23.5 (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

This term, you have a new friend.
My name is Sun.
What's yours?
My name is Ongsa.
Nice to meet you, Ongsa.
She's even cuter in person than she is
in photos.
Stay out of it!
Even on the toughest day,
something good can happen to you.
It depends on how you look at it.
Are you related to Napatsanun Ampornsopon?
You mean Alpha?
Alpha and I are siblings.
Why are you guys so surprised?
Alpha is a renowned student president
and a member of The Fixed Stars,
the most famous group in S-Tar.
The center of our S-Tar universe is
a group called The Fixed Stars.
The first member: Alpha.
A beautiful student president
who excels academically
and enjoys participating in activities.
The second member is Ton,
everyone's sweetheart.
-The most beloved man in S-Tar.
-Smile at the camera.
-He's handsome and loves us all equally.
-Oh. Hi there, Jonathan.
Then there's Luna,
a sweet-talker with musical talent.
Everyone has a crush on her
regardless of gender
because she's the perfect combination
of ultimate beauty and coolness.
And lastly, there's Mawin,
the student vice president.
Damn it. It's glue.
Sheesh, me again.
There's nothing much to say.
Mawin is Mawin.
It's super glue.
To be honest, I have no idea
how he ended up in The Fixed Stars.
So that is it. The Fixed Stars.
-So, Ton is a member of this group.
You know Ton?
That's not unusual.
No, it's not.
Because Ton belongs to everyone,
everyone knows Ton.
Ongsa, why are you being weird?
I'm not!
Who's being weird?
"I'm not"? That was so high-pitched.
Look at you.
You keep getting that.
It's just spam.
A phone scam gang.
I hate them.
They send me messages every day.
Musavada veramani.
What does that mean?
I have no idea.
You have no idea?
Who are you talking to?
You're smiling.
Is some guy hitting on you?
Not telling. It's a secret.
Let's do our homework.
What did the teacher say
about this part again?
She said lying is bad.
Next week, you will choose
one club to join
depending on your interests.
The leader of each club will set up the
registration table on the ground floor.
Take a look and decide which one to join.
Which club are you guys joining this year?
We Love Ton Club.
Huh? What club?
The We Love Ton Club.
Which club are you two joining?
The Catch a Liar Club.
Is there such a club?
We founded it just now.
Do you want to join?
It's okay.
That's not my thing.
Not your thing, huh?
Ongsa has put up walls.
I guess we need more time.
More time to wait for her to open up?
More time to pry.
I found a stray cat
out the back of my house today.
Cute, right?
Little baby!
You're a cat servant too, sir?
I serve anything that's cute.
Well, then
You must serve me too, Earth.
Because you said
you serve anything that's cute.
Ongsa, enough.
Stop replying to her.
You will not reply to her.
You're not Earth.
You're not a guy.
But Sun is so damn cute.
Whoa. You went quiet.
Don't you think I'm cute, Earth?
"Well, okay."
What does that mean?
You're messing with me. You will pay.
Human, do you have that thing?
That thing
What is it?
The thing human females use
when they are on their period.
Wait a minute.
Thanks, human.
Hold on.
Uh well
Can I get some advice about school clubs?
Say it, human.
What club are you joining, Aylin?
I'm not joining human clubs.
Yeah? Does
the school have an Astronomy Club?
They used to.
It was canceled a long time ago.
I heard human beings say that
the club was cursed.
Cursed? How?
Whoever joins that club will be hapless.
Was it that bad?
Some human schoolers at S-Tar almost died.
The only way to break the curse
is to leave the club.
I'm going to use this.
Almost died?
We have lots of clubs in school.
I don't highly recommend them though.
They're mostly boring.
How about the Music Club?
I guess musical activities
aren't your cup of tea.
Let's move on.
Which club are you two joining?
The Student Committee?
What will you do?
It doesn't matter
because that club is full of school stars.
Tinh just wants to be
in the spotlight, Ongsa.
And which club are you joining, Charoen?
That club.
Hello, ladies.
Step in and check out my club.
There's only one rule in this club.
It's that I belong to everyone
and I love everyone.
Gosh! I'm blushing right now.
Should we go now?
-I'm hunting the spotlight.
-I'm hunting ghosts.
Let's go.
Hello, Ton.
Hey. Hello, cutie.
Hi, Ongsa.
Are you interested in joining
the Floral Design Club?
I don't know.
I'm walking around just to see.
Me too.
Do you want to walk with me?
