7Seeds (2019) s01e02 Episode Script
Insects Awaken
He's alive? What? You all look like you've seen a ghost.
No, we're just glad you're safe.
You know, it will take more than that to kill me.
I defeated those bugs and found the key to getting out of here.
That's how I made it back in one piece.
INSECTS AWAKEN Don't worry, I'm fine.
I'm so sorry! It's my fault! Find your own food, at the very least! From the looks of it I doubt this is safe to eat.
It doesn't look like the poisonous mushrooms in this book.
I'm willing to try it.
Iwashimizu got it for us, after all.
Fine, but only try a little.
I'm really sorry! I knew the risks, Ms.
You don't have to apologize.
But Mr.
Aota, you You can call me Arashi.
Everybody else does.
Oh, okay.
It's a good thing Ms.
Botan insisted I only try a little.
She saved me.
Although, I get the feeling that she's hiding something.
What? Part of it is because she's more prepared for survival than any of us.
It's almost as if she knew we would end up in this situation.
Well, nothing is clear right now, but there's one thing we're sure of.
What? That mushroom is bad news.
We'll check things one at a time.
Looks like it's morning already.
She must be worried.
Your mother? No, my girlfriend.
She must be worried sick about me.
She's probably upset and crying.
That's why I've got to get back.
I thought I had killed him, but now I wonder if we can trust him.
Well, we know he's not lying about escaping from those bugs alive.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Wait, isn't this the waterfall where you got injured? Hey, what are you up to? Those bugs are going to come for us.
What are we doing here? The bugs won't come.
Why? Shut up and follow me a little further.
POISONOUS MUSHROOM What? You're already okay? I'm feeling much better.
What's that? Well, I'm taking notes so we don't make the same mistakes.
Let's give it a name.
The "Gutpunchshroom"! Or maybe "Barfshroom" or "Pukeshroom.
" The "Spewshroom"? That's perfect! You've got a talent for this, Ms.
Iwashimizu! Glad to see you back on your feet.
Thanks for looking after me.
There should be more food if we're going to survive.
There should be more.
How long does Semimaru plan on staying in bed? - Semimaru! It's time to get up! - Hey - I heard Ms.
Botan say, - We have a lot to do! - "There should be more of us.
" - I have low blood pressure.
- More of us? - Yes.
What is that supposed to mean? - Are there other people here? - Everyone is waiting.
- I don't know.
- I'll be there in a second.
It must mean that Ms.
Botan knew we would end up here.
Or at the very least, she isn't telling us everything.
- Ms.
Iwashimizu, go grab your things.
- What? Let's make a break for it.
It's possible that she's a member of the group that kidnapped us.
- I'll drag you out by force if I have to.
- Ms.
- I'm going to get more bananas.
- Okay.
Go ahead.
- Enough, Semimaru! - Let's go.
- Okay.
- Cut it out, Big Sis! First, we'll need to find more food and water.
Then, we can think of a way to get off this island.
You really want to go back, don't you? What? I mean, earlier, you said that you're worried about your girlfriend.
I did.
What kind of person is she? What do you mean? She must be really beautiful.
I would love to show you a picture, but I don't have my wallet or cell phone.
Anyway, I think she's pretty.
How about you? Do you have a boyfriend? What? No, not at all.
There's no one on Earth who would be interested in me.
What makes you say that? You seem pretty cute to me.
I bet there are lots of guys who secretly have a crush on you.
There's nobody like that! You don't have to be so stubborn about it.
What is your girlfriend's name? Hana.
Hana Sugurono.
Semimaru, do you have any experience living out in the wild? Not really.
I've been a city boy my whole life.
I see.
Say, have you seen or heard any birds since we landed on this island? What? How about any reptiles? This island is way too quiet.
Do you think that's normal? If it isn't normal, then what is this place? You must know something, Big Sis! The atmosphere is heavy.
Let's get through here quickly and head over there.
We should get a better view of our surroundings from up there.
What is this? A pitcher plant! It's a carnivorous species! If I fell in You would be eaten! Are you okay? Yes.
Thanks for saving me.
This thing is dangerous.
Let's get away from it.
