White Lines (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

I reckon I must have lived more
in the last 24 hours
than in the last 24 years.
[thunder rumbling]
A torrential rain
just washed everything away.
Do you how long it's been since it rained
in Almeria?
It's a desert.
In Spain.
["A Qué Niegas el Delirio (Malagueña)"
by Estrella Morente playing]
[stones rumbling]
[man speaking Spanish]
[ringing tone]
[woman] You know this more than anyone.
I was just a kid when my brother
disappeared off the face of the Earth.
But I knew
that one day I'd find out the truth.
That the missing pieces would fit together
and then the wound would heal.
I would heal.
I didn't realize how destructive
the truth could be.
Until now.
[radio chatter in Spanish]
Inspector Juan Miguel Fonseca.
Mike Walker. This is my wife, Zoe.
[horse neighs]
[Juan Miguel] Crazy place, no?
They filmed spaghetti westerns here
in the '60s.
You know, Sergio Leone?
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly?
- [neighing continues]
- Uh, sorry. Today it's a theme park.
What's the plan? Identify the body?
I'm afraid it's not that simple.
After 20 years
and the desert being so dry,
it has actually mummified the body.
But a tattoo is visible,
similar to your brother's.
What tattoo?
This was taken two months
before your brother's disappearance.
- Uh He must have got it in Ibiza.
- [Mike] So, what do you want us to do?
We have a flight back to Manchester
at six o'clock.
[Juan Miguel]
We need to run some tests. Uh
- [camera shutter whirrs]
- Oh
Sorry for this
[boy] Come here.
[echoing sobs]
[Mike] All right?
- Okay?
- Uh, just give me a second.
It's Axel.
He didn't leave.
He didn't give up on me.
Axel was murdered.
[techno music playing]
[in Spanish] I hate this fucking music.
[loud house music playing]
[people chatting in Spanish]
Sissy, darling.
Bring me some breakfast, will you?
Coffee and muffins
- Are you for real?
- [chuckles]
[man] Boxer!
I need you for a couple of minutes.
Tell me.
I'm looking at the body painting.
I've got the zebra and tiger sorted out,
but come and look at this.
[music stops]
- What do you think of this? A snake.
- [sighs]
I don't like snakes.
No, Bruno!
Stop fucking around.
No snakes, no crocodiles.
All right, all right.
Come here, come here.
Look. They're dancers.
People look at a dancer
and dream of fucking them. That's it.
- [phone rings]
- [Boxer] Huh?
Sorry. I adore you. Thank you.
Who is this?
Axel Collins?
Okay, I'm on it. Thanks.
["We Keep Falling In Love" playing]
Maybe it's the moon ♪
Or a stolen glance ♪
[woman] One, two, left.
Or the sweet and sultry way we flirt ♪
Every time we dance ♪
'Cause with every breath ♪
We keep fallin' in love ♪
[in Spanish]
I know you can do better, Conchita.
Yes, I know.
I've been a little distracted today.
Welcome, all. Dear citizens, dear mayors,
dear regional councilors
Dear gamblers, dear addicts and gangsters,
we're gathered here together
What? They're the people
who go to casinos, right?
This is serious, Dad,
we've got a lot at stake.
We need to convince the investors.
If you really want to convince them, son,
take off your tie, roll up your sleeves
and talk to them face-to-face.
They are countrymen, neighbors,
they're just like us.
Andreu, those neighbors
could frighten the investors.
I know some of these guys from school.
I'll tell them what I think,
and we will come to an understanding.
And what I cannot manage,
the lobster stew will do for me.
All right. I'm taking King for a walk.
Come on.
Come on, King.
[son, in English] Mr. Thompson
Nevada Diverse Holdings.
Dear Mr. Thompson,
Nevada Diverse Holdings.
Dear Mr Correct.
Las Vegas Table Resort.
[in Spanish] You'll do very well, darling.
Thanks, Mum.
Darling, until everything is signed,
all our clubs must be clean.
I know. I'm on it.
Do whatever it takes.
Okay, my boy?
[crickets chirping]
How's it going, Boxer?
Morning, sir.
