Women in Blue (2024) s01e01 Episode Script


[machines whirring]
[actor on TV, in Spanish]
I don't want your flowers.
I don't want your bottle.
And I don't want your sarape!
[dramatic music plays on TV]
[whirring continues]
[worker 1, in English]
You are really asking for it.
Asking for what?
What else? To get fired. Or worse.
It was worth watching La Doña slap him.
Just forget all of that nonsense, now.
It isn't nonsense, Rosario.
It's called acting.
Hey. Do I look like an actress?
- [sewing machine snags]
- Pull the fabric, girl.
You have to pull harder.
Or Mr. Félix will be furious.
[footsteps approaching]
[kicks machine]
[worker 3 breathes shakily]
Your life is worth less than this machine!
Look at me.
- Look at me!
- [gasps]
Do I make you nervous, sweetheart? Hmm?
It was me.
Five extra hours, no pay. Is that clear?
Yes, sir.
[thunder rumbling]
[engine revs]
[car approaching]
[brakes hissing]
[engine revs]
[door closes]
[thunder rumbling]
[water splattering]
[knocks on door]
[housekeeper] Good evening.
[splattering continues]
[reporter on TV] The Tlalpan Undresser
has struck again.
His fourth victim,
Lucía Martínez, was 24 years old.
There is much concern
among women across the city
who are scared to leave their homes,
demanding police do everything they can
to get this murderer off the streets
once and for all.
So, why's he called The Undresser?
Because he undresses his victims
after killing them.
- [mother] Don't scare your brother.
- [switch clicks]
I wasn't scared.
Let's go. He's coming downstairs.
One, two and
- Three!
- [protesters chanting]
Three of our sisters murdered!
And they did nothing!
And another last night!
How many have to die
before we see any kind of justice?
Keep this up and you'll all get arrested.
- [megaphone clicks]
- Fuck it.
Since the day we were born,
we've lived in your prisons.
[officer] Ready?
[alarm clock ringing]
Women united will never be defeated!
Women united will never be defeated!
[officers laughing]
[officer 1] Nice work, Curly.
[officer 2] Yeah, man,
your little sister just beat you good!
[officers laughing]
[officer 3 groans] All right, all right.
A bet's a bet.
- Can't believe this shit.
- Pay up. Every last cent.
What's all the racket in here?
Let's get to work.
[officers] Yes, sir.
[grunts, kisses]
Go and help your mom, honey.
I will.
- [whispering] Bye, Curly.
- [chuckles]
[whispering] You did great, huh?
- Come help me, dear.
- Be right there.
I wouldn't even try it.
The stove's acting up again.
We need a repairman to fix it.
A new stove is what we really need.
We don't have any money for a new one.
Well, it's been at least three years
you've held that job
and never had a pay raise.
Why not ask for one?
Happy birthday!
- Thank you, all.
- [children] I love you, Dad.
Thank you. I'm going.
- You mean now?
- Yes. It's a meeting.
Now, I'm looking for my golden cuff links.
Have you seen them around?
- In the house somewhere?
- Last week you left them on your desk.
But can't you stay?
I really can't. I have a meeting now.
It's a dinner meeting.
And then I fly out to Acapulco,
just for a few days.
- You're leaving? Again?
- Yeah. Yes, yes, I have no choice.
The client wants and needs me there,
and I'm the architect on this one.
- I love you.
- Goodbye.
Happy birthday.
So, who wants cake?
[woman] Your grandfather,
God rest his soul,
always said it was better
to be overworked than unemployed.
And he died at his desk at 41 years old.
Well, he was a good provider.
[sighs] That isn't what I mean.
He comes home late at night every day.
And when he flies to Acapulco,
we don't even see him on the weekends.
I miss him.
Honey, please, don't play the victim.
It's so unattractive.
And this coffee is cold.
I'm not a victim, Mother.
I just want time with him, that's all.
If he works hard,
it's because he loves you.
You're at home with the kids every day,
while he's locked up in an office
with no other options,
even on his own birthday.
Can you stay with the kids
when they get back from school?
Yes, I can.
[music playing on TV]
- [employee] I need to ask for a pay raise.
- [TV host] And we're back!
- [laughs] No way. There's no pay raises.
- Here with Paco Pacorro.
Keeping it sunny and funny
here in Mexico City.
Ladies and gentlemen, and especially
you ladies, we've got a surprise.
