Zero (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[man in Italian] Hey! There he is,
the bastard!
- [woman] Run!
- [man] Stop, asshole. I'll kill you!
[male voice in Italian] Until recently,
I was invisible.
- [fast-tempo music plays]
- Nobody noticed me. Until
Sharif, don't do anything stupid!
they arrived.
Stop, you bastard!
- [woman] Don't do anything stupid!
- [Sharif] Stop!
Stop! Stop!
[Sharif] Stop!
[Sharif banging]
[Sharif banging]
[music stops]
[indistinct chatter and laughter]
[gentle instrumental music plays]
[boy laughing, speaking Italian]
[female voice] I have a special gift
for you.
It's a grigri.
It's magic,
and if you always keep it with you,
it'll be like always being together.
Yeah ♪
Swisho a blunt in Swishland ♪
Bling blaow, like the Beatles ♪
Blessin' 'tic tac ♪
[male voice] I am one of many here,
invisible as the neighborhoods we live in.
What changes is their monuments.
The Barrio has a Migrant Monument.
- Spot-on.
- [indistinct chatter]
Swisho a blunt in Swishland ♪
Bye, bye, little brother ♪
Ex tap on phrases like ♪
Bla-bla, bla-bla, bla-bla ♪
I don't even listen, I shut up ♪
I don't call myself fake ♪
I'm doing myself a favor ♪
A long journey changes the spirit ♪
While you speak, you are not witty ♪
Not even a minimum, tears ♪
Awa, it's time to go to school.
Good morning to you too.
I'm left alone ♪
Give a damn about your live scazzi ♪
[man] They're going to
rehabilitate the neighborhood. That's why.
[male voice]This is my father.
We speak different languages,
but that's not why
we don't understand each other.
It's not about the language.
It's about communication.
[father] It's from the new owners.
They raised the rent.
They're throwing us out.
- Well, we'll find somewhere else.
- What?
I worked very hard to raise you both here.
Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.
[father] You're just like your mother.
You don't care about your roots.
[somber music plays]
Omar, it's almost 7:30.
Why didn't you wake me up?
[father] Awa, you'll be late for school.
[Omar] That's supposed to be my mom,
but I can't look at her.
Painted portraits scare me.
[muffled street noise]
[Omar] That's my real mother.
- [clicking]
- [Afropop music plays in headphones]
[Omar] Finally, I'm alone and I can draw.
Manga with black characters.
If you're wondering what Japanese manga
has to do with a Black kid born in Milan,
the answer is nothing.
I have nothing to do with anything.
But when I draw,
I don't need anything else.
[music grows louder]
It's at the Manhattan fast-food
Dakar Senegal ♪
Cinema le Paris ♪
Tomorrow I would be gone
Dakar station, Bamako Mopti ♪
Are there any problems? ♪
Everything is fine ♪
[Omar] Hey, Dietmar.
This is from Sandokan, on the house.
- Eat slowly, you'll choke.
- [Dietmar] I can't die.
I'm a superhero.
[whispers] What's your power?
People don't notice me.
I always know everything.
About everyone.
[train passing, bell echoing]
And about you too.
[distant train brakes squealing]
All right.
[Omar] Bye, Dit.
Tell the owner he needs to put
more oregano in the pizza.
[Omar] Okay.
We who are in this thing ♪
Thing that none of us
Would know how to name ♪
We who are in distant lands ♪
We must not be forgotten
By the children of the country ♪
It's at Manhattan fast-food
Dakar Senegal ♪
The grandmother in the hospital ♪
Grandpa everything is fine ♪
- [man 1] Hi.
- Hi.
Two with extra onion and one Yanez.
- It's €25.
- No, the Yanez was with extra onion.
[man 2] Hurry up, bro.
It doesn't matter.
- Bye.
- Your change!
[door bangs]
[Omar] I'm the pizza delivery boy,
just another way of saying nobody.
[Afropop music continues playing]
- [female voice] Who is it?
- Pizza delivery.
[air rushing]
[woman 1] That's enough.
I don't want this negative energy anymore.
[woman 2] Same old story, what a pain!
[door creaking]
[wind blowing]
[Omar grunting]
[water lapping]
[muffled voices]
[male voice] Go on with your life then.
I don't care. Do you understand?
[female voice] I don't want to.
Nothing will change. I swear.
[male voice] So 1,000 kilometers
won't change anything?
Are you kidding me?
[woman] Edo, don't be childish.
- [Edo] Enough.
