Will Trent (2023) s01e01 Episode Script


ABIGAIL: You're a liar.
I think you enjoyed it.
I don't believe one word that
comes out of your mouth, Paul.
PAUL: Abigail! Wait,
what? What did you say?
I've gotten, like, three phone calls
That maybe you shouldn't have
banged our personal trainer.
Calm down.
I mean, do you realize
you're stirring up
- a lot of trouble for me?
- I want out.
Today. Don't come home.
And what are you gonna tell Emma, huh?
That her father can't
keep it in his pants.
No, no, no. Listen to me.
You are not going to use
our daughter as a weapon.
Don't test me. If you
want this to get ugly,
- I can make this ugly.
- Paul, shut up.
- What?
- Somebody broke into the house.
Don't go in. Go back to your car.
I'm I'm calling the police.
Do not go in! Do not!
- What about Emma?
- Go sit in your car.
Abigail, for once in your
life, just listen to me.
Abigail! Listen to me!
Go back to your car.
- Abigail!
- No! No!
- [♪]
- Ah!
- WOMAN: Name?
- Special Agent Will Trent.
- Ooh. Fancy.
- See, I wouldn't have guessed that.
I would have said professor.
Why is there a form? My
neighbor died three days ago.
This dog was tied up in her backyard.
- I'm just dropping her off.
- Just dropping her?
Like a sack of old clothes?
You folks work with animals
'cause you don't get along with people?
I rescued a dog.
That's universally
accepted as a good deed.
Special Agent Trent wants a parade.
No, I don't want a parade.
I just want to get on with my day.
You folks rehome animals, so
Tag says her name is Betty.
You think she's named after Betty White?
- I have no idea.
- Uh, wait!
W W We need your
signature on the release.
Just take her.
Y You seem nice.
Tolerant is not the same as nice.
Where do I sign?
Oh, there is tons of articles about you.
You just brought down
a bunch of corrupt cops.
Fight the power, man.
- That's kind of hot.
- It's really not.
Very unpopular position
to take, actually.
- Are we good?
- And your initials.
Uh, maybe your wife
could look after her?
- Not married.
- Girlfriend?
It's just me, okay?
I I've done my duty.
Thank you for whatever this was.
This is a no-kill shelter, right?
- I mean, mostly.
Well, you come
upstairs, but not to talk ♪
You stay a little while ♪
Then you do a little walk on home ♪
Well, I don't care,
can't pay attention ♪
And I don't give a damn
about your intentions at all ♪
Ooh-whee! ♪
Well, pass me the
whiskey, pass me the gin ♪
Pass me whatever
there's drink left in ♪
Well, I don't care
if it's seven in.. ♪
What's up with the dog? And
what happened to your car?
[SIGHS] This is Betty. I'm adopting her.
As you can see, I'm overjoyed about it.
And I think it's pretty clear to
see that my car was vandalized.
That's what you get
for turning on your own.
You assigned me that case.
You could've said no.
What are you doing here?
APD caught a body. Get in.
Gotta put the dog in the house.
Why is the Georgia
Bureau of Investigation
getting involved in a homicide?
We're here as a courtesy.
Murdered teenage girl.
Home invasion in Ansley Park.
So unless there's evidence
of a contract killing,
we leave it to the APD,
and we get the hell out.
Courtesy? A courtesy to who?
Victim's grandfather is a
billionaire named Hoyt Bentley.
He called the governor,
who then called me.
Oh, the governor. That's right.
You have an unreasonable boss, too.
I told him I'd bring my best.
I just need you to read
the crime scene, Will.
Yes, ma'am.
- You feel that?
- What?
All that hatred for you?
It's like heat.
Wish we could harness it.
Solve climate change.
Hey, walk past the cameras
so the governor sees you.
- OFFICER: Heads up. The GBI's here.
- OFFICER #2: Get lost, rat.
- OFFICER #3: Scumbags.
Morning, fellas.
