Veronika (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

The Boy in the River

Dad, have you seen my swim goggles?
Liv, we're going, come on.
Simon, turn that off,
we have to go.
-Good morning.
Oh, hey, good morning. Liv, come on.
Dad, have you seen my swim goggles?
What? No. That's why I asked you
to get it ready yesterday.
And you're going too Susanna?
Mm mhm
-See you later.
Liv, we're going now!
Okay, oh my god, I'm coming!
The door!
And with everything in mind
long and loyal service is the least
I can say about your time here.
Uh we have a
Well, we'd like to give you
a little present,
from us at the station
to say thank you.
Ole, we'll be lucky
if your replacement
is half as good as you are.
We might hope your
replacement doesn't eat
all the pastries
in the tearoom as well.
Thank you so much, all of you.
What do you think? Time to go?
That was one hell of a bloody match.
Two all after three periods
plus overtime.
I mean penalties always feels
unnecessary, but it worked out well.
When Östberg did that move
at the end of third,
I was sure the puck was going in.
I thought it was all wrapped up.
But no, it wasn't.
Are you following?
Unit to Vasagatan 56,
we received a call about a
suspected fight in a house. Over.
34-50, copy that, we'll take it,
we're nearby, over.
Look at that,
it's Kling and Mrs Kling. Come in.
-How is everyone doing here?
-Everything is good here.
Have you made bets?
What? Do you care or something?
-The neighbour called again.
-Mhm. Fucking idiots, right, okay.
Tommy, let's go outside
and have a chat instead.
Yeah, let's do that.
Hey, Sara.
Hey, Veronika.
What happened there?
Oh it's nothing.
Can I see?
I was cleaning and
I picked something up off
the floor and when I stood up
-I hit my face on the
Right. Okay, then.
-Take it easy now.
-You take it easy.
I'm calm.
Hang on, I'll help you.
Are you okay?
Uhm, yeah.
34-50, we're done
on Vasagatan, over.
Veronika is
She's never present.
It's as if
drifts away, you know.
I try to keep the mood up,
but Veronika, she
Yeah, I know very well she
I know that you try.
But I can see something's
on your mind.
She has
she's begun to have nightmares.
Do you have nightmares?
I guess I do sometimes.
What do you think, Veronika?
Do you think there's anything
in these dreams?
Anything you'd like us
to look closer at?
Everyone has
nightmares sometimes, right?
Veronika has been ill before.
I just don't want the same thing
to happen again.
Then you get to a new level where
you have to battle to get further.
Are you listening?
Yeah, I'm listening.
-Hi, Veronika.
Simon, don't stare.
Because she's vulnerable.
You can get in your seat.
-Old man, how was school today?
-I'm not an old man.
A little. I'm an old man,
you're an old man.
In the game I'm playing,
there's an old man.
He's really scary and he smells bad.
Mhm, so, like Dad.
Okay, thanks for that.
He walks like this.
Simon, we're eating.
Not that kind of old man.
That's not what I mean.
So, Liv, how was school?
Well, we had a Swedish test today.
I'd been writing it for ages, but
my teacher Simon.
-My teacher said to Gabbe that we
Simon. Please.
Can't we just eat?
I'm finished.
Yeah, okay.
Oh, right, great, thanks.
Damn it!
I know, I know.
Yeah, okay.
I'll take care of it.
I understand that you want to
tell us about your game.
But sometimes you just have to
be a little bit calm
and let other people talk.
Like you've talked about in school.
Hey, I was thinking that we
That we'd do
something fun together.
Go fishing?
With a picnic. And the whole family.
Now sleep.
Don't turn the light out.
But you know there aren't any
scary old men, right? Who smell bad.
At least not here, at home.
Sleep now.
Are you done?
Are you coming?
Are you coming?
Mm. Yes.
We're all waiting downstairs.
Damn, I forgot
to turn off the coffee maker.
I'm pretty sure I turned it off.
This'll be good.
Okay, so, nice.
Hold this at the top.
Swap them over.
There. Good. Oops.
Liv, put the phone away.
Liv. Seriously.
Come and have a go.
One throw, come on.
One throw, you can do that.