Has something happened?
They've found a body on your land.
Which land?
In Almeria.
Go, King.
[Boxer] Sir,
they think it's Axel.
Axel Collins.
Why do they think that?
it has a tattoo on its chest
with Kika's name.
- [man] Yaah!
- [horses neigh]
[shouting in Spanish]
[Juan Miguel, in English]
If the autopsy confirms it's your brother,
- we can start repatriating the body.
- [lively piano music]
[Zoe] What happens next?
Do the English police investigate?
Mrs. Walker, first we must work out
if he died around the time
of your brother's disappearance
or sometime later.
What difference does it make?
If he was murdered more than 20 years ago,
there will be no investigation.
Why not?
In Spain, you cannot be prosecuted
for murder
once 20 years have passed.
Let me just get this straight.
You're saying
there's a possibility that the case
might not be investigated at all?
How come you have that picture of him
in your folder?
- It's from a police investigation, right?
- There was an investigation in Ibiza
at the time of his disappearance
Why, if everyone thought he went to India?
You must settle for what I tell you, okay?
What would you do if I just
took the folder and ran out of here?
I know.
- Spanish cops carry guns.
- Easy, Zoe.
So whoever did it,
you can come out of hiding.
All is forgiven. What a relief.
Have a party. Invite some friends.
Maybe there's someone else
you want to bump off.
I don't care what the Spanish police say.
As far as I'm concerned, Axel just died.
Just tell me one thing.
If he disappeared in Ibiza,
what's his body doing in Almeria?
Mrs. Walker, we haven't yet established
that this body is your brother.
I know it's him.
First we must do a DNA test.
[piano plays "The Happy Wanderer"]
There you go. Here's my DNA.
Mike, will you just sign
whatever he needs?
I've got to get out of here.
I can't breathe.
[crickets chirping]
"She's too sensitive."
"Don't tell her the truth,
she can't take it."
It's all I've ever heard.
From my father, my husband
All thinking I'm gonna flip out.
Come off the rails.
Maybe that's just who I am.
Maybe I just need to let it out.
Excuse me. Do you know how I get to Ibiza?
Where are you goin'?
To Ibiza.
Listen, I know you want answers,
but this is not the way.
- I'll be fine.
- Yeah, but for how long?
We've worked so hard, Zoe,
- to make you
- What? Stable?
Yeah, stable.
Sorry, remind me,
am I talking to my husband or my nurse?
You're talking to the guy
who picked you up
- when you couldn't get out of bed.
- [scoffs]
[sighs] I've lived our whole marriage
with the ghost of Axel.
I won't let it destroy you again.
[announcement in Spanish]
[horses neighing]
Let's go home.
I can't.
I can't, Mike.
It's my brother.
I need to know what happened to him.
[sighs] What am I supposed
to say to Jenny?
- She has her exams.
- [sobs]
I'll phone her.
Please, Mike. I'm gonna be okay.
Everything that happened, it
it's in the past.
You have to trust me.
Of course I trust you.
But you have to promise me,
if anything goes wrong,
- you will call me, all right?
- Mm-hmm.
I'm only a couple of hours away.
- You promise?
- Yeah. I promise.
Try and get your hands
on a wheelchair for me, will you?
Because your dad's gonna break my legs
- when I return home without you.
- [laughing] Yeah.
- Mm.
- [laughs]
[Mike sighs]
[man, in Spanish] Music?
["Bamboleo" by the Gypsy Kings playing]
I love this song.
[sings along]
Amor de compra y venta ♪
Amor de en el pasado ♪
Bem, bem bem bem, bem bem bem
Bem, bem bem bem, bem bem bem ♪
Bamboleo bambolea ♪
Porque mi vida
Yo la prefiero vivir así ♪
Bamboleo bambolea ♪
Porque mi vida
Yo la prefiero vivir así ♪
No tienes perdón de Dios ♪
Tú eres mi vida la fortuna del destino ♪
En el destino del desamparado ♪
[music fades]
[Axel] Hola, little sis.
We just got to Ibiza.
[smooth jazz music playing]
[Axel] The light here is amazing.