How's it going, rat punk?
Come on, Trent. Doesn't take a genius.
They broke the window,
unlocked the door.
Special Agent Trent, case notes.
Home invasion point
of entry front door.
Method of access absolutely 100%
not what the APD has concluded.
- The hell is the GBI doing here?
Assessing the situation.
The situation is there's
a bunch of uniforms outside
plotting your murder. Look at you.
Always with the three-piece suit,
like every day's your wedding day.
Or my funeral.
[LAUGHING] Hey, a joke. I like it.
Throw in a smile, you
might make some friends.
This one's pretty self-explanatory.
Atlanta PD's got it covered.
- Who's this?
- The perp.
- And this?
- The daughter's footprint.
Body's upstairs. It's
a real mess up there.
You don't want to get involved.
Why don't you just take me through it,
and I'll get out your hair.
Mom comes home from tennis, door's open.
Window next to the doorknob's smashed.
She goes upstairs, sees her daughter,
probably raped, definitely murdered,
the perp standing over her with a knife.
Perp sets his sights on mom
who's smoking hot by the way
a big, dirty fight ensues,
but all that pilates pays off
because mom ends up
strangling him to death.
I know, surprise ending.
Anyway, the case is solved,
and there's your do-er.
- 'Kay. You ID him yet?
- Waiting for the M.E.
How big's the mother?
I dunno rich, white lady size.
Hundred pounds soaking wet.
Probably carries her
intestines around in her purse.
- How's she the one who walks away?
- Adrenaline.
You know, when the mom
lifts the car off the baby?
- I got an answer for everything.
- Boom!
Great. We're good to go.
Thank you very much. Case closed!
broken window's too far
away to reach the doorknob.
Can you explain that?
Think on it for a
minute. Get back to me.
Where's the mother?
Giving a statement to my partner, Faith.
Well, is there anyone
we can call for you
or somewhere you could go?
I don't want to leave
while my daughter's here.
- I can't. I need to
- I would feel the same way.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Mrs. Campano, this is Eric.
He's an EMT.
He's gonna check you out
for a concussion, okay?
- ERIC: Thanks, Detective.
Hi, Mrs. Campano.
What is he doing here?
AMANDA: Who do you
think you're talking to?
I didn't know the GBI was here.
Why'd you bring your Do Boy?
Watch the tone. We're
here to check your work.
"Cutting class started
when she made friends
with Kayla Alexander."
Oh, yeah? Who's Kayla Alexander?
Read it for yourself.
Did you write that with your feet?
Read it to me.
"Emma and Kayla were inseparable.
Her father never liked Kayla."
Where is the father?
Should be here in a minute.
He's Paul Campano, the car guy.
I thought the last name was Bentley.
Bentley's the mom's name.
Paul Campano is her husband.
You know, the guy who does
all those dumb commercials?
He should've taken her name.
Paul Bentley, the car dealer
it was just sitting there!
What's the matter?
You know him?
AMANDA: Let's go participate, shall we?
I don't have a thing to say to that man.
Hey. When you have my
job, you can hold grudges.
Until then, nobody
wants to hear you bitch.
Agent Trent, this is
Detective Faith Mitchell.
When you were in school, did
you cut class by yourself?
Isn't that something
girls do with friends?
I never cut class.
Wait. You think
Two pairs of shoes.
I'll see if they're the same size.
What are you thinking?
I don't know yet, but
something's not right.
PAUL: I want everybody off my property!
Where's my wife?! Abigail!
- OFFICER: Sir, you cannot come in here.
- Abigail!
- This is a crime scene.
- Paul.
You can't stop me from
seeing my daughter, Emma!
- This is my house!
- Mr. Campano,
there's an active crime scene.
We need you to wait outside.
- Who are you?
- I'll take him up.
It's not your case, Trent.
Special Agent Will Trent,
Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
You're gonna need a set of these.
Follow me.
Emma used to say that
I was her best friend.