Just help me. Stop complaining.
Mawin! Be careful.
Yes, Miss Luna.
Always ordering me around.
Hello, everyone.
Gather round. Come on!
I have good news.
After being canceled for five years,
today, our Astronomy Club is back.
What the heck?
Join us for an outer space adventure
by meeting in the club room
behind the basketball court.
I promise you'll have fun
It seems like the only one
having fun is her.
if you join the club.
People are shaking their heads.
Everybody, please come.
Don't forget it.
Please come. Don't forget it.
Will she even make it?
It's been five years, guys.
Tinh just joined our club, by the way.
Luna, are you sure that
the Astronomy Club can be opened?
Of course.
If I have more than four applicants,
the club will be reopened.
And the leader of the club will be me.
What about the Astronomy Club curse?
It's nothing, kids.
There are no superstitions in space.
Don't forget to come.
Please. Please come.
You promise?
Ongsa, do you want to check out
the Astronomy Club?
-Are you interested?
-Guys, you're joining Mysterious Stories?
-Let's go and see.
-They aren't real.
Join the Astronomy Club instead.
Why not?
Promise me you'll come.
Teacher Bambam, have you forgotten?
Five years ago,
ten of our students left
because of the Astronomy Club.
That doesn't include the janitor
who went into that room to clean.
They're all gone.
It's just you left.
You should've learned your lesson.
Your legs barely walk properly now.
What? What's wrong with my legs?
They always walk straight into table legs
and bump into everything.
Our table legs are all damaged.
That's not true.
It's just a coincidence.
See? It's what we just talked about.
It's the Astronomy Club curse.
Wait and see. More students will get hurt.
I'm taking out
personal accident insurance.
I'm buying it for the students too.
The Astronomy Club used to be here
but I'm not sure
if it's still the same place now.
I haven't been here in a long time.
Are you two registering for this club?
Welcome to the Astronomy Club.
But it's a little bit messy.
Come on in.
Wait here.
Right here.
I'll be right back.
Here's your application form.
Luna, it's not just messy.
It looks abandoned.
Fill out the application form first.
Give it to me once you're done.
You can sit or stand anywhere.
Make yourself at home.
Three students are taking
an interest in this club.
Don't worry about the curse that
people are talking about.
I'm buying insurance for everybody.
Thank you, Teacher Bambam.
There's nothing to worry about.
However, this club can't open yet.
The number of members
is still less than four.
We must find one more member
within the next week.
Do you know anyone
who might be interested in joining?
I think I know someone.
That's great.
-Is your friend scared of the curse?
-It's not that.
I'm just not sure if she wants
to join any human clubs.
Are you Aylin?
I'm Luna.
I'm wondering if you want to join
the Astronomy Club.
What's wrong with her?
You like aliens, don't you?
Me too.
Our club offers you lots of playthings.
We also have a telescope.
We even have an Apollo 11 rocket model.
-Why did you throw that at me?
-Because you won't talk to me.
So, I sent you the message.
Where did she go?
Is she really an alien?
Sun, do you believe in the club's curse?
I live in a Shaman's house with a medium.
What do you think?
You mean a medium
who's possessed by ghosts?
Did you really fall for that?
I'm kidding, Ongsa.
What are you playing at? You scared me.
I don't believe in that nonsense curse.
Do you believe it's real?
I'm not sure if I should believe it.
You're not sure if you should believe it.
What kind of answer is that?
Ongsa, you're funny.
I'm funny?
Just like someone I knew on Instagram.
He's so funny,
and I really like the pictures he takes.
Look at this one.
Read the caption.
"A cutting-edge man."
And the guy is holding an actual knife.
It's so funny and creative.
Yeah, he's funny.
Yeah. I want to see him so bad.
It's a shame he lives in Phuket.
Haplessness kicks in fast.
Come on.
Let's get to class.
We were choosing our club today at school.
Do you have that at your school, Earth?
We do.
Which club are you in?
The Stargazing Club.
I'm in the Astronomy Club.
Do you like stargazing, Earth?
Is there a reason?
Because stars are the beauty
beyond the Earth at night.
But during the day,
the sun provides us with brightness.
Despite its distance from the Earth,
it can send heat our way.
Are you teasing me?
No, I mean the actual sun.
I don't mean you, Sun.
So, what does the sky in Phuket
look like right now?
Is it full of stars?
You can see stars if you live out of town.
What about you?
Do you like stargazing too?
I like the Earth
when it's surrounded by stars.