- Excuse me.
- [woman] Edo!
- Fuck off.
- Excuse me?
- Don't act like a kid, damn it!
- [Omar] Excuse me!
- [door lock chiming]
[Omar] No!
[Omar panting, sighing]
- [muttering]
- [dog growling]
- [Omar] Whoa!
- [barking]
Whoa, whoa.
- [Omar] Hey!
- [barking]
Wait. Look.
[dog snarling]
[Omar] Look.
[door slamming]
[Omar chuckling]
- [woman gasping]
- Oh!
[Omar] Oh! I'm sorry!
I'm the pizza guy.
God, I'm sorry. Did I lock you in?
I tried to call, but
I'm really sorry.
Wait. I'll get some money.
No problem.
I'm sorry.
[woman sniffing]
Here you are.
[Omar] Your pizzas will be cold by now.
Shame about your friends.
The Tremal-Naik one is fantastic.
[woman sighing]
[folk music plays]
[woman softly] Okay.
[music grows louder]
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
Listen, why don't you stay?
[woman] Then one night,
Gae Aulenti appeared to me in a dream.
[male vocalist sings in Spanish]
And she says,
"Anna, do you want to be an architect?"
[Omar] Anna,
you're the most beautiful girl
I've ever seen.
- They say that's how it happens.
- [Anna inaudible]
[Omar] Is it possible?
- Know what I mean?
- [Omar] Really?
[Anna] A revelation.
So I wondered, "Do you really want
to give up your lifetime dream
just to make your boyfriend happy?"
It wouldn't be a problem for me.
- Ah.
- If you love someone,
you let them do what they want.
Gosh, sorry. I've been talking non-stop.
Let's talk about you.
Where are you from?
Where's your family from? I'm from Rome.
My parents are from Senegal,
but I've never been there.
I live in the Barrio,
but I wouldn't recommend it.
Is it that place
where vandals set scooters on fire?
- Is that why you say that?
- Not really.
I'm not that bothered
about the neighborhood
I think you're wrong.
I mean, where you live is important.
Ever heard of the broken windows theory?
The broken windows theory says that
if you don't repair a broken window,
you'll get used to it.
So next time a window breaks, you'll say,
"If I can live with one broken window,
I can live with two."
And you end up living like shit.
If you let things go badly,
it'll only get worse.
It's a vicious cycle.
We have to take action.
I do take action.
- Uh, I'm about to move to Belgium.
- Really?
I draw comics.
There's no market here.
But over there
It's a pity you're leaving.
Not that I'm leaving tomorrow. I mean
Uh, I'm still saving up money.
I haven't told my father or my sister yet.
I get it. You're one with big dreams
that never come true.
- No, but
- Listen.
If you want to go, then go.
There will always be someone
who'll make it hard.
[Omar gasps]
[phone chiming]
Sorry. Damn, it's so late!
- Thanks for the pizza.
- No problem.
- Anna.
- [Anna] Thank you.
[gentle folk music plays]
Only you are what I have ♪
The only drug I haven't been able
To say no to ♪
And it's still as strong as Balboa ♪
Like pills in Goa ♪
Amazing love, Sinaloa cartel ♪
Meanwhile, get off I'm on my way ♪
I want everyone to know
That we are burning ♪
Because we are fire and gasoline ♪
Gasoline ♪
Fire and gasoline ♪
Gasoline ♪
[Omar] That fucking broken windows theory.
Damn whoever invented it.
[Sharif] There he is! There's the bastard!
[fast-tempo drums play]
Sharif, what are you doing?
Stop, asshole, or I'll kill you!
- I'll kill you!
- Where did you find that?
[fast-tempo music plays louder]
[Omar panting]
[Sharif grunting]
[Sharif] Stop! Bastard!
[woman] Sharif!
Don't do anything stupid!
Stop, you bastard!
[Omar panting]
[Sharif] Stop!
[woman] Sharif!
[woman] Sharif! Don't do anything stupid!
Stop! Stop!
Hey! Stop!
[Omar gasping]
I'll count to three.
[Sharif] One
[Omar panting]
[air rushing]
[Sharif panting]
Come on, Sharif. Give me the gun.
Give it to me.
- He's gone!
- You scared the shit out of us.
- [Sharif] He's gone!
- Where did you get that?
It's his brother's.
[Sharif] Who fucking cares about the gun!
It's not loaded!
That guy really vanished. He was here!
Take it easy, bro. We'll find him.
Come on, bro. Let's go.
