You Cannot Hide (2019) s01e01 Episode Script

La fuga

What a shitty rotation.
Dr. Silva hates me.
You always say that.
Easy for you to say.
He adores you and your cute
little Mexican accent.
You're crazy.
Hey, Alex. Yeah, I'm on my break.
Sure, I've got a few minutes. What's up?
Are you in your scrubs?
And nothing else?
Nothing else.
You must be driving your coworkers crazy.
I'm turned on.
I wish you were here.
I need you here.
For what?
I don't know.
You tell me.
To take your scrubs off.
And what else?
the missing wife
of candidate Alberto Torres.
Let's go to Tatiana Rodriguez,
who's at the scene.
I don't want to be responsible
for distracting a nurse
when there are lives at stake.
I'd hate to ruin the surprise.
You're so bad!
a serial killer
See you home at 7:00?
Make it 6:30.
meticulously working
to determine what happened.
Though police have yet to confirm,
speculation is that the body
found inside this cabin
could be that of Beatriz Prats,
the wife of Social Democrat politician
and candidate for mayor
of Madrid, Alberto Torres.
She's been missing for two months now
after disappearing one afternoon
after leaving her home.
Talk about putting someone
up against the ropes.
Who found her?
The landlord found her.
It took so long
because the highway
was closed due to flooding.
Fucking unbelievable.
Two months looking everywhere for her
and she turns up 20 kilometers
from her house.
That's exactly how long Forensics believes
she's been dead, two months.
The same amount of time
she's been missing.
-Cause of death?
-You see her, Ramirez.
We won't know anything
until after the autopsy.
I hate cases involving important
or famous people.
You're getting old, Velasco.
-Don't bust my balls.
-I'll take that.
Honey, it smells awful in here.
When are you going to quit smoking?
About five seconds ago?
How was your day?
Come tell me all about it.
I have to shower.
-You're going out?
I'm going to see Alex.
I'll be home a little late.
Goddamn it.
I hate that you say
Goddamn it all the time.
-Let me see.
-Goddamn it, Goddamn it, Goddamn it.
You're so cute and sweet when you get mad.
Hey, are you two going out for dinner?
I don't know. Why do you ask?
No reason.
What's wrong?
Well, I wanted to spend time with you,
but it doesn't matter.
Want me to cancel and stay home with you?
No, it's OK.
You sure?
Go have fun.
Look, I'll have coffee with Alex
and I'll be back by 10:00 for dinner.
We'll talk and all that. Sound good?
All right.
I love you very much.
-I'm going to shower.
What's up, jerk?
But you love me. And you love
my phone calls even more.
OK, OK. What's up?
Haven't you heard?
No. Heard what?
Heard what? What planet are you living on?
Don't you watch the news?
I've been a little busy. What happened?
If I have to tell you,
I'd rather see your face when I do.
-Humberto, just tell me.
-All right, fine.
Let's meet at the bar
we went to for your birthday.
OK, OK. Hey, Eli won't be there, right?
I'm so sorry.
I never could've imagined this.
What do you want me to do?
We should prepare something for the press.
Jesus, Gabriel, wait a minute.
I know, but
What about them?
They can wait.
But they never do.
The first thing they do is speculate.
And if we don't give them something quick,
they'll come up with their own answers,
which will be whatever
twisted version sells the most.
I'm asking you to be
very careful with all this.
Having both the press and politicians
breathing down your neck
is the worst scenario
under which to conduct an investigation.
One other thing. I don't want any leaks.
If anything gets out,
I'll cut your balls off.
I don't have balls.
We need to be clear
on how information gets out
and on who's responsible.
Don't talk to anybody,
don't share anything with anyone,
and don't make any speculations
outside of my office,
-is that clear?
The interrogation
will be the first hurdle.
-What are you trying to say?
-Come on, Captain.
-OK, but as discreetly as possible.
-And what does that mean?
I don't want 30 reporters
outside the police station
every time Torres shows up.
Do your jobs
and question him at as discreet
a location as possible.
He's a suspect.
I'd say it must be right now.
And if we're following protocol,
he's the prime suspect.
No shit, Urrutia!
I know he's the prime suspect,
but I'm certain
that you're very clear
on what I just said, right?
What's so funny?
Are we done?
What do we know?
Are there any leads?
No. It's too early to know anything.
Inspector Urrutia will be
the lead investigator.
She's an outstanding cop,
a psychologist in addition
to being a criminologist.
I can assure you that she's the best.
-Thank you.
-We should address the press.
Is there anything I shouldn't say?
No, give whatever statement
you think is best.
One important detail, though.
You'll have to be questioned.
Of course.
Do you have anywhere discreet
you'd like to do that
so as to avoid the press?
