Vagrant Queen (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

A Royal Ass-Kicking



[guns clicking]

Ah, ah, ah
Drop it.
What do we have here?
That's a pretty major penalty.
Are you concerned about that?
'Cause we came here
to steal too.
-Shut up, Carl!
-Come on, guys.
Scavenger to scavenger,
this is my find.
[Nigel] Yeah,
scavenger honour code and all.
But, uh
I don't really care.
So we'll be taking that.
You look
I know your face.
I'm sure I do.
Karaoke bar on Crovax, right?
Do I look like I karaoke?
Well, I try not to judge
a book by its cover.
Carl over there,
face like a boar's ass,
voice of an angel.
It's a pleasure doing
business with you.
And that ship of yours?
We'll be taking that too.
-It's a classic.
Last chance to stop
being a dick.
Oh, sorry!
I missed the part where
you had a gun and I don't
and you have any say
in this whatsoever.

Oh, my gosh!

Sing for me now, bitch.
I can come up with a better
one-liner than that.
[laser zapping]
I'm gonna work on that.

Mom, no!

[computer] Boosters at 30%.
Ah, I heard you the last time.

[market din]
Are you kidding me, Vado?
This looks like junk, Elida.
'Cause it is junk,
junk that you asked for.
Look, this is Cibarian salvage.
It doesn't grow on trees.
Blood was spilt for that.
This stuff just doesn't go
for what it used to, okay?
Yeah, but you're offeringa fraction of what we agreed on.
Take the offer
or nothing at all.
Hey, it's always
a pleasure, Elida.

[otherworldly vocalizing]

Hook me up.
Bad day?
Vado ripped me off again, so
nothing out of the ordinary.
Vado, no way.
That was supposed to be
my big score.
Pretty sure I've heard
that before.
Not thinking of retiring,
are you?
Can't imagine a scavenger's
pension plan is any good.
I'm done with this
life on the run.
Getting as far away from any
semblance of my past sounds
-pretty damn good right now.
-Ah, look around.
Everyone here's running
from their past.
Nah, this one's on the house.
Thanks, Chaz.
Back to the grind.
Wherever you're heading,
be safe out there, El.
The Republic were spotted
this way recently, so
Those assholes think
they own the galaxy.
don't think I'm headed
anywhere anytime soon.
Boosters are fried.
Fancy that, you're in luck.
We've got a new mechanic
on the station,
so just mention my name.
She'll give you a discount.
And why is that?
Well, I've got
a number of photos
from her awkward teen years.
What are big brothers
for, right?
[Elida] Thanks, Chaz.
[tense instrumental]

[music playing faintly]
Ooh! Uh, um, I'm sorry.
You must be Amae.
That's me.
Uh, I'm sorry.
I'm closed.
Turns out no one this
side of the galaxy knows
how to take proper care
of their transformers
and I have a huge backlog.
But I could really use your helpgetting off the station.
Your-- your brother sent me.
Oh, well,
any friend of Chaz's
is someone
I'm instantly wary of.
What you got for me, then?

Uh I can repair it
for 1,000 units
or replace it for about 3,000.
Okay, so, uh
tape isn't gonna work anymore?
Oh. Mm-mm.
Look, I've got
an old S900 regulator
back at my shop.
It's not gonna last long
but it'll sort you out for now.
I can fix it in for half.
What's the catch?
You can buy me a beer
at my brother's bar later.
[menacing instrumental]

Xija Station is not responding.
Whoa, full house!
We got a full house!
Take it off.
As I get two back.
-[computer beeping]
-Oh. Shit.
Xija Station, receiving.
[soldier] This is first priority
Admiralty transmission.
Prepare to receive
our boarding party.
Suspend all departing flights
until further notice.
Yes, sir.
You're clear to land.
Oh, guys, I think I had
a little bit too much.
Oh, hey--
[soldier] Launch the shuttle.

