Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1
In the tower of the
sun, Asia lands
several empire was
established through centuries.
And in 11th century, the
pages of the history
was writing the epic of great
Turkish state, Sulcuklu, in these lands.
Your eagle has given the start
sign, Sultan Alp Arslan Highness.
Look at closely to that
castle, my son, Meliksah. t
The sword we swung at the
Byzantine heathens in Malazgirt
paved the way for
the western conquests.,
Now, after we take Berzem castle
we'll pave the way for®«
the Eastern conquests.^
When you become the Sultan one day
never satisfy
with what you have, ^y~/.
Customs says that the son
should carry the Sanjak
to the further point
I swear to enlarge our state's borders to
the eternity on your presence, my Sultan.
If I don't fulfill my swear
May I be cut with my own
sword and scattered like dust.
My braves!
My lions!
A victory is waiting for
us in the castle before us!
Today is the day of
cruel swords, hard wrists
and the hearts beating with courage
It's the day to roar in the
battlefield like a lion
attack like a wolf and claw f
like an eagle for Allah's justice!
Today is the day to
become veterans or martyrs!
Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
For a holy target, many braves
and many sons were dying.
While many lives were perished
..many were borne.
My son
The light of my eye.
The light of my eye.
The blood of my Meliksah
Thank Allah who gave me you safe and sound.
Inshallah, he will be worthy of
his fathers blood and mother's milk.
Thank you, Hayyam.
Did they send words for my Meliksah?
Let the victory songs
be written, Nizam-al Mulk.
Let the messengers carry it to Baghdad, Egypt,
Constantinople, China and European lands.
Let it be spread every corner, so that
whoever tries to be enemies of
us, can learn what will happen to them.
As you order, my Sultan.
My Sultan
If you order me
I want to take our
victory news to the capital.
It would be suitable that our leader
carries our victory to the capital.
You fought well with your hard
sword in the middle of the battlefield.
May your sword never be
sheathed without victory.
Don't be deceived that this victory
has been earned by man power. ;
Always listen to
Allah's ir order so that
 may Allah never denies your victories.
May you always carry the
sign of victory like this, son.
Bring the commander of Belzem to me.
We have an account
to settle with him.
You had an healthy son
What about Basulu?
She fell ill after giving birth.
Whatever the midwife
tried, she couldn’t save her.
Tm sorry.
Basulu migrated a realm that
you: can go but never come back.
But she left you
a life carrying both of your essence.
She wanted you to hide your son
however, you hide your love as a secret.
She said both of you wanted
his name to become Ahmet•
My son.
My Ahmet.
My Ahmet.
Your mother has gone to
the place having no return. it
she left you to me
From now on, you are the light of my eye
and the secret of my heart.
Where does my Basululies now?
You accepted the exile for me.
Your mother heart burned with
the longing of our son, Tapar.
Forgive me.
She has gone even before smelling you once.
I couldn't protect my Basulu.
You protected her even if it
meant you threw yourself to the fires.
It's not the time to mourn
but stand up, Meliksah. »?■
I hope it is good news. Is the
army back from the conquest?
Sultan Alp Arslan Highness.
I'm not scared of you Alp Arslan!
He gave a chance of forgiveness-to
the lord of Barzam Castle.
You can't make me give up!
You can't make me give up!
But he insulted our Sultan.
Take him away.
His goal was to lure our Sultan to himself.
His goal was to lure
our Sultan to himself.
And he reached his goal.
While our Sultan was
coming back to his throne
the betrayal revealed his secret poison arrow
and shot him from the secret wound on his back.
In his last breath
It's not time to worry
about me but about state now.
Set out immediately.
Put my son, Meliksah to the throne.
Even if the head falls down, the
Sanjak should never be fallen.
My Sultan!
Protect Jerusalem.
I Do not let anyone harm my Harem.
From now on, walk towards
Constantinople with Meliksah.
Let him be the savor of the oppressed.
Let him strike down the cruel.
It is now time to leave the
throne Allah gave us
to a competent one.
I wittnes that there is no
god other than Allah
and I swear Muhammad PBUH
is His servant and prophet.
It's not the time to weep, Meliksah
My father If the throne is
empty, there can be an uprising.
You need to take the throne immediately.
No Meliksah.
Today is the day that
you need to be strong!
You are not Melik but the Sultan now!
We need to get on our way immediately.
My son, Ahmet.
What will happen to him?
Even thought Basulu was your Hatun,
everyone slandered her saying that she
was the daughter of Kipczak Bey.
You couldn't stop her being exiled.
If now they learn that you
have a secret child from her.
The state and the
lineage will be shaken.
Ahmet's existence should be hidden.
As you know, a banished hatun's
child is not accepted to the lineage.
Meliksah, go on.
You have two paths ahead
of you, we have to choose one.
A son can put out the
fire in your heart but
it would throw
thousands others into a fire.
Now tell me, your son, or your state?
If you do not grab this sword now, it will
get into the hands of the enemies, not mine.
And then, there will be
no state, nor a child left.
Remember the oath you made
to your father in the battlefield.
What should we do now?
tl will take Ahmed under my protection.
No one will know he is your son.
And you won't see him again,
and never ask about him again. 1
Because, you will be the,
Sultan of the Suljuk Empire.
Your every move and step will be followed.
If you go see Ahmed, it
will be noticed one day. w
Then, Ahmed's life and the future
of the state would be in danger.
Don't worry, your son is
also a part of this lineage.
