Wistoria: Wand and Sword (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Like a Lone Sword

(Rigarden Magical Academy)
What do you think people at the
prestigious magical academy value most?
Magical talent, of course.
So how can someone without
that talent succeed in the academy?
(The Dungeon 7th Floor)
The answer is
To go to the dungeon
and slay the monsters!
Even I
I can do it too,
even though I can't use magic.
(Episode 1)
(Let Me Be Your Sword)
(Urbus Rigarden)
(Rigarden Magical Academy)
By pouring a small amount of magical energy
into the Barka ore and Agni powder,
a lump of sulfur is generated.
And it becomes an excellent
catalyst for a fire.
Now, let's have one of you
show us how it works.
Will Serfort.
Will Serfort!
What is it, Professor Edward?
I'm asking you to come here
and demonstrate for us.
Not again.
What's wrong?
It should be an easy one.
As you know, all you have to do is use
the catalyst to manipulate the flame.
Come forth!
Be quiet!
Hard to believe a student of our academy
can't perform a rudimentary spell.
As you can expect from a mere Learner.
Just someone who excels at theory
but has no abilities.
How utterly hopeless.
Flame, obey me.
Refrain from acting on your own,
Sion Ulster.
My apologies, Professor Edward.
It just looked like Will was struggling.
I thought I had to help him.
Well, this will do.
As you all just saw
In this world, magic reigns supreme.
Magic means authority.
Magical energy means strength.
Mages are heroes.
And in this academy,
magical talent is valued above all else.
Even if you have knowledge,
a no-talent who is unable to use magic
doesn't belong in a place
where sages are born.
Fools who cling to impossible dreams
should leave this academy immediately.
Another stunning performance today,
I heard you went to the dungeon again.
Just beating weak monsters for credits.
Are you not embarrassed?
Stop it!
Heya, Colette!
Why's a real honor student like you
standing up for a fake like him?
It just doesn't make any sense-
Will is much nicer than you!
He works harder than anybody!
Stop humiliating my friend!
Kindness and hard work won't
make someone a great mage.
Much less an impossible dream
like becoming a Magia Vander.
Anyway, let's not waste any more time
on a no-talent like him.
Leave this academy immediately,
just as Professor Edward said.
Don't let them get to you.
And Professor Edward is no better.
He did that just to humiliate you.
It's fine, Colette.
It's true that I can't use magic.
I think I'm pretty lucky to have
a cute girl like you worrying about me.
What are you saying out of nowhere?
How can you say that with
such a calm face?
What do you want from me?
Flattery won't get you anything from me!
No, rather than that!
You shouldn't talk to any girls like that!
I'm sorry.
I was taught to praise girls
when I was little.
But objectively speaking, you are cute.
I was just telling the truth.
I didn't mean to tease you or-
Stop it!
Just stop talking!
Uh, okay.
I lost my calm.
Remember, I'm Colette Loire.
Even though by title only,
I'm still a daughter of a noble.
I have to get myself together.
What's wrong, Will?
the sky looks beautiful as well.
It really does.
That warm light
The world's five greatest wizards,
the Magia Vanders,
are holding up the sky for today too.
Long ago,
our people were trapped in darkness
without knowing the sky.
The world lived in fear of
the Celestial Host.
There were five wizards who
stood up against them.
They drove back the invader,
sealed up the sky,
and brought peace to the world.
Magia Vander.
This became the highest of titles,
passed down through the ages.
There's no mage alive who hasn't
dreamed of getting that honor.
Do you think the Hallowed Icemaiden,
Albis Vina, is watching over us again today?
I'm sure, she is.
She's looking at us right now,
from her window at
the top of the world.
A sun and a moon?
That's right!
I heard there are things called a sun
and a moon hanging in the real sky.
Really, Elfaria?
And all the way on the other side of the sky,
there's a beautiful sunset.
It turns everything bright red.
They say it's the prettiest thing
in the world.
If you can get to the top of the Tower,
the closest place to the sky
If you become a Magia Vander,
then maybe you can see the sunset.
Then let's go see it together!
Yeah! It's a promise.
It was just a promise between children.
But she was the real thing.
With her talents, she became the
youngest Magia Vander in history,
and climbed to the top of the Tower.
On the other hand,
far from being average,
I had no talent at all.
A dreamer who still can't give up
on that promise,
while having a delusion
to stand next to her.
Please calm down, Professor Workner!
You went to the dungeon again,
didn't you?
All the way to the seventh floor alone?
You really are going to
get yourself killed one day!
I'm sorry, Professor Workner!
But I managed to get credits, right?
