Veneno (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

La noche que cruzamos el Mississippi

Are you as much of a woman
as you would like to be?
- All the way?
- Yes.
What's so funny?
Well, you. You are.
Oh, you think I'm funny, huh?
Finally someone laughs at
what I don't actually say.
You haven't always been
like this? Isn't that right?
Let's take a little tour of
the show tonight.
I think you're making them nervous.
Ah! There you are.
Yeah, you were 23
Babe, look who's awake.
Did you feel this feminine
when you were a man?
Yes, exactly the same.
Oh, and since when
do you feel like a woman?
I felt like a woman since I was born.
I used to take my mother's
clothes and dress up.
You were pretty sure then, huh?
Completely sure.
The thing is
- that I was raised
- Hey, what are you doing up?
- And I didn't know.
- You have school tomorrow.
these things
even existed.
But then I
Come on.
Well, I moved to Madrid,
where I made a good friend,
and I said, "Let's do this."
Oh, man!
Aw, crap.
Ugh! Damn it!
I lost again, dude.
Come on. Let me try.
It's my turn.
No, no, no. I'm gonna go again.
My finger just slipped.
Your finger slipped?
You're totally addicted, Amparo.
- Addicted?
- Yeah.
Well, you're addicted to weed,
but I keep it to myself.
No, you don't.
You tell me that every day, so
Come on. Give me a turn.
Hey, Rubén.
Have you noticed life was like Snake?
What do you mean?
That life's like it, totally.
Just look at it.
You start out, and you're super small,
but the more you eat, the bigger you get.
And the bigger you get,
man, the harder things become.
It's 'cause the space stays the same.
Always the same four walls.
Then from out of nowhere,
one day, you notice
that you're not the same person.
You're different now,
don't fit anymore.
Eventually your face
smacks you in your ass,
and then you die.
Jeez, dude,
you're making me all paranoid.
Why wouldn't you be paranoid?
Life is rough, Rubén. You gotta
stop and reflect sometimes.
Excuse me, my love.
Got a light?
Nah, but he does.
No lie. Nice schlong.
I can tell you mean business.
- No.
- Thank you, bad boy.
- Don't you know her?
- What?
- Wait. Did you see her?
- Who was it?
No way! Amazing!
I can't let her go.
- see what she just did?
- Excuse me!
You're you're La Veneno.
Of course I'm La Veneno, baby,
well-known worldwide.
What are you doing in Valencia?
I've got some gigs coming up.
That's awesome!
You saw her grab my my dick right?
Of course she grabbed your dick!
It was the least she could do, man.
- Do you know who that was?
- No, but, Amparo
With this bombshell of a woman,
Verhoeven digs again
into the dark side of the American dream.
Are we in the presence
of a new talent, or we are not?
The truth is that appearances,
according to critics, do not deceive.
Paul Verhoeven, as you might remember,
previously directed Basic Instinct,
and now, with this follow-up piece,
critics are beginning
to have their doubts
about his kitsch aesthetics.
Verhoeven began his directing career
Oh, my God.
What are you doing here?
- Just visiting.
- What a surprise.
- I know.
- You should've let us know.
- We would've bought you a gift.
- No, no, it's fine.
- Oh, hey.
- What?
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Uh, be ready for the change of image.
Faela, I love you.
Sonia! Girl!
- Come here.
- Sweetie, hey!
Let me see. You look great.
Girl, I can't wait to meet your baby.
I'm sorry I couldn't come visit.
I can't help sleeping all morning.
These night shifts are killing me.
- I can't wake up, I swear.
- No worries. No worries.
I have to tell you about Romario.
What happened?
Sonia Monroy, first call, please.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah.
- Come on.
- Okay, five. Get ready.
Oh, no.
You see who's over there?
I brought all the paperwork.
It's not fair.
No, no, no. Look.
I even have a video,
and I'm willing
to tell everything, you know,
absolutely everything!
Please keep your voice down.
Faela, honey.
- What are you doing here?
- Where's my kiss?
I'm so happy to see you.
How are you?
- How are you?
- Good.
- All right. Come with me.
- What's up?
I've spent two hours in the dressing room
with Mario Conde.
Apparently he wants to sing
with one of the Los Brincos
all of a sudden,
and with the mess he's in,
I tell you, girl,
this place is something else.
I know. I'm following you guys,
hey, and it's really turning out.
- It's pretty. Thank you.
- I love it.
Yeah, I know. You should
have seen Carlotti yesterday
with two huge cured hams,
coming to greet us for the ratings.
Listen, dear, I've gotta go.
Hey, how's the new girl?
Ah, Machús?
Mm, she's okay, but she's not you.
See ya.
You jerk.
What's up?
Can't stand her.
She'd put Judas to shame.
- Trust me.
- Yeah.
Video's up in 15 seconds.
Let's go to the story.
Cut to camera.
Please, people, hurry up.
Have you seen her segments?
- Oh, yeah.
- They make me sick.
Thing is she's not a journalist.
Of course she's not.
- Exactly.
- Places!
She's a Mama Chicho or an Oquette,
but a journalist? No way.
And now let's hear it for Machús Osinaga!
It's the ones upstairs.
They want her onscreen
since the girl is, um, easy on the eyes.
- How are you, Pepe?
- I'm great.
- How's it going?
- Aw, I'm doing great.
And what have you got for us today?
All right, today I've got
a man with a super penis!
That's right.
We really want to see him,
but we'll have to wait,
because we got a commercial, guys!
And coming up, Juan Ignacio Blanco
with new clues for you.
Don't move from your seat.
And we're out.
Juan Ignacio, first call.
Makeup, please.
What are you doing?
- I came to see you.
- Oh.
I'm not staying all day at home.
I want to talk about
Hit me. What is it?
Ah, I'll introduce you.
Hey! Nice to meet you.
- Machús Osinaga.
- Yeah.
Nice to meet you. Very well.
And, hey, it's gotta be great, right?
It's gotta be such a great thing.
What thing?
Being a mom, of course.
Oh, yeah, it's amazing.
