Watership Down (2018) s01e01 Episode Script

The Journey

[narrator] In the beginning,
the great Frith made the world
and he made the stars by scattering
his droppings over the sky.
Now, El-Ahrairah was prince of the rabbits
and he had so many wives and so many kits
that even Frith couldn't count them.
They ate all the grass and clover
in the entire world.
Frith could have killed the prince rabbit
there and then,
but he needed him
for his hijinks and tricks.
So, instead, he determined
there would be a meeting
of all the animals of the world,
and upon each, he would bestow a gift.
Upon the homba, he gave great cunning.
Upon the hawk, sharp talons.
Upon the cat, silent feet.
Upon the weasel, great speed.
Upon the wolf, great teeth. All to hunt
and slay the children of El-Ahrairah.
These animals became the elil,
the thousand enemies of rabbits.
It was a few days later,
when El-Ahrairah heard of all of this,
and went to see Frith.
[El-Ahrairah] You have condemned
my people to lives of fear, Lord.
[Frith] Do you not wish to see
what blessing I have
for your people, Prince Rabbit?
To my bottom, give your blessings.
[Frith] Very well.
Grow a tail to confuse those chasing you
and legs to outrun them.
Grow ears to hear any
of your thousand enemies from miles away.
All the world will be your enemy,
prince of a thousand enemies.
And when they catch you,
they will kill you.
But first they must catch you.
Digger, listener, runner
Prince with the swift warning,
be cunning and full of tricks
and your people will never be destroyed.
[rabbits laughing and chattering]
[Hazel] Fiver!
Fiver, where are you?
- [laughter]
- [rabbit 1] I'm going to get you!
[rabbit 2] Got you!
- [Hazel] Hello, little ones.
- [rabbits] Hi, Hazel.
Do you think there'll be a lot of does
out this evening?
Is that all you think about, Hawkbit?
No, actually, but do you think
there'll be lots of does out this evening?
- [Dandelion] Give it a rest.
- [Hawkbit] I was just asking.
It's not all I think about, actually.
There's lots of things I think about
[baby rabbit chatters]
[Blackberry] The duration of each season
has to be calculated by light values.
- [Bluebell] I've stopped listening.
- [Blackberry] I don't know why I bother.
[Bluebell] Nope, but I did see
[Fiver gasps and whimpers]
[Fiver whimpers and pants]
[breathes heavily]
[pants and gasps]
[distant rumble of machinery]
[Hazel] Fiver?
[Fiver] Oh, no. No. No.
- [distant rumbling]
- [Hazel] Fiver?
- [gasps and pants]
- [loud rumbling]
[metallic crunch]
- [Hazel] Wake up, Fiver.
- [gasps and breathes heavily]
You're having another nightmare, brother.
[pants] Hazel, it was the strangest dream.
It's okay, Fiver.
Let's go get something to eat.
I spotted some sow thistle
down by the stream,
and I haven't eaten anything decent
in days.
I I dreamt something was coming
to Sandleford.
I think it might mean we're in danger,
Captain Holly was in it.
There was a huge
Captain Holly? Fiver, I think
Captain Holly can take care of himself.
They usually do in the Owsla.
I know, and no one likes hearing about
someone else's dreams, but
[Hazel] Huh. Dewdrop.
- I dreamt something was coming.
- [does giggle]
- My dream was about Captain Holly.
- It's him again. [giggles]
- [whispers] Is he still looking?
- Hazel.
- Don't look at him.
- Do you like him?
[both grunt]
[chuckles] Oh, look, Fiver, sow thistle!
Finally, something good to eat.
[Scabious] Oi, you two.
You know the rules.
Sow thistle is reserved for members
of the Owsla, don't you know that?
- Move along.
- [they cackle]
"You know the rules."
I'm sick of the rules.
I wonder whether there's a place for us
in this warren!
There's too many rabbits and too little
food without the Owsla stealing from us
This is where it comes from
the thing in my dream.
[breathes heavily] Look!
The fields are filled with blood.
[gasps softly]
[breathes heavily]
It's only the light of sunset, Fiver.
[breathes heavily]
Brother, I know
everyone thinks I'm strange.
Even you sometimes,
but you have to believe me.
Something will come to this place
something foul and fierce.
