5ive Days To Midnight (2004) s01e02 Episode Script
Day 2
It's Jesse's birthday today.
she's 10 years old today.
Oh, boy, happy birthday, Jesse! Don't be so loud, Pop.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
Thank you.
Okay, now you've got to make a wish.
- Okay - Okay.
- Good job.
- Thanks.
I point far but not to the nearest star.
It's too early for riddles, Pop.
Wow! A laser.
Wow Wow, Pop, this is great.
- Thanks, Pop, I like it.
- You're welcome.
Does this mean I'm going to get a telescope too? We'll just have to wait and see.
But you've got to eat your breakfast.
We're running late.
- Thank you.
- Hmm.
Our first family portrait.
Ha! - All right.
- Bye.
No after-school program, so I'll pick you up.
I know.
I love you, bye.
- Hey, Jesse.
- Hey, Audrey.
Just put it over there.
On this day in history, June 7th Mahatma Gandhi initiated the campaign of civil Ah! What are the odds of that? Okay, why Professor Neumeyer is not dead someone wants to have a go at the physics? Come on, people.
Huh gravity, sir? Terminal velocity? - The speed you were driving at.
- The dog.
Dog is random, dog is destiny.
Dog is the reason Professor Neumeyer stands here instead of being skewered to his truck seat.
Thank you, Mr.
This is not a graduate class.
Please, confine your comments to the appropriate venue.
Make the most of him, kiddiewinks.
He is the best physics professor you will ever have.
All right, please open your books to Willard, page 16, "Principles of Particles.
" so I meant to work on reality sets all spring, but I got hijacked by this idea.
No office hours today, Carl.
Believe me, it's okay.
Here, I just need you to sign here - and I need you to sign there - No, I'm not your thesis advisor.
- Okay, Dr.
Popovich - Popovich is a useless collection of subatomic this entire lobotomized faculty Carl, you're not listening to me.
I'm not your thesis advisor.
Do you know M.
wanted me, Chicago, Cal Tech I chose this overpriced widget factory because of you stockholm your refutation of Witten's string theory application - you anticipated membranes - That was a long time ago.
Yeah, but it is still in there and I want that.
Carl, you can be extremely annoying.
- I can? - Yes, do you know that? Damn, Carl, social IQ I completely forgot what today is for you I mean death of your wife, birth of your daughter That's enough, no, no, no, no, my personal life is off-limits, Carl.
Right, okay, so when I research a subject, I research it, like this idea that I have been working on basically since March.
Here, you forgot your jacket.
When you get a look at my special project - No, I'm sure.
- -trust me - Dr.
Popovich will love it.
- it will blow your mind.
I'm sure he'll love it, yeah.
Denorvo Insurance.
Claudia, it's me.
Are you busy? You sound stressed.
Everything okay? Not really.
Believe it or not, I'm calling about an insurance issue - and I am stressed.
- What happened? - You won't believe it.
- No way! - It's amazing, huh? - Oh, my gosh.
- Uh-oh - Come on.
It's stuck, it's stuck, oh.
I'm glad it happened after you dropped me off at school.
- Yeah, me too.
- Thanks.
Did my mom like Pop-Tarts? You know, I don't think she ever ate a Pop-Tart.
But would she like 'em? Yeah, I think she would if she ever tried one, but only on weekends.
Hey, look.
What is that? It looks kind of like a laptop.
Don't touch it.
Hey, look, it's got your name on it.
- Come on, pick it up.
- What?! Come on.
All right, listen.
I want you to go stand back there.
Okay, Dad.
This is it's locked.
Maybe someone knew that you were going to be here to find it.
Come on, Pop, birthday puzzle.
We can figure it out, right? It's difficult to open a six-digit combination, see? see there? Not for you.
We've got to get going.
We don't want to keep the others waiting.
Why not? It's just not a good idea to keep anyone waiting.
- Okay, you all set? - All set.
Oh, here they come.
Quick, everyone hide! Okay, everybody, take your places.
Honey, just leave that.
Just come here.
- Just hide.
- Quick, quick, quick, quick.
Jesse loves this.
You mean you do this for her every year? Yes, it's our tradition.
By the way, I invited Claudia to the party.
You did? Why? Because.
Hold on a minute Dad, I know it isn't locked.
Oh, no, I can't find my house keys.
Come on, let's just get this over with.
Surprise! Surprise! - Happy birthday, sweetie.
- Thank you.
Thanks, Uncle Brad.
Hey, how you doing? - Are you okay? - sure.
- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
Happy birthday, Jesse bear.
Let me know if there's anything I can get for you.
Oh, my gosh! Is that my favorite organic carrot cake? - Maybe.
- Oh, boy.
- How are you? You okay? - Oh, yeah.
- Are you sure? - Yeah.
That's an apartment complex.
A whole apartment complex.
- An apartment complex? - You guys have a soda? - Can I get you a soda, sweetie? - sure, thank you.
- Would you guys like a soda? - Do you have a root beer? Yes I do.
- Uh, Claudia - Yeah? maybe we should rethink these.
- Why? - They're toy guns.
Oh, come on, it's a birthday party, it's supposed to be fun.
Well, actually, it's not just a birthday party.
- It's also the anniversary - of Catherine, Jesse's mom.
Perhaps you didn't know that.
No, I know that.
It's always a tough day for JT.
Okay, well, why don't we ask him? Okay, JT - Hey, you.
- Oh, hey.
That Claudia sure has some great energy.
That's what I was going to say.
she has great energy.
- Yeah, she does.
- so you've got a new girlfriend.
You've got a new briefcase.
Is this a new JT's sighting? - What's next? - No, no, I didn't buy this.
somebody left this at Katherine's grave.
- That's somewhat bizarre.
- Yeah.
Who knew you were going to be there? I mean, besides us.
Well, it's not true actually, remember that grad student of mine Carl Axelrod? - I'll get you! - Get outta here.
listen to me, listen to me.
- Document everything - Yeah.
every conversation, every impression and get witness statements if you can get them.
You're watching too much Court TV.
No, come on, you remember that math professor at Stanford? You've got to be careful about things these days.
You really do.
Headlines for today, June 7th, 1994 friends and family of O.
SimpsonV are pleading with him to turn himself in.
Davenport, to radiology I'm so sorry, JT, we lost her.
Come on, Pop, let's go open up my presents.
- All right, I'll be right there.
- Okay.
Oh my God! - Playstation 2 - Wow! - I want one of those.
- Oh, my gosh, look.
Yeah, big score, big score, baby.
- Jesse? - Wow! holy cow.
- It's bigger than you are.
- It's like up to there on you.
Jeez, it is.
- Wow! - What could that be? - I don't know.
- Guess, guess flip it over.
- It's a telescope! - Wow! she's a beaut.
Thank you.
- Thank you, Papa.
- You're welcome.
Pop, let's set up my telescope.
I've got to go out for just a little bit, Jess.
I cannot find my house keys.
They're on the infinity ring.
Where are you taking the case, Pop? Here is what we're gonna do, Jess, when I get back, we are going to set up the telescope together and we're going to look at the star nursery in Orion.