-Put that away.
-Come on now.
Fine. Okay.
It can be a bit slippery,
so be careful.
Hold here, and reel it in.
The other one.
Yes. And pull.
-You've got something.
-A fish!
-Dad, I think I have a fish!
-Yes, perfect!
Veronika, the net!
-Come on!
Good, Simon!
-Look, Dad!
-Hurry up, Mum!
-Yes, wait for the net.
It's huge!
-Okay, good!
-You have to see this.
Okay. Wait, yes, good.
There you are.
How is she?
Have you found out anything?
No, they're doing a CT scan now.
She was unconscious
for quite a while, so
Kids, Grandma is here now.
-Hey, Grandma.
-Hey, sweetie.
What happened? Did she say anything
when she woke up?
No, it was an accident.
These things happen.
Hi. They've finished the X-ray so
you can go in to Veronika now.
How is she? Is everything okay?
Sorry, could you stay here,
with the kids?
Yes, of course, you go.
My love.
I'm fine.
How's your swimming going?
It's going fine.
Sit properly, Simon.
I want to go home now,
this is so typical of me.
This could've happened to anyone.
See? Just rest.
Yeah. I will rest, but then I want
to go home, okay?
Yes. But rest first.
Can we come in?
Of course.
Does it hurt a lot?
No, it was bleeding before,
but I think it stopped now.
You should probably
let the doctors deal with that.
Veronika, you scared us.
Have they said how long
they want to keep her here?
At least until tomorrow,
possibly until Monday.
That's totally normal.
Okay, kids.
I think we should let Mum rest,
and we'll see her again tomorrow.
-Bye, Mum.
-Bye, sweetheart.
Listen, tomorrow,
when you come here
can you remember
to bring my toiletries bag?
Hey It will be fine.
I have a pretty bad headache, is
there anything you can give me?
Yes, of course.
Here you go.
What is it?
Take both at once,
and you'll find it helps. Okay?
All the way in.
Come on, Leo. Good.
Head position.
All the way in, come on.
Good, Liv, all the way in now.
Come on!
Okay, several of you are still
too low in the water.
It should be relaxed but stay
focused, okay?
Otherwise, good effort.
Thank you for today,
we'll talk tomorrow.
Jack, will you help me
with the lines?
Really good tempo today.
If you can keep that up you'll be in
the relay team next competition.
Okay. Say hi to the family.
Good morning.
-Hi, honey.
Oh, are you up already?
I already feel a lot better.
I've brought, um, let's see
moisturiser and hair brush.
I said I wanted my toiletries bag.
I'm coming home with you now.
I thought maybe you could use this
as a reminder that you should
take better care of yourself.
It was an accident,
you said so yourself.
Yes, I just worry about you.
I also talked to the doctor,
she said you should
eat and drink as usual.
Stay away from screens.
And if you are feeling worse
and if the headache gets worse,
we have to tell them right away.
Hey, listen.
Yeah, okay.
Should we Should we go?
Oh, shit.
Hey, we're home.
Mum too?
She's upstairs, resting.
-What's up?
-I'm buying soap, we have no soap.
Hey, you should be relaxing.
The yellow one there, I think.
There it is. No, not that one. Oh.
There it is, that's right.
Let's see what the doctor has
prescribed for you.
Thank you.
Hi, I need to collect something.
There, let's see. Sobril was it?
Listen, that prescription is
What? No, it can't be.
Yes, it says here, it's finished.
So, well
You'll have to speak to your doctor
to get a new one.
Welcome to the Nova Clinic,
our opening hours are
Monday to Friday, from 9am to
Hey, are you here?
They released you already?
Yeah, it was just
a little concussion.
I'm getting something.
Shouldn't you be at home?
Yes, I just wanted to
take some work home.
I see.
Well, this is Nassir Hakim. Our new
investigator, taking over from Ole.
He wanted to come in today,
to get to know the place.
Veronika, born and raised here,
so you can ask her anything, right?
Mm. I'm going to
You do that. Let's move on.
Do you have to look at screens
all the time?
Mum is asleep.
No. I'll go to my room.
Hey. Go to your room,
I'll be there soon.
Next Episode