Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 1: Ms. Kim Yu-mi]
["Sweet Life"]
[Wake up.]
[Yu-mi. Wake up.]
[We're going to be late.]
What time is it?
[7:30 a.m..]
It's okay. Just ten more minutes.
Did you sleep well?
Did you have a good sleep, Yu-mi?
What was that about?
What was that?
What was that?
[This is our Yu-mi.]
[Kim Yu-mi. 32 years old.]
[Yu-mi moved out four years ago
and lives alone.]
[She is not married.]
[She doesn't have a boyfriend.]
[Her last date was three years ago.]
I'm sorry. Our relationship ends here.
It breaks my heart, but I will let you go.
For your happiness.
I'm happy now.
Who said I'm not?
Take care, Yu-mi.
Where are you going?
You can't end it like that.
How can you do that?
Stop right there.
Let's talk.
Are you okay?
I said, wait!
[There are good things
about Yu-mi not in a relationship.]
[Number one.
She spends less money on clothes.]
[Number two.]
[She doesn't have to clean every day
in case that punk crashes in.]
[Daehan Noodles]
[Number three.]
[Since there's no distraction,
she focuses on work.]
[Kim Yu-mi]
[She worked so hard]
[that she even got promoted last month.]
-Ms. Kim.
When can you finish
Geumgang Mill sales report by?
In half an hour.
I'm double checking right now.
-Hurry up please.
-Oh, that's right. Ms. Kim.
You need to send Chae Ugi
in sales department the new list.
[Kim Yu-mi, Hwang So-young]
-Ms. Kim.
You can email him.
Are you delivering it in person?
Sales department will have to
print it out anyway.
I will go give it to him.
Yu-mi. Give it to me.
I have a meeting with sales department.
I will give it to him.
-I know you're busy.
Oh, thanks.
[Since she's not spending her money,
she saved up a lot.]
[She's doing well at work.]
[We're getting used to Yu-mi's life
with no boyfriend.]
[But then]
[Cha Ugi]
[He's the problem.]
[Ugi from sales department
who even appeared in her dream.]
[Cha Ugi]
Good morning.
Good morning.
Are you busy?
Yes. The deadline is today.
Oh, that's right.
It's the deadline for accounting.
Oh, that's right.
Ruby took the new list.
She said she will give it to you.
I see. I'll take a look later.
-Have a good day.
Oh, that's right. Yu-mi.
Do you live in Ilsan?
What? Yes.
-Where in Ilsan?
Why do you ask?
Never mind. Have a good day.
Good luck.
You have a good day too.
[Nam Joo-hyuk]
Hello, Mr. Nam.
Oh, Ugi. Hi.
[Kim Yu-mi]
Why did he ask where in Ilsan I live?
That was out of nowhere. I'm curious now.
[Yu-mi. Get to work. You're busy.]
[Focus. Focus!]
Should I ask?
[Ask what? Get back to work.]
[Kim Yu-mi]
[Why not? Let's ask him.]
Ms. Kim. I got you coffee.
Yu-mi. The part-timer in the cafe
is really handsome
[Nam Joo-hyuk]
Are you done?
-The sales report.
-No, not yet.
I have a meeting at 11 a.m..
I'd like to see it before that.
What for?
Go ask him when I'm this busy?
[Right. What for?]
[Work is more important now.]
[What are you talking about?]
[Maybe he's sending a signal.]
[Who asks a girl her address
first thing in the morning?]
[There's definitely something.]
[You think so?]
Oh, my.
Reason, there's definitely something.
I'm sure of it!
Emotion, are you saying
Ugi is interested in Yu-mi too?
Yes, I think so.
That's what my hunch is telling me.
-For real?
Ugi likes Yu-mi?
Really? My gosh.
Reason, let's find out.
Such mutual attraction is only natural.
It is natural to be mutually attracted.
I'll look into it
and let you know next time.
-I'll find out.
-Sounds good.
-Let's start the meeting.
Excuse me for a moment.
Don't you think this is a bit much?
Making him step out during a meeting.
The meeting hasn't begun yet.
She can bring it up casually
as if she just thought of it.
Hold on, guys.
I feel anxious.
What's wrong, Anxiety?
I'm worried her co-workers
would think it's strange.
[I mean, look at their faces.]
[Especially her, Ruby.]
What if Ruby spreads rumors?
