Where's Wally (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Little Trouble in Big China

#Where do you go?
Where do you go, Wally?#
#I search the world for you#
#Take a trip all round the world.#
#Take a trip all round the world.#
#Catch a ride to the moon.#
#Ride the waves at the beach.
Jump in, discover something new.#
#Anywhere you go I'll find you.#
#Where do you go?
Where do you go?#
Where's Wally?
That's weird.
They're not common to this climate.
Or this attic!
They're not common to this climate.
Or this attic!
And where's Wizard Whitebeard?
Hey, come back with that!
Uh, Wally?
Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda.
OK, Arf,
you know what we need to do, boy.
OK, Arf,
you know what we need to do, boy.
Come on, Wenda, let's get my hat
back from these wacky waterbirds.
Ha! Whoo! Whoa!
Ha! Whoo! Whoa!
Whoa- hunh!
Ooh! Ah!
Got it!
That was some great thinking, Wenda.
You got them to stop running around.
That was some great thinking, Wenda.
You got them to stop running around.
Where did you come up
with that idea?
Oh, right that.
Oh, right that.
Actually, it wasn't on purpose.
I'm just really ticklish.
Wow! You too?
I think I have the most
ticklish armpits. (SQUAWKING)
I think I have the most
ticklish armpits. (SQUAWKING)
Wizard Whitebeard?
Ah, Wally! Wenda!
I was expecting you.
Glad you could make it.
Oh, right, yes! I should probably
explain my fine-feathered guests.
One of my fellow Wizard Class
Wanderers, Copperbeard,
went on holiday,
and he needed someone
went on holiday,
and he needed someone
to watch his flock of flamingos.
Basil here, is an expert instructor
in the art of Waterfowl Yoga.
Basil here, is an expert instructor
in the art of Waterfowl Yoga.
Aren't you, Basil ol' boy?
However, the flamingos are not
my reason for calling you here.
It would appear that one of our
fellow Wanderers has located
It would appear that one of our
fellow Wanderers has located
another one
of our missing magical keys.
And this one is a doozy,
young Wanderers.
And this one is a doozy,
young Wanderers.
It's the Unfreeze key.
A key that has the power
to bring statues to life.
A key like that
in Odlulu's hands would not be good.
That's for sure.
So, where can we find
this missing key, Wizard Whitebeard?
Excellent question, Wal-
(HONK)Oh, bird.
Excellent question, Wal-
(HONK)Oh, bird.
Excellent question, Wally.
For that,
let us go to
..The Wander Globe!
..The Wander Globe!
(CHANTING) By stripe-ed staff
and white of beard,
I summon magic, wild and weird.
I summon magic, wild and weird.
Spin, oh magic globe, to show,
where these Wanderers will go.
where these Wanderers will go.
Oh, China's a wondrous place,
filled with magnificent traditions.
Oh, China's a wondrous place,
filled with magnificent traditions.
(HONK)Ah! Oh, yeah, right.
Thank you, Basil. Yes, the mission.
Wanderers, you must go
to Beijing, China,
and find that Unfreeze Key
before Odlulu does.
and find that Unfreeze Key
before Odlulu does.
OK. Ready
BOTH: Wander!
BOTH: Wander!
Really, Fritz? How can you think
about eating at a time like this?
Really, Fritz? How can you think
about eating at a time like this?
I know you always
think about eating.
But I promise, I'll help you
get some dumplings
But I promise, I'll help you
get some dumplings
after we find that Unfreeze Key.
Which will be a pretty good addition
to my magic key collection.
Oh, look at him.
Can we give him
one of our dumplings?
Can we give him
one of our dumplings?
Here you go, poor little rat.
He's not a rat, he's a ferret!
He's not a rat, he's a ferret!
OK, Fritz, that key
has to be around here somewhere.
Let's keep searching.
Let's keep searching.
Here we are. Beijing, China!
And not a moment too soon.
And not a moment too soon.
We need to find that key.
Wally! It looks like we've landed
in the middle
of some sort of festival.
Maybe we can find someone
to help us.
Maybe we can find someone
to help us.
Uh, Wally?
Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda!
Say hello, or "ni hao",
to Li and Liu. They're drummers.
Drumming is a huge part of Chinese
New Year.And brings good luck.
Drumming is a huge part of Chinese
New Year.And brings good luck.
Like these lion dancers.
Or this traditional dragon dance.
Watch how the curious dragon
follows the flaming pearl.
Watch how the curious dragon
follows the flaming pearl.
That was amazing!
Are you here for Chinese New Year?
Actually, we're here looking for
some special wind chimes.
