When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

When The Devil Calls Your Name
Episode 1
What brings you here at this time?
- Were you waiting for me?
- I was waiting so much that my neck was getting longer.
I heard a beautiful piece of music
and ran over here to tell you before I forgot.
It's sweet and fatal.
Sweet is good. Fatal, also good.
Shall we listen to it?
There is a friend who visits from time to time.
When we talk about music together,
I forget about the passing time.
His appearance changes every time he comes.
In my prime,
I showed everyone what rock really is.
One day, he would be a old rockstar.
Have you heard my music?
Of course, of course! I've heard them.
Another day, he would be an old man.
- I learned recorder in school!
And yet another day, he would be in the form of a chatty child.
I don't know which is his true form,
but when I am about to go crazy and hit rock bottom from waiting for him,
he slowly makes his appearance.
A friend that every artist can't wait to meet.
I call him Muse. Sounds killer!
♬ Yeah. ♬
♬ Trapped in love. Trapped in love. Trapped in Love ♬
♬ I'm losing my breath ♬
♬ I know that love like poison ♬
♬ will hurt me ♬
Anyone can meet their muse, but the muse does not visit everyone.
For this reason, I consider myself lucky.
♬ I'm plunging ♬
♬ Fall into the trap ♬
♬ Fall into the trap ♬
♬ Fall into the trap ♬
No surprise, no fun
How annoying.
Although it contributes to stabilizing the price of the company's stock,
it's not fun?
Nowadays what is interesting?
Do you want to dress up after a long time, CEO Ji?
My baby, you're doing fantastic!
♬ Fall into the trap ♬
Generally, I believe a composer should be able to hear how the song should go in his head.
Simply composing by strumming every note on the guitar is what amateurs do
is what Producer Ha wanted me to relay to you all.
The 2019 Korean Traditional Music Festival's Most Popular Music Award goes to
"Today is a Young Day" by Harib.
- Music was always like a one-sided love for me
- Music was always like a one-sided love for me.
- I was very lonely
- I was very lonely.
But I feel like my love is finally being acknowledged.
Aigoo, you got me.
Movie Music Award goes to Harib! Congratulations!
Background music? I don't even like how it sounds .
Music for movies is
not the background for the movie, but is in itself an individualistic form—
Go to the award ceremony yourself.
Do you not want the awards?
I like the awards but don't want to receive them.
If I go, I have to put out both hands and thankfully accept it.
What am I thankful for? I'm getting it because I deserve it. Did I beg them for it?
The 18th Creative Children's Music Award to Music Composer Harib
"With Dad" sung by Go Eun Song. Congratulations!
The children's song "With Dad" portrays children's love for their dads
with an innocent, warm melody and creative lyrics.
Please say a few words.
If through my music, children can have hope
and discover their dreams,
that would be the sole reason for why I compose music.
Congratulations again.
I still do not know why I do music,
nor do I even know for whom I compose music.
We will close the 18th Creative Children's Music Awards by listening to "With Dad" again.
Have you checked this month's bill statement?
Thank you everyone for being here
There was another complaint, saying to stop giving stray cats food.
Don't let the cat go hungry. And who's to say it's a stray, it clearly has a home.
Take care of me as much as you do cats.
Behave towards me as the cat does.
I took you both off the streets, but why are you so different?
Even a dog will wag its tail after you raise it for three years.
Okay, should I also wag my tail?
I'm sorry, I wonder where my tail went?
Where were you?
Come here!
Where did you go?
Don't go wandering off on your own.
The outside world is dangerous.
Here you go.
What should I give to my kitty?
Heart and Soul
New Issue Vol. 1 Stereo
TN: Literal translation: Liver and Gallbladder. In Korea, it means making an effort giving everything precious .
Today, your dad swept all the awards again.
I feel like I have a piece of homework now
Seo Dong Cheon, 10-8 Yeonrl-dong Choongsan-gu, Seoul
Seo Dong Cheon, 10-8 Yeonrl-dong Choongsan-gu, Seoul
That is
a very old piece of homework
Out of the 10 years, you have 6 days left. I am reclaiming your soul.