It was quite a surprise, right?
Can you give us a moment?
- Uh, yeah!
- Great.
Yeah, yeah, right. Okay.
- So
- Two minutes, guys.
- Yeah?
- Reporters on camera?
- Ah.
- Since when?
Motherhood looks like it
really suits you, sweetheart.
Really? You have to tell me.
Seriously, the new girl on camera?
There's something to share, right?
Ah, yes, Faela.
That we've got a show to do
every single day
and we need try new things for,
but don't worry.
Next time, I'll call you
to run any changes by you
so you can give me the okay.
All right, I've got Gemio in advertising.
Picture's up now.
Places, everyone.
- Okay.
- I know.
I'm glad to see you.
I miss you.
- Here, sweetie.
- All right.
We're rolling in five, four, three..
Hey, I'm on my way, Mom.
It was great.
How's Lucas?
All right.
Is he sleeping now?
Ah, that's perfect, perfect.
And, Mom
thank you.
Ahh! Look out, asshole!
You almost ran me over!
- You bitch!
- Hey, I'm sorry, okay?
How could you miss this pair?
Please forgive me.
I didn't see you.
We have things to do, sweetheart.
Don't let that motherfucker
ruin our night.
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann,
in her book The Spiral of Silence,
examines public opinion
as a form of social control
in which individuals
will shape their behavior
to match with the prevailing attitudes
about what is acceptable and what is not.
Neumann theorizes that society
threatens with isolation
those individuals who express positions
contrary to the majority.
Let me clarify that
so you all understand.
As individuals,
we are capable and can perceive
what the climate of dominant opinion is
and base our responses on that.
We are capable of changing
our own actual opinions
to stop showing people how we truly feel
and to do what others want.
Do you understand?
This is what she's talking about.
There is an experiment
outlined in the book
that I find very impressive.
It's very simple.
You have ten people,
between eight and ten people,
and all of them except one
is part of the experiment.
- Shh!
- I'm sorry.
the climate
of dominant public opinion,
meaning what others are saying
It's just my friend saw La Veneno.
- Who?
- Cristina La Veneno,
here in Valencia.
I'm freaking out.
Who are you even talking about?
Is it important? We're in class.
Everybody, be quiet if you would.
Just a minute!
Just a minute! Listen up!
This book is one
of the sociological keystones.
It's very important.
It poses an essential question
for us as journalists.
Just a moment!
It contains a question
of great importance.
I'm talking about
the role that media plays
in our social contextualization, okay?
Read the book, and write
an outline for next week,
and I want to see a journalistic summary,
not a monotonous rehashing.
Okay? Don't be boring.
You got it?
That's it!
Now you're free to go.
- What's she like?
- Please enjoy. Thanks.
She's gotten fat,
but still beautiful.
But very fat, to be honest.
But so beautiful, like a cross
between a superhero and a virgin.
- A virgin? Really?
- No, not like that.
More like an apparition
of the Virgin, yeah.
And I tell you, dude, her tits
- Oh, my God.
- Yes.
Cristina La Veneno.
- But she was in jail.
- Yeah.
La Veneno? From on TV?
That's right, Chenta, darling.
Well done. From the TV.
I ran into her the other night.
We were face to face,
standing as close
as you and me are right now.
But why is she here, Amparo?
I just don't get it.
Well, I don't know.
She said she had some gigs.
- A performance?
- A performance? No way!
She's with the girls from La Fe.
- The what, now?
- The Hospital La Fe.
Those prostitutes?
Okay, why don't you shut your mouth?
Just because she's trans,
you assume she's a prostitute?
Well, for your information,
she's had plenty of gigs here.
Stop it, honey.
Hear me out.
I live around there,
and every night, there she is
stopping cars, stopping cars.
But I'm a big fan of hers, okay?
I love her.
No lie! Ciao.
Man, oh, man.
I always knew that dude was gay.
I was sure of it.
Oh, but if his mother finds out,
she'll die.
But as gay as he is pretty,
much like you.
- Amparo.
- What?
May we go to the hospital?
Why the screaming?
Because they say they're
coming from upstairs,
then downstairs, and then they're gone.
We've all been here
since 6 A.M.,
and they're still not coming.
Tell me, who are you talking about?
- Take That.
- Take Khan.
If they're not coming,
then they should just say that!
But to have us waiting here is so unfair.
Right! Why all the tears,
my dear? Tell me.
Because I'm fed up!
I think my nerves are shot.
My God! Then someone
screams, "Over here!"
"No, over here!" And then
they're running in circles
like crazy, stepping on each other.
I think they'll be here soon
and when they do
But what if what if they're not?
But then I'll just kill myself,
- because it's not fair.
- Calm down.
Maybe we aren't
good enough fans for them.
I love you! I love you!
Well, they're all bat-shit crazy.
- Really.
- Some came with their mothers,
and their mothers were
even crazier than the teenagers.
- That was good.
- Impressive.
I can't even. Honestly, eh?
- Tremendous job, Machús.
- Thank you.
We'll edit it and use it tonight.
That's great.
We'll put it between Tristan Braker
- from the Vallecas scandal
- Mm-hmm.
- And Beatriz Rico.
- Okay.
And tonight we've also
got the "Medio Limón."
A song about lemons.
And, well, for those of you
who don't know, Faela,
our supermommy, is back early
from her maternity leave to join us.
Welcome back!
You take your time, and when
you got a story, let us know.
- I've already got something.
- Is that right?
- Yes. But I don't know
- Yeah?
Okay. I've got a man
in Lavapiés who does whatever I say.
He's got one of those weird sex philias.
We'd spend the day together,
and I'd share the experience.
Okay, but Machús did that last week.
- Yeah, but
- At the Sex Fair in Barcelona.
But it wouldn't have
that festive feeling that
Faela, I'm sorry.
We need some new stuff.
- What do we have?
- Can we bring back the mime?
- No, not the mime.
- Pepe, listen to me.
- No way.
- Listen to me. It'll be great.