- We need to warn everyone.
- But we're outskirters, Fiver.
People don't listen to us.
Well, we must make them listen.
How do you propose we do that?
Go away. He's busy.
We only need a few moments
with the Threarah.
We wouldn't ask if it weren't important.
All right, go on.
But if I get my head bitten off,
I'll come looking for you.
[Bigwig grunts]
[Threarah] So, you were saying,
your brother senses things.
Uh, yes. Sometimes images in his head.
And [sighs] I don't know how to say it,
but he was right before.
- He knew the flood was coming last autumn.
- Oh, I see.
And what has he, um, sensed this time?
I don't know what it is, but it's bad.
It's so bad. You have to get everyone
to leave tonight, Threarah, please.
My goodness. Everyone? Tonight?
[chuckles] The entire warren, and you want
me to tell them that we all have to go?
Well, I'll give that
some very serious thought.
You're not listening. There is no time.
I can feel the danger
like a wire around my neck!
Threarah, you have to act now
Now! [echoes]
Hazel, I think your brother
needs to rest for a while.
Take him out for some fresh air.
- No, but
- Shh. Yes, Threarah.
[Bigwig grunts]
[Threarah] I told you I wanted
to be left alone, fool!
And you let a bunch of outskirters
Hazel Hazel. That was our answer.
We have to go.
Are you really sure, Fiver?
I'm telling you now as your brother,
as your friend
this warren will soon be laid waste.
We can leave now,
or we can be destroyed with it.
We need to spread the word to as
many rabbits as possible, but be careful.
If the Owsla get wind of this,
there will be trouble.
Bluebell, Blackberry,
there's a danger coming.
Hey, listen. There's a danger coming to
Sandleford. Hazel will lead us to safety.
Join us at Frith Down under the bridge.
Good heavens. I mean, good gracious.
I mean, that is to say
Hazel, if your brother has taken
firm stock in such a portent
What Blackberry's trying to say is,
we're in!
Hey, there's a danger coming
to Sandleford.
Hazel will lead us to safety.
Join us at Frith Down, under the bridge.
What was all that about?
But I don't understand.
- Sandleford is our home, Hazel.
- Look, there's a danger coming.
My brother sensed it.
He's often right about these things.
What if it's more dangerous out there
than here?
We're meeting at Fu Inle,
by the cattle grid.
Come with us.
Come with me.
Let me think about it, okay?
[soft gasp]
Dewdrop? Dewdrop?
It's Blackberry and Bluebell, and we've
brought Hawkbit and Dandelion, too.
- Get down here before you're seen!
- Right you are.
Wait, wait, wait, this everyone?
Where are the does?
I presumed there'd be does.
[sighs] This can't be everyone.
It can't be.
Maybe we should go back,
convince the others.
- [Fiver] She's not coming, Hazel.
- [small clang and all gasp]
There's been more and more
of those strange things recently.
- They come from humans.
- [Blackberry] Fascinating.
All right. Let's go.
Not so fast!
You're all under arrest for spreading
dissension and inciting to mutiny.
You more than anyone need to listen,
Captain Holly.
Something is coming to this place,
something foul and fierce.
Just let us go.
Even if you are bigger,
there are more of us.
We fancy it'd be a good fight.
The Threarah nearly tore my ears off
tonight after I'd let you in.
Told me I'm lucky I'm not kicked out
of the Owsla!
Lucky to still have my privileges. Well
- Well, I'm sick of being in the Owsla.
- Thlayli!
I'm sick of being in this warren!
I'm sick of obeying your orders
and towing the line!
Thlayli, be careful, now.
Think about what you're doing.
Go now, Captain Holly,
or we'll kill the lot of you.
[soft growl]
Someone told them what you're up to.
We need to move before they come back
with the entire Owsla.
Along the line of the stream and through
the meadow, then into the woods. Come on!
[grunting and panting]
[panting and whimpering]
[heavy breathing]
[Bluebell] Do you think this is where
the black rabbit of Inle lives?
In a stone warren of dead rabbits,
filled with disease and death?
[Blackberry] Please stop talking.
[Bluebell] With black eyes
that burn like the fires of hell
and a cold, grey expression,
with sorrow beyond imagining.
Bluebell, you're making everyone nervous.
