Yosi, the Regretful Spy (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

La Mision

Although this story
is inspired by real events,
the characters and events are fictional.
Any similarities are unintentional.
2:45 PM
Go over there. Go, go!
What happened, man?
We can see the broken glass on the ground
from buildings near the Israeli embassy,
most of them are located
along Arroyo Street.
There are stretchers everywhere.
This is terrible.
It is evidently an explosion
of epic proportions.
This building was practically destroyed.
People are on the floor, mutilated.
Please! Over here.
We must call the fire brigade.
Come over here.
Over here, over here! Help!
Bless you, Lord, our God,
who has sanctified us
with His Precepts
and has ordered us to put on tefillin.
Daniel Cruz,
DA's office number five.
You're hard to find.
I had to visit
every single inn on the route.
That is to record our chat.
The DA requested it.
-Sit there.
-Excuse me.
I prefer the smaller tape recorders.
They're more reliable.
With these, you never know
where our conversation was recorded.
Tell me.
What protections do I have?
What the DA told you.
Security for you and your loved ones.
The DA was not clear.
What's the scope of mine?
The scope you wish.
The DA needs to know
your story in more detail,
so that he can believe you,
and check if he's not wasting his time.
I'm listening.
My name is José Perez.
I was a federal police
intelligence service agent.
I infiltrated the Jewish community
since the start of the democracy,
and for the following 20 years.
What can you offer us?
About the biggest criminal conspiracy
in Argentina's history.
About the illegal weapons trafficking.
Governments are involved,
local and foreign
intelligence services, too.
Terrorist organizations,
bankers, former military
Go on.
I'll tell the DA the rest.
Now, tell me what I'll get in return.
The truth is,
the DA is risking his career,
and even his own life,
with all of this.
If he's going to take such a gamble,
he needs more information.
You decide.
It's hot in here, isn't it?
Could you open the window, please?
-Who sent you?
-What's wrong?
-Who sent you?
-The DA.
The DA. Don't hurt me, please.
Do you always wear glasses
without magnification? Who are you?
Now you want to talk, traitor?
Fucking Jew.
Made me expose
throughout 17 dramatic weeks…
Only 709 cases,
which don't fully cover
the spine chilling number of victims
that comprise what we consider--
Come on!
If you're tired,
get yourselves together.
Come on! One, two, come on.
Come on, people!
That's right,
we still have one more hour to go!
Come on, damn it.
Come on! Run!
I want to see you sweat!
Come on!
Come on, come on! No breaks!
Fuck, the water's getting cold.
No funds for hot water.
Fuck democracy.
-What else are you taking from us?
-Your dick, Garrido.
They'll cut off your cock, like Jews do.
No problem. I can donate a part to you.
-For fuck's sake!
-Damn it!
Gentlemen, everyone out!
Gentlemen, there is only one towel.
Whoever wins, keeps it.
The rest will air dry.
We have two men.
One of them is a rat, a snitch.
The other is one of us.
Find out which one is which.
Whoever volunteers
has two helpful resources,
a question, only one,
and a gun.
It's chilly outside.
Allow me, sir.
Are you the traitor?
You have five seconds.
Speak, or I'll kill you.
I am no traitor.
-Are you the traitor?
-Are you a moron?
I said, one question.
Give the gun back.
Allow me, sir.
Who is the traitor?
Thank you, sir.
This novelty of democracy
makes us contemplate
new hypotheses of conflict.
Democracy won't last.
Thursday, we'll have a strike.
On paper, we have a radical government,
but Alfonsín
He's an old leftie, a Jew-pleaser,
who's giving the Jews the best positions.
The minister of finance is circumcised.
The synagogue is radical.
This is why,
among the hypotheses we'll consider
What now, Rivera?
If Jews invented
communism and capitalism,
they are the worst Marxists,
but they own everything.
Isn't it a contradiction?
To make your enemies fight, what'd you do?
Contradiction is a strategy
and a lethal weapon.
-Zoom that one in.
Perez, who the fuck are you to answer?
I'm the fucking teacher here.
Let's continue.
See who's controlling traffic
after speaking too much?
You spoke out of turn, too.
Go to Salerno's office!
I apologize. I spoke out of turn.
It won't happen again.
I get your problem with the Jews.
A Jew fucking your mother
in a small town.
There's nothing worse than that.
You'll have to ask to be discharged.
I won't, sir.
Fire me.
José Perez, you're leaving the police.
You'll come back as intelligence officer.
The bosses think you're ready.
Now, the question is,
what are you willing to sacrifice?
Everything, sir.
Your town, your family, your friends?
That girlfriend you're going to marry?
Yes, sir.
Your peers can't find out.
What's the mission about?
For now, you don't need to know.
