Vividred Operation (2013) s01e01 Episode Script

The First Operation

I have no choice but to do it.
Izu Ōshima
This is a future that some might consider a utopia.
An era of peace that everyone had dreamed of,
in which science has solved all the world's problems.
Most motorbikes, cars, and buildings are powered by energy from the sky.
Conflicts over natural resources
are a thing of the past.
All of this is thanks to the Incarnate Engine, which was perfected five years ago.
The Incarnate Engine stands on an artificial island built at the center of Sagami Bay,
Blue Island.
It's connected to an array of orbiting satellites, sending energy to every corner of the world.
You're looking mighty chipper this morning, Akane-chan.
Good morning, Granny Suzuki!
We've got a lovely view of Mr. Engine this morning.
I'm sure it'll be a sunny day today.
Believe it or not, the one who invented the Engine was my grandfather.
This is another one of his inventions:
the only motorbike in the world that flies.
I call her "Puppy".
The elderly folks often say it's
a wonderful time to be alive.
I couldn't agree more.
I simply love the present!
I love this island and everyone on it too!
I'll be arriving at Blue Island this afternoon.
I can hardly wait to see you again!
It won't be much longer.
Onee-chan? Breakfast is ready.
Got it!
"Episode 1 - First Operation"
Onee-chan, carry over the miso soup.
There's okra in it!
I picked them from the garden this morning.
Okra, okra, ok—
Good morning, Dad.
Onee-chan, go get Grandpa.
All right!
Professor Isshiki Kenjirō!
It's breakfast time!
Who dares disturb my research?!
Your granddaughter!
You are indeed my granddaughter Akane!
We've been apart for 8 hours, 57 minutes, and 12 seconds!
I'm so happy to see you again!
Me too, Grandpa!
Do you have to do that every morning?
Thanks for the food!
Oh yeah. When is Aoi-chan coming back?
I'm going over to greet her
as soon as school ends.
You're coming too, right?
I'm sorry.
There's a flash sale at Bekoya later today.
A dozen eggs for 10 yen!
I can't pass this up!
So you can't come?
Pah, penny-pinching over eggs
Now whose fault is it that we're poor?
Y-Yes, well, those are all
to my research, you see
What, pray tell, is a "color spectrum analyzer"?
And what is it for?
So yeah,
go on without me.
Here, for the train.
Do we have enough money to
last us until we visit Mom again?
Don't worry.
Anyway, you'd better eat fast, or else we'll be late.
Oh my gosh, the time!
See you later!
Take care.
Now then
I'd better hurry up and finish it.
Auxiliary 01 to Command.
Current altitude: 29,000.
This is Command.
Commencing guidance.
"Blue Island UN Defense Forces Command"
Change heading to 30 degrees
and ascend to 35,000 feet.
The US military has confirmed the bogey.
Neighboring countries are denying involvement.
All units down!
Bogey radar signal lost!
What in the world just
Activate emergency defensive protocols!
Contact the fleet! This is top priority!
"Ōshima Kitanoyama Elementary & Middle School"
Next gym class, we'll be playing
dodgeball with the elementary kids.
We're gonna win for sure!
Ah, yes. Isshiki!
Really? She can?
Her attendance is borderline,
but she did the classwork,
and it's not her fault she was ill.
We took that into account
when we made our decision.
You'll both advance to the next grade.
Yes! That's great!
I've gotta tell Momo!
What is it, Yocchan?
I-It's Yuu-kun!
Cut it out!
Is this safe?
Almost there
That's dangerous! What were you doing up there?
But this bird
He fell from his nest and
got caught on a branch.
The poor birdie.
Don't worry. Leave it to me!
Up I go
Are you okay, Aka-neechan?
What are you doing, Isshiki?
Get down from there!
Thank goodness!
You know you're bad with heights.
Come on, Onee-chan.
I really admire your bravery,
but you worry me sometimes.
Sorry, Momo.
"Tanegashima Spaceport"
I hope you weren't waiting long.
I'm terribly sorry you had to
prepare an airplane just for me.
I simply wish to return to
the island as soon as possible.
You're in good hands with us, young lady.
This craft is powered by the energy transmitted from Blue Island.
It's the latest Energy Ray System tiltrotor.
Your flight should be as smooth as silk.
I'll be seeing you soon.
Just wait a bit longer.