Confirmed, one Evil Guard
has been defeated.
I award Will Serfort two credits.
You're still not giving up on becoming
a Magia Vander?
Is that bad?
Listen, if you want to get
to the top of the Tower,
you have to advance to
the Upper Institute.
And to do that,
you need a huge amount of credits
in writing, spellwork, and praxis.
As you can't use magic, you'll never
be able to earn any spellwork credits.
Yes! That's why my only choice is
to earn credits through praxis-
Will, I have said this before.
It's practically impossible to advance
by praxis credits only.
All the more so for someone
who can't use magic.
Even so, I still
Let alone becoming Magia Vander,
I'm not even sure you can graduate!
I already know you didn't get
enough credits on the last exam.
You need to earn four more
by the end of the week.
What? By this week?!
Just two days left then!
All right!
I'll check something to earn
that much in my notes!
Four credits
Monster with four credits
If I'm not wrong, Professor Bruno
mentioned something last month.
- Where it is?
- That reminds me.
I'm just talking to myself here.
There's an info that Baskerville
has appeared on the sixth floor.
I believe a certain Learner
hasn't defeated that one yet.
Thank you so much, Professor Workner!
You fool!
Get off of me!
You're smothering me!
This much is fine, right?
Get away from me!
- Cut it out!
- Thank you!
The sixth floor. Baskerville.
Now I'm finally able to get rid of
that no-talent from this school.
All right! I'm going to get
those four credits tonight!
I did fight Baskerville once before.
Don't worry.
You won't get burnt like last time,
as long as we watch for its fire breath.
So help me out, Kiki!
I'm counting on that nose of yours!
We don't need no-talents at our academy.
Am I right?
Yeah, you're right, Sion.
Let's take out that monster
before that flunkee gets to it.
Then, he'll get expelled for
not having enough credits.
But are you sure this is
a good idea, Sion?
Going to the sixth floor
with only three of us
Who do you think I am?
Sorry, that's not what he meant!
Yeah! You're one of the elites.
Someone who can't use magic in this world
shouldn't even mention the Magia Vander.
I don't want to see or even hear them.
People like that have no right
to be at our academy.
Anyway, our target is Baskerville.
I'll cast Search to locate-
What was that scream?
Did someone get attacked on this floor?
From how loud it is,
it shouldn't be so far off.
An Evil Sentinel?!
A ten credits, a real Over-Five Enemy!
Sentinels usually live
on the lower floors.
No way! Is it Floor Up?!
And isn't that
Don't come!
Don't come!
His spells aren't working at it.
That monster's just too strong for him.
Damn it!
He doesn't stand a chance.
I have to help him.
Wait, hold on
Do I really have to help him?
After all the times he ridiculed
and bullied me?
I could just run away now and
I know it very well.
I know it very well.
You're the kindest and
bravest person I know.
You're wrong, Elfie.
I'm just a pathetic person
who wants to be by your side,
and to be worthy to stand next to you.
So, at the very least
Let me be your sword!
Professor Edward,
what brings you this late?
Sion and his lackeys went to
the dungeon without permission.
Those little noble brats
The dungeon is vast, so send
your familiar to search for them.
Which floor did they go to?
The sixth floor.
In that case, we don't need this.
Will is on that floor.
Who the heck is that?
Is he really that Will?
Will is an outlier for sure.
What do you mean?
He has superhuman strength
beyond that of any mage,
has the hardiness of a dwarf,
and has observational skills to memorize
attack patterns after seeing them once.
I've already
seen your move!
Indeed, Will can't use any magic.
However, in this world of magic,
he is the only warrior.
The slash of his blade
is like a bolt of lightning.
You're not hurt, are you?
That's absurd!
This can't be happening!
You mean that someone with no magic
could surpass magic itself?!
Professor Edward!
I award Will Serfort ten credits.
This is the story of a boy who
turned the world upside down.
Wistoria, where wand and sword meet.
Are you afraid of opening
your eyes again?
Do you hate being like
a stranger to yourself?
Even if you realize you have no talent
Does that become a pretext
to keep running away?
To respond to the screams
echoing within
Who is there to answer them?
At least, in the few moments
of your life
I want you to be an honest actor
What if today is that day?
Are you afraid of opening
your eyes again?
Do you hate being like
a stranger to yourself?
But you've realized, haven't you?
Your body can't stop moving
"If I think of you, who I can't bear to lose,
my fears seem trivial."
Even if I expose my life and sing
In time, you will understand
Will it end here?
You wouldn't want that, would you?
Next up, Episode 2 of
Wistoria: Wand and Sword,
Next Episode