I'm at your disposal, Captain.
You're the professionals.
Just tell me when and where
and I'll be there.
It's my duty to give you
any information I can.
-I have nothing to hide, Captain.
-I wasn't implying that.
It's just a matter of discretion.
Like I said, you're in charge.
I understand that Torres
is the prime suspect.
He's the husband.
Mr. Torres, can you answer
a few questions?
Mr. Torres, are you considered a suspect?
Will the police be questioning you?
I've got everything ready
for the exhibition.
His name was Ali.
He was 18.
I was really moved by
the dignity with which he died.
Not everybody knows how to die like that.
Why so much death?
I believe there are only
two instances in life
when we're truly authentic:
when we're sleeping and when we die.
You die, you get cold,
you get a death certificate,
and that's that.
Look at these.
These aren't much your style, are they?
Is that Eli?
Combative even as a child.
That was the first time I saw her.
Her mother had just died.
She must be very grateful
that you found her.
If you were trying to impress me, you did.
I'm so glad because that was my intention.
How's her internship going?
Can you believe it?
I risk my life trying
to save her from misery
and she turns out to be
interested in politics.
Is that me?
I wanted to surprise you
and get your permission to show it.
Do you really have to go?
Yeah, I'm having dinner with Natalia.
I feel like I've been
neglecting her lately.
I'm leaving.
I'm going to change.
OK. See you tomorrow.
I'm going to be late.
You know I'd love to stay.
No, don't worry about it.
I want you to stay too.
-Go ahead and leave.
-I'm leaving.
-Then go.
-Come on.
-I'm not going to make it.
I have to change.
-Just a little longer.
-Stop it.
OK, five minutes.
I'll take another.
Look who's here.
What's the matter?
Why are you being this way?
This is really awkward.
It's kind of
-I'm the pathetic one?
-All right, all right.
That's enough.
I don't know what the fuck is going on
or if you're ever going to tell me,
but this is more important
than any issues you two have.
It's all they're talking about
at the party's offices.
I just saw it on my phone.
I've had all day to absorb it.
I can't believe she's dead.
Is that why you didn't come to work?
No, I happened to be off today.
Have you seen Torres?
His wife was murdered.
I think he's entitled
to a couple of days off.
Who would do something like that?
Did you take pictures of me
while I was sleeping again?
It's my daughter. Eli.
Yes, honey?
How are you, Dad?
You heard about Beatriz Prats, right?
Yeah, I heard.
How are you? How are things over there?
Have you gone to party headquarters?
No, I didn't want to.
I heard it's crazy over there.
I'm at a café with Humberto.
I'll be home later.
OK, great. Bye.
Bye, Dad.
Are you OK?
Yeah, don't worry about it.
I have to go.
I'm having dinner with my mom.
Damn, and here I wanted
a girls' night out.
I'm leaving soon too.
Is it always going to be like this?
I don't think so. It's up to you.
It's up to me?
Well, then we'll talk tomorrow.
She seemed a bit nervous, huh?
Yeah, obviously because
something's going on here.
Will you finally tell me
what's up between you two?
Let it go. And I have to go.
Allah is the greatest!
Allah is the greatest!
Freeze, freeze!
Drop the detonator. Come on!
Drop the detonator!
Dad, what was that?
Shit! Don't go anywhere.
-Are you OK?
Yeah, why?
Haven't you heard about the explosion?
What explosion?
There was an explosion in Callao.
Have you heard from Natalia?
No, not at all. I'll call her right now.
-Are you home?
Don't worry about me. I'm fine.
OK, we'll talk later. Bye.
My God!
Stay with me.
Wake up.
Wake up!
Can you hear me?
The information you gave us
has all been verified.
You two leave the country tomorrow
safe and sound, but, until then,
everything has to be just like before.
Just another normal day.
Don't change any of your routines
and don't tell anyone anything.
And don't tell anyone you're going away,
not even your daughter, you understand?
We'll make sure you're not followed.
Can we leave today?
We have to capture Sanchez first.
We can't trust anyone yet
or get you out of the country.
We're going to have discreet surveillance
on your house, OK?
All right, it's time to go back.
In your car you'll find shopping bags
filled with items.
Thank you.
Amalia, honey?
Your dad's coming for you,
and you're not ready?
Are you listening to me?
What, Mom? What do you want?
Your father will be here in ten minutes.
You know how he gets when you're late.
Let him get however he wants.
Amalia, please.
I told you I'm not going.
It's not an option. You have to go.
Don't make it more complicated.
You're the one who got together
with him, not me.
If you love him so much,
why don't you go with him?
Amalia, listen to me.
Your father wants to take custody from me.