We will prepare an enactment
stating that Ahmed is your son.
If one day the lineage is
in danger of vanishing
then we will do what's necessary.
For my states and
my son's future depends on this..
even if my heart
aches, I will accept this.
My son, the light of my eye.
This is not a separation.
I'll hide you in the sheathe of my heart.
While you go away from me
you will also get close to me.
A remnant from his mother to her son.
No one will know that his name is Ahmet.
I 4
From now on, a new life, a name.
May you grow up to be a brave young man.
Your name is now Sencer so that you may
penetrate to your enemies like a spear.
Brave son of the Selcuklu lineage.
The grandson of Alp Arslan,
the father of conquests
the son of Sultan Meliksah, Sencer.
Desiring to be Batmi means
passing by the apparent.
Knowing without touching
seeing without looking
and getting close to death
means desiring to be Batmi.
This road is full of cliffs!
The ones looking fall
down from these cliffs.
And the ones seeing them pass.
This road is not for the
ones don't know how to see.
Every wrong step take you to death.
May the ones walking freely
in this thorny road be happy.
May the ones not giving up be happy.
They are filled with being Batmi.
You managed to see without looking.
You surpassed a very
important position for our cause.
For the Batmi cause, since
our mighty Imam Ismail
To take down the fake
Caliphate of the Baghdad Caliph
And to be victorious against
Selcuklu and their devilish Sultan
Are you determined in this difficult road.
Until I die.
May this blood-red belt be the evidence
for the blood you shed for our cause.
This belt comes from our,
Bas Dai, the light of our road.
You became our comrade by tying this belt.
I will go to the doorstep of our Bas Dai.
You just became a comrade today.
You have a long way. You'll pass
from harder paths to be a servant.
Have loyalty like steel, patience
like rock, courage like an arrow
so that you could go to
the doorstep of our Bas Dai.
so that you could go to
^kjthe doorstep of our Bas Dai.
My Sultan Father, Alp Arslan.
You wanted to ask for Allah's permit.
You always worked for that.
I kept my oath to you from
years ago, as it's my dignity.
When I was a little Melik, I took
the burden of our state's borders.
I expanded it to the end of the world.
I brought this sand from the
seas at the end of the world.
I brought this sand from the
iseas at the end of the world.
May my oath be with the soil.
May your soul be in peace.
The darkness of the
devil will end, Sun will rise.
They mean Sultan
Meliksah when saying devil.
They will try to harm him.
My brave ones!
The shadow of the flag my
father raised in Malazgirt
is about to reach to Constantinople.
We're the hearts beating
to be worthy of the ♪♪♪
words of that ' beautiful prophet!
We are!
We're the ones that took an
oath to protect Jerusalem from
the traitor Fatimis who
allied with Byzantine heathens.
We are!
We're the ones that swore to
keep the Caliphate Sanjak up
that is in the hands!
We are.
Our aim is to believe
in the good and live well.
Our aim is to deliver that goodness
and wellness to all humanity.
Even though this sword
can't have all the victories
it will pave the way for our off-spring.
Know that
as long as the hearts
beating for Allah exist
Allah will be victorious
and k the west will be defeated!
May your sword touch the sky!
Long live our Sultan!
May your sword touch the sky!
Long live our Sultan!
May your sword touch the sky!
Long live our Sultan!
May your sword touch the sky.
So you are the agent of the devil!
Come my companions!
It's melted. Let's get out of here.
It's melted Sencar!
How do you know my name?
Those who gave us our names
They called me Arslantas too.
Could you figure them out?
I got what I wanted.
Let's get out of here.
Naphtha pit
They placed naphtha under the castle.
They are going to destroy this place!
Where have you been Mamelek?
Our Sultan will come to the palace soon.
Forgive me, it took
me long to get prepared.
I got married into this
palace when I was your age.
You won't be late for anything here.
You will see everything before anyone
else and wake up before anyone else.
That is what's expected of a royal Hatun.
You won't rely on being the
Sultan's daughter or a Hatun.
The real reputation is earned
by proving you are worthy of that.
Make way!
Head Hatun Seferiye Sultan!
Hatun mother.
Our Sultan is coming to the palace.
We are here to receive your
orders regarding that matter.
I will give the orders in my
Chamber of Petitions, Terken Hatun.
Did you inform Emir-i Casnigir?
Have they prepared
the food our Sultan likes.
Everything is ready my Sultan.
Our Sultan is coming back from a conquest.
I want him to find the palace greaterjk
than how it was when he left it. JK
Don't you worry, I took care
of the preparations personally.
Being the Head Hatun must
be tiresome enough for you.
Don't tire yourself.
Head Hatun takes care of the
palace just as well as her family. t\
You are only the Hatun of the Sultan today.
If one day, you become the Head
Hatun of the nation, you will understand.
Your duty is to bring to'world
our Sultan's child alive and well.
Im This is my greatest desire.
Bring the documents needed to be sealed.
You enlighten our palace
with your experience.
May Allah protect both
you and my Sultan father.
Ameen, my daughter.
But you can't earn
experience with gold.
You need to have wisdom.
fl And for that you have to be blind
to those who show you the wrong way,
And deaf to those who speak in foul ways.
What's wrong Sencar?
We are exposed Bozkus.
They are going to assasinate our Sultan.
We have to go to Isfahan.
This is Arslantas, He is one
the braves of Nizam-al Mulk.
Aydogdu, Bozkus, these
are my real comrades.
