365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

The First Reset Seemed to Be Flawless

Going back to the past and repeating your life.
I call this
- "Reset"? - "Reset"?
- "Reset"? - How is that possible?
By chance, I discovered a gap in time and space.
Are we going back on a time machine through that gap?
It might feel somewhat similar to that.
The fundamentals behind it are completely different.
You won't be going back physically.
Through the gap in time and space, you will be sending
only your memories to your old selves.
So you're going to give that incredible chance only to us?
What's the standard you based on?
I didn't have specific criteria in selecting you.
I made calls randomly.
And people who believed me and came here today
will be offered to reset their lives.
This feels like a pyramid scheme.
If you don't feel comfortable, you can leave now.
That just means you're not ready
to experience your lucky chance of going back in time.
You said there were a few rules.
What are the rules?
You can only go back exactly a year before today.
In other words, exactly a week from today,
on January 11, 2020 at 10am,
you will be going back to January 11, 2019 at 10am.
If I'm going back, I should go back to my youth.
A year isn't that long ago.
There's no point in going back then.
You may say that's not much,
but a lot more things will change.
For example,
how about the lottery?
The lottery?
As it so happens, they announce the winning numbers today.
Why don't we check?
Good luck to you, viewers.
All right. I can't wait to find out
- what numbers will bring luck. - The first number
- is 34. - The balls are spinning now.
The first lucky number is
- Let's find out the second number. - What?
- The next number is three. - Let's continue.
- It's number three. - What?
- This is the 3rd winning number. - It's 15.
It's 15.
Next up is the fourth number.
- 44. - I wonder what number it will be.
It's number 44.
- It's time to pick the 5th number. - It's 13.
It's 13.
- Let's find out the last number. - 17.
It's 17.
- We should pick 1 more ball. - The bonus number is 27.
It's 27.
If I reset my life, does it mean I can win the lottery too?
My gosh, this is a very good chance.
I should quit my job as a security guard at an apartment.
I can buy a big mansion
and live however I want.
My gosh. I should write down all the winning numbers for a year.
Same here.
- You cannot do that. - What?
Your notes won't be there once you go back.
You can only
take your own memories.
So you must memorize anything you deem important.
Please memorize them to take them with you.
My gosh. Memorize them?
What about
my baby?
It will be a year ago, so the baby wouldn't have been conceived.
That means my baby won't be there.
You make the final calls.
I'll respect your decisions.
Think about it. For those of you who are up for it,
I'll meet you on Saturday.
Gosh, how can I memorize it?
Isn't it ridiculous?
Isn't it baffling?
Imagine how I felt.
If you were there, you'd want to arrest her for fraud.
(Lieutenant Park Sun Ho's Grave)
Don't do that. Do you start working tomorrow?
Go home.
Take him with you since he's here anyway.
No, you can go home.
Hey! You punk!
Gosh, Hyeong Ju.
What's your name?
Park Sun Ho.
- Please prepare the anesthetics. - Yes, sir.
Sun Ho.
If you leave like this, I'm going to kill you.
Hyeong Ju.
I won't die.
(Lieutenant Park Sun Ho's Grave)
Sun Ho.
I'm going to do it.
I know it sounds crazy.
But if I could bring you back,
I'd do anything.
Oh, dear. I guess the pregnant lady didn't show up.
I guess not.
You'll depart now.
A week after your arrival,
we'll be meeting here again
so that I can make sure the reset has no problems
All right, then. I'll see you in the past.
(No Entry, No Path)
What? What's wrong with him?
What's wrong with him?
You scared me.
You shouldn't collapse before getting hit.
You should get hit
and then collapse.
- Gosh, what a great timing. - Tell me.
Who are you? Why are you here?
- Wait a second. - What do you mean?
It's here.
Your arrest warrant!
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
Why did you come here alone?
Are you okay?
(Violent Crimes Investigation Team 1)
Where is he?
Who? Sun Ho?
Yes. Where is he?
Giving you a headlock.
Why were you yearning for me?
How many times did I tell you
to update Ahn Gyeong Nam's information?
If we bring this to the RIU meeting in two days,
we'll be humiliated What? What's going on?
What's with your gaze?
Sun Ho.
What's wrong with you?
- What is this? - Fine.
- Go! - I am.
What's going on?
What kind of prank is this?
Gosh, that's hot!
That's hot!
My My legs
I'm really back!
- It worked! - What is it?
Did you spill the coffee? Are your legs okay?
I've missed you terribly!
- My dear Maru! - It hasn't been that long.
Let me see your legs. Are you okay?
What happened?
Ju Young.
I'm sorry.
What's wrong?
There's just a ton of coloring we need to do today.
We won't be getting much sleep.
We always have so much coloring to do.
Maru, do you want to run with me?
Let's go.
Let's go!
(Dae Sung, Yeon Soo, Venice Wedding Hall)
Hello? Be patient.
It's okay. Give it some time.
- What is it? - How are you?
(Posting, Hero Choi)
This one. I'm sure of it.
Done. I did it.
I'm sorry,
but could you take a picture with me?
I'm sorry. We can't do
Where's your phone?