He'll do that joke you like
from Felipe González
and the English classes
from Carrascal to set the stage.
- The mime is a no, please.
- And we'll compare
Felipe González's dick to Bill Clinton's.
- It'd be funny, Pepe!
- No.
The police in Galicia are looking into
some satanic rituals
in an abandoned church.
Um, no, come on.
Has anyone got
What about the father and daughter
that say they were abducted
in Cabo de Gata
because of the energy field thing?
- Yeah, but we would need to go
- People!
Does anyone have
Okay, me! I think
I've got a story
that I can give to Faela.
I've two lesbian friends
who own a bar in Chueca,
and they're having a protest wedding.
- When is it?
- It's tonight.
And since we've got the Barb Wirething
with Pamela Anderson,
I'm not available to follow up.
Yeah, but that's not something new.
You take it Faela, okay?
Well, I think that'll do it for tonight.
- Right, Mari?
- Yeah, we got it.
And come in prepared tomorrow,
because this was
a bit dull, all right? Okay.
Pepe, the auditions.
Hope you called in some good ones, huh?
- Here's hoping.
- Pepe.
- What?
- More lesbians?
- Yes.
- Really?
What's so special about them, huh?
You were just saying
you need something new
and out of the box.
Jesus, my sister's a lesbian.
- But it's a wedding.
- But that's bullshit, man!
If you came to piss me off, just go home.
Precisely. Because I'm back,
I'm not gonna do some shitty coverage.
- Pepe, I've got more ideas
- Faela. Listen to me.
I haven't slept in days.
Maybe your kid is a saint,
but mine isn't.
I've gotta watch
2,000 auditions for a sketch
before it falls apart. It is me
who's getting tired, okay?
- You sure you wanna come back?
- Yes.
Then you are doing the lesbian wedding.
Excuse me.
Hey, we're drawing attention.
I can't help it.
My boyfriend is tacky.
Well, at least turn the music down.
He says
No, no, no! Don't touch it.
Don't touch anything.
It's a total mess.
If you push that button,
it starts to smoke,
The the lights start flashing,
and after that
Oh, my God, quite a place, right?
- This is it.
- Here?
Oh, my God.
Look, look, look, look, look!
Do you think they're all trans?
Oh, man. I don't know.
I can go ask them if you want me to.
Oh, wow.
Who are these snow bunnies?
Newbies to the back of the line.
If you don't have boobs,
go with the transformers.
Get in line.
Know what's screwing up
our business, don't you?
It's the fucking Internet.
- Oh!
- Here we go again.
You're always so annoying.
Go to the street,
and stop some cars, why don't you?
- Hello.
- Hi.
What is it?
We're looking for Cristina.
- From Huelva?
- No, uh
La Veneno.
They'd have to ask Paca.
- Chesca!
- What?
- Where is Paca?
- The Piranha?
- Yeah.
- She went off the dirt road.
Yeah, so she's busy.
- Very.
- Well, then, thanks anyway.
- Thank you.
- Where are you going?
She won't take long.
Just relax, kiddos.
What's the big hurry?
We don't bite.
- What was I saying?
- Leave the nails.
I told you to leave those nails alone.
- Yeah.
- Oh, God. Come on, girl.
You ever read that book
called The Secret, huh?
The secret she hides
in her coochie, darling.
Funny hats. Glasses.
Cold beers. Coca-Cola.
Blinking lights.
Manolito, you look like a Christmas tree!
Such pretty little things.
- I know.
- He's adorable, right?
Just can't believe him sometimes.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
What do you want?
My picture or just an autograph?
No, no. Sorry. It's just that
I love your purse.
Oh, yeah? I
saw it in Telva.
- Telva?
- Mm-hmm.
- You heard? In Telva.
- Mm-hmm.
It's the perfect size.
It's great for two condoms,
- four wipes, two lipsticks.
- Mm-hmm.
I told you, leave those nails alone!
- Don't do that, girl.
- You're driving me crazy!
Zane, here comes Paca!
Come over here!
They're looking for La Veneno.
I'm coming!
Come here.
- Who are these outsiders?
- I don't know.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Good evening.
And who are you looking for?
We wanted to meet La Veneno.
Oh, honey, there's no Veneno here.
- Who told you that?
- No one.
I saw her the other day.
The other day?
You must have been drunk.
Ain't no Veneno here.
Listen, man, I know I saw her.
Haven't you seen my rack?
I just hid my pussy in the crack!
- Come on, Amparo.
- Bug off!
- She's mad.
- Now sling your hook!
- I promise I saw her.
- Amparo.
- Get in your car, and go!
- Amparo, let it go.
- I did.
- On your way now.
- Don't come back!
- Bye-bye!
Good night now.
Take care, and drive safe.
- Who are they?
- No one.
- Is there a fight or what?
- No, no, honey.
Big fight tonight!
- No! There's no
- Big fight tonight!
- Listen here!
- The things I have to endure.
- I told you to leave them alone.
- Leave them alone.
You don't have to yell. My God.
You didn't say anything to them, right?
I didn't say anything, no.
- I didn't.
- I really hope so.
- I didn't.
- No.
Someone asks for La Veneno,
she is not here.
I gotta get her her magazine
- and her tobacco.
- Right.
That girl smokes like a chimney.
- God bless you, dear.
- If they come back, shh!
Over and out.
- Great. Just great.
- The bar is closed tonight
Trust me. I know girls
like this, the games they play.
I've dealt with her type before.
Lesbians can be very intense.
No, dude. Machús!
I'm talking about Machús!
She's yanking our chain.
This was a setup.
Do you know who I saw her with today?
- No, who?
- With Rober.
Doing what?
Haven't you heard the joke?
"There once was an actress
who was so stupid
she hooked up with the writer."
Are you crazy?
You're smoking?
Dude, I've already had the baby.
What do we do? Grab a beer?
Or maybe two?
No, forget it.
I need a story, a good comeback.
Well, it's your call.
Come on.
Come on. Let's go.
I know that look.
Oh, no, no, no, Faela.
We can't film here.
Why not?
