White Wall (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Tunnel C6

Plus twelve it's the influx of people
into our beloved town in the last month.
"Welcome", some might say.
Now we're up to 431 brave souls
struggling to achieve our common goal.
Soon the depleted nuclear waste
will start their last journey.
The first batch of uranium rods
will be buried 700 meters under the ground.
Too bad we don't make nuclear weapons.
It would be easier to build weapons
than dig up half of Norrland.
For some of us, it's the beginning of the end
for others, it's simply the beginning.
Regardless, we won't know how it goes
You see that?
Camera B7.
No, what is it?
- I'm going out to check.
they take 100.000 years to
go down to regular levels.
We can only hope our children, grandchildren
and great-grandchildren won't judge us too hard.
One day they'll see what we've done
and it won't be a pretty sight.
Warning shot!
Actions have consequences.
That's how it is
that's how it's always been.
Today we have -22, cloudy and snowy.
Tomorrow we expect a clear-up
- Coffee?
Happy birthday.
- Hooray for me.
How does it feel?
- Feels what?
How do you feel?
- Normal as usual.
How's "normal"?
Stiff back, headache
nothing a liter of coffee won't cure.
So you don't have a guilty conscience
or something like that?
A guilty conscience about what?
Maybe because
you don't deliver what people really expect.
Should I feel guilty?
- I don't know, should you?
Check this out.
No! What the hell that is not ok!
What you're sick!
Pull yourself together, for fuck's sake!
Good morning.
Happy birthday, Lars!
- Thanks.
Morning, Atte.
Don't you say "happy birthday"?
No. E2, last night, storage area.
- I know.
The phone will ring soon.
- Could we avoid that?
Not as things stand today.
We have miles of fencings.
Always the same excuse too much fencing.
We do have too much fencing.
- Then fix it.
- I don't know, you're head of security.
Have an extra look at this today.
Our birthday boy's wish
was to be degraded to "charger".
And he's bringing Helen along
who knows even less about explosives.
So let's pray the Mountain King
and hope that everything won't go to hell!
Holmström is already 700 meters underground,
in tunnel C6.
Said will make sure
you don't blow yourselves up.
Said? You don't have anyone else
How can you justify burying tons
of nuclear waste under Swedish soil?
Considering it all remains toxic
and hazardous for 100.000 years.
Responsible and effective use of nuclear power
has enabled producing environmentally
friendly energy at a low cost.
Ok, next.
But you're head of a company
burying a time bomb in our collective backyard.
We are being responsible.
Nuclear waste needs to be taken care of permanently.
We cannot leave it in provisional containers.
The only rational option is to deal
with nuclear waste just the way Sweden is doing.
The conditions of the site are safe
and we're handling this ourselves because
we posses the expertise to do it properly.
Ok, so you finally agree to permanently
dispose of the facility next month.
After several delays.
How do you sleep at night?
- I sleep very well, thank you, and
As a Swede, I'm extremely proud to see
our nation taking global responsibility
and leadership on this matter.
Ok and how many people you find acceptable
to murder to achieve this goal?
- A demonstrator was shot at the construction site
What you said hasn't leaked.
You must be able to answer this question
if it comes up.
In total, 21 people died at the construction site,
due to accidents or firearms.
Can anything justify this loss of lives?
- Well this project has been going on for 20 years
So you're saying you find
a death a year acceptable.
Can't you just do that interview for me?
Tell them I'm busy.
Shots were fired last night at the storage area.
Can you confirm this?
Yes, one shot.
There was an unauthorized entry into the area.
How's it possible to enter the area without authorization?
- We're talking about radical individuals
who are trying to obstruct work on the construction site.
It's an enormous area.
They want willfully to put their lives to risk.
It is possible.
No one gets through those fences
and warning signs accidentally.
Stopping anyone entering the storage area
is a matter of national security.
Where did I get him?
Where were you aiming?
- What?
What did you aim for?
- The leg. the thigh
You can wait here.
- No, I want to it's best if I
Morning. Astrid. Oskar, the shooter.
Oskar. Astrid, the intruder.
I'm terribly sorry.
- Oskar was aiming for the leg.
The vest will not always protect you.
You now have some broken ribs.
The wind can divert the bullet
Why you keep doing this?
You really still believe
someone can stop this?
- What were you doing with that drone?
I was just taking a walk.
Ok I had that with me
'cause I was working with a drone
earlier in the day.
Cut it out.
What was it for?
Has it to do with the opening?
- You mean the pictures I took?
Ask for me when you're ready to talk.
Don't push that hard!
You need help?
You're so damn quick!
Sit behind a computer for 10 years
and see how fast you get!
You know the whole team is betting over you?
- Ok about what?
If you're staying or leaving
after the inauguration.
Did you bet?
- I wouldn't know I need to know a little more first.
What about dinner tonight?
- I have to go to Stockholm.
Said, we're out of detonators!
You're giving up?
- No, I'll finish what I started.
Didn't you say we're behind schedule?
- Yes but we need detonators.
That's your job.
. But it's your turn!
Are we allowed?
- Thanks.
Watch out!
- Please
What the
Is it another joke?
- It's no joke.
I already tested this.
- It was working fine.
Try with a Bart.
- We don't have any.
Yes, in a drawer in the storeroom.
- We'll have to replace all detonators.
Can't we test another detonator?
- It's a waste of time.
I said I tested it already!
Go get a Bart.
I have to leave.
- I'm going up.
That was a surprise bang
- Said, listen!
Stay calm now!
- What is it?
We must start all over again.
- I'll help them.
I have nothing better to do.
- I don't want that.
This was my idea from the beginning.
Superman to Zombieman. Do you copy?
- Yes.
We have to replace al charges.