They would wait in the
back to help if need be.
Horses are behind the
rocks, £; there are clothes too.
Let's go, then.
We have missed you for these two years.
I have devoted my entire life
for our nation, not only two years.
And I'll until my dying breath.
The most victorious conqueror
of the East and the West!
The leader of the world
with celestial claws.
The fair and the mighty!
His Highness Meliksah!
Live long our Sultan.
May your sword touch the sky!
Preserve the Sultan!
Preserve the Sultan!
My Sultan! Preserve the Sultan!
My Sultan!
Let's go. To the palace.
Bring that lion to me.
Say your name, I want
to know who protected me.
Look, brave one..
Sultan Meliksah expects
you in his presence.
Where are they?
Even we are waiting for our Sultan.
Don't worry, they'll come.
What is this rush?
You need to get in immediately Hatun Ana.
There was an assassination
attempt to our Sultan.
Our Sultan is fine, right?
He is.
Then why isn't he
coming to the palace?
Why don't you talk? Where is he?
Calm down. You heard
it, our Sultan is well.
Mulk! Increase the security in the palace.
Now everyone. Get in the palace.
I said everyone!
Come mother,
Weren't you with your father, Tapar?
Where's our Sultan?
They left from there before us, they
said they were coming to the palace.
Will our Sultan come to his tomb?!
Not all tombs have a body inside.
Some tombs are places where the
alive ones gets separated from the world.
Why are we here?
You'll meet your father.
Are you joking me?
Not joking, it's the truth.
It's high time you
learned who you truly are.
I don't believe you. You
said my father was martyred.
You had to know it that way until now.
From now on, you'll know that
he's alive, and live accordingly.
Who is my father?
Who's he that I needed to
know him dead until now.
You'll see now.
You'll see now.
That glorious man. riding the horse.
Is my father Sultan Meliksah?
I don't believe you.
If so, then why am I
not with my own father?
If my father is the mighty Sultan, the man
who rules the world haven't had a place for me?
Come on.
They're waiting for you.
How can you come back
without letting me know first?
How could I let you know?
I was with the Sultan.
And why are you so mad?
Are you asking me that?
Didn't you see what you
caused on the square?
Sultan won't forget you now.
He'll want you next to him from now on.
What should I have done?
Let them murder our Sultan?
You revealed the attempt of '
assassination, that's enough.
You were to vanish after that.
I think you forgot something.
He's not only my Sultan.
I didn't but you need
to forget it.' Immediately.
Why did I give you that secret?
Why are you saying this now?
So that you be a servant.
You know who you're.
You found yourself.
Now you're going to train yourself,
and preserve yourself according to that.
You can't go beyond that.
You'll forget about your father.
I taught you a lot of things
Now you'll take the
biggest lesson in your life.
Until you lock that secret
in your heart, you'll repeat it.
Sultan Meliksah isn't your
father, he's your Sultan.
Tell me, why did I tell you?
So that I'd know that I'm a Melik
4 and protect myself accordingly.
And what did you do?
You jumped in front of them.
And put our secret in danger.
My father and my Sultan was there.
Surely I would jump in there to save him.
Now I need to tell you a great hazard.
What hazard?
So you are the lion that saved our life.
It was my duty, my mighty Sultan.
You have the eye of a
Falcon, and a strong arm, lion. $
What's your name?
You penetrated the traitors
like a spear, like an arrow
and honored your name.
Which family are you from?
A v y Who's your father?
Sencer is one of our
private soldiers, my Sultan.
When he was a small kid,
his father was martyred.
We protected him, and
allowed him to join our army.
Even if you're the ruler of the world
you miss your father forever.
The place lacking your
father is cold, my Sultan.
But it's good to know that
our state will warm us up.
The state doesn't forget its
children that sacrifice for itself.
Come with me.
The crazy one of the boys
and the bay horse are better.
This is from Seljuk Ghazi's, who's
my great ancestor, own horse's lineage.
It's also my horse's son.
Horse runs, soldier brags.
I'm giving it to you as a gift for
your bravery. It's your right.
May you be successful in many duties.
May this horse be mine and
may luck be yours, my Sultan.
Now it has become my dignity.
Now that it's from Sultan
lineage. I want to name it Cihangir.
Cihangir is yours.
It was good of you to
come here as a measure
Let's go now.
We should make whoever did this pay.
Take care of yourself.
We will need you again.
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Your father was with my
father and you are with me, huh?
Now, you're worthier than
even my brother, Cihangir.
You're my limbs.
You're my confidant.
I should have told my father
that I'm cold because he's absent.
No matter how much it hurt
me, I couldn't tell, Cihangir.
It won't be spoken about before it's time.
His Highness Melik.
The guards are all more
careful at the palace.
As you ordered, the Nevbet
Team is in celebration order.
Nevbet is one the
necessities of being a Sultan.
People should know that our Sultan
came to the Palace healthy and on his feet.
We sent guards to take
precaution! on the way to the Palace.
InshAllah it won't be as the
precautions in the square, TaculMulk.
Our Sultan was in many
battles on many lands.
But you couldn't preserve
him near the throne.
Whoever did this betrayal will
pay for it, His Highness Melik.
But TaculMulk, call them idiots.
Attention! His Highness Sultan Meliksah!
My Sultan
Determine the dead ones very well.
I will punish the ones
that were weak, myself.
My Sultan. Thank Allah you're back healthy.
So you're back from
your duty as ambassador.
Your sacrifice in the field is very well.