- Promise? - Promise.
Hold you to it.
Thanks for staying, Claudia.
Hey! Hey.
- What's wrong? - Nothing.
should I be taking this personally or is it just the whole day? No, no, it's been you've been great.
No, I just I have to take care of this.
And it can't wait till morning? I tell you what, I will tell you all about it tonight in bed.
- In bed here? - Hmm-hm.
Have you spoken to her? No, but I think she'll be okay about it.
Well, I'd like to know if she'd be okay about it because if she is not, a couple of months of hot dating is all we're ever going to be.
I agree and I think we should play it safe.
Listen, I don't want to blow this either.
We'll just be careful.
- see you later, squirrel.
- Bye, Pop.
like this idea that I've been working on basically since March.
Here, you forgot your jacket.
so when you get a look at my special project, trust me, it will blow your mind.
Who is it? Professor Neumeyer, we need to talk right now.
Step back from the door.
Your special project, Carl, we need to talk about it.
Step back from the door.
You crossed the line, Carl.
Who is it? All right, Carl.
Why don't I take this to Campus security and let them deal with you? Step back from the door.
Who is it? Don't you dare tell me it's easy, okay? Forget the picture.
Just look at the shapes.
Oh, here.
Come here.
Northwest Psychic Hotline.
- Hi, hey, it's me.
- Did you open the case? Listen, I'm gonna be a little longer.
Will you tell Claudia? I'm stopping by Brad and Chantal's, then I'll be home.
You promised to set up my telescope so I'm going to wait for you - school night and all.
- Okay, deal.
- Dad's gonna be late.
- No biggie.
Hey, wait a minute Ha! Wow! Jeez.
You should have seen your face.
Oh, you bastard.
Hey, I want to show you this.
You've got to read this.
- What is it? - A grad student's summer project.
stick'em up! This is incredible.
Look at this bullet hole.
Is there such a thing as grad school for Photoshop? No, but it's not flawless you know I don't have a blue parka, I don't own a green Jeep Cherokee.
And there's no way I would ever step foot into a redneck bar called "Buck Naked.
" What are you gonna do? Turn it over tomorrow to campus police.
Campus police? Nah-ah, you need the real thing.
Come on, JT, this is really sick.
This is what they call obsessive behavior.
This guy is deranged.
This goes way beyond stalking.
You've got to take this stuff downtown tonight - and let the police deal with Carl.
- There is no way to prove he did it.
Well, is he smart enough? Or crazy enough? You know what he is? He's a religious fanatic whose religion happens to be quantum physics.
Hey, wait a minute.
Look at this I'm on the suspects list and he's got my social security number.
My God, this could be Identity theft.
If you're not gonna call, I'm gonna do it right now.
Wait, hold on.
I got a better idea.
There's a detective here, Detective Irwin Sikorski.
Give me tape, lots of tape.
Give me room to live and breathe.
- When you got here, what did you do? - Nothing much checked for a pulse, but he was flat lined.
Dialed you straight up, Detective.
Let's see what we have.
Autopsy's going to find that or what's missing from that, stuck in his esophagus.
Either asphyxiated, went cardiac or both.
No foul play, no fun for me.
I just want to know Tell Doughnut Dan to lay us out a few dozen murder weapons, before I eat that evidence, would you? - Yeah, you got it.
- stand back.
- I live right here.
- Excuse me.
Unless you're the new evidence man, get the hell out of my crime scene.
Detective Sikorski, JT Neumeyer, I just need a moment of your time.
I'll give you a moment in my holding tank, Neumeyer.
- Now get the hell out of here.
- It's very important, please.
You know, if that guy out there chewed like his mother taught him, he'll be home watching the news by now.
How did you find me? I have a friend who works at a newspaper.
They have a scanner, they knew you'd be here, they knew you had a weakness for pastrami, so I got a lot of weaknesses, believe me.
so you're scheduled to die on Friday, huh? I hope not, it's inconvenient.
Always is.
Hand them out to those guys over there.
You got anybody in mind for this? It's obviously somebody you know.
You must have some idea.
Well, there's a graduate student named Carl Axelrod so that's a start.
Why don't you tell this to campus police? They live for this kind of crap.
Doesn't it bother you that your name's on it? Well, if it has to do with homicide, it better be.
I'm sorry, Professor, I don't do hoaxes, especially ones full of holes.
Holes what do you mean by that? It says here.
I didn't attend the autopsy, right there "Tuesday, June 15th, 2.
00 P M.
, investigating officer not present.
" You know the last time I missed an autopsy? - Nah.
- Neither do I.
Well, I don't know you from a hole in the ground.
But you don't look the type to me that hangs out in a sleaze pit like "Buck Naked.
" - No.
- It's just a prank.
some junior egghead is trying to screw with you a little.
- A little huh? - Uh-uh.
I see people get screwed with a lot.
This is a little.
It's just paper.
Why don't you go home and just be thankful you didn't die with a piece of doughnut clogged in your throat? Thanks for the pastrami.
- Hey.
- Oh, hey.
- When did you get back? - About a half-hour ago.
Did you get everything taken care of? Yeah, for tonight anyway.
I'm sorry it took so long.
- You know what? - Huh? It was time well spent.
she's a good kid.
We had fun.
What do you say you run a bath and we have a little fun too? Huh? I'll be right up.
I'm just gonna show Jesse the Orion Nebula.
Those are baby stars, Jesse, made up from gases and space dust.
You know the light we're seeing tonight was emitted 1,500 years ago? Wow! You opened the case, didn't you? Entrez.
- Care to join me? - Absolutely.
Thank you.
- For what? - For being here, being so good to Jesse, but most of all for being naked in this bathtub.
Want to wash my back? - You, tease.
- Absolutely.
I've got a present for you.
I thought it would be perfect for you, so What did you do? Do you like it? What's wrong? But I just bought it, JT.
How could Carl know right down to the color? You know, I mean every second parka is blue.
It's a coincidence.
It's Look, you weren't even at my funerals.
You wouldn't miss that, would you? I mean, it's Claudia, look, I'm a physics teacher, I'm a single dad.
I do jigsaw puzzles, for God's sake.
Who'd want to kill me? I'm too damn dull.
- Do you want to kill me? - How? Do you think Brad wants to kill me? Why would Brad want to kill you? He's your brother-in-law.
Yeah, well, but I'm gonna show you something here.
- You're both on the suspect list.
- Wow, I'm a suspect.
Yeah, along with Carl who worships me for some reason, and there's some guy I've never heard of.
Who? Roy Bremmer.
This is really unromantic.
I think we need to - just put this away.
- Let's take a rain check.
No, I mean Claudia, you can still stay.
Another time.
- Claudia, what's wrong, I - Nothing's wrong.
I mean, I know this whole thing is kind of spooky but Nothing's wrong.
I just think it would be better if we did it another time, that's all.
so when did Claudia go home? Huh, last night.
I thought Hmm, never mind.
Hey, Jess You know, now might be a good time to talk about Claudia and us.
