61st Street (2022) s01e02 Episode Script

The Hunter and the Hunted

Aah! CCTV.
Roll it back to just before.
In tight.
That's it.
That's the one.
You fired your weapon? Yeah.
You sure about that? He He He ran over the wall.
You sure about that? He didn't come at you? This is a moment, Logan.
Everything that's been happening in our country We lost control of the story.
Cops across America wake up feeling like we can't do our job.
Or worse we gotta say sorry for wearing the uniform.
"I'm sorry I'm a cop.
" But with this with a brother officer murdered on the street for doing his job the story swings back our way.
We play this right, and Michael Rossi won't have died for nothing.
So, think about it.
He ran or he came at you? You haven't been home.
So the crime scene's all over you.
- Hey, Wyn.
- Sir? Bag and tag his clothes.
Can you, um just give me some privacy? Sorry, man.
Continuity of evidence.
12 hours ago, I had a partner, and now he's dead.
Can you just Can you cut me some slack? Alright.
Oh, wait.
Uh, the bag.
The bag wasn't with me at the scene.
It's all good.
No! No! They hurt you? I got you now.
What if the cop who finds him isn't like me? What if he's like them? Clock is ticking, Joshua.
He gets killed out there, that's on you.
You can save your brother's life by telling me where he is.
That's your responsibility.
If you don't give them what they want, they'll connect the dots on their own.
Then God knows what's gonna happen to Moses.
"Them"? "They"? So, what that make you, young man? Lady, we got you on possession with intent to distribute the drugs we found in your home, which matches the product we seized on the corner.
So that means what? You're the warehouse.
I'm not so sure that's a great environment to be raising a child.
I'm kinda obliged to drop a note to protective services.
It's what we do.
Stay very still.
Don't make any quick movements.
Don't make any movements.
If you feel yourself getting panicked, sit down real slowly, put your hands under your legs, slow and count to 20, nice and steady.
- One.
- One.
- Two.
- Two.
Let me in, bruh.
Come on.
Come on.
Just stay there.
Don't move.
You hot as hell right now.
You gonna come by my pad? You know I got warrants.
I had nowhere else to go, bro.
Is it true what they saying? What they saying, bro? Word on the block is you killed a cop, bruh.
I He dead? 12 been on ten all night.
Locking people up, messing people up for no reason.
Just tearing through shit.
So, whatchu gonna do? How we looking? The house is all set, boss.
All clear.
Let's go live.
Then get your team out of there.
Let's go.
On your feet.
Let's go.
Joshua? Joshua! Where are you taking him! You can't hold him! - Joshua! - Mom! - Joshua! - Mama! Don't worry about her.
She's fine.
Why y'all got my mama chained up like that? She's fine.
Why y'all keep doing us like this, man? - Mom! - Keep going.
- Move.
- Joshua! Jojo! Jo! Where is he?! Uncuff her.
Where is he?! Gone.
He's gone.
What do you mean, gone? Home.
I can get one of my men to drop you off, if you like.
What? Nah.
Your men have done enough.
You leaving? What? Or you like it here? - Get on the train.
- You got it.
To? 69th Street.
One, two, three stops.
Um, and, uh you got it.
Then? Uh, get off the train.
Left out the station.
50 paces.
Left again.
100 paces.
See, you got it.
You got it.
I'm proud of you.
You need a whole new look, and you lucky, 'cause you came to the right guy, alright? Ooh, you lucky.
Put that on.
Put that on.
Come on.
They gotta go.
What? Them ugly-ass braids.
You know I been trying to get at 'em.
Hey, quit playing, bro.
'Bout that time, my boy.
'Bout that time.
Man, you just hating 'cause my shit longer than yours, bruh.
Yeah, yeah.
Ah Yep.
It's all good, though.
You gonna be fresh.
I'm-a make sure of it.
I've been waiting to get at these, though.
Put your hands up.
Yo, man, I-I should get going, bro.
Where to? I can take you to Fatima's house.
No, I can't get you and your shorty caught up in this.
You'd do the same for me.
For you? Hell, no.
This is 63rd.
69th is next.
Doors open on the left at 69th.
This is a red line train to 95th.
Smoking, littering, and eating are not permitted on CTA vehicles.
69th is next.
This is 69th.
Please watch your step as you exit the train.
Stand clear of the closing doors.
Come on, put your hands together.
Martha? They're ready for you now.
Okay? No.
Take off your shoes.
My grandmother's tip for nerves.
Feet on the ground.
Never fails.
Y'all know me.
That's right.
I've sat on your porches and eaten ribs with you.
Me and Franklin have had to teach some of y'all how to step.
You have come to me in times of trouble, and I have had to come to you.
You've watched my little David grow up, and you looked after him when we needed it.
- Y'all know me.
- Yes.
So you know I don't like politics.
And I don't like politicians.