We're here for you my Sultan.
May my life be sacrificed for you.
The one saving you
was the lion in the square.
We were waiting for you
to arrive at the Palace.
That's over.
Everyone did their duty.
My Sultan.
There can be ones
trying to cause chaos.
We need to be very
delicate on the investigation
so that we could find the
» secret hand behind all this.
Go to the vault, now Haci.
'Don't miss any procedure.
May the peace be on you
May the peace be upon you, too.
Mix up vinegar and olive oil
for me. I'll dress my wound.
Give aloe, herbalist. Vinegar
and. olive oil won’t fix that wound.
How do you know?
How could you recognize me?
I'm the one dressing wounds. I
wouldn't forget anyone I looked in the eye.
And the wound on your arm.
She's a very gifted healer.
Herbalist! Look here.
Give me.
Someone good with the
plants can't be from the city.
Are you from the mountains with
plants or the valleys with rivers?
Think about it as I'm from,
everywhere there's plant. J♪"
I'm from Selimzar.
I'm the daughter of llteber Bey.
So you're his daughter. Everyone
knows your father's courage and power.
Who do you help as a healer?
To the innocents, to the ones in need.
If Allah granted the remedy in the
plants and the science as our talent
we have to help the ones in need.
Your talent saved the
Sultan Meliksah's life.
Now, it's easy for you.
Now, every office
door is waiting for you.
I What's a higher office
jthan helping the state?
Forget having an office in this world,
I can even rest in a unnamed grave.
Only doing my job makes me happy.
Herbalist, give a cloth to tie this.
Wait, I'll bring some.
No need for more.
This will be enough for you.
You're right. You dress wounds, alright.
Excuse me now.
The aloe burns you.
But it heals quickly.
Hadrath Sultan Meliksah.
Hatun Hanim.
Thank Allah you are safe my Sultan.
Allah preserved you for our nation.
How are you Terken Hatun?
We depend on first
Allah then you, my Sultan.
What is this apocalypse my Sultan?,
Who would dare to do this?
Those who couldn't
face us in the battlefield
are disguising themselves
among us and betray.
We were so scared that something
terrible would happen to you.
Whoever has made this treacherous
plan will be told when it's time.
None of this would have happened
if measures were taken in time.
You're a world leader.
You're the ruler of the Seljuk Empire.
If you fall, the whole world will tremble.
The state is not dependent on us mother.
The flag won't fall,
even if the leader does.
Don't worry.
When my father Alparslan was martyred
..he left us behind.
The sons we'll leave behind
will make the state be forever.
Their arrows, daggers and the
clothes all belong to our army.
There has to be a trace.
We'll check meticulously.
There's a trace here.
What did you find?
Two-headed eagle
This is the seal of the Anatolian Turkmens.
What a shame..
Even they dared to take Sultan's life.
They are trying to avenge
the jailed Kilicaslan.
Are you deepening the
research that much TaculMulk?
We can't make a decision before we're sure.
Everything is so obvious!
This seal is their mark.
What you said now will
cause a war between brothers.
you want that?
What will happen to
the state's reputation
if we don't make them pay for it?
Even if this seal belongs to them
I won't allow that to happen
until I'm sure about everything.
You're one of our state's officers.
But the Divan-i Ala will
make the final decision.
What happened lions?
Where is our Kilicaslan
They were victorious
and Sultan Meliksah took
Kilicaslan as captive.
They killed Suleyman Shah first
and now they took our Kilicaslan Bey.
Now is the time to take,
revenge of our Bey! |
Put down your swords!
What's happening here?
Where's my brother Kilicaslan?
Meliksah jailed him
We tried hard not to give him but
We failed.
Meliksah has sworn
to diminish us Elcin Hatun!
Are we supposed to wait
like lambs to get slaughtered?
We were bound to him until today but
it is the time for revenge now!
Revenge or death!
Revenge or
Put down your swords!
Put them down!
we not going to take revenge
of our Beys, Elcin Hatun?
Anger makes a man lose his mind.
And a man without a
mind will die eventually.
We can't take any more losses.
Don't you know that
there's time for everything?
These swords are already
in our hands Elcin Hatun.
We can't be called brave if we
don't take the revenge of our Beys.
Even if you are afraid
and try to hide
we will not stop fighting for our cause!
is in this sword of my ancestor
Kutalmis' son Suleyman Shah.
And I have that sword in my hand!
I will decide its time.
You understand?
I speak for my brother Kilicaslan.
If you disobey me, you disobey him.
Now is the time to whey
our swords in patience.
Know that when it's time for revenge,
My sword will spill the first blood.
Go now!
Your lust for revenge will
choke you one day Meliksah.
Neither the rule of the heathen,
Nor the order of devil
Nor the order of devil
This world misses you Mighty Imam.
Your absence leaves it in need.
It is time to rule this
world with your might!
There are those who don't
surrender to the Batini cause
Their heads will fall!
The Selcuklu will be destroyed.
The glorious banner of the Batini will be
lifted on top of the ruins of their home.
Hadhrat Ibn-i Akdas
I have gotten rid of the evil that had
surrounded me in the land of the devils.
For our cause, we spread fear into the
heart of the head of the devils, Meliksah.
Our servants fell martyr.
Give me the command and I will bleed
and become a martyr like our servants.
We need you alive Hasan Sabbah.
You entered the house
of the devil for our cause.
The Imam high up in the seventh heaven
I obey you and know your value.
