-Come here, slut!
-Get in here!
-Let me go!
You won't take your clothes off?!
I'll take them off, slut!
-Let me go!
-I feed you, I clothe you!
-You won't, huh?!
-Let me go!
-Let me go!
-Fuck you!
Viktor! Viktor!
Let me out!
Fuck you !
Get in, Blanka. Come on.
What? What are you doing?
Come back!
-Lujo Kralj is on his way.
No, no. I'll do it alone.
I want you all to go home.
You can't present it alone.
You don't know the specs.
I want you all to think
about who you are.
Who we are.
Wait, Haris, what do you
intend to do now? Haris?
Vera, sorry about the name.
It was unacceptable.
-Never mind, I'm not upset.
-You should be, please forgive me.
I just want to do my job.
I think I have a better job for you.
Please, you've got to help me.
-Come with me.
Come here. Do you hear?
Come here!
Whose tracksuit is this?
Why do you look like this?
Where are your shoes?
Huh? Where did you get this?
-From Viktor.
-Did you steal it?
-No, it's Viktor's.
-Why aren't you in school?
Do you hear what I'm asking you?
Why aren't you in school?!
-Why you're not in school?!
-Leave me alone.
Why would I? Open the door!
Do you hear
Get away from the door!
Fuck you and your belt!
-Don't, Dad!
-No, huh?
Don't, huh?
Don't, huh?
-Hey there, pal.
-Where's your team?
-It's just the two of us today.
Mr. Janjić? Kalić, Police.
-Can we talk for a minute?
Have you heard about a
company called DosEX?
-Where do you work?
-At the Zagreb Urban Planning Office.
Your clients are individuals and
firms seeking building permits?
What's that got to do with
the attack on my wife?
Have you received any threats
related to your work?
Oh, no.
It's not my fault someone
attacked her. Write that down!
What's this? I've come to see the
finished project. There's nothing?
No Kalem 2,
no presentation to the Assembly.
No one's built on the river for
a reason. The levee won't hold.
We have the studies.
Construction will strengthen it.
Fuck that. You paid for those.
"Zagreb on the River" is vital
for the City and the investors.
Let's find a new location.
It took us years to buy the land,
push the paperwork through the
Assembly. There's no more time.
You're the lawyer.
You tell me who gets indicted if the
levee breaks and floods the city.
We have expert studies.
It's all based on them.
Are you playing stupid? We've been
through that. What's the problem?
The studies are shit.
I won't be remembered as the
architect who destroyed Zagreb.
We can build ten such behemoths.
But the first flood will
collapse half of the buildings.
The insurance will compensate you,
but people will be left homeless.
Like 50 years ago.
After the disaster, you and Oreb
will get the reconstruction contract.
And get billions of tax payer's
money to remedy our mistakes.
-Mrs Vera, do you understand this?
With all due respect,
but who are you?
She's the most important one here.
She won't benefit from the project,
but when a problem arises,
her taxes will pay
for reconstruction.
Haris, we'll take you to court
for any obstruction or delay.
You'll have to sell your firm to
pay the lawyers. Think about it.
I've been building office blocks for
you for years. They're empty shells.
I should've told you no when we started.
You'll sue me for what?
You'll take away my firm?
It's yours, I work almost
exclusively for you.
You build these huge buildings to
launder your investors' dirty money.
You woke up yesterday and
discovered your conscience?
Not yesterday, this morning.
I must deal with the Assembly,
I've no time for your conscience.
You have until tomorrow noon
to send me the plans and specs.
Or else?
A lawsuit is not the worst thing
that can befall you.
Idiots, all of them. That cop
acted as if I'd beaten you up.
I'm sorry.
Did you say anything to him?
Insult him?
I said something like
"What's the matter with you?"
Something like that.
-You didn't swear at him?
-No, Ivo, I didn't.
I said "What's the matter with you?"
and he started hitting me.
I couldn't swear at him
because he was beating me.
Fuck it, Vinka, sometimes a
curse can be seen in your eyes.
