Zorro (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

El elegido

Where's your boss?
I don't know, sir.
A shame.
You had your chance, Alejandro.
Even if you kill me, nothing will change.
It'll pave the way.
We have an agreement,
Mr. De la Vega.
Don't forget it.
I know.
Let's go, Tornado.
Steady, steady.
Is there a problem, my friend?
Don't let him get away!
Keep praying.
He's in the church.
With me!
Everyone outside!
Captain, this is the house of God!
I'm not looking for him,
but a criminal.
If you hand him over, we can go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Search the church!
What? You can't.
In California,
even God must comply with the law.
What law?
The one that only protects the rich?
Seize him!
Out of the church!
Please, stop this madness.
-Lock the doors.
-Obey the order.
This is sacrilege.
This is an exemplary punishment.
Zorro lives.
A savage, naturally.
String him up,
let everyone see him.
-Sir, if you'll allow me, I think
-It's not a suggestion, Captain.
It'll serve as a reminder
of who's in charge.
And I'm in charge here.
Bring water! Everyone!
Come on!
Go! Go, come on!
Go! Quickly, bring water!
Take him down.
The spirit of Zorro has left his body.
It's time to choose a successor!
I, Nah-Lin, present myself as a candidate.
I'm sure I'll honor Zorro's lineage
and my family's memory.
Let the spirits speak!
What did I tell you?
-I still think it's a bad idea.
-Have faith.
Let's go.
Let's go.
-They're here!
-Are you alright?
-Follow me!
-Run, don't stop!
Halt! Seize him,
don't let him get away!
He's heading for the courtyard!
Don't let him get away!
You'd be dead now, Mr. De la Vega.
The exercise is over, gentlemen!
Be more stealthy
or always find an escape route.
Yes, Lieutenant.
Mr. Buendía, unless you improve
you won't graduate.
A letter came from abroad for you.
Thank you, sir.
I'm so glad to see you.
It's been so long!
Yes, well, I've changed a little.
You too.
I need you to tell me
what you know about my father's death.
But I don't understand.
I remember when I was a boy,
he was a kind of vigilante.
He's not one man?
There have been several men
under the same mask.
And he's the defender
of the oppressed.
If that is so, it makes no sense
that Zorro killed my father.
But it says here that he was seen.
My father's secret refuge.
My father would only hide
something like this
to protect you.
The question is from what.
Or from whom.
"The night your father died,
some hooded men, not Zorro,
attacked the ranch.
I was there when they came.
He asked me to go find help
and left on the horse.
When I came back, Tadeo Márquez
and Carmen de la Madrid were there.
Your father was dead."
We'll have to change
more tiles than we thought.
Miss Lolita.
-Are you alright?
-Yes, yes.
Tell my father, I'll stay here.
Lucía, look who's here.
-How wonderful!
-Hello, Doña Lucía.
So nice to see you again.
Where's Lolita?
Fixing things on the ranch,
you know her. She'll be here soon.
Unfortunately, when we arrived
there was nothing to be done.
They were all dead.
We're so sorry about your father.
I know, Doña Lucía.
How did you find out?
Our ranch is far away.
Doña Carmen told us about the fire.
And Zorro?
She saw him fleeing.
Was he an enemy of my father?
Zorro has been a menace
to us for decades.
Thanks to the Governor,
since the death of the last one,
no one has taken his place.
You know you can count on us
for anything you need.
Of course. Your father was
a very dear friend.
On the Day of Our Lady of Carmel
the Governor is holding a reception.
We should go. Everyone will be there.
I'm so happy to see you.
Say hello to Lolita for me.
You should do it.
Thank you.
Have you come to stay?
I don't know yet.
Well, it was nice to see you.
I'm so sorry about your father.
I thought you'd stay in Spain.
I may have been away for a long time,
but I haven't forgotten you.
See you on Carmel's Day.
Don't reload!
Are you crazy?
Do you want to kill me?
Now you're mad about
a little potshot.
A little potshot?
The bullet flew right by me!
If I'd wanted to kill you,
we wouldn't be talking.
It was just to make things clear.
That's why you shot at me?
Welcome to California, Dieguito.
-What did I do?
-What did you do?
You vanish for years, come back,
and kiss me as if we
saw each other yesterday.
How did it go?
Oh, yes. It went
"I'll never forget you.
I carry you in my heart".
I wrote to you.
A half a dozen letters.
Not even one a year.
I wrote 16.
Look, I don't know
what idea you've got, but
did you really think I'd wait
for you my whole life?
