Witness Number 3 (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Thanks again for coming forward.
Those appeals for information,
a lot of people just keep their
heads down.
Honestly, it's it's not a
Ah. Here we go.
So this is your statement.
It goes through everything you said
on the information line yesterday,
and then everything you said to me
just now.
Are you sure you can't even give me
a little clue?
At the moment we're just trying
to establish whether this
information is relevant.
OK, but so you know,
that when my son asks, it's either
going to be 'bank heist' or
'mafia drive-by'.
If you just take
a quick look over the statement,
to make sure everything's accurate.
You've taken my name
and address off.
Yes, that's right. Why?
Erm, well at the moment we're
just happy
to keep your statement on
record and, then,
if things proceed we'll put your
name on it later.
Yeah, but Why?
It's nothing to worry about.
It's very common, that's all.
Witness Number 3.
See you in a few weeks.
Say hi to Dave for me, yeah? Bye.
That one's my favourite, definitely.
These are mine. Chuck it in your
mouth, then.
One, two, three,
That's so bad. That was so bad.
That was close.
I told you. Originals are the best,
None of that Nerd nonsense.
Will you miss it round here?
I don't know.
You've lived here all your life.
Yeh, but
Well, I don't know. What?
Nothing? I just
I don't know if I like it here
Mine. You ain't having any
One, two, three, four
On the last one you did, you need to
be more round like this.
More round. One, two, three, four
Excuse me. Erm,
sorry to bother you, but
Can I borrow your phone?
I've been locked out of my flat,
I need to call my brother.
Right, where do you live?
Literally just over there.
In Gladstone?
Yeah. Gladstone.
You see, somebodies stole my keys,
so I need to call my brother.
I can pay you back.
Yeah Yeah.
Sure, erm, one second.
There you go.
What do you want for dinner tonight?
Erm, chicken nuggets.
Chicken nuggets, again? Yeah. You
can't have chicken nuggets again,
you had 'em last night. What?
You had them last night, no.
No answer.
No? Do you wanna try someone else?
Nah. You're all right.
Right. Good luck, yeah.
Yeah. Cheers.
Come on.
No to chicken nuggets.
Shepherd's pie.
Here you are, take these.
Wash your hands, please,
and homework before Xbox, yeah?
And make sure your inhaler's in your
bag for tomorrow.
Well, I haven't signed anything yet,
have I?
You couldn't wait to get down there.
You only had to ask to stay over,
y'know. Oh, yeah?
Well, then, I can think twice about
letting you move in.
Oh, God, they've put a sign up
asking for information,
I mean, everyone would do
that, right?
Look, it's not a bad thing,
you're a good citizen.
I'm just saying, most people,
they keep their heads down,
keep their feedback to themselves.
But you, you like to be in it,
don't you? Where the action is.
We are finished.
No. Mirrors, sinks,
bottles, and then we are finished.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
You must be psyched
to get Kyle out of this place.
Yeah. I don't know. Maybe.
What, you think stick around,
work hard,
see if you can get him into
a really good gang?
Jodie's, how can I help?
No-one there.
We encourage you to watch
the whole thing through once first.
Then after a second or
third viewing,
if you recognise the man you saw,
you just tell me the number.
Make sense?
It's like
the worst dating app ever.
Just let me know when you're ready.
So, did I get the right guy?
I can confirm that you identified
the same man,
we currently have in custody.
It's very helpful.
Right. Oh, well, that's good.
Now, if you don't mind,
I'd actually like
to clarify one or two things that
you said in your statement.
Yeah. So, you said that one of
the men was wearing a grey hoodie.
Erm, yeah.
And you could see that clearly?
Oh, well, I can remember thinking it
could do with
a quick wash, if I'm honest.
Oh, OK?
Erm, might have had a picture on
the back, now that I'm thinking
about it.
Oh, OK?
Eyes, maybe.
A pair of eyes or something.
You're sure about that?
Erm, well, I think so, yeah.
OK. Thanks.
Now, your statement says that
the two men were quiet,
nothing was ever said?
Oh, well, I was inside
so I didn't hear. No shouting or
No No, definitely no shouting.
The atmosphere didn't seem tense
at all?
Well, it was quick.
You know a few seconds.
And neither man was holding
as far as you could see?
I don't think so.
You're sure about that?
Erm, well, what kind of thing?
Something like that?
Oh, Ivan, yeah.
as I explained before, Mrs Packer,
now that you have successfully
identified our suspect,
you've become what we call
a 'Significant Witness',
which means we intend
to use your statement
to help build a case.
PC Barkas works locally here,
he's gonna be your
Witness Contact Officer.
So, any questions,
concerns or anything at all,
you go through him. Is that OK?
Erm, yeah, yeah, OK.
Erm, do you need me
to sign my statement yet?
No, not yet.