My point exactly. Asking where she lives
isn't even a big deal.
Everyone will know.
Everyone will say she's trying
to hit on a guy who's five years younger!
Did you ask for me?
What's up?
Right, I was just
[-Yu-mi, no!
-Yu-mi, no!]
Guess why I called you out.
Take a guess.
Mr. Oh is here. You should go back in.
Hey, Yu-mi. Where were you?
I got you a coffee.
Here. Drink it before the ice melts.
Thank you.
What did I do just now?
-Oh, boy!
-Oh, boy!
Seriously, what was that?
It's a good thing
that she didn't tell him.
She almost made a fool of herself.
It's a good thing?
You guys frustrate me so much.
Fine. We'll let her grow old all alone!
Emotion, wouldn't it be better
to be remembered as a graceful co-worker
than a fool?
You cowards!
[There, you just got a little taste
of this story.]
[The daily life of Yu-mi
and the cells that love her.]
[Finance Department]
Mr. Nam, Ms. Kim.
I'll get going. Don't work too hard.
-Have a good evening.
This multiplied by 0.033
It doesn't match.
How come nothing's matching?
My brain isn't working.
Emotion! Can you help me?
I haven't used this in a while,
so it won't move.
Help me out here, Emotion!
The deadline is today.
Gosh, you're in charge of the brain.
I'm in charge of her emotion.
Why are you asking me?
The sooner she gets this done,
the sooner she can go home.
Otherwise, she can't see the sunset,
which you love.
The sunset?
Guys, what are you all waiting for?
Do you not want to call it a day?
-We should.
-We should.
Nice. It's moving now. Keep it up!
-One, two.
-One, two.
Oh, I got it. Nice. I knew it.
This was it.
-One, two.
-One, two.
What's going on?
Why must you show up now?
You picked the worst time to show up,
I'm hungry. I want to eat something.
I'm hungry.
Gosh, I'm starving.
If I step out now, I'll waste 30 minutes.
No. I should just wait.
-I'm hungry.
-Stop, Hunger!
I'm hungry! Give me something to eat!
Look at him. He keeps on growing.
-I'm hungry! Feed me!
Yu-mi, where are you going now?
To pick up some gimbap.
Hey, let's go for food together
after we finish this.
I can't wait. My hands are shaking.
She must be starving.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
-Thank you. Have a good day.
-Thank you.
Be careful.
Hey, Ugi.
You're still here.
You're not done yet?
No, not yet. I'm still working on it.
What about dinner, then?
-I bought some gimbap.
-Is that enough food for you?
Yes, it's totally enough.
Pick one.
I've got an iced coffee,
a latte, and an iced tea.
There's peppermint too.
I bought one of everything.
-No, thanks. I'm good.
-I got an extra anyway.
Which one do you want?
Then I'll take the iced coffee.
-It's this one.
Hold on.
[Daehan Noodles]
He held her hand.
You almost dropped it.
You're going in, right?
Yes. Shall we?
I'll get the door.
♫ He held her hand ♫
♫ He held it twice ♫
♫ He held her hand ♫
♫ He held it twice ♫
-Come in.
Do you still have a lot left to do?
-Do you have a lot left to do?
No, I'm
We're almost done.
We just have to finish up.
-About half an hour
-Hold on.
What time she finishes
doesn't matter right now.
Ugi wants to know whether or not
he can work late with her.
What makes you say that?
Want to know?
Look at the drinks he's holding.
[Why did he buy so many?]
[It means his department
will be working late as well.]
One more thing.
The conclusive clue from this morning.
-A clue?
-What was it?
-A clue from this morning?
Stupid. Don't you get it?
Don't you know why he said that
this morning?
You live in Ilsan, right? Where in Ilsan?
Ugi had it all planned out.
He knew that today was his chance.
That they may work late together,
leave in his car together,
and he may take her home
Perhaps it will be
a night they never forget.
[Got that? So no matter what,]
[Yu-mi must work late at all costs.]
Do I have a lot of work left?
Too much.
I'll be here a while.
I think I'll be here late.
I see.
Are you working late too?
I felt bad that the others are
working late, so I got this for them.
What a shame. You said you live in Ilsan.
I'm going there today
so I was going to drop you off
if you got off work early.
It was my chance
to win some brownie points.
What a shame.
Aren't you getting in?
Detective? As if.