We've invited a very special guest.
We are here with Emilio Escobedo.
Mr. Escobedo is the man recently appointed
by the President of the Republic himself
to occupy the position
of the police chief.
Let's give him
a round of applause, shall we?
- [audience applauding, whistling]
- Fuck the police!
Hey, now, he just got here!
Say again?
I said "fuck the police".
Yep, yes, fuck the police.
I hear you all, not ignore you.
And it's clear to me
that we've earned your anger.
But this isn't the 1960s any longer.
It's 1971.
This is a new decade,
with a new president,
and a new police force.
Now, I didn't come to give lip service.
No. I'll prove it to you.
I'm here to show you
that we are thinking of the future.
We have to decide what sort of society
we're going to be.
An open-minded society,
with a most inclusive police force, right?
No doubt, but how is that accomplished?
How do you create
an open-minded, inclusive police force?
By opening our doors immediately
and permitting any woman
who has the desire
to become an officer
of the Federal District Police Force.
[Paco] Well, there you have it.
Policewomen. You heard it here first,
ladies and gentlemen.
And I suppose for many of the damsels
watching us, and listening to you now,
they're surely
asking themselves the question:
"But why? Why now?"
[Emilio] Because there's a serial killer
terrorizing Mexico City, Mr. President.
Tell me what the fuck that has to do
with policewomen, Emilio.
Well, the murders have captured
the attention of nearly every journalist.
And if they're talking about women,
they're not talking about you.
We forgot to take a very important step
after we granted women the right to vote.
And today
Today we take that step.
- Yes! I couldn't agree more!
- [audience cheering]
We'll provide a new narrative for them.
I don't like it at all.
Something along the lines of women as
Something depicting women as heroines?
And not as victims.
This allows us to bury
the Undresser's headlines.
It will help your presidency.
Meanwhile, we offer dignity
to the many women living in terror,
and that helps the country.
And we could use some help.
I have a question.
I'm sure we're all thinking it.
With The Undresser out there,
do you fear putting more women at risk,
even if they happen to be wearing a badge?
This is how you say it:
We'll provide everything
that is absolutely necessary
to protect themselves and the communities
in which they'll be serving.
[chuckling] Women with guns?
Better hope the missus ain't watching.
[Paco] We're just about out of time.
So for now I'd like to thank
Think the pay's better than here?
Yeah, I'm sure of it.
Why announce it like this otherwise?
We're out of time, but I want to challenge
every woman watching out there at home
to consider what Chief Escobedo has said.
Are you ready for this bold new age?
Are you ready to step up
and unleash the policewoman inside you?
Happy birthday to ♪
What's up, Salva?
What do you need? The bathroom issue?
You'll have to decide
if it's here or there.
[phone ringing]
Because this bathroom You have to check
first if there's another upstairs or
- [phone continues ringing]
- And whether or not there are any windows.
[phone continues ringing]
Well, hi there.
I'm so glad to hear that little voice.
You know I'd love to, but I can't.
She's not stupid. She'll get suspicious.
In a few days, we'll have the beach
to ourselves. We'll do whatever we please.
You and me both.
Uh, I have to go right now.
[colleague] These are the hotel plans.
- Yes.
- You wanna check this now?
Yes, right now.
Go get Marco. Have him join us.
There's lots to do.
Two or three hours minimum.
I think you'll be grandparents
in nine weeks.
- [father] Nine weeks?
- [mother] Wonderful!
- Hey, Dad. Hey, Dad.
- [father] That's great news.
What is it, dear?
Chief Escobedo said today
that women can now join the
[father] No.
- But, Dad, I want to.
- No.
- Dad, let me just explain.
- Gabina. Gabina, Gabina.
Father said no. Forget it.
I think she'd make a great police officer.
No one here asked for your opinion
on this, thank you.
Now, listen, he's out there
murdering women your age.
Dad, I can defend women like her.
- I've wanted this since I was a girl.
- Or you'll end up exactly like her.
That would be even better.
Why can't I be a police officer
like everyone else?
Because we need you here assisting
your mother. Not out on the streets!
Would you like more?
[breathing shakily]
[chattering, laughing]
It's the cow. The cow? There is a cow?
[laughing continues]
Boom, boom, boom, boom.
He didn't realize he'd fallen.
Honey, I said eight o'clock.
Where were you?
