Vampires (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

A High School Girl Like Any Other

[Gabor] Hey! Where did you
come from? [grunting]
[Gabor groaning]
[Martha] Andrea.
You stay here. All right?
Csilla Nemeth!
Where is Redouane?
[Csilla] Stop! Don't do this.
[pants then screams]
[Csilla grunting]
[Martha] Where's my man?
I don't understand.
You know where he is.
I know it was you. Where is he?
Stop, Martha!
- Did you kill him?
- Stop it!
Where is Redouane?
Stop it!
What did you do to Redouane?
Stop, Martha!
[Martha] Don't you ever touch my family.
Do you hear me?
[groans, then screaming]
[Csilla] Gabor, stop her!
[Martha] Come on.
Let's go home.
[hip-hop music plays]
[Bibadeau] Right. Absolutely.
- Okay, Doina.
- [bell ringing]
I imagine you know why
Doina! [snaps fingers]
You know why you're here.
And your parents?
My mother apologizes.
She had to leave urgently.
So, I'm the one handling it.
What do you mean?
I'm the one handling it.
No. I want to meet your parents.
- My father died and my mom travels a lot.
- Really?
Yes, really.
Actually, she brought you back a gift.
No, listen, it's very nice, but
[Doina] She did say
it was for my principal.
We're going to stop lying, you and I.
I read your file.
We're in Belleville here.
I have kids from Syria, China,
Afghanistan, Mali, hundreds of files,
dozens of undocumented families.
We know how it is.
In my school, we don't rat people out.
Your French test is coming up.
I can't enroll you
without official papers.
Mm. [scratching]
Huh? But we can help.
So, what we're going to do
I'm going to take your address.
Give me your address.
[bell rings]
[cell phone buzzing]
Yes. Moji?
- [Moji] Hello?
- Yes?
What are you doing? Where are you?
I'm home. Why?
Everybody's there, I swear.
Nacer's there and he's on his own.
- What?
- It's tonight or never.
Why didn't you warn me? It's too late.
For once, do it, go out.
Doïna Radescu.
For your mother.
[doorbell buzzes]
[dog whines]
Andrea, are you okay?
And you, are you okay?
A sketchy guy in the courtyard
gave me this.
- What is it?
- I don't know.
- It's the Community's logo.
- What?
Wait. It's not for us. It's for Mom.
Hi there.
Hey, the door.
- The sun.
- [Andrea] Sorry.
Thanks. Not everyone's like you guys here.
- [Andrea] You okay? You slept well?
- Yes, I'm okay.
What's up, you two?
You messed up?
Is that it?
[Doina] Here.
What is this?
Where is this from?
A guy in the courtyard gave me this.
He wore a mask and he was following me.
He said, "It's for your mother."
[Martha] Csilla Nemeth.
I knew she would be back.
Who is it?
It's them?
What's going on?
None of your business.
Where are the big kids? Downstairs?
Rad's at work and Irina's gone out. Why?
All right.
I'm going to go out, too.
Have dinner and take your meds.
And guard the house.
I think I'll go out, too.
No. Since when do you disobey Mom?
[Doina swallows]
You have no idea. I need to go.
Nacer's there.
I just can't.
The school year's over.
It's my last chance.
Hurry up, then.
I swear I'll be back before Mom. Okay?
Don't sulk.
We need to talk.
Mom, you slept well? You look great.
Don't start. I'm in no mood.
Is your sister here?
[rock music playing]
You like that?
[Martha] You have to leave us, young man.
I'll go take a shower.
Good idea.
Which one of you spoke to the Community?
Don't take me for an idiot.
Nothing for 17 years,
and suddenly Csilla Nemeth summons us.
It's not coming out of nowhere.
- Who contacted whom?
- [Irina] It was me.
I needed fake papers again.
[Martha] Why did you do that, Irina?
Because it's complicated when you look 30
and your ID card says
"Chantal, born in 1960 in French Algeria."
Then you talk to me.
We take care of it on our own,
- like we always do.
- Mom,
we've done it on our own for 17 years,
and it's chaos.
We can't deal anymore.