[otherworldly vocalizing]
[alarm blaring]
[soldier] This is a message
from the Republic of Arriopa
All transportation
in and out of Xija
is temporarily suspended
while we search the station
for a fugitive.
Failure to comply
will result in your arrest.
This is a message from
the Republic of Arriopa.
All transportation
in and out of Xija
-is temporarily suspended
-The Republic
[soldier] While we search
the station for a fugitive.
We're out of time.
I can't believe this.
Have security lock down
the entire promenade.
Oh, I am waytoo high for this.
These Republic goons
have no jurisdiction here.
[menacing instrumental]

Greetings, most excellent
managerial staff
of Xija Station.
Love what you've done
with your hair.
Now, I know this is
highly irregular.
You can say that again.
We have a mutual
agreement here, commander.
You don't touch
Xija property
and we turn a blind eye
to the Republic's illegal
dealings here.
[humming quietly]
Oh, this was my father's.
Yeah, the craftsmanship
is sublime.
Now, if you move I might
accidentally poke an eye.

[humming quietly]
Our deference
to Xija Station will continue
once we're done
with our business.
We're in pursuit of a fugitive
and we've tracked her
-We have lots
of fugitives
from all over the galaxy.
Uh, but,
now this one is special.
The future of our republic
depends on her capture.
Do you have any objection?
We remain allies
of the Republic.
Now, if you'll excuse us

We have a queen to kill.
[airy pop music playing]

[muffled rumbling]
-[lasers zapping]
-[alarm blaring]
[man] The Queen's over here!
Eldaya, we must go.
What-- what's going on?
They're here.
Remember our drills?

[lasers zapping]
Go! We'll hold them back.

Hey! Let go!
-Run, Eldaya.

Hurry, Eldaya!
Mom, get in.

[man] Heading out so soon?
-Trust only yourself.
-Mom, no.
[man] So good to see you,
old friends.
No, Mom!
Mom, no!
[laser zapping]

Mom! Mom!
[Eldaya sobbing]

Hey, assface,
this is costing me money.
Could you hurry it up?
-[soldier] Back off.
-What the--
[soldier] Hey! Get back here!

[Elida screaming]
[soldier chuckling]
Well, let me out, then.
[soldier] I have a better idea.
I guess better is subjective
in this situation.
[soldier] See this next button?
It opens that there gate.
Happy flying!
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
wait, wait, wait,
slow down.
You know what,
Lazaro will be pissed
if you take this away from him.
[soldier] No,
I'll get my third star
and my own company
assault carrier.
Then I won't have to drive
around with Malcolm anymore.
I mean, I dented
the bumper once, once!
Now he won't let me
near the controls.
He's not my dad.
Man, you are so right.
But Lazaro has been dreaming
of killing me for 15 years.
You know, he'll kill you
if you take away
this one chance of closure.
[soldier] You're right.
[soldier] I'll deliver you
to him myself.
He'll be so--
[laser zapping]

You're welcome.
I had it under control.
Yeah, looked that way.
Such a poignant moment
for our reunion.
You, swimming in crap,
me, here to put you
back on your feet.
How about some helpful gravity?
Yeah, I can do this
You know, queenie
for somebody trying to hide
you damn well
make a show of yourself.
This place is off the map.
You'll be safe here.
They've always stayed out
of Xija business.
Lay low, Elida.
-Thanks, Chaz.
[club music pulsing distantly]
I may have played a small,
tiny part in why they're here.
Why doesn't that
surprise me, Isaac?
-I was selling you out.
Okay, wait, wait, wait,
that came out wrong.
Look, I sold them some
useless information
but they might have
followed me here.
-[Elida grumbling]
-Okay, okay, okay, so
led the Admiralty
-Not intentionally.
Look, I needed cash, and bad,
alright, I had nothing.
-When you took my ship--
-No, no, my ship.
My ship, claimed it the second
you put a bullet in me!
Oh, you are still
not over that, eh?
You shot me, Isaac!
Yeah, for which
I profusely apologized.
No, you never apologized!
Okay, fine.
I am sorry
that you made me shoot you.
Made you shoot--
You know what--
Elida, I was pissed
that you left.
But I know why you did.
Look, I was desperate,
and the Admiralty,
they offered me a bunch of unitsto get the hell off that place.
I'll be honest, I thought that
they might be able to get me
back to Earth, to Hanna.
Don't be so stupid, Isaac.
Nobody even knows
how to get to Earth
and even if it was possible,
what, you think selling me out
was a noble way to get
back to your wife, huh?
You think she'd be proud of you?-I gave them useless shit, El!
Nothing that would actually
lead them to you.
Current situation excluded.
Look, and maybe
I should have been a littlemore careful about getting here.
You are right.
I am stupid.
[club music thumping]