I seal this with our blood, and our prayer.
Your head is sacred,
like a sacrificial animal.
I gave you the command to train yourself,
and train soldiers for yourself
I had to, the soldiers I trained
would be trained by their teachings.
I felt like there was something behind it.
What did you understand?
They aren't just talking
about religion in their circles.
Religion is only a front for them,
they were behind the assassination too.
What is your proof for saying this?
I saw a messenger when I was there.
He came in with a brown belt, and
left with a belt with a different color.
I realized they were going to do something
to our Sultan when I saw the marks.
Did you leave any trace?
Are all dead.
Don't worry.
Except for your man.
How did you leave there?
You taught us how to fly like
a bird, and swim like a fish.
The attackers were disguised
in the clothes of our soldiers.
Marks of Anatolian
Turkmens were found on them.
That is a cause of war.
They are trying to
make us fight each other.
I have been suspecting that there
was something strange about it.
When I listen to your words, I deduce
that this was planned by the BatinisjB
They are the real danger.
They can get into any shape,
no matter where they are.
Did you manage to get the belt?
They destroyed it.
That belt could have been a
strong evidence in our hands.
Now it will be hard to
explain it to the Divan-i Ala.
Your wound is a mark
of victory, carry it as such.
It wouldn't hurt you, it would make you
feel proud whenever it would cause you pain.
The deeper the wound we have, deeper
we are among them, your highness Bas Dai.
It was our goal to gain the trust of
Sultan and Nizam-al Mulk have for us.
As you gain their trust, you will rise up,
Among them.
Now it's time to reap the
rewards of your sacred task.
They are going to make the decision
with Turkmens from Anatolia in Divan-i Ala.
And this will cause
them to fight each other.
We will rise, as the Selcuklu Empire falls.
Mighty Imam's cause will spread
and gain power in these lands.
Sultan likes me now.
And we prepared the ground to
make those devils fight each other, but
There is something else that concerns me
What is it?
Our soldiers were disguised
as Selcuklu soldiers. 1
There was no other way of
anyone else other than me knowing.
But someone came and
revealed the assassination attempt.
It is difficult for an outsider to notice.
Whoever it is, he is among us.
This person can even
ruin our plan to make the
Selcuklu Empire fight
each other on the inside.
I will send news to Dais so they can
increase security and control the servants.
If he is secretly among our ranks,
he will reveal himself at some point.
Tell me now;
Who was it that tried to
something foul in our capital city?
Clues show that it was
the Turkmens from Anatolia.
Do they want revenge for Kutalmis's
son Suleyman Shah and Kilicarslan?
Kutalmis1 son Suleyman Shah, we gave him
a command regarding the Anatolian conquest,
And he didn't obey and
instead started an rebellion.
We wouldn't want his end to be like that.
But if we didn't make him pay for it,
everyone would start a rebellion after that.
Anatolian Turkmens wouldn't
join him and start another
So that brothers wouldn't kill brothers.
How could they still dare
to do something like this?
The punishment of this foul attack should be given
to them in a way to show the power of our state.
Guilty people should be made examples.
What do you think?
Those who know our bad relationship
with Anatolian Turkmens, try to blame them.
They want us to fight each other.
If we act before we do our due
diligence, we will surely run into a trap.
He is being cautious with his
great experience, we respect that.
But, the proof is out there, my Sultan.
Tacul Mulk says; "The bait is obvious"
and you say "There is a fog before us"
Then who is the one that
placed that fog before us?
I suspect that Batinis
are responsible for that.
Why would they do this?
Is this not too big of an attack
for such a small community?
They may look small to
us, but they have deep roots.
I even suspect that they have
relationships with Fatimis, too.
Dear Haci is our state's
third eye and third ear.
Then he should show the proof to
the Divan-i Ala, so the fog will disperse.
The information I got is a
secret for now, Tacul Mulk.
A secret that the state
protects with great care.
If there are hunting dogs around, then there
is a hunter that holds their leash, too.
And we need that hunter.
We didn't take the sibling of Kilicarslan.
We will take him here and question him.
If Anatolians were behind this,
then he must have a finger in it, too.
And then, the fog will disperse, and
we will see the hunted, and the hunter.
They will resist in order not
to give up Kilicarslan's brother.
If you'll allow me, I would
like to take on this task.
Talented soldiers
should also go with Tapar.
As you command, my Sultan.
Even if you're the ruler of the world
I want that brave one to go with Tapar.
He proved that he can overcome everything,
With his firm wrist and his
mind that is sharper than a sword.
He is talented enough
to fulfill this task too.
As you command, my Sultan.
You only hinder me, old man.
But eventually everyone
will go along with me.
His Highness Emir. Your door was open.
I got worried when I
heard that you were angry.
Come, Hasan.
What made you angry?
If you need me to do
anything, I'm your man.
It's beyond you.
It's about the assassination of the Sultan.
I thought those idiots were determined.
We found proof but Haci Nizam
Al-Mulk says that someone else did it
Whoever they are, His Highness
Haci must have found proof.
He has, he says so. But it's secret.
Then it's very powerful people.
He must know something.
They're just a little sect.
What could they do?
I know his intention. He hates them.
Our Sultan is just. He will go after
the people that the proof leads to.
Of course he will.
First, Kilicarslan's sibling should come.
After we interrogate him,
everything will be understood.
Thanks. Thanks.
Thanks a lot.
Welcome Sencer Bey.
Welcome brave onces.
