Your Honor (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Part One

[breathing heavily]
hypnotic music ♪
You should go.
[both chuckle]
[whispers] Really?
[breathing heavily]
[door opens]
Hi, bud.
See you at school.
dramatic music ♪
[starts engine]
- Take it off.
- Where was Nana born?
- Mom.
- It's okay. It's a T-shirt.
- It's my T-shirt.
- [Rocco] Mom.
[Gina] Let him wear it.
Sometimes I think
you prefer him to me.
Oh, my God,
how could you not say,
- like, "I love you all?"
- [Rocco] Mom.
- [Gina] Scotland.
- Yeah,
she said she was
gonna take me back
- to "Edin-burrow."
- That is not how you pronounce
that word it is "brah."
- "Edin-burah"?
- No, that's wrong.
- You know that's wrong.
- [laughs]
- It's "brah."
- "Edin-burah."
- No. "Brah."
- "Edin-boro."
- No.
- "En-brah."
Who put that there?
On my lawn!
- [laughs]
- Oh, my God. It's
That's a café racer custom,
is what it is.
It's got to be, like,
what, like, 1970-something?
Uh, 1974.
Now, they could've been cheap
and gone with red,
but the original green's
a lot classier.
- Oh, my God, Dad.
- You see whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, no, no, no, no, no, no.
450s are a long way up
from the 125s
we toured around Corfu on.
Jimmy, this gift is for Rocco.
It's not for you.
[chuckles] It's mine?
Your mother wanted me to wait
for your actual birthday,
but, uh
Oh, my God, Mom.
[happy growling]
Do you know how to ride
this thing?
- Yes.
- [chuckles] "Yes."
Ha-ha! Are you sure?
- Yes, Dad.
- Huh? Yeah?
Want me to show you?
low, pulsing music ♪
[exhaling sharply]
[siren wailing in distance]
You police?
Well, what you want?
Hey, man, who are you?
Who are you?!
quiet, percussive music ♪
[dog barking in distance]
[footsteps approaching]
low, suspenseful music ♪
[starts engine]
[tires screech]
[chicken clucks]
[tires screeching]
[electronic dinging]
- [wheezing]
- [shifts gear]
[tires squeal]
[low wheezing]
suspenseful music ♪
[low wheezing]
[wheezing grows louder]
[dog panting]
[tires squealing]
[crow caws in distance]
[wheezing in distance]
[wheezing continues]
[ragged breathing]
soft, haunting music ♪
[soft wheezing]
pulsing, dramatic music ♪
[panting softly]
[wheezing, gurgling]
[phone vibrating]
[line ringing]
[dispatcher] 911.
What's your emergency?
- [weakly] Help.
- Hello?
Are you there?
I can barely hear you.
Can you hear me? Hello?
Listen, I'm going to stay
on the line.
Stay calm.
We're gonna get you some help.
We just need to work out
where you are.
Please, if you can
Hello? Can you hear me?
We're having trouble
working out where you are.
If you're in the city, hit one
of the keys on your phone,
any key.
[dispatcher continues indistinctly]
Don't worry,
I'm going to stay right here
on the line with you
[dispatcher continues indistinctly]
- [inhaler puffing]
- [inhaling sharply]
- [inhaler puffs]
- [inhales]
[dispatcher] Hello?
We want to get
someone out there.
[dispatcher speaking indistinctly]
Is there anyone
that can help you?
There must be someone that
you can pass the phone to.
Don't worry, I'm gonna stay
right here on the line with you,
but please
try to communicate with me
so we can get you some help.
Hello? Are you there?
I can barely hear you.
- [shuddering]
- [phone beeps]
[engine starts]
[metal scraping]
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
soft, contemplative music ♪
No, no, no, no, no
Fuck [crying]
- [knocking on window]
- So sorry. Sorry.
[phone ringing]
Hi. This is Michael Desiato.
Please leave a message.
dramatic music ♪
- [Alan] Female Jones.
- [guard] Custody.
It's Female,
like I told you yesterday.
Where have you been, Counselor?
[Victor] I'm sorry, Your Honor.
Sure, but you were also late
yesterday morning,
so what's the answer
to my question?
[Victor] I have a problem.
Getting out of bed
in the morning?
I need to take a pee
every 15 minutes.
Prostate cancer
can slow a man down.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
We can take convenience breaks.
That'd be all right?
Counselor? Call your witness.
[tires screeching]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[phone vibrating]
[vibrating continues]
[Gearty] So I go to the house
up the steps to the door.
What do you see?
Down the end of the hallway,
in the bathroom,
I saw the accused
lift her dress,
move her panties to one side
and insert a drug wrap
into her self.
Got to say, it was, uh, kind of
an expert move, Your Honor,
like she'd done it before.
[Victor] Objection!
Now, "inside herself"?
Her, uh, downstairs, Your Honor.
- Front or back?
- Front.
[Michael] And you saw that
from the front door, all of it?
The her vagina,
the panties, the drug wrap?
- Moves?
- Absolutely.
Do we have photographs?
- No, Your Honor.