Will you come to Bangkok, by any chance?
If you come to Bangkok, can we meet up?
Holy shit!
What should I do?
What should I do, Latte?
I shouldn't have lied to Sun.
Just play along.
Deal with the problem later.
Of course.
I'll let you know if I go to Bangkok.
I'm going to bed now.
I have to get up early
to make merit with my dad.
Goodnight, Sun.
I'm sorry, Sun.
I cannot be your Earth anymore.
This is the only way, Ongsa.
Why did I throw away my phone?
Ongsa, what are you doing?
Ongsa, where are you going?
Where did all the trash go?
Ongsa, what are you doing?
And why are you still in your pajamas?
Alpha, where did all the trash go?
-The garbage collector must have got it.
-Oh no!
The iPad I lent you last night,
can I have it back?
-Why is it not working?
-It's broken.
How did it happen?
I'm bringing it to a human technician.
Hey, why haven't you showered yet?
Can I borrow your laptop?
You can only type.
You can't access the Internet.
Why not?
The WiFi receiver is broken.
I haven't got it fixed yet.
the Astronomy Club curse
has now fallen upon me!
You want to quit the club?
I've changed my mind.
I'm thinking of applying to another club.
Ongsa, whatever it is,
you can tell me honestly.
The curse of this club is real.
The thing Alpha told me this morning?
Is it true, Ongsa?
I thought Alpha was joking.
It's true.
The curse of this club
is real.
What kind of curse, Ongsa?
I faced unfortunate events.
What about you, Sun?
Did you encounter something bad?
No. Everything is normal for me.
See, Ongsa?
It isn't about the curse.
What happened to you is a coincidence.
How about this?
If you still feel uncomfortable,
I'll take you on a nine-temple trip.
Then we'll find the auspicious time
to get your insurance.
Ongsa, are you really quitting?
We joined this club together.
You can't leave me now.
Look at that.
You're so in trouble, Ongsa.
She is so damaging.
Please, Ongsa.
Please stay.
I'm begging you.
This club can't go on without you.
Please, Ongsa.
Please, Ongsa.
I'm staying.
Luna, we still need to find
one more member no matter what.
Sure, Teacher. I'm sure I can do it.
Come on, Ongsa.
The curse isn't real.
You will be lucky tomorrow.
Seriously, I don't think
it's about the curse.
You being hapless now
is just coincidental timing.
It's too much to be a coincidence, Tinh.
I lost my phone.
My iPad got broken.
I don't think that's about
the Astronomy Club curse.
You were hapless even before you joined.
I think it's all about you.
Wow, Charoen.
Thanks a lot.
She must be very encouraged now
after hearing that.
That's all right.
It's my pleasure.
I was being sarcastic.
If you're still concerned about that,
I have a solution.
This way, please, Luangpu.
Here he comes.
Receive the blessing.
Sukhī dīghāyuko bhava.
Abhivādana-sīlissa niccaṃ vuḍḍhāpacāyino
cattāro dhammā vaḍḍhanti
āyu vaṇṇo sukhaṃ balaṃ.
Bless you.
Could you please perform a ceremony
to ward off ill luck for my friend?
She's been so hapless lately.
There's no such thing as a ceremony that
wards off bad luck or haplessness.
Haplessness is what our minds create.
You must think clearly.
Everything in this world
happens for a reason.
Nothing happens without a cause.
Haplessness is what our minds create.
Hey, Ongsa.
Bird poo.
Don't touch it.
Get a tissue.
-Well, some things are, uh
-Charoen, give me a tissue.
-Don't touch it.
-They're unexplainable.
I should get going now. Bless you.
-Yes, sir.
-Give me some tissues.
-What do we do?
-Is that enough?
Walk faster or that bird
will poo on your head.
That stupid bird.
It embarrassed me.
I can't do this!
I must resign from the club!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
I'm just asking.
You can't invade this premise. Get out.
It's not an invasion.
This is school property.
Don't talk about the club.
It's a waste of time.
I didn't come to talk about anything.
I'm just here to get some fresh air.
Why don't you get it somewhere else?
Now I understand why
people call you Alien.
You know what?
When Galileo came up with
the round-Earth theory,
people thought he was a freak.
A heathen.
Some even thought he was mad.
Who would've known that
hundreds of years later,
his theory would be proven true?
Aliens. The stories about them.
Though it has yet to be proved
that there are living things like us
beyond the Earth,
I do believe aliens are real.