That's okay, I think I'm gonna go and get dressed, you know.
Jess Please, tell me what's in the case.
'Cause I know that you opened it.
stuff for me.
Well, I found it, so I think I have a right to look.
It has my name on it and the stuff inside is clearly meant for me.
so once I find out what it all means and if it's appropriate I will show it to you.
You know what that probably is? It's probably our loaner.
- Excuse me.
- Wow! - Mr.
Neumeyer? - Yeah.
sorry about our rush hour traffic.
I'm here to take your truck to the repair shop.
Oh, here we are.
I reckon she's found the radio.
Thanks, I'm sure we will.
All righty.
You realize once the truck is fixed, we're back to plebe status.
It's just fun having nice things.
I mean, really nice things like Uncle Brad's and Chantal's nice.
- Oh, I see.
- Love you.
- Love you, bye.
- Bye, see you later.
Hey, Claudia, Uh, listen I want to take a rain check for last night, but that's not why I'm calling I've got a question about the rental car you arranged for us.
Yeah, the thing is Wait, I better go here.
You got that file on you? so what made you change your mind? Carl Axelrod, he's the student, right? The one you pegged for this? Well, if he did it, he put himself on the suspect list.
Is he really that crazy? He's until yesterday I thought he was just weird.
He's one of the brightest students I've ever had socially inept, a little creepy, but that's about it.
I'll check him for priors.
see who else Carl has been messing with here.
- Professor Bradley Hume.
- It's my late wife's brother.
He's a friend, colleague, good scientist, better stock picker, but no, he wouldn't be a suspect, even if this thing was real.
seven out of 10 murders are committed by friends or family of the vic.
- What about Claudia Whitney? - Uh, my girlfriend.
That doesn't mean she wouldn't want to kill you.
Hell, my wife, she tries to wring my neck at least twice a day.
Well, imagine that.
How long have you known her? Huh, four months.
We met over term life.
she's my insurance agent.
What, your girlfriend handles your life insurance? Did you name her executor or name her in your will? No, that's my my daughter is my sole beneficiary.
- This is interesting.
- What? It says that they found an unspent bullet on your body.
That's like a calling card, a pro thing.
I guess Carl has been watching too much TV.
Who is Roy Bremmer? You see, I have no idea, no idea who that is.
- You'll have to ask Carl.
- I'll do that.
Can I keep this? I'll make you a copy.
I need to keep this one.
Because I'm gonna prove this whole thing is, you know, a hoax.
Of course, it's a hoax.
I mean, what else could it be? Uh You know, I probably should mention this Yesterday I was given a blue parka just like in the file.
And today, this morning, the rental car company drops off this green Cherokee just like in the file.
You asked me why I changed my mind about this thing.
When I got home last night, my wife, she told me I had a doctor's appointment next week.
I've blown off a couple already, so if I miss this one, she really will wring my neck.
Next Tuesday, 2:00 P M.
, same time as the autopsy, so you miss the autopsy.
- Get me a copy of this, will you? - Yeah.
- As soon as you can.
- Thanks.
Anderson to oncology.
Oh, hey, Dan, Dan! - Hey, what are you doing here? - I need a favor.
A stress test, maybe? some oxygen? No, can you check the blood on this against mine? - What's this? - It's a bullet fragment.
Where would you get wait why would the blood match I'll explain later.
I just I need it as quickly as possible.
I've got to go That's great.
No, I appreciate that.
I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
I know, that was good, thanks.
One moment, please.
This is outrageous.
- spectacular work.
- How can I prove it was Photoshopped? You mean, aside from you standing there breathing? Yoshi's got this big voodoo machine down in Composing.
- He can scan it for tampering.
- Good.
Ever heard of this guy Roy Bremmer? No.
Hey, how come I'm not on this list? I'm a close friend.
I'm definitely badder than Brad or Claudia.
- How can I find out who he is? - I can search our database.
Hey, lighten up, son.
How come you're so worked up about this? You went to the police.
They're on it, right? Right, right, yeah.
Can I use your copier? Yeah.
Don't you just love the sunshine today? It's beautiful.
We should go for drinks on the patio after work.
That sounds nice.
Denorvo Insurance.
Hi, Amy, JT, is she there yet? Sorry, JT, as soon as she gets in, I'll have her call you, okay? Okay, thanks.
this kind of weather, you just want a light jacket.
That wraps it up for the Seattle area partly cloudy with mostly cool breezes.
Oh, this just in It's not going to be sunny long according to the Doppler, we have a storm coming in off the coast.
sorry, folks, get out the rain gear.
Huh, Claudia, it's me.
Where are you? I've tried your office, I've tried your cell.
I need to talk to you about the file.
Call me when you get this, okay? Wow! Blowing up stuffs for grades.
Now, how cool is that? JT, you just missed it, I'm so close.
- Yeah - A transparent material - capable of withstanding 170 Gs.
- Bradley.
It will replace every window in the first world.
I wouldn't mind owning the patent on that one.
Have you been to the police yet? Yeah, we got to find out what this thing is made of.
- so you can figure out who sent it.
- Yeah Okay, let's do it.
I'll be right back.
This is really nice.
I'm gonna have to take a shaving from this.
Yeah, do whatever you gotta do.
You know how long it's gonna take? Well, it depends.
Can I blow it up? Kidding.
- Call me.
- I will.
I knew him.
- He was a dealer? - Coke.
Yeah, he's a weird dude.
What's going on, guys? This big cop just dragged that Carl guy out of here.
Emphasis on dragged.
Okay, I'm gonna have to cancel today, I'm sorry.
I'll make it up.
Double session on Thursday.
Get closer together.
Closer together, kids, here we go.
- All right, ready? smile.
- Cheese.
- Do not touch me.
- Come back here and sit.
I've seen those shows with the good-cop-bad-cop.
You're gonna knock me around.
- Professor.
- You get the copies? - Why am I here? - Try criminal harassment which is gonna land you in prison where you'll acquire a whole new definition of "physics.
" - Hmm? - What is that? No one's gonna hurt you, Carl, just tell us why you did it.
Carl, is that the special project you said would blow my mind? - No.
- Any mope can make a threat, but a genius needs a genius twist.
You're a genius, aren't you, Carl? Where did you get the paperwork? someone in this department? This isn't my handwriting.
You forged my signature to make it look real.
Who helped you, Carl? Give me a name.
It's dated Friday?! Maybe it wasn't even your idea.
You were just a dupe.
That's weird.
That's so weird.
That's so weird.
I'm giving you one chance to get out in front of this, Carl.
Lookie, lookie, lookie, look, look, look.
Look, look, look what's this? He didn't do this.
It's all right, everybody, let's come on inside.
- It looks like it's going to storm.
- Keep going, keep going.
- Here we go.
- Hurry.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
Ah, Claudia, banker's hours.
Did Michael cut the paychecks yet? No, he's working on them right now.
- Forgot to pay the electric again? - You know me.
nasty weather.
Come on.
Victoria Jamieson.
Victoria Jamieson, my new identity.
Oh, you're a lifesaver.
Margaritas for dinner? My treat.
