Wind Breaker (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Sakura Arrives at Furin

Did you hear? He got into a fight again.
What? Really?
Talk about annoying.
Again? This is why I was
against taking him in.
Better not get involved with him.
Yeah. Like, look at him.
We had no choice, okay?
Nobody else was willing to take him.
Given that boy's creepy look,
that's a given.
Hey, I told you to dye your hair black!
Why won't you ever listen?
You have no wallet?
That's the guy?
He's the worst.
Besides, what's up with that hair?
Nah, his eyes are worse.
He brings nothing but misfortune.
Wait for me!
I only like the strong.
I have no interest in the weak.
Listen, I said get out of my way.
Come on, don't be like that.
Don't you wanna hang out?
Isn't there anything you wanna do?
I'd really love
to smash these eggs into your face.
But my hands are full,
and it'd be a waste,
so I won't!
I like a woman who knows how to bark.
But if you go too far, you might get hurt.
Hey! That hurts!
Weaklings who act all smug,
thinking they're strong
Let me go!
Don't be so lame in the middle of the day.
Huh? What's your problem?
And what's up with that fancy look?
Get lost!
make me sick!
You've got to have a few screws loose
to even think you're strong.
Be sure you remember my name and my face.
So that the weak avoid me,
and the strong seek me out.
I am
Haruka Sakura from Furin High School!
Hey! I said wait!
Thank you.
Huh? Me?
Who else here would I say that to?
I didn't do it to save you or anything!
I just can't stand those people!
Anyway, are you hungry?
Huh? No, I'm not!
Oh? So you're from out of town?
No wonder I've never seen you.
We don't often see new faces in this town.
Yeah, I'm just another weirdo.
No, that's not what I mean.
It's not about your look.
This town was very unsafe
with a lot of teams and gangs
and whatnot
breaking into fights not too long ago.
So normal people wouldn't
even try to come close.
That said, I also came from out of town.
I'm Kotoha Tachibana. Nice to meet you.
Why is she so friendly?
Most people would be freaked out.
I just pummeled five guys in front of her!
Hm? You're not gonna eat?
You don't like omelet rice?
I'm eating! I'm gonna dig in now!
It's good!
Can I get a takeoff here?
Huh? You mean takeout?
We don't do that here.
Oh, I see. You don't do that, huh?
Still, you sure have a strange look.
Your hair and eyes split in color.
You don't dye your hair
or wear contact lenses, right?
Huh? You got a problem wi
Wow, it's like a marble.
I've never seen this color before.
What? You wanna go, huh?
I'm not staring you down for a fight, man.
You're a weird one.
Most people get freaked out,
or try to push me away.
Well, I'm used to seeing crazier people.
Like this.
Like what, exactly?
Is that why?
How you look doesn't matter in a fight.
That's why I came to Furin.
The school with the lowest average
scores and the strongest brawlers.
The place where failures gather.
Factions are always fighting,
and the underlings unseating their bosses.
Be it Obon or New Year's,
there isn't a day they aren't fighting.
That's where I'll climb to the top!
Oh, that's some pretty big talk.
Not really.
The lowest of the low, hated by all,
worth nothing but their fists,
fighting to become the strongest one
around. Sounds great to me.
It's a battle to determine
the scummiest of the scum.
That suits me perfectly.
You sure have high expectations.
Oh, so that's why you're wearing uniform
even though school starts tomorrow?
You're excited, aren't you?
No, I am not!
This is, um, that! I just moved in
and have no other clothes!
Oh, really? You're pumped for
your new school life, aren't you?
You little Let's take this outside!
Thanks for the meal, Kotoha-chan.
I left the money on the table.
Okay! Thanks for coming
as always, Yama-jii!
Take care.
Yeah, I'll come again.
Hey, old man.
You forgot your bag.
Oh, goodness.
I've been forgetting things a lot lately.
She's making no sense.
He said that was a present
for his grandkid.
"You really helped me.
Thank you," he said.
Why are you blushing?
Huh? Shut up!
Besides, this whole town's weird!
Including you!
You know how weird I look.
Plus, I'm wearing the uniform of
this area's infamous delinquent school!
How can he thank someone like me?
Normally people would have
their guard up or suspect me.
Last time I picked up someone's wallet,
they thought I stole it.
He's gotta be more cautious and
check if everything's still inside!
Do you want people to trust you or not?
Make up your mind.
Sakura, it was right for you
to choose Furin.
But you will never be the top of Furin.
No matter what.
In your current state,
forget about the top,
no one in Furin would even
give you the time of day.
As if!
You don't even know just how strong I am!
Yeah, you might have some skills,
but that's not enough
to be the top of Furin.
you are alone.
I'm not so weak that I can't win
without relying on other people!
I'm not talking about
being physically alone.
You should go meet the Furin kids first.
Once you do,
you will understand what I mean.
Yes, hello?