An electric field has knocked everything out.
The damn EMF detector is not working either.
Those never work.
- There's something strange here.
I'm coming.
- Good. Hurry up.
Hello? Li?
Can you stay a bit longer?
We have kind of a problem here.
Three hours, I'm afraid.
God thank you, thank you, thank you!
How's Axel?
Can you put him on?
Hey, love!
How are you?
I'll be a little late tonight.
You can stay with Li a bit longer.
How many you had?
Five?! That's way more than we said!
Enough for tonight, honey.
I'll be home late,
I'll see you tomorrow morning.
Could you make sense of this?
- This fucking thing
# May I live may I live may I live for #
# for a hundred years!
Sure I will live sure I will live #
Super-breakfast. Mom's orders.
Nicola! Breakfast!
You don't need to yell
- OK!
There is some work in Australia,
a cider farm that pays well.
So we thought we could go there
for a few months.
How's school going?
- Good.
- Do that.
Great pie.
Is it cloudberry?
- Really?
It's good that I can tell.
How's the leg?
As long as I don't make quick turns I'm ok.
If I stop abruptly or change direction it still hurts.
That's weird.
Things like that take time.
You'll be alright.
You understand?
- That's ok.
I have to take this, sorry.
I'll call you in a few minutes, ok?
So I suggested a Korean spa
where you have to lie down on hot rocks.
I'm going to meet Desi
- There's been an accident at work, so
I have to go back right away.
It's serious people got hurt
and someone might not make it.
I'm sorry
- Don't worry.
It's sad.
- Very sad.
What happened?
- I told you, we don't know yet.
When do you think you
- I don't know!
We have 2 days to inform the public of what happened and why.
- We'll do our best.
The day after tomorrow we issue a statement.
I'm coming there myself as soon as possible.
I need to go,
they're calling me from the site.
How bad is it?
Don't let anyone down.
Which hospital are they in?
Are you awake?
I'm awake.
Are you naked?
- Hi.
What about the others?
What do you know?
- Said and Pjotr made it.
- No.
What about your
- My eyes?
I don't know.
What do you think?
You want me to be honest?
- No.
I have nothing broken though.
I had a concussion
maybe it'll help wake me up a little.
What happened? What can you remember?
- Only that everything blew up.
Said was saying something to me
I was walking towards him
then it all exploded.
I don't know
What are you doing?
I'm holding your hand.
I take full responsibility.
Let me deal with the consequences before you can me.
You're not getting fired. I want to talk about communications
now that the opening's getting close.
I don't have time for PR stuff right now.
I need to find out how people are doing and what happened
When will you know?
- I don't know.
It can take days, weeks
That means suspending the opening.
- Possibly.
I assume Thomas has informed you
about the financial situation.
So you have no idea.
We can't postpone the opening, not even by half an hour.
Not anymore.
- You may have to.
We begin earning only after we deposit the waste.
We have a three billion euros debt
and we can't refinance unless
we can prove we're actually earning.
Government's hands are tied.
They can't give us more funding even if they wanted to.
We're out of money.
But we have 650 tons of nuclear waste
in temporary containers.
And the older ones are already eroding.
- But we can't stop.
When will we have the first leak?
One year? Five years? Who knows?
Just tell me what you need
and I'll help you.
Time I need time.
Over here!
Can anyone help me?
Looks like it was carrying something.
Can you turn it on?
- I don't know. Let's see.
No fucking idea.
What the hell could have happened?
- I have no idea.
Hey, where is she?
You got something made of metal?
Bigger than a key.
Is there a service shaft nearby?
- It cannot cause this kind of magnetism.
Can the explosion have magnetized the rock?
- No.
How far is the nearest pilot hole?
- About 60 meters northwest.
There's something behind that rock.
Ok if there is something,
why didn't they find it when they test-drilled?
Sorry, we did the best we could.
- We need a geologist.
Helen is in the hospital.
- We'll ask the mining company.
They'll get nervous and start making a fuss.
What you think we should do then?
We could investigate on our own.
- Not a chance.
We need to know more before we do anything.
- I'm so fucking tired!
Not a word to anyone about this, ok?
- Yes, Helen?
I'm here.
This is what we kept warning about.
I hate to say "I told you so".
But this proves we cannot trust Ecso
to have everything under control.
The final storage area might be at risk too.
What's the biggest risk
if they can't open the plant?
Is Ecso even able to run the facility?
We must know that Ecso, on behalf
of the government, will take full responsibility.
How does it look down there?
What did you find?
- Nothing.
What would be the best explanation
for what happened?
You're asking me?
- Yes the best for Gina and the management.
Human factor.
Someone made a mistake. It can happen.
And the worst possible explanation?
Someone managed to go down there and place a bomb.
Let's get in the car.
The line has been crossed.
Even nay sayers have to agree.
There is no going back.
But we'll disappear into an oblivion abyss,
idiots or not.
Enjoyed that?
- Perfect, thanks.
Hey, how are you?
I've been thinking and
I have three different theories.
The first is a bitthe person who got shot
had many other people with him
How much drinks did you have?
- You mean tonight?
I got here at five maybe six
and I had
six beers
- Can you drive a Scamec?
One shot two shots what was that?
Can you drive a Scamec?
- Now?
Magnus, wake up!
We're here.
How are you?
- Fine shit!
Why the hell are we here?
- You must unload the Scamec.
Pull that thanks Scamec
Are you sure you're ok?
- What yes, yes
Be more careful than a fucking dentist.
- I said be careful!
- Honey?
I need more.
- You had as many as you wanted.
Can't you try to sleep instead?
- I need them white, please!
Now sleep, you'll build tomorrow.
But they must be white.
- Love
Next Episode