Welcome to Utmark (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Eye for an Eye

-Is your brother home?
-His car is here.
-I have to talk to him.
There's something we need to discuss.
What is that fucking music
you're listening to?
Turn that shit off!
Fucking Southerner
I have a dead sheep on the flatbed.
Bitten to death.
It's that mongrel of yours.
My dog's name is Horagallis.
Named after my people's
god of thunder.
It kills my sheep
because you let it run free.
Everything you see here
is Sami country.
The land of my people.
Our mountains, our grassland, our earth.
Your ancestors came here.
They came here prancing,
in their top hats and silk vests.
They brought bibles and paragraphs.
They expropriated.
Registered land
and set up cramped enclosures.
I am Sami, and my dog roams
wherever the fuck it wants on my land.
But a sheep is worth 3500 kroner.
You can't argue with nature.
I'm getting paid for that sheep.
I'm getting paid.
It was probably Horagallis.
It's in Horagallis' nature.
He's a predator.
You can't domesticate a predator.
Where's dad?
-Where's dad?
-Out with his beloved sheep.
I'm going to school.
-Goodbye, then.
Every single morning?
It's called humor.
Continue on this road for 4 km.
Continue on this road for 2 km.
Make a sharp right turn.
Your new teacher will begin on Monday.
But in the meantime
you're getting me!
I can't be in two places at once.
I must also teach the fourth graders.
Good news, however, Uncle Willman
is here to talk about his job.
A county sheriff
is much the same as a policeman.
More or less.
Be my guest, the floor is yours.
They won't bite, except for her.
Well County sheriff.
You may have asked yourselves
why someone
willingly picks such a perilous job.
The answer is obvious:
Someone must uphold law and order.
We know. You were here last year.
Yes, you're quite right.
Right Okay.
It's the swamp.
It sucks everything in.
-I'm the new teacher.
Do you know
how to get to this address?
Yes. Drive about two miles.
There's a gravel road to the right.
Not the narrow road,
but the rocky one.
It's so nice out here.
The nature. It's so beautiful.
I took a nap. That took a while.
-I'm Håvard.
Excuse me. Kari here.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I struggled to find the place.
My GPS messed up.
Let's go see the sights.
Here you have electric heating,
shelf space, lighting
-I thought the house would be furnished.
-It said so in the ad.
-I don't think so.
I'm pretty sure it was stated
in the ad.
If not, why would I assume it was?
-I see. But it is partially furnished.
You have an oven here,
a hotplate here.
There are plates and glasses
in the cupboard.
I'm pretty sure it said furnished.
I have the ad here
I have a couple of extra chairs
I can bring along.
It's a sturdy house, right?
Wooden floorboards.
Sturdy materials from nature.
A house with a history to it.
My parents lived here their whole life.
We don't use that room.
-But I've rented the whole house.
-Yes. But not that room.
But I believe the ad said
My mom shot my dad in there.
Both barrels straight to the face,
while he was asleep.
And then mom went and hanged herself.
So, you understand,
we don't use that room.
The septic tank gets drained
every May and October.
-Knut! Hi.
I'm thinking about girls.
How do you make girls want to date you?
Girls are a species of their own.
You need something
to attract them to you,
something to catch their attention.
After that, it's smooth sailing.
Finn came by this morning.
Could you please not talk
about my husband
while we're cheating on him?
Horagallis killed a sheep.
So you change the subject
to sheep instead. How romantic.
-What the fuck should we talk about?
-About how fantastic I am?
How good I look.
How great it feels to fuck me.
It feels great to fuck you.
I'll go clean the bathroom,
and then I think we'll call it a day.
Leave Finn.
What do you mean?
I've got Marin to think of.
Do you know what?
I don't think you love that pathetic
sheep farmer.
What you need
Is a real man.
A rock. A force of nature.
And you are beautiful.
See you around,
Miss Midnight Sun.
-Home already?
We were let off early.
-Have you been drinking?
I made a deal with your mother.
Piece of gum?
It smells delicious.
-What are we having?
-It's your job to set the table.
It's not my job to call for you,
nor to tell you to do your job.
Your job is to do your job.
That's the deal with jobs.
This place is like a morgue.
Just what you need after yet another day
of cleaning other people's toilets.
Listen, you have to understand
Women have this cycle.
-Once a month
I know what a period is.
The food is getting cold.
I'm leaving you.
I'm in love with someone else.
Finn, what the hell are you doing?
Cut it out!
Finn. Look! Look
Here, Finn Look! Look, look
Come on. Drink. Drink
A little more. Come on.
That's enough. Finn!
There, there.
There's nothing wrong with you, Finn.
You are what you are.
You're allowed to be angry, but
But you have
to direct your anger outwards.
I'm the one choosing Bilzi over you.
You should be mad at me!
-Get your school bag. We're leaving.
Your father punched me in the face.
Get your things. We're leaving.
Wait, he did what? Mom!
Did you hit mom?
Your daughter is asking you
if you hit her mom. Well, did you?
Did you punch a defenseless woman
in the face with your fist?
Answer her.
Willman, come on.
-I really have to go.
-For fuck's sake, Willman.
If you leave, your hand is dead.
Come on, Bilzi!
The man's got Crohn's disease.
Can't force the poor chap to wear
a diaper here. That'd look weird.
Alright. It's okay.
-No, Bilzi.
-That's not right
I can't talk. I'm playing poker.
You have to come.
I'm here now.
-I need to go.
-You need to go?
Come, Horagallis! Come!
I told him that I'm in love with you.
Now it's done, so
I guess we'll see
if you're a man of your word.
I'm always a man of my word.
My words are set in stone.
-And Marin comes along.
-Of course she does.
She is your flesh and blood.
Come on.