You call that a deduction?
You stupid fool.
Why did you have to butt in
and ruin everything?
I'm leaving.
-See you tomorrow.
This is delicious. Aren't you having any?
You've lost your touch, Yu-mi.
I've lost my touch and my hunches are off.
I'm lonely.
[Has it been too long
since she had a boyfriend?]
[It's because she has no Love cell.]
[Three years ago, Love cell]
[That day]
[when the town was flooded
by Yu-mi's tears.]
[Love cell was swept away by the tears.]
[There was a rumor
that she died that day, but]
White blood cell, do something.
Can you wake her up?
There's nothing I can do.
[She didn't die.]
[However, she has been in a coma
for the past three years.]
Good night.
Ms. Kim. Would you please put together
the Profit and Loss Statement?
[Yu-mi lost her touch,
her hunches became off,]
[and she lost her passion
and desire to have a relationship.]
[She may really grow old alone
and never]
[Cha Ugi]
[It's me.]
Hey, Ugi. What's up?
[You're still at the office, right?]
[My friend is running late,
so I came back.]
[Let's go together when you finish.]
[I'll drive you home.]
You'll drive me home?
Let's go. I'll take you home.
Oh, I
I don't know how long
this is going to take.
It's fine. I'll wait.
[That was the moment that
her Love cells woke up]
[after three years.]
[Episode 2: Yu-mi vs. Ruby]
[Daehan Noodles]
Reason, I think it's going too fast!
I can't control it!
Be careful!
Hurry up. Hurry up.
[It's okay. I'll wait.]
-That's fast.
I've never seen
Yu-mi's brain work so fast.
-You can do it, Yu-mi!
-You can do it, Yu-mi!
[Daehan Noodles Corporation,
Financial Report]
[Daehan Noodles Corporation,
Financial Report]
[Daehan Noodles Corporation,
Financial Report]
Mr. Nam. Here you go.
I checked it three times,
and there aren't any errors.
Okay. Good job.
-Then you can--
-Can I go home?
I thought you were telling me
I could leave.
Oh, right. You can leave.
Okay, sir. I'll see you tomorrow.
[Daehan Noodles Corporation,
Financial Report]
I was going to say
that we should leave together.
Gosh, I'm scared to stay here alone.
I just heard something.
Is someone still here?
Hey, Ugi. I just finished.
Did you wait long?
[No, I didn't.]
Come to the first floor,
I'm waiting in my car.
-Okay. I'll be right there.
[Daehan Noodles]
Sit in the front.
A date! Her first one in three years!
-I'm sorry it took so long.
-It's okay.
Mr. Nam is really meticulous.
Good job today, Yu-mi.
Hi, Yu-mi.
I'm going to with you too.
-Ruby said she has plans in Ilsan too.
-I see.
-I totally lucked out today.
I have plans with my friend
in Ilsan today.
I was wondering how I'd get there
when I bumped into Ugi.
Then he told me he was going to Ilsan too.
He said he had plans there.
Oh, my. I called you by your name.
Is that okay?
-I don't know.
-Why not?
I'm going to call you that.
I'm going to go now.
Okay. Let's go!
[My best friend got married and moved to
Ilsan, and tomorrow's her birthday.]
But she's in her last trimester,
so I agreed to go to her.
I'm being considerate of her.
Your friend got married earlier.
Aren't you in the class of 2018?
Yes. You're in the class of 2017, right?
-And you're in the class of 2013. Right?
-Since you're five years older than me
That means you're in the class of 2013.
No, I'm in the class of 2012.
You graduated in 2012? Seriously?
-You're five years older than me?
I thought you were four years older.
You look really young for your age.
That's good.
You should drop Yu-mi off first.
I'm okay. You should go first.
No, it's okay.
We could drop you off first.
No, you said you had plans.
I'm just going home, so there's no rush.
Ugi, you should drop Ruby off first, and..
Ugi and I are going to the same place.
-We're going to the same restaurant.
Oh, I see.
I'll stop at your place first.
Okay. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the ride.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Get some rest.
Bye, Yu-mi!
[It's game over.]
Date, my foot.
Like we'd ever get a date.
I'm going to bed. Good night.
I thought it was for real this time.
I really thought it was a date.
It's because of Ruby.
If it weren't for her
No. It's not Ruby's fault.
It's because Love isn't here.
I miss her.