Oh, there you are.
I didn't expect you'd show up on your own.
you Furin punk.
Whoa, there. Ignoring me now?
You're the one who told me not
to forget your name and face,
but you forgot it yourself?
Well, it's not like I can forget
your lame-ass face.
Dyeing your hair and wearing contacts?
Is that supposed to be a cosplay?
Hm? Wait.
That's your real hair?
And you're not wearing any contacts.
Really? That's his real hair?
What is he, a cat?
Meow! Meow!
This is more like it.
This is the normal reaction.
Everyone is always avoiding
and rejecting me
I don't care anymore.
I've given up already.
But at the very least
I want to find some worth in myself
I thought if I beat the guy
in front of me,
that would make me feel better than him.
But you will never be the top of Furin.
Because you are alone.
You picked the wrong guy to fight.
There ain't a team that'll stay quiet
after their head got hit.
This now a war between us and Furin
You people were the ones
who didn't want to be near me!
I got a weird and strange look?
I know that better than anyone else!
But what have I ever done
to you guys with that?
This is
This is who I am!
What the hell are you doing, you punk
If I'm good at fights
If I'm the strongest one around
That means I'm the top, right?
What does it matter if I'm alone?
You little
What are you doing?
Hey, brat! you better stand still!
You Furin bastards can't do a thing
if we take the townsfolk hostage!
Don't get the wrong idea.
I just hate that guy.
He brought a knife to a fistfight.
You bastards better be
careful about how you fight.
I can read you like a book.
This ain't ever gonna end
if I gotta keep protecting her.
Besides, why on earth
am I even protecting her?
Nothing good ever comes from
doing something for other people!
This is why I shouldn't be
worrying about other people.
Just what the heck am I even doing?
What am I trying to do?
Are you a first-year?
Thanks for being here.
A Furin uniform?
Don't tell him that you
were caught up in trouble, okay?
Hey, you bastards.
To swing this kind of thing in this town
is a serious matter
and you better know what it means!
Oh, come on! There are way
fewer people than what she said!
We could've handled this with two people.
are Furin students helping me?
It's Furin!
It's Furin's Hiragi!
Don't be chicken!
There are only four more people!
Matsumoto, Kaji, Yanagida!
If you let a single one
of them get past us,
I'll kick your ass!
There you go!
Come on! Bring it!
If you're hurt, then stand back!
Don't order me around! That guy was mine!
Just stay still, you moron!
If you keep wobbling around
we won't be able to protect you!
Go! Get them!
What? What's going on?
I told you that this town was
very unsafe with a lot of teams,
gangs and whatnot breaking
into fights not too long ago, didn't I?
To be precise, it was until two years ago.
Since then, the town has changed.
The people who changed it
were the students of Furin High.
The first thing they did was
set up a sign in front of town.
If you don't know how to use a bat,
at least learn how to read!
"Anyone past this point,
who causes pain
who brings destruction,
who holds evil in their heart"
They originally had Furin High's
name written next to it
the townsfolk gave them a new name.
To the students who fight
to protect the town
"will be purged by Bofurin
without exception!"
The shield of this town.
The Wind Breaker.
-Thank you, guys!
-Thanks a lot!
You boys are life savers!
Thank you always.
The lowest of the low, hated by all.
That was the case two years ago.
They're still fighting, yes.
-Granny! Didn't you say 100 people?
-But they're now loved and
-needed by everyone in town.
-My eyesight has gotten so bad lately.
What the heck is that?
That sounds like a hero of justice.
-You were cool when you bent that bat!
-They're delinquents and fight
-Anyone could pull that off.
-but no one is afraid or avoiding them
They've been accepted here.
You were amazing too out there!
You did well fending them off
on your own at first!
Boy, they hurt your leg, didn't they?
We need to treat it right away.
Stop it!
I said you were alone.
I could tell that you didn't become one
because you wanted to.
But the people of this town need you.
Don't act like you know anything!
I don't need anyone and
I won't associate myself with anyone
Then why
did you give Yama-jii
the present he forgot?
Why did you save me?
You haven't given up on other people.
You don't have to.
At the very least, I'm facing you head-on.
So you should lift
your face up to us, too.
Once you do, I'm sure
you will become the person you want to be.
Delinquents trying to play the hero?
If all you gotta do is win in a fight,
then even I can do that!
What is all this Bofurin crap?
What is this "shield of the town" crap?
That's so damn cool!
Can I be with someone in this place?
This is the story of a boy
who's good for nothing but his fist,
the lowest of the low, and hated by all,
became the hero of the town.
I came to this town,
to Furin High, to fight.
However, that school,
now known as Bofurin,
turned out to be a school
that protects the town.
"Anyone who causes pain,
who brings destruction,
who holds evil in their heart, will be
purged by Bofurin without exception," huh.
Furin High looks like
it'll be quite a fun place.
Next Episode