I still owe you for last time.
You know what, Amy, I can't tonight.
I really need to get going.
But you know, huh I think you're great.
And I would love to, but I can't.
salted brims, limes, nachos I can't.
- Say hi to Billy.
- Okay, see you tomorrow.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Listen, it's okay.
I'm glad I found you.
I need you to pick up Jess today.
- I'm not - You know where it is, right? It's an emergency, I'll explain later.
- No, I - I'll see you later.
Hello, hello! Hello, hello.
- Yeah? - Yeah, listen, the oak tree, it's going to fall.
You've got to get out now! You got to be kidding me.
This tree has been through a lot worse than this.
Yeah, I know, but you've got to believe me.
Hey, Butchie, shut up.
There's not much time, come on.
What are you? some sort of a city works guy or a tree maintenance guy? - No, I'm a physicist.
- Oh, you're a physicist.
Listen, that oak tree is not going to survive the storm.
It's going to fall, Mandy, and when it does - How do you know my name? - I - Get off my porch! - No, wait, you've got to believe me.
How does that feel? You need to get out now! Take it easy.
- Let go! Take it easy.
- No, no.
- Come on! All right, just one more step.
Okay, run.
My God.
You saved my life.
How can I ever thank you? It's real.
Hey, are you picking me up? Where's Dad? something came up.
You're getting wet.
Hi, Claudia, it's me.
Where are you? I've tried your office, I've tried your cell.
I need to talk to you about the file.
Call me when you get this.
Was there mechanical problem? Not at all.
- You don't like how it handles? - It handles great - It's the top of the line leather interior, cherry sound system, GPs.
Miss Whitney specifically ordered it for you.
Wait, what did she ask for exactly? she said "Give me the best one in the lot".
Well, you did that.
I thank you.
Now I want something else.
Okay, I'll put that on your Visa.
Is that cop with you? No, he isn't.
Carl, I'm alone.
I need to talk to you, please.
You still have those papers, Carl? - The thesis advisor consent forms? - Yeah.
Yeah, why don't you get them? And Okay, I am now your thesis advisor.
And this is your assignment.
I'm sure that you won't be afraid of wherever that might lead you.
I am already there.
The shadow on the form from the paperclip? Yeah, and other things.
But it takes time to create a mark like that, right? Years, decades even and the forms are current, but the paper is old and crumbly which means somebody either manufactured the effect, or the - or - Or? It's from the future.
Okay, do you have proof? It predicted a random event which happened this afternoon.
- I knew it, I knew it was possible.
- Carl.
It proves the theory of infinite parallel universes.
Okay, stay with me.
I need you.
I want you to explain how this happened.
show me the math, the physics, the implications of transferring an object through space and time.
Okay, did it just show up on your desk? Was it in anything? It was in a metal briefcase.
We're analyzing the composition right now.
Lightweight, but very strong.
- so the file is inside the case.
- Yeah.
Inside the file are written documents and photographs.
Anything else? My lost keys.
I had them yesterday morning.
But by the afternoon, they were gone.
- Before or after you got the case? - After.
Anything else? Yes, a spent bullet with dried blood on it and also a whole bullet, which was found at the scene.
Wait bullets? Oh, yeah, you die on Friday.
Well not if I can help it, Carl.
All righty, it's all here, good luck.
You know, maybe you can't help it, maybe it's your destiny.
- I don't believe that.
- Believe? Just think about all the different things that have happened since that case arrived I'm now your thesis advisor, for one.
I knew a scientist who used to tell his students to check their beliefs at the lab door, at least until they could be proven.
Well, I now believe that scientist was wrong, Carl.
Dad, look, you got some flowers.
I've got to meet a client.
I've got to go.
Uh, Claudia, can you come back later? I've got to talk to you.
It's about something very important.
JT, you son of a bitch.
- Oh, hey, girls.
- Hi.
Turn on the TV, your dad is all over the news.
- Why? - He's a damn hero.
- What did you do, Dad? - Oh, nothing much - just saved a woman's life.
- What?! Here we are at the town of Everett's famous landmark the Weatherby Oak.
"The oak is no more" as they say.
Maybe it's the acorn.
Mandy, we hear you lost your house.
Mandy Murphy that's who the flowers are from.
The oak fell on my house and everything was destroyed.
I've got something else for you too.
It's about that Bremmer character.
- This is him.
- All right, so who is he? All the action on the south side of Chicago - is controlled by a handful of guys.
- And he's one of them? No, he controls a handful of guys very private, very connected.
Claudia, you're from Chicago.
You ever ran into this character? Yeah, we used to party all the time, him and me and the mayor.
Oh yeah, right.
I've got to run.
I'm late.
- Can I see you for a sec? - Huh? Yeah.
What's up? and I'm just happy that we are okay.
Man's best friend and his mom and I guess you're both okay and we're glad for that.
Okay, Mandy, you take care.
Goodbye, JT.
Whoo! What did you do to deserve her? - Hello? - I have to talk to you.
- Claudia, where are you? - Look outside.
What?! What are you doing out there? Why don't you come in? No, I need you to come out here, JT.
All right.
Jess, stay here.
Claudia, you're all right? What's going on? Is it the file? If it's about the file, I wish I could tell you - There's nothing to it, but after - It's not about the file.
JT, just listen to me, okay? What? I know Roy Bremmer.
You know Roy Bremmer? Wait a minute.
I don't unders how? Is he a client of yours or No, he's not a client.
Well, what is he? Did something happen in Chicago? Did you cross the guy in some way? Did you testify against him? I don't Claudia? I married him.
And I'm still married to him.
I'm sorry.
How did you think that not telling me why how why would you not tell me? I've lived in five different places in the last two years.
I've changed my identity three times and I'm about to change it again.
I only came back here to warn you.
Why why why didn't you divorce him? Roy takes that "till death do us part" clause literally.
Oh, damn it.
Jesse! I don't like being left out.
I want to know what's going on.
Hey, no! That's enough! Listen, here is the deal you're the child, I'm the parent, I will tell you what you need to know.
I will decide that.
End of story.
Now, go upstairs, do your homework.
I never let myself get too close to anyone because I know soon or later, I'm going to have to leave.
I made a mistake with you.
I couldn't resist.
This was the best, the sweetest thing I have ever had, ever! I ruined my life when I married Roy and now, I've ruined yours and I'm sorry.
I just didn't expect to meet you I didn't know what I wanted in a man until I met you.
And I don't know, but I feel like maybe I woke up something in you that's been asleep a long time.
This is for you.
- You need to take it.
- What are you doing? JT, - Roy isn't only powerful and ruthless, - What are you doing with a gun? - he's insanely jealous.
- I don't understand - You need to take it.
- No.
You need to take it.
You're in danger.
Jesse is in danger.
No, I'm not going to keep a gun in my home.
JT, just take it.
JT, take it.
Claudia, listen, no, don't go.
Does he always find you? Yeah, but he hasn't caught me yet.
Don't go.
Come here.
You just said he always finds you.
sooner or later, you're going to have to face him.
so why don't we face this together? I mean it.