So, what happens if I sell my soul?
Do I die?
Why are you here?
I'm Harib
I'm not Seo Dong Cheon.
Get out of my house!
Seoul, 2009
Hey you
You little bastard
I also listened to your demo music
but it probably won't sell.
I'll return the demo to you.
Where is your mom?
Do you not have a mom?
I also don't have a mom.
♫ It seems ♫
Let's go.
♫ I'm not even halfway through ♫
♫ I'm stuck in the dark ♫
♫ Where's my dream which wants to rise? ♫
♫ Far, far away ♫
♬ how long will it take to find ♬
♬ Even if I call out again. I call out again.♬
You beggar-like bastard!
Give me back my case, you bastard! Do you know how much it cost? Jeez.
Seo Dong Cheon, so this sucky life
ends like this.
Is he stubborn or what? Who listens to that kind of music these days?
- Does he think he's Jo Yong Pil? (famous Korean singer-writer)
- Seo Dong Cheon? Do you still do music? How cool.
Are you this patient's guardian? You can't do this here.
Please leave.
No! No!
Come out Seo Dong Cheon, bastard. Come out. Seo Dong Cheon.
What is this place?
Am I really dead?
Did you wake up? Why don't you put more feeling into your song next time?
There's no pulse to the music.
Seo Dong Cheon Demo
- How do you have this?
- Why would you throw that out?
Later all of this will rise in the Hall of Fame rankings.
Even if you want it, you can't get it.
Did you follow me? Was I kidnapped?
What good is it kidnapping you? You're a washed-up singer.
Even the salt farms wouldn't accept you.
Should I have handed you over to the police?
It's nice meeting you like this
but let's quench our thirst first.
Where are we?
Do you know Faust written by Germany's Goethe?
In short, Faust is about
selling your soul to the devil.
That's the reason why I'm sitting in front of you right now.
- What?
- The reason why I brought you here.
The thing I want from you
- is your soul.
- What?
From this moment now through the next ten years, everything you want
will be granted to you, whatever it may be.
It's as if you are borrowing God's hand.
when the contract period ends, you must give up your soul.
Wow, I really must've died.
The world got nicer.
Now we fly in an airplane across the River Jordan.
Mr. Grim Reaper, stop joking around and just tell me.
Am I going to heaven or hell?
Some people have had their lives suddenly changed as if they won a lottery.
Those have gotten everything they ever wanted without hesitation.
Think of those people. Is there anyone around you like that?
There is. No, there are a lot.
Do you really think those people got there because of their abilities?
Then, are you saying those people sold their souls?
- He's coming!
- People who have broken the law
but still don't get punished.
Without having to showcase your talent to others,
people will notice your talent
and flock to you themselves. That kind of life.
A life where everyone envies you.
Do you want to live that kind of life as well?
Trust me just once. Your soul.
Sell my soul? I'd rather sell my organs.
Mr. Seo Dong Cheon, what would I gain by trying to trick you?
So, what? Are you saying you're like the devil or something?
People do tend to call me that.
A demon-like person.
Hey, I don't know what you want from me,
but even if you shake me dry, you have nothing but my body.
Oh, I have two hearts. Do you want me to give you one?
Even if I lived with nothing, I never gave up my pride.
Sell my soul? You found the wrong person.
Do you not want money?
Does fame make you uncomfortable?
Okay, let's say what you say is true.
Why me?
Why do you want to buy my soul?
It's not that we're trying to buy your soul.
It's that you have a reason to sell your soul to us.
Think about it carefully, one by one.
'Why must I become someone else, even it if takes selling my soul?'
Why? Do you think I stole it?
Sure, I stole it.
Okay. I'll just pretend you are dead.
To a person like you
do you even have a sense of responsibility in you?
Even my parents did not take responsibility for me. Why should I?
