Vindication (2019) s01e01 Episode Script


(intriguing music)
(water splashing)
(door buzzer)
-I'll take it from here.
After you.
(police sirens)
Why don't you have a seat right here.
You want some water?
-No, thanks.
-We will have you out of here in no time.
Just a couple of questions
and you will be good to go.
-[Male Viewer 1] Which one is this?
-[Male Viewer 2] That's Mr. 700.
-Oh, this should be fun.
-Derek Taylor. 8:30 p.m.
Okay, so you know why
you're here Mr. Taylor.
-Yes, sir.
-And you've chosen not to have
an attorney present, correct?
-Um, yeah. That's correct.
-No need to be nervous.
We're just talking.
So, why don't you go ahead and start
and I'll ask questions as we go along.
-Um, well I should probably
start a few months back.
Cause um, I remember being in the garage
with my son one night.
(child making driving sounds)
Hey don't touch anything in there.
You hear me?
Would you please do something with him?
I can't get anything
done with him out here.
-Why don't you go upstairs
and get ready for bedtime.
I'll be up in a minute.
Who is Rebecca?
-Rebecca who?
-The Rebecca that's been
messaging you all night.
-Did you just decide it was time
to go through my phone again?
-Who is she Derek?
-You're really going to do this?
Okay, I don't have my phone.
So how am I supposed to know?
You know I work with a Rebecca.
It kind of happens.
-Oh, oh, I see.
And do all your coworkers care so deeply
about when they're going to see you again
and what time you're
leaving the office tomorrow?
-Just stop, stop!
Okay. I got an idea.
I'll just tell everyone
to stop contacting me.
I will tell everyone at
work to not contact me
for any reason because my psychotic wife
thinks I'm cheating on her with everyone.
-Here you go again making this about me.
-Because that's what it is.
-Go inside sweetie. I'll be right up.
-Okay babe. I haven't seen my messages
so I don't know what you want me to say.
So why don't you just,
you tell me exactly what you want from me.
-What do I want?
Let me think.
I want things to be like
when we were dating.
-Oh my God.
-You know, when we in love.
I want us to go to church again as a family
and not have to lie to our son
about why daddy doesn't go.
I want to know you still care about me.
Instead I get this.
(dramatic music)
You only act like you care about me
when you need something.
I'm tired of feeling disposable to you.
-Yeah, okay.
Are you finished?
(door slams)
-So this relationship with Ms. Jennings,
how long had it been
going on at this point?
-Two or three weeks.
I think. I don't know.
-Has your wife ever
expressed any violent tendencies
along with these jealous outbursts?
-Your wife, has she ever
become physical violent?
(knife chopping)
-No, not at all. Never.
-Okay, that's good.
So I'm assuming at some point
that this relationship escalated into
more than just friendly conversations.
-It doesn't really matter.
Look, they could go either way.
Hold on. I got something.
I'll call you back.
(intriguing music)
(cell phone beeps)
-What are you doing here?
Oh my gosh. I look awful.
-No, no. You look great.
I would have called ahead of time,
but you always say I'm
never being spontaneous, so.
-Wow. Well you proved me wrong on that.
-I was just in the area,
but I stop by Benny's Tacos.
Are they possibly your favorite?
-Yes, they are.
You are awesome. Thank you.
So, do you want to come in?
-No, I really gotta go.
-What? Okay, what
happened to Mr. Spontaneous?
-Look, I just,
this is um, I don't know if right now
would be the best time.
You know, just to move ahead like this.
-Wait, we're not moving ahead, okay.
It's just two friends enjoying
each others company
and some delicious tacos.
That's all, right?
-So that night the relationship became
consensually physical.
-No, no we didn't do anything.
-That night. But you did later on.
You visited her on
other occasions, correct?
-His prints were all over the place.
-Yeah, I went there
more than I should have.
-You're hard to get a
straight answer out of.
Was the relationship intimate?
-So you're telling me that
you frequented the apartment
of a beautiful single
woman with whom you had
a romantic interest
and all you did is talk?
(phones ringing and typing)
-I think it's just the first
section that needs work.
Maybe a better layout.
That's all.
-Okay, I can do that.
-Otherwise I think it's really good.
I'm impressed.
-Thank you. I'm still
learning all of this.
So it's good to know
that I'm on the right track.
Is there anything else you want me to do?
-Excuse me?
-On the report.
I mean, is there anything else you want?
-No, no. That's fine.
That's actually really good.
If you just fix that last
part and you'll be fine.
Thanks again.
-Yeah, you're welcome.
-Hey you.
-Helping out the intern I see.
-Yeah, it's nothing.
She just needed my
opinion on the TSI report.
-Are you sure?
-Is everything okay?
-Yeah. No I'm just swamped here.
I'm juggling 50 different things
and you know at home
it's not been any better.
-Well I think that you deserve a break.
Why don't you come over
tonight and let me treat you.
-You know that's not
easy for me right now.
-So apparently she doesn't
care that he's married?
-Can't you at least find a
reason to be late tonight?
Break your routine just a little.
-Can't tonight. I already
told her I'd be back at six.
-What about this?
Paul Fisher has his men's
group tonight at six thirty.
You go for a little bit
and then slip out early.
-You're relentless.
-Okay, let's go back for a second.
This intern. Did you
ever observe any conflict
or animosity between her and Rebecca?
-Just stay away from him, okay.
-I was showing him a report.