No, let me Let me change that.
I hate politicians.
So, what am I doing here, asking for your vote so I can be one? What am I doing here in this This suit I got on sale from Macy's, asking you to ask everyone you know to stand with me? Our neighborhoods.
They closed down 60 of our schools because they wouldn't pay for them, and at the same time, they paid more for the police to be in those schools that they keep open.
Now, what does that say about them and what they think about us? What do we do with an organization, funded by our tax money, when it chooses to hurt and kill the people it's paid to protect? What do we do with an organization when its members become criminals, when they become murderers? We stop funding that organization.
Now, I want you to hear me when I say this, because I want you to know that I am not hiding behind any politician speak.
Defund the police.
Yes, we have to protect ourselves.
We have to serve our community by shutting them down! It's gotta be us.
Not them.
Yeah, it's time to put It's time to put the South Side on the inside.
- Jessica.
- Can you come over? - Please? - I-I'm on my way.
Um They They gave me this.
It's, uh It's a check for $50,000.
"To take care of things.
" Yeah, they just They just mean the The funeral, you know, and the next few weeks.
The mayor came.
She was here.
- I'm good.
I'm good.
- Okay.
I'm good.
Anything we can do.
Anything at all.
They all say that.
But they won't let me see him.
I don't want I don't want to see the Mayor or the Chief of Police.
I want to see my husband, and if I don't, if I can't make this real, I'm just I'm gonna lose my mind! Okay.
- Oh, my God.
- It's okay.
We're okay.
We're okay.
We're all good.
Thank you.
I can't even get emotional in my own house? I just My husband's dead.
I just can't, like, hit the ground running with this perky widow shit.
They won't let you see him right now because he's a crime scene.
What? And forensics have to do their thing before they They clean him up.
Have you seen him? I saw him die, Jessica.
I was with him.
What was the last thing he said to you before he died? He He talked about you.
And your honeymoon and how happy he was.
What about you? Your last conversation with him? I-I don't remember.
N-Nothing particular that morning? - Mm.
- No? No? Okay.
I-I gave him his name, Ma.
If something bad happens to Moses No! Just Don't.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Ma.
I'm sorry.
They can't break us.
Hmm? You hear me? Look at me.
I got this.
You hear me? Here.
You good? Yeah, bruh.
Ooh, oop! Stay down, stay down, stay Stay down, stay down.
They gone? Nope.
Not yet.
- Come on.
- They gone? Yeah.
Come on.
- Yo, hurry up, man.
- I am, bro.
- Come on, come on, come on.
- Stay calm.
- Look out! - Bro, come on, bro.
I am! Oh.
Alright, you good to lay low here 'til the morning, but you gotta be gone when bae gets back, alright? - Alright, I'll be out by the morning.
- Alright.
And if I was in your shoes, there's one person I'd call first, even before my mama.
God don't seem to be listening, bruh.
Next best.
Seven days with no It's completely different.
You get what I'm saying? Now that you two are acquainted, perhaps we can get on with this? Bail? You wanna talk, my friend? Yeah.
How you doing, Franklin? Man, don't patronize me.
Don't patronize me.
But how you doing? Yards from here is where Office Michael Rossi, an 11-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department, devoted husband and loving father of five young children, - took his last breath and died - Mm.
Do our best and let God do the rest, right? - Don't get bitter with God - in the wake of a foot pursuit that took a tragic turn.
Pastor Richard.
Hey, Marquise.
How you doing, my friend? Lieutenant Brannigan.
We done here? I could use your help with this.
I knew Michael Rossi, but not like his partner of 10 years knew him.
Office Logan.
For all of us.
Uh, I-I, um I-I'm an only child.
And I-I always wondered what it would be like to have an older sibling, and And with Michael, I-I didn't need to wonder.
He was my partner.
He He was my big brother.
He always had my back, and He made me laugh every day, and he and I-I'm sorry.
I can take your questions.
Okay, okay.
We know who killed him.
Moses Johnson, drug dealer, affiliated with one of our community's most violent street gangs, son of a gangbanger and career criminal.
Let me be clear He's dangerous.
If you see him, do not under any circumstances approach.
Call us.
We will not rest until we have found him.
You know, is there Is there something that I should know? - Like what? - I don't know.
I don't know.
I just I-I feel like I am doing everything right.
Arrest numbers, bravery citations, no complaints.
What's good, boy? Oh, man.
The one on 87th.
- Every time.
- 87th? It's been a while since you've been to this jawn, man.
What you need? What you need? I'll give you that.
It is good.
It is good.
Everybody! Everybody, listen up! Need to see everybody's hands! Everybody! I said, now! Barber, step back.
Hands up.
Behind your head.
You just gonna play dumb with me? Everyone on the street says you're his friend.
If you're talking about Moses, I ain't seen him.
I'm watching this stuff on TV, just like everybody.