For my whole life, I tried my best not to make something that I would have to be responsible for
The only thing I could be responsible for was music,
and even that didn't work out well.
Until now, I,
without me even knowing,
I had no choice. I am basically not that kind of person!
I know.
I really tried my best in my life and in my music!
What shall we do for you, Mr. Seo Dong Cheon?
What is it that you so desperately want to do?
If I had done music for money,
I would not have lived like this.
I have pride. Money is kind of like that.
if you don't have it, it's a bit uncomfortable.
A person needs to have enough to at least live without worries.
Too long. Please summarize in two words just what you want.
- Money.
- Yes.
So, being rich.
Also, I hate phrases like 'ahead of the generation' or 'unfortunate genius.'
That's all saying my music is not good.
Why don't people listen to my music? The sound of people clapping.
I don't even remember the last time I heard it.
That's life-giving water for musicians.
I want to succeed as a musician.
Yes, success. Is that right?
Well, yes.
Okay, your wishes have been written. Now it's time for you to sign it.
As written, you can never take back the contract.
Keep that in mind.
Wealth. Talent.
This one is empty.
You are meticulous. One more?
If only I was thirty years younger, I would have a lot of things I would want to try.
Experiments, communication, popularity.
Seo Dong Cheon
Now, the contract is finished.
Slowly, and be careful.
One, two, three!
Wake up! Young man!
Wake up!
Until I reached sixty, I did not fulfill anything,
did not take responsibility for anything.
To me, who had a good-for-nothing life,
youth, talent, and wealth
were big presents.
Something I could take responsibility for if I make up my mind,
a present called life.
Perhaps, a chance
or luck that never passed my way before.
Anyway, I figured this was the best contract that would ever cross my path again in my life.
the ten years of life he gave me,
the ten years that were given for me to enjoy to my heart's desires,
passed by much more quickly than expected.
Now, according to the contract, I need to give up my soul.
But I have no intention of giving it up so easily.
It took three years to find out your identity, and five years to figure out a way to push you down.
I will never let things go the way you want them to.
My talents are mine, my wealth is mine.
and my soul is mine as well.
CEO Song Hyeon Mo.
Wait a minute.
You remember me, right?
I see you prepared a lot.
This isn't possibly an artifact from the Crusades, is it?
I gave up my whole fortune to possess this sword Damascus, made by the Devil.
You better not do anything to me.
This armor can only be cut by this sword.
Do you think that makes any sense?
I have to try at least like this!
Ten years, time really flew by.
Now you only have five more days left.
No need to talk for long. In here is everything.
Every evil and dirty thing you have done in the past.
I could understand why people called you the Devil.
is natural. If you're human, it isn't easy to give up.
But, as you have gained something,
now, it's time to find something to give up.
No, I can't give up anything.
You give up. With this, you are over.
Why the hell are you laughing?
Like you, I am also one of the contractors.
Even if I disappear, what you wish will not happen.
Where are you going?
One day, even in the passing wind, when you remember the past
will be the most difficult moment.
Even when you have returned your soul
oddly, you remember it.
Enough of that! That's dangerous! Come here and talk!
When today passes,
I will again do the same thing as that inside your bag.
Data, prosecution,
you cannot stop me with those.
Now, then.
The contract, cancel it and then go!
Be warned. You must see through to end it.
No No!
Breaking news: CEO Song Hyeon Mo of Yeonsil Enterprise committed suicide today from the rooftop of Yeonsil building and is causing shock for everyone.
He was about to appear before the prosecutor on 15 charges including murder for hire and embezzlement.
According to the prosecutors, in a suicide note at CEO Song's home,
Song asked for forgiveness for his foolish wrongful acts.
An investigation is expected with a focus on suicide.
It's over. He's dead and there is no one left that knows about this contract.
This kind of ridiculous contract never existed!
He committed suicide because his conscience got to him.
I've never done anything out of ill will. Do you know how I got this far?
I've worked so hard to get this far!
I worked so hard!
It's over. It ended. It's over. It's over!