Well, because 'cause
not even the cops come here.
Oh, my God.
Let's go.
For crying out loud.
The mic. Here.
The camera, turn it on.
Someone's coming.
Sound check. Everything okay?
Rolling. Rolling!
- One sec.
- Hello!
Excuse me! Stop, please!
- It's rolling.
- Hello. Good evening.
Do you require
the services of a prostitute?
Do you know what kind
of prostitution goes on here?
Sir! Sir!
That's it. Let's go.
We're not gonna get anything.
Wait. Wait, wait. Wait.
We're not over yet. Hit it.
- Hello!
- Don't film me, okay?
- Wait. Don't go.
- Don't film me! No.
- You look amazing!
- Fuck off! Go away!
- Let's go!
- You look like shit. Oh, fuck!
- Let's go. No one's gonna talk.
- Just gimme a sec. Look!
Somebody's coming.
- Another one?
- Somebody's coming.
Stop! Stop! Stop!
What an asshole.
There, Faela. Let's go.
- That's it.
- Okay, just a second.
Let's go.
Do you know what time it is?
It's dangerous.
Bad things happen around here.
People get killed.
Come on.
Do you want to get us killed?
Just let it go, please!
All right?
No. "Pablo," my ass!
When I saw that you came back,
I was so excited to see you,
but you are being impossible right now.
Pablo, you have to look.
Mind if we ask some questions?
No, my love.
Please, just ask.
Wow, you are beautiful.
Well, you know,
I like luxury and high fashion.
Tell me, do you always
wear the same outfit?
Each night, it's something different,
like the bombshell I am.
What are you, a man or a woman?
Is that a joke?
I'm a chameleon, baby.
What are you dressed as tonight,
a sultan?
Well, I don't know what I am, honestly.
A sultan, a Moor, an Indian.
I'm Pocahontas, but I have a shark.
What's a shark?
You don't know what a shark is?
"El tiburón se la llevo, se la llevo"
between my legs, baby.
I'm hiding a shark that'll grab you.
- And how much?
- I'm very expensive.
I don't want to say how much, 'cause
Hang on a sec, my love.
Get the car. Get the car.
On it. On it. I got it.
Fancy these, baby?
Well, fuck you very much.
How much did that cheapskate offer you?
$40.40 for a shine,
but I'm worth way more.
And what is "a shine"?
You don't know what a shine is?
It's a very intense thing.
- Do you know what a Greek is?
- No. You're clueless.
Very well.
Imagine that this
is a spicy lollipop. Spicy.
And then you put the rubber,
always a rubber on it,
so it's never gonna spill, you hear me?
Better inside than out.
And then where do you put it?
Where do I put it?
My coochie
clear as day, my love.
Hang on a sec.
What do I do? What do I do?
What do you do? Roll. Roll.
You want a taste, sweetie?
- She's leaving.
- I know.
See you soon, my love!
And practice your shine.
It'll make your life better.
Oh, my God.
Amazing. Amazing!
That's heavy!
Follow me.
Let's get some B-roll. Come on.
I'm totally speechless.
Yeah, this'll work, but quickly.
I've got you.
Go whenever you're ready.
We captured these scenes in this place,
the Madrid's West Side Park,
where each night,
these encounters are occurring,
- the things no one talks about.
- Hey!
Wait. Keep keep rolling
just in case, Pablo.
- What are you doing?
- Don't turn the camera off.
- Turn that off now!
- No. Calm down.
Turn the camera off now!
Go to hell!
- Careful with the camera.
- You, get Norma!
- Tamara!
- What's wrong?
Go get Manola!
- Manola!
- What are you doing?
- Give me the tape!
- We're doing extra shots.
Do not touch the camera.
Go get your extra shots
of your mother's ass, bitch!
We're out here freezing,
selling our pussy.
- Hey
- And you come to laugh at us?
I'm working, too, my friend, okay?
We're both doing our jobs just like you.
What are you filming here?
Give me the tape.
- Come on.
- No, no, we're not filming you.
You misunderstand us.
We're not recording you.
- You liar!
- It's just about the park.
I don't care. Give me the tape.
- I'll give you the tape.
- Hand it over!
Good. That's right.
Hand it over.
Hey, what are you doing?
Don't make any problems
for yourself. Hand it over.
No, no, no, you're the one
causing the problem.
- Hey, hey, hey, listen!
- Hey, hey, hey!
You gotta do what they say, or else.
What is this?
What's happening here? Tell me.
I caught this motherfucker filming us.
The fuck you filming us?
- What are you, deaf?
- Yeah!
You better watch out, fucker.
I'm gonna beat the crap out of you
- and then rip off your head.
- Hey! Stop it!
- And you shut your fucking mouth.
- Told you.
- Hey! Watch it.
- You hear me?
You hear me? Now give me
the fucking cassette,
or I'll gouge your eyes out!
Hey, what's happening here?
These motherfuckers were filming us!
What are you doing here in the park?
We were filming other things.
We weren't filming them.
- They weren't in our frame.
- Filming what?
You can't film the girls here
while we're working!
Faela, give her the tape, and let's go.
Hand over the tape, and off you go!
- Faela, give it to her.
- No. I mean
Go get Tito!
That's right. Get Tito.
Tito! Tito!
I tried to tell you.
Tito's crazy.
- Hand over the tape,
- Faela!
- You can't film here.
- Let me have her!
Let me have her!
I'll kill her! I'll kill her!
- It's Tito!
- Here comes Tito.
- He'll be pissed.
- Give me the tape.
You're gonna pay for this now, you bitch.
Give us the tape,
or you're gonna get in trouble.
- You'll be sorry.
- Please don't.
He's here.
The fuck's goin' on?
Tito, they were out here filming us,
and now they're gonna play it on TV.
What are you filming?
We weren't filming them, I swear.
- You are a lying bitch!
- Liar!
Of course you were filming.
You were filming us and La Veneno.
- We didn't record 'em.
- She did.
- Stop lying, asshole!
- What'd you record then?
- The park.
- The tape,
give it to us right now.