It's like in a movie.
Music playing everywhere,
it's like our soundtrack.
And dancing isn't just for the weekend,
it's like a religion.
The sea is incredible, turquoise, emerald.
Once you turn 18,
you're coming to live out here.
How did we survive so long in Manchester?
[engine roaring]
[announcement in Spanish]
[announcement continues]
[ramp lands]
[PA, in English] Please remember
to take all your belongings with you.
[Axel] I feel like I'm breathing
for the first time.
No more silence at home,
no more feelin' down
'cause Mum's not there.
We won't apologize for having a good time
ever again, Zoe.
[seabirds calling]
And I'm telling you
everyone on Ibiza will know who I am.
Who says you can't want it all?
We're gonna start something big here.
["Dragostea Din Tei" by O-Zone
playing on radio]
[both singing along] Alo? Salut ♪
Sunt eu, un haiduc ♪
Şi te rog ♪
Iubirea mea ♪
Primeşte fericirea ♪
Alo, alo ♪
Sunt eu Picasso ♪
Ţi-am dat beep ♪
Şi sunt voinic ♪
Dar sa ştii, nu-ţi cer nimic ♪
Vrei să pleci dar nu mă, nu mă iei ♪
Nu mă, nu mă iei, nu mă, nu mă, nu ♪
[people chatting]
["Movin' on Up" by Primal Scream playing]
I was blind ♪
[singing along] Now I can see ♪
You made a believer ♪
Out of me ♪
I was blind ♪
Now I can see ♪
You made a believer ♪
Out of me ♪
I'm movin' on up now ♪
Gettin' out of the darkness ♪
My light shines on, my light shines on ♪
My light shines on ♪
I was lost ♪
[music fades]
[dance music playing on radio]
- [man] Man, you gotta hook me up
- How are you, man?
- Marcus
- Hola.
How was Shanghai?
Fucking great.
- Yeah?
- It's a wonderful city.
Best thing about Shanghai
is the toilets with LEDs
so you can aim your piss when it's dark.
The seats are warm. They're heated.
Who the fuck wants to sit
on a warm toilet seat?
[chuckling] Fucking hell.
Tell them about the jet of water.
When you've finished,
there's a high-pressure jet
that leaves your ass immaculate.
I mean, like a baby.
[chuckles] Fuck's sake.
I don't want a moist arsehole,
I want it dry.
- We're talking about a hot jet, Marcus.
- Don't want any kind of jet in me arse.
Especially after it's been cleaning
your arse.
- Do you have a thing about your anus?
- What?
- For sure he's got a thing about his anus.
- No, I haven't. Fuckin'
What the fuck are you on about?
People who've got a thing
about their anus,
it's normally because they're confused
about their sexuality.
- [all laughing]
- Oh, fuck off. Fuckin' nice one.
Fuck you!
Hello, guys. How are you?
[in Spanish] Everything okay?
- Marcus.
- Oriol.
Everything okay here?
Shall we go over there? Let's go.
- [in English] Got your fucking ass.
- [Marcus] Fucking prick.
My family's clubs
will be free from drugs
until I say otherwise.
[man scoffs] Yeah.
It doesn't matter what you want.
How about what the people want?
Fucking right, mate.
We're preparing a big police operation,
so the island needs to look really clean
until the casino deal is complete.
Think of it like you're fishermen
and you're you're taking a break
to protect the fish stocks.
- It's a lot of money we are talking about.
- I own 11 clubs.
Think I don't know
how much money you make?
Fuck's sake.
Look, if we don't sell, they're gonna
bring it in anyway.
How can you separate drugs from music
on Ibiza?
My mother goes to the opera every week
and she doesn't take drugs.
So believe me, Marcus, it is possible.
Are you gonna start playin' opera
in your clubs?
You may get your casino,
but you'll lose your clubs.
Me and my brother Mikaela
have not come here
- to sunbathe.
- [Oriol] You threaten me, Johannes?
Because we all know how you get
your expensive Afghan drugs here.
On a ferry, in a fruit truck.
Or you, Marcus, with your water sports
business and your fucking banana?