Hey bro. You have already reached the top here, you need to go to America now!
Yeah, let's start a world tour!
Harib! You really lost your mind!
You forgot a live broadcast? An exclusive interview?
There was something I had to take care of.
Ah, you had something to take care of. Is that why you were dancing at the club?
You wait right here.
You have five days left. Five days.
Enjoy it to the fullest.
After five days, your life is mine. Your blood,
your flesh,
your soul, I will take it all.
No it's not me.
It's definitely not me.
What are you looking at? Hurry, this, please.
Five, four, three,
two, one. Cue!
This is the live broadcast interview show,
Issue and People. Today, we have the Midas of contemporary music,
composer and producer, Harib, to speak with us.
You even received the Presidential Award for expanding the Korean entertainment industry (Hallyu).
Hey. Hey!
Harib, I wonder to what extent your music is truly world music. But then,
I think there are people holding the opposite view
- that Harib is on the forefront of the popular music scene.
- No.
Does that mean you don't agree?
Let me read you a point from an article by a music critic in a music magazine.
Harib's music is arranged like side dishes in a Korean fixed-price meal,
with neither a professional cook nor any special dish,
thrown together without the benefit of a muse.
They're not my words, so don't take them too seriously. But you have heard of them, right?
Of course! My nickname is Country Meal Boss.
Although the expression is rough, there are probably many people who agree.
Am I not?
Truthfully speaking, don't all composers have their own unique signature?
For example, a song that comes to mind when you think of a singer or composer.
Ahh, I'm saying this for the first time.
Truthfully, I've been moving so mindlessly fast that I thought I needed some sort of turning point.
I'm in the midst of preparing a new experiment.
What kind of experiment?
Mmm, like
releasing a new song once a month?
Oh, like Yoon Jong Shin?
Ha! Not like someone else, but like Harib.
I am looking for a new singer,
a muse that comes to mind when you think of Harib.
In other words, not a Korean fixed-price meal but a simple menu.
- Do you like braised pollock?
- Yes.
It will be a change in the industry.
I still have a lot to show.
Now, wait a minute. So you're saying you will take a muse, one singer,
and release a new song every month.
You just announced this on a live broadcast, correct?
That's right?
Now, everyone. I believe we have uncovered exclusive news today
Once every month, Harib will
release a song with his own muse. He has officially announced this.
Hello? Oh, I see. You're watching the broadcast.
I think that's news we can be excited about. I'm also looking forward to it.
It's Harib!
Harib, to Show a New Kind of Music With a New Face
How will you release your songs?
Could you explain your negative comment about Yoon Dong Sin?
Excuse me, I'm passing through.
Harib to focus on new menu item and clearing away side dishes.
Who really is Harib's muse
Who is that?
hj8: Our Si Ho, are side dishes unimportant?
Lov: You are not alone. You'll have a clean slate.
a87: Are you the only songwriter?
kim: I like your songs. High 5!
kae: Please give me a chance.
so9: Do you acknowledge his songs are as bland as rice?
For now, let's look for that muse or whatever in our family.
Okay, let's ditch the traditional Korean dishes and discover a new menu.
A new menu? Do you ever plan on living your life while thinking and planning things out?
The interviewer asked some important questions. Yes, I said a little bit.
No, that's your real desire.
For the past ten years, you've made music and I made Harib.
Do you think I don't know you?
Whatever you decided, don't do it.
Whatever I decide, you're going to help me.
Crazy bastard.
Will you stop spouting nonsense and leave?
- You called for a driver?
- Yes, over here.
- Are you okay?
- What a relief. My nose isn't bleeding.
- I'm okay. My arm is fine as well. Is it this car?
- Yes.
The address is in the GPS. Please take care of him.
- Go.
- Leave.
I'm coming up with a special version for the college song festival.
Yes. This time you will be hearing the first college festival song to be a prize-winner, "Heart and Soul."
Wow, this song is hard to hear on the radio. What luck.
