Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (2018) s01e01 Episode Script

Narumi and Hirotaka Meet Again, and...

What a nice day!
I slept well last night.
I even woke up before my alarm for once.
I should get ready.
Why didn't my phone alarm go off?
I set four of them!
Did I hit snooze again?
Oh, no! I'm going to be late!
I'm Narumi Momose,
an outgoing and energetic office worker.
I had to change jobs recently.
Today is my first day at the new company.
Late on the first day?
You're kidding me!
I even moved so I could work here!
What am I doing running full speed
first thing in the morning?
I have bad luck.
And it's been even worse lately.
Starting today
Starting today, I'll be a good girl!
So please, God!
Please make sure no one at the office
finds out about my secret this time!
And please make sure
I make it on the train in time!
I should be on time now.
Kato is so cute!
- Ms. Momose?
- Yes.
- I'm Narumi Momose.
- Good morning.
I'm your new coworker,
Hanako Koyanagi.
If there's anything you're unclear on,
feel free to ask me.
Great! Nice to meet you.
Well, let's stop by your desk first,
- and then I'll show you around the office.
- Okay.
Ms. Koyanagi seems like a good employee.
She's so cool! And
Her boobs are huge!
Thanks for your hard work.
- Well, let's go back.
- Yeah.
Is that so?
It's the same everywhere.
Well, I think our company is still
better than most in that regard.
But changing jobs this time of year
is pretty out of the ordinary.
Did something happen at your old company?
How should I put it?
It's complicated.
Complicated I see.
Okay. Things are complicated for everyone.
Sorry for asking weird questions.
No, it's okay.
Oh, no! I said hi!
What's wrong, Ms. Momose?
Do you two know each other, Nifuji?
No way!
It really is you, Hirotaka!
We work for the same company?
We haven't seen each other since
middle school. Long time no see!
This is my first day.
We went to the same school as kids.
What a coincidence!
Hey, Hirotaka!
How about going for dinner together later?
We have a lot to catch up on!
Safety is my first priority today.
I have to end this conversation
before he says anything weird.
- Okay.
- Yes!
I'm looking forward to it.
See you later!
I'm safe for now.
Is he your ex-boyfriend?
- No, it's not like that.
- Oh, Narumi.
Are you going to the next Summer Comiket?
To tell you the truth,
I thought about killing you back there.
I didn't know you were trying to hide it.
I'm glad my coworkers are nice people.
Here. I put a trap down.
Here. I put some meat down.
I never would have thought
you'd be working there, too.
If anyone finds out I'm an otaku,
I'll tell everyone about you, too.
"This guy over here is a really addicted
game otaku!"
Right. Quest complete!
I'm not trying to hide it or anything.
- Is it okay if I smoke?
- No.
Well, in that case.
It's better if you hide it.
Otaku aren't popular.
I don't care about being popular.
Do you have a girlfriend?
I thought so!
You're an otaku,
and on top of that, you're not friendly.
How's it going with your boyfriend,
Which boyfriend are you talking about?
I broke up with that guy you knew about
a long time ago.
And the hot boyfriend I met
at my old company
he started avoiding me
because everyone found out I was an otaku,
then he dumped me.
He said he could never
be attracted to a yaoi fangirl.
It hurt so much every time I saw him
I ended up quitting the company.
Have a drink.
If you had the initiative to quit
just because you were dumped,
you can do anything.
That's why
I'm going to hide that I'm an otaku
from my next boyfriend no matter what!
And I'll squash anyone in my way!
Why don't you find someone who
accepts that you're an otaku?
That's no good!
If he accepts it,
he must be an otaku too!
I don't want to date an otaku.
Listen to yourself.
So, you're the kind of yaoi fangirl
who ignores her own faults.
Three draft beers.
Thanks for waiting.
I'm no exception.
I'm a gross game otaku myself.
Dating inside games
is good enough for me.
You're not my type.
No wonder you were dumped.
Don't worry, Hirotaka.
I don't plan on dating you.
Making you my boyfriend would be a waste.
You're one of my best otaku friends.
Excuse me. Mugi shochu on the rocks!
Sure! Coming up!
By the way,
my coworker Ms. Koyanagi
knows what Summer Comiket is.
I was thinking she might be one of us.
Hey, who was that guy with you today?
Is he your boss?
He looks so tough and cool.
Introduce me next time.
He has a girlfriend.
You can't be serious!
Dating isn't easy.
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Well, I'm not doing too bad.
Kato is so cute today, too!
To use this function,
open the menu
Your childhood friend is working hard.
Oh, really?
It won't stop!
Ms. Momose, calm down!
Childhood friend, huh?
Lucky guy.
Mr. Kabakura,
do you have a thing for childhood friends?
Yeah. I do! I'm so jealous of you!
All guys like that sort of thing! Damn!
Hey! What are you doing playing games
at work like it's no big deal?
Don't you have other things
to do?
Your turn to speak now!
Do you mind?