If you're willing to accept
the mission of a lifetime
Yes, sir.
Then prove it.
I don't believe you.
-Is it another woman?
-Then why? I don't understand!
-I'm a homosexual!
I'm a homosexual.
You're lying, José.
You aren't a faggot.
I know you.
You don't know me.
Get out of my house.
Get out!
Get the fuck out!
Get out!
Get the fuck out!
What happened?
Fuck off.
What happened?
Hi, Mom.
I didn't come here to explain myself, Mom.
I don't want any explanations.
Just listen to me.
How is this possible, José?
Aren't you confused?
Maybe that girl is not for you.
I'm not confused.
Are you aware of the life you're choosing?
You made a choice, too.
Abraham is a good man.
You don't know
what your father put me through.
Bye, Mom.
"Bye, Mom?"
Is that all you have to say to me?
There he is, the fag.
Now you'll see.
I was leaving.
No, you're not going anywhere.
This is from my sister.
Grab him!
Get him inside!
Come on.
Come on!
Stop, stop.
Don't knock him out yet. Get him up.
So you like cock, you faggot?
We're giving you a nice souvenir
from your hometown.
We're giving you a cock fest.
So you'll want to come back.
What the fuck are you doing?
Sorry, Doctor.
Come here. Easy. Easy.
Let's go!
Let's take a look.
Let's see.
What you did was very brave.
You can't live a lie. Give me that.
Give me.
Fuck everyone else.
There, there.
Don't speak as if you know me.
I saw you grow up, José.
I'll give you the number
of a friend of mine in Buenos Aires.
It'd be good to have someone there.
Here, take it.
I don't want anything from you.
I don't need it.
You want one?
Thank you.
Are you okay? What happened to you?
Looks pretty bad to be "nothing."
Traveling to Buenos Aires?
And what do you do?
For a living, I mean.
I don't think you're a boxer.
I work at a shoe shop.
And you?
I'm a government employee.
Let me.
Does it hurt?
ROOM 314 3PM
I'm sorry, I think I got the wrong room.
No, you didn't. What have you got there?
Chocolate bars.
Thank you. You shouldn't have.
Come, follow me.
-Do we have a record?
-We have the map.
This way.
-This one here?
-It seems to be a map too.
Hi, José.
You must learn to lie better.
If you don't want to talk to a stranger,
be unpleasant.
Never underestimate a stranger
because she's a woman.
No one sleeps on your shoulder.
You carry only the mission
on your shoulders.
Sit down, please.
I suppose you're familiar
with The Andinia Plan.
With the Zionists
wanting to take Patagonia.
They've been planning it for 50 years.
Well, we have reason to think
that The Andinia Plan is
about to be executed in our country.
Something similar happened
in the Middle East,
which led to the artificial creation
of the Israeli State.
They take over small areas
establishing colonies,
in territories that appear
productively useless,
but after a coordinated
relationship with other colonies,
they transform into a target
of high strategic value.
And all of this
with the consent of London, Washington,
and the guilt-ridden Germans,
who let it happen
so they could enter the Middle East.
As the Armed Forces and National Guard
are being torn apart by this government,
massive amounts of land
are being sold like never before.
It's desert land.
It's useless.
Unless, of course,
you know how to farm in the desert.
Sound familiar?
And it's very simple.
They buy the land, the colonies
get established, and they wait.
They invested 3,000 years
in forming their nation.
How many do they need to set foot here?
On the 50th anniversary
of the creation of the Israeli State,
in 1998, to be precise,
they'll activate the plan,
and they'll annex our Patagonia to Israel.
And this isn't an assumption, okay?
We are not being paranoid.
We are defending our motherland
from international Zionism.
We have until 1998 to solve this.
We need all the information there is.
And that's where you come in.
You couldn't stop a Jew
from taking your mother.
Now, stop them
from taking your motherland.
Claudia will give you the details.
You'll be José Peres.
Peres, with an "s."
From now on, you only report to me.
I'll be your only contact.
Your mission is to grow
in the Jewish community
and gain access to the heart
of Zionist power in Argentina.
You must collect information from day one.
You must find out how they function,
who their contacts are,
who they support.
Who they do business with.
Anything that may connect you
to The Andinia Plan.
You must learn
their traditions, their beliefs.
You have to end up thinking like them.
And feeling like them.
Place the MEZUZAH at an angle
You must be very careful.
Jews are unrelenting.
They are merciless.
That's why you must be
more merciless than them.
Because the only way to neutralize them
is from within.
The Argentine Jewish community
has a huge network
of social organizations.
Decoding the interests behind each faction
is a very complicated task.
Kids, don't run! You'll fall! Hey!
But don't be fooled by the nuances.
They learned to hide
their intentions very well.
They always have only one objective,
a Jewish State in the Southern Hemisphere,
here, in Argentina.