Give me the tape.
I-I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
- Oh, really?
- Listen to her!
- This one!
- You can't?
Give him the tape.
Give me that thing right fuckin' now!
- Faela!
- There you go, filth!
Faela, give him the tape.
Please, let's go home!
- Okay.
- Please hurry!
- Yes.
- Fuck!
- Come on.
- Wait. Wait, wait.
Oh, now you're saying yes.
Just don't shoot, please.
- Get down on your knees, too.
- Yes, yes, yes.
Hand it over.
Hand it over.
Do it. Come on.
- All right.
- Th-there. Let him go.
Do it. We're leaving.
Smash it!
Destroy it.
- Come on, man.
- Let us go.
- It's done.
- My wife works in this park
and nobody gets to film my wife.
Tito, not your wife
or any of the rest of us, okay?
We're leaving.
We're we're leaving now.
You're leaving?
- No, you're not going anywhere!
- No!
- Please don't, Tito!
- No, no, no!
Please, I'm begging you, no!
No, no, no, not on the car. Aah!
- Here we go!
- Please don't!
Beat this bitch until she's dead!
- Motherfucker!
- I'm in charge!
- I'm begging you.
- You get it?
- No one films my wife!
- Listen to me.
Listen to me.
Please, I'm begging you.
Listen to me.
Listen to me.
Please, don't kill me.
We're leaving now.
I have a baby.
Please don't kill me.
I'm begging you with all my heart.
I'm fucking terrified.
Tito, let her go.
Come on. This is over.
We got the tape.
Let her go, Tito!
If I ever see you here again
or that scumbag you got with you,
I'll murder you both!
You hear me?
- Tito, Jesus, let her go!
- Don't touch me!
- I'm going. I'm going.
- Faela, let's go now!
- You were lucky this time!
- Let go of her, Tito.
- Leave.
- Thank you.
- Don't come back, fag!
- Get outta here!
Get out of here, you assholes!
Go to hell, and don't come back!
- Fuck you!
- Get out of here!
Fuck all of you!
And don't you ever fucking come back!
- All right, back to work!
- Forget about her. Holy shit!
My God!
Jesus Christ!
Are you okay?
Man, I'm shaking. My God.
Come on now.
Hey. You okay?
Come on.
What is it? What's that?
The tape we got earlier.
Oh, my God!
Move! Move!
Fuck's sake!
What are you waiting for?
Eh, Pepe
sorry, but we
We don't have
anything ready. I'm sorry.
Nothing? Faela, really?
No, it was too complicated a night.
The Chueca story didn't occur.
Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
Yeah, so this is all we got,
but it's not enough material to run.
Well, let's see what it is.
That's a shame.
Do you know who I saw her with today?
- No, who?
- With Rober.
- Doing what?
- Haven't you heard the joke?
"There once was an actress
who was so stupid
she hooked up with the
writer." Hey, fast-forward, please.
Fast-forward the tape.
- Just gimme a sec. Look!
- Let's go.
Somebody's coming.
Somebody's coming.
Stop! Stop! Stop!
Hello! Mind if we
ask some questions?
No, my love.
Please, just ask.
Wow, you are beautiful.
Well, you know,
I like luxury and high fashion.
Tell me, do you always
wear the same outfit?
Each night, it's something different,
- like the bombshell I am.
- See, I don't know
- Shh!
- Is that a joke?
I'm a chameleon, baby.
What are you dressed as
tonight, a sultan?
Well, I don't know what I am, honestly.
A sultan, a Moor, an Indian.
I'm Pocahontas, but I have a shark.
What's a shark?
You don't know what a shark is?
"El tiburón se la llevo, se la llevo"
between my legs, baby.
I'm hiding a shark that'll grab you.
- And how much?
- I'm very expensive.
I don't want to say how much, 'cause
Hang on a sec, my love.
Hats off, Faela.
This is exactly
what I've been looking for.
I knew you'd come through for me.
Well, thank you, really.
Very well, so this runs tonight.
She's fantastic.
- Tomorrow I want her here.
- What do you mean?
Go back to the West Side Park,
and bring her to the show.
No. Uh, P-Pepe,
thank you so much,
but you don't know how dangerous it is.
I reported the war in Iran.
I'm sure it's not that bad.
I mean, take Pablo.
He can protect you.
Who, me? No, no.
I can't, 'cause they need me on set.
Well, can't you switch days?
I can go with you.
Oh, yes.
I love this match.
Go together.
you should have never
crossed the Mississippi
All right, let's go!
- I shouldn't have.
- Did you have breakfast?
I better go.
I can't believe this shit.
What? What?
What the fuck do you want?
I want to apologize for yesterday.
I got the wrong date,
and I already told Pepe.
Right. Look, Machús
you can't fool me.
You can't fool me, okay?
Yesterday you screwed me,
and now you wanna come with me
to take the credit.
And I don't really care.
You wanna come with me, that's fine,
but cut the crap.
You're totally wrong about me.
- I don't think so.
- Yes!
I guess you don't remember me.
I was an intern
months before they
cancelled Todo va bien.
And I really wanted to work with you
because I've always been a fan of yours.
And you might be right.
Maybe I am so stupid
that I've fallen for the writer.
It is what it is.
I've worked hard to get here.
If you don't believe it,
that's your problem.
Rocío Jurado's health
is getting worse and worse.
The singer is always
accompanied by her husband,
the bullfighter José Ortega Cano,
and their daughter, Rocío Carrasco.
And now we'll talk about La Veneno,
Spain's most famous prostitute.
Mom, can you turn up the volume?
during the darkest of
nights on television is back.
Her image is so different
from 10 years ago,
and the time she spent behind
bars has left us perplexed.
But but that's Valencia.
Yeah, that's the new part of town, right.
behind a life
of light and shadow.
- She's from Valencia?
- Here is her story.
Are you going out?
I just gotta go, Mom.
You coming home for dinner?
I don't know.
Take your key, then.
I finally got a day off,
and we're acting
like tourists in Valencia.