Where are you going?
[What am I?]
[Kim Yu-mi.]
[What are you?]
[You're not ambitious,]
[but you don't have fun
or enjoy life either.]
I thought she'd be a better adult
than she is now.
She's at it again.
Emotion lets loose
between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.
I should've put her to sleep before then.
What should we do, Reason?
She has work tomorrow.
Wait here.
What is life?
What is love?
Emotion, it's time to go to sleep.
Where from do we come
and where to do we go?
Emotion? Will you look at me?
Sleepy, now! Put Yu-mi to sleep!
♫ Sleep now, sleep, dear Yu-mi ♫
[That's it.]
[♫ Sleep now, sleep well ♫]
[She's falling asleep.]
The more I think about it,
the angrier it makes me.
Why did she ask
what year I started college?
Ruby, that brat.
What? Some cells are still up?
-Painful Memory?
How could you say such a thing?
I'll make you pay, Ruby.
Go to sleep!
Forget it.
Oh, right.
Did I close the gas valve?
Oh, no. I don't like this feeling.
What if there's an explosion?
Just go to sleep!
I closed it.
[I saw them earlier.]
I saw them.
What on earth did you see?
The leftover dumplings in the freezer.
What are you doing?
What are you cooking at 2 a.m.?
What's this?
[My heavily pregnant friend went
into labor and rushed to the hospital.]
[Ugi's friend stood him up too.]
[The two ditched friends got together
for a drink in Ilsan.]
[We're at Chicken Box.]
[Enjoying chicken and alcohol.
Don't know when I'll be home.]
The two of them are together?
Do you want me to deduce what's going on?
[They're at Chicken Box.]
It's a fried chicken joint in the mall
they were meeting their friends at.
They dropped Yu-mi off at 9 p.m.
and it's 2 a.m. now.
That means this isn't their first stop.
It's either their second or third.
The plate of chicken is still pretty full,
so I'm 90 percent sure they
just reached their third stop.
If this is the third stop,
-their next stop will be
-Will you stop it?
What time is it?
We can sleep in.
Did you sleep well?
We're not late, are we?
There's still time.
[Episode 3: Prime Cells]
The new kid I told you about. She's weird.
[Everyone has something called
Prime cells.]
[Hunger cell]
He dozed off at her desk,
then let rip a massive fart.
[Gossip cell]
He woke himself up.
It was really something.
I think he's
Farter's coming. I have to go.
[Romance cells] [They're the
cells that have the most power.]
[The cells that represent that person.]
Good morning.
[Shopping cell]
[Ambition cell] The most popular is
a spirit made over the last six months.
[Nam Joo-hyuk]
My goodness.
Good morning, Yu-mi.
Good morning.
[Lee Ruby]
Hey, what's wrong with your face?
You look like you aged ten years.
Did you not sleep?
Do you want a coffee?
[Lee Ruby]
-Good morning, Yi-da.
Did you not sleep either? You look tired.
How did you know?
I didn't sleep a wink last night.
You didn't, did you? Why didn't you?
That's a secret.
What was that about?
What is she excited about?
[Yu-mi's Prime cells were]
[Love truly was amazing.]
Cell Chips are the best.
Don't eat so much!
Do you want to go on a date
with a tire around your waist?
[She was the only cell to stop Hunger.]
It's warm.
It's negative ten degrees today.
But I'm not cold at all. It's really warm.
[She conjured magic
to make fierce wind warm.]
I forgot my wallet again.
Oh, I'll pay.
I want coffee,
but I don't have my wallet with me.
I have a coupon.
I actually don't have money
for the taxi
I do.
Yu-mi. 10 dollars is too tight.
It will be at least 15 dollars.
Okay. Here.
You can go now.
[No matter
how terrible the situation was,]
[she turns it into a happy memory.]
[The cell of cells.]
[She was our star.]
[Love is the best.]
Love. It's so hard.
How do you start a relationship?
Yu-mi. Good morning.
Did you rest well yesterday?
Yes. Did you get home safely?
No. I went home at 4 a.m. last night.
Why? What did you do?
My plan got canceled,
and Ugi said his friend was
going to be late too.
I was so hungry. I joined him for a meal,
but his friend didn’t come.
So I ended up drinking while waiting.
Then his friend showed up at 3 a.m..
He ended up driving me home.
Isn't that funny?