You may be the same, but I'm not.
It's going to rain blood.
It's the night.
I'm asleep again.
This is a nightmare.
It's all real, Diego.
Your father was a friend
to our people.
We had an agreement
on the land and the port.
Zorro respected it.
Then tell me what happened.
I don't know.
Very well.
Then until I find out
we have nothing further to discuss.
Zorro also died that night.
He went to help your father
and didn't return.
And in all these months
you've found nothing?
Zorro was killed by soldiers
in the church.
The rest of what happened here
that night is a mystery.
I am Night Crow,
the voice of the spirits.
If you're here it's because
they've chosen you
as the defender of these lands.
No one can escape
their destiny, Diego.
And yours is to be the new Zorro.
I did not choose you.
It was him, Kiyóche.
My mission is hand over
his legacy to you.
Tornado is Zorro's horse.
I've fulfilled my mission, Diego.
What you do with Zorro's legacy
is up to you.
Wait, I didn't say yes.
If I tell you we're going home, what?
The chosen one is a white man
who doesn't even respect the traditions?
He was my only family.
Do you think if you were with him
that night he would've been saved?
You seek forgiveness in revenge,
Nah-Lin, you'll never find it there.
And him?
Does he not intend
to avenge his father?
So he believes.
First he must discover who he is.
And who is he?
A new Zorro for new times.
A rich man cannot defend the poor.
I'll defend our people as I've done
since Po-mahn-kwakurr died,
with your support or without it.
You were chosen by Maija,
the snake spirit.
Your destiny is bound to ours.
Not anymore.
If not for the horse and disguise,
I'd think I dreamt it.
Yes, it may be
a great honor for them.
No, Bernardo, I can't think about it,
it makes no sense.
And have you seen this?
It looks like a carnival costume.
Forget it, it's not for me.
Besides, we have other matters
to resolve.
If Zorro didn't kill my father,
then who did?
First we'll find out where the official
version of his death came from.
And then who his enemies were.
With me!
It was at the port.
My men caught him running away.
I went to the warehouse
for some furs.
Do you doubt my word?
Take him away.
Talk isn't enough, he needs proof.
This is an injustice.
Will you excuse me?
It's so good you came, son.
Come, let me introduce you.
The Governor, Don Pedro Victoria.
I regret the death of your father.
Thank you very much.
Excuse me, are you Spanish?
I was until they struck
the red and gold flag.
I changed my loyalty and affection
to Mexico when they hoisted theirs.
And you?
Have you come to arrange
your affairs and return to Spain?
Or are you staying?
Do you know of anyone who
may be interested in my lands?
I believe there's more
than one candidate.
That's good.
Before you shoot me
and we stain the rug, please,
shall we go outside?
I'll be right back.
Excuse me.
What do you intend?
Have you nothing to say to me?
Not a single apology
for shooting at me?
I'm sorry I put a hole in your hat.
It was pretty.
Is that all?
You go, you forget everything,
and now you want to pretend
that nothing happened.
No, no.
Seeing you
has rekindled the flame of love in me.
I wasn't born for sparks, Diego.
And the fire only awakens in you
when you can get warm.
What were you hoping for?
I was hoping for a second chance.
I was looking for you.
Enrique, let me introduce you.
This is Diego De la Vega,
a childhood friend.
I haven't heard from him in years.
Same to you.
Enrique and I are engaged.
To both of you.
Enrique is the man
who hunted down Zorro.
I would've liked
to put him on trial,
but he decided to end his own life.
A shame.
I came to tell you that
the Martínezes are asking for you.
Thank you. I'll be right there
-Mr. De la Vega.
Nice to meet you.
The pleasure is mine.
Another little kiss
and I'll make the hole here.
-Would you like a drink?
-No, thank you.
You said you run The Californian.
-You have a question.
Fire away.
I've read your article
about my father's death.
-I'm so sorry.
-Thank you very much.
You seem to have no doubt
about what happened.
Actually, that article is due
to Tadeo Márquez.
He got to the ranch first,
so his is the official version.
Mr. Ferdinand Andreyevich,
head of the Russo-American Company.
We saw each other
this morning at the port,
-though I don't believe you noticed me.
-A regrettable incident.
The natives are very resentful.
They think that all we foreigners
are a menace.
If they're handsome, yes.
Allow me to introduce Irina Ivanova,
my right hand.
One moment.
Take a bottle of sherry
to my office.
-Forgive my clumsiness!
-Don't worry.