Come on.
Oh, brother.
she's 10 years old today.
Oh, boy, happy birthday, Jesse! Don't be so loud, Pop.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
Thank you.
Okay, now you've got to make a wish.
- Okay - Okay.
- Good job.
- Thanks.
I point far but not to the nearest star.
It's too early for riddles, Pop.
Wow! A laser.
Wow Wow, Pop, this is great.
- Thanks, Pop, I like it.
- You're welcome.
Does this mean I'm going to get a telescope too? We'll just have to wait and see.
But you've got to eat your breakfast.
We're running late.
- Thank you.
- Hmm.
Our first family portrait.
Ha! - All right.
- Bye.
No after-school program, so I'll pick you up.
I know.
I love you, bye.
- Hey, Jesse.
- Hey, Audrey.
Just put it over there.
On this day in history, June 7th Mahatma Gandhi initiated the campaign of civil Ah! What are the odds of that? Okay, why Professor Neumeyer is not dead someone wants to have a go at the physics? Come on, people.
Huh gravity, sir? Terminal velocity? - The speed you were driving at.
- The dog.
Dog is random, dog is destiny.
Dog is the reason Professor Neumeyer stands here instead of being skewered to his truck seat.
Thank you, Mr.
This is not a graduate class.
Please, confine your comments to the appropriate venue.
Make the most of him, kiddiewinks.
He is the best physics professor you will ever have.
All right, please open your books to Willard, page 16, "Principles of Particles.
" so I meant to work on reality sets all spring, but I got hijacked by this idea.
No office hours today, Carl.
Believe me, it's okay.
Here, I just need you to sign here - and I need you to sign there - No, I'm not your thesis advisor.
- Okay, Dr.
Popovich - Popovich is a useless collection of subatomic this entire lobotomized faculty Carl, you're not listening to me.
I'm not your thesis advisor.
Do you know M.
wanted me, Chicago, Cal Tech I chose this overpriced widget factory because of you stockholm your refutation of Witten's string theory application - you anticipated membranes - That was a long time ago.
Yeah, but it is still in there and I want that.
Carl, you can be extremely annoying.
- I can? - Yes, do you know that? Damn, Carl, social IQ I completely forgot what today is for you I mean death of your wife, birth of your daughter That's enough, no, no, no, no, my personal life is off-limits, Carl.
Right, okay, so when I research a subject, I research it, like this idea that I have been working on basically since March.
Here, you forgot your jacket.
When you get a look at my special project - No, I'm sure.
- -trust me - Dr.
Popovich will love it.
- it will blow your mind.
I'm sure he'll love it, yeah.
Denorvo Insurance.
Claudia, it's me.
Are you busy? You sound stressed.
Everything okay? Not really.
Believe it or not, I'm calling about an insurance issue - and I am stressed.
- What happened? - You won't believe it.
- No way! - It's amazing, huh? - Oh, my gosh.
- Uh-oh - Come on.
It's stuck, it's stuck, oh.
I'm glad it happened after you dropped me off at school.
- Yeah, me too.
- Thanks.
Did my mom like Pop-Tarts? You know, I don't think she ever ate a Pop-Tart.
But would she like 'em? Yeah, I think she would if she ever tried one, but only on weekends.
Hey, look.
What is that? It looks kind of like a laptop.
Don't touch it.
Hey, look, it's got your name on it.
- Come on, pick it up.
- What?! Come on.
All right, listen.
I want you to go stand back there.
Okay, Dad.
This is it's locked.
Maybe someone knew that you were going to be here to find it.
Come on, Pop, birthday puzzle.
We can figure it out, right? It's difficult to open a six-digit combination, see? see there? Not for you.
We've got to get going.
We don't want to keep the others waiting.
Why not? It's just not a good idea to keep anyone waiting.
- Okay, you all set? - All set.
Oh, here they come.
Quick, everyone hide! Okay, everybody, take your places.
Honey, just leave that.
Just come here.
- Just hide.
- Quick, quick, quick, quick.
Jesse loves this.
You mean you do this for her every year? Yes, it's our tradition.
By the way, I invited Claudia to the party.
You did? Why? Because.
Hold on a minute Dad, I know it isn't locked.
Oh, no, I can't find my house keys.
Come on, let's just get this over with.
Surprise! Surprise! - Happy birthday, sweetie.
- Thank you.
Thanks, Uncle Brad.
Hey, how you doing? - Are you okay? - sure.
- Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
Happy birthday, Jesse bear.
Let me know if there's anything I can get for you.
Oh, my gosh! Is that my favorite organic carrot cake? - Maybe.
- Oh, boy.
- How are you? You okay? - Oh, yeah.
- Are you sure? - Yeah.
That's an apartment complex.
A whole apartment complex.
- An apartment complex? - You guys have a soda? - Can I get you a soda, sweetie? - sure, thank you.
- Would you guys like a soda? - Do you have a root beer? Yes I do.
- Uh, Claudia - Yeah? maybe we should rethink these.
- Why? - They're toy guns.
Oh, come on, it's a birthday party, it's supposed to be fun.
Well, actually, it's not just a birthday party.
- It's also the anniversary - of Catherine, Jesse's mom.
Perhaps you didn't know that.
No, I know that.
It's always a tough day for JT.
Okay, well, why don't we ask him? Okay, JT - Hey, you.
- Oh, hey.
That Claudia sure has some great energy.
That's what I was going to say.
she has great energy.
- Yeah, she does.
- so you've got a new girlfriend.
You've got a new briefcase.
Is this a new JT's sighting? - What's next? - No, no, I didn't buy this.
somebody left this at Katherine's grave.
- That's somewhat bizarre.
- Yeah.
Who knew you were going to be there? I mean, besides us.
Well, it's not true actually, remember that grad student of mine Carl Axelrod? - I'll get you! - Get outta here.
listen to me, listen to me.
- Document everything - Yeah.
every conversation, every impression and get witness statements if you can get them.
You're watching too much Court TV.
No, come on, you remember that math professor at Stanford? You've got to be careful about things these days.
You really do.
Headlines for today, June 7th, 1994 friends and family of O.
SimpsonV are pleading with him to turn himself in.
Davenport, to radiology I'm so sorry, JT, we lost her.
Come on, Pop, let's go open up my presents.
- All right, I'll be right there.
- Okay.
Oh my God! - Playstation 2 - Wow! - I want one of those.
- Oh, my gosh, look.
Yeah, big score, big score, baby.
- Jesse? - Wow! holy cow.
- It's bigger than you are.
- It's like up to there on you.
Jeez, it is.
- Wow! - What could that be? - I don't know.
- Guess, guess flip it over.
- It's a telescope! - Wow! she's a beaut.
Thank you.
- Thank you, Papa.
- You're welcome.
Pop, let's set up my telescope.
I've got to go out for just a little bit, Jess.
I cannot find my house keys.
They're on the infinity ring.
Where are you taking the case, Pop? Here is what we're gonna do, Jess, when I get back, we are going to set up the telescope together and we're going to look at the star nursery in Orion.