Come on.
[somber instrumental music plays]
[electronic beeping]
[beeping stops]
[Omar] Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
[Omar panting]
[doorway beads rattling]
[Omar] Hey, Mompracem.
How is it going for you?
[Sandokan] Come and thank this guy.
He's found your bike.
[muffled street noise]
[Omar] Okay. Keep cool.
Don't say anything.
[suspenseful music rises]
Hey, I just want to talk, okay?
I'm Sharif. And you are?
You've got style, bro.
[Sharif] This is you! Zero.
[Sharif chuckling]
- What do you want?
- Guess.
I didn't set fire to that scooter.
[Sharif] Listen.
I don't give a shit about that scooter.
I just want to know how you disappeared.
[music stops]
What the fuck are you saying?
Listen, bro.
One minute you were there,
the next you were gone.
- You can't deny it.
- You're wrong.
Sharif is never wrong.
[Sharif] Listen, I didn't mean
to scare you.
I just want to know how you vanished.
And I'll leave you alone.
If you prefer, I'll ask you in Wolof.
Listen, Zero. Who the fuck are you?
A magician, a ghost?
I've never seen you around the Barrio.
All right.
At least tell me why the fuck
you're slaving away in a pizzeria.
And where should I be?
Do you realize what you're capable of?
Maybe you can teach me.
You can do it again, right?
[suspenseful music plays]
[Sharif laughing]
We should work together, you know.
[phone ringing]
I'm busy now.
You're busy.
Sandokan Pizza, dusk to dawn,
Malaysia to Milan. How can I help?
[Sharif] Be careful, Zero.
You can't get rid of Sharif
without Sharif's permission.
[door shutting]
[Sandokan] Omar.
A certain Anna called.
Something like that.
- No, it can't be.
- She invited you for dinner tonight.
- For dinner?
- Yes.
- Tonight?
- That's what she said.
[acoustic guitar plays]
[Sandokan] Listen.
Once you're done here, bring her this.
Tonight, you'll impress her. Trust me.
You're off tonight.
[pop music plays]
You always said go away ♪
That I don't care about you anymore ♪
That I am writing to you
To write a poem ♪
If you burn the pages ♪
Light as elephants ♪
In the midst of crystals ♪
Gypsies like diamonds ♪
Between Latin gangs ♪
Die, die for you, huh ♪
It's useless because, eh ♪
Hi, Anna.
Hi, Anna.
Hi, Anna.
Hi, Omar.
[music stops]
- [Awa] Did anyone die?
- I have a business dinner.
Hi, Roby.
Hi, Omar.
- [Awa sniffs]
- [music plays]
[laughing] No! It's Dad's cologne. No!
Tell me who's the unlucky one, Omar.
Come on. Tell me.
I want to know everything.
[Awa] At least, unbutton your collar.
[Roby] He looks really smart.
- [firework fizzles]
- Omar?
The barrio always plays anyway, uh-huh ♪
The barrio always plays anyway, uh-huh ♪
[bike bell rings]
The barrio always plays anyway ♪
- [Omar] She, I
- [buzzer ringing]
[party music plays]
and a hundred more people.
[indistinct chatter and laughter]
[man] Hey, man!
Guys, the coke's here!
Hey, bro, cheer up. You're no fun.
[Omar] The pusher, the street vendor,
the thief, the waiter.
What's worse?
To be mistaken for someone you're not,
or not to be seen at all?
You are a God.
You must be an Orisha.
Have you seen Anna?
I feel you in my bones ♪
And make no bones about ♪
I feel you in my bones ♪
And make no bones about ♪
[Anna] Omar!
Happy birthday, bitch!
Is it your birthday?
Come upstairs.
[melodic music plays]
[Omar] Wow! It's amazing.
Did you do it?
This is the project for my UP6 exam.
This project alone
cost me 300 hours of sleep
and a boyfriend.
[Omar chuckles]
[Omar] So,
then you guys
split up?
How about you?
Are you in love?
Uh, it's a bit of a strange time for me.
Actually, Anna, I have to thank you.
You see, I've been saving for five years
and used to say to myself,
"Once I get to that amount, I'll go."
But they were only excuses.
What do you mean?
I mean, I've never had the guts
to tell my dad I wanted to leave.
But thanks to you, I figured that out.
- Give me your phone.
- My phone?
[laughing] I'm not going to steal it.
Give it.
That's my number.
Let me know when you tell him.
And you call me
when you stop having doubts about
your project because it's wonderful.