It's since you declared war on Csilla.
We're broke.
I'm paid under the table.
The house is crumbling.
She's right. We're not managing anymore.
We must rejoin the Community.
What about Andrea?
And Doina? What happens to them?
You're letting them
She's not like us.
She doesn't care about Csilla.
I'm getting fed up.
I'm a pariah in my own community
while your darlings cavort in the sun.
I can't help it if they're different.
Nobody will answer the summons.
Not you and not me.
If you talk to Csilla Nemeth again,
don't come back home.
You're no longer my kids.
[electricity crackling]
[Doina gasps]
[breathing heavily]
[elevator squeaks]
[Doina] There you are.
[Moji] I'm so happy to see you.
I've been waiting for so long.
[woman singing in French]
What are you looking at?
Come on.
Nacer's being handled by Clarisse.
And you let it happen?
I'm your spy, not your bodyguard.
[woman singing in French]
You want some?
Here you go.
[group] Go, Doina! Go!
Smell it.
Smell the shirt and say a name.
Come on.
Go on.
[whispers] Nacer.
[group] Say a name! Say a name!
Don't overthink it.
[Doina] I don't know. I really don't.
Really? I don't believe it.
Take that off.
You want a taste?
Even if it's forbidden, drink.
- [Moji] No.
- What the hell?
- Put the bottle away.
- Just chill out.
Doina doesn't drink. She takes meds.
[Clarisse] Let her live a little.
She knows what's good for her.
You can if you want to.
There you are.
- [boy 1] It's her bottle.
- [boy 2] She set it down.
[Moji] Doina.
Go, Doina.
- [boy] Go on, drink!
- [girl] Drink!
[all] Drink!
[Moji] Really. Are you serious?
[group chanting] Doina! Doina! Doina!
[crowd cheering]
What the fuck?
- [Moji] What did I tell you?
- Gross!
[Moji] What do you mean "gross"?
You made her drink. Now it's disgusting?
You made her drink.
You're an asshole.
Fuck, guys. Look at this.
What's this color?
An alien's in your stomach?
Stop the camera. Think it's a movie?
- Stand up.
- [Clarisse] I'll send it to my friends.
You need to chill out.
I've had it. It's disgusting.
Come on.
You're heavy. Help me out.
Get your head off me.
[Martha] What's going on? You went out?
[Andrea] Help me, please, Mom.
What are you doing?
What's up?
Oh, God.
- Who reeks of alcohol?
- It's her.
It's you? You smell of throw-up.
- You threw up your meds?
- Who knows?
I didn't check what was in it.
- [groaning]
- [Martha] Doina, take them again. Please.
You can't drink. You know that.
You don't know what you're risking.
You can't act like your friends. Ever.
I'm not going back to school anyway.
What are you talking about?
I'm fed up.
I'm fed up with your fucking medication.
Look at what it's doing to me.
- Don't overdo it.
- I'm mortified.
Three spots.
It's not much for your freedom.
What do you mean three little spots?
I'm covered with them.
And freedom? I'm not free
I can't do anything I want to do.
Don't act like a teenager.
All right?
The medication protects you.
Your father did it for you.
So you can have a normal life outside.
Trust me, your life
is a dream compared to mine
and Rad's and Irina's.
It was a bad day.
But you'll sleep well.
Tomorrow will be better.
Come on. Take them, please.
Take them, please.
Tell your ex-friends
to stop stalking me, please.
Excuse me?
The guy in the ski mask,
why is he following me around?
Forget about it. I'll handle it.
[Andrea] Are you done puking?
If you want to stop
taking the meds, you can.
Are you nuts?
I don't want to become like them.
You wouldn't.
- Remember when I went to Algeria?
- Mm.
When I went there searching for Dad,
I'd forgotten the bag of meds.
I got to the hotel in a panic,
not knowing what to do. In the end,
I woke up the next day, nothing.
I could still stand the sun.
I haven't taken the meds since then,
and look: nothing.
- You're messing with me?
- No.
I don't believe you.
You think I've stopped aging?
Tell me. I've bulked up some.
I'm faster on my feet? Huh?