[soft whimper]
[bird squawks]
[grunting and sighing]
[panting and whimpering]
Hazel, this was your plan.
Where are we going?
We need to get clear of the old warren,
then I guess we'll find somewhere to stay.
You guess? He guesses.
Who's leader here, anyway?
No one by the looks of it.
- [Holly] They're up ahead!
- [gasping]
- Owsla.
- Everyone run!
[rabbit] Get them!
Quick, go! Come on!
- They're getting away!
- Close them down!
[panting and gasping]
[panting and grunting]
This is a nice surprise, Hazel!
I say we go deeper into the trees
and hide.
- No. We have to cross the river here.
- Cross it? Maybe some of us could,
but you and Bluebell are worn out.
If Fiver says we cross here,
we cross here.
[Owsla 1] They're here. I see 'em!
- [Bluebell] Faster. Faster!
- [Owsla 2] Get 'em!
We'll never outrun them now.
We're done for.
[Owsla 2] Go on! Get 'em!
- Faster!
- [Owsla 3] They're getting away!
- [Bluebell] Faster, they're catching up!
- [Hazel] Blackberry, any suggestions?
I had a rather splendid idea,
but the blasted thing disappeared again.
About uh, about the strange things
that Fiver and I saw,
the human things that move on top
of the river, on top of the
It's It's It was
- Everybody follow me!
- [panting]
[Owsla 2] Where're they going?
- Here! Quick. Get on this thing.
- [grunting]
[rabbit] What's going on?
- [Blackberry] Push it into the water.
- [grunting]
- [Owsla 1] Quick!
- [yelling]
- [Blackberry] Hold on with your paws.
- What are they doing?
[gasping and grunting]
[rabbit] Go upstream!
- [Holly] This way!
- [Owsla 1] Come on, lads. Faster.
- [grunts]
- [Holly] Try and find a way across.
- [yelling]
- [Owsla] Quick! Get 'em!
Get 'em.
- [roars]
- [grunting]
- [Holly] Cut them off!
- [Owsla 1] Come on, Toadflax!
- Come on!
- [grunting]
- [Owsla 1] Come on!
- They're getting away!
[Blackberry] Kick! Kick! Kick!
- Keep kicking!
- [Holly] Go, go, go, go!
- [grunting]
- Come on!
I'll see you again, Bigwig!
I promise you that!
And next time,
there won't be a river between us!
Oh, I'm counting on it. [chuckles]
[Bluebell] Everybody listen up!
Now that I'm official storyteller
I've decided I am the official storyteller
of the group, by the way.
I'll have to make it
into a legendary tale.
"The Story of How Hazel Led
Our Escape Over the Raging Rapids."
It was Blackberry who had the idea.
[Bluebell] But you stayed calm
and led us on our way.
I tell you, he is what I call
a Chief Rabbit. Hazel-rah!
Hazel-rah! Chief Rabbit! [chuckles]
Frith in a wasps' nest!
The day I call you Chief Rabbit, Hazel,
that'll be the day.
I'll stop fighting that day, and all.
I know we have to find a new home,
but we're like sitting ducks out here
in the open.
And why does it have to be so far away?
- I guess because Fiver says.
- "Because Fiver says."
Fiver says a lot of things. What if Fiver
says jump out of a bush and tickle a wolf?
"Because Fiver says!"
Hazel's no fool, Hawkbit.
He knows we need to take Fiver
with a pinch of salt now and then.
[car zooms past]
- [Hazel] What was that?
- Up ahead. Through the hedge.
What is it?
Doesn't smell natural.
It's a road. Have you never seen one
before or something?
Don't know much about things,
do you, Hazel-rah?
Why don't you teach me, Bigwig?
[sighs] The men put the black stuff there,
so that the hrududil can run on it.
They're harmless,
so long as you leave them alone by night.
[engine roars]
[clears throat]
See that? They don't hurt you.
As a matter of fact,
I don't think they're alive.
You say they're not dangerous,
Bigwig, but look at that.
A yona Why would it kill a yona?
Yonil hunt at night.
That's what I'm trying to say to you.
In the dark, the hrududil have big lights
and they draw creatures close.
And if they shine on you, you go tharn
and then they crush you.
You let me know if you want me
to teach you anything else, Hazel.