I get it if you don't want to stay
with the man who punched
your mom in the face.
He did so because you had an affair.
Yes, but there's no excuse
for violence against women.
-Nor for unfaithfulness.
-Two completely different things!
I can promise you that I'll get full
custody in a flash, since he hit me.
So if it's up to me,
you won't be seeing him for a while.
But I want to see him.
He's my dad. I'm going to miss him.
You know what?
Stay home from school tomorrow.
Then we can talk some more.
And you can get to know Bilzi better.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
-Good morning, sweetheart.
Shut up!
-I'm going to school.
-I said you could stay home.
-That's all right.
-Have breakfast with us!
I'm not hungry.
It'll be fine. She just needs some time.
This is a huge change for her.
No, Bilzi.
I have four villas to clean.
Each will take me an hour and a half.
Good lord
-You know how long it takes me to come.
-I know.
Just a second.
-I'd like to speak to Willman.
-Come back when we're open.
-In twenty minutes.
-I must speak to him.
The loo.
Hello? Is it you, Finn?
I've come to file a complaint
concerning Bilzi's mongrel.
It runs around mauling my sheep.
This is the fourth time.
I hear you, Finn.
But we live in a law-abiding society.
And reasonable doubt favors
the accused.
You can't argue with the rule of law.
I believe in dialogue.
I don't believe in confrontation.
You're the county sheriff.
It's your job to take care of this.
Yes, wolf. Wolf.
We haven't had wolves here
in 30 years!
This is the outback.
It could always be wolves.
Then you could apply
for compensation from the state.
So you don't intend to do shit
about Bilzi's mongrel.
Bilzi will pay for that sheep.
Who are you? I haven't seen you before.
I'm the new teacher.
I start work on Monday.
-How lovely to see some fresh faces.
-Thank you!
I smell blood
I smell blood!
The blood shall flow
The animal shall die
-Hi! Our new teacher, perhaps?
I'm Nils. But no one calls me Nils,
everyone calls me Willman.
I'm the county sheriff.
-Welcome to the outback.
-Thank you.
Keep one thing in mind.
Be careful when walking in the woods.
There's a wolf on the loose.
There's something wrong in there.
Something about her.
Don't pay attention to her fits.
It was quite violent. Something about
an animal that would die
Dagrun is my sister-in-law.
She's been having fits ever since she
had a psychic contact her late husband.
People should stay clear of such things.
Stay grounded!
Nice to meet you, though.
See you later.
Come on! Come here,
you fat fuck, let's settle this!
Here and now!
Want a fight,
you fucking sheep farmer?
You bet your fucking ass!
-I don't think that's a good idea.
-Come here!
Bring your fucking dirty mongrel!
-Come here
-Finn, stop it!
-This is between me and that fat fucker!
Finn, calm down! For fuck's sake!
Do you want your daughter
to see you like this?
Do you want Marin to see you like this?
Get a grip!
You're completely lost
Shit, you're completely lost!
No, Finn! No! No, Finn!
Go home and sleep it off.
Get in the car, drive home
and sleep the booze off.
Finn, go home!
Here. It's quite hot.
Thank you.
I don't know if you can win mom back.
But regardless,
you'll have to pull yourself together.
You have to stop drinking, Dad.
You have things you must tend to.
You're a grown-up, Dad.
I know.
I love you.
Don't forget the wind.
-Don't forget the wind, I said.
-But I didn't!
There's something wrong with the scope.
Yes, it could be the scope.
Maybe we should buy a new rifle?
Thank you!
-Would you like some coffee?
Would you like some coffee?
Yes, please.
What are you doing up here?
What brought you here?
Why I'm here?
I think I longed
to be a bit closer to nature.
And being part of a small community.
Perhaps to meet someone there.
Start a little family.
That sounds familiar.
I came here from Oslo a while back.
Want one, by the way?
No, thanks.
We were a group of girls
coming to see the midnight sun.
This place seemed so exotic.
And we ended up at this party.
Every year, there's a summer party.
And there's this contest:
"Miss Midnight Sun".
They coaxed me into entering, and I won.
Can I have a drag anyway?
Well, you are very attractive.
Yeah, well
Afterwards, there was a disco party.
And there I met this guy.
Tall, secretive, quiet.
And I fell head over heels.
Refused to go back to Oslo,
and was pregnant about 15 minutes later.
-What a wonderful tale.
Well, just you wait.
There's more to come.
Then I was stuck here, right?
And this secretive, quiet man
wasn't secretive at all, just quiet.
And he kept sheep,
which is the most stupid job there is.
I had to start a cleaning business
to make ends meet.
Any trace of romance was long gone,
and he started hitting the bottle.
Before you get too close
to the local community,
remember to take the bloody pill.
Get that mongrel away from my sheep.
Nature calls on Horagallis again!
I'm not worried about Horagallis.
He'll find his way home.
He knows his place.
But you, Finn
You don't know your place,
do you?
You think you can show up in my yard
and threaten me?
While my woman is watching?
You know what?
I won't fucking stand for it.
But this time
I'll let you off with a warning.
Now the universe is in balance
once more.
I read nature
like a Norwegian reads the paper.
I read my herd.
I sense every breath they take.
I don't need much in life.
A knife, a tent,
a woman and the herd.
And an ATV.
And a four-wheel drive.
You trying to be funny?
I stand here feeling the pulse
of my herd, and you crack jokes?
-Can't you feel their pulse?
Can't you feel their blood whisper
and their bones thunder?
Yes, I do feel it, Bilzi.
Hell if you do.
No wonder.
Our father gave you a Norwegian mother.
Dad just fucked her and split.
You're a bastard.
Shoo, shoo, Horagallis!
Go away, get lost!
Shoo, shoo!
Next Episode