- [scoffs]
- If we can't move this forward
in a sensible way,
it's going to lead to arrests.
- [speaking Finnish]
- [speaking Hebrew]
[in English] Look, okay.
Look, food for thought.
I gotta pick up me kids.
You can DJ in my clubs all you want,
but no dealing. Marcus?
You wouldn't want social services
taking away your girls.
All this for your mum's fucking casino?
[Conchita, in Spanish] It's much more
than a casino, Rafael.
We'll have auditoriums,
exhibitions, opera
We're enriching the social
and cultural life of Ibiza.
[Rafael] You need to keep calm.
It's going to go well.
[Conchita sighs]
I'm worried they'll be put off
by the environmentalists.
What do these people do for progress?
Paint their breasts at bullfights?
[woman] Gorgeous
Mariluz, my love!
What did we say the other day?
[Conchita] Very good.
Give me a kiss.
blessing a casino in God's name
must be the worst thing a priest can do.
Apart from pedophilia.
- [bell ringing]
- [laughs]
I don't care what you priests get up to
in your spare time, Rafael.
This is a friend asking another friend.
And as your friend, I must ask you
to take no for an answer.
I shall not take God's name in vain
just to suit your business.
[drums playing]
[laughter and conversation]
[house music playing]
[men testing audio in Spanish]
[in Spanish] We're closed.
[in English] Um
I I'm just looking for someone.
Uh He DJs here.
His name is Marcus Ward.
He's not here.
Do you know where he is?
Or or where he lives?
I'm not telling you that.
[in Spanish]
Ever heard of data protection, darling?
[man, in English]
Come to his set tonight.
[in Spanish] Bye, mate.
[in English] Um, it's just the thing is,
someone that we know has died.
Um, a very good friend of ours,
someone that we both loved,
and I don't really want to tell him
just as he's about to go on
You haven't got a clue what I'm saying,
have you? [sighs]
[sound check in Spanish continues]
[Marcus] Right, so listen up.
- [dance music on radio]
- Mum's over from London.
The plan is, you'll stay a week with me,
then a week with her.
- All right, sweetheart?
- But will Stepfather be there?
No, no.
No, don't don't call him that, right?
He's called George. Is that so difficult?
They're not married anyway, all right?
Do you really think
Matilda living with Mum is a good idea?
You know she's running
one of her parties?
You nervous?
To be honest,
It's my first orgy.
That is too vulgar a word
for what's gonna happen here tonight.
Sex is a minor part of this evening.
What is much more important?
Egypt, Rome, Greece.
Their elite classes had nights like this
all the time.
Because they knew that life
is best lived through the senses.
So, tonight
we are the guides.
[all] We are.
For every moment of every minute,
you will make sure
that they want you more than they have
ever wanted anything before.
Believe me, a sexy glance
beats a blowjob every time.
- [murmur of conversation]
- [waves crashing in distance]
[in Spanish] Where is your father?
[in English] Welcome, everyone.
[repeats in Spanish]
[in English and Spanish]
Our guests from America.
[in Spanish] Our guests from the island.
[in English]
Mr. Calafat will be joining us shortly.
[speaks Spanish]
[in English] Please take a seat.
[in Spanish]
I'd like to propose a toast
To the casino!
[all, in English] To the casino.
[in Spanish] We should head off, sir.
It's been a long time since I went
to the movies.
I used to enjoy it so much.
I was one of those people
who used to cry at films.
[both laughing]
Now it's the done thing.
Now you're a sensitive type,
but before you were seen as a sissy.
That's why I always sit in the front row.
- [both laughing]
- [King whining]
In films, everything is easy.
This guy's going to be ruined,
that guy's a bastard,
this one's the killer
But in life
In real life, you can't see shit.
you're much more than my head of security.
I've always trusted you,
and you trust me.
That little miracle of life
is called loyalty.
I asked you this a long time ago,
and now I'm asking again.
Do you know who killed Axel Collins?
No, sir.
Someone buried that kid on my land
to fuck with me.
Or maybe the truth is sadder.
Perhaps my own wife and son
go around burying corpses.
[man] So you're turning Ibiza
into a new Las Vegas?