Straight A's. Uh
Sh She never would've cut school
until that girl showed up.
- Who is that, Kayla?
- Yeah.
Emma idolized her.
They dressed alike, navel piercings.
I mean, 16 years old.
You're Trashcan, right?
[SCOFFS] It's been a while.
We called you that because
they found you in a trash can?
It was actually a dumpster.
Trashcan had a better ring, I guess.
Paul, I'm gonna need you to ID the body.
It's not her.
- Are you sure?
- That's Kayla!
Emma has a birthmark on
her wrist on her right arm.
Abigail! It's not Emma!
- What?
- What is happening?
No, no, no, the mom told me herself.
I walked in the door. She says,
"My daughter's been killed."
You wouldn't let me go upstairs!
It's protocol!
- Am I wrong here?
- WILL: Everybody shut up!
Mom, I need you to tell me
exactly what the intruder
did when you arrived home.
Don't talk to my wife, Trashcan.
We need to call Emma's school.
Emma's not at school, Paul.
- She was here with Kayla.
- Tell me.
He was holding a knife
above who I thought was Emma.
And he And he came at me and
And was the knife by his side or
was he threatening you with it?
Oh, God. He was coming
toward me, and he
Was the knife raised?
I think he tripped and he
was trying to catch his fall,
but then he pushed me down the stairs.
You were pushed or you fell?
- I don't know.
- Did he say anything?
Just noises, like he was on drugs, or
- Or injured.
It's a knife wound.
- Deep.
- I didn't stab him.
The killer the one who
murdered Kayla stabbed him.
He pulled the knife out
his own collapsed lung.
That's why he couldn't talk.
He was drowning in his own blood.
- And then I killed him.
- Abigail, stop talking.
He was innocent! He
was defending the girls!
Okay, then. Where the hell is Emma?!
That's your daughter's
footprint there, Paul.
It's pointed the wrong
way because your daughter
was carried out the house. [SIGHS]
Put out an Amber Alert.
This is a kidnapping.
Hey, don't you worry ♪
I've been lied to ♪
- Double homicide and a kidnapping.
Many times before ♪
That's a lot for a Monday.
Well, that's not your
problem, Detective.
You going to your meetings?
Is that Paul Campano?
GBI's stepping in, capes
and all, to save the day.
I asked you if you were
going to your meetings.
Who caught it at GBI?
Who do you think? Trent.
Hey, drug addict.
Look, somebody else is
gonna find that girl,
'cause let's be real
you've been undercover
for two months, and today,
you're the only cop at APD
who's got bigger fish to fry.
- So answer the question.
- Oh, my God.
Okay. Yes.
I'm doing a meeting a day.
I am making my stupid
bed in the morning.
I'm extremely sober.
I have perfect mental
clarity as I stay away
from anything remotely fun.
- But are drugs really fun?
- Mm.
- That's why people do them.
- Mnh.
What about waking up in strangers' beds?
- Is that fun?
- Depends on the stranger.
That's you. I didn't want to come here.
And because I might die today.
That's right.
- You wanna walk me through it?
I've been making small buys at
this fent shop in Polar Rock.
Uh, but today, I want to make a big buy.
- How big?
- 200K.
Apparently that's enough
to make their supplier
mysterious dude, Kodiak
show up to fill my order.
And once you get Kodiak,
then the fox can leave the henhouse
- and bring me lots of relief?
- Yeah.
You know, you're really
going to town on that hanky.
You sure you good?
Okay, pal. I'll see you on
the other side of this thing.
We should go out, celebrate, get tanked.
We're not doing that.
Be good. Please be good!
Yo, hey, I put the work in ♪
Yo, and now we workin' ♪
Yo, hey ♪
I put the work in ♪
Yo, yo ♪
And now we work, now
we work, now we work ♪
Hey, we workin' ♪
And now we workin' ♪
Now we're workin' ♪
There he is.
Look at you, just another
small business job creator.