[soldier] Move. Move along.
Get out of here.
You, clear out.
What can I get you?
When I was a child
I took a swig from a bottle
in my father's liquor cabinet
I was very careful.
I even topped it
back up with water
to make sure he wouldn't notice
what went missing.
Turns out, he had
a security camera in his study.
He played me back the footage
of my misdemeanor
before giving me
a burning reminder
not to be a naughty boy.
Alright, so a beer, then?
Oh, you're wicked!
No, no
On duty.
Searching for a fugitive.
I'm hoping you can help me.
This is Xija.
Everyone and their
aunt's a fugitive.
Lot of travelling folk
passing by here, so
No, this one frequents
here often.
Elida Al-Feyr.
[tense instrumental]
Must be quite draining to meet
so many new people
day in, day out.
I can understand
your momentary lapse of memory.
If say you were
to remember this fugitive
it would be met
with benevolence,
not punishment.
Like I said,
lot of people pass by here.

I think you've been lying to me.
Naughty boy.
And there are severe punishmentsfor royal sympathizers.

This is gonna hurt
a lot more than
it's gonna hurt me.

[Elida] So
after you decided to stop
freeloading off the guys who
killed my entire family
and burned my home
you thought you would
stop off and what,
-we'd be best buddies again?
-Well, to be honest,
I really didn't
wanna see you again.
But I learned some things
while I was there that you
need to know so I leftand I came here to wait for you.
What things, Isaac?
We gotta talk somewhere safe.
-We gotta get to Peggy.
-To who?
Uh, the Winnipeg?
My ship?
Yeah, I saw you talking to
a mechanic, so please tell me
that it was just to install
a new coffee cup holder.
That thing's
a piece of crap, Isaac.
Wow, she was running perfectly
the last time I saw her.
Oh, no, no, don't you try
to blame this on me, numbnuts.
Do you know how much tape
I found holding
those thrusters in place?
Okay, you don't know what
you're talking about,
'cause that's how we
fix things on Earth
and it works every time,
so if she's not working now
it's something you've done!
Amae's shop
is on the East wing
but they've got
the place covered.
I can get you out of here
-there's just one condition.
You are in no position
to be negotiating.
Well, neither are you,
so I want Peggy back.
Wait, you didn't warn
me about this earlier
because you wanted me
in this position.
Wow, you know,
you had me for a second.
-I needed a chip at the table.
-[Elida] Mm.
But that does not mean
that I'm not true to my word.
I can help you to get
out of here, I just--
-I need--
[Elida] I'm not as stupid
as you look, asshole.
And I don't need your help.
[strained] Wait
-There's something else.
-[door slamming]
[marketplace din]
[soldier] Identification. Now.
[soldier] Clear to go.
[tense instrumental]
I wouldn't do that, my Queen.
You shoot and there will be
20 more here in seconds.
C-come with us.
No thanks, creep.
We are loyal to the crown,
to the true Arriopa.
Please give us
a moment of your time.
-[alarm beeping]
-[soldier] Get out of here.
Mm-mm, no.
No, no, no, no, hey.
No, get up. Yeah, there you go.
We've been searching
for you far and wide,
holy queen Eldaya.
we are loyal servants
of the crown.
I betroth my life to you.
[Elida] Okay, there's a reason
I wanted to stay hidden,
and it's Elidanow, by the way.
Our guardian of
the House of Bel-Ior.
-Empress of the third spiral--
-No, okay, no, no, no.
If I'm so important to you
you would do exactly what I said
and shut up right now, okay?
You'll have
to forgive our enthusiasm.
When you disappeared
we feared the worst.
No. No, no, no, no.
I escaped.
And I'm not a queen,
not anymore.
-Well, theythink you are.
The Republic
and Commander Lazaro will stop
at nothing to find you
and kill you.
Yeah, well I've been running
from them pricks for 15 years,
-so nothing new.
-There's no reason
to do that alone.
You have a loyal army here
to help protect you.
Protect me?
The way you protected my mother?