[thunder rumbles and crackles]
We have to keep moving.
There's too many elil at night
to stay still without a warren.
Come on!
[grunting and panting]
[Hazel] Fiver!
What is it?
There, that's where we're going.
That down.
That's our home.
We head for the down.
- [grunts]
- [lightning cracks]
- [Hawkbit] Where are we going to sleep?
- [Bluebell] Yeah, where?
[Hawkbit] There'll be more elil out soon.
It's far too late to dig scrapes.
[owl hoots]
[Fiver groans softly]
[groans and pants]
[Fiver mutters and gasps]
- [Fiver] Bigwig! I thought
- Quiet, Fiver. Something's here.
[soft squawk]
- [Bigwig] What is it?
- Maybe it's the black rabbit of Inle.
Nonsense. There's no such thing.
- Wake up now.
- [Hazel] Bigwig. What's going on?
Corvil! A reckoning of them!
We should run.
[wings flutter and cawing]
[Bigwig grunts]
[soft gasp]
- Let me try and talk to them.
- Talk to them? Hazel, no!
We understand
that this might be your home.
- [Hazel sighs]
- [cawing]
We are only here because we've got
nowhere else to go. [grunts]
- [cawing]
- [gasping]
[grunts and groans]
- [cawing]
- [yells]
- [squawks]
- Get him off me! [groans]
- [grunting and groaning]
- [cawing]
[groans and yells]
- [caws aggressively]
- [grunting]
Someone should draw them away,
give the rest of us a chance.
Are you mad? You'll never outrun a corva!
I'll go.
- [grunts]
- [cawing]
He's serious.
[angry cawing]
[gasps and pants]
- [cawing]
- [Blackberry] That is one fast rabbit.
[angry cawing]
[Hazel] He's got 'em distracted. Let's go!
[cawing and squawking]
- [pants]
- [angry cawing]
There he is. No! Dandelion!
Put him down!
[groans and pants]
[caws angrily]
[caws angrily]
[Hawkbit] Run, Dandelion, run!
[angry cawing]
[angry squawking]
[caws aggressively]
One step closer
and I'll pull your tail feathers out
and stuff them down your throat,
you embleer corva!
[caws angrily]
- [yells]
- [angry cawing]
- [caws]
- [grunts angrily]
[thunder crackles]
[heavy rain]
[Bigwig] All right, day's breaking,
we should stop.
[Hazel] No. We keep moving.
Are you giving me an order, Hazel?
Because I didn't realise
anyone had made you Chief Rabbit!
After all, it was me
who helped us escape Sandleford.
Blackberry who rescued us at the stream.
Oh, and Dandelion who saved us
from your stupid mistake with the birds!
We followed you here,
because you promised us a better life,
Hazel, a better life!
[sighs] Things will improve
when we reach the down.
[guffaws] Yes, yes! The down.
The place we're heading for no reason
other than Fiver had a feeling about it!
Well, as there's no does here, I'm going
to attempt to dig myself a scrape.
Is that okay? Not because I want to rest,
but because this is where I'm staying!
[panting and grunting]
Bigwig was right.
I'm not a leader.
I'm not strong like him.
I'm not smart like Blackberry.
I'm not fast like Dandelion.
And I don't have stories
to lift everyone's spirits like Bluebell.
Or visions to keep us from harm like you.
You've led us this far,
and none of us are dead.
- Isn't that a miracle in itself?
- It's blind luck is what it is.
- [distant thunder]
- We could use another dose of that now.
[rumble of thunder]
[paw stamping]
[hums upbeat tune]
What on earth is that rabbit doing?
[hums upbeat tune]
Who are you, and what do you want?
My name is Cowslip. I come from a warren
just across the field here.
I don't want anything from you.
- You look tired. Have you come a long way?
- So what if we have?
That doesn't mean
we can't defend ourselves.
I don't doubt that for one second.
Our warren's not as big as we'd like,
but there's enough food to go around.
And if you'd like to live with us,
we'd welcome you.
These scrapes don't look too comfortable.
There's more heavy storms on their way.
Anyway, if you'll excuse me.
I hate the rain.
Well, that was unexpected.
Uh, we're going, right?
He seemed nice. I liked him. Let's go.
Let's go right now.
