Wonderful World (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Call me if you feel upset
after reading this.
I feel the same.
Things like this don't hurt.
Don't get hurt anymore.
Take care of yourself.
I wanted to do
something for you.
I've only received from you.
Everything started
with the incident that summer.
Let's go!
That summer,
I was the first Korean
to receive the Rosaline Literary Award.
Thank you so much.
I've attended many events,
but I've never seen such a large turnout
at a book signing event
for a writer who isn't a celebrity.
Please give Eun Soohyun,
the author of Love in Time
and the first Korean to win
the Rosaline Literary Award,
a round of applause.
After four miscarriages,
I held my miracle baby in my arms.
- I thought
I would never hope
for more happiness than this.
- Yes, that's good.
- Thank you.
I would never get greedy
for any kind of fortune.
I'm a huge fan of yours.
- The joy of glory
- Smile.
and emotional tears
would just be fleeting moments.
The eternal relationships
- that would be with me forever
- Mom!
- would be my family.
Congrats on the award, Author Eun Soohyun!
Congrats, Mom!
- Thanks so much, baby!
Mom, hurry!
- Okay.
- Here.
It's all cooked. Here I come!
- I'm going to take it. Say cheese.
- Cheese!
One, two, three!
- Yay!
- It's cold!
It's war!
It's war!
Take that!
- I give up!
- We did it!
- We won!
- Help me!
Shut your eyes.
Now, open your eyes.
It's beautiful.
- Do you like it?
- Absolutely.
Try it on.
- Well?
- You look beautiful.
Is Gunwoo sleeping?
I had thought
that day was so perfect that
not a single impure thought could seep in.
- You're going alone?
- Yes, you can just go.
Why? Why can't I go?
Go and rest. Or go on a date.
What? I don't even have anyone
to go on a date with.
Besides, I like working more.
I'm coming with you.
You had a hard time with the schedule too.
Listen to me, Ms. Manager.
Once you arrive, a Bilton Hotel employee
will meet you at 3:00, so rest until then.
There's a book donation event for patients
with incurable diseases at 5:00. No.
Just call me as soon as you get there.
Okay, Soohyun?
Is this what you call rest?
Don't answer your phone
or call me after I leave.
You're so stubborn.
I can never win against you.
Whatever. I got it, Professor Eun Soohyun.
Don't forget to take what's in the trunk.
- What is it?
- You said you're going to a wedding.
Wear it.
I can just wear anything.
Why would you waste your money?
Money spent on you isn't a waste.
Make sure you look pretty,
but don't outshine the bride.
What? Why?
How did I ever meet someone like you?
- I'm so lucky!
- Yes, you are.
I'm leaving.
Be safe!
Recently, there have been
drug-related cases
What's with all these views?
He's Eun Soohyun's husband!
Is HMC a broadcasting station?
Never heard of them.
- Who watches this?
- My dog.
That's harsh.
- This person was fired from ABS
- I saw him there.
Kang Suho.
Stop right there!
It took me a year to get it to the desk!
- You know that.
I do.
You suddenly want me
to cover international competitions? Why?
This is what you call press suppression!
You want me to stay quiet
and not provoke Kim Joon, isn't that it?
This is for your benefit.
Do you think he became mayor by chance?
He's en route to become president.
He won't let anyone get in his way.
That's why we need to expose him!
Hey. Why are you all so quiet?
You call yourselves reporters?
You all wanted to take Kim Joon down.
I guess you're afraid of him.
Wasting tax-payers' precious money
on the Buyeongdong development.
Only trying to fill his pockets.
Things like this Isn't it our job
to expose dirty deeds like this?
That's enough.
You could lose everything over this.
We'll reject any interference or pressure,
internal or external,
from individuals or groups,
including power and financial influences,
that threaten the freedom of press!
You said reporters should be the ears
of the people.
You used to shout and live by
the journalist's code yourself.
- You're not qualified anymore.
- What?
Are you done?
I'll save you the trouble.
I quit.
Hey, Kang Suho!
Please give Eun Soohyun,
a round of applause.
- Dad!
- Yes?
My son.
Wow, it's Mom! It's my mom!
Isn't your mom so cool and pretty?
Yes, I want to see you too, Dad.
Mine's boring.
I want to see you too!
Okay. Wait for a second.
Shall we see this?
Wow, it's you!
It's my dad!
You're so cool.
- Do you like me that much?
- Yes, you're the best! The best!
Gunwoo's the best to me. The best.
- Wait.
- Huh?
What is it?
Come here.
- Hey, honey.
- Babe.
You're not on the plane yet, are you?
Not yet. Why?
I can't find Gunwoo's fever medicine.
- Does he have a fever?
- His head felt warm.
So I took his temperature
and he has a slight fever.
But his temperature keeps going up.