What you believe isn't insane or nonsense.
I reopened the Astronomy Club
because I, too, believe that
we are not the only ones in the universe.
Exploring space on your own can be lonely.
Do you want to explore it with me?
Here. Apply now
and you'll get free insurance.
I'm going then.
Don't forget to take a look at it.
Free insurance.
Aylin, it might get blown away.
I'm going now. I'm really going this time.
I'm really going, Aylin.
Don't forget to have a look.
Girls, let's go. The break is almost over.
Sun, let's go.
Where is your mind at?
What's the problem?
Nothing. No problem.
Tell us what happened.
I've been talking to someone.
His name is Earth.
Huh? A guy?
Take it easy.
we are Insta friends.
We've been talking every day.
But he's suddenly disappeared.
He read my messages but he didn't reply.
Did you have a fight?
No, we didn't.
He just disappeared
for no reason.
Sun, did you just get dumped?
this is the Astronomy Club curse.
So, you two are quitting
because you're scared of the curse?
Actually, you don't have to quit
because if we don't get
one more member today,
the club can't open anyway.
Am I in time for the free insurance?
Yes! We have four members now.
The club can open.
Hold on, Luna.
Aylin, there's a curse on this club.
Aren't you scared?
Superstitions have no effect on aliens.
Okay! I'll get this club open and running.
Teacher Bambam will be so happy
when she gets back and learns that
after five years, the club will run again.
Where is Teacher Bambam?
She's in the hospital.
I heard that she fell down the staircase.
Can you slow down, Teacher Nida?
My leg hurts.
For God's sake.
Give me that.
It's good you only fell a few steps.
Any higher and your leg
would have been broken.
I warned you not to get involved
with the Astronomy Club.
Haven't you heard?
Where there's a will, there's a way.
No matter how many times I'm hospitalized,
I'll do what it takes to reopen the club.
As well as the doctor,
you should go see a monk.
Make merit. It might help.
You don't have to help me.
Do you want to help me again?
Fine then.
You didn't listen to me.
Slow down, please.
We're almost there.
Why wasn't I born a dog like you?
That way, I wouldn't have to worry
about anything like this.
Hey. What's wrong?
Why that face?
Hmm? What's wrong with her, Latte?
What's wrong with her?
I shouldn't have joined
the Astronomy Club.
I've been so damn hapless.
I lost my phone.
My iPad is broken.
Even your laptop can't get Wi-Fi.
A bird pooped on my head.
Nonsense. Here.
This is my phone.
Of course it is.
The garbage collector left it with Mom.
He found it in the trash can
in front of our house.
Thank you, Alpha.
You're the best. Let me give you a kiss.
Save your kisses for Latte.
Latte, I got my phone back.
My sister and cousin are not normal.
But you are the cutest, Latte. Right?
You've been gone for so long
and now you want to come back?
I'm not gonna talk to you.
Sorry I've been gone for days.
I lost my phone.
I found it just now.
I didn't mean to read
and not reply to you.
I'm sorry.
Be more careful next time
so you don't lose it again.
Did you really lose it though?
Or did you just want me to miss you?
Is it possible that the curse is gone?
But even if there are more curses,
it's still okay.
As long as Sun misses me.
I missed you too.
Ongsa, are you safe?
Are all your body organs still intact?
I'm okay. I'm fine.
Did you hear that Teacher Bambam
fell down the stairs again?
That's why we were worried
that the curse would be
more severe on you.
I've got something for you, Ongsa.
This is a Takrut amulet
and this is protection yantra.
Carry them with you so you'll be safe.
It's okay.
I think you should keep them, Charoen.
You can't do that.
Charoen and I both chipped in
to buy these for you.
Ongsa, keep them.
They will protect you.
Thank you so much.
There are no amulets that can
protect you as well as I can.
What's up, Ongsa?
Ongsa, since when are you
friends with Ton?
Right. You didn't tell us
you two were close.
-Ton is
-I'm Ongsa's ex-boyfriend.
Ongsa is the one who broke up with me.
Ton is Ongsa's ex-boyfriend?
Well, it's true but
You and Ton were dating?
The Astronomy Club curse
has struck me yet again.
Ongsa, listen to me carefully.
What you did today was so cool.
Ongsa, you didn't come home with Aylin?
Maybe Alien is looking for her friends.
If this is the light from a UFO,
it's the only chance to meet my friends.
The gates are locked.
We have no choice.
We must climb over.
Ongsa, you're cute.
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