You look at people
like they're all idiots.
-Mom's not to blame.
-Did I say she was?
-No, but you're acting like it.
-Listen, kid
This will happen to you, too, someday.
You have the same look.
What are you doing here?
Nothing, I had to check something.
-I told you all to go home.
-Filip, why did you return?
-How did it go with Kralj?
-Go home.
-You can start.
-What's going on here?
You know Kralj, he'll try something.
Okay, but what about us?
You're on paid leave until further
notice. Or you can get a reference.
Okay then, talk to you tomorrow.
-Bye, Mladen.
Look up what Filip was
searching on his computer.
Am I looking for porn?
No, see if he copied anything
from the server.
What the fuck?!
What's that?
A dead rat.
I'll think of something.
A plan. I'll chain myself here
if they come.
No way will they throw us out.
I watch the guy beating her and
instead of helping the woman,
I'm only thinking how
I'll be late to the bank.
I'll have to give a statement
to the cops and I'll be late.
That's all I'm thinking about.
-Was Ivor scared?
-I don't know.
I know he's ashamed of me.
-We're going.
-Don't do it, Kiki. You're not a child.
-Fuck it. It's dark, no one will see.
-Let him sleep.
-I want him to see!
-What the fuck's the matter with you?!
We can't just throw it away.
What if it's evidence?
What evidence?
What if it's connected to
what happened to me today?
I want to know why, understand?
What, rats are evidence?
Are the cops going
to cast its bones?
Are you nuts? And if we
report the rat to the police,
they'll think we did
something to deserve it.
I'll throw it in the dumpster
and we'll go to bed.
Go. I'll do it.
You had a really fucked up day.
Where's my camera?
I can't take this anymore.
-Do what you want
I'll kill him, Blanka!
Great, I hope you kill each
other so I can take a breather!
I love you, hey!
I'm sleepy.
Tonight you're sleepy
for the first time in your life!
-Am I going to school tomorrow?
-This is the school of life, kid.
The school of fucking life.
The bastard's taken
two parking spaces.
-What's your problem?!
-I said I can't take it anymore.
-Come back!
-Let me go!
-Come back, you fucking bitch!
-Fuck you.
I bought you your cell, your laptop
Stay here, don't move!
-You'll return every penny!
-What are you doing?
-Take a walk, fucker!
-Leave the girl alone.
-Or what?!
-Leave him be!
Or what, cunt?!
You're shitting yourself, huh?!
-Fuck the both of you!
-Please, please!
I'll kill you now!
-I'll kill you!
-Let him be!
Get off!
-I'll kill you!
-Viktor, stop it!
Get off!
Jesus, you killed him,
what the fuck!
Wait, wait.
Do you realize what you did?!
Quiet, calm down.
-Shall I call the cops?
-Fuck that.
When his dad finds out, we're dead!
I was never here.
I I was never here.
I was never here!
-Maybe he's breathing.
-No, no.
Don't touch him, it's done.
She's right, I don't want to go to jail
because of an idiot with a knife.
-I I'll
-No, no.
The only solution now
We were never here. We know
nothing, we saw nothing.
I have to go. And you better go too.
-Call the ambulance.
-We'll call no one. No one saw us.
Are you okay?
Do you know either of those two?
Then that's it.
They have no weapon, no motive.
They have the knife.
No, they don't.
Go, this never happened. Go.
Go home. Go home.
Come on.
Dad, that was the
lady from the bridge.
-I didn't save her, but she saved me.
-Is he really dead?
Listen, it was him or me.
Okay? It had to be this way.
Him or me. Understand?
I understand.
You want to know what success is?
You want the truth?
Success is shit.
That's the first step.
Let me hear you.
What's success?
Shit! That's it.
Fuck success, it's about survival.
Do what the rich people do,
what's good for you.
Fuck morality, fuck honesty,
fuck ideals!
You won't succeed in life if
you're a good guy, trust me.
I tried. It didn't end well.
Next Episode