Doesn't Monte Carlo sound a little better,
The casino represents progress,
not just in terms of jobs,
but in addition, a chunk of the profit
will be invested in local housing.
The Calafat family have always had
a social conscience.
The casino will be open 24/7.
With customized legislation
to exploit the workers.
- [phone buzzing]
- I'd like to know
- what Andreu thinks of all this.
- Funnily enough, that's him now.
Dad, where are you?
Oriol, did you kill Axel Collins?
[whispers in Spanish]
Dad, we're waiting for you.
Are you a murderer, my boy?
[Conchita whispers]
Andreu, are you okay?
What's happened?
Did you have Axel Collins killed
and buried in our land?
You're not able to make it?
Don't worry.
We'll talk later.
[Andreu] Boxer,
I need to know who killed the English kid.
I'm not talking about snooping round
like some private investigator.
Do you understand?
[King whimpers]
It's no time for kid gloves.
[King whining]
Come, King.
[King whines]
Perhaps he ate something.
[dance music playing on radio]
[in English]
Open the gate for me, darling.
- [music stops]
- Yeah.
- What's up, man?
- Wait.
Dump it in the kitchen
and take a shower.
- All right?
- [sighs]
- Fuck you doing here?
- I took all this shit down to San Antonio,
they said take it away,
so what am I to do?
It's just a bit of politics.
Hide it for a while. I'll call you.
Nah, you're just gonna fuck me over.
- [engine starts]
- [music resumes]
[music stops]
[dog barking]
You think you've got problems?
How am I supposed to pay
me fucking mortgage?
What the fuck am I gonna do
with a banana full of cocaine?
- Hide it under my bed? You take it.
- [girl] Here!
[laughs] Have you lost your mind?
I'm not keepin' a load of fuckin' coke
where me daughters live.
Take it away,
or give it back to the Romanians.
The Romanians?
I'm not fuckin' off those cunts.
This ain't my fuckin' problem, Marcus.
Just put it in your garage.
Come on, man.
- [girl] Here, baby. Come on. Here!
- [dog growls]
[man] Well, fuck you, then!!
What the fuck are you doing?
[man] Told you!
[Marcus] What the fuck?
- [man grunts]
- No, no, no, no, no.
No. No. You fucking cunt.
[man] Fuck you.
- Fuck.
- [engine starts]
[truck pulls away]
["23 Lies" by Death in Vegas playing]
Oh, no.
High tails ♪
And low tails ♪
Love has ♪
Knowledge ♪
Story ♪
Upon story ♪
Thought I ♪
Could believe ♪
[girl] Dad!
- Oh, Jesus.
- Are we eating out?
Uh Yeah, go and get dressed
and we'll eat at the harbor.
[girl] Dad!
There's someone at the door, Dad.
Can I help you?
Oh, you don't remember me.
[girl] I don't wanna go, Dad.
- I've got things to do.
- I know, but
- We'll have dinner tomorrow. I promise.
- Yeah, well, you're so desperate,
you change all your plans
just to fuck some girl.
No, she's just a friend
who's here on holiday.
So keep your trap shut, all right?
Or I'm taking your phone.
Love you, baby.
- Thanks for doing this, Sofia.
- [Sofia] No problem. See you later.
[Marcus] Teenagers, eh?
- Yeah!
- [Marcus laughs]
Have you eaten?
[Marcus] Come on.
Blast from the past.
Uh, don't mind this, uh
Kids were desperate
for a football pitch.
[both laugh]
[Zoe] It's an amazing place
you've got here.
[Marcus] Anna and I bought it
a couple of years ago.
Then she fell for someone else,
and now she runs high-end sex parties
leaving me with a big mortgage.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
You okay?
I'm fuckin' great.
I'm a 44-year-old DJ, I live in Ibiza.
Most of the time, I wear flip-flops.
I'm the man.
I remember you bouncing up and down
in your booth like a Duracell bunny.
I still do that.
Come tonight and check it out.
I I can't jump as high
since I did me knee in.
- [barking]
- Mad dog.
I will never forget those sessions
in Manchester
with David and Anna and Axel.