♬ I'm alone in the street which you left deserted ♬
♬ can't see your beautiful smile ♬
♬ You who were the desert's oasis♬
♬ The soft voice which made me laugh ♬
♬ I'm the only one who knew everything as it was ♬
♬ The streetlight shines on unhappy me. ♬
♬ I'm standing alone on the street where the last car left ♬
♬ Even the mountain birds who cried all night are leaving ♬
♬ You who were the desert's oasis ♬
♬ The soft voice which made me laugh♬
♬ I'm the only one who knew everything then as it was ♬
♬ The streetlight shines on unhappy me.♬
Oh, I must've have woken you up. I'm sorry Customer, I'll keep it quiet.
No, no don't turn it off.
Customer, I'll be quiet. Just sleep.
With the way things are going for me, with the world struggling to make a living, I've settled into driving recently.
Please help me live quietly.
Please move your hand. I'm seriously warning you, stay still.
Doo roo doo—
When I hit someone, people usually have broken bones.
- You bash someone?
- It really is fortunate.
Fortunate? Look here. "It's fortunate," is something I should be saying.
After punching my nose, what you should be saying is, "I'm sorry."
I'm sorry.
- But it was self-defense.
- Why?
While driving, you threatened me. And you kept touching me like that when I'm a woman.
Such acts can be punished by law.
It's a disgusting act that should be condemned morally.
Who touched who?! I just—
I'm sorry. There must have been a misunderstanding. That wasn't my intention.
I told you it was because of the music.
I'm not that kind of person. I'm a very famous person.
Do you know "Soul River"? And Brian Punky Doll? And the "End of today" of Kim Ok Ja?
And the "End of today" of Kim Ok Ja? Search it on the internet. Look up Harib.
I know. I know who you are.
- You know me?
- Yes. I know.
I know you are an amazing person.
- Is my nose bleeding?
- No.
Hey, how did you know that song, a young lady like you?
What song are you talking about?
Before. It Doo roo roo doo.
Ah, "On The Street You Left Deserted." I like Heart and Soul.
- What?
- I liked their songs before.
Few people know them but their first album B track is amazing.
It's really incredible.
It's the first time in 40 years.
I finally met a person who said exactly what I wanted to hear all these years.
- Why do like Heart and Soul?
- Do I need a reason to like them?
That song from before is B track number 11.
It was different from popular music back then.
It was very minor, but how should I put it? It was addictive,
especially the guitar solo.
Yes, that's it!
If I had met a fan like you earlier, I wouldn't have sold my soul.
But, I don't understand the title song from the first album.
Not trendy for the time, it was the B track of the title song which was very different
and had been submitted for the college festival song contest award.
CEO and Lee Choong Ryeol were insisting that!
Lee Choong Ryeol was the main vocalist and more popular.
But in my opinion, in that team, the highlight was Seo Dong Cheon as the composer and musician.
♬ Come back to me. ♬
♬ Before another season comes. ♬
Lee Choong Ryeol! Lee Choong Ryeol!
Lee Choong Ryeol!
Who did you like more, Seo Dong Cheon or Lee Choong Ryeol?
Mm, I think Seo Dong Cheon a bit more.
I don't really like handsome men.
Are you okay?
I'm so sorry. There was something in front of us.
I already got paid.
It's just because I'm thankful.
It's okay. If you're like this, I'll misunderstand this as you having another intention.
Why does it always rain when I have to walk?
There's not even a bus in this neighborhood.
Maybe I should have taken the money.
Boss, we have a problem.
Starting a couple of days ago, there was a warning saying not to feed the stray cat
because it messes up the neighborhoods and it's noisy.
Who keeps saying it's a stray cat?
Are you crying?
Laugh? Did you just laugh?
- No..
- Look at me.
Look at my eyes! You said so
You said so!
Why are you like this? It's scary.
Devil-like bastard.
I did hit it once before, but it really wasn't me!
I didn't know then.
So, what happens when you sell your soul? Do you die?
By crying, humans wash away the sins of the world.
Dostoevski (Russian writer).