Right here.
1, 2, 3.
1, 2, 3.
But promise to keep it to yourself, okay?
Of course! Thank you.
"Hidden Killer" is the best!
- Thank you. - Thank you.
We have about 15 minutes left. Should we accept about 10 more?
- Isn't our time until 3pm? - Yes.
I'll sign their books as long as they come by 3pm.
What? Okay.
Name, Ahn Gyeong Nam.
Also known as DiCaprio of Cheongdam-dong.
It takes him exactly 48 hours for him to approach a woman
and take every penny from her.
The moment he unfolds his scheme, he takes all of her assets,
including her property, real estate, and everything he can take.
Then he suddenly disappears, changes his identity,
and reappears on the scene.
A total of four jurisdictions were fooled by this guy.
Even the Regional Investigation Unit tried to find him but got nothing.
He's amazing.
Do I hear respect in your voice?
- No, sir. - He used to swindle women
every six months. Why is he so quiet these days?
I'm not sure. It's time for him to make a move.
He's been way too quiet.
- Who is this woman? - That's his live-in girlfriend.
She keeps telling us that she doesn't know where he is.
She's a nurse at a plastic surgery clinic.
Could it be possible
Soon Woo, come out for a minute.
- I'm coming. - Why?
- Did he just wake up? - What's wrong with him?
Come back in.
What is this?
I finished interrogating her earlier.
Who is he?
The surveillance footage of the clinic she works at.
You have been very busy with your creation
when the clinic closed.
Ahn Gyeong Nam?
- What? - Ahn Gyeong Nam
- Gosh. - Why
Why didn't you make him look like DiCaprio since you were at it?
Hey, how did you figure this out?
It doesn't matter how I got them. It's important that I did.
- Captain Heo. - Yes?
Didn't you tell me that you'd let me
take consecutive days off if I catch him?
Yes. I did.
I would love to let you do that, but you know that's impossible.
Okay. Then, let me get half a day off.
And put Sun Ho on the night shift.
Me? Me on the night shift? Why?
I'm taking Soon Woo someplace nice.
- Deal? - Sure. It doesn't matter for me.
What does that mean?
I'll call you.
A nurse at a plastic surgery hospital
could turn into a mighty doctor after 10 years.
Wait a minute. I'm his senior though.
You said we wouldn't get caught!
You should've deleted the CCTV footages at the hospital!
Be quiet. This is a police station.
(General Trash)
This jerk
Guess whom I borrowed this from.
I left a gift for you.
Mr. Oh Myung Chul.
My gosh. How did you find me here?
I heard that you got out.
I was wondering how you've been doing.
As if.
I can tell that you're here to spy on me.
At least, you didn't come empty-handed.
Did you find a job?
I'm mostly unemployed though. That's how it is.
I'm not sure if this is safe to eat this.
You didn't poison this, right?
(CT Room, Emergency Room, Injection Room)
Let's go grab some soju.
My gosh, you've had enough.
I'm going to die anyway.
Let me at least choose when to stop.
Fine. Let me pour you one.
I must've lived long enough.
A detective is pouring me a drink.
To be honest,
I resented you a lot.
Most of criminals like me do.
We don't think about our crimes.
We just look for someone to vent our anger on.
You weren't the only one.
That prosecutor who indicted me
and the judge who sentenced me to jail.
I thought about countless times how I could get even with them.
I can't bear to die alone.
That prosecutor who indicted me
and the judge who sentenced me to jail
are dead now.
So what is it? Since you're dying anyway,
will you kill all of us?
If that was my plan, do you think I'd tell you about this?
If it weren't for you,
I could have died in front of my house. Who knows?
Seven years of anger
is washed away in one day.
Hold on. Let's get one more drink.
- Think about your health. - One more drink.
Put on your seatbelt.
- Wait. Detective Ji. Hold on. - My gosh.
Detective Ji.
Will you be my drinking buddy again?
No drinks. Let's get a meal next time.
Sounds great. A meal and drinks sound great.
We can talk about our old days. That will be nice.
- Okay. Roll it up. It's cold. - It will be nice.
- Drive him home safely, please. - Sure.
Don't drive me to Sagok-dong.
Let's go to Namyeon-dong.
Aren't you the owner of the vehicle with the plate number, 0731?
I'm sorry.
Why are you here?
- Drive him home safely, please. - Sure.
Don't drive me to Sagok-dong.
Let's go to Namyeon-dong.
Yes. I got it. Let me go out and check.
Your Honor, don't worry.
I'll be right behind you.
You're under arrest for attempted murder.
You have the right to consult an attorney.
You have the right to refuse to answer questions.
What? How did you know?
How did you
Aren't you curious?
The surgery will go well.
Think long and hard about it for the rest of your life.
Try to figure out how I knew it.
What? What did you just say?
Get in.
You're making it up to me now.
Be thankful that I am.
You know that you're acting really strange today.
Ahn Gyeong Nam. Oh Myung Chul.
How did you know he would go to the judge?
All you need to know is that I saved your life today.
- Thank you. - To save your life,
- I traveled through time - You put me on the night shift.