Actually, we're here looking for
some special wind chimes.
One's made from a key.
Ha! Our drumming
did bring good luck.
We think we know where you can find
these wind chimes.
Well then, to the chimes!
We think we know where you can find
these wind chimes.
Well then, to the chimes!
No. Wrong. Grr!
Not it.
Oh, Fritz, find anything?
(FROM SPEAKERS) 'Now the winner
will receive their prize,
(FROM SPEAKERS) 'Now the winner
will receive their prize,
a basket of delicious,
fresh, steamed dumplings.
Wally and Wenda!
You know what, Fritz,
if we can't find the key,
then we'll follow
the people who can.
Wow, this place is beautiful.
Wow, this place is beautiful.
And so quiet.
Now, listen.
(GASPS) Wind chimes!
This way.
Wind chimes.
Nope. Not this one.
(GASP) Look, everyone.
(GASP) Look, everyone.
Over there!
It's a match! You found it, Wally!
Not so fast, Wanderers.
Not so fast, Wanderers.
Do you know this girl?
Now, Fritz!
Fritz has the Unfreeze Key!
Fritz has the Unfreeze Key!
Got it!
Odlulu, no!
Grrrrrr. Rrooww!
Grrrrrr. Rrooww!
What's happening?
Uh that's happening.
Everyone, stand perfectly still.
Ergh! Stone breath. Blergh!
We need to get these lions
under control.
They're disturbing
the peaceful garden.
You're right, Li and Liu.
And I think I might have an idea.
You're right, Li and Liu.
And I think I might have an idea.
Wally, do you still have
some of Arf's old dog harnesses?
You know I do.
Never know when you'll need
a spare dog harness or two.
Never know when you'll need
a spare dog harness or two.
Great! Now, if I can just
get close enough,
I can put the harnesses on,
and we can walk them away
just like two little puppy dogs.
Great idea, Wenda!
just like two little puppy dogs.
Great idea, Wenda!
But these two,
definitely aren't little puppy dogs,
that's for sure.
OK, Fritz, we have the magic key
and the Wanderers are busy
OK, Fritz, we have the magic key
and the Wanderers are busy
in the garden.
So let's get-
Ugh. Now where did that ferret go?
'And that is another victory
'for Zhang Wei, which means,
he has won more dumplings.'
Fritz. There you are. We need to go.
We can't risk those Wanderers
catching up to us.(CHITTERING)
We can't risk those Wanderers
catching up to us.(CHITTERING)
Right. Dumplings.
OK, then just win the game,
get your dumplings,
and let's get out of here.
and let's get out of here.
(FROM SPEAKERS) 'Whoa! It looks like
Zhang Wei has another opponent.'
Let's go, Fritzy!
Let's go, Fritzy!
Why hasn't the game started?
Fritz has some dumplings to win.
Ha! I'm Sorry.
Ha! I'm Sorry.
The rule of this table tennis centre
is that you must have
your own ball to play.
Find your own ball,
and I will be happy to play you.
Fine. Fritz will find a ball,
and he will win those dumplings.
Fine. Fritz will find a ball,
and he will win those dumplings.
Come on, Fritz.
OK, Wenda. Here's your chance.
OK, Wenda. Here's your chance.
Hold onto your stripes, Wally.
I'm on it.
That's it.
That's it.
Good kitties, yes, you are.
Ah! No.
What just happened?
What just happened?
The same thing
that happens to my armpits.
BOTH: Your what?
Uh, that didn't go so well.
They certainly like fish here?
You know what, Wenda?
I think I might have another idea
of how to get our playful friends
here under control.
of how to get our playful friends
here under control.
OK, if these kitties
want to chase fish,
let's give them the biggest fish
in all of China to chase.
let's give them the biggest fish
in all of China to chase.
OK, everyone, let's lead these lions
away from this peaceful garden.
(PANTING) Keep running!
Now, we have to catch up to Odlulu,
and get that key back.
Now, we have to catch up to Odlulu,
and get that key back.
But we can't just leave
these two here.
Who knows what kind of trouble
they could get into!
That's a good point, Wally.
Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone.
A rickshaw? We would never
be able to pull it fast enough.
A rickshaw? We would never
be able to pull it fast enough.
Maybe they can help us catch Odlulu.
Ha. I think I know
where this is going.
Ha. I think I know
where this is going.
Everyone climb aboard
the Wanderer Lion Express-a-nator.
Next up, Odlulu
and the Unfreeze Key.
Next up, Odlulu
and the Unfreeze Key.
ALL: Whoa!
Wally, what about steering?
Wally, what about steering?