There's not a day that passes
that I don't mourn your mother.
The colony had no warning
of the attack.
This is what she wanted,
for you to live amongst
your people,
loyalists of true Arriopa.
The Arriopa you knew is dead.
[crowd gasping & groaning]
Oh, gosh,
come on, guys, get over it.
The monarchy is dead.
The revolution
destroyed everything.
They took my crown,
and guess what?
I got over it.
You love the crown so much,
-why don't you take it?
-My light divine,
-we are not of royal blood.Oh god, my light divine, really?
Look, I am not your nightlight
in this shitty darkness.
And if you're not gonna
help me get off this station
-then I guess we're done here.
-Of course we'll help you!
It's why we're here.
They have all the docks
on lockdown right now.
We can't get you back
to your ship,
but we have an unmarked
star drifter
in the lower berth.
We can get you to safety.
Star drifter, that's an upgrade.
I guess Isaac's
gonna get his precious
-Peggy back after all.
-What's that?

Again, Eldaya.
[Young Elida]
I don't want to, I'm tired.
You've got this.

Ow, Hath!
-I taught you better than this.
-I wish you were
still surrounded by the comfortsand luxuries of your childhood,
but that is not
the life you lead now.
Why can'’t we just,
I dunno, disappear?
Go somewhere where
the Republic can'’t find us?
You'’ll never be safe from them.
-The foreseeable future
will be a battle
for you, my love.
And we must
prepare you for that.

Your training is paying off.
It'’s because I don't get
to do anything else.
Normal teenagers
have friends, Ma.
Normal teenagers
are not queens.
With friendship comes trust
and that is something you can
never afford to give, my love.
Rest up.
You have target practice
in the morning.
[synth pop plays]

[electrical whirring]
-[music powers down]
Helping a fugitive escape,
that'’s a serious offence
little lady.
-Where is she?
-Oh, my crackers,
do you have any idea
how dangerous it is
unplugging a grinder fromthe mains
whileit'’s being used?
-[soldier] Wrong answer.
-Wait, um
No, no, no, no, no,
they're alphabetized
Now that you'’ve
successfully mixed up
my eight-inch needle-nose pliers
with my ten-inch groove joints,
are you satisfied
that she'’s not here?
We haven'’t checked everywhere.
What? Oh, really?
Cool. Okay, yeah.
[soldier] And you are?
Uh, just a customer.
Carry on.
[soldier] Oh well.
Looks like we'’re just
gonna have to
take him for questioning.
Really? Come on.
Where'’s my ship?
The Winnipeg?
Big, old, beautiful.
Oh, crap.
This wasn'’t a part of the plan.


I'’m Isaac, by the way,
old friend of Elida'’s.
Don'’t suppose
you know where she is?
We'’re completely off the grid.
A launch
won'’t set off any alarms.
-[Elida] Where are we going?
-[Dengar] Our base camp.
A few hops away.
I'’m sorry my Queen,
I can'’t tell you more.
Not here.
Our people gonna be
so excited to see you!
-[Elida chuckles weakly]
Greetings Xija!
The Republic thanks you
for your patience.
While the search
for the fugitive continues,
please be advised
that any and all
monarchy sympathizers
shall receive
severe punishment--
Your assistance in this matter
is greatly appreciated.
That is a good move, Lazaro.
Goin'’ after the one person on
this station Elida would save:
her bartender, right?
That-- that'’s my brother.
Your majesty, we must leave now.There is no time for this.
-I can'’t leave Chaz like this.
-My queen, he seems like
a lovely bartender,
but we must go.
There'’s only
a small chance that--
Just go without me!
You heard what he said,
he'’ll kill any monarchy
sympathizers. Just go.
That'’s very noble of you,
courageous. I love that!
It-- It'’s just thatthe entire colony needs you more
-than this one man.
-I'’m so sorry--
Woah, woah, woah, hold on.
You go running off like this,
you'’re gonna ruin my plan.
They'’re just using your brother
as bait to get to Elida.
Justbeing used
as bait? Uh, why?
Look, no offence, but we really
don'’t have time for this.
Listen here,
I know every nook and cranny
on this station and there'’s
no way I'’m letting these
Republic goons
get away with this so,
-maybe I'’ll help you out, hm?
Why is my brother being used
to capture a scavenger?
-Here'’s the thing
That scavenger is actually
the Queen of Arriopa.
Well, she was before the revolt.
Yeah, she'’s been on the run
from the Republic since
-she was a little kid.
-Hm. Queen? Wow, okay.
Elida is a lot of things.
I'’m-- I'm far too much
of a gentleman to mention,
but she'’s loyal
and they know that she'’s
gonna go after your brother.
Okay. Well, we need a plan.
Yeah, that'’ll just
come to me in a moment.
[clears throat]

[Amae] You take the bigger one.
Won'’t be a perfect fit,
but you can slouch.
I like where your head'’s at.