But why did he invite us there?
It makes no sense to share with us.
- I've got a feeling
- Here we go.
I've got a feeling we should have nothing
to do with that rabbit or his warren,
that we ought to leave this place at once
and head to the down.
- What do you think, Hazel?
- Yeah. We all know what Hazel thinks.
[mocks] He thinks the same as Fiver!
I think we should go to Cowslip's warren.
These scrapes are no good in this weather
and I fancy taking the chance to get warm
and have some sleep.
[wind whistles]
[Bigwig] Sky above us. Every living
creature for miles must know that's there!
Everyone, keep your wits about you.
We're glad you've come.
Allow me to take you down
to the Great Burrow.
- [gasping and muttering]
- Look at that
[Blackberry] Look at the roof! The roots
of the tree keep it stable. It's genius!
Clever rabbits!
[Hawkbit] Look at the size of them!
They could rip us to pieces!
Hazel, may I be the first
to welcome you all to our warren?
Thank you. We're glad to be here.
This is a fine warren you have.
When you said it wasn't as big
as you'd like,
we were expecting something a lot smaller.
Were there more of you living here once?
Why don't you just settle in here?
I think you'll find
there's everything you'll ever need.
I've got a bad feeling, Hazel.
Why are all the rabbits here so big?
[Hazel] Fiver, it's just for one night.
- It'll be okay.
- Hello, you must be Hazel.
My name's Strawberry!
I'm so excited to make friends with you.
Unless you don't want to be friends.
It's fine if you don't.
We can be friends.
Oh! Brambles! I knew we'd get on! Come on!
I'll take you a tour of the warren.
I'm pretty good at tours, by the way.
Uh, we'd love to.
There are so many empty burrows,
plenty of room for you all.
I'll find you a burrow close to mine,
so if you've got any questions,
you can come and say, Strawberry
- Why are there so many empty burrows?
- I don't know.
- Perhaps they had the white blindness.
- [Strawberry chatters on]
- [sniffs]
- [Strawberry chatters]
Can't smell any signs of the disease.
[Strawberry] Here we are.
Newcomers don't usually come here,
but since we're officially best friends,
I'm going to make an exception.
[Strawberry] Enchanting, isn't it?
A rabbit called Laburnum did it.
We call it a shape.
It's where we come
to give praise to Frith.
But what what's it for?
Careful! We don't want to damage it.
We're so blessed to have it.
It's such a special place to come to,
especially when you're feeling sad.
What do you make of all this, Fiver?
[Strawberry] Kingcup!
Kingcup, come and meet Hazel.
Oh, I didn't realise.
He's gone.
It's getting late.
Let's find a place for you all to sleep!
[distant chattering and laughter]
[soft grunting]
- Hazel!
- Ah! What What's going on?
Nothing, silly goose! Come on.
We need to get some flayrah. [chuckles]
Flayrah! It's far too early
to go raiding gardens for lettuce.
[cock crows]
Frith in a basket! Flayrah!
Try it.
It's a carrot.
How is it?
[mouth full] Horrible. Uh-uh.
I wouldn't bother.
I wouldn't bother Oh!
- [chuckling]
- [Hawkbit] Oh, yes.
Oh, it's so
so juicy.
- [grunting]
- This is delicious.
Oh, I'm in heaven.
This place is better than heaven.
- This place has carrots!
- [Hawkbit] Oh, yeah.
[happy chattering]
Oh. Oh, yeah.
[Hawkbit] Mm. Oh. Oh.
Take it away from me. No, leave it here.
You need to get control of Fiver.
This place is perfect.
We don't want the rabbits here thinking
we don't appreciate their hospitality
because of him, all right?
[happy background chattering]
I'll talk to him.
- [munching and chattering]
- [rabbit] So lovely.
Oh, Fiver, have you been out here
all night in the rain?
Why don't you eat some of the flayrah?
Eating food that's been left by men?
No, I'll have nothing to do with it.
- Are you trying to make me angry?
- I'm the one who should be angry.
These rabbits there's something
about them that's sad and lost,
like trees in November. I've got
a feeling that there's something
What proof have we got
that your feelings have ever been right?
Why didn't you have a feeling
about the birds?
Maybe the truth is there never was
anything bad back at the old warren!