Selling your soul isn't that big of a deal.
You just don't shed tears.
- Yes, tears.
People who lose their tears, lose their emotions.
Emotions. I don't need those.
At the time, I didn't know
that I still had many tears left to cry.
That if you don't know how to cry,
then you're already not human.
2009/6/25 - 2019/7/2
Soul Contract
This useless contract did not exist since the beginning!
It wasn't over.
Be warned.
Only when you see the end will everything end.
His death did not mean the end of it all.
Not the end? I will put an end to it.
Fire! Fire!
What is this?
Not the end?!
Come out! Come out! Who is it?
Try coming out!
Come inside. Come in.
Who are you?
Hye Hyena, Hyena of the City!
It's actor Mo Tae Kang!
But, do you know me?
You didn't come to the film festival. Your seat was next to mine.
Thanks to that, I had the armrest all to myself.
Ah yes, but what brings you to my house?
Get out of the way.
Can I get your signature?
Can I get tea?
3 days left for payment
How do you have this?
You so dearly wished to meet me.
You wished to hear my voice and see my face.
- No. But you aren't him. He
He? Oh him. As you know, Chairman Song is already gone.
Yeah, he's gone, so it's all ov—
That man was not the devil?
Oh, you didn't know. That man was my agent.
I am fairly busy, so I hired an agent as a volunteer.
I apologize if there was some misunderstanding.
Anyway, nice to meet you, Mr. Seo.
Who are you?
Take a seat.
We would have seen each other four days from now. Did you want to meet me that badly?
I wanted to see you too.
I asked, who are you?
I already told you, party A in your contract. Party A.
Kang Ha
No. Take a snapshot
Actor Mo, stop joking around.
What do you mean you're the Devil Bastard?
Ah, I like that.
Devil Bastard. It sounds sexy.
Then, the person who killed him—
No. The one who planned to kill him was you.
You were planning revenge for a long time.
No, I didn't mean to kill him, I just wanted to scare him a little—
I know. He chose it himself.
Humans are odd.
He did things that I didn't even order,
and then he became weak-hearted and ended his own life.
People are more brutal than we (devils) are.
Where is my spoon?
Then, are you really the devil?
Give it to me.
The devil.
Well, since I tell you to sell your soul, in the eyes of humans, I guess so.
But as you can see, I am Hallyu star Mo Tae Kang.
You, what are you really!
A long time ago, my name,
since I was born in a fire which burned three thousand days is the 49th dancing Ryoo.
Since that's too long, just call me Ryoo.
Who said I wanted to know your name?
Then, shall we do it like this?
Even if you always want evil, it is always part of the force to create good.
I'm at your service day and night for ten years.
I'm your loyal servant.
This is the very sword of Damascus that you—
You may get hurt.
Salt. I am not a demon.
I am also not a vampire.
What is this?
I'm also not a frozen corpse.
It worked.
Is there more?
This is quite cumbersome, so can you do everything at once?
I can see your intentions. You can stop now.
This is the end, devil man.
So, what is this?
Holy water. It was on the roads of religious pilgirms for five years.
Holy water.
Why would you spray water?
You must've spent quite a lot of money to make that room.
Our first impressions weren't that great, though I had a lot to say. Please stay healthy, my soul.
I'll see you in three days. Three days.
Why would he spray water? Holy water was kept in the refrigerator.
It was so cold.
This is interesting. He can't accept it as I expected.
That way, it's interesting.
But, are you positive that Song Yeong Mo's death was a suicide?
Yes, I'm sure.
I took his soul but how could that soulless human be like that?
A guilty conscience? Does that make sense to you?
Could it be a side effect?
It is.
Well, like even with a vasectomy, you can make one pregnant.
Do you really think that's an appropriate metaphor?
I apologize.
This bastard, really.
Hurry up and move aside. Move!
Ugh, this bastard.
Do you drive with your foot?
Do you know who I am?
Come here. Come here!
That's right. It's possible to live your life once while driving with your foot.