I thought that our vows meant something,
you son of a bitch.
Well, go ahead.
Here I am.
Now be the man you say you are
and tell me who she is
and why that wretch is more important
than your family!
[all gasp]
Where were you? Tell me.
I was with my mother.
- Ah.
- Good evening, everyone.
- [friend] Hi, María.
- [friend 2] María.
And Valentina?
Valentina? You really thought
Valentina would be here?
I'm ready to order.
- Yes, please.
- I'm just famished.
- And it's my birthday, dammit.
- [friend 2] I recommend the onion soup.
- This place makes a good one.
- That sounds delicious.
- I'm going to try it.
- Some wine would be great.
[friend 2] The flavor is unbelievable.
[friends laughing] Cheers!
[friend] Look each other in the eyes
during the toast.
Now, listen up.
I've been thinking about this.
Is a woman going to stop a thief
or a murderer like The Undresser?
- Yeah.
- [friend 3] Obviously not.
- Even if they've been trained.
- Now, listen, I'm no alpha male here.
I'm not a misogynist. I'm just
I support this love.
But it's a question of biology,
of muscle mass and sheer strength.
- They're different, right? It's obvious.
- [friend] We're really not equal.
The point is, what kind of woman
leaves her family to fight crime?
I do agree with him there.
There are enough women
on the streets, right?
And what does that mean?
Ah, well, I just pass them
on my way to work.
You see this outrage?
Well, I really think it takes courage
to be a police officer.
- [friend 3] It does.
- What do you think, my dear?
I suppose. [chuckles]
[husband] Fun fact,
I bet you didn't know this one.
María, when she was a girl,
wanted to be a detective when she grew up.
Your dad told me.
She would read all the detective serials.
And it's been many years since.
[friend] I wanted to be
a veterinarian as a girl.
- [friend 3] Firefighter.
- Not me. I always wanted to be a mother.
- [friend 2] And so you are.
- When I was a boy, Fangio.
You know, Formula 1. Vroom, vroom.
[all chuckling]
[friend 2] That explains a lot
when I get into the car with you.
That it does.
Well, she didn't become a detective,
but she still reads the novels.
She's always, always
into a new book every week.
Could you all just try to imagine
our María as a police girl?
[husband] No way.
Can you imagine yourself as a vet?
- No!
- [all laugh]
I would I'd surrender to you
and let you put my heart in cuffs.
[friends] Aw.
[all laugh]
Cheers, then.
I'm not bailing you out
until you promise to stop calling me.
[chuckles] What? But why?
Because a year ago we broke up
and you only call me
when you're in a mess.
I call you for plenty of other things.
- You know it's true, Valentina.
- No, it isn't.
- Don't deny it.
- I didn't force you to come here.
Val. Look where you are.
- Here.
- At least I'm still fighting.
- Yeah, so am I.
- No.
I do it from a desk now,
and the typewriter's become my sword.
- [laughing]
- I'm serious, Val.
Listen to me. Don't laugh.
We're finished. It's over. I've moved on.
I'm with someone else now.
- The typewriter's become your sword?
- Fuck me.
I knew you were gonna
make fun of the metaphor.
If it was like your gun,
or something intimidating
Why are you stuck on that?
Listen to what I'm saying.
- I'm in love.
- Yes, I heard you.
With someone else.
So if you've moved on from us
and you're so in love with her,
and now that you're not confusing
anger with passion,
then what the fuck are you doing
down here at the goddamn jail?
Hey, you're right.
[siren wailing in distance]
Ah, look who's here! Oh, yeah!
- Here you go.
- You got some gifts. Let's see.
Green mole and black mole.
- Ah.
- Ooh!
- Thank you, sis.
- No sweat.
[sibling] Get me those autopsies
on the other victims.
[phone ringing]
Just leave it there. Go.
- Go.
- Okay. I'm going.
[phone continues ringing]
[Gabina sighs] There has to be
a way to convince him.
We're talking about Papa.
You know that I'd be good at this.
That isn't the issue.
You know that.
Did I have a choice?
Well, it isn't fair.
Look, Curly.
If he could see what you're capable of,
if he saw you in that uniform,
maybe he'd change his mind.
But that's a long shot.
Just let it go.
[Gabina sighs]
You seemed a little off at dinner.
I had a difficult day.
Difficult how?
It was difficult because
- [knocks on door]
- Mom, can we come in?