Maybe we left everything behind
because of you for no reason!
Maybe I left Dewdrop for no reason!
Dewdrop was the one who told
the Owsla we were leaving!
- Hazel, I heard her telling Captain Holly.
- [exhales] No, I don't believe you.
- Hazel, you know I wouldn't make this up.
- Go back into that warren,
or I will drag you in there myself.
- No, Hazel, I won't. I won't go back!
- Go!
Hazel, I have to say,
this place, it's paradise.
I've got my own burrow. There's a lot
of very nice does here, let me tell you,
and the food no wonder
these scoundrels are so fat!
And I just I don't know.
I just wanted to say that
I was wrong about you.
I'll follow you anywhere.
- To Hazel.
- To Hazel.
- Hazel-rah!
- Hazel-rah!
Hazel-rah! Huh! Frith's beard.
You did well.
Don't let it go to your head.
Everyone! Everyone!
I thought we might welcome
our new guests by hearing some stories.
Yes, we have a wonderful storyteller
amongst our number Bluebell.
Did you just give me a compliment,
- I didn't think you liked me!
- I didn't say I liked you
- What?
- From this moment on, we're inseparable!
[clears throat]
Does and bucks,
and kits up passed their burrow-times,
I give you the story of El-Ahrairah
and the king's lettuce.
- [distant chanting]
- There was a time when El-Ahrairah
and his followers lost all their luck.
Their enemies drove them out
and they were forced to live
down in the marshes of Kelfazin.
Now, where the marshes
- [distant chanting]
- [sniffs]
[all chant]
Devoted are we to the path he decides.
Praise be to Frith for our food.
Blessed are we to be his humble servants.
Wise are we to accept his will.
Devoted are we to the path
[Bluebell] And from that day to this,
no power on earth can keep a rabbit
out of a vegetable garden
for El-Ahrairah prompts them
with 1,000 tricks!
- The best in the world!
- [cheering]
- The best in the world!
- Nice one, Bluebell.
That was very nice.
We don't tell the old stories much.
El-Ahrairah doesn't mean much to us.
But he was a trickster!
Rabbits always need tricks.
No, rabbits need dignity
and the will to accept
what Frith has decided for them.
[chanting] Devoted are we
to the path he decides.
Frith lies in the evening sky.
The clouds are red about him.
I am here, Lord Frith.
I am running through the long grass.
Oh, take me with you.
- [whimpers]
- Dropping behind the woods, far away,
to the heart of the light.
The silence.
For I am ready to give you my breath,
my life.
This rabbit, he he smells like wounds.
- Like pain and rot.
- [Silverweed] yellow and brown.
[Fiver] Hazel! Hazel, the roof!
The roof here is made of bones!
They're not bones, Hrairoo.
They're tree roots [echoes]
They're not bones
Far away into the earth, we go!
[Fiver whimpers]
[Silverweed] Ready, with the berries.
- Stay here, Bigwig. I'll deal with this.
- Don't tell me what to do.
You had your chance to deal with Fiver.
Now it's my turn.
I will go with you. I will be rabbit
of the leaves, in the deep
Fiver! You wretched little black beetle!
You're one tantrum away from getting us
all kicked out!
[pants] I'm sorry,
but I'm going to the down.
You wouldn't have a hope in hell!
You'd be dead before night-Frith.
You are closer to death than I, Bigwig.
This place is death.
There is shadow in every corner of it.
Hazel, you said that you could never make
a good leader
because you're not the fastest,
nor the strongest nor the smartest,
but what makes a great leader
is that you believed in us
and brought out the best in us.
[inhales and sighs]
Goodbye, brother.
Fiver, wait!
If you say this place is rotten,
then it's rotten and we leave.
We began this adventure together,
we'll finish it together.
I'll go and tell the others
we need to leave.
I'm not letting you get to the others,
If you want to leave, go.
The rest of us are staying here.
- Let me go, Bigwig.
- You're not Chief Rabbit, Hazel!
You never will be! If you want
to take the crazy dream of your brother
as reality, then do it elsewhere!
You're finished here!
I'm going back to the warren now.
If you follow me there,
I'll kill you both.
- [sharp snap]
- [Bigwig groans]
- [groans]
- Hazel, something's got him.