You-- you hit me.
You hit a queen.
It sounds terrible
when you describe it that way.
How else would you describe it?
There was a small hiccup
in our plans.
I do not want to be
your queen, okay? So, just--
-just let me go.
You could produce an heir.
You'’re the last
of a royal bloodline.
Do you not hear the crazy?
Okay, alright. Ihred, right?
That'’s your name.
-I should tell you something.
-[Ihred gasps]
[Elida whispers]
Yeah. Come, come.
Little bit closer.
You learn a thing or two
in the scav business
Sleep tight, my loyal subject.

You'’re making this
very difficult.
Uh, Your Highness,
Nim believes
supporting the throne
is supporting
the Queen'’s decisions.
Well, even if that decision is
not to be Queen.
-Thank you.
-We get Chaz now.

it'’s just the two of them.
-Nim'’s got this.
-[whispers] Okay,
let'’s go over the plan.
Nim, Nim!

-Hello officers.
-[soldier 1] Move along.
Wait. How might
Nim apply to become
an Admiralty officer?
[soldier 2]
What'’re you? Three feet?
You could fit easily into
the sewerage pipes.
-Give 'em a good cleaning.
-[Nim] Ooh.
-[soldier 2] Move on.
-[Nim grunts]
-I'’m small, nimble,
-good for sneaking--
Nim could be an asset.
[soldiers chuckle]

[soldier 1] Hey!
Hold still,
shrimp won'’t stop moving.
-[soldier 2] You shot me, Neil!
-[Neil] Sorry!
[Nim grunting]
-[Nim grunts]
-What was that?
You totally went off book.
Nim is a black belt in improv.
-[soldier grunting]
[soldier 2] No, please.
-I won'’t say anything.
-Ah, see, here'’s the thing
we need you to do just that.

[soldier] Sir,
live podcast from sector 4B.
[soldier 2] Commander,
we'’ve detained a fugitive.
Oh, my
Reunited at last.
-Bring her here.
-[soldier] Um, help required
bringing her in, sir.
She said there'’s
a large loyalist colony
on the station
and they'’re heading this way.
She'’s a dirty liar,
[soldier 2] Thought so too, sir,
but looks like there'’s
a hidden ship below her.

[Lazaro] Move out!
[menacing house music plays]

[Isaac] You think that
they would design
these uniforms differently,
you know? Like, if you'’re gonna
have all your officers
in the same uniform,
maybe don'’t make it
so easy to infiltrate.
[Amae] This thing stinks.
They should really use sanitizerbetween every use.
[air hissing]
Oh, god. You got this, Amae.
You'’re an officer.
You got top marks at
officing school.
-You ready?
-Yeah! Let'’s go!

[Isaac] We need to
transfer the prisoner.
-[soldier] Why?
-Because he'’s wanted for more
-questioning on the fugitive.
-[soldier] Fugitive
was just found.
Bringing her in now.
[Isaac] Is she uh--
fugitive alive?
[soldier] Dunno. So again,
why do you need this prisoner?
[Amae] Uh, um
[Isaac] Sold me
some bad Kromuline dust.
Stuff was weak as shit.
Would like to uh, teach him
a lesson. Catch my drift?

[Amae] I win
best sibling award this year.
-[heavy footsteps]
[menacing house music plays]

You played a part
in this trickery.
No sir, she--
she had help.
They made me make the call--
The simple answer is, "“yes"”.
What do they say, um, beforesuch a great performance? It'’s--
Break a leg.
I know, I'’m a little late
on the sentiment.
[groaning in pain]
Find her.