- No.
- Yeah, sure.
- Wow.
- Tickle sneak attack!
No! Ah, sneak attack!
[child] Can you read us a story?
- One this time? Or 14? 14, right?
- [children giggle]
- I get to pick the story.
- You got to pick last week.
- It's my turn.
- Come on, let's go. Let's go, go, go, go.
[husband breathing heavily]
Difficult because?
Nothing, nothing. Go read them a story.
[phone ringing]
It's Valentina.
Thank you so much.
It was his birthday. Did you know?
Yeah, well, I'm sure
his birthday was great without me.
It was his money
that bailed you out of this.
You should be thanking him.
Of course I'll thank him. And don't worry,
I got a good plan to pay him back.
I'm sure you don't wanna listen
to all that stuff.
And, anyway, you have to go back
to your bubble, so
If you have no plans, uh
I'd like to grab some drinks.
Drinks? You mean with alcohol?
Yeah. Why not?
After you madam.
[jukebox rewinds]
[ballad playing on jukebox]
Thank you.
So, what's going on?
But I'd like to catch up.
Tell me about this plan.
I'm going to be a cop.
[chuckles] That's not true.
Yes, it is.
- No, it isn't.
- Yes, it is.
But don't you say
the police are our enemies?
Well, none of us like the police,
but this time it's different.
How is it different?
Because this time
the protests got us a result.
They've opened the doors
so we have an opportunity
to be on the right side of the fight.
Forget it. You're totally nuts.
You'll get yourself killed. Or worse.
Changing history
has always been dangerous.
Now, tell me how much history
has been changed
by sitting around sipping tea.
That's not all I do.
I'm not a detective yet,
but if you're still listening to this,
it's because something has changed
and you can feel it in your gut.
I've had enough.
[Valentina] Hey.
What happened to you?
[jukebox continues]
He cheated.
Motherfucking son of a bitch!
- That bastard.
- Pipe down.
How'd you find out?
It's embarrassing, I guess.
And he denied it. Like a real bastard.
You haven't confronted him?
What if he chooses her?
I don't want my kids to lose their dad.
Well, that's nice, but how about a mom
who stands up for herself?
Our family will be destroyed.
You'd rather live a lie?
My family is
it's everything.
The problem is you're so damn predictable.
You know how you handle this?
Give him a good taste
of a life without you in it.
[romantic music playing]
[music continues]
[dancer sighs]
- Please let me go.
- [grunts]
Just leave me alone!
- Security!
- [mutters]
- Let's go, jerk. You're out of here.
- Back off, asshole.
Take it easy, man.
Don't come back for a while.
- [music continues, muffled]
- He had it coming.
Octavio Romandía, right?
You worked 18 years as a police officer.
You received three medals of valor.
And you had 37 solved case files.
And you put 132 criminals in jail.
But you also had 16 infractions
for insubordination.
And an indefinite suspension for having
busted the Chief of Police's nose.
Who the fuck are you?
I'm the new Chief of Police,
and I like my nose.
We're working on a project
to create a program for policewomen,
and I want you to act as captain.
How many said fuck off?
- Is that relevant?
- How many?
Well, um, all of them.
No badge on you.
No. I was the one who ran the campaign
that got the President elected.
A salesman.
I guess you could say that.
Well, listen up, good salesman.
The police in this country
have hands drenched in blood,
and neither you nor anyone can fix it.
Maybe so, Captain Romandía.
But you're the only one who didn't decline
because it's a program for women.
We start at nine o'clock tomorrow morning,
if you change your mind.
- Sweetheart.
- What?
Do you wanna know
why I was off last night?
Because I miss you.
I've been thinking.
Listen, sit down a second. Here. Sit down.
Why don't you ask
one of the junior architects
- Mmm?
- to take the flight down to Acapulco?
While you and I
Look at me.
While you and I go grab a room
at the hotel where you proposed to me.
[husband chuckling]
You know I can't do that.
- You know I can't.
- We need this, my love.
I believe that our marriage
really needs this, don't you?
- Our marriage
- Yes.
needs me to not get fired.
When I return in a week,
we'll do all of that.
[breathing shakily]
Oh, honey,
I really don't understand this at all.
There's a list in the kitchen, Mom.
Mar has dance on Tuesdays and Thursdays,
and Alex has soccer practice
on Wednesdays.