Is that what happened?
It's nice to see you eat.
Eat a lot.
Was it called "Hidden Killer"? Stop reading that comic book.
Right. The book signing.
Gosh. It's all your fault!
You're so weird.
After traveling time and space, I still couldn't get it signed.
Stop reading that. Seriously.
It doesn't help your mental health grow at all.
You're suddenly getting so annoying.
Think carefully about this. You must take it seriously.
Just eat up.
There's no beer?
You didn't buy me a beer when you bought me a fried chicken?
- Just eat it. - They sell beer at restaurants.
Wait, why didn't they give me Coke?
Did you drink it?
They always give Coke. This is unbelievable.
What am I supposed to drink?
Do I drink the ramyeon soup?
Hey, have some ramyeon.
Open the pickled radishes.
Maybe, I shouldn't have done that.
Goodness. I can't understand this.
How could you only buy fried chicken?
It doesn't take much to be happy, right, Maru?
Maru. Aren't you Maru?
Maru. I'm so sorry.
Wait. Your legs
Wait, is Maru your dog?
How do you know Maru?
Didn't you lose Maru before the reset?
Yes. How did you know that?
I was taking care of Maru because I couldn't find the owner.
No leash or ID tag. The shelter said they'd let Maru go after 10 days.
So Maru was living with me before the reset.
I was at a hospital because of an accident.
I was so worried in case something happened to Maru.
I didn't starve Maru and regularly walked Maru.
I never abused your dog. Isn't that right, Maru?
Thank you.
How did you know my dog's name is Maru?
Right. That's so interesting.
I just named the dog after a webtoon artist I like.
Why did you laugh?
- "Hidden Killer"? - Do you know the cartoon?
I'm a huge fan.
Did you know that the artist used her dog's name as her pen name?
The webtoon artist. Her pen name, Maru.
I'm Maru, the webtoon artist of "Hidden Killer".
There you go.
Let me see. That looks great on you.
Maru, paw.
That's it.
Don't take it off for the time being even at home.
Maru might run away out of the blue just like this.
You don't have to buy this for Maru.
You can just thank me for it.
Thank you.
can you give me an autograph in exchange?
I try not to meet my fans on a personal level.
Bye. Let's go, Maru.
Hey, you're not the one who reset your life.
Why did you run to him as if you remember him?
You embarrassed me.
Maru, you can't go after strangers like that.
Right. Oh, no. The vaccinations.
Let's get them tomorrow.
Woo Jin, why are you here at this hour?
Didn't you take Maru to the vet?
What's going on with you two?
What did I just see?
Ga Hyeon, hear me out.
You know how tough
things are for him and how much he's trying.
I'll listen to your story.
I know it's lame, but I must know.
When did it start?
This affair between you two.
Were you going to see her even when we are married?
What about you?
Were you going to let him marry me?
- I'm sorry. - "I'm sorry" doesn't cut it.
You just trashed our friendship of 10 years and you're sorry?
It's all my fault.
Ju Young didn't do anything wrong.
I'm grateful to you both.
I reflected on myself because I thought
I was the only nasty one.
But it turns out I didn't have to do that.
Mr. Han Woo Jin, starting today, you won't be managing my webtoon.
You talk to the company.
Tell them that I fired you because you cheated on me,
so I feel uncomfortable working with you.
The same goes for you too.
Starting today,
we're not friends anymore.
As you're not my friend, please get out of my house.
Ga Hyeon.
I hope
you guys stay together to the end.
If you stay together,
you'll always be reminded of me.
Stay together with a memory that makes you feel ashamed
and make your relationship uncomfortable.
(Jian Clinic, snooze)
(Jian Clinic, January 18, Friday)
Ga Hyeon.
Ga Hyeon.
You didn't upload your webtoon yesterday,
but of course, I know how it goes.
Before the reset, Ji Han was about to expose
the identity of the man.
That's how far I got.
But after the reset, Ji Han is still fighting with Hades.
What on earth is the man's identity?
That brings me to my point. Before we go in,
can you tell me about the identity?
Did something happen?
- My gosh. - Gosh.
No way!
My goodness.
You leveled up.
Hello, ma'am.
We're really back.
I wasn't sure. I was quite anxious, to be honest.
I'll believe you
if you tell me we can make soybean blocks with red beans.
Thank you so much.
It's our first time meeting this life.
Everyone seems happy.
By the way, one of us hasn't arrived yet.
Right. This guy was going to buy lottery tickets just like me.
- He was He was a deliveryman. - Yes.
He cannot make it here today.
I am truly sorry
that I must deliver sad news as soon as
you reset your lives.
Mr. Park Young Gil who couldn't make it here today
is dead.
(We thank Yu Gun and Jeon Seok Ho for their special appearances.)
(365: Repeat the Year)
It was all a lie. Everything was.
We could have been in danger too.
Let me go back. No, I must go back.
Hold on. Where are you?
You knew everything from the start, didn't you?
Before that. This is the last one.
I know. I can help you.
We were invited to the Death Note Game.
I won't be fooled like the last time.
If you want to bring it back, survive no matter what.
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