Do you remember when we didn't do anything
because it was just a mild fever
and we ended up taking him to the ER?
Open the bottom drawer in the kitchen.
- His medicine is there.
- Wait.
Yes, I found it.
Today's Sunday,
- so the hospitals are closed.
- I'll give him some medicine first.
He'll be fine. Don't worry.
Yes, call me when you get there. Okay?
How's Gunwoo's fever?
- Welcome.
- Can we order?
- Here you go.
- Some more side dishes, please.
- Check please.
- Okay.
- More side dishes for table seven.
- Okay.
- Soohyun?
- Don't answer your phone.
But his temperature keeps going up.
I'm so sorry, Director.
You set everything up for me,
but I'm so worried about my son.
Yes, okay.
Take me to Seokgwandong.
How is it going?
Well, we have him.
Everyone's been so much help.
That's good.
We're progressing well
thanks to you, Congressman.
What is it?
I'm busy right now.
Let's talk later if it's not urgent
I'm leaving right now.
There you go.
Hold your balance. Slowly.
Go slow.
- Hello!
- Hi, Heejae.
Heejae, shall we try turning now?
There you go.
Happy, go and fetch.
I heard you had a fever.
I was worried, so I came right back.
Yes, dad touched my head
earlier like this.
But it doesn't hurt anymore.
I took my medicine all at once.
Let me see.
You're right.
You don't even like taking medicine!
Yes, but if I'm sick,
we can't have your birthday party.
We can't go on picnics either.
- Is that why you took it?
- Yes!
Will we be able to go on a picnic
in two days?
- Of course.
- I'm so excited!
Mom, take a picture with this.
- What are you going to do?
- I'm going to sing you a song
for your birthday present.
- What?
- You can't see it now.
- Even if I do this?
- No way!
Go inside.
You can't!
You're so cute.
Don't stay out for too long. Okay?
Where are you?
I'm in the kitchen.
What are you doing here?
Didn't you get on the plane?
No. I was worried about Gunwoo's fever.
It was just momentary.
He got better after he took his medicine.
I shouldn't have called you.
Yes, I guess so.
You should've picked up.
You called? I didn't get a call.
Things were so hectic because of Gunwoo.
My gosh. What about you?
Is it okay if you don't go?
- You said it was important.
- My son's sick, so they understood.
What a relief.
Are you glad I'm back?
Can I tell you the truth?
It feels like I got an unexpected gift.
Have you seen a gift this beautiful?
Every day when I open my eyes.
By the way, Suho?
- What was that?
- It's nothing.
What is it?
- It's nothing.
- Let me see it.
It's nothing.
Since when?
Well back then. Ever since I quit ABS.
Don't worry. I mean it.
It's gotten much better.
I'm sorry.
You've been taking it for so long.
How could I not have known that?
- I'm so embarrassed.
- What are you saying?
I'm more embarrassed and ashamed.
I only wanted to show you my best side.
But things won't go my way.
I feel so pathetic.
- Suho.
- Yes?
It's okay.
You were right.
I respect the decision you made back then.
You were more righteous
than any other journalist.
Thank you.
Why is the dog barking?
Let's go inside.
Kang Gunwoo?
Honey, what's wrong?
- Gunwoo!
- Honey?
- Gunwoo?
- What?
Where's Gunwoo?
He's not here.
I'm sure he's around here somewhere.
Wait here. I'll find him.
- Gunwoo?
- Gunwoo!
- Ouch!
- Sorry about that. I'm sorry.
Can I help you?
Oh, actually
I was just looking for my son.
He's wearing yellow shorts. He's six.
- Did you see him?
- No, sorry.
- Gunwoo?
- Gunwoo!
I can't find him.
I went to the main road. He's not there.
I'll go over there.
Did you find him?
Why haven't the police called yet?
Hey, excuse me?
My son came here often to buy snacks.
By chance, did you see him today?
- No, not today.
- He's just
He's not even in elementary school yet.
He's about this tall.
No, I haven't.
- That poor child.
- No pictures, please.
Whose child is this?
- My goodness!
- Step back.
- That poor kid.
- Please don't push.
Where's the mother?
- He's hurt badly.
- Please, step back.
Step back.
My gosh.
- This is so bad. Goodness.
- Look at all that blood.
No, no
No! No!
I'm right here.
I'm not going anywhere.
I'll be right here.
I'll be right here.
- Boo!
- You scared me!
You startled me!
Why did you make so much?
It's Soohyun's birthday.
I wrapped this too, so take it with you.
I told you to not to make so much.
You have bad wrists.
Why would I do that?
It's for my babies.
You don't think about
how sad we'll be later, do you?
After you're gone,
seeing large amounts of food like this
will make us cry.
Silly. Why would you cry?
I'm going to live
right by your sides forever.
That's what I'll do.