You and Chaz should hide.
They'’re gonna be taking Elida
to the Republic shuttle.
-I have to go.
-[Elida] Hey, uh
where you taking that prisoner?
[Isaac] Our commands are on
a need-to-know basis.
Uh, where ya going
with that one?
Uh, same, uh,
need-to-know basis, thingy.
Go, Republic
[Isaac & Amae] Go, Republic.
[Elida] Okay, playtime'’s over.
The prisoner. Now.
[Isaac] What'’s this about?
Hey, that'’s not even
a real prisoner.
[Elida] No shit, asshat.
What the hell? Isaac?
-What'’re you doin' here?
-We'’re trying to save you!
I know you'’re a mechanic
and all, but there'’s really
-no fixin'’ this piece of crap.
-Yeah, he'’s a total nincompoop
but, he helped me out
when some Admiralty goons
-came knocking for you.
-Nim is confused.
We all had the same idea.
I mean, they really gotta
reconsider these uniforms;
this is just way too easy.
-[Ihred grunting]
-There you go.
She's not as, uh,
cool as I thought she'd be.
-We failed.
-We must find her.
-Dengar, Ihred!
The Admiralty are on this level.We must leave now.

There she is.
Okay, come on.

I'’m taking my ship back and
getting'’ the hell outta here.
Look, I didn'’t get to fix
the new regulator in,
so you start that thing up now
and your diffuser'’s
-gonna blow the distribution.
vernacular we understand, Amae.
-Ship'’s not going anywhere.
-I like where this is going.
I can manually distribute the
power to shut off the thruster.
-Really sis, help us out.
-I can do it.
I just need to be
on the ship when you take off.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
It'’s too dangerous
for you to come. I can'’t have
more blood on my hands.
Nim thinks you should
save the chit-chat
for a bit later.
We have bigger problems.
I'’ll give you cover
from the platform above,
take out as many
of these goons as I can.
You call me the second
you land somewhere safe.
-I'’ll come get you.
-See you soon, bro.

Uh, Nim believes saving Elida
gets him a free ride outta here.
Oh yeah, you'’re good.
You, not so much.
Goodbye Isaac.
-Elida, please, we need to talk.-Or what?
-What, you'’ll shoot me again?
-Woah. What'’s that now?
It is not how it sounds.

Okay, it'’s exactly how
it sounds.
But, this is not about my ship.
it'’s your mother.
She'’s alive.

I made a mistake
selling you out.
But, it led me to this.
It's my mother's.
Who gave this to you?
No. I promise
I will tell you everything
and help you get to her.
I just want Peggy back.
My ship, for your mother. Deal?

Let'’s go.

[dreamy synth music plays]

[laser fire]

Show off.
[laser fire]

-You okay?
Oh, now you worry
about me being shot?
Nim make boom!
[explosion rumbling]
He can stay.
Nim! Let'’s go!
C'’mon, c'mon.

[Amae] I'’ll get to
the engine room.
-[laser fire]

-Nim! C'’mon!

-Leave him, El.
Look at this.
Queen Eldaya Al-Feyr,
responsible for yet another
innocent life.
Let him go.
Of course.
You know the trade.

There are still those
who believe in you.
It was Nim'’s honour.
Yeah, that'’s a beautiful
sentiment but really, I--

Long live Elida!
[emotional instrumental plays]

-El, I don'’t--
-Sit down.
-Amae, ready?
[engine powering up]
Should I call the Admirals?
Anyone else? Any smart ideas?
[menacing instrumental plays]
What has she done to you?
I'’m so sorry about Nim.
Didn'’t really know him.
Can'’t afford to know anybody.
Well, that'’s not fair.
Thank you. For all of your help,Thank you.
You'’re welcome.
Station Emthree is not too far,
we can get you to safety soon.

-So, um--
-[clears throat]
I noticed a couple names
back there.
Is it Elida, or Eldaya?
Eldaya was my royal name.
I changed it to stay hidden.
-[Isaac snorts]
No, no, that is
a great undercover name.
That is completely stealth.
-Where are we going, Isaac?
-Republic space.
I could guess that much,
it'’s not a small area. Where?
Last time I saw you,
you left me stranded
on a remote planet. I'’m keeping
whatever cards I have left
close to my chest for now.
You'’re an asshole.
No, I'’m a lawyer
and a good one.
-[electricity crackling]
-[alarm blaring]
-That wasn'’t me.
No, we'’ve lost
the back-up piston.
The Weeniepack'’s not gonna
make it to the next station.
It'’s Winnipeg.
Win-ni-peg. Winnipeg!
How can nobody get that right?
We have to land
before I can fix it.
I'’ll find the nearest planet.
Oh! Hang on tight!


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