Aoi-chan says she's already on the plane here!
Then you'd better hurry.
Later, everyone!
Wh-What is that?
You are certain that we are its target, Prime Minister?
"Blue Island Administration Bureau Chief's Office"
It's either a terrorist attack
or some nation attempting to steal the Incarnate Engine.
In other words, the work of human beings?
What else would it be the work of?
Are you implying that these are the "Alone" that man spoke of?
We shall make all due preparations.
If the situation changes, please contact me.
Seven years ago, not a single person paid you any heed.
The blame for the accident was
forced upon you, resulting in your exile.
Perhaps you were correct after all,
Professor Isshiki.
So you really came back, huh?
But I won't let you have your way this time!
What was that?
It's coming from our house
Are you okay, Grandpa?
He's not breathing
It can't be
Grandpa! Grandpa!
Yeah, what?
Ugh, I thought I was a goner!
It's the stuffed animal I gave him.
It's talking
What the hell?!
It seems I successfully contained the incarnate circuits,
but failed to cancel the impulse of the phase transition.
It looks like my consciousness was separated from my body.
So that means you're not dead?
Of course!
But that's not important right now.
It is too important!
Fret not, granddaughter of mine.
I'll figure out how to get back eventually.
More importantly
I've finally completed it.
Completed what?
Look at my hand!
No! That hand!
What's this?
The fruit of half a lifetime of research!
In a sense, the Incarnate Engine was but a byproduct of my efforts to create this.
Is it a key?
Akane, this is a key that only you can use.
Take it.
Only I can?
What's going on?
This is an announcement from Tokyo Prefecture New Ōshima Special Administrative Region.
The areas of New Ōshima, Izu,
and Ōshima surrounding islands
I wonder what happened.
I don't suppose Mt. Mihara
No. An eruption would be merciful.
A far more dreadful calamity is
bearing down upon Blue Island!
Blue Island
We'll leave my body here for now.
Th-The refrigerator?
Momo, you head underground.
Not even a bunker buster can reach you down there.
Take care of the house, Momo.
We promised to look after the place until Mom gets out of the hospital, remember?
Let's go, Grandpa!
Evacuation of Blue Island residents complete.
Requesting permission to engage with missiles.
All units, fire at will.
You'll have visual soon.
I-Is that our enemy?
Incoming! Break!
A beam weapon?!
We don't want to get swamped by any waves!
Take her up as high as she goes!
Got it!
There are flashes of lights coming from over there!
The defense forces are trying to fight the Alone.
Such futile actions.
"7 years ago, National Energy Research Center"
"Incarnate Engine Prototype I"
Code 104.
"Containment Building"
Incarnation Flow Engine has sustained severe damage.
It is currently out of control.
Mom We're so high up I'm scared.
Don't look down, Akane.
It's okay.
They're coming to save us.
I'll be right there! Hang on!
Wh-What is that?
Mashiro! Akane!
It's after the Incarnate Engine!
The Engine? Why?
I don't know.
But if the Engine is destroyed, it's all over for Earth.
Step on it, Akane!
Got it!
One Kongō is down!
Damn it. That monster
Don't be rash, Lieutenant Amagi.
A civilian craft?!
What's it doing here?
Civilian craft! Exit this airspace at once!
I can't! I've lost control!
This is terrible.
She's on that plane!
This is bad, Akane.
With that trajectory, it's
going to crash into the Engine!
Keep going straight. There's an elevator to the top.
Prepare for crash landing!
Young lady! Brace for impact!
Hurry up Hurry
My God
We're so high up I'm scared.
Akane-chan stay back
Akane-chan! We're flying!
You're right! But how?
Ah, that's right! Akane-chan,
what about your fear of heights?
I'm fine now. I've gotten over it.
A successful operation!
That's the power of my ultimate invention, the Vivid System!
Vivid System?
Enemy has penetrated the second defensive line.
It'll make landfall unless we do something!
The city
Do you wish to help them?
Because you have that power—
the only power in this world that can stand against the Alone!
We do!
Listen carefully, you two!
You'll have to dock!
"To be continued"
Nice to meet you! I'm Futaba Aoi.
We're confronted with a sudden enemy: the Alone.
It's frightening, but so long as
Akane-chan's with me, I'll fight!
Next episode:
"The Moment of Our Resonance."
I'll protect everyone. I swear!
Next Episode