[Andrea chuckles]
You thought if you stopped
taking the meds, you'd change?
It's genetic. We don't have the gene.
We're like Dad. We're not like them.
What are we taking meds for then?
That's Mom's crazy schemes.
All it does is ruin your looks,
make your life suck
You can't drink.
I swear it doesn't do anything.
[man] There you go.
[woman singing in French]
Yes, I like it.
[Rad] Any news from the old man?
[Irina] Are you okay?
You still got this dirty job.
Look who's talking.
[teacher] Doina, the test
is on your paper, not on you.
I'm feeling kind of hot.
Me, too.
[man] Go on.
Stop it.
Look at this. It's perfect.
See, here.
What are you doing?
[student] Be careful.
- [Moji] Let me pull up your T-shirt.
- [gasps]
[teacher] Focus on what you're doing.
She's going to puke again.
She's going to, trust me.
What did you say?
Are you okay, bitch? Are you sure?
What's your problem?
You want to puke?
[Moji] Doina.
- Let it go.
- Just tell me.
Come on.
Let it go. Come on.
I've got it. Let go.
[boy gasps]
[student] Check this out.
She can do this?
- [whistle blows]
- [teacher] Hey!
Are you okay?
Are you out of your mind?
[girl] You're crazy!
Doina, take your stuff and leave class.
Get out of here.
Leave class. Go on. Get lost!
[student 1] That's crazy.
- [student 2] Did you see that?
- [student 3] Look at her.
I can't believe she did this.
No way!
[student] Don't mess with her.
[Nacer] Hey!
You grew up in the jungle, huh? [chuckles]
I defend myself, too.
I sometimes get pissed off.
Do you know why I repeated 11th grade?
You had an accident?
Yeah, but that wasn't the worst of it.
The worst was other people's gaze.
Everybody looked at me with pity.
Everybody treated me
as if I was contaminated.
But this year, everything's fine.
That's why I'm saying, just chill.
It will pass. Don't worry.
Today you're
a monster.
And the next you're a queen.
Maybe the queen of monsters.
Tomorrow night we go to the pool.
You have to come.
[whistle blows]
[Rad] Mommy dearest
You're not mad?
Exceptional vintage.
from Kobe beef.
Hold it closer.
Last time I slipped.
Not too much.
Okay. Tomorrow, I'll go see Csilla Nemeth.
No. We'll go see Csilla Nemeth.
- [Martha] No.
- We're summoned together.
No. I'll handle it in private,
just the two of us.
Fuck, Mom. I don't believe it.
You want us to go down or what?
Who's the matriarch here, you or me?
You want to be the head of a family?
Find a guy and make your own kids.
- Yes.
- Yes?
Explain how, since the only guy
of my race I'm near is my brother.
[Martha] Darling, I don't know.
Do what you can.
Like I did.
[Irina] Fuck this!
You're a joke.
[dog panting]
Nacer looked at me today.
He talked to me.
I don't know what's different.
It's as if I existed.
I think something's starting to change.
- [barking]
- And so he came to me, and he said
[Doina] How's it going?
What are you doing here, begging?
You, shut up.
- [Doina] You're going out?
- Yes.
Can I come with you?
[Doina] Yeah!
- [screams]
- You're a fucking jerk.
Let's do it.
- [Rad gibbering like a monkey]
- [Irina laughs]
[Rad] I'm starving.
[Doina] Where are we?
[Irina] Let's keep moving.
Where are you going?
[Doina] Wait for me.
[Rad] Hey, look over here!
Over here!
I'm starving!
[low growling]
[Irina laughs]
[animals barking and squealing]
I'm going to eat yours.
[animal howls]
[Doina] Hey.
What are you doing here?
[inhales deeply]
[Rad] No, idiot. Don't kill them.
There are lots of them.
Nobody counts them.
[Rad] We have to split.
Day is dawning.
Are you okay?
I think we've traumatized her.
Do you stink real bad or do I?
I'll just take this off.
[doorbell buzzes]
You okay, Mom?
Why go to the Nemeths'?
- What?
- Don't lie. I read the letter.
I'm summoned, so I'm coming.