I would have preferred
the City of Arts and Sciences,
but, I mean,
you brought me to Marchalenes.
Yeah, dude, I know we're in Marchalenes.
To be honest, I've only
ever come here once before,
an after-party,
so I guess you can imagine. Mm.
Just give me a second, please.
It's gotta be one of these.
Right, one of those or those or these.
Valencia is full of terraces.
Amparo, stop that!
If you wanna leave, go, but stop nagging,
because you're driving me crazy.
No, I want to help you.
I want to do this with you,
but we've spent
two hours wandering, so
I know it's been two hours, Amparo.
Honestly, man, I don't know how
you're expecting to find her.
Good afternoon.
Should I ask her?
Uh, miss, uh
you know where we could find La Veneno?
Second on the left.
- Thanks so much.
- Thank you.
Okay, come on. Let's go.
- Oh, God.
- Let's do this.
Yes? Who is this?
- Hello.
- Uh
Hello. Who's there?
Uh, we're looking for La Veneno.
La Veneno? No, honey.
This is Paqui The Piranha's house.
We were told she lived here.
They must have been mistaken.
Yeah, but who's this?
We're her fans.
Uh, we're her fans.
Oh, I see. Her fans. I'm sorry.
You must be mistaken.
She's not here.
All right? Okay.
Take care. Ciao.
- Ciao.
- Thank you.
I have no time
for her motherfucking fans.
Who was it, Paca?
No one!
You're so nosy.
You want to know everything.
No one?
It must have been someone.
Well, it was just a client of mine,
but I told him I'm not available
and that he has to come back later.
Paca, don't lie to me.
I heard you.
All right. If you need to know,
the people who called just now
said they were fans of La Veneno.
What do you mean by fans, Paca?
That's right, fans of La Veneno.
- My fans?
- They are fans of La Veneno.
- Why didn't you say so?
- I told them you're not here.
- Jeez, Paca!
- Where are you going?
- They're my fans!
- I told them you're not here!
Are you crazy? Don't run!
Come back! You're nuts!
Hey, are you my fans?
It's me.
Come here.
Let's go. Let's go.
Are you in drag?
What? No! Just Goth.
Come on up.
Paca! Paca!
Come here!
- Who's that?
- My fans!
- Hello.
- Oh, it was you!
- Hi!
- But wait.
I know these two from the other night.
- Oh, is that right?
- I bumped into them
when I went to get your cigarettes.
They were right there
on the street asking about you.
Now go fix us something to eat, huh?
Can I get you coffees, cookies, anything?
- Uh, yes, please.
- A pastry or something sweet?
- Thanks.
- You, too?
- Oh, yeah.
- You're funny, honey,
because you look like
that girl from Star Wars.
She does.
You know, Princess Chenoa, honey.
Please fix us some dinner,
Paca. Let's go.
Easy, girl. I'm going.
So you're fans of mine, huh?
Of course. All of my life, yes.
I'm chubby right now,
but Paca put me on a diet.
Aw, girl, but you are beautiful.
Breathtaking, and you
still have that essence
I weighed 138.
Before I went to jail,
I was a doll with
perky big tits, right, Paca?
My dear, let's be honest.
When she left, she had a wasp waist.
She looked like Betty Boop.
But now look at her,
- the bride of King Kong.
- Shut up, Paca!
Take the pictures out.
They want to see my albums.
Look how cheerful you are
- Now we can
- With your drooling face.
With your drooling face!
You're about to see
the real Spanish bombshell.
A bombshell, she says.
More like a stink bomb.
You should have seen her.
The pictures, honey, she was so pretty.
Look. Scandalous.
Wow, so gorgeous!
- Look at that face
- Wow.
That body, and those tits!
See, that dress was Pepe Rubio,
a designer that made me
outfits to scandalize.
My God, here. Marilyn Monroe.
That was at the Joy Eslava.
They put on a fashion show for me,
and it was crawling with press,
honey. It was fabulous.
- So gorgeous!
- Wow!
Here you look like a top model for real!
That photo was from when I was
at the Isla Fantasía performing,
We had Ricky Martin,
if you get what I mean.
- You for real?
- Amazing!
Shove it in my cunt.
Ah, here comes her dirty stories.
Here comes what?
You're just jealous, Paca.
Jealous of what?
My type is more like
that Jean-Claude Van Damme guy.
In this one, you're a total goddess.
I was three months into my transition,
my hormone boobies.
- Just three months?
- Yep.
And look at those beauties.
And you?
Me what?
When are you gonna you jump in?
- Jump in where?
- Leave the kid alone. That's
It's good to talk
about these things, Paca.
The kid's very young. Come on.
Don't put ideas in that head.
I'm kinda lost in this conversation.
It's clear as day, baby.
Your friend here is a puzzle.
And the cops ain't stupid.
We can smell our own.
I don't know when it's
gonna be the right moment.
Hey, listen to me.
I transitioned at the age of 30,
and I became a bombshell.
You take your time,
as much as you need to,
and when you feel it,
boom! You go for it,
and leave everyone gagging.
If this is who you are,
it's who you will always be, honey.
Believe me, always!
You carry this inside
from the time you're born,
so now you take your time,
and choose a spectacular name.
or Victoria.
You may pick Natasha.
- Natasha.
- Or Scheherazade.
Whatever you want, my love!
But don't wait too long,
because those who wait
end up looking like tomboys.
Like Marta from Asturias,
who looked like Geronimo from Pocahontas,
huh, her father!
Sweetie, stop that nonsense.
Don't you dare put ideas
like that in that baby's mind.
What're you talking about,
nonsense, Paca?
Well, look at her.
Whatever happens happens,
You leave that baby alone,
because with a face like that,
nothing can go wrong.
You're so pretty and tall, dear.
Be someone like Vanessa Estilo.
- Vanessa Estilo?
- Vanessa Estilo. Poor thing.
May she rest in peace.
She was murdered by a client.
Bring the other albums, the ones
where I'm whoring on the street.
Give you something to do since
you can't keep your mouth shut.