- Take it over there?
- Yes.
- Be careful. It's hot.
- Okay. I'm getting a call.
My phone.
I'm at mom's restaurant.
Did you land safely
Did something happen?
Sit down. You'll pass out like this.
It's all my fault.
If only I had closed the gate
when I came in.
If only I hadn't left him alone.
Someone else is at fault here.
Why would you blame yourself?
You didn't do anything wrong.
What do we do?
Why are you all crying?
Mom, don't cry.
Come on.
- Mom.
- Goodness.
Gunwoo will make it through this.
Don't cry.
- Kang Gunwoo's guardian?
- Yes, Doctor?
How is he?
Your son is in critical condition.
You need to prepare yourself
for the worst.
Mom! Mom!
Doctor, please! Save our son.
- Please, save him. Please.
- If he got to the hospital sooner
I'm very sorry.
What do we do?
Why are you sitting here like this?
The doctor
told me
to prepare for the worst.
But what am I supposed to prepare for?
What can I do?
How can I give up on my child?
No, no. This is wrong.
I can't say goodbye to him like this.
I'll find another hospital
that can save Gunwoo.
Don't do this.
It'll only get harder for Gunwoo
if you act like this.
say goodbye to Gunwoo.
Why are you being like this, Mom?
Our Gunwoo
can't go to sleep at night without me.
He can't even go to the bathroom.
How can I let him go?
- How? Where will he go?
- That's your greed.
Did you see him?
His entire body is covered in needles.
That small child can't speak
or open his eyes.
He's in pain but holding it in
so that you can
say goodbye.
Don't make him suffer anymore.
No more.
Say goodbye.
You're so cute.
My goodness!
Gunwoo, you're the best!
You stood up!
You stood on your own!
You're the best in the world!
Great job, son!
Yes, it's alright.
- One, two.
- Aah!
- You said you'd pull it after three.
- I'm sorry. Did it hurt?
Happy birthday to you ♪
Happy birthday, dear Gunwoo ♪
Happy birthday to you ♪
All done.
Let's go home now.
Let's take out all these painful needles.
Let's go home.
We're supposed to go on a picnic.
It's too cold here.
My baby.
You get cold so easily.
That tickles!
This is nice.
I love that you smell like sweet powder.
I like your scent too.
Really? What do I smell like?
You smell pretty.
Also, like stars.
Do you like stars
that much, Gunwoo?
Yes, I'm going to be a star
when I grow up.
- Why?
- So I can shine.
I don't like that.
Why not?
It would be so sad
with me here and you all the way there.
Don't worry. I'll fly you up there.
Then will I fly in the sky with you?
Yes! I'll hold your hand.
- Like this?
- Like this.
You can't let go. Never!
Okay, I'll never let go.
Here lies the late Kang Gunwoo.
Gunwoo, you poor thing.
Honey, let's say goodbye to Gunwoo. Okay?
Gunwoo, you poor thing.
- Gunwoo!
- Our poor baby.
My poor child
Eun Soohyun, the first Korean to receive
the Rosaline Literary Award, lost her son
- in a car accident
- The child
who died in a school zone turned out
- to be Professor Eun Soohyun's son.
- The assailant
put the victim in his car, fled,
and later abandoned him,
- missing his golden hour
I'm sorry.
which led to his death.
Enforce harsher punishments
for child-related accidents.
Enforce it!
Gunwoo can't be found
in this world.
- Enforce it!
- But the media
is filled with Gunwoo.
- Enforce it!
- Enforce it!
Enforce harsher punishments
for child-related accidents.
Still, there was
one reason to survive
Enforce harsher punishments
for child-related accidents.
and endure this.
The murderer should repent!
- Repent! Repent!
- The murderer should repent!
Prosecutor, question the witness.
What state was the patient in
when he was transferred?
His CT results showed he had bleeding
in his brain and some time had passed.
His brain was very swollen
and he needed emergency surgery.
If the patient had been taken
to the hospital right after the accident,
would there have been a different outcome?
A cerebral hemorrhage is critical
and requires immediate attention.
If he had arrived without delay,
he would've had a good chance to live.
If the defendant hadn't
abandoned the child after the hit-and-run,
- the child could've been saved.
- Objection.
The defendant
put the child in the car
to bring him to the hospital
as soon as possible.
But the child stopped breathing,
and the defendant made a mistake
out of extreme fear.
Please take into consideration
that the defendant
turned himself in
after realizing his wrongdoings.
Your Honor.
To confirm the facts
from the day of the accident,
I'd like to request the victim's mother,
Eun Soohyun,
to take the witness stand today.
Ms. Eun Soohyun, do you accept?
I solemnly,
sincerely and truly declare and affirm
that I will tell the truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.
The victim had a fever that day,
is that correct?
- Yes.