The best was at your house
when your dad was at work.
[both laugh]
We used to pray for him
to go on night shift.
[house music playing]
[door opens]
What do you want to do? Sleep
or dance?
I used to get you out of bed,
do you remember?
[both laugh]
[Marcus] Yes!
[both laughing]
["Don't Go (Gerd Janson Re-work)"
by Julie McDermott playing]
- The special guest for the evening
- I cannot bear to see you leave me ♪
- Zoe Collins!
- I'm begging you, don't go ♪
Lead the way, lead the way ♪
I cannot bear to see you leave me ♪
- It was all such a laugh.
- We had a little help.
We were just gettin' into pills.
And though you tell me
That you love me ♪
- Sometimes I just don't know
- Sometimes I just don't know ♪
Don't know, don't know ♪
I cannot bear to see you leave me ♪
I'm begging you, don't go ♪
Please, don't go ♪
Axel just played and played.
Searchin' for the right beat,
recordin' it.
It's how he became who he became,
the fuckin' master of Ibiza.
You seem a bit sad.
The truth is, you know
If you live like a god when you're 20,
how can you be happy after that?
You've had it all.
Love, girls, the perfect life.
After that
how can you not be sad?
Good times are always behind you.
[Zoe clears throat]
I'll take the bread.
Is David still in Ibiza?
[Marcus] Oh!
You wouldn't recognize him.
He runs a hippie retreat.
How long are you here?
It kind of depends.
Well, look, if you need a place to crash,
this place is yours.
Thank you.
[man] Good evening.
[man] Hey.
[Anna] To heaven.
[in Spanish] Cheers.
[all] Cheers.
[in English] Good to see you again.
[pan sizzling]
Do you remember the last time we spoke,
It was about 20 years ago.
[Marcus] Hey, Zo. Axel just called.
Oh, yeah? Well, where is he?
What's he doing there?
He wasn't in India.
[dog barks]
Well, I mean
That's what he said. How do you know?
Because he was buried in the desert.
Murdered and then buried.
So it seems pretty weird
that he called you.
What the fuck you talkin' about?
- Murdered?
- Why did you lie?
[Marcus] I've gotta go, but listen.
Your brother's fine.
He sounded happy.
I did it for you.
Take it easy, kid.
I'm sure he'll call soon.
[dial tone]
Look, I knew how messed up you were,
waitin' to hear somethin'.
But how did you know
he wasn't gonna call me?
Because you knew he was dead?
No. I didn't know.
No. I
How would I have known?
[dog barking]
Look, something's going on with the dogs.
- You carry on, don't don't wait for me.
- [barking]
Hey, Pancho. Come here, boy.
Oh, my God, you're on the toot.
No, no, no. Sylvester.
Come on, get away, boy.
Come on, get away.
No, no, no, no. Come on, shoo, shoo, shoo.
- Shoo! Pancho. Get off. Get Fuck!
- [growling]
Get off, Pancho. Pancho!
- Get away!
- [yelping]
- Christ Almighty!
- [barking]
Fuckin' hell.
This isn't happenin' to me.
[Boxer] Hey, buddy.
- Eh?
- How are you? [chuckles]
I always wanted to try this.
Plant a line of cocaine in the garden
and water it until it grows.
I mean, every narco thought about it,
but you?
[chuckles] You've actually done it.
- Come here.
- Yeah
[Boxer laughs]
Yeah, the surfer threw a load
of fucking coke over the fence.
- Anyway, what are you doin' here?
- Ah, nothing much.
Just came to see how you were.
- Hey! Hey, buddy.
- [dog whining]
My little coke fiend. [laughs]
Come here. Come here.
Can I have a beer?
what sort of thing are you playing
All my years as a DJ,
you've never once come to prep me
What the fuck? This is warm.
- Shit.
- What the fuck are you doing?
It's glass! Me kids swim in there.
Are you out of your fuckin' mind?
[Boxer chuckles]
- [Marcus yelps]
- I asked you this many years ago,
- but we didn't know each other so well.
- [gasping]
So maybe you didn't think
I was being serious.