Those are excuses too.
[Anna sighing]
Okay. Okay.
[dog barking]
- Hello.
- [party music plays loudly]
Have you seen who's here?
[man] Oh, great! How are you?
What's he doing here?
- [Anna sighs]
- [Edo speaks indistinctly]
I'm sorry.
[dog whimpering]
[Anna and Edo speaking indistinctly]
[female vocalist singing indistinctly]
[cheering, whistling]
[Omar] Come on, say it.
Tell him that you're leaving, damn it.
[Omar sighing]
[somber instrumental music plays]
[father] Omar.
[wind blowing]
[father] I'm here.
[father] I've run the numbers,
and I need your help.
You're a man now, not a kid anymore.
[Omar] When you have left it all to start
from scratch, your kids respect you.
Did you want to ask me something?
[Omar] No matter what.
[Omar] It's not easy to say,
"Dad, I'm leaving.
I don't like what you have made anymore."
[Awa gasping]
[Omar] Awa.
Why are you crying?
[Awa sniffling]
It's all over, Omar.
If we don't find the money,
they'll throw us out.
[Awa sighing, sniffling]
If we end up in Baranzate,
I'll kill myself.
Come here.
[Awa gasping]
My whole life is here.
You know how long it took me
to build it?
[Awa sighing]
the volleyball team,
and then you're leaving.
Maybe I'll take you with me.
[Awa sniffing]
Maybe to Paris.
[Awa chuckling]
You still smell of Dad's cologne?
[Omar sniffing]
What's wrong with Dad's cologne?
How did it go with, "Hi, Anna"?
- Well
- [laughing]
Omar, where's Mom's bracelet?
What the fuck!
[dramatic music rises]
[downbeat electronic music plays]
[sneakers squeaking]
[hip hop plays]
Yeah, Marracash ♪
Sixty-four bars of fear, ha-ha ♪
[Omar panting]
It's as if they show up
To have a fight ♪
You take out a machine gun and ♪
From the stairs
To first at Scala ♪
Mine is a real king's climb ♪
You took two hectares
I took two hectares ♪
[mother] Where are you taking him?
- Omar!
- [air rushing]
They come for you ♪
They come ♪
[air rushing]
Smoke from a mouth
Smoke from a bowl ♪
Smoke from the mouth of an M3 ♪
I get a syncope
You are stupid by nature ♪
Or do you have Tourette's syndrome?
Yeah ♪
For ten years in the majors,
But I've never done the majorette ♪
I only have classics in the pipeline ♪
From zero to one hundred in 2.3
Many Bezos as Jeff, muah ♪
I just overtake you hissing
Like this Tesla Model S ♪
You don't say shit, ventriloquist
You gnaw, a ventricle bursts ♪
Watch your tour is ridiculous ♪
Plus they told me
You have a small stage ♪
Fir-fir-fir-first he wants me
Then he wants me dead ♪
But I have to admit that
My money on her neck looks so good ♪
I take a shameful cachet, brother
But the beauty is that I'm not ashamed ♪
Then from the tub, water mattress
Until I drown in a dream ♪
I've done a couple too many ♪
A couple too many and you don't sleep ♪
A glacier around the neck
It doesn't melt ♪
Law graduates of the strongest ♪
Graduates from the front ♪
Up and down the Strait of Messina ♪
I'm kidnapping you, true G, Mesina ♪
I married this street, record ♪
I'll give you an X, coupon ♪
Career on bare ground ♪
Stone on stone, my grandfather's house ♪
I didn't think about how I would die
I was just doing it, Billy Bob Thornton ♪
I am a predator
So my favorite color, bro, is infrared ♪
I burst without making a sound
Sign of the cross ♪
P-p-p-p-pay is beautiful tro ♪
I'm more masculine than Benji Mascolo
While drilling Bella Thorne ♪
I don't even testify at a wedding
You know I hate these cops ♪
Pussy asylum, puccio pinzimonio
Sit on the Ionian on this yacht ♪
Between, I'm taking this money offshore
For sure
From shanty towns to bougainville ♪
Two signatures, read the footnotes ♪
All in, up to the tonsils ♪
I have king flow and killer rhymes ♪
Lips in the mouth for too much fish ♪
Hot style, the micro is glowing ♪
Broken cunt, face of Eva Mendes ♪
This rapper crashes
Killed by ticks, bro ♪
[melodic instrumental music plays]
Subtitle translation by:
Angelica Lacetera
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