- Promise? - Promise.
Hold you to it.
Thanks for staying, Claudia.
Hey! Hey.
- What's wrong? - Nothing.
should I be taking this personally or is it just the whole day? No, no, it's been you've been great.
No, I just I have to take care of this.
And it can't wait till morning? I tell you what, I will tell you all about it tonight in bed.
- In bed here? - Hmm-hm.
Have you spoken to her? No, but I think she'll be okay about it.
Well, I'd like to know if she'd be okay about it because if she is not, a couple of months of hot dating is all we're ever going to be.
I agree and I think we should play it safe.
Listen, I don't want to blow this either.
We'll just be careful.
- see you later, squirrel.
- Bye, Pop.
like this idea that I've been working on basically since March.
Here, you forgot your jacket.
so when you get a look at my special project, trust me, it will blow your mind.
Who is it? Professor Neumeyer, we need to talk right now.
Step back from the door.
Your special project, Carl, we need to talk about it.
Step back from the door.
You crossed the line, Carl.
Who is it? All right, Carl.
Why don't I take this to Campus security and let them deal with you? Step back from the door.
Who is it? Don't you dare tell me it's easy, okay? Forget the picture.
Just look at the shapes.
Oh, here.
Come here.
Northwest Psychic Hotline.
- Hi, hey, it's me.
- Did you open the case? Listen, I'm gonna be a little longer.
Will you tell Claudia? I'm stopping by Brad and Chantal's, then I'll be home.
You promised to set up my telescope so I'm going to wait for you - school night and all.
- Okay, deal.
- Dad's gonna be late.
- No biggie.
Hey, wait a minute Ha! Wow! Jeez.
You should have seen your face.
Oh, you bastard.
Hey, I want to show you this.
You've got to read this.
- What is it? - A grad student's summer project.
stick'em up! This is incredible.
Look at this bullet hole.
Is there such a thing as grad school for Photoshop? No, but it's not flawless you know I don't have a blue parka, I don't own a green Jeep Cherokee.
And there's no way I would ever step foot into a redneck bar called "Buck Naked.
" What are you gonna do? Turn it over tomorrow to campus police.
Campus police? Nah-ah, you need the real thing.
Come on, JT, this is really sick.
This is what they call obsessive behavior.
This guy is deranged.
This goes way beyond stalking.
You've got to take this stuff downtown tonight - and let the police deal with Carl.
- There is no way to prove he did it.
Well, is he smart enough? Or crazy enough? You know what he is? He's a religious fanatic whose religion happens to be quantum physics.
Hey, wait a minute.
Look at this I'm on the suspects list and he's got my social security number.
My God, this could be Identity theft.
If you're not gonna call, I'm gonna do it right now.
Wait, hold on.
I got a better idea.
There's a detective here, Detective Irwin Sikorski.
Give me tape, lots of tape.
Give me room to live and breathe.
- When you got here, what did you do? - Nothing much checked for a pulse, but he was flat lined.
Dialed you straight up, Detective.
Let's see what we have.
Autopsy's going to find that or what's missing from that, stuck in his esophagus.
Either asphyxiated, went cardiac or both.
No foul play, no fun for me.
I just want to know Tell Doughnut Dan to lay us out a few dozen murder weapons, before I eat that evidence, would you? - Yeah, you got it.
- stand back.
- I live right here.
- Excuse me.
Unless you're the new evidence man, get the hell out of my crime scene.
Detective Sikorski, JT Neumeyer, I just need a moment of your time.
I'll give you a moment in my holding tank, Neumeyer.
- Now get the hell out of here.
- It's very important, please.
You know, if that guy out there chewed like his mother taught him, he'll be home watching the news by now.
How did you find me? I have a friend who works at a newspaper.
They have a scanner, they knew you'd be here, they knew you had a weakness for pastrami, so I got a lot of weaknesses, believe me.
so you're scheduled to die on Friday, huh? I hope not, it's inconvenient.
Always is.
Hand them out to those guys over there.
You got anybody in mind for this? It's obviously somebody you know.
You must have some idea.
Well, there's a graduate student named Carl Axelrod so that's a start.
Why don't you tell this to campus police? They live for this kind of crap.
Doesn't it bother you that your name's on it? Well, if it has to do with homicide, it better be.
I'm sorry, Professor, I don't do hoaxes, especially ones full of holes.
Holes what do you mean by that? It says here.
I didn't attend the autopsy, right there "Tuesday, June 15th, 2.
00 P M.
, investigating officer not present.
" You know the last time I missed an autopsy? - Nah.
- Neither do I.
Well, I don't know you from a hole in the ground.
But you don't look the type to me that hangs out in a sleaze pit like "Buck Naked.
" - No.
- It's just a prank.
some junior egghead is trying to screw with you a little.
- A little huh? - Uh-uh.
I see people get screwed with a lot.
This is a little.
It's just paper.
Why don't you go home and just be thankful you didn't die with a piece of doughnut clogged in your throat? Thanks for the pastrami.
- Hey.
- Oh, hey.
- When did you get back? - About a half-hour ago.
Did you get everything taken care of? Yeah, for tonight anyway.
I'm sorry it took so long.
- You know what? - Huh? It was time well spent.
she's a good kid.
We had fun.
What do you say you run a bath and we have a little fun too? Huh? I'll be right up.
I'm just gonna show Jesse the Orion Nebula.
Those are baby stars, Jesse, made up from gases and space dust.
You know the light we're seeing tonight was emitted 1,500 years ago? Wow! You opened the case, didn't you? Entrez.
- Care to join me? - Absolutely.
Thank you.
- For what? - For being here, being so good to Jesse, but most of all for being naked in this bathtub.
Want to wash my back? - You, tease.
- Absolutely.
I've got a present for you.
I thought it would be perfect for you, so What did you do? Do you like it? What's wrong? But I just bought it, JT.
How could Carl know right down to the color? You know, I mean every second parka is blue.
It's a coincidence.
It's Look, you weren't even at my funerals.
You wouldn't miss that, would you? I mean, it's Claudia, look, I'm a physics teacher, I'm a single dad.
I do jigsaw puzzles, for God's sake.
Who'd want to kill me? I'm too damn dull.
- Do you want to kill me? - How? Do you think Brad wants to kill me? Why would Brad want to kill you? He's your brother-in-law.
Yeah, well, but I'm gonna show you something here.
- You're both on the suspect list.
- Wow, I'm a suspect.
Yeah, along with Carl who worships me for some reason, and there's some guy I've never heard of.
Who? Roy Bremmer.
This is really unromantic.
I think we need to - just put this away.
- Let's take a rain check.
No, I mean Claudia, you can still stay.
Another time.
- Claudia, what's wrong, I - Nothing's wrong.
I mean, I know this whole thing is kind of spooky but Nothing's wrong.
I just think it would be better if we did it another time, that's all.
so when did Claudia go home? Huh, last night.
I thought Hmm, never mind.
Hey, Jess You know, now might be a good time to talk about Claudia and us.
That's okay, I think I'm gonna go and get dressed, you know.