Come on.
Does he think this is grade school?
I'm done!
Time for lunch!
Ms. Koyanagi
She's good at her job,
she's really cool,
and she has huge boobs.
She's a nice person,
but she always has her guard up,
and it's hard to get close to her!
Are you going to the next Summer Comiket?
After that incident,
I knew
that Ms. Koyanagi is "one of us".
I have to find out
if the cool Ms. Koyanagi is an otaku.
And if she is, then I have to find out
how much of an otaku she is!
And whether she's into yaoi.
This could be my chance at having
an otaku friend.
But any attempt to find out would mean
I'd run the risk of her finding out
I'm an otaku.
I have to choose my words and actions
Ms. Koyanagi
That's a photo of a cosplayer
who's a regular at the event.
Ms. Hana?
Oh, no!
I said it out loud!
Didn't I just say I have to be careful?
Sorry for interrupting like that!
I saw a photo of someone I know,
so I couldn't help myself!
She's handsome even though she's a girl!
I can't tell her she bought a book of mine
when I used to work in my previous genre.
I check your website all the time.
Ms. Momose, did you participate
in last year's Basara Only Event. by chance?
How does Ms. Koyanagi know about that?
What if?
By any chance, are you Ms. ?
I ditched that old name!
No way.
Ms. ?
I used to be a huge fan of Ms. !
I used to buy Ms. 's books!
Stop using my old name.
By any chance, Ms. Koyanagi,
are you that famous cosplayer, Ms. Hana?
That's right!
a fan of Ms. Hana too!
Can I call you "Naru"?
Ms. Hana I mean, Hana.
You don't need to be so formal
when you talk to me.
No, that wouldn't be right.
It's easier for me to talk that way too.
They're having fun.
All done.
Mr. Kabakura.
I finished making those copies.
Oh, thanks.
Actually, I made a mistake
on a lot of the copies.
How many?
- About 200.
- Two hundred?
Well, you're still new.
It can't be helped.
Be careful next time.
She's so cute.
Did you finish the work
I asked you to do earlier?
I did.
This is wrong.
Do you mind?
Looks fixed now.
- Then I'm going to go for a cigarette.
- Oh, okay.
How unfriendly.
It's from Narumi.
Are you free today?
Do you want to go for a drink?
I want to talk to you about something.
Let's finish our work quick and go!
Okay. 6 pm.
I wonder if she wants to complain.
We never tire of complaining.
Either of us.
6 PM
Ms. Momose.
Why are you still working?
I had less documents than you,
but I still finished first.
- Why?
- Well
That's because
Let me guess.
It's because you couldn't take your eyes
off your newsfeed.
I'll listen to your excuses and complaints
over a beer.
So, hurry up and finish.
You type slow.
- Are you sure you're an otaku?
- I can't type when people are watching.
I did it!
- I'm done!
- Thanks for your hard work.
Thank you!
Sorry to make you wait, Hirotaka!
I'll be ready in 40 seconds!
Sorry. Wait a second.
What do you mean, "a second"?
I'm hungry!
- Whatever you want, Narumi.
- You said it!
Five minutes!
Wrap up in five minutes.
No problem.
Game otaku, are so gross.
Shut up, yaoi fangirl.
- Are you ok with sitting at the bar?
- Okay.
I'll start with a beer.
And how about your boyfriend?
No, I'm
not her boyfriend.
We're just old acquaintances.
Well, give me the strongest drink you got.
And some wasabi octopus.
Yes, sir.
You? My boyfriend?
We're not into in each other like that.
You're more of an otaku friend than a man.
And everyone I fall in love with
is a jerk.
My ex- boyfriend from my old company
started dating a new girl
right after we broke up.
do I always make the wrong choice?
You never make the wrong choice
when you date sim girls.
Is that what you wanted to tell me?
- If you're done, then I'm going home.
- Wait!
I didn't invite you just to tell you that!
Please Help me, Hirotaka!
Why isn't it showing up? I want a ruby!
- Oh, sorry.
- Seriously?
Sorry. I have two.
Damn! The Desire Sensor must be activated!
That material has a low probability
of dropping.
It's an endurance game.
- We'll have to keep farming 'til it shows.
- Please!
Beer, please!
Sorry, Hirotaka.
Sorry to keep you out so late.
It's okay, Narumi.
You've been a big help.
Now I'll be able to win.
I'm glad I have you, Hirotaka.
And what about me?
What do you mean?
Are you stupid?
Who are you calling stupid?
I'm calling you stupid.
- Stop talking like you're in grade school!
- Stupid.
- Your boobs are tiny.
- What do my boobs have to do with this?
If it was me,
I'd collect materials and level up
with you whenever you wanted.
If you had to work overtime,
I'd wait for you.
I wouldn't disappoint you or make you cry.
I'd make sure you'd never say
you made the wrong choice.
And I can go with you to the event next week
as your sales assistant.
You're hired!
And so, the two otaku started dating.
Next Episode