-A what? I was just showing a report.
Oh, okay. Is that how you
show reports to everyone?
-Not that I can remember.
-So no problems at the office?
No suspicions?
-Not that I noticed.
-So the intern.
What's your relationship with her?
I mean, did you see
her on a personal basis?
-No. Our relationship
was strictly professional.
Were you attracted to her?
She attracted to you?
-Excuse me?
-Was there an attraction between you two?
-She was a good employee.
-Okay. So what happens next?
You lie to your wife.
You go see Rebecca. What?
-After the third time of telling Paul,
I don't understand.
He just still could not get
what I was trying to tell him.
(group laughter)
-Oh hey, come on in man.
We're just about to get started.
Have a seat here.
Glad you're here.
Hey guys, this is Derek.
Derek, these are the guys.
Alright, well if nobody
else has anything important
to share we will go ahead and get started.
For those of you that have your workbook
we are in chapter four tonight.
-Say, I do have one thing
to say before we get started.
-Well you guys all know
what's been going on
between me and Natasha and everything.
So, this week I found out that
she's met someone else.
It's been a tough week for me.
I've been working really hard to move on,
but this just opened up everything fresh.
Back when I was messing
around on her, you know,
I thought that I wanted her gone.
But it's just tearing me up.
I mean, my son.
(dramatic music)
You know, I been
thinking back to that verse
that you shared a couple of weeks back.
And it's really been giving
me the clarity and hope.
So, I really need for you guys just to
keep praying for me.
That's it.
-And we will Byron. Thanks for sharing.
-What does the verse say?
-Its says, the thief has
come to steal, kill, and destroy,
but I have come that you may have life.
-I thought I could stay
up and wait for daddy.
-No, daddy's going to be home late.
And you're tired.
-No I'm not.
-Close your eyes and
think sleepy thoughts.
-We forgot to pray.
-Okay, but close your eyes.
(peaceful music)
Lord, bless Devon with
deep sleep and happy dreams.
And give me patience and strength. Amen.
-Forgot to pray for daddy.
-What should we say for daddy?
-To come home.
-Okay. I love you.
(dramatic music)
(cell phone beeps)
-Okay, okay, okay.
-I see, so during the time
that the crime was committed
you were alone in your car talking to God.
-Yes, sir.
-Do you know what alibi is Derek?
-Yeah, I do.
-That's good, because you don't have one.
Listen, we can do this again.
And you can give me
something more believable.
Because what you're telling me
is not helping your situation.
This is not the first time I've done this.
And your story is way to convenient
for a person in your position.
-What's he doing?
-He's trying to get
him to change his story.
(intriging music)
-It's the truth.
(dramatic music)
-Okay, we'll do it your way.
So tell me what happened when you got home.
-Do I even want to know where you've been?
-I can explain.
Sorry I didn't call.
I just needed some time.
-Time with who?
-Okay, just please listen to me
because I'm ready to talk about everything.
You know, I'm ready now.
-Did you sleep with her?
-I can thankfully and
honestly say no, I didn't.
-Why should I believe you?
-Because I'm sitting here.
I'm at home and I'm so
ready for things to be different.
-It might be too late for that.
You have really, really
hurt and betrayed me Derek.
-I know. I know that.
So, just let me say what I
need to say tonight please.
And when I'm done, if
you want me to leave I will.
Okay, well I realized tonight that
things haven't been right
with me in a really long time.
I can't explain it.
It's just, I haven't been happy at all.
And I haven't been treating you right.
I mean, I haven't been
treating Devon right.
I haven't been doing
much of anything right.
And yes, I've made some stupid decisions.
But as I sit here right now,
I feel like something's different.
I feel like I'm a different person.
Like something changed in me tonight.
-Why tonight? What happened?
-I talked to God.
-You prayed?
-I know it sounds crazy.
It doesn't sound like me,
but I really did go to
that meeting tonight.
And I was doing it for
all the wrong reasons.
And I was just sitting
there and I was listening
to this guy talk and it was like
-I mean, it was like everything
he said was meant for me.
It was like God was talking directly to me,
and I'm sitting there
listening to this guy talk,
and then when he's done I
just go to my car, you know.
And I start crying. I start
bawling my eyes out.
The guy in the meeting said
he begged Jesus to forgive him
and that he wanted Him to change him.
So that's, I didn't know what else to do.
So I just started talking to God
and I'm just sitting there.
And when I was done I
felt like something changed
and I needed to come home
and ask you to forgive me.
(relieved sighs)
-I don't feel like I
can trust you anymore.
You understand that, right?
I don't even know if I can believe
what you're telling me right now.
-I know. I know that.
And I don't blame you. I don't.
But, this is the first step that I'm taking
as a new person.
I'm trying.
Just please understand,
I want you and only you
to be there when I take that second step.
-So is that how this fairy tale ends?
Happily ever after?
-No, sir.
No, we're just taking it one day at a time.
Of course, this situation,
it's not making it any easier for us.
-Okay, well I think I've got all I need.
-So what happens now?
-You go home to your wife and son.
That's what happens.
(intriguing music)
-I don't understand.
-We already got our guy.
It's a jealous ex-boyfriend.
Been harassing her for months.
We just had to cover our bases with you,
so that's why you're here.
We'll say the 713
messages threw us for a loop,
but the rest of your
story seems to check out.
So you're free to go.
Thank God you weren't there that night.
Probably saved your life.
(dramatic music)
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