If you don't go, he'll say it's
because I'm not letting you.
No, please.
Is this for real?
We're here, miss.
OK, Charlie. I'll be right there.
Let me just change.
-I'll see you in the car.
Hi, sweetie.
Hi, honey.
My daughter.
Where were we?
What do you want?
Nothing, I just called to say hi
and see how you're doing.
Yeah, sure. What the hell do you want?
You know I like to make sure
my two gals are doing fine.
We're not your property.
Take it easy. Don't get mad.
It's just a figure of speech.
But what I hope is more than clear
is that I'm still quite fond of you.
I'd hate to find out
you were risking it all
by doing something stupid.
I know you want to see our
beautiful daughter grow up.
I'm certain you'd want that.
That's why I'm so concerned
about the new friends you've been making.
That gringo you met with today
is a bad influence on you.
Meet with him again and I promise you
things will end badly for you.
Worse yet, you'll never see
what you love most again.
Why can't you leave us alone?
Son of a bitch!
Want some?
The two women are inside the house.
Await further instructions
until we escort them
to the airport.
Did you hear that?
No. What?
What's wrong with you, Mom?
Just relax. Take a pill or drink tea
or something.
Hey, what are you doing?
Please listen carefully.
Don't be scared,
but it's very important that
you do everything I ask you.
You're scaring me.
We have to go.
What? Why?
I can't explain right now.
Put your shoes on quickly.
Here's your bag. I packed the essentials.
-What happened? What'd you do?
Then why are we leaving like this?
Who are we running from?
Your father.
My father?
But why? What did--
Let's go, Goddamn it! I can't explain now.
Leave that here! Let's go!
What do we do, Mom?
Josefa's! Let's go!
Josefa, open the door!
Open, please!
-What's going on?
-I'll explain later!
Thank you.
Why are they after us, Mom? Who are they?
-What's going on?
-They're after us.
Who? And why?
I can't explain, but we need to hide.
-Please help us.
-Go on, I'll handle it.
Thank you.
What are you doing?
We're working on it.
Don't worry, boss.
Nothing will happen to the girl.
Get in! Watch out! Get in!
Mom, he's coming! Do something!
Put your seatbelt on!
Are you OK?
It's OK, it's OK!
Mom, what's going on?
Sweetie, listen to me
Amalia! Listen to me!
-Calm down.
I'm sorry, honey.
I'm scared, Mom.
Calm down, calm down.
In other news,
businessman Alejandro Sanchez
died just a few hours ago
in a car accident
while fleeing government and DEA agents.
The businessman was about to be arrested
for his ties to organized crime
in this country.
The incident has shocked
the business community.
Alejandro Sanchez
reportedly died instantly
Is this real?
when the vehicle he was in
crashed into
a retaining wall as it fled authorities.
This is the report on his death.
the vehicle immediately caught fire.
So then we don't have to leave anymore.
Just because he's dead
doesn't mean you're safe here.
And like you said, your husband
has contacts everywhere.
Let's go, Mom.
From now on,
your daughter's name is Natalia,
and you'll be Monica.
It's very important
that you call each other that
all the time.
Even in private.
Your flight's in a few hours.
Your tickets.
Your signature.
Honey, don't worry,
everything will be all right. I swear.
No fucking way.
Someone call a doctor!
-Mom, are you OK?
Yes, I'm fine.
I just saw what happened in Callao.
And since Alex lives right there
Are you sure you're OK?
I'm right where it happened, but I'm fine.
You're kidding me.
I can't believe this, Mom.
Natalia, listen to me. Go home, OK?
Stay there.
I have to go to the hospital.
They need me there.
Yeah, don't worry.
I love you very much.
I love you too, honey.
Bye, sweetie.
-Natalia, are you OK?
-You heard, right?
I just spoke to my mom.
This is really fucked up.
Have you heard from Eli?
Yeah, don't worry. She's home.
Where are you?
I can't get this crap open.
I'll call you back.
Natalia, sweetie, I'm home.
Call me back, please.
You're not answering and I'm worried.
Hi, Monica. How are you?
I don't know where Natalia is.
I can't find her.
Have you seen her?
Not since yesterday afternoon.
-Did she seem strange?
-It's probably nothing,
but she fought with Eli the other day.
Natalia, why'd you leave?
You can have him if you want him.
Just come home, damn it.
If this gets out, his career is over.
Are you Alex Molina?
Have we met?
You're the photographer of death.
Do you know any reason why
Beatriz would be at that cabin?
In time, relationships begin to cool off.
And during this time,
which you describe so well,
was there any physical
or psychological abuse?
Was it you?
Were you the one who saved me?
I was there. I was luckier.
There was a bombing, remember?
What's your name?
Next Episode