You know Does that seem normal? What? Do they even grow that big? In fact, are we even in Japan? - Arashi! - I'm okay! I'll just Give me the knife! Right! The knife Ms.
Iwashimizu! Shit! What the hell are these? - Semimaru! - Right! - Dear God in Heaven - No! Get off me! have we truly arrived? - I'm going to have to get serious.
- A little help, Sis! Arashi? Thank you very much.
Thank god.
You must be a member of the rescue party, right? No, I'm like you guys.
What? This is unlike any place you've ever known.
You need to have a knife on you at all times.
Well, do you know why we're here? Oh, in fact, who are you? So, who the hell are you, really? I used to be a run-of-the-mill police officer.
What? I'm sorry! I won't ever do it again! I promise! What are you talking about? Anyway, I'm more worried about those two.
However, before that You should avoid eating the intestines.
They live off poisonous plants.
Please tell us what you know.
When we woke up, we were adrift on the ocean.
This meat is pretty good! It's a bit tough, though.
I've never seen anyone handle a knife the way you do, Big Sis! Is that so? My mother never cooked a thing.
Oh, I should mention that I didn't have a dad.
My mom was always hooking up with different guys.
I was just extra baggage to her.
One time, when she was drunk, she said something crazy to me.
"Hey, Semimaru.
I sold you to the government for a hundred million yen.
" Maybe you can tell me what she actually meant by that, Big Sis.
You weren't kidnapped.
This is part of a government project.
You haven't heard yet? What do you mean? What project? So, this is where you were.
Who are you? I'm Mozu.
I got separated from the other members of the group.
Let me guess.
You two were planning to run off, weren't you? Looks like these two also had their doubts about you, Big Sis.
I guess that's no surprise.
You sure do seem suspicious.
Fine, I'll explain myself.
The truth is that we're still missing some members of the group.
There were supposed to be seven in total.
Not including myself, your guide.
I wanted to wait until everyone was together, but I'll explain everything now.
You may find it difficult to believe, but just hear me out.
There was a scientist who predicted that a meteorite would strike the Earth.
That's one of those Armageddon prophecies, right? No, not at all.
It was a calculated prediction.
A scientist accurately predicted it from solid data.
And not just one, but many others in multiple countries around the world.
Dozens of kilometers in diameter, the meteorite's impact would cause enormous earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and giant tsunamis.
On top of that, the dust would encompass the entire Earth.
Without sunlight, global temperatures would drop ten to twenty degrees.
Numerous measures were considered.
Like blowing the thing up with a missile, like in the movies? That was one option.
Seriously? I'm telling you, this is serious! I'm not joking! After all the measures were explored, they worked out a worst-case scenario.
If humanity was wiped out, they designed a way to ensure we wouldn't go extinct.
It was known as the 7SEEDS Project.
They would select young, healthy people and put them in cryosleep.
While the Earth faced a cataclysm, they would sleep.
When it was determined that the Earth was once again inhabitable, they would be defrosted and released.
Just like a seed that survives the winter to be planted in the spring.
Hence the name 7SEEDS.
You are now the seeds of humanity.
I am your guide.
I'm here to tell you the truth and provide support.
So, you underwent survival training? Yes.
No wonder you Wait just a damn minute! If that's all true, us and the other three are the only people left on Earth? No, the project was carried out by every country.
In Japan, five teams were made.
Teams Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
Summer was split into teams A and B.
We are Team Summer B.
The members of each team were selected according to certain factors by a computer.
Without being told, you were taken away one night in your sleep to be put into cryosleep.
So, that's what she meant about the hundred million yen.
You're lying! Why wouldn't they give us a choice? That doesn't make any sense! I refuse to accept it! It's too late to fuss over whether you agreed to it or not.
Shut up! Face the facts.
There's no way.
Hana Will I never see you again? This is bullshit! Arashi! Arashi If what she said just now is really true, how much time has actually passed? Ten years? Twenty? Maybe even a hundred? Maybe more? No.
I I won't believe it.
I donât want to believe it! No sign of the bugs.
Is something wrong, Hana? I smell something strange coming from Mr.
That smell Mr.
Yanagi, I want to ask you something.