Atsiz Bey gathered
every brave one together.
He said it is better to die
like a wolf than hide like a bird.
First, he conquered Jerusalem
and raised the Selcuklu Sanjak.
Then, he raised the flag
in Damascus borders.
He conquered many lands
from Damascus to Egypt.
Well, as Atsiz Bey is a wolf, the
lands he stepped on became home.
Our Tribe is his Tribe. Now
you heard it and you know it.
You will memorize it well, so that
you may become a young wolf too.
Korkut Ata.
Oh, brave ones!
So you find your purpose in
life from Korkut Ata like us, huh?
Our Tribe will get bigger and our
lineage will expand with you, InshAllah.
Kids, let's go!
Korkut Ata.
Brother. We waited for you for so long.
Welcome brother.
Thank Allah, you look better!
Than you did when we left you.
My lions, My eagles.
Welcome to your Tribe,
to your home. Welcome.
Thank you, Korkut Ata.
Arslantas brother is good at companionship.
We didn't want him to be separate.
Now, we're together.
Live like your name Arslantas, son.
I consider you one of us, know that.
May every one of you live long.
You know what will happen
if it is heard that Meliksah,
Hides you here and you're
pregnant with his child.
As you know, son. I left
Taper at the Palace.
Don't make me get separated
with the kid in my belly.
If Kipcaks find you and take
you, and if your child is a boy,
They will want to have
a right to the throne.
Meliksah will be guilty for this.
This may even end in his execution.
What about my child?
If Meliksah thinks you are dead,
he can't take the kid to the Palace.
But as you know, they will kill
a child from a deported woman.
For this reason, Meliksah
will entrust the child to me.
And I will bring to you.
A child is a treasure for the dynasty.
If not today, there will definitely be a
time that his worth will be appreciated.
If you die, everyone will live.
But if you live, your son and the
man you love will be in danger.
My dear mother.
My son I fed with my breast milk.
Your mother would
sacrifice herself for you.
Ever since you left, I
have been suffering a lot.
Now that I hugged
you, my suffering is over.
You wait for me like this
whenever I go on a mission mother.
I worry abouty^u.
You look at me as if I could
get lost even when I am with you.
Well, son; you are my only security,
only source of pride, only strength.
I'm very scared that you will get hurt.
Look, this hunt meat was waiting for you.
Come, let's go to our tent
and I will give you food.
I'll give you ayran too.
It will cool you down.
Welcome. How is my
fatherland? I miss there a lot.
Thanks, my Sultan. Our lands are alright.
May Allah protect Karahanli Dynasty.
When we got the news, we came immediately.
When I lost a son, I stopped
trusting the nurses in the Palace.
I didn't want to leave my
son-to them with this worry.
You come from the same ancestors as me.
I wanted someone near
me whom I could trust.
Don't worry my Sultan,
we will be at your service.
You are my guests here,
don't worry about anything.
Make way for Head Hatun Seferiye Sultan!
What's happening? Who are these Hatuns?
They are midwife Hatuns mother.
As you know the birth is soon.
I called them from my homeland.
The great Selcuklu
Empire is at your service,
And you felt the need to call
them from Karahanli? Why?
I lost a son before.
I want to be more cautious from now on.
Forget these superstitions.
Dozens of kids were born in this Palace.
Isn't your grandchild's life important?
Of course it is.
But this is the Selcuklu lands.
Midwives and medicine are
of1 the highest quality here.
The Sultan's child can't be delivered by
someone that doesn't carry the Selcuklu blood.
The Sultan's child can't be delivered
someone that doesn't carry the Selcuklu
Stop bringing new traditions to the palace.
The delivery of the baby will be
done by the midwives of the Palace.
Send these Hatuns back to their homeland.
Look, you are hiding something,
I can tell from your eyes.
Tell me the truth, what happened?
In the square, they attempted
to assassinate our Sultan.
I got injured while I
was fighting to stop them.
Son, why did you throw
yourself into the frey like that?
What if you lost your live?
I had to mother.
If I hadn't done that, our
Sultan would have lost his life.
He isn't just our Sultan,
He is also my father.
Why did I keep our
secret for all these years?
Why did I suffer so much to keep you safe?
I endured hardships.
Look, I left a son in the palace.
I don't know
Maybe he is a strong, brave man now.
He doesn't know me.
I don't want to lose you too.
I don't have anything else
to depend on other than you.
Don't worry mom.
No man dies before their time.
And only Allah knows when he will die.
And we depend on Allah.
My Meliksah.
My Terken
You never give up on
the incenses and herbs.
You know what happened
I'm so scared that our
enemies will try to kill us.
My dear,
My dear,
Don't expect any good
to come from them.
Allah makes the choice.
If we were the only ones who
would have to face this terror,
I would face it head on.
However, there is our baby too.
I understand your concern.
You want to give me a healthy child.
That's what you are trying to do.
I am trying but
I can't do everything on my own.
Why can't you?
I called midwives because of what
happened before, as a precaution.
However, Seferiye Hatun
didn't give me permission.
Why didn't she?
Because the midwives I
called were from Karahanli.
She doesn't want them in this Palace.
Seferiye Hatun wants to protect the
traditions of the Palace, I don't doubt that.
However, I would never call someone
into this Palace who couldn't be trusted.
Of course I looked into them.
But I can't oppose Seferiye
Hatun no matter what.
She is the Head Hatun of our state
My mother wants to protect the Palace,
My mother wants to protect the Palace,
And my wife wants to protect my child.