It's all near the house.
Just drop them off and pick them up.
But you're acting totally crazy.
I'd expect this of your sister.
But from you?
Alejandro cheated on me.
He's flying to Acapulco right now
so he can cheat on me again.
So the solution is to abandon your family?
It's just a slip.
All men slip up sometimes.
- Oh, yeah?
- Sure.
- So, my dad did that?
- Don't be ridiculous.
Not your father. Others.
I don't expect you to get it.
But I'm not abandoning my family.
I'm trying to save it.
But what does that have to do
with all of this?
I don't know, really.
What I do know is I won't be there
when he comes back home.
Then take a vacation. Huh?
But taking a job with the police?
This is outrageous.
Look, just here, take these.
[announcer over PA] If your last name
begins with the letter E, F, G or H
[Octavio clears throat]
I'll treat them like any other cadet.
That's what I expect.
- If they fail, then they're out.
- So far, so good.
Anything else?
Once you're done milking this little
stunt of yours and you shut it down,
I stay on, as a detective.
Follow me.
[announcer continues indistinctly]
[announcer] No family members.
Cadets only, please.
[announcer continues indistinctly]
[breathing heavily] Excuse me.
Good morning.
Name and age.
Gabina Herrera Martínez Vázquez,
and I'm 25.
Fill out this paperwork.
Thank you.
Hey, get distracted somewhere else!
Name and age.
Carrión Galindo Romina.
[clears throat] 37.
[announcer continues indistinctly]
Is this really happening?
You brought Mom to change my mind?
I am going to be a police officer!
Why'd you bring a suitcase?
Because she's insane, like you.
Because I'm done being predictable.
Cadets! Form eight rows of ten right now.
Come on, move it.
- Family members are dismissed.
- God forgive you all.
[Octavio] Eight rows of 10, come on.
- [María] Right, ready for this?
- [Octavio] Evenly spaced.
Start with a single front line,
a single lateral line.
That's it. Form up.
I am Captain Octavio Romandía.
I'll be leading this new division,
the female police corps.
If you're smiling,
I invite you to just consider something.
Take a look at the person to your right.
Say hi. Look them in the eye.
- Now imagine them on the pavement.
- [camera clicks]
A bullet in their stomach.
They're begging you
to administer first aid.
Then lights out. They die right there.
Now go to her mother and explain
why her daughter's dead and you're not.
Then carry that guilt
till your heart explodes.
You think police work's fun?
You get shot at every day
for a shitty paycheck.
Are you not valued at home?
You know fucking nothing.
But you still have a choice.
You can still leave
and go back to your lives.
And then you will realize
that you nearly made a very poor decision.
I'll give the smart ones
a moment to think it through.
You're supposed to train them, asshole.
What is this?
You want 16 cops in two weeks?
No, María. Please, just stay here.
This is how you do it.
Now that we've shed the riffraff,
retire to the barracks.
Your training starts tomorrow.
[cadets chattering]
Nice to meet you. María de la Torre.
Ángeles Cruz.
And why are you here?
Because our stove broke down.
Well, I'm here because,
and you might think I'm crazy, but
I'm trying to save my marriage here.
Is your husband on the police force?
No, no, no, it's just
Do you have a husband?
A grandma.
I live with her because my parents
were murdered in a robbery
at the bank where they worked
on the third of March, 1947.
Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.
Why? It wasn't you who killed them.
No, I'm not even gonna ask
why you're here.
It's in my blood.
Gabina. Nice to meet you.
Can you believe we're really here?
We're going to become police officers.
No offense, but I always thought that cops
were the biggest dickheads in the world.
Then why are you even here?
To try to fix that.
Eyes up front.
I know some of you think
that by being here,
you're part of some progressive movement.
I say to hell with all your movements!
You have one purpose being here.
Training to become police officers.
I don't care if you're a man, woman
or a fucking palm tree.
[clears throat]
María Elena de la Torre, sir.
Come up front.
Move it.
Sorry I was late, sir.
You wanna be treated just like the men?
I'll grant you your wish.
Cadets, at ease!
Come on, 20 push-ups.
Let's go. Knees up, hips up too.
Don't slack.
You need to be stronger.
You wanna be policewomen?
It's gonna be a tough journey.
You'll renew your bodies.
- [María grunts]
- You heard him, María.
Let's renew our bodies. Come on.