Uh I didn't really think
about steering.
We can see that! We can see that!
We can see that! We can see that!
ALL: Whoa!
No, that's not a ball.
This isn't one either.
This isn't one either.
I know you need a ball
to win the dumplings, Fritz.
I'm looking. You keep looking, too.
'Another win for Zhang Wei.
'Another win for Zhang Wei.
'And that means
more dumplings for the winner.
'How could he eat them all?'
Fritz, have you found anything?
Now where did that ferret go?
Now where did that ferret go?
(SLURP) Ah, you're back.
Do you have a ball?
That's a talented rat!
That's a talented rat!
Wally and Wenda!
Look! It's the girl from the garden.
We need to get
the Unfreeze Key back, Wally.
Ah-ha! Take that, Wanderers!
Ah-ha! Take that, Wanderers!
Oh, no! She unfroze
the dragon statue.
Oh, no! She unfroze
the dragon statue.
We need to catch up to her
and get the Unfreeze Key.
Then we can turn that dragon
back to stone.
Hey! Watch it, dragon!
I thought we were working together.
Uh-oh, the key!
The dragon took it.
The dragon took it.
Look! The Unfreeze Key's
on the dragon's horn.
OK, hold on, everyone.
We should be able
to ride alongside and grab it.
We should be able
to ride alongside and grab it.
Oh, no!
The key's magic has been reversed.
The key's magic has been reversed.
And it's turning things into stone
that it shouldn't.
We have to stop that dragon,
or it'll ruin New Year.
We have to stop that dragon,
or it'll ruin New Year.
Wait, we have an idea!
Remember the dragon dance
from the square?
It's our family's lion costume,
used in the traditional dance
of good luck and good fortune.
I don't know, Wally.
It looks pretty ticklish.
I don't know, Wally.
It looks pretty ticklish.
If my armpits can stand it,
so can your tickle spots, Wenda.
We can do this!
We can do this!
OK, Wenda.
OK, Wenda.
Looks like we have his attention.
Now let's lead him out of the city.
It's working, Wally.
It's working!
Now all we have to do
is get close enough to grab the key.
Oh, no. It's coming
Oh, no. It's coming
..the tickles!Just hold it together
a bit longer, Wenda.
He still won't let us
get close enough.
I can't, Wally. I can feel it.
I can't, Wally. I can feel it.
Will- (WHIMPERS) -never be able to-
(GRUNTS) -get close-
(LAUGHS) -to him now.
Hmm. Wait a second.
Oh, no!
We'll never catch him now.
Yes, we will. But we'll need
your ticklishness to do it.
Yes, we will. But we'll need
your ticklishness to do it.
We'll what?Remember the flamingo
in Whitebeard's house?
How you distracted it
with your tickle dance?Uh, yes.
But this isn't
a flamingo, Wally.
But this isn't
a flamingo, Wally.
But it is a curious creature
just like the flamingo.
Wenda, we're gonna use
your tickle dance
to bring it closer to us.
Li, Liu, keep playing!
to bring it closer to us.
Li, Liu, keep playing!
It's working, Wenda. Keep it up.
I can't do anything else.
..Got it!
And now to reverse the magic!
Go back to stone!
Go back to stone!
I won! I won! I won!
There you are!
Come on, Fritz,
we need to get outta here.
Come on, Fritz,
we need to get outta here.
By the way,
did you ever find a ball?
Ha! It worked!
That was fun.
Thank you, Wally and Wenda.
That was some great lion dancing.
Thank you, Wally and Wenda.
That was some great lion dancing.
I can't say we've ever
seen anything like it.
Well, we would love
to stay and celebrate,
but we have to get back home.
Goodbye, Li and Liu.
Or I should say "zai jian".
Goodbye, Li and Liu.
Or I should say "zai jian".
And have a very happy New Year.
We will. Thanks to you,
Wally and Wenda.
OK, Wally, ready?
Oh, no!
He's been turned into a statue.
Just kidding.
Just kidding.
That was a good one. Now
BOTH: Wander!
BOTH: Wander!
Ah! Wally, Wenda.
Welcome back.
How was China?
Great! We were there
for the Lunar New Year Festival.
Great! We were there
for the Lunar New Year Festival.
And danced
a traditional lion dance.
And, we also found the magic key.
The Unfreeze Key!
Great work, Wanderers!
Now for another magic stamp
in your Worldwide Wanderbooks!
Now for another magic stamp
in your Worldwide Wanderbooks!
Here we go again.
Here we go again.
No worries, Wizard Whitebeard.
Wally and I know how to handle this.
Yep. We certainly do.
Next Episode