- No.
Very impressive detail
you've given us.
[Gearty] Well, it's important
to be precise.
[Michael] I agree.
It's critical.
Young man,
could you step forward?
Yes. Yes, you.
Would you meet me down here?
What's your name?
Eugene, where's your father?
- Busy.
- With what?
Side girlfriend.
Selling some shit up on Rampart.
When's the last time
you saw him?
What did you eat
for breakfast, Eugene?
[Eugene] Uh,
we had some pickle juice.
Hot fries sometimes
when we helped out.
When who helps you out?
My older brother, sometimes.
He's affiliated?
Thank you, Eugene.
You may sit back down.
I just wanted you to have
some context, Officer.
You see, if this woman
is found guilty by me,
she'll go to jail
for a minimum of five years,
and her smallest children,
they'll be placed
into child protective custody.
It's possible that she won't
ever see them again.
And Eugene, well,
the Desire Crew will surely
get their hands on him,
to sell drugs down
at the open-air market
that they run down there.
So, let me ask you this:
in front of the God
that you swore by
and the badge you wear and now
with everything that you know
about this family,
are you telling us the truth?
Yes, sir. I swear it.
Okay. Well, you're a very
convincing witness.
Which would be
more than enough for me,
were it not that I am
in training for a marathon,
and I really love
running up stairways.
Including the stoop steps
at 5700 Flood Street
in the Lower Ninth.
Are you sure you want
to stick to the answer
- that you just gave me?
- Yes, sir.
Now, it's a shotgun house,
isn't that right?
- Yes.
- Do you know why
they call them a shotgun house?
You could stand at the
front door and fire a shotgun
straight through to
the back door and out.
Isn't that right?
- Uh, yes, Your Honor.
- All the rooms
living room, kitchen,
bedrooms and bathroom
are off the side
of the hallway, hmm?
I mean, it's a clean shot.
All the way, front to back.
[exhales sharply]
You sure you're sticking
with the answer
that you gave me?
I stood at the doorway
of 5700 Flood Street,
just as you did.
The same front door that
you just testified, under oath,
that you saw Female Jones,
in the bathroom,
put a drug wrap
up inside herself.
Now, here's my question:
do you have
see-around-corner eyes,
or are you a liar,
of the vilest kind?
[electronic dinging]
dark, suspenseful music ♪
[tires squealing]
[gas pump clicks]
[phone vibrating]
This is the 911 operator
- You filled up. Now fuck off.
- [horn honks]
Just stay on the line,
we'll get you some help.
We just need to work out
where you are.
Please, if you can
[phone beeps]
[horn honks]
[engine starts]
soft, percussive music ♪
haunting, somber music ♪
[vehicle approaches]
[crying softly]
[ragged breathing]
[machine whirring]
[machine chimes]
[machine whirring]
Just keep your hope
in your heart.
Y'all take real good care
of each other now, you hear?
[chuckles] Geez.
When did you start sounding
like a Hallmark card?
This morning.
Wh wait, whoa
Are you running?
Announcement on Monday.
Ha! That's great!
- [chuckles]
- That is terrific.
- And I'm gonna win.
- Yeah.
- You should come with me.
- Huh.
Mayor's office next year.
Who knows where
five years from now.
Well, that's very generous
of you.
No, it's smart.
You saved my life.
That's a good story in politics.
And the best story usually wins.
You just do
the Nancy Reagan thing.
All demure and dewy eyes.
Gazing up at me adoringly
the whole time
like I'm Mount Rushmore.
- Jedediah.
- Judge.
- [driver] Michael?
- Yeah.
[distant thumping]
[thumping continues]
[thumping grows louder]
[machine chiming]
[machine chiming]
[Michael] There's a first.
My son taking the garbage out.
[glass clinking]
Hey. How was school?
You all right?
- Adam.
- [door closes]
Hey. What the hell was that?
Oh, of course.
The anniversary.
slow, contemplative music ♪
You know, I-I was thinking
that I'd cook up
my dirty carbonara. Huh?
And then maybe
maybe Shawshank one more time?
Or we could go out.
What's wrong with your arm?
[weakly] Uh
Something happened, Dad.
At school? What?
I was driving,
and I couldn't get ahold of you.
I hit somebody.
What do you mean?
[stammers] In another car?
- A motorcycle.
- Oh, Jesus.
Are they all right?
He died. I
I think he died.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Wait, wait, wait.
Adam, you
you think
you-you think he died?
is that what
is that what you saw, or?
- Adam.
- [winces]
Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Wh-Where did this happen?
- The Lower Ninth.
- Okay.
Okay, so that would be
the new hospital, then.
The ambulance
would've taken him to, what,
- New Orleans East, then, right?
- I-I don't know.
Well, the police
must have said something.
I-I drove away. I
I drove away.
Adam, you drove away
- before the EMTs arrived?
- Well, I mean,
I-I tried to help him,
but I couldn't get him
to breathe and
- So you-you called 911?
- I tried to.
- But, um Dad.
- What do you mean "tried to"?
- Adam, is it yes or no?