Erm, if and when we charge
a suspect,
we'll cross that bridge. OK?
OK, yeah.
I'll let PC Barkas show you out.
Yeah, thanks.
You've cut your hair.
Sorry? And the nose ring?
It looks much better without it.
You don't know who I am, do you?
Nope. No that's fair enough.
Erm, I'm Ivan Barkas.
You went out with my brother, Dan.
Shit, yeah.
erm, Dan's little brother.
Yeah, I like to say younger brother,
but, yeah, yeah.
OK, erm
Erm, Detective Whelan, she she
mentioned other witnesses. Is?
Two. Also placing the suspect in
the area.
Erm, I'll show you out.
He's gonna love it.
Can I ask you something?
Did you ever consider moving in
with us?
To the estate?
I have lived there my whole life.
I mean, we never even talked about
You don't need to feel guilty that
you've done well, Jodie.
I don't feel guilty.
Are you sure?
Oh, shut up. I don't feel guilty.
So you're happy, then?
Here we go.
I'm just saying.
What, Mum? What are you just saying?
You think Paul's the one who's made
this decision for me?
Oh, this is one of them
with no sugar in.
I've told you before, if it says
'light', it won't get eaten.
I look after Kyle.
I look after the salon.
I look after you.
I've spent the last ten years
looking after everyone else,
so, yeah, yeah, having someone who
can take care of themselves
and, you're not gonna believe this,
but you know,
look after me every now
and again, is pretty bloody sweet.
Well, that's all I'm saying,
he can take care of himself.
How have you picked that
out of what I just said?
Did he offer to move here?
Oh, God. You don't know what you're
talking about.
Of course.
Look, I'm sorry, Mum,
but what do you expect me to do, eh?
Stay here my whole life campaigning
for new paint
for the community centre?
Well, would that be a bad thing?
I get it, OK, mum, I get it, I do.
40 years ago they were gonna
knock down the playground in Atlee
and build a new car park and you
and Dad,
you and Dad went round everyone,
knocking on doors
Yeah. Don't laugh.
..marched hand in hand down to
the council office
and got them to build it
somewhere else.
Yeah, well, that playground is where
you met half your friends.
Yeah, you got some leaflets printed
and it saved the bloody day,
didn't it? Mm.
So, what are you gonna do,
then, cut your losses?
Leave everybody to fend
for themselves?
How did that work out last time?
This is the first one?
Yeah. Then about half an hour later,
all these came through.
And you don't recognise the number?
You've forwarded them to me,
you've told me about
the boy who borrowed your phone.
I'll show the team.
And in the meantime?
Try not to worry.
They will look into this.
Can you confirm this was
the hoodie worn by the man you saw?
Thank you for that, Jodie.
So, now that you've confirmed
Was he killed?
I mean,
hehe is dead right?
And now, with your statement,
we can charge the man who did it.
What, the man I saw?
That's right.
Well, who is he?
Hehe is part of the gang on
the estate, though, right?
There's still a lot that we
need to establish.
But what I can tell you,
is that now you've done this,
you've ID'd the hoodie,
we can move forward
with charging the suspect.
And what that means is you will now
need to sign your witness statement
in your own name.
That's a legal requirement if we're
going to submit
the statement as a piece of
Now, I'm obliged to make it clear
to you
that once you've signed this
you will be compellable
to stand by it in court.
An eyewitness testimony like
yours, Jodie,
that's what's could make or break
this case.
Maybe we can give Jodie
a day or two?
To get her head round everything?
Yeah, he's my son. What's
What's happened?
You need to make sure your inhalers
in your bag when you go boxing.
It was in my bag.
It was.
Then why is there
an ambulance here?
Look, I'm not saying you can't
join in.
I'm just saying you
need to be sensible, all right?
I know it's hard, I do,
but you just need to accept there
are some things
..there are some things that you
can't do.
You scared me, all right?
So, do you know that park out
the back of school?
Yeah. Hmm.
Yeah, well, back in the day there
was this old caretaker.
And this caretaker
killed a girl at the school.
Chopped her up with his saw or
and buried her in that park.
All right, Kyle.
Well, a few days ago, me, Callum and
Mo were at the back of the park
and Callum was messing about by
the old caretaker's shed.
As a dare he tries the door
and it's unlocked.
So he sneaks in, closes the door,
and he's in there for ages,
and when he comes out, he's got this
little piece of paper,
with a sketch map of
the park drawn on it,
with an X drawn in a corner.
So, soon as school's over,
we go to where the X is
and it's in this dark little bit
with trees and bushes
and everything,
so we climb over this bush,
and we see this half buried
sports bag,
in some plants and stuff,
so we pull it out
and its proper old,
the zips like falling apart.
We open it up and then we see
You idiot.
Callum did it to me.
I saw it coming.