You must have been tired of living.
Proceed as you intended.
He seemed drunk. If we leave him as is—
That is the humans' problem.
If an accident occurs, innocent people will—
For showing mercy, do I need your authorization?
- But, Chief Kang.
- Yes?
Can you see with those sunglasses on this dark night?
I didn't know I had them on.
No wonder.
Of your 10-year contract, you have 3 days left. After 3 days, your soul will be retrieved.
Of your 10 year contract, you have 2 days left. After 2 days, your soul will be retrieved.
♫ I didn't know
♫ the song would stab my heart a little
♫ It's good that I couldn't see it.
♫ It reminds me
- If by chance,
- Huh?
you only had two days left to live,
what would you do?
Seeing you like that, do you have pressure on you?
If it were me, I'd go for a glass of beer with a friend.
♫ I'm alone on the street which you left deserted ♫
It's because you've been running around so much, so your body and soul are on edge.
Listen to some new things,
get some fresh air, and clear your head.
♫ You were like a desert's oasis ♫
You want to go?
♫ The soft voice which made me laugh ♫
♫ I'm the only one who knew everything as it was♫
♫ The streetlight shines on unhappy me♫
What is this?
We can have a drink as we listen to her. It's a folk song but there's a unique color.
♫ Hurry back dear ♫
♫ Before another season comes ♫
Thank you.
This is my first time singing in front of people.
Is it okay if I sing one of my self-composed songs?
Thank you.
The title is "Soliloquy."
♫ Like a habit, speaking to myself
♫ will be fine. It's okay.
♫ Someday it will make me laugh
♫ I tried even though it's more awkward than in the mirror.
♫ All things must pass.
♫ Even the soft tears I suppressed while counting the stars
What is this? I think I've heard this song a lot before.
♫ Both what happened yesterday ♫
I don't think this is self-composed.
♫ and my worn-out spirit which I wanted to set aside.♫
This is Si Ho's song.
It's Si Ho's song. How is it self-composed?
The number one hit?
Is she singing that?
- She's plagiarized, saying it's her own song.
- Is this your song?
- She keeps on singing it.
♫ At the head of my bed
What is she doing now?
♫ A small doll waits as though for sleep
It is Si Ho's song.
I think it is. Listen to it.
Right, right? Oh my gosh.
♫ While patting it gently on the back I also
Probably plagiarism.
♫ am saying thank you for growing up well and enduring
♫ All things must pass ♫
♫ Both the long long roads
♫ and the unfamiliar tomorrow
♬ I'm losing my breath ♬
♬ I know love like poison ♬
♬ will hurt me ♬
♬ I can't stop my losing ♬
♬ Speaking meanly to you ♬
You really didn't know?
♬ I'm plunging. ♬
It became a huge hit a few days ago.
♫ Fall in the trap ♫
Forget it. Many people are like her.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Shouldn't we talk?
Do you know each other?
We knew each other in an incident.
What? What do you want to say?
Why do people think my music is Si Ho's?
Because it's her song. And Si Ho's song is mine.
Do you mean that I plagiarized your music?
No, I did not.
But it's mine.
It's my song.
Yes, keep your song.
I will take my road.
Have you published this music?
It has been published online or offline?
It's not that.
You, let me tell you something.
I never listen to other people's songs.
I do not even listen to the songs I compose.
So it's impossible that I plagiarized you. Understand?
That's enough. It's a misunderstanding. We can talk about that in my office.
Call me at any time.
I want him to say it.
What do you want from me? Let's go.
Why is it you again?
Why me? Why is this happening to me again?
I thought it was an honor.
I thought it showed that I had talent in composition.
But Once is perhaps a coincidence, but twice What can it be?
Have you put me under surveillance?
Are you crazy?
I will call you next time. We can talk about it.
Let's go. Let's go, I said.
Crazy world.
If he has not plagiarized me, are we destined?
Is he
my soulmate?
What a joke, really!
I can not believe she thinks that.