What is it? This "project" that you talked about, I understand we didn't have a choice, but why did you agree to take part as our leader? Is that what you want to know? I've always had a passion for war films and I've always admired war heroes.
That's why I decided to join the JSDF, but we never saw any war.
Hell, we didn't even get to fire a damn gun.
As you know, this place is filled with danger, and threats are everywhere.
I came here to protect women and children Are you okay? Yes.
Anyway, what I want right now is Mr.
Yanagi? This is the place, just in here.
- What? - You want us to go inside? The key to our survival is in here.
You want to keep on living, right? You don't want those bugs to kill you, right? Then, follow me.
This smell I'm scared! It's all right.
It's dark in here.
Daddy, is that wasp trying to eat the dead caterpillar? Not quite, Hana.
The caterpillar is just paralyzed.
The wasp is laying its eggs inside of it.
When the babies hatch, they'll grow by feeding on the living caterpillar.
So, it ends up getting eaten alive.
This is not good.
Hana? We shouldn't be here! Stop! Mr.
Yanagi, there is no key to our survival in here, is there? You're just luring us into a trap, right? Hey, old man! Holy shit! We're screwed! We'll be larva food, too? I wanted to be a doctor and become an astronaut.
Haru! Stop freaking out and follow my lead! This flame isn't enough.
Old man! Didn't you just tell us you admired heroes? Going out like this makes you a villain! Mr.
Yanagi! Please save us! Mr.
Yanagi! If we all die here, then the project will be a huge failure! Do you really want it to end like this? Get ready to run.
Team Spring was put into cryosleep under Tokyo.
That means we're near the shores of the Kanto region.
If you go west, you should eventually find land.
Yanagi! Search for the seven Fujis.
There, you will find the means to survive.
Let's run while we have a chance! Hana! Right.
I wasn't able to be a hero But I want you all to live.
The old man was serious about this.
He came here prepared to die.
I could never do that.
I wonder if the guides of the other teams are the same way? Hana? Ultimately, he saved us.
All of us.
He said something about searching for the seven Fujis, right? Starting from the north, I think that's Mt.
Akan Fuji, Mt.
Natori Fuji, Mt.
Noto Fuji, Mt.
Ogino Fuji, Mt.
Fuji, Mt.
Kobe Fuji, Mt.
Tosa Fuji, and Mt.
Bungo Fuji.
He said we were in the Kanto region.
Which one of those is the closest? Mt.
Ogino Fuji.
Okay, then that's our destination.
For now, let's make a new raft.
You sure are optimistic, Tsunomata.
Well, like they say, "Rich or poor, we all end up in the same place.
" Thinking of it that way helps me keep going.
Oh, I've heard that before! So, where do we end up? Some promised land? No, not a promised land.
It means we end up six feet under.
Hey, everybody.
You might not have an appetite now, but I'll start making something.
You're amazing, Chisa.
What? My father always used to tell me, "People who remember the necessities, even at the worst of times, are the strongest among us.
" No, I just like eating.
I'll eat, too! Where did Haru go? What are you doing? Hana, what do you think is the easiest way to die? What are you talking about? Mr.
Yanagi just saved your life, didn't he? And he gave us the goal of going to Mt.
Ogino Fuji.
That wasn't my goal.
My goal was the piano competition at the end of the year.
It was my last chance to go to an international competition.
Who decided it was your last chance? That's something we decide for ourselves.
We keep going as long as we don't give up! Things don't just end.
If we keep pushing on, there's no such thing as the end! Why are you the one crying, Hana? You're telling me that, but I think you're the one who really needed to hear it.
You sure are selfish.
Shut it.
I just wanted to try saying that line.
I never actually want to experience what it's like to drown.
Why all the theatrics? - Haru! - Hana! Hey! Come on! Let's head back.
I'm not giving up.
So don't you dare give up either, Arashi.
Are those all the supplies? It's time to go.
I just hope the weather holds up this time.
It's okay.
I don't smell any rain.
No, we're just glad you're safe.
You know, it will take more than that to kill me.
I defeated those bugs and found the key to getting out of here.
That's how I made it back in one piece.
INSECTS AWAKEN Don't worry, I'm fine.