May Allah get both of you close to me.
Don't sulk.
The midwives you called,
let them stay with you.
And what about Seferiye Hatun?
I do not wish her to get sad with me.
It is my enactment.
I'm grateful to Allah for the day that you
were written in my heart like an enactment.
The world is ruled by you.
But your heart is ruled by me.
And even a thousand world
could not compare to that.
Go on, I need to take care of something.
This must be something important.
Good day to you, herborist.
Are you fine?
Yes I am.
I'm sorry, run!
Why have you been following me?
I did not know that there was
an owner to these streets
It's Sencer.
You asked for it before,
my name is Sencer.
What is it that you want? Why
have you been following me?
I'm not following you
But for some reason, we always cross paths
Do we?
Of course we do, did you think otherwise?
Why would I want to cross paths with you?
You will answear that for me.
Okay then, I will tell you
Listen to it very carefully.
I don't know you, and you
are the one that follows me.
Now, stay away.
You dropped this.
If you listen to people first,
maybe you would realize
that not everyone that comes
after you seeks to harm you.
You did not leave yet?
Why are you still in the palace?
My Sultana, we were told that
we would stay in the palace.
Who told you that?
Who dares to say something
other than my orders?
Meliksah, our Sultan!
And what does that mean?
Did you talk about my
decision with our Sultan?
I'm not in a position to talk
about your orders with our Sultan.
I just explained the situation when our Sultan
asked about the situation of the midwives.
So among all these commotion, our
glorious Sultan asked about midwives?
You will be the one to give birth, so
do as you see fit" was what he told me.
I understand Terken Hatun, we
can do nothing but obey our Sultan.
Because in our tradition, someone bows.
Down to their Sultan only bends a little.
But someone that does not bow
down, lies on the ground beheaded.
As our eyes, what did you see
in the burrow of the demons?
And as our ears, what did you see?
Divan-i Ala assembled, and the marks
we left on our dead servants have worked.
evidence to hold the Turkmens
in Anatolia responsible for the
But that jackal called Nizam al-Mulk suggested that
there was a different order behind the assassination.
He might have talked about us.
We left no evidence on our
servants, why did he suggested that?
He said it was a secret in the assembly.
He probably has some
secret knowledge about us.
One of the locations of our
brotherhood was attacked.
The dai and the servants of
our brotherhood was killed.
And we could not find out who did it.
This has to be the doing of a spy.
It's the doing of the person
Nizam al-Mulk placed among us.
There is no way they could
have foresee the assassination.
What was decided?
Kilicarslan's sibling is
going to be questioned
Sultan will question him
and tell his final decision.
Why are we looking into the
Turkmens? A It's obvious this is a trap.
No, we are trying to prove that
Kilicarslan’s sibling is innocent.
If we question his sibling,
things will get worse.
Can't the state realize that?
Watch your tongue boy!
If ordinary people could understand the decisions
of the state, then they would build their own states!
Then tell me why are you
acting to make things worse?
I was there, I saw everything!
Does the walls in the
palace make the statejDlind?
I get it, I need to make sure
you know what "seeing" means.
Inform all the Dais, tell
them to take precautions.!;
We won't stop until we find the
spy Nizam al-Mulk placed among us.
Hasan will work in the palace,
and we will work outside.
O great Chief Dai, if those
demons decide to come after us
if you give the order, we, with our
daggers, will kill Meliksah and Nizam al-Mulk.
Nizam al-Mulk and Meliksah needs to live,
so he can earn their trust in the palace.
Our aim is to take control
over the heads of the state. /
We are still not out of options.
We can make a new move.
Where are we?
This is earth that we. hold in our hands.
Read what's written on the paper.
In Iznik's bazaar, I
spoke with a shop owner.
The troubles of the soldiers I!
Positioned in Constantinople.
So you think the state is
blinded by the palace walls?
See for yourself that state has
eyes outside of the palace, too.
Bring order to the east, then head west.
Don't let enemies harass Jerusalem.
Carry the caliphate Sanjak.
Then prepare for future generations'
conquest of Constantinople.
This is the secret to bring
order to all over the world.
You taught me these.
Anatolia is the sword that
can strike down Byzantine.
Whenever this sword gets close to striking,
a hand reaches out and pulls us back.
Batinis are that hand right now.
And Divan-i Ala is doing nothing
but making things easier for them.
This is why I'm angry.
The things you speak of have
been our goals for 40 years.
You take action according
to what you saw today.
But the state looks 100 years in the past, and
plans its moves for 100 years for the future.
How are you going to
stopthe turmoil in Anatolia?
When we interrogate Kilicarslan's sibling,
and find out he was not behind it
it will be revealed..
What we need is to bring
him here safe and sound.
That is the only way we
can bring down the Batinis.
Tapar was ordered by
Sultan Meliksah to bring him.
You will accompany him.
I told you that he marked you on his brain.
Haci, are you aware that the
more you try to keep me away
the more destiny gets me
close to my father and brother.
You will not get any closer, because
this will be your last duty here.
If not, we will have
to live in constant fear.
What do you think?
We have servants among
the Turkmens of Anatolia.
Let us send them
information, so they will attack
the ones that are accompanying
Kilicarslan's sibling back.
Turkmens of Anatolia are already on edge.
Our servants will find people
among them for their purposes.
That way, Meliksah will be sure that
the assassination was done by them.
There's more.
Melik Tapar will be commanding
the soldiers that go there.