- Got somebody backing you now?
God, no.
Where's your guy?
He's running behind. Chill for a bit.
Relax. Here.
Talkin' like they're gettin' money ♪
By next weekend, gon' be dope ♪
Or in prison, prison, prison ♪
A freebie.
R-I-P, we see, walk with cash ♪
Then we hustle strong ♪
I just went to ♪
Yo, hey, I put the work in ♪
Thank you.
Yo, and now we workin' ♪
- Yo, hey, I put the work in ♪
Yo, and now we work,
now we work, now we work ♪
WILL: Special Agent Trent,
case notes, continued.
How'd you get here, Adam Humphrey?
A freshman at Atlanta City Tech.
Scholarship kid.
What was the connection
between him and Emma?
Or was it Kayla?
Neighbor saw Emma's white BMW parked
in the driveway this morning at 9:30.
It was gone when she took
the dog for a walk at noon.
Emma was abducted in her own car.
Smell of ammonia from the closet.
- [♪]
Oh, sorry. Should I come back later?
This smell like urine to you?
When people call you weird,
I really do defend you,
but you gotta help me out.
I think Emma hid in her closet
while Kayla was being attacked.
I'm not sending Faith to A.C. Tech.
- I want her to stay with you.
- That's the wrong call.
We need to identify the
Adam Humphrey connection.
- APD is already on it.
- No.
No partners. That was our agreement.
You've never worked an
active kidnapping before.
- Come on.
- Time is not our friend.
Some APD grunt isn't
gonna speed things up.
Oh, stop. Faith isn't some grunt.
She wants me to fail, fail
Oh, is this about feelings now?
Relationships are a
part of the job, Will.
- Figure it out.
- Oh, first you shoved the most inflammatory
APD corruption case onto my
desk, one I.A. wouldn't touch
Oh, don't pretend that
case didn't have an upside.
Yes, you promised I
could operate on my own.
If this case goes sideways, I'm out.
And if I'm out, who's gonna protect you?
morning, and although
law enforcement sources
have yet to release
a description of the suspect involved,
they believe the victim was
taken away in her own vehicle,
a white 2020 BMW 320i
with a dealer license plate CG439B.
That car's in the
alley across the street.
You noticed a white BMW?
You think we should call the cops?
Yeah. We should
definitely call the cops,
'cause this place is
full of illegal drugs,
and there's more on the way.
Hey, maybe there's a reward?
You know, you can get a pair
of these that aren't knockoffs.
- What happened to your face?
- KYLE: Jules! Hurry up, I'm starving.
well-known local
car dealer, Paul Campano.
Sources say two victims
are dead and one injured.
The victims have yet to be identified
- Going out for a smoke.
Angie, hey. You okay?
I found your car.
In the alley, outside the closed-down
parking structure on Peachtree and Vine.
- You're kidding.
- I knocked on the trunk.
- She's not in there.
- You better be careful.
You're gonna get made.
I take care of myself.
[CHUCKLES] Yeah, I have no doubt.
So Paul Campano? That's crazy.
- You alright?
- I can take care of myself, Detective.
I have no doubt.
Listen, I gotta go. Thanks for the tip.
Hey. Do me a favor.
When you come get the car, can
you be a little subtle about it?
I have a supplier
making a drop any minute.
His product is racking
up a huge body count.
I'll do my best, but
APD's on the defense.
They're gonna want to put on a show.
- Take care of yourself, Ang.
- You, too.
- Hey, this one's a piece of work.
Deputy Director Wagner?
Detective Michael Ormewood, APD.
We just got orders
they say came from you.
Active kidnapping. All hands on deck.
Yeah, well, I'm in the
middle of a homicide.
I'm supposed to just drop everything
for some trust-fund runaway?
You. We gotta go. Found
the car. You drive.
Go. He's your partner.
You're GBI today.
- WOMAN: Coming in from the east side.