So, how are you feeling?
For the thousandth time.
I got a ghost story.
Great. Yeah. Go on.
Yeah, you'll have to come in real
cos I don't Wobble Gobble
to hear.
Have I told you
the story about Wobble Gobble?
Right, now, late at night,
if you go outside and you say the
words Wobble Gobble three times,
she'll hear you.
She's gonna get yer.
And then if you, if you say it five
times, well, she might go.
Do you wanna see?!
Erm, just leave it.
Go on keep talking about
Wobble Gobble whatever.
Finish your story.
So I met Wobble Gobble.
Kids, erm, go upstairs for one
second, yeah?
I don't understand, can't they trace
it or look into the account or
I know. ..find the number who sent
the texts? It's frustrating.
It's not about being frustrated.
I mean
..is this not serious?
Jodie, of course it is.
They're not ignoring this.
They are across this, OK?
They followed me, Ivan.
I know.
The things is, in cases like this,
where there's maybe potential
for witness intimidation,
we have to apply for funds
to take special measures.
Right. Well, when they do that, one
of the things they look
for is potential other sources
of aggravation.
It's not I don't even know what
you're talking about.
Your late husband, Benjamin Redmond.
Now, I know he was just an addict.
But what the system shows,
is that he is associated with a gang
and that he was arrested three times
on drug related charges.
This has nothing to do
with Benji.
OK. No No, there are no other
sources of aggravation,
this here is the source
of aggravation.
Look. I know this is shit.
But from today, I'm going to be
keeping watch over you,
Kyle and your flat.
It's gonna be part of my beat.
And if I see anyone,
or anything that doesn't look right,
I'll be on it.
I didn't ask for this.
No, I know. I know.
I just looked out a window.
Do you live near here, then?
Excuse me?
You local?
Erm, yeah.
I've just moved here.
You lived here long?
This is your place, isn't it?
What's with all the questions?
Why do you wanna know?
Jodie. Why the fuck do you keep
asking me all these questions?
Excuse me?
Are you scared?
My brother, he used to sell a bit of
weed, right,
just a bit of pocket money.
And last year,
when this lot came in,
they jumped him outside of
Nan's house.
Bunch of kids,
half his size, but there's bare
of them and they are wild,
like, vicious.
They dragged him down the road
and stabbed him in the shoulder,
and in the leg and in the neck.
Sliced his face so bad he couldn't
talk for a month.
You've done loads for this estate.
Like taking people like me,
giving us a chance.
But this is bigger than
a few jobs.
If you can get 'em,
Jodie, then you need to get 'em.
Come here.
Did you find your inhaler?
No. It's definitely not in my bag.
Maybe I left it at school.
So have you got much homework
to do?
Erm, a few pieces.
OK. Do you have to hand it in
Hey. Sorry,
I said I'd be keeping an eye out.
Listen, have you got two minutes?
Er, yeah. Kyle, go in love.
There's something I
need to tell you.
I don't understand, when?
Today. This morning.
Kyle. Will you turn that down or
turn it off, or something, love?
What happened? Look, I was just told
that the other two witnesses
are out, can't use them any more.
Plus what?
There was a newsagents.
The CCTV hard drive was blank.
There's nothing on it.
Listen, Jodie, if anyone asks,
I advised you to fully co-operate,
didn't I?
OK. Yeah.
This organisation, it ain't just
local, and it ain't just kids.
This is serious.
And the guy they're gonna charge,
he's somebody, OK?
We're talking high up.
Without other witnesses,
without the CCTV,
you are the difference between him
going down or walking free.
I guess I'm just saying,
no-one would think any less of you.
At least, I won't, anyway.
You've not changed, you know.
Seriously. Just how I remember.
Yeah. Just the Ms Dynamite tracksuit
gone, eh?
Dan was heartbroken when you dumped
Ah, we were barely going out.
He cried in his room for weeks.
Maybe I was a bit harsh.
I mean, we were young.
What would you do?
If you were me,
what would you do?
I can't answer that.
You OK?
Listen, I'm not going to sign
the statement.
All this stuff is going to go away
now, OK? All the police stuff.
So you don't need to be stressed
about it.
I don't know
if you were stressed by it
I wasn't.
It's OK. I knew you'd pull out.
You've got to accept there are
some things you can't do. Right?
Oh Oh.
I hope you've got insurance.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Kyle?! Kyle?!
I won't let you scare me off.
I'm signing the statement.
Believe you me, it was one of them.
Who are you and why are you saying
this to me?
I'm looking for Tyler Osho.
He ain't gonna change his mind.
I am gonna do what everyone else
would do,
I am gonna close the door,
I am gonna lock the windows,
and hope the whole thing goes away.
We're already inside.
They're trying to unsettle you.
This is our chance
to finally get rid of 'em.
Next Episode