Sultan Meliksah was not shaken
by the assassination attempt.
Let's see if his son's,
death will shake him.
That jackal made his move.
But his paw will be empty.
Our Sultan sends you on an
important^ mission because he trusts you.
Did you think otherwise?
No, but some people won't like
that you are rising among the ranks.
Thety will make you
and our Sultan fight.
Terken Hatun blames you for the attack.
How can she dare?
She said that you
were not careful enough.
Do not let her words effect you.
Her words are not important.
What's important
is that father trusts you.
Do not ignore Terken Hatun
She wants to have power, even
though she doe's not have a successor.
If she delivers a son, she
will be more fierce against us.
If she attempts anything,
she will get her answer.
Soon, there will be an Emir
against her instead of an Melik
that takes orders from his father.
First an Emir, and when
| the time comes, a Sultan.
May Allah give our Sultan a long life.
But when the time comes, I
will do the necessary thing.
Then you will be the head Hatun.
Come to me Melik Tapar
When I kill you, I will have
done a great service to our cause.
They're here, my Sultan.
Personal guards will escort you.
Someone we trust is leading them.
As you order, my Sultan. Don't worry.
Your task is not easy.
But you can handle it.
With Allah’s permission, my Sultan.
I'm ready for even harder tasks
First let the tree give fruits
and we won't let it rot.
May Allah help you on your way.
Are you the head guard?
Yes, your highness Melik.
Let's us be on our way,
we wasted too much time.
We will keep moving on the dawn.
Get ready.
you order.
My horse
My horse.
We've come so far and he wasn't washed.
He's royal, His Highness Melik.
His name is Cihangir.
Not many people have the
chance to have a horse like that.
And I could not have the
chance to be given a duty like this.
It's clear that our Sultan trusts you.
But I'm curious about how you earned it.
I'm a man of work, your highness.
I do my duties, and our
Sultan decides the rest.
I see, you don't like showing off.
When we were little, our father
would take me and my brother to hunt.
He taught us where the
game is, and where they hide.
Did your father teach you hunting, too?
My father
He taught me everything.
And the state, too.
When my father died,
state became my father.
Our state is vast.
It's father to some, and a mother to some.
Is your mother alive?
She is, thanks to Allah.
The state was my cradle.
I was brought up by it.
I'm now the Melik of
this great state, but
I always feel not good enough.
That's the smell of a mother.
I would like to know
the smell of my mother.
I lost her when I was little,
and when I smell the soil
I think it's as if my mother's smell.
May Allah protect our
state, who never left us alone.
Our forefathers have said that a son
couldn't do anything without an inheritance
and an inheritance wouldn't
be of any use if there was no state.
I will go check the
preparations if you excuse me.
There was a saying in
your Book of Government.
"The best leaders are the ones illuminating
like a candle with their knowledge."
"They guide the way with this light."
What if that light was out today?
I was in many wars in 20 years.
However, this is the first
time I felt so close to death.
Now tell me Atabi.
If it had been extinguished like this,
What would you do?
As long as there is
enough fire to keep it lid
The light will never be gone.
I thought about it the
day I got on the throne.
You showed the flame to
the right person that day.
Who do you think the right
person is today my Sultan?
My sons will show you when the time comes.
You have been seeing the skills of
Tapar and Berkerun for years my Sultan.
All my sons..
Melik Tapar!
We are here by the
orders of Sultan Meliksah.
What's wrong Melik?
What is the reason for you to be here other
then collecting taxes and spilling blood?
We are here to take
i Kilicaslan's sister. '
Where is she?
Her father was killed, her brother
was imprisoned, aren't those enough?
We won't let you take anyone
Why are we still letting them talk Melik?
Don't oppose us Alps.
You know the punishment of that
Will you murder us, too?
What do you think you are doing?
Stand back Hatun!
We are here to take Kilicaslan's sister.
Know your place!
I'm Kilicaslan's sister!
Elcin, daughter of Suleyman Shah!
Why is Sultan Meliksah calling me?
He will imprison you too.
Elcin Hatun, there were people
who tried to kill our Sultan.
Marks of Suleyman Shah's
soldiers were found on them. 4
Our Sultan wants to
interrogate you about that.
It'S a slander!
If we wanted to kill the Sultan
we would go into
the battlefield and fight!
Sultan Meliksah is not aware of it?
Is this a trick to wage war on us?
Elcin Hatun!
Know this, there will be
war if you don't come.
Our Sultan wants to make his
decision after interrogating you^
Even though there is evidence.
There is a big plot, Elcin Hatun.
If you go there, you won't be coming back.
If you say another word, you
won't be able to speak again.
Our Sultan doesn't want
bloodshed either Elcin Hatun.
That's why you have to come.
If you are innocent, it will be proven.
No one can stand any more
bloodshed between brothers.
I will tell Sultan Meliksah we
didn't have anything to do with this.
If he believes me, good.
If he does not, then it
will be his responsibly.
Wait here.
No one will follow me.
Usak, come with me
Now this is a matter of honour.
As long as we stay, they will attack us.
They took our leaders,
so we will lead ourselves.
We are ambushed!
Protect the horses!
My Sultan, you ordered for me.
They are running away, go after them!
Your highness Melik!
O my Allah, I hope this is a good sign.
Do not let me burn in your hell.
What are those?
Get down!
Either we will go towards the
arrows, or we will burn alive.
There is something bothering me, Haci.
Where is my son?
Next Episode