Where's the library?
-That way. Yes.
-Upstairs? Thanks a lot.
You're welcome.
You have to study their books.
Because the power of the Jews, José,
hides in the most silent
and modest of places.
May I use the library?
Sure. You're not registered, right?
No, I'm new.
Come in.
Never underestimate a Jew.
In a Tel Aviv kitchen,
a Jewish mom created
the most efficient
intelligence service on Earth.
There's no margin for error.
Your infiltration
must be absolutely perfect.
You must be Jewish in body and soul.
You must get them to accept you,
to respect you,
to love you as one of their own.
Left, right,
any way that helps you get there.
You'll be one of them.
Yes, can I help you?
I wanted to return the book.
Thank you.
Do we need to wear suits to come here now?
No, I just saw some guys in suits and
it doesn't matter.
They must be from the steering committee.
It'll break if you do that.
Got any tweezers?
Yes, I think so.
Excuse me.
Be careful, please, okay?
Don't worry, I'm a pro.
One of the suits
I think I know him. Is that possible?
Must be the minister of culture,
he's part of the committee.
But with this technique
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Sorry, Eli, we need the people
to leave for a meeting. Can they leave?
Yes, of course.
Excuse me.
Security is asking us
to clear the room for a meeting.
-We must leave.
-We must leave, yes, please.
Please, go ahead.
Come on! Hey!
Good morning.
Will the numbers grow?
You'll become the best Jew ever.
Even if it takes you a lifetime.
Rikudim is the only instance
in which a girl with ripped pants
and dirty feet can get you horny.
You new around here?
I'm getting acquainted.
This is a great place.
You can dance Rikudim,
play dominoes, lots of things.
I came because of the library.
Go figure. No, the library's fine.
But if you want to read
anything worthwhile, this isn't the place.
Víctor Kesselman.
-Iosi Peres.
-Pleased to meet you.
What's up, girl?
José, my girlfriend.
-What are you doing here?
Nothing, we were reflecting
on phenomena from our culture.
Here's the Zionist princess.
How are you? Hi.
-Is there a meeting today?
-Dafne, no politics on Tuesdays.
I'm kidding.
No, the power went out,
so we canceled for today.
I told you my dad
has empty shops at the gallery.
I told you we can't have
a shop at Alvear Gallery.
Okay? Pay attention at the meetings.
José, Dafne Menahem.
-My pleasure.
Since we won't have a meeting,
why don't we go for drinks?
You up for it?
If we're all going
This lady and I are going to get changed,
and then we'll all go.
The princess has got her eye on you.
She's Saúl Menahem's daughter.
-You don't know who Saúl Menahem is?
Does "Jewish scum" sound familiar?
That's because of guys like Menahem,
the princess' daddy.
Saúl Menahem, banker and financier.
He's an enabler
for many people's dealings.
The military neither denies nor confirms
if he provided weapons for Falklands War.
He has connections with
the World Jewish Congress, and Israel.
And his daughter likes you.
We'll see.
Shall we do one more?
You want to leave?
We'll leave, but go singing.
And that voice?
Where were you hiding it,
how come we never heard it?
Want to join the choir?
The choir? I'm a little shy.
Shy? With that voice?
-This is the place for you.
You're welcome.
I don't understand.
You're welcome.
Happy Birthday.
Bang! Bang!
I like white better, what about you?
No, come.
No time for you to get pretty.
Weren't we meeting tomorrow?
Change of plans, brief me today.
Independence Day.
In Spanish, José.
To them,
it's Israel's Independence Day.
For us, it's the day
we get into the embassy.
How will you get in?
I joined the choir.
They sing that day at the embassy.
Is there any other hidden talent
you want to show me?
Two of our best men
got into the embassy, but never got out.
If they catch you, we can't do anything.
The force has already lost two.
We don't want to lose another one.
You won't lose anything.
These bastards do eat well.
Excellent rehearsal, guys.
I'll ask you one last time.
Who are you?
Who do you work for?
Please, I don't understand
what you're saying!
Who are you?
Who are you?
Who do you work for?
Who are you?
Who do you work for?
Who are you?
Who do you work for?
Who are you?
I don't know what you're saying.
Who are you?
I don't know what you're saying.
Who do you work for?
Who do you work for?
I didn't make a mistake with you,
baby boy.
Don't fucking call me baby boy! You bitch!
Let him go.
You're my baby boy. I take care of you.
I needed to know you were ready.
This is nothing compared
to what they'll do if they catch you.
I'm at ease now.
That hand-finishing looks divine on you.
-A little.
-Dafne Menahem.
We're almost in, girls.
José Peres.
-Go ahead, sir.
Take his picture.
Shall we? We're late.
Let's go.
Next Episode