I'm so sorry! It's my fault! Find your own food, at the very least! From the looks of it I doubt this is safe to eat.
It doesn't look like the poisonous mushrooms in this book.
I'm willing to try it.
Iwashimizu got it for us, after all.
Fine, but only try a little.
I'm really sorry! I knew the risks, Ms.
You don't have to apologize.
But Mr.
Aota, you You can call me Arashi.
Everybody else does.
Oh, okay.
It's a good thing Ms.
Botan insisted I only try a little.
She saved me.
Although, I get the feeling that she's hiding something.
What? Part of it is because she's more prepared for survival than any of us.
It's almost as if she knew we would end up in this situation.
Well, nothing is clear right now, but there's one thing we're sure of.
What? That mushroom is bad news.
We'll check things one at a time.
Looks like it's morning already.
She must be worried.
Your mother? No, my girlfriend.
She must be worried sick about me.
She's probably upset and crying.
That's why I've got to get back.
I thought I had killed him, but now I wonder if we can trust him.
Well, we know he's not lying about escaping from those bugs alive.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Wait, isn't this the waterfall where you got injured? Hey, what are you up to? Those bugs are going to come for us.
What are we doing here? The bugs won't come.
Why? Shut up and follow me a little further.
POISONOUS MUSHROOM What? You're already okay? I'm feeling much better.
What's that? Well, I'm taking notes so we don't make the same mistakes.
Let's give it a name.
The "Gutpunchshroom"! Or maybe "Barfshroom" or "Pukeshroom.
" The "Spewshroom"? That's perfect! You've got a talent for this, Ms.
Iwashimizu! Glad to see you back on your feet.
Thanks for looking after me.
There should be more food if we're going to survive.
There should be more.
How long does Semimaru plan on staying in bed? - Semimaru! It's time to get up! - Hey - I heard Ms.
Botan say, - We have a lot to do! - "There should be more of us.
" - I have low blood pressure.
- More of us? - Yes.
What is that supposed to mean? - Are there other people here? - Everyone is waiting.
- I don't know.
- I'll be there in a second.
It must mean that Ms.
Botan knew we would end up here.
Or at the very least, she isn't telling us everything.
- Ms.
Iwashimizu, go grab your things.
- What? Let's make a break for it.
It's possible that she's a member of the group that kidnapped us.
- I'll drag you out by force if I have to.
- Ms.
- I'm going to get more bananas.
- Okay.
Go ahead.
- Enough, Semimaru! - Let's go.
- Okay.
- Cut it out, Big Sis! First, we'll need to find more food and water.
Then, we can think of a way to get off this island.
You really want to go back, don't you? What? I mean, earlier, you said that you're worried about your girlfriend.
I did.
What kind of person is she? What do you mean? She must be really beautiful.
I would love to show you a picture, but I don't have my wallet or cell phone.
Anyway, I think she's pretty.
How about you? Do you have a boyfriend? What? No, not at all.
There's no one on Earth who would be interested in me.
What makes you say that? You seem pretty cute to me.
I bet there are lots of guys who secretly have a crush on you.
There's nobody like that! You don't have to be so stubborn about it.
What is your girlfriend's name? Hana.
Hana Sugurono.
Semimaru, do you have any experience living out in the wild? Not really.
I've been a city boy my whole life.
I see.
Say, have you seen or heard any birds since we landed on this island? What? How about any reptiles? This island is way too quiet.
Do you think that's normal? If it isn't normal, then what is this place? You must know something, Big Sis! The atmosphere is heavy.
Let's get through here quickly and head over there.
We should get a better view of our surroundings from up there.
What is this? A pitcher plant! It's a carnivorous species! If I fell in You would be eaten! Are you okay? Yes.
Thanks for saving me.
This thing is dangerous.
Let's get away from it.
You know Does that seem normal? What? Do they even grow that big? In fact, are we even in Japan? - Arashi! - I'm okay! I'll just Give me the knife! Right! The knife Ms.
Iwashimizu! Shit! What the hell are these? - Semimaru! - Right! - Dear God in Heaven - No! Get off me! have we truly arrived? - I'm going to have to get serious.
- A little help, Sis! Arashi? Thank you very much.
Thank god.
