Wolf's Rain (2003) s01e01 Episode Script

City of Howls

There's no such place as Paradise At the ends of the earth, there's nothing at all.
No matter how far you walk, the same road just keeps going on and on.
But in spite of that Why am I so driven to find it? I hear someone's voice calling to me It says, "Make your way to Paradise!" Do it.
Hurry it up! Dumbass! Tsume That's a Noble's ship I hate that sound.
Looks like this place ain't fit for man or beast, either.
I can't believe it's this cold inside a dome.
I don't know where you came from, but I doubt that anywhere is fit to live these days.
You need one of these when you're crossing the mountains.
There's no telling when you might be attacked.
By bears Or wolves.
Wolves I haven't heard talk of them in a long time.
My grandpa used to tell me about 'em.
He said that when the world is coming to an end, Paradise would appear somewhere on Earth.
But only wolves would know where to find it.
Maybe the world is coming to an end right now Wolves are servants of death! Don't believe that pagan garbage! They've been extinct for 200 years.
It's just a fairy tale.
The thing about fairy tales is that there's always a little truth in 'em.
What is it, Blue?! Did you see one?! Hey, Tsume! What's the rush? C'mon, nobody's following us.
I know.
Shouldn't we call it a day? I mean, we got plenty.
The Nobles' provisions ought to be passing through the checkpoint tomorrow.
We're gonna hit 'em again? Chen and Sedo, you're the advance squad.
Why am I not surprised? We messed up there last week, so security's gonna be tight.
We lost two people today as it is.
Gel, you'll be on standby.
Anyone who doesn't have the will to fight should just curl up and sleep.
What is it? It's a dog.
Looks like it's dying.
Maybe it's worth something.
Maybe we can eat it.
I've never seen a dog this big before.
That's not a dog.
Pull it out.
That was quite a stunt you pulled.
I was protecting myself, that's all.
Don't be so quick to kill.
What's wrong with killing? I don't know what mountain you came down from, but there are rules here in the city.
Rules? Is running with a pack like that in a rotten city another one of your rules? I'm using them, that's all.
Your rules are as rotten as this city.
What's the point of living if it means throwing away your pride? Don't talk so big, you half-dead bastard! Are you okay, Tsume? You're bleeding.
Don't touch me! Never butt into my business.
About earlier Thanks.
You saved my life.
I thought that maybe you didn't care when one of your friends died.
I thought that maybe I could never be one of your friends We're not friends.
I'm not like you people.
I've never seen this look on her face before.
Did you change the solution at all? No, it's the same as always.
Do you suppose she's woken up? According to the data left to us, the first thing Cheza showed a response to was blood, wasn't it? Wolf's blood, you mean? Yes.
The smell of wolf's blood.
But what evidence is there that None.
But lots of things exist that can't be proven because there's no evidence to back it up.
Cheza herself is the crowning achievement of an alchemy that is unprovable.
The Flower Maiden and the wolves are being drawn to each other.
It's exactly the sort of thing those ancient scholars would come up with.
Quent Yaiden.
So, what's the sheriff of Kyrios doing in a place like this? That's quite a piece you're packing there, but I doubt you came all the way here to hunt.
What did you do with it? Where's the animal I put down? It's dead, apparently.
We'll dispose of the carcass here.
That's not possible! It couldn't have died so easily! Let me see for myself! That thing is a wolf! A wolf? That's no dog.
It's a wolf, no two ways about it! You don't actually believe that we drove them to extinction, do you? It's been over 200 years since they were thought to have gone extinct.
How do you propose that they've survived all this time? The mountains and forests have all been stripped bare.
There's no place for them to live or hide.
I'm telling you, the wolves have cast a spell over us humans! We have to kill every last one of 'em! I figured this sort of thing might be your jurisdiction.
It's alive, then? Barely.
But it's only a matter of time.
Just like us.
As for us We can keep trying as many times as it takes.
I'm not so sure.
Hey, what are you doing? What department are you with?! Oh, sorry.
I was looking for cleaning supplies, and I kinda got lost.
Oh, you're with the cleaning crew.
Just go out that door, and it's on the right.
Oh, it is? Thanks.
Think it's a wolf? I don't know.
For one thing, I've never seen a real one.
But if it is, it may be related to Cheza's reaction.
Cheza, huh? I don't like the sound of that.
Why? She's what broke us up.
Stop being an idiot and bring this to the lab.
I'll have someone take it up later.
I'm not too good with dogs.
I'm allergic, you see.
This is why you and I would never work out.
Maybe it is just a matter of time I'm gonna fight, too.
Right alongside you guys.
There's gotta be something I can do.
Boy, you sure screwed up.
I've never seen anybody caught like this before.
I can get out of this thing whenever I feel like it.
Why did you get caught, then? I wanted a nice, long rest, that's all.
My name's Hige.
Why are you in a place like this? No reason.
I guess it smelled like something interesting was about to happen.
Besides, I've got nowhere else to go.
Why don't you stay in your true form? To these people, we represent terror.
If we hide our true form, we can blend in and live alongside the humans.
So, you're just lying to yourself, waiting to die a miserable death in this city? I'm doing this to survive.
Keep looking like that, and you'll get caught again eventually.
It draws too much attention.
Have you given up your pride as a wolf? You're a strange one, all right.
But pride doesn't count for much if you're dead, you know? Tsume! Bad news, sir! That dog has disappeared! It what?! It's gone Are you saying that someone stole it? Or maybe it escaped on its own.
Are your wounds healed? Yeah.
Tonight's a full moon, after all.
Why did you come all the way to the city? I smelled a flower.
The scent of Lunar Flowers was coming from this city.
Yeah, I know.
My nose can pick up the scent of a dog taking a dump 10 km away.
That's too bad.
Yeah, I guess.
Why did you escape with me? I dunno.
Do I need a reason? Besides, you seem pretty interesting.
Where are you headed now? Paradise.
There's no moonlight here.
Paradise, huh? Sounds like fun.
I'm Kiba.
City of Howls Next Time You know, I met a cute girl by a garbage dump in a back alley.
She's so great She's really nice! Huh? "Who the heck are you," you ask? Toboe, Who Doesn't Howl Huh? "Who the heck are you," you ask? Toboe, Who Doesn't Howl Watch the next episode and find out! Toboe, Who Doesn't Howl
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