- Who killed Axel Collins?
- [Marcus splutters]
- I don't fucking know.
- Perhaps we should refresh your memory.
[Marcus yells]
[Boxer] Come here, fucker.
Come here. [grunts]
- [gasping]
- [Boxer] Second round
- Same question.
- Boxer, stop.
Who killed Axel Collins?
[shouting] Was it you?
- [Marcus] I don't know!
- Marcus.
Marcus, you have to try to answer,
before your lungs fill up.
[panting softly]
Come here, you
It's the last one
[Marcus yells]
Oh, fuck!
[Marcus gasping]
[groans] Fuck.
No! I I I was his best friend. I
- I raised the alarm when he went missing.
- Oh!
Look, I was desperate to find him,
for fuck's sake!
How long are you going to keep up
with this bullshit?
- [choking]
- All I want is one fucking name.
- I fucking hate this fucking shit.
- [whispers] Okay.
[Marcus yells]
Fuck. Boxer, stop. Stop, Boxer.
Oh, fuck.
You're gonna fuckin' kill me
- Just tell me one name.
- Listen to me, right? Just stop.
- I don't know anything.
- [Boxer] Oh. You don't?
- Are you going to tell me?
- [Marcus] Just stop.
What the fuck?
Get him out.
Who the fuck are you?
I didn't know Marcus had moved on.
You know, after everything with Anna,
I'm really happy for him.
I said get him out.
Ah, no, relax, he's just free diving.
He can reach eight or nine meters
catching octopuses.
He has a water sports business
so he's quite used to water.
That's great, but I've gotta ask him
some questions,
so I'll give you
to the count of three.
- One
- [chuckles] Yeah.
- two
- [giggling]
- Oh, for fuck
- Hey, whoa.
Calm down.
Okay. [clears throat]
[ringing tone]
Hi! Joanna.
Zoe? [chuckles softly]
How long has it been?
- Six years.
- How are you?
Yeah, I'm okay. I'm all right.
I'm in Ibiza.
I'm in hospital.
Is that blood?
Yeah. It's not mine.
I, uh, shot someone with a harpoon.
A hit man who was trying to drown
my brother's friend.
What's going on, Zoe?
[sighs] Okay, don't freak out. Um
All that work that we did
on my abandonment issues
was pretty much useless.
I've just lost Axel all over again.
I reckon I've lived more
in the last 24 hours
than in the last 24 years.
He didn't abandon me at all.
Axel was murdered.
- So everything that happened
- [jazz version of "Creep" plays]
everything that I did,
it it was all because of something
that didn't even happen.
- There was was this torrential rain
- When you were here before ♪
Couldn't look you in the eye ♪
You're just like an angel ♪
Your skin makes me cry ♪
You float like a feather ♪
In a beautiful world ♪
I wish I was special ♪
- You're so very special ♪
- [Rafael speaking Spanish]
I bless this land in the name
of God Almighty.
[repeats blessing]
And I'm a weirdo ♪
What the hell am I doing here? ♪
I don't belong here ♪
I don't care if it hurts ♪
I want to have control ♪
♪I want a perfect body ♪
I want a perfect soul ♪
I want you to notice ♪
When I'm not around ♪
You're so very special ♪
I wish I was special ♪
But I'm a creep ♪
I'm a weirdo ♪
What the hell am I doin' here? ♪
I don't belong here ♪
Whatever makes you happy ♪
Whatever you want ♪
You're so very special ♪
I wish I was special ♪
[Zoe] I'm gonna stick around here
with Marcus.
But I'm a creep ♪
[Zoe] I don't trust him.
I'm a weirdo ♪
[Zoe] He's definitely hiding something.
What the hell am I doin' here? ♪
I don't belong here ♪
- I don't belong here ♪
- [groaning]
[phone buzzing]
[in Spanish] Dad?
King is dead.
I need you here, my dear.
[Zoe, in English] One thing's for sure.
I'm not leaving Ibiza until I get
what I came here for.
[Joanna] And what is that, Zoe?
The truth.
[chuckles softly]
["We Do What We Want" by Alan Fitzpatrick
playing over speakers]
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