Cool it with the albums,
my dear. Finish with that one.
You like it?
- You're so annoying sometimes.
- I love it.
Here, my love, for you.
Thank you so much.
Oh, my God.
Not very discreet.
I thought I could blend in, right?
You're something else, Machús.
Okay, now listen to me, all right?
I can't get out of the car,
because they'll kill me,
so when I see her,
I'll say, "It's her."
You jump out and bring her back
in here as fast as possible.
Super fast. Got it?
it's very dangerous
I need to Machús, wait.
Machús, get back in this car immediately.
- Are you crazy?
- Relax.
What are you doing? Fuck.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fucking Christ.
Baby, how are you?
- So happy to see you.
- Who are you?
Me? I'm La Machús.
I owe you 15 bucks.
I didn't forget.
- Will you come later?
- Yes, of course, of course.
You look great tonight.
- Hi, honey!
- Mwah!
Good evening, gentlemen.
How are you tonight? All good?
See you later, handsome.
Honey. Um
listen, quick question.
- I'm looking for someone.
- Son of a bitch.
really big boobs.
Hello there, beautiful.
Tell me what sounds good for dinner?
- No, no, no, no.
- A threesome?
- Thank you, really.
- A dynamic lesbian duo,
- you and I?
- No, really. Thank you, no.
Well, if you change your mind,
just give me a call, precious.
My God.
I can't believe this.
I'm just saying you should hear her out.
Can't you see I'm peeing?
- Some privacy!
- Sorry. Forgive me.
- She's just from the same show.
- It was rude!
Machús. Machús
- You using the video or not?
- That's her.
- What are you talking about?
- She's the one.
No, we're not asking you to be on TV.
I just want to talk to you,
and just give me
Well, that friend
of yours put me on TV
- Let's move.
- And it ruined my life.
- Get her. Come on, Machús.
- Maybe, uh
But, Cristina, Cristina,
isn't that the reporter there?
Yeah, that's her! You scoundrel!
Come here!
- Cristina!
- Come here!
- What, you can't hold your own?!
- Please.
- Take it easy.
- Make my day, you little bitch!
I just want to talk to you!
I don't have a camera!
Get over here!
I'll kick your ass!
- Cristina, calm down!
- What?! What?!
- Please calm down!
- What?!
- Veneno, Veneno!
- What?!
I saw you on TV.
And I saw you on Roots, faggot!
That's enough outta you, asshole!
- Faela!
- Please don't run!
- You ruined my life, you cunt!
- Veneno, calm down!
- Cunt!
- I just want to speak with you.
You had no right to put me
on that shitty circus!
Hey, you from the TV!
- Holy shit. Who's that?
- What?!
- What's your excuse?
- Come on! Let's go!
Let's go! Quick!
I'm being kidnapped!
I'm being kidnapped!
I told you to never
come back to this park!
- Veneno!
- Let me go!
Stop the car!
I'm not going anywhere!
Goodness, why are you screaming so loud?
Open the door now!
- Just go now!
- Okay, which way?!
Tito, you gotta do something!
Stop that car!
Where are you taking me?
Are you kidnapping me?
- Come back, motherfuckers!
- Yeah, motherfuckers!
- Okay, okay.
- Veneno, listen.
Stop. Stop yelling, "Veneno"!
What fuckery is this shit?!
You ruined my life!
Since you put me on TV,
all my clients act like idiots
asking for my autograph.
Pepe Navarro wants you
to appear on Mississippi.
- I'm not gonna take any part
- Ooh, honey!
What a scandal, the Mississippi.
Why can't you just leave me alone?
- Why wouldn't you want to?
- Because it's my turf,
and I get to call the shots, not you!
- Veneno!
- I am fed up! What?!
- How much do you charge?
- A lot.
I want a number!
- More than 400 a night.
- Fine.
Well, on TV, you can make more than 800,
plus if you keep your regular job,
you'll double your income per night.
Wow! It'd be like
having three pairs of tits!
Three pairs of tits, my ass?
I am not a fucking alien!
Now stop the car.
I am fed up with this bullshit!
- Stop the car now!
- Fine, fine, fine!
- Stop the car!
- I'm stopping! I'm stopping!
Faela, don't cry. It's okay.
- I suck at this. I'm done.
- No, that's not true.
- I'm doing it all wrong!
- No, no, it's not.
- You're not done!
- Come on.
- You're not done.
- Stop that,
the lady with the camellias.
Honey, you didn't do anything wrong.
You just plowed on through here
like we were a pack of animals
at some safari.
You didn't even introduce
yourselves to anyone.
I'm Paca The Piranha,
a very close friend of La Veneno.
But you didn't even introduce yourselves.
You just bulldozed your way in,
driving off the clients.
Of course they got pissed.
Of course the other day,
Tito came close to killing you.
Okay, give me some paper.
A piece of paper if you don't mind.
Some paper, bitch.
Th-there on the right.
And here's a-a pen.
- No, I've got a pen.
- Oh, okay.
Oh, girl, incredible.
I mean, honestly, you made a mess.
You've really made a mess of things.
This is Cristina's address.
You could speak
more peacefully with her there.
And obviously you gotta
have more tact next time.
- I promise. For sure.
- Thank you so much.
- Have a nice night, ladies.
- Thank you.
Come here!
Good job.
We did it, girl! We did it!
- We did it!
- Ah, but at what cost?
Fuck, yeah!
- Come on. We better go.
- Of course.
Hey, there.
You want to rumpy-bumpy?
Wanna have a good time?
Let's go.
You're gonna bring out
the beast inside of me.
Paca, what happened?
I was taking a shit.
Our little girl is gonna be a star.
I knew it, my darling.
I've always knew she was special.
You like it, hon?
Oh, I love her! Rocío Jurado.
It's a nice altar, right?
I set it up because she's been sick
so the Lord will
The Lord will heal her.
I do her. I'm a performer
I sing because of Rocío Jurado.
Yeah, I mean, she's great.
I'm a huge fan, her biggest fan.
- We should go, yeah?
- Are you leaving?