Jess Please, tell me what's in the case.
'Cause I know that you opened it.
stuff for me.
Well, I found it, so I think I have a right to look.
It has my name on it and the stuff inside is clearly meant for me.
so once I find out what it all means and if it's appropriate I will show it to you.
You know what that probably is? It's probably our loaner.
- Excuse me.
- Wow! - Mr.
Neumeyer? - Yeah.
sorry about our rush hour traffic.
I'm here to take your truck to the repair shop.
Oh, here we are.
I reckon she's found the radio.
Thanks, I'm sure we will.
All righty.
You realize once the truck is fixed, we're back to plebe status.
It's just fun having nice things.
I mean, really nice things like Uncle Brad's and Chantal's nice.
- Oh, I see.
- Love you.
- Love you, bye.
- Bye, see you later.
Hey, Claudia, Uh, listen I want to take a rain check for last night, but that's not why I'm calling I've got a question about the rental car you arranged for us.
Yeah, the thing is Wait, I better go here.
You got that file on you? so what made you change your mind? Carl Axelrod, he's the student, right? The one you pegged for this? Well, if he did it, he put himself on the suspect list.
Is he really that crazy? He's until yesterday I thought he was just weird.
He's one of the brightest students I've ever had socially inept, a little creepy, but that's about it.
I'll check him for priors.
see who else Carl has been messing with here.
- Professor Bradley Hume.
- It's my late wife's brother.
He's a friend, colleague, good scientist, better stock picker, but no, he wouldn't be a suspect, even if this thing was real.
seven out of 10 murders are committed by friends or family of the vic.
- What about Claudia Whitney? - Uh, my girlfriend.
That doesn't mean she wouldn't want to kill you.
Hell, my wife, she tries to wring my neck at least twice a day.
Well, imagine that.
How long have you known her? Huh, four months.
We met over term life.
she's my insurance agent.
What, your girlfriend handles your life insurance? Did you name her executor or name her in your will? No, that's my my daughter is my sole beneficiary.
- This is interesting.
- What? It says that they found an unspent bullet on your body.
That's like a calling card, a pro thing.
I guess Carl has been watching too much TV.
Who is Roy Bremmer? You see, I have no idea, no idea who that is.
- You'll have to ask Carl.
- I'll do that.
Can I keep this? I'll make you a copy.
I need to keep this one.
Because I'm gonna prove this whole thing is, you know, a hoax.
Of course, it's a hoax.
I mean, what else could it be? Uh You know, I probably should mention this Yesterday I was given a blue parka just like in the file.
And today, this morning, the rental car company drops off this green Cherokee just like in the file.
You asked me why I changed my mind about this thing.
When I got home last night, my wife, she told me I had a doctor's appointment next week.
I've blown off a couple already, so if I miss this one, she really will wring my neck.
Next Tuesday, 2:00 P M.
, same time as the autopsy, so you miss the autopsy.
- Get me a copy of this, will you? - Yeah.
- As soon as you can.
- Thanks.
Anderson to oncology.
Oh, hey, Dan, Dan! - Hey, what are you doing here? - I need a favor.
A stress test, maybe? some oxygen? No, can you check the blood on this against mine? - What's this? - It's a bullet fragment.
Where would you get wait why would the blood match I'll explain later.
I just I need it as quickly as possible.
I've got to go That's great.
No, I appreciate that.
I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
I know, that was good, thanks.
One moment, please.
This is outrageous.
- spectacular work.
- How can I prove it was Photoshopped? You mean, aside from you standing there breathing? Yoshi's got this big voodoo machine down in Composing.
- He can scan it for tampering.
- Good.
Ever heard of this guy Roy Bremmer? No.
Hey, how come I'm not on this list? I'm a close friend.
I'm definitely badder than Brad or Claudia.
- How can I find out who he is? - I can search our database.
Hey, lighten up, son.
How come you're so worked up about this? You went to the police.
They're on it, right? Right, right, yeah.
Can I use your copier? Yeah.
Don't you just love the sunshine today? It's beautiful.
We should go for drinks on the patio after work.
That sounds nice.
Denorvo Insurance.
Hi, Amy, JT, is she there yet? Sorry, JT, as soon as she gets in, I'll have her call you, okay? Okay, thanks.
this kind of weather, you just want a light jacket.
That wraps it up for the Seattle area partly cloudy with mostly cool breezes.
Oh, this just in It's not going to be sunny long according to the Doppler, we have a storm coming in off the coast.
sorry, folks, get out the rain gear.
Huh, Claudia, it's me.
Where are you? I've tried your office, I've tried your cell.
I need to talk to you about the file.
Call me when you get this, okay? Wow! Blowing up stuffs for grades.
Now, how cool is that? JT, you just missed it, I'm so close.
- Yeah - A transparent material - capable of withstanding 170 Gs.
- Bradley.
It will replace every window in the first world.
I wouldn't mind owning the patent on that one.
Have you been to the police yet? Yeah, we got to find out what this thing is made of.
- so you can figure out who sent it.
- Yeah Okay, let's do it.
I'll be right back.
This is really nice.
I'm gonna have to take a shaving from this.
Yeah, do whatever you gotta do.
You know how long it's gonna take? Well, it depends.
Can I blow it up? Kidding.
- Call me.
- I will.
I knew him.
- He was a dealer? - Coke.
Yeah, he's a weird dude.
What's going on, guys? This big cop just dragged that Carl guy out of here.
Emphasis on dragged.
Okay, I'm gonna have to cancel today, I'm sorry.
I'll make it up.
Double session on Thursday.
Get closer together.
Closer together, kids, here we go.
- All right, ready? smile.
- Cheese.
- Do not touch me.
- Come back here and sit.
I've seen those shows with the good-cop-bad-cop.
You're gonna knock me around.
- Professor.
- You get the copies? - Why am I here? - Try criminal harassment which is gonna land you in prison where you'll acquire a whole new definition of "physics.
" - Hmm? - What is that? No one's gonna hurt you, Carl, just tell us why you did it.
Carl, is that the special project you said would blow my mind? - No.
- Any mope can make a threat, but a genius needs a genius twist.
You're a genius, aren't you, Carl? Where did you get the paperwork? someone in this department? This isn't my handwriting.
You forged my signature to make it look real.
Who helped you, Carl? Give me a name.
It's dated Friday?! Maybe it wasn't even your idea.
You were just a dupe.
That's weird.
That's so weird.
That's so weird.
I'm giving you one chance to get out in front of this, Carl.
Lookie, lookie, lookie, look, look, look.
Look, look, look what's this? He didn't do this.
It's all right, everybody, let's come on inside.
- It looks like it's going to storm.
- Keep going, keep going.
- Here we go.
- Hurry.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
Ah, Claudia, banker's hours.
Did Michael cut the paychecks yet? No, he's working on them right now.
- Forgot to pay the electric again? - You know me.
nasty weather.
Come on.
Victoria Jamieson.
Victoria Jamieson, my new identity.
Oh, you're a lifesaver.
Margaritas for dinner? My treat.
I still owe you for last time.