There's blood in the
trunk. Emma was in here.
- MAN: We got ETA in 10 minutes!
- Vehicle switch?
- Hello?
OFFICER: We don't have
anything over here!
- Yeah.
- Sorry about the quality.
We kept the old system when we moved in,
and these tapes are pretty busted.
FAITH: Yeah. Take it back so
we can see when the car arrived.
Uh, no prob.
Sorry it smells like weed in here.
Um Holy crap.
WILL: You were right. Vehicle switch.
Yeah, we spent the last 3 1/2 hours
looking for the wrong car.
I can't tell the make.
Let it play.
Oh, you got to be kidding me.
Who the hell is driving that car?
There's a second kidnapper.
We're in a world of hurt here.
Please tell me you've got something.
Yeah. Your dead guy in the foyer, Adam?
He knew Emma. They were friends.
Friends or more than friends?
Well, the roommate says friends.
He never heard of Kayla Alexander.
Well, do you believe him?
I don't believe anybody ever.
- Hey, look what I just found.
Kenny just found a sizable
bag of Adderall in his room.
- They're crackheads, too.
- Push some more.
We got to figure out this connection.
I'll see what I can do. Hey.
How much do you want to
punch Trent in the face?
[CHUCKLES] I mean, it
is a punchable face.
But I'll say this, though
he read that crime
scene like it was a book.
- Call me back, okay?
- Yeah.
Oh, Gabe.
You know, if I was in your shoes,
I'd want to make sure whoever
killed my friend paid a price for it.
Hey! Take your hands off him!
- I'm not talking to you.
- MAN: It's on camera!
- I want to call my parents.
- Hey, take it easy, Ormewood.
There's a girl out there missing!
Come on, folks! Back up.
Give us Give us space!
- We need Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Ken?
- Kenny!
- MAN: Too many doughnuts!
- Kenny? Call am ambulance!
You run this place all by yourself?
The guy who owns it moved
to Omaha. He's never around.
They're techs with the band
that's coming in tomorrow.
- You work with them before?
- First time.
- I'm gonna need that tape.
- Yeah.
You've got an interesting way
of organizing your world here.
[LAUGHS] Brain's a little weird.
Music I get. Words, not so much.
Good for you, man.
Alright, I'll be in touch
if I need anything else.
Cool. Uh, hope you find her.
Amanda's breathing down my neck
because Paul Campano needs an update.
- Alright, have him meet us at the GBI.
He's not coming. Too many cops.
Okay. So, when are we rescheduling this?
I'll hit you up on WhatsApp.
Wait for APD to leave before you bounce.
Jules. Come by my place later?
Hang for a little?
I've got my kid tonight.
Find somebody to watch him.
- Don't leave me hanging.
Hey. Why'd he do that to your face?
He was taking money.
I I walked in on him.
You may be in more
trouble than you think.
This is a scary guy.
Seriously, do you have
any money saved up?
No. He wants me to come over tonight.
What am I gonna do?
You're sure he's skimming?
Money and product.
He He took it again today.
I'm looking for a problem ♪
What kind of car does he drive?
But you don't want a problem ♪
You ain't never seen nothin' like me ♪
- They say they want a war ♪
ANGIE: Blue Dodge Daytona.
Pull him over for the taillight
and go check the trunk.
OFFICER: Copy that, Detective Polaski.
So you don't want to start one ♪
You ain't never seen nothin' like me ♪
I only know to live
fast and die young ♪
- PAUL: You're Trashcan, right?
- And represent where I'm from ♪
It's been a while. [SIGHS]
We called you that because
they found you in a trash can?
WILL: It was actually a dumpster.
- Trashcan had a better ring, I guess.
- FAITH: Hey.
You were talking to Warren
for a while in there.
Did you see something?
Please don't touch that!
- He's dyslexic.
I assume your car's out of warranty?
How do you know that?
'Cause the glove compartment's
held up by duct tape.
I was talking about the dyslexia.