Forget about your lives out there.
You're not housewives. You're not mothers.
You are cadets.
- [whistle blows]
- Come on!
Go, go, go, go!
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
[whistle blows]
- Let's go! Go, go, go, go!
- [Gabina grunts]
- [Octavio] Come on, Herrera. Let's go!
- [Gabina screams]
[Octavio] Use your arms!
Excuse me.
Cadet María de la Torre.
Come here, please.
Let's go!
Look at your colleagues.
[clears throat]
Normally you'd all be excused for dinner.
But since Cadet María de la Torre
came late this morning,
you all owe me 10 more laps.
So, come on, stand up.
Get running! Let's go!
Come on! Get up and run!
Let's go, let's go, let's go! Come on!
I'm gonna mop the floor with
that pretty face if you're late again. Eh?
[Octavio] Let's go!
Come on, come on! Get up, get up,
get up, get up! Come on, let's go!
Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup!
Hup! Hup! Hup!
[woman singing in French]
Professor. It is known that pot
helps reduce the rate of violence.
And you know this from experience?
[all laugh]
Seven instances
that permit the use of force.
Um, okay. To avoid danger, and, um,
in a gravely dangerous Shit.
anyone who refuses to follow an order
from any officer of the law in the field.
in protecting citizens
from criminal elements.
I think that's all seven.
[professor] Herrera. Good.
Cruz. Very good.
De la Torre, I expected more of you.
And, Camacho,
you should have stayed in bed.
Let's move it! Come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on, come on!
Right, left, right!
Hey, come on! Keep the pace!
Come on, come on, come on! Let's move!
[Gabina grunts]
[Gabina, Valentina chuckling]
[reporter on TV] We interrupt this program
to bring you breaking news.
Last night, the country suffered
another horrific loss.
The corpse of a woman, Nora Menéndez,
victim number five
of the feared Tlalpan Undresser,
was found floating
in a pool at the university
where she worked the night shift
to pay her tuition.
Nora, just 21 years old, hailing from
Cholula, Puebla, came to Mexico City
with the dream of becoming a veterinarian.
Now that dream has been shattered.
Daughters, mothers and sisters
are being brutally murdered
by a monster who will not stop
unless someone does something.
This has to stop.
The public is demanding
that the police catch this killer
so he can finally face justice.
We can only hope they succeed before
another innocent woman pays with her life.
Is it 57?
Hmm. And the decimal point?
Five hundred seventy.
Hmm. [chuckles]
- [door opens]
- [Alejandro] Look who it is!
- Dad!
- [laughs]
- Daddy!
- [all laugh]
- [Alejandro] So, did you miss me?
- [Mar] How'd it go?
- Excellent.
- [grandfather] Children
Could you please go to your room?
We need to talk to your dad.
- Can we have a little chat?
- Yes.
Sit down. We have things to discuss.
And María, where is she?
[grandmother] Uh
[cadets cheering, shouting]
Don't run. Face her.
- Oh, yeah!
- [Octavio] Let's go!
Come on!
[Octavio] Come on!
- [Carrión grunts]
- [María grunts]
Don't let her choke you out!
Come on, María! Break free!
Come on! Come on, you're stronger
than her! You can do this!
Look at me! Come on! You can do it!
Come on!
[María grunts]
- [cadets applause, cheer]
- [Valentina] Yes!
Holy schnikes.
[brother] Gabina!
[cadets whispering]
What the fuck are you doing here?
Can we just talk about this for a minute?
- Talk about it?
- Yeah.
[tuts] No. You're coming with me.
[Octavio] Herrera.
You shouldn't be here.
Look, Romandía, just do me a favor.
Stay out of it.
My little sister's the one
who shouldn't be here.
What the fuck were you thinking?
- [María] Can you help her?
- [scoffs]
If I interfere, it'll be worse.
Please, Gerardo. Graduation's almost here.
Fuck, Gabina! You don't get it, do you?
You lied to our father.
He's gonna flip his shit.
You explain it to him. He listens to you.
No way. Come on.
I'm going to stay.
Think about this carefully, Gabi.
[bag thuds]
I'm staying here.
You can tell him, because
I won't.
You're on your own, Gabi.
Move aside.
[breathes shakily]
He hasn't made any effort to talk to me.
- Not one.
- What'd you expect?
He returned and you weren't here.