Excuse me.
As the Governor says,
California is the land of opportunity.
-Monsieur De la Vega.
-It is.
At last. I've been looking
for you everywhere.
Really? How can I help you?
I've been thinking about
our brief conversation and
If what you want
is to look into your father's death,
here you will only
make a fool of yourself.
And what do you suggest?
To see the crocodiles
one must leave the water.
Come see me tomorrow.
Tell me, Don Diego,
did you know that your father
had the concession
for the trade in otter furs
from San Francisco to Los Angeles?
Honestly, I'm not up to date
with my father's businesses.
Then nor will you know
that on your father's death,
said concession returned
to the natives,
who'd lost it after
the Spanish monopoly.
Is that why Zorro and his people
did away with him?
Yes, it would be,
if they'd gotten to exploit it.
But the Governor took it
as soon as your father died.
Night Crow and his people
took the matter to the capital
and they were there
until very recently.
Did they win?
There, yes,
but the capital is very far away.
Have you seen today's paper?
This is Harriet Jones, my partner.
-What does this mean?
-Remember yesterday's fire?
Of course.
Actually, last night's reception
was to close a deal.
Sorry for spilling
the drink on you, but
you were about to make a fool of yourself
and I had to do my job.
So we're agreed, gentlemen?
It's a great opportunity.
As the Governor says,
California is the land of opportunity.
It is.
I know because I make them.
Instead of going to
Night Crow and his people,
the concession passed to
the Russo-American Company
as compensation for the damage
of the indigenous attack.
One thing I don't understand.
What does Tadeo Márquez
have to do with this?
"With one of theirs inside,
the other ranchers will relax".
The Governor's words.
Diego, let me tell you that
you're not looking properly.
The question that must be asked is
who benefited from
your father's death,
but also what their purpose was.
They all seem to be implicated.
The Governor,
the Russians,
even my father's best friend.
Yes, it's easier said than done.
What is increasingly clear
is that neither the natives all Zorro
had anything to do with it.
Yes, I know.
I know.
I don't want to raise suspicion.
I'm going to behave
the way everyone expects.
Like a son mourning
his father's death
who believes the official version.
And I'm going to right an injustice.
Don Diego.
To what do I owe
the honor of your visit?
I understand that you have
the chief of the natives here.
That's right.
He's locked up due to the explosion
on the Russo-American ship,
if I'm not wrong.
For the short time you've been in
Los Angeles, you're very well informed.
What are you getting at?
I believe that he
and some of his men
collaborated with Zorro
to kill my father.
Because it was Zorro,
wasn't it, Captain?
Without a doubt.
And he couldn't have done it alone.
My theory, Captain,
is that these swine had an objective.
To snatch the concession on otter furs
that my father possessed.
I understand, Mr. De la Vega.
But there's no need to do anything.
For the port incident,
Night Crow was condemned to death
and his sentence will be
carried out in a few days.
I shall see to it.
I expected nothing less.
It's the law, Don Diego.
One complies with the law here
or one pays the price.
Still, I'd like to say
what I think to his face
before he dies.
I know that you and Zorro
killed my father.
They're going to hang you.
I only regret that
you're not hanged for that.
Thank you, Captain.
What do you think?
Does it suit me?
I don't know.
I'm not sure about the cape.
Yes, Zorro is the way he is
and must return as such. Okay.
But we'll see.
I don't need it.
Captain, you must come
and see what's outside.
You won't believe it.
Search the area
and put out that fire!
Zorro is dead.
Rifles jam.
Whips don't.
Kill him!
Let's go. We have little time.
Where is he?
Let's go!
We don't have much time.
We'll be safe at my ranch.
What are you waiting for?
What made you change your mind?
If the law does not serve justice,
justice must not serve the law.
There's no one, sir.
Quickly! To the prison!
Captain, Zorro appeared out of nowhere.
He fled over the northeast wall.
He can't be far.
Let's go!
The trail leads to
the De la Vega ranch.
Go ahead!
Hide, Tornado! Hurry!
Wait for me at home!
I've come for you.
It's Nah-Lin.
She belonged to our people,
but she spurned us when
Kiyóche chose you as Zorro.
Get him away from here.
I have nothing against you.
Give me the mask.
I'm afraid
you'll have to take it from me.
You shouldn't be Zorro.
Today is a warning.
Renounce it
or you and yours will regret it.
What happened, Mr. De la Vega?
Zorro came looking for shelter
and when I refused, he attacked me.
He left a message for you.
Next Episode