Kind of touching, really.
A mom who puts name tags on her son's gear for him.
We out here.
Can't move nothing.
What's that saying? "Life is 10% what happens to us, 90% how we react to it"? Barricades and five-o ain't never good for business.
Find Moses.
Turn his ass over to the police so we go back to doing what we do.
Moses! Moses! Marquise sent us! We're here to help! Did he have kids? Five children.
What do I do? What do you want? I want this to go away.
I want to I want to go to college.
I-I want to be running.
I want my future back.
I can't tell you what it's gonna take to make that happen, but what I do know for certain None of that happens until you deal with this.
You got two options Turn yourself in or keep running.
Keep running, and it'll be impossible to avoid capture much longer.
When they're this motivated, 13,000 cops and one of you.
And when they find you, they're not gonna be looking to take you in alive.
Turn yourself in, we can help.
Arranged surrender, right cop, right police station, lawyered up.
After that, you take your shot in the courts.
Look, I know the system is not tilted in our favor, but you'll be alive.
This is your decision, Moses.
It's not up to me.
It's not up to my friend Franklin here.
You have to decide, and the hard part You have to decide now.
So what What do you want? I want to see my mama.
I want to see my mama.
Hey, Norma.
No, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
It's okay.
It's okay.
- No, please.
- It's okay.
I-I-I've seen him.
I was just I was just with him.
Is he alright? Is he hurt? He's He's okay.
Where is he? I mean, can I see him? - Is - Come on.
Let's go sit down.
Come on.
He's He's okay.
He's okay.
He's okay.
The cops don't know where he is, which is good, but that's not gonna last.
He's asked for you.
That's why we're here.
We need to talk about keeping him alive.
He needs to have his mother tell him what to do.
What would you do if it were your son? This is not about him.
It's about you.
This has to come from you.
He must be tired and hungry.
But still thinking, still smart.
He even changed his look.
His braids are gone.
So, he's had help.
That's good.
But he needs to Really needs to hear it from his mama about what to do.
Just need a little time, put some things in place.
Then I can see him? We'll be back in an hour.
Be ready.
Hey, little bro, we about closed right now.
Marquise here? What, you ain't heard? Man, they was in here looking for your brother.
Yeah, he got arrested because of Moses.
Look, I ain't seen Marquise since five-o came in here and took him.
Probably over at county.
I know Moses was here.
Marquise gave him a haircut.
If he had one phone call to make, he'd probably call his woman.
She bailed him out last time he got in trouble.
What, the fancy lady over on 55th? What's good? It's your boy, Marquise.
You know what to do.
What's up, T? - I'm good.
You? - What's up? What you what? Believe me, I can't watch my brotha go down like that.
You know where he at? Oh, my God.
Just keep going down Vincennes Avenue.
- Is it far? - No, no, no.
No, it's not.
Yes, here's good.
Eh, you can turn on 44th.
Turn right here.
Where's he going now? Yes, this is good.
Now, let us out here on the block, please.
Why are we stopping here? What they doing? He's cutting through the park.
Don't follow on foot.
He'll spot us.
Where are you taking me? Why through the park? Damn it.
We're losing him.
What about Joshua? I repeat Do we have eyes on Joshua? We got him, Lu.
We're about three cars back.
So, where we gonna take him? Hey, the less you know, the better.
We got a spot.
We've got confirmation.
Subject has been spotted in a gray Pontiac Parisienne, traveling eastbound from 55th.
Relax, little man.
We got Mo's back.
Boy, if you don't chill out Dante's getting everything together.
Passport, birth certificate, clothes, plane ticket.
Couple grand to get his life together.
For real, man? Come on, bro.
We do this.
There it go.
Right there.
Subjects have landed at 1420 East 55th Street.
I'm coming! Damn! I said I'm coming! Uh, i-is Marquise here? Marquise don't live here.
I been looking for him, too.
Have you seen Moses? No, I don't know any Moses.
Let's go! Come on, man.
No, no, wait, wait! Drop it! Drop it! Okay, okay, okay! - No! No! No! - What is it? Stop! Stop! Shit.
She's okay.
Where's Moses? Stop it! Stop it! Moses! Hey! Hey, don't shoot, don't shoot! Don't shoot! - You heard what your mother said.
- Don't shoot, man! Run.
- So, go ahead.
- Hey! - Hey.
- Run! - Hey.
- Stop! Don't shoot him! Stop! He's my boy! Stop! I'm his lawyer.
My name is Franklin Roberts, and I'm this man's lawyer.
Mama, I'm sorry! - You're under arrest.
- Don't hurt him, please! No! You can't! No, no, no, no, no! Hands behind your back.
I didn't do nothing! I didn't do nothing! Mama, I'm sorry! I ain't do nothing! Don't hurt him! - I'm sorry! - It's gonna be alright.
It's gonna be alright.

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