[both sniff]
[Bigwig groans]
[nervous breathing]
[Bigwig groans]
[Bigwig groans]
Oh! Thlayli?
- Thlayli! Listen! You're in a snare.
- [gasps for breath]
Now, what did they teach you to do
in the Owsla?
Bigwig, tell me what to do!
Fiver, get the others.
[Bigwig] Bite. [gasps for breath]
Dig, bite. [gasps for breath]
- Bigwig's in a snare! Come quick!
- [gasping]
Nobody leaves. Frith has decided
that it is Bigwig's turn.
- And so it will be.
- Turn! What do you mean turn?
A day less for one means
a day more for us all.
- [chant] A day more for all.
- Now, listen here. For the last few days,
me and my friends have been
chased, clawed, bitten, drowned
and if you don't get out of the way now
You'll find out why
we've made it this far.
Let them leave, Cowslip!
Out of our way!
Fools! Think you're any safer
out there than you are here?
You'll be dead by sunset.
- Hazel, is he alive?
- I don't know. He told me to dig and bite.
- Bigwig? Oh, no.
- [chokes]
- [Hazel] Hold on. Hold on.
- [grunts]
It's narrower down there.
We can bite through.
- Hurry.
- Fiver, come on. You're the smallest.
- Quickly, brother. Come on, Fiver.
- Come on!
- There has to be something else we can do.
- [groans]
Bigwig, you hold on! You hold on!
- Come on!
- Hold on, Bigwig.
[Hazel] Hurry, you can do it, Fiver!
Quickly, brother!
- [gags]
- [Hazel] Bigwig, stop!
[gasps for breath]
- Push this thing.
- [grunts]
- [grunting]
- [Blackberry] It's getting tighter.
- Bigwig, stop pulling.
- [Hazel] He's almost there.
Bigwig! Bigwig!
[pants] It's out. You're free.
Oh. [sighs]
I can't hear him breathing.
[gasps softly]
[all] My heart has joined the thousand,
for my friend stopped running today.
[whimpers softly]
[sad sigh]
Fiver, clean your face now.
The smell of blood will attract elil.
- Mm.
- Where are the other rabbits?
- They tried to stop us coming to help.
- They what?
Cowslip said it was Frith's will.
That a day less for one means
a day more for everyone else.
[pants and groans]
- Uh, Bigwig?
- [grunts]
Oh, Bigwig, you're all right!
I thought I'd lost you, brother.
- Do you think you can walk?
- I can try.
The man who set this snare's
going to be back soon. Let's go.
- [twig snaps]
- Shh, shh, who's that?
You've a nerve coming here.
Please, I didn't know
Cowslip would try and stop you.
I'd like to come with you,
if you'd have me.
And why should we? Why don't you go back
to all your friends in there?
I don't I don't have any friends.
People don't like to make friends here
in case they get
You can come, Strawberry,
but it's our ways.
If we say hop, you hop. Understood?
Now what? Where do we go from here?
We should go back and kill Cowslip!
We should kill the lot of them!
No, Bigwig.
There's no need to go and fight them.
- All we have to do is to leave them there.
- [coughs]
The down that you saw, you
you really had a feeling about that?
Yes, I did, Bigwig.
That down is our home.
[pants] We made it.
There's great views all around.
We'll be able to see any elil
coming from miles away.
Well done, Hazel-rah.
[Blackberry] In terms of digging a warren,
we'll investigate
what type of soil we're dealing with
and make a more comprehensive
Stop trying to kiss me!
That is not a thing we do! Bluebell!
[Holly] Zorn.
[soft groan]
Oh, Zorn.
[grunts and groans]
Zorn! [inhales sharply]
Captain Holly?
- [Blackberry] What's happened to him?
- [groans]
Sandleford it's gone.
[soft gasping]
It's all gone! [breathes heavily]
Fiver you were right about everything!
[inhales and groans] You knew the story
before it was even told.
There's something else.
You're not safe here.
[groans] No one is safe!
[excited chattering and shouting]
[chattering and voices echoing]
- [whimpering]
- Sir
Sir, the wide patrol picked up the scent
of a large band of rabbits near the down.
Unfortunately, sir, they lost them.
Tell them not to return
until they're located.
Leave one alive for questioning.
Next Episode