Color-coded file system,
color-coded buttons on all the consoles.
It's a workaround for dyslexia.
It's our job to notice things.
You intend to pay any
of these parking tickets?
Can you please stay out of my business?
The duct tape is working just fine.
- I have a system.
Everything is under control.
I have to get this.
What's going on? I'm working.
JEREMY: Mom, don't be mad
but my computer fell out
- the balcony of my dorm.
- What?
How? I am really interested to know
how your computer fell off of
a third-story balcony, Jeremy.
The details are not gonna
make you feel any better.
All my files are on it
and it won't turn on.
I told you to keep everything backed up!
You're in college now.
He can bring it to the GBI lab.
They can recover his hard drive.
The GBI can fix my computer? Awesome!
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation
is not fixing your computer.
Live with the consequences. I gotta go.
- Love you. Bye.
- What's with the chiming in?
- Just trying to help.
Who asked for your help?
Hmm. Fixed it.
I can't believe you
have a college-aged son.
- How old are you?
- How old is your mom?
Let's be clear
neither of us is thrilled
about this arrangement,
so let's just be polite
and get through this case.
- "Polite"?
- Yes.
The opposite of openly hostile.
What's my name, Trent?
You missed it, huh?
Wasn't relevant to the case? It's Faith.
- I investigated your mother.
- No.
You ended her thirty-year,
highly decorated
law enforcement career.
- Can you fix that?
- Not likely.
Maybe I should handle Paul.
I have a good read on Paul
- from this morning
but if I need
you, I'll let you know.
Great, I'll just take coffee
orders and make a Starbucks run.
- Wait.
- Where you been?
ANGIE: Hold the elevator!
Agent Trent.
Kenny's in the hospital.
- What?
- Oh, no.
What happened?
- While doing the GBI's scutwork.
I'm going up to five
with Special Agent Trent.
- Whoa. What's happening?
- What's the question behind the question?
- What?
Why'd you ask me if
you should handle Paul?
Well, because you alienate people
with your three-piece suit
and your little handkerchief
and your terrible personality.
Also, something isn't
right with the Campanos.
I tried to talk to Abigail this morning,
and he did not like it.
He's afraid of what she'll say.
Let's throw a grenade. See what happens.
Grenade? What does that mean?
So now I've got to come to your office
to get news about my daughter?
What are we doing here?
You should be out there
turning over every stone,
looking for Emma.
I'm gonna need a DNA sample from you.
Why's that, Trash?
Kayla Alexander had consensual
intercourse this morning.
I need to rule you out.
Get off me, Trashcan!
Do you know each other?
Paul and I grew up together in
the children's home, didn't we?
You lived in an orphanage?
I I didn't know how to tell you.
Your wife? Oh, my God!
It was a hundred years ago.
- You're a sociopath.
- We're gonna find Emma,
and we're gonna go back to
the way things used to be.
Someone is out there doing
terrible things to Emma.
Nothing is ever gonna go
back to the way it used to be!
This morning, I threatened a woman
who my husband is having an affair with.
- PAUL: Abigail, stop.
- Her name is Dylan Calloway.
Abigail, stop!
You should get that DNA sample
because my husband has a type.
- Stop it.
- She's a trainer.
She's 22, but she looks 16.
Here, look at her Instagram.
She looks exactly like Kayla Alexander.
[CRYING] I'm going to my parents' house.
Don't you dare call me!
Alright, so, maybe your
guys cleaned out your shop,
but we still have the drugs and
the cash we found in your trunk.
Illegal pretext stop. Won't hold up.
My lawyer's an animal.
Let's talk about Jules.
What about her?
You ever tell her about
any illegal activities?
You ever do anything
illegal in front of her?
You ever show her where your supply is?
You're thinking she'll
never say anything
because she is too scared.
You smacked her around enough.
Yeah, she'll stay in line, right?
But wait a sec.
Kyle, how did I know what's
in the trunk of your car?