- You're not staying for dinner?
- No, they can't stay, honey,
because I don't have
enough food for everyone.
I only have things on her diet,
but nothing else in the house.
- Then come back another day.
- Thank you.
I'm going to the market tomorrow.
- Bye, hon.
- Thank you, Paca.
- Paca, you are such a treat.
- I know. Goodbye.
- Come back, my love.
- Thank you, honey.
- You be safe.
- Bye.
Because I've got tons of albums.
It was nice to meet you.
Ciao, Princess Sh-Sheila, um, Chenoa.
- Bye.
- See you.
And stay away from all
the bad guys out there.
She talks a lot, right?
Can't help herself, I guess.
She talks a lot, yeah.
Maybe a little too much.
I'm gonna get going.
Yeah. I've got
so much homework
I'm not gonna sleep tonight.
I'll text you when I get home, 'kay?
A super smart girl.
Come again?
When I
When I look at you, that's what I see,
a really smart girl.
You do?
I'm just like this snake
locked forever inside these four walls.
I go through one door
and come back in through another.
And I'll keep eating and eating
until I can't fit anymore, but not you.
You'll walk through a door one day,
but you won't come back in
through another.
And I'm gonna miss you so much, but
you're so much bigger
than these four walls could ever hold,
because your game hasn't been invented,
because your game is the coolest ever.
You're addicted.
Addicted as fuck.
But anyway
I gotta go.
I love you so much,
and I'll text you tonight, okay?
Okay. Love you.
Fortunately or unfortunately.
I didn't meet Cristina
in the mid-nineties.
I mean, I knew her the same way
everyone else in my generation did,
those of us whose parents
sent them to bed at midnight
when it was time forMississippi.
- You wanna know?
- Yes.
If I'm transgender?
I am transgender.
Prostitute? That, too.
But what I think you really want
We were dying
to see that impressive woman
taken from another planet.
She's so funny.
I know, right?
And she's gorgeous, too.
- She is.
- Nocturnal and treacherous,
she entered into our homes
to give voice and body
to a subject that, up until then
had been taboo.
A reality that society had
decided to look away from.
That was a rough start.
My name is Faela Sainz,
and I work at Mississippi.
I had a baby recently, and
I need to prove I'm still good at my job.
I'd love it if you'd come with me,
and I also think this opportunity
could be incredible for you.
If I didn't,
I wouldn't say so, I promise.
It's so nice meeting you, Faela,
but I can't be on television.
But why not?
Because my mother's
never seen me like this.
Like what?
Like my mother
doesn't know me as a woman.
She doesn't know me.
She doesn't know
the person I am nowadays.
You understand?
Mm, perfectly well.
in case
you change your mind.
Thank you.
No, thank you.
- Bye, Faela.
- Bye.
It was clear that
Cristina wasn't perfect,
but then who is?
Is television perfect?
I said no! I am not gonna do it!
- Is that your final answer?
- Yes.
Fine, fine, fine. I'm not
gonna fight with you anymore,
'cause fighting with you
is fucking bullshit!
Keep your life of misery,
keep your crying over your mother,
and keep your life the same way it is!
Nothing changes.
Who cares? It works.
But you're gonna miss the opportunity
of a lifetime, a lifetime,
because you're worried
about what she thinks of you
when she's never cared about you at all.
Rocío Jurado passed away
at 5:15 this morning.
- For the singer
- Oh, my, Rocío. So sad.
Next time those girls come over,
I'm gonna show them every gown I've got.
The black one, the polka dots,
the red one.
They won't believe it.
Oh, sweet Cristina, my love.
You were so relaxed and calm.
Quiet! You're jealous of me.
I'm not jealous, but I've seen
that look in your eyes before,
and it never led to anything good.
And now that I've lost my Rocío Jurado,
I don't wanna lose you, too.
Please, I don't want
anything to happen to you.
Did those shows
take advantage of her vulnerability
just so they could turn her
drama into simple ratings?
Her profession, a prostitute.
Her price, more than $800 a night.
Or did they save her
If you're talking about sex
With the opportunity of a lifetime?
Ladies and gentlemen,
here at the studio
live with us,
- please welcome
- Ready?
Cristina! La Veneno!
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
argues inThe Spiral of Silence
that the responsibility
lies with the media,
because they draw the line
between what's socially
accepted and what's not,
because they can transform prejudice
into empathy.
'Cause I almost went bald.
- into light.
- He was pulling it so hard.
And make the invisible visible.
Do I call you Cristina?
Yes, call me Cristina,
because my name is not Veneno.
That's a nickname.
Oh, but that nickname is because
you kill with something.
- No, no, I got it
- Good job.
Thank you.
What's for tomorrow?
I was a transvestite,
and they wanted to kick me out,
so I carried in my purse
a reaping hook that you use to cut grass.
- Nothing.
- Well, yeah, I did.
A couple of times I had to.
I carried it in a big purse,
- and when anyone
- I'm gonna finish my leave
I would say,
"Come on. Come here."
Get to know my son.
What were you threatening to cut?
Their throat, to start.
What are we gonna do without you?
You've got Machús.
She's an exceptional journalist.
What's so funny?
- Well, you. You are.
- Oh, you think I'm funny, huh?
Finally someone laughs
at what I don't actually say.
You haven't always been like this?
- Isn't that right?
- She glows.
- a little tour of your life.
- Of course she does.
Nobody's perfect,
but if Cristina hadn't appeared on TV,
they might have remained in the shadows.
What is not spoken about doesn't exist,
and what doesn't exist is marginalized.
What you wrote is not an outline.
Yeah, I know, but I didn't
know if the approach was
It's better than an outline.
Wait. Really?
So did you really meet her?
I already chose.
- What, hon?
- My name.
Come on in.
Paca, her name is Valeria!
Oh, oh! My leg!
For me, there's
no doubt. She saved me.
Because she made me see I wasn't alone.
And meeting her
was the beginning
of the adventure of my life.
Have you ever thought
about writing a book?
A book?
Mm-hmm, a book.
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