Still, it was fun.
Ugi is pretty funny.
You guys are so energetic.
It would've been nice
if you were there too.
You should've called. I live nearby.
I thought you might be tired.
Were you being considerate?
Thanks, Ruby, for taking care of me.
Don't mention it.
Press harder. She must keep a smile on.
Yu-mi. Do you know what Ugi does
on weekends?
Apparently, he only stays at home.
He doesn't look like one, right?
It's probably because he's Gemini.
Oh, and do you know what his mother does?
[Daehan Noodles]
It's so shocking.
Do you know in old magazines Wait.
Her expression is about to change.
No. You must hold out.
If she doesn't smile now,
she'll look weird.
I can't hold out.
So we decided to go together.
-The flower festival.
You're going to
the flower festival together?
Yes. Apparently, Ilsan flower festival
is famous.
I saw a banner yesterday too.
It starts tomorrow.
It came up while drinking,
and we're really going.
It's too late to back out now anyway.
Yu-mi. What's wrong
with your face?
What about my face?
You look
Terribly what?
Good morning.
Yu-mi. Good morning.
It's over if you show Ugi.
Smile. Please!
I heard you had fun yesterday.
It happened somehow.
He showed up at 3 a.m. in the morning.
Still, it was so much fun.
Oh, that's right, Ugi.
Can we go to the flower festival
on Sunday?
I forgot I'm going to Busan tomorrow.
Sure. Let's go on Sunday.
Yes! Sounds good.
Ugi. Can we go at night instead?
I heard it's better at night
with fireworks and everything.
-I'm so excited.
You should come too.
You live in the area.
You should come.
No, I
Why would I
Do you have plans on Sunday?
No, I don't.
Then come with us.
Should I?
Come on, Yu-mi.
Yes. It will be fun if you come.
Come with us, Yu-mi.
It will be fun to go with a lot of people.
You should come, Yu-mi.
[What's she doing?]
I thought she was interested in Ugi.
Maybe she was just cheerful and tactless.
We misunderstood Ruby.
You think so?
Come on, Yu-mi. Will you?
It's so nice to go with you.
It's great.
I'm jealous.
-You became the department head.
-Mr. Nam.
Join us for the flower festival.
Let's all go together. Come here.
What? What is it?
A festival?
-What's going on?
-Isn't that actually nice?
Everyone. Pay attention.
This is more serious than you think. Look.
Four people are going to
the flower festival.
Two men and two women.
[This is what we want.]
It's been such a long time
since I laughed.
[-This is probably what Ruby wants.]
This is so much fun.
Ruby suddenly got Mr. Nam involved
to set him up with Yu-mi.
Why would she do that?
Ruby going out with Ugi has
nothing to do with us.
It does. Because
-Mr. Nam is so fast.
-Mr. Nam.
-Let's run away.
-I'm so jealous of you.
You know how I feel about you, right?
-Mr. Nam. You're drunk.
[Mr. Nam is like a brother to Ugi.]
[They're best friends.]
Ms. Kim.
I mean, Yu-mi.
Oh, thank you.
[The moment the old bachelor Mr. Nam
shows Yu-mi interest]
Let's go.
[Ugi's likely to stop paying attention
to Yu-mi.]
Ugi is a loyal guy.
That means, Ruby got us again.
That wrench with nine tails!
Then I'm not going.
I'd rather not go. Tell them to go alone.
-That's a no.
If Yu-mi bails out,
[Mr. Nam will become a third wheel.]
[He's highly unlikely to go.]
[Then it will be a date]
[like Ruby planned.]
We're stuck in Ruby's trap.
I've always hated Ruby!
What now?
What do we do now?
I have no idea either.
This isn't my specialty, you know.
We have to do something.
Would you be happy
if your crush went out with someone else?
Are we going to let her
be all lonely forever?
Do you want to see her
veg out alone at home every weekend?
Her weekends have been the same
for three years.
She's so lonely every night.
I'm really sick of it now!
Agreed. I'm sick of it too!
Emotion is right.
We can't let her live like this forever.
That's right. We absolutely can't.
-Let's turn things around.
-Guys, let's fight.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!
Love must be won.
Let's take Ruby down!
-Let's take her down!
Ugi, let's go to this place for drinks
after dinner.
There are many reviews,
and the rating is high.
-Shall we check it out?
Or how about this place?