Use it while you're
working the Campano case.
And after that?
Find the girl. We'll go from there.
You need anything else?
Yeah, actually.
You can tell me why
you're doing this to me.
Doing this to you?
Putting you with my best agent?
Handcuffing me to this
strange man who won't tell me
a damn thing about my own case.
Make it work, you ungrateful jackass.
I've known you your entire life.
I have high expectations for you.
Jeremy's grown now.
What's your next move?
Will can take you to the next level.
He can teach you to be surgical,
to see things that no one else does.
You can thank me when you're ready.
Yes, ma'am.
ANGIE: This guy is not nothing.
I know you understand
what a disaster this is.
I know you understand what
kind of a day this was, Captain.
A rich white girl goes missing,
the GBI chases her right to my doorstep,
so I pulled the trigger.
He's gonna flip.
Well, you're free now.
You and Ormewood ever work together?
Uh, yeah, a couple years ago.
- Once.
- Good.
Kenny's in bad shape.
I mean, he's gonna pull through,
but he's not coming back.
I don't work homicide anymore.
do you think, Franklin?
Oh, I think this is none of my business.
Oh, come on.
Should Detective Polaski stay in vice,
with all her vices?
Well, maybe a change
of scene would be good.
See? I need someone
to keep an eye on you,
and no one's tougher than Ormewood.
I'll set it up.
DISPATCH: Unit 324
WILL: What I know about Paul
Campano is that he's a bully.
I wasn't the only kid at the group home
he beat the crap out of,
but I might have been his favorite.
Looking back, it's hard to be angry.
There were rumors that
Paul was sexually abused
by a foster parent.
Was that the one part of our childhood
he wasn't able to outrun?
Trent. Really? On my way.
And that other cop, he was such a dick!
It's like he just wanted
to throw me in jail.
Yeah, look, I hate cops like that, too.
You're under no suspicion
here. You're a witness.
Why don't you just say
what you came here to say?
Adam Adam made me
promise to keep it quiet.
She was in high school, and
they were sleeping together.
He He didn't want to get in trouble.
The only thing that matters
right now is finding Emma.
Some guy was threatening Adam,
telling him to stay away from Emma.
We didn't know who it was,
but he'd leave notes on his car
and under our door when we woke up.
- Did you save the notes?
- Yeah.
This is the last one I got.
"I will wreck your entire
life, freak pedo scum."
Look how creepy it is.
All the Es and Ks are backwards.
The kid at the recording studio,
are you sure he's dyslexic?
Positive. Put a location
trace on his cell,
and send APD units to every address
we have for Warren Grier.
Got it.
It'll shake us all, so stay here ♪
This goes way beyond ♪
There's gotta be a key somewhere.
Warren, can you hear me?
Why don't you come out
here so we can talk?
- How many of these you take?
- WARREN: Is that a joke?
I took all of it.
I just want this day to be over!
I'll call medical. Keep him talking.
- God.
- You're right.
It wasn't a good day.
Tell me about it.
All I cared about was Emma, man.
Warren, if you care about Emma,
how about I go check on her, huh?
Is she with your partner?
This is Detective Faith Mitchell,
requesting an ambulance
to Boughery Studios.
Tell me where they are. It'll save time.
It'll be a good thing for Emma.
You're not gonna find him!
Well, we found you.
Talk to me.
- Where are they?
Warren, I need you to focus on Emma.
Hey! Warren!
Ahh! I didn't mean to kill anybody, man!
Listen to me. We don't have to worry
about anything else that happened today.
Let's just bring Emma home.
I don't know where she is!
Then tell me who your partner is.
- I can't.
- Yes, you can!
You have to, Warren.
He told me
He told me I need to kill myself.
No. That's a mistake.
I don't know who this guy
is or what he's done for you,
but that's not something
that he gets to decide.
I'm on my own now.
No, you're not.
Look, man, I'm here.
Look at me.