- Please help me.
Please, Dad,
I-I couldn't breathe!
- I [crying]
- Okay, okay. [shushing]
I got you, buddy.
I got you.
So-so you
you were driving.
And-and you couldn't
breathe, right?
And you were distressed, yeah?
His head, um
His head must have
There was so much blood,
but, um
Okay. So this
was a-a full-blown
asthma attack then?
Okay, and you grabbed
your inhaler to?
I-I-I couldn't find it.
Okay, okay, so
you couldn't breathe,
you-you weren't thinking,
and then the shock
of what happened but you,
you stopped, didn't you?
You stopped and you got
out of the car
and you tried to help him,
but then you panicked and
Is that, is that right, Adam?
- Yeah.
- Okay, now listen to me.
Listen to me very carefully.
I love you
more than anything
in this world.
And I promise you, it
it's going to be all right.
Okay? Okay?
- I killed somebody, Dad.
- I know.
- And I left him there.
- No. No, but
But, Adam
shock does strange things
to people.
No, no, no, no, listen,
no, listen to me.
When your mom died,
those first few hours
were just unbearable.
You howled and howled.
And I thought
it would never stop.
But then do you know
what happened?
You fell asleep.
Your body just shut itself down
so you could cope
with the shock.
your head was on my arm.
And I lost all feeling in it,
but I couldn't move it,
because I was afraid
that if I did,
then you'd wake up
you'd remember
that your mom had
that your mom
wasn't alive anymore.
We're going to the
police station, aren't we?
[quietly] Yeah.
[Michael] Detective
Nancy Costello, please.
Yes, yes, it has to be her.
[exhales] Um
well, can you, can you get
a message to her?
I'm-I'm coming
into the precinct.
Uh oh, uh, Michael Desiato.
Yes like the judge.
can we bring Django
for the ride?
Will you give me a minute?
slow, contemplative music ♪
Listen, if you get this
within the next 30 minutes,
will you please return my call?
No, just return my call anyway.
Adam let me get him.
Come on, buddy, here we go.
Who were you calling?
That was Lee Delamere.
I want us to go in lawyered up.
Lawyered up?
I won't not do what's smart
just because it's my own son.
Are you okay?
[softly] Okay.
Will I get bail?
Probably not.
New Orleans Parish Prison?
Uh, don't forget
to give Django his meds.
I won't.
No, just stay here.
Let me set this up.
[unbuckles seat belt]
[door alarm chiming]
[siren wailing in distance]
slow, tense music ♪
[woman screams in distance]
[muffled shouting]
[muffled wailing]
dark, ominous music ♪
[officer] Sir.
Excuse me, sir, can I help you?
[Cusack] Mike?
Get rid of the press.
Nothing gets out
till we're ready.
[Cusack continues indistinctly]
- Get back in the car.
- Wha I-I thought that we had
- to go in.
- Get back in the car.
No, no, Dad, you were right.
I-I need
Damn it. Will you just do
what I tell you to do.
Why are You are the one that
said that we had to come here.
The boy you hit this morning
is Jimmy Baxter's son.
That's who you killed.
Jimmy Baxter is the head
of the most vicious crime family
in the history of this city.
Do you understand
what that means?
Get in the car.
quiet, pulsing music ♪
[phone ringing]
[turns off engine]
Don't tell anyone.
Not ever.
I can do this.
I can keep you safe
if no one ever hears about it.
You understand?
Adam, this is
the rest of our lives.
[TV playing indistinctly
in distance]
[newsman] The hit-and-run
has left a 17-year-old boy dead
in the Lower Ninth Ward today.
The victim has been identified
as Rocco Baxter,
who was riding a motorcycle
at the time of the accident.
The Baxter family is reputed
to have a long history
in organized crime.
Jimmy Baxter and his wife
had this to say
a few moments ago.
[Gina] Uh, who would do
a thing like this?
Leave a dying child
on the roadside.
He was 17 years old.
What kind of a human being
are you?
Whoever you are
wherever you are
you should know
you will be found.
[reporters clamoring on TV]
Coming up, promising news
suspenseful music ♪
[exhales, mutters]
dramatic, pulsing music ♪
[grunts, exhales]
[grunts, pants]
[quietly] Shit.
[train whistle blows
in distance]
[siren chirps]
[whispers] Oh, shit.
[opens zipper]
[urine splattering]
Ah [exhales]
[car door opens]
[officer] On the bridge?
- What the fuck?
- [car door closes]
On the bridge?
I-I I had to.
You had to?
Prostate cancer.
When I need to go, I
I need to go.
I'm-I'm so sorry.
What's your PSA?
It's high.
Is it over a hundred?
It's 200.
I'm sorry, sir.
Look, uh
good luck, okay?
And your fly.
[quietly] Sorry.
- [engine turns off]
- [door opens]
[shoe scrapes]
[train whistle blows
in distance]
[TV playing indistinctly]
[sets keys on table]
["The Marriage of Figaro"
by Mozart playing]
[man on TV]
Andy, do you hear that?
Next Episode