You know what, Amy, I can't tonight.
I really need to get going.
But you know, huh I think you're great.
And I would love to, but I can't.
salted brims, limes, nachos I can't.
- Say hi to Billy.
- Okay, see you tomorrow.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Listen, it's okay.
I'm glad I found you.
I need you to pick up Jess today.
- I'm not - You know where it is, right? It's an emergency, I'll explain later.
- No, I - I'll see you later.
Hello, hello! Hello, hello.
- Yeah? - Yeah, listen, the oak tree, it's going to fall.
You've got to get out now! You got to be kidding me.
This tree has been through a lot worse than this.
Yeah, I know, but you've got to believe me.
Hey, Butchie, shut up.
There's not much time, come on.
What are you? some sort of a city works guy or a tree maintenance guy? - No, I'm a physicist.
- Oh, you're a physicist.
Listen, that oak tree is not going to survive the storm.
It's going to fall, Mandy, and when it does - How do you know my name? - I - Get off my porch! - No, wait, you've got to believe me.
How does that feel? You need to get out now! Take it easy.
- Let go! Take it easy.
- No, no.
- Come on! All right, just one more step.
Okay, run.
My God.
You saved my life.
How can I ever thank you? It's real.
Hey, are you picking me up? Where's Dad? something came up.
You're getting wet.
Hi, Claudia, it's me.
Where are you? I've tried your office, I've tried your cell.
I need to talk to you about the file.
Call me when you get this.
Was there mechanical problem? Not at all.
- You don't like how it handles? - It handles great - It's the top of the line leather interior, cherry sound system, GPs.
Miss Whitney specifically ordered it for you.
Wait, what did she ask for exactly? she said "Give me the best one in the lot".
Well, you did that.
I thank you.
Now I want something else.
Okay, I'll put that on your Visa.
Is that cop with you? No, he isn't.
Carl, I'm alone.
I need to talk to you, please.
You still have those papers, Carl? - The thesis advisor consent forms? - Yeah.
Yeah, why don't you get them? And Okay, I am now your thesis advisor.
And this is your assignment.
I'm sure that you won't be afraid of wherever that might lead you.
I am already there.
The shadow on the form from the paperclip? Yeah, and other things.
But it takes time to create a mark like that, right? Years, decades even and the forms are current, but the paper is old and crumbly which means somebody either manufactured the effect, or the - or - Or? It's from the future.
Okay, do you have proof? It predicted a random event which happened this afternoon.
- I knew it, I knew it was possible.
- Carl.
It proves the theory of infinite parallel universes.
Okay, stay with me.
I need you.
I want you to explain how this happened.
show me the math, the physics, the implications of transferring an object through space and time.
Okay, did it just show up on your desk? Was it in anything? It was in a metal briefcase.
We're analyzing the composition right now.
Lightweight, but very strong.
- so the file is inside the case.
- Yeah.
Inside the file are written documents and photographs.
Anything else? My lost keys.
I had them yesterday morning.
But by the afternoon, they were gone.
- Before or after you got the case? - After.
Anything else? Yes, a spent bullet with dried blood on it and also a whole bullet, which was found at the scene.
Wait bullets? Oh, yeah, you die on Friday.
Well not if I can help it, Carl.
All righty, it's all here, good luck.
You know, maybe you can't help it, maybe it's your destiny.
- I don't believe that.
- Believe? Just think about all the different things that have happened since that case arrived I'm now your thesis advisor, for one.
I knew a scientist who used to tell his students to check their beliefs at the lab door, at least until they could be proven.
Well, I now believe that scientist was wrong, Carl.
Dad, look, you got some flowers.
I've got to meet a client.
I've got to go.
Uh, Claudia, can you come back later? I've got to talk to you.
It's about something very important.
JT, you son of a bitch.
- Oh, hey, girls.
- Hi.
Turn on the TV, your dad is all over the news.
- Why? - He's a damn hero.
- What did you do, Dad? - Oh, nothing much - just saved a woman's life.
- What?! Here we are at the town of Everett's famous landmark the Weatherby Oak.
"The oak is no more" as they say.
Maybe it's the acorn.
Mandy, we hear you lost your house.
Mandy Murphy that's who the flowers are from.
The oak fell on my house and everything was destroyed.
I've got something else for you too.
It's about that Bremmer character.
- This is him.
- All right, so who is he? All the action on the south side of Chicago - is controlled by a handful of guys.
- And he's one of them? No, he controls a handful of guys very private, very connected.
Claudia, you're from Chicago.
You ever ran into this character? Yeah, we used to party all the time, him and me and the mayor.
Oh yeah, right.
I've got to run.
I'm late.
- Can I see you for a sec? - Huh? Yeah.
What's up? and I'm just happy that we are okay.
Man's best friend and his mom and I guess you're both okay and we're glad for that.
Okay, Mandy, you take care.
Goodbye, JT.
Whoo! What did you do to deserve her? - Hello? - I have to talk to you.
- Claudia, where are you? - Look outside.
What?! What are you doing out there? Why don't you come in? No, I need you to come out here, JT.
All right.
Jess, stay here.
Claudia, you're all right? What's going on? Is it the file? If it's about the file, I wish I could tell you - There's nothing to it, but after - It's not about the file.
JT, just listen to me, okay? What? I know Roy Bremmer.
You know Roy Bremmer? Wait a minute.
I don't unders how? Is he a client of yours or No, he's not a client.
Well, what is he? Did something happen in Chicago? Did you cross the guy in some way? Did you testify against him? I don't Claudia? I married him.
And I'm still married to him.
I'm sorry.
How did you think that not telling me why how why would you not tell me? I've lived in five different places in the last two years.
I've changed my identity three times and I'm about to change it again.
I only came back here to warn you.
Why why why didn't you divorce him? Roy takes that "till death do us part" clause literally.
Oh, damn it.
Jesse! I don't like being left out.
I want to know what's going on.
Hey, no! That's enough! Listen, here is the deal you're the child, I'm the parent, I will tell you what you need to know.
I will decide that.
End of story.
Now, go upstairs, do your homework.
I never let myself get too close to anyone because I know soon or later, I'm going to have to leave.
I made a mistake with you.
I couldn't resist.
This was the best, the sweetest thing I have ever had, ever! I ruined my life when I married Roy and now, I've ruined yours and I'm sorry.
I just didn't expect to meet you I didn't know what I wanted in a man until I met you.
And I don't know, but I feel like maybe I woke up something in you that's been asleep a long time.
This is for you.
- You need to take it.
- What are you doing? JT, - Roy isn't only powerful and ruthless, - What are you doing with a gun? - he's insanely jealous.
- I don't understand - You need to take it.
- No.
You need to take it.
You're in danger.
Jesse is in danger.
No, I'm not going to keep a gun in my home.
JT, just take it.
JT, take it.
Claudia, listen, no, don't go.
Does he always find you? Yeah, but he hasn't caught me yet.
Don't go.
Come here.
You just said he always finds you.
sooner or later, you're going to have to face him.
so why don't we face this together? I mean it.
Come on.
Oh, brother.