No. You stay out of it.
You're not one of them.
No. I'm not like them, okay,
but you need me.
Listen to me,
the last one who dealt with the Nemeths
was your father.
That's why your father died.
What? My father died in Algeria.
That's what you told me.
All I do is to protect you.
You were pulling my leg the whole time?
No, I didn't, Andrea.
Stay out of all this.
Don't do what he did. Please.
You have papers.
You're the only one in the family
who exists officially.
Use it, instead of selling smokes
and snooping on your mom.
Go on.
Go. I'll figure out
how to get back on my own.
[horn honking]
- [Zelda] Where are we going?
- [Moji] What is this?
[Zelda] This place is completely crazy.
It's a great facility.
People like it.
I'm excited.
It's like the savanna.
Hey, wait for me.
Where are you racing to?
[Hugo] Oh, no. They closed it.
- [Clarisse] It wasn't worth coming.
- [Nacer] Let's split, then.
Wait a minute.
Go on. Step back.
[Clarisse laughs] Oh, fuck.
[Nacer] She never told us
she was going to the gym.
Come this way.
Leave the door open.
That's cool.
- [Doina] Isn't this great?
- Amazing.
Look at this.
Let's get wet.
Whoa, cool!
- [Clarisse] We have no bathing suits.
- No need.
There you go.
Let's get in.
Don't pressure me.
Hurry up.
Come on.
[Doina] Quick.
That's terrible.
[girl whoops]
[Zelda] Come on, let's get in.
I can't. I have my period.
[chattering and whooping]
Seventeen years.
Even for us, it's a bit long, no?
Get closer.
Where are your children?
They were summoned.
All four of them.
Irina's request
- was for the whole family.
- Yes,
but I came alone
to talk to you.
Talk to me? How?
Like the last time?
I don't hold a grudge.
I could never blame you for anything.
You want to touch?
Touch it.
You came to tell me what?
My older two,
Irina and Rad,
you can take them back.
Give them papers. Give them work.
They're eager.
But my younger two and me,
we stay apart from it.
No. You're back in my Community
under my orders.
No. My little ones have nothing
to do with this.
Don't touch them.
Don't go near them.
You'll never change.
Still as stubborn.
Like when you got pregnant
by your Redouane.
Now you have two bastards
who could betray us at any time.
Andrea and Doina, no risk.
They're reliable. They're loyal.
And they know next to nothing
about the Community. They won't betray us.
[electricity crackling]
Want to come in?
You're crazy.
How do you know my name?
Ladislas Nemeth.
- Never.
- Let's grab a drink.
Don't touch me.
Then back to your mother.
I'm not going to eat you.
[Andrea] What are you doing?
Talk to me about your baby.
I've heard she's remarkable.
Doina? No. She's normal.
No trouble.
She's a regular high-school kid.
That's not what Ladislas tells me.
- You remember my son?
- Hmm.
I sent him with the letter.
She must have caught his eye,
your little darling.
Because he had fun
following her pretty much anywhere.
Night and day.
He tells me she's special.
- Very special.
- No.
Special in a hybrid way.
Not at all. She's completely normal.
She's like her father, like her brother.
What about at night,
when she goes to the zoo to drink blood?
What's this?
That's not my daughter.
That's impossible.
We'll see about that.
You're going to bring her to me here.
Or else
I'll go and get her myself.
[girl] Wait for me!
[breathing hard]
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
Are you sure?
Are you okay?
We better get out.
[man 1] Hey! What's going on here?
[man 2] What are you doing here?
Get out, you little jerks!
[Hugo] Run! Go on, run!
[man 1] I saw them.
[man 2] Wait till I catch you,
little bitch.
Little jerks!
- I'll get you!
- Quick.
[man] Help me!
Come on!
Over here!
- Come and get me.
- Oh, I will.
- Don't be a jerk.
- Come on.
[Nacer] It's funny how you change.
[Doina] No, I'm just normal.
[Doina panting]
It's a little weird, no?
[breathing deeply]
[Doina gasping]
[man] Hey there!
Get out of here!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Subtitle translation by Catherine Kelsey
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