- But you still went on your business trip.
He was fine before my trip.
I see.
On the day of the victim's accident,
where were you?
I was at home.
- And the victim?
- He was in the garden.
So you left a child with a fever
alone outside?
He wanted to do something alone,
so I was waiting for him.
- It wasn't neglect.
- Then
- how does the child normally go outside?
- I open the door for him.
Were you the last person
to come home that day?
- Yes.
- As you went inside,
are you sure you closed the door?
Take me to Seokgwandong.
- Hello!
- Hi, Heejae.
Answer the question.
I don't
So you had no idea
that your son left the garden.
You were his mother, but you were at home
and left your sick child outside.
The fact that a mother's
misguided confidence
that her child
would never do something impulsive
was the starting point of this accident.
- It's quite unfortunate.
- Objection!
The defense attorney's question
is unrelated to this case.
He's forcing the victim's mother
to answer.
refrain from making incendiary remarks.
Continue to question the witness.
That's all.
Prosecutor, you may cross-examine.
I was a sinner.
I couldn't protect my child.
I want to register a birth.
- Please fill it out.
- I fell apart more and more.
It was
the same for him too.
When I opened my eyes, I was back in hell.
I prayed every single day.
I prayed time would take me to death.
I will deliver the verdict
for case 2015-1426.
Due to the lack of evidence
to the charges of violating
the Road Traffic Act
and the Act on Special Cases Concerning
the Settlement of Traffic Accidents,
the defendant is found not guilty.
- Not guilty?
- What are you saying?
Combining various evidence,
including witness statements,
the defendant's charges are admitted
to violations related to a hit-and-run
and the Act on Aggravated Punishment
of Specific Crimes.
In terms of sentencing,
it cannot be taken lightly,
especially given that the victim died
in this case.
However, the defendant confessed
to his crimes and expressed remorse.
The defendant was shocked
due to the gravity of the situation,
and the fact that this was
an accidental crime
were all taken into consideration.
As a result,
the defendant will be sentenced
to two years and six months.
the sentence will be suspended
for four years from the final hearing.
No way.
Does that make sense?
You killed a six-year-old boy!
Not guilty? Suspend his sentence?
Does that make sense?
You call that a verdict?
My son died because of you
Bring my son back, you bastard!
- Calm down!
- Bring my son back, you bastard!
Let go of me!
- I'm very sorry!
- You
I'll repent up until my dying day.
I'm very sorry!
- I'll repent!
- Shut your mouth, you bastard!
- I'm very sorry!
- That's enough. Calm down!
I'm sorry!
Let go of me!
Let go!
Yes, it's me, Congressman.
As you said, my sentence was suspended.
Thank you.
No need to thank me.
We're going out to sea together.
The captain should take care of the people
on his boat.
It's fine. Forget it.
suspicions are pouring into the media
over this case.
I believe the result from today
can be an answer
I'd like to pay
the deepest condolences
to the deceased and the family.
I'll see you next time.
Come again.
Let's go.
Hey, honey.
No, I'm near the house.
I'll be there soon.
I told you.
Nothing would happen.
It's a good day. Why would you bring up
that dead kid?
Do I have time to care about that kid?
Don't say ridiculous things.
What brings you here?
Are you here to see me?
Just earlier today
I was punished for my crimes in court.
Apologize to my son.
When I think about it,
you didn't apologize to him at all.
You almost had me there.
Okay. Deal.
how much?
Just so you know,
I'm not responsible for this anymore.
But I'd like to offer some
to show my sense of duty.
You're lucky to have met someone like me.
Here you go.
Take it.
Once you're ready,
you can call me.
You scared me.
What do you think you're doing right now?
You ruined my child's life.
So apologize properly!
Look here, lady. That's enough.
I won't be considerate anymore.
What the hell? Seriously?
Damn it.
No, sir!
Please! Please, apologize.
Please, apologize to him.
You know this isn't right.
My son is dead
and no longer in this world.
You can't go on living
as if nothing happened!
Then what about my poor boy?
- Mister!
- God
Hey, do you know how many businesses
I'm involved in right now?
Do you know how many deals I've lost
because of your kid?
He could've died anywhere else!
Why did he have to get hit by my car?
Let's not make a big fuss over this.
What's done is done.
Shouldn't the living continue to live?
Don't you think so?
You can call me.
Damn it.
If I believed that my answer
would be to someone
who would ever return to earth,
this flame would move no more.
But because no one
has ever returned alive from this gulf,
if what I hear is true,
I can reply
with no fear or infamy.
is my answer.
I think
what happened was wrong.
What would happen
if Eun Soohyun saw this?
Could she endure it?
I'm a murderer.
I never wanted
to know the person.
Can you help him
put that great pain
behind him?
I think it would make Gunwoo sad
if he were to see you.
Next Episode