Harib plagiarism
Harib Plagriarism – World Encylopedia
What is
Plagiarism Harib It's not the first time he was suspected
Harib plaigerized
He plagiarised a lot of songs.
He has no talent.
Are they serious about it?
They think I have plagiarized everything? Do they think I have plagiarized all my compositions?
They will soon accuse children who draw notes of plagiarism.
Why is it you again?
Why me? Why is this happen to me again?
Once is perhaps a coincidence, but twice What can it be?
Yes, lawyer Min. It's Harib. I want you to check something out for me.
Boss, the majority of musical inspiration
is like the dew floating in the air.
We were inspired in the same way.
And the dew that inspired me did it for him too.
I decided to think about it like that.
What's up with you? You scare me.
She is pessimistic for a moment, then opmisist after.
It's her specialty.
Will you please stop?
Music. There's nothing special about me.
I'm not good enough for music again.
Right, Boss?
Is it because of the humidity? There is so much smoke here.
The neighborhood people are saying not to burn garbage in the yard. It smells.
I'm not burning garbage, it's firewood.
And it's an oak tree.
Still, it creates smoke.
♫ Like a habit talking to myself ♫
♫ It will be fine. It will be okay. ♫
♫ Someday if will make me laugh ♫
♫ I tried even though it's more awkward ♫
What did I do that was so wrong?
♫ than in the mirror ♫
Why do you give me so many difficult obstacles?
♫ It will all pass ♫
Hey, come down. I won't hit you, let's just talk.
♫ While patting it gently on the back ♫
I'm really mad right now.
You wait right here.
♫ and my weary spirit ♫
Last night around 10pm, a drunk driver in his 30's
caused an accident by driving in the wrong lane at Seocho-gu.
There is one dead and four injured.
The world is going crazy.
Humanity no longer exists in this world.
While overshadowing the intent of the Yoon Chang Ho Act.
Nowadays people can't escape falling for his charm. They can't.
They are all impressed by Mo Tae Kang's acting skills.
He plays the role of a bad guy and it seems so realistic,
and some are worried about him.
"Hyena of the City" is famous for…
The most talked-about drama, "Hyena of the City."
By playing a double role, he does an incredible job.
People shouldn't live like that.
If he visits your house, he's your friend.
He knows I'm a big fan, but won't give me a chance to take a photo with him.
If you keep it up, you'll go to hell when you die. Bye.
Do you see him as a human?
No, of course, I don't. Can a human act that well?
It's a daily drama? Watching reruns every day?
It's noisy, turn it off.
What are you doing? Go on out.
I You
I said answer—
What the What's thi—
Save me.
Save me.
His blood pressure is dropping. Please hurry up.
What's the patient's name? His blood type?
Harib. I don't know his blood type.
- Charge defibrillator.
- It's charged!
Two-hundred joules!
Move your hand. Shock!
Intensive Care Unit
July 24, 2019. 10:52pm.
Time of death.
♫ All things must pass ♫
♫ Both this long long road and the unfamiliar tomorrow ♫
♫ Will they all pass? ♫
When the Devil Calls Your Name
- CEO?
- Unbelievable!
- Lee Choon Ryeol? - Have we ever seen each other?
I did not steal your song.
Your pathetic life pained me. I gave you few measures.
Don't think it's talent. It's pathetic.
Provoke me again and I will reveal it to the whole world.
- This is called blackmail!
- Yes!
You have been together secretly for five years, and you separated a year ago.
It will amuse me.
How dare you hurt her?
Do you want to live the same thing? Do you want poison too?
Keep on being that way
and you'll end up like the one before you.
You, Devil Swindler.
Fail and you will end up as you once were.
What does that mean?
- I can't give up my soul that way.
- I can make you become the top singer.
Let's do like that, contract.
You want me to find you another soul?
I just need one desperate soul.
Crazy one! How dare you to trick me?
Have you ever thought of what happens to those who break their contract with the devil?
I can have a great smile,
but that does not mean that I am a sweet person.
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