This place looks good too,
but we'd have to make a reservation today.
Ms. Kim, can I ask you something?
-I totally let it slip my mind,
but we'll hear about the contract
for Germany on Sunday, right?
That means
we should come into the office that day.
Yes, you're right.
I totally forgot.
Can we check out the festival
tomorrow instead?
Looks like we have no choice.
I'm okay with that,
but I don't think Ruby is available.
Tomorrow, I can't.
I have to go to Busan tomorrow.
I see.
Can't you just take care of it quickly?
Or maybe work on it
after we get back from the festival.
I don't think we can do that.
We have to work around their schedule.
Then how about we move it to next week?
Next week? The festival will be over.
I see.
-Then what should we do?
[-Now's our chance.]
Think of a joke
[True Feeling]
with a grain of truth in it.
There we go. Here's our bait.
Fishing cell.
Will this work?
Don't you think it'll be too obvious?
Don't worry, Emotion.
It does sound like a joke,
so there are plenty of ways
to work around it.
Go for it, bait!
Come back with a big fish!
Then the three of us
should just go tomorrow
without Ruby.
[Daehan Noodles]
But I was the one who suggested this.
I was just joking, Ruby.
We won't go without you.
We can't go without you two either.
I'm okay
with sticking with the original plan.
That would be better.
The three of you can go and have fun.
Nice. I got you!
-It's coming up!
-It's coming up!
Are you sure you're okay with it?
Yes. Ruby is totally fine.
I'll go with my friends another time.
Then the three of us will go together
tomorrow, which is Saturday
Count me out.
Just count me out.
Ugi and Ms. Kim, you two can go.
I just realized
that I have a busy day tomorrow.
I'll join you guys next time.
Wait, Mr. Nam.
Have fun!
What was that? She said
we should go together. I'm disappointed.
Then will it be just us two, Yu-mi?
-We caught a big fish!
-A date!
-It's a date!
Oh, you're right.
How did this happen?
-Shall we go, then?
-Let's go together tomorrow.
Gosh, I wasn't even interested
in checking it out at first.
I don't even know how this happened.
Yu-mi, will you be okay?
-You'd probably be uncomfortable.
Will it make you uncomfortable?
Of course, she'll be uncomfortable
if it's just the two of you.
You can't pick up on hints, can't you?
She didn't even want to go.
She only said yes because I pestered her.
I see.
[Ruby is stepping in again!]
This date is about
to go down the drain.
Ruby, that little
I will teach her a lesson!
That sly witch!
Gosh, this is so frustrating!
This darn flower festival.
Let's make it happen already!
Just tell him you don't care
and that you'll go with him!
What if Ruby spreads some crazy rumors?
Everyone at work will gossip
about her hitting on a guy
who's five years younger.
Stop talking about his age.
We all know that he's younger!
People might call her a cougar!
The moment she threw the bait
If she barges in like that
and snatches up that young guy,
they'll call her a cougar.
So is she going or not?
I'm about to explode!
-Be quiet.
Quiet down, guys.
-I can't take this!
-Be quiet!
Get out of my way.
What's the matter?
-Isn't that Love?
-Love is here.
-Is that Love?
-It's Love.
-Love is here!
-It's Love.
-My gosh.
Love, are you all right?
When did you wake up?
We've been desperately waiting for you!
Go get True Feeling.
-True Feeling? Why?
We can't let her reveal
her true feelings right now.
She's at work now.
Guys, this is when
she must show her true feelings.
How can she win love
without showing her true feelings?
I'm so frustrated!
Here I come!
[Somewhere deep down in Yu-mi's heart]
[Somewhere deep down in Yu-mi's heart]
Did you guys call me?
Ugi, don't make her uncomfortable.
Let's just go together another time
Why would it make me uncomfortable?
-Why can't the two of us go together?
I don't care.
I actually prefer it this way.
Let's go together, Ugi.
[Deep down in Yu-mi's heart]
[Yumi's Cells]
[I'm in front of the fountain now.]
[Do you know where the garden is?]
[I'll be right there.]
Wait for me.
It's such a beautiful day.
This is crazy!
It's a green light for sure. Right?
[I hope they kiss today!]
Ms. Kim Yu-mi!
Wait. You'll go there dressed like this?
Why? I dressed up.
[What? I'm just worried about you.]
Woong became a fool!
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