I'm listening.
I can help you, Warren.
I know what you're feeling, alright?
You're gonna find a way through this.
Why would I want to?
For Emma.
Warren! Warren, put the gun down.
Put down the gun. Get in there!
Warren, put down the gun!
Warren, no! No!
- Warren, no!
- You okay?
I see the hanky came in handy.
Point of the group home was
for us to find a forever home.
Families would take us in, but a surprising
number of them were monsters.
The old woman who ran
the group, Mrs. Flannery,
she tried her best.
Yeah, she made sure we
knew how to do our laundry,
iron our shirts, knew
what a fish fork was
in case we ever had
dinner at the White House.
She made sure we all
carried a handkerchief.
Old habit.
Thank you for telling me that.
Hey, Amanda's looking for me
to pull my weight around here.
So it would be good if you let me.
I mean, it's not like Leo's
taking me back after this.
Not with your stink all on me.
Not with the stink, no.
You need a ride home?
I hear your guy
flipped. Congratulations.
I also hear we're back
to working together.
Guess so.
You know, I don't think
either of us was happy
with how it ended last time.
Maybe we can, uh, do better, huh?
Go home to your wife, Ormewood.
- That's right. I have a dog.
Look at you, you haven't
even touched your food.
You can't tell me you're not hungry.
What if I give you some of that?
Oh. Okay. Alright. I got you.
Come on. I'll take you
out in just a minute.
You still have a key?
What, you want it back?
No, it's just been a
while since you dropped by.
You want to talk about that?
Nope. No, I don't.
- That dog is ridiculous.
- Rescue.
I tried to take her to a shelter but
Couldn't do it.
Let's talk about Paul Campano.
Our one lead just shot himself.
I'm not asking about the case.
There's not much else to say.
He still calls me Trashcan.
You want me to kick his ass again?
- Actually, I already took care of that today.
- Oh, yeah?
Nice little fight in
the middle of the GBI.
Oh. You win?
- Of course I won.
You're not the only one
who picked up a stray today.
Heller put me on Homicide.
Ormewood is my partner now.
Mm. That sucks.
I don't remember much about the
last time you worked with him.
What are you trying to tell me?
He's got a good solve rate.
Deep down inside ♪
I know I still love her ♪
It's not as good as yours, is it?
But he'll never know ♪
'Cause I'll never tell ♪
I missed you.
You keep making that mistake.
To him and say ♪
Baby ♪
What you been doing? ♪
I still love you like I did ♪
- I forget
- You know ♪
how difficult you are to unwrap.
Shut up. Come on.
Being the way I am ♪
I keep it hid ♪
It's me.
Lately I've seen ♪
The look in his eyes ♪
That just breaks my heart ♪
He needs me so much ♪
- Oh, oh ♪
When are you gonna do
something about this stupid dog?
To that poor boy ♪
And say ♪
Betty, go.
Betty, go away. Oh!
- Be Betty.
- Okay. Alright.
- I'm sorry.
- Alright. Alright. Alright.
- I'm just
- Alright. I don't I don't
Don't you know ♪
What is happening right now?
APD sent over some of Emma
Campano's school files,
and I thought I'd take a
look at this college essay,
but I forgot I'm an
idiot that takes an hour
- to read a damn sentence!
- Hey.
Don't call yourself names.
It's just harder when you're tired.
You know that.
Kid who killed himself
today was dyslexic, too.
I had him right in front of me.
Somehow, I missed that he
was one of our kidnappers.
Then he shot himself.
"My mother's favorite
movie is 'Steel Magnolias.'
I remember coming home
to her crying at the scene
where Sally Fields breaks
down at her daughter's funeral.
This prompted hugs
and long conversation."
I gotta find this kid.
- What is it, Betty?
- Who is it?!
- PAUL: Trash!
I really messed up. I need your help.
- What happened?
- [SIGHS] I shot him.
- Who?
- The man that took Emma.
Next Episode