Come on, Mom, please don't make me
the bad guy here. You always do this.
He's the one who has work to do.
I wouldn't bet on it.
- What's he saying?
- Nothing to me.
It's just whenever you tire
of this compulsion
Compulsion? He called it that?
And what would you call this?
[cadets chattering]
[Octavio] Cadets. Take a seat.
I'd like to welcome you
to the final phase of your training.
We'll be boarding
one of the district's military aircraft,
flying at 200 kilometers per hour.
When we reach 10,000 feet altitude,
you will jump.
Usually a free-fall velocity of
approximately 200 to 430 kilometers
Don't be afraid.
You're statistically 100 times likelier
to choke on dinner
than to have a parachute fail on you.
[Octavio] pull your rip cord.
There's not much more to it than that.
Simple. Jump, then wait.
[airplane engine whirring]
[Octavio] Cadets! Attention!
To be a police officer means
that when you wear your uniform,
you are keenly aware
that your life is at stake!
Row one! Stand up!
Now get hooked!
Let's go!
In position! Jump!
Let's go!
Row two!
Stand up!
Now get hooked! Go!
Let's go!
Let's go! Jump!
Come on!
De la Torre. Jump!
- Time to fucking jump!
- No!
I said jump right now!
[gasping] No!
- Yes. Move!
- No. No, no.
- Get over here.
- No!
- You're doing this!
- No!
- Jump!
- No, no, no, I can't do it!
I can't do this.
Why the fuck not?
Be Because I'm a mother.
You're a cadet, not a mother!
No! I am a mom!
- If you don't jump, you don't graduate.
- I don't care!
Then why the fuck
did you board this plane?
I don't know.
You do know! Say it!
Tell me why!
Because this isn't some compulsion!
Then fucking prove it right now.
Okay, then. Okay, I'll do it. Okay.
[María panting]
[panting continues]
[parachute billows]
[crying, laughing]
[Octavio] I have to admit,
you fucking surprised me.
As you know, this program is authorized
to admit only 16 of the cadets.
Therefore, if you're here,
it's because you've done it.
- [cadets cheering, laughing]
- [Valentina] Oh, my God! We did it!
My warriors!
Report to the mess hall.
You look great.
I should have come earlier. I
I'm sorry I didn't. I'm an idiot.
But I've had time to think things over.
And I realized I don't want to lose you.
I spoke with Miguel
and asked that he take over
the project in Acapulco.
No more traveling.
I want
I want to be with you.
And I I want to thank you.
Because by going to these extremes,
you helped me finally see the truth.
I love you.
And I'm yours.
Let's go home.
I'll help grab your things for you.
Let's go.
You okay?
I was obsessed with detectives
as a little girl.
I wanted it.
I devoured every book I could find.
My favorite series was Detective Murrieta.
On the cover art,
I'd add long hair and a skirt.
[chuckles] Detective María.
I put all that aside for a life with you.
Then you lost interest.
No. No, that isn't true.
It's not your fault.
I also lost interest.
In myself.
I guess I had to shake it up.
I want to push on.
And join the police force.
And our family?
I'm still here for us.
[Emilio] Valentina Camacho Morales.
[audience cheering]
María Camacho de la Torre.
[waitress] You see this? Policewomen.
You don't get paid to watch TV.
Yes, my queen.
[Emilio] To conclude this evening,
I'd like to invite to the podium
the first lady of our nation,
the illustrious María Esther Zuno.
Thank you, Emilio.
Tonight, these women have made history.
[waitress] Can you wait up for me?
No, I'm already late, and you're always
saying I need to be on time.
Mmm. [kisses]
It's late to be out walking the streets.
The city's gotten dangerous. Huh?
Women, let us be clear.
Protecting this city is perilous work.
There is danger at every corner.
There will be those
who will try to stop us,
and to harm us.
But what I know is this.
The women who've earned their right
to stand here tonight
are among the greatest officers
in the entire city.
[engine starting]
[María Esther] And to the naysayers
who don't want us here, I say this.
The future is before you.
The time for change is now.
[audience applauds]
Welcome to the Federal District
Police Force of Mexico City.
[María] In the next episode
You patrol, you represent
the capital's police department.
A smile. Always.
I want to report a missing person.
Didn't you see her yesterday?
Earlier this afternoon, we found a body.
[Octavio] You can't interrogate anyone.
You are not a detective.
Next Episode