X-Men (2011) s01e01 Episode Script

The Return

Jean, don't let it take you over.
Fight it!
Professor X, she's no longer in control
of herself.
She's under mind control.
She's not responding
to my telepathic calls.
It must be the work of Mastermind.
It's dangerous out there.
Jean's an Omega-level mutant.
Damn. If she goes supernova,
we're all dead.
Wait, Cyclops!
Jean, don't do this.
Scott, it has to be done.
You have to kill me.
You know I could never do that.
I can feel it taking over.
I'll end up killing you and others.
Don't let them control you.
You can fight them.
You can do it. I believe in you.
I'm sorry, I can't.
Yes, you can.
That's just Mastermind talking.
Jean, I love you!
You're the one controlling her mind.
Jean, what are you doing?
What's happening to her body?
Damn. She's going to self-destruct.
We need to leave.
You have to fight it. Jean, stop!
I love you, Scott.
In the course of evolution,
accidents can occur.
We who are born with the "X-Gene"
have a gift.
But those gifts also led to our kind
being ostracized
by the rest of humanity.
I created the Xavier Institute and hoped
that it would give young mutants
a place where they could
be themselves
a place to learn about their powers
without fear of persecution
in order to make the world
a better place
for mutants and humans alike.
A team of elite mutants.
The X-Men.
But look at us now.
It's been nearly a year
since they tried to destroy us.
Nearly a year
since they almost succeeded.
An intense fight broke out
between us and the Inner Circle
a group of outlaw mutants.
That day, we lost one of our best
and brightest.
A member of our family:
Jean Grey.
What is it, children?
Now, come here, everyone.
You're afraid, I understand.
But please don't worry.
As long as you're here
the teachers and I will do everything
to protect you.
That goes for you too. You are
Wait! I can't read your thoughts.
Wait, who are you?
The same dream. Again and again.
Who's there? Who is it?
As you know, the Institute
is inactive for the time being.
When did this happen?
Right, I see.
In that case, we'll be glad to help you
as much as we can.
-A gang of pirates!
We're all gonna die.
That's how these things always end.
Everyone, please step back.
And you are?
They're gone now.
That was amazing!
Thank you so much.
You're one of those X-Men, aren't you?
Excuse me.
According to my research,
it is evidently possible to enhance
the intelligence level of this creature
to that of a human.
This is a decapodiform cephalopod,
of the Mollusca family.
In short, a squid.
We can communicate with him
using this waterproof
wireless microphone.
Is he serious?
I have to see this.
I'm afraid I must leave early.
Mr. Devilfish will finish
my lecture for me.
That squid's gonna finish his lecture?
Calm down, everyone.
Now, where were we?
Yes, the neurological aspects
of cognitive intelligence. Any questions?
Come on!
Sir, do you have any more
metal objects?
Listen, you're not gonna
find anything on me. Trust me.
But the machine is detecting metal.
I can't take these off.
Okay, now you've seen them.
Are we good?
Well, I
Change of plans.
Looks like I'm headed to New York.
Hello, Charles!
Welcome home, Ororo.
I've missed you.
You know, some of us
have things to do.
I had to cancel my vacation.
So how's it going, Charles?
Still bald, I see.
Logan, welcome.
I can't tell you how happy
I was to get your call.
Between faculty meetings
and dining hall food,
being a professor
can get rather dull.
It's good to have you all back again.
Where's Cyclops?
It would seem he's not
quite ready to return to us yet.
Last week, a teenage girl
named Hisako Ichiki,
who lives in northern Japan
disappeared on her way home
from school.
Unable to find any clues,
her parents contacted me for help.
If they called you, Charles,
then does that mean the girl is?
One of us, yes.
Though she only exhibited her power
once, when she was very young.
Once? That's unusual.
Her father is an old friend of mine.
While the X-Gene runs in her family,
neither her father nor her mother has it.
They fear that her disappearance
might have something to do with them.
Probably a runaway.
Why don't we just let the cops handle it?
The problem is,
they began investigating
but inexplicable accidents
injured many of them.
So that's why no progress
has been made.
The obvious inference being that
someone doesn't want this girl found.
Someone who's hunting mutants?
Recently, there have been many incidents
involving mutants in northern Japan.
But even Cerebro could not detect
any mutant activity there.
Big deal.
Your brilliant gizmo's probably just got
a worn-out doohickey or something.
And you aren't getting
any younger yourself, Charlie.
Just kidding. Take it easy.
Cerebro might have a flaw.
I'll look into it.
Anyways, I believe there could be
a bigger problem
behind her disappearance.
So I want the X-Men to go to Japan
and find this girl.
I agree that something has to be done,
Charles. But what about Scott?
We're not the X-Men without Cyclops.
Unbelievable. Don't tell me you've been
hanging out here this whole time.
Where do you wash yourself?
There's nothing wrong with Cerebro.
All mutant activity shows up clearly.
Only Tohoku comes up blank.
I knew it wasn't broken.
Perhaps something or someone
is cloaking the area,
preventing it from being scanned.
Whatever it is, it may be connected
with Hisako's disappearance.
Well, we'll find out soon enough
once we get to Japan.
By the way,
was it wise to send Logan
to bring back Cyclops?
That's why I sent Ororo along with him.
I can't fight anymore. You need a reason
to fight, and I've lost mine.
No, Scott. This is not a fight.
We'll just find this mutant girl
and rescue her.
And if some bad guys try to stop us,
we're gonna have to fight them.
Come on. Listen to him, will you?
Full of self-pity.
He'd be useless to us anyway.
He acts like he owns her.
As if Jean meant nothing
to the rest of us.
Jean would die all over again
if she saw the way you're acting.
That's not funny.
What did I do? Hit a nerve?
You wanna feel real pain?
Say her name again.
Bring it on.
That's enough!
Why do you have to pretend
that you don't care?
Is it that hard to admit that
you've been worried about him too?
Scott, we have to find her.
She's out there.
There are still people that need you.
The X-Men need you.
You know it's what Jean
would have wanted.
Well, you know where we'll be.
So beautiful. So far away.
They shine down on every living thing
on Earth.
On humans, and on mutants.
Scott, the X-Men are the light
shining down on all mutants.
I want to be the light
that shines down on
all children, mutants and humans.
What is it?
I'd recognize that smell anywhere.
Well, well, if it isn't Summers
the guy who brought shoulder pads
and tights back in fashion.
We're on a mission, Wolverine.
Call me Cyclops.
The X-Men have received
a call for help.
There's a young girl in Japan
who desperately needs us.
Welcome back, Cyclops.
It's been a year since you've driven this.
Are you sure you're okay?
At least I do a better job
than the way you handle your bike.
With Cyclops back on board
the X-Men go to Tohoku,
a region of Japan.
Their investigation uncovers
that Hisako is not the only mutant
who has disappeared.
A highly scientific group
of mutant hunters,
the U-Men, stand in their way.
As the X-Men infiltrate their hideout,
they uncover a horrifying secret.
Next time on X-Men: "U-Men."
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