You must be a member of the rescue party, right? No, I'm like you guys.
What? This is unlike any place you've ever known.
You need to have a knife on you at all times.
Well, do you know why we're here? Oh, in fact, who are you? So, who the hell are you, really? I used to be a run-of-the-mill police officer.
What? I'm sorry! I won't ever do it again! I promise! What are you talking about? Anyway, I'm more worried about those two.
However, before that You should avoid eating the intestines.
They live off poisonous plants.
Please tell us what you know.
When we woke up, we were adrift on the ocean.
This meat is pretty good! It's a bit tough, though.
I've never seen anyone handle a knife the way you do, Big Sis! Is that so? My mother never cooked a thing.
Oh, I should mention that I didn't have a dad.
My mom was always hooking up with different guys.
I was just extra baggage to her.
One time, when she was drunk, she said something crazy to me.
"Hey, Semimaru.
I sold you to the government for a hundred million yen.
" Maybe you can tell me what she actually meant by that, Big Sis.
You weren't kidnapped.
This is part of a government project.
You haven't heard yet? What do you mean? What project? So, this is where you were.
Who are you? I'm Mozu.
I got separated from the other members of the group.
Let me guess.
You two were planning to run off, weren't you? Looks like these two also had their doubts about you, Big Sis.
I guess that's no surprise.
You sure do seem suspicious.
Fine, I'll explain myself.
The truth is that we're still missing some members of the group.
There were supposed to be seven in total.
Not including myself, your guide.
I wanted to wait until everyone was together, but I'll explain everything now.
You may find it difficult to believe, but just hear me out.
There was a scientist who predicted that a meteorite would strike the Earth.
That's one of those Armageddon prophecies, right? No, not at all.
It was a calculated prediction.
A scientist accurately predicted it from solid data.
And not just one, but many others in multiple countries around the world.
Dozens of kilometers in diameter, the meteorite's impact would cause enormous earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and giant tsunamis.
On top of that, the dust would encompass the entire Earth.
Without sunlight, global temperatures would drop ten to twenty degrees.
Numerous measures were considered.
Like blowing the thing up with a missile, like in the movies? That was one option.
Seriously? I'm telling you, this is serious! I'm not joking! After all the measures were explored, they worked out a worst-case scenario.
If humanity was wiped out, they designed a way to ensure we wouldn't go extinct.
It was known as the 7SEEDS Project.
They would select young, healthy people and put them in cryosleep.
While the Earth faced a cataclysm, they would sleep.
When it was determined that the Earth was once again inhabitable, they would be defrosted and released.
Just like a seed that survives the winter to be planted in the spring.
Hence the name 7SEEDS.
You are now the seeds of humanity.
I am your guide.
I'm here to tell you the truth and provide support.
So, you underwent survival training? Yes.
No wonder you Wait just a damn minute! If that's all true, us and the other three are the only people left on Earth? No, the project was carried out by every country.
In Japan, five teams were made.
Teams Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
Summer was split into teams A and B.
We are Team Summer B.
The members of each team were selected according to certain factors by a computer.
Without being told, you were taken away one night in your sleep to be put into cryosleep.
So, that's what she meant about the hundred million yen.
You're lying! Why wouldn't they give us a choice? That doesn't make any sense! I refuse to accept it! It's too late to fuss over whether you agreed to it or not.
Shut up! Face the facts.
There's no way.
Hana Will I never see you again? This is bullshit! Arashi! Arashi If what she said just now is really true, how much time has actually passed? Ten years? Twenty? Maybe even a hundred? Maybe more? No.
I I won't believe it.
I donât want to believe it! No sign of the bugs.
Is something wrong, Hana? I smell something strange coming from Mr.
That smell Mr.
Yanagi, I want to ask you something.
What is it? This "project" that you talked about, I understand we didn't have a choice, but why did you agree to take part as our leader? Is that what you want to know? I've always had a passion for war films and I've always admired war heroes.
That's why I decided to join the JSDF, but we never saw any war.
Hell, we didn't even get to fire a damn gun.
As you know, this place is filled with danger, and threats are everywhere.
I came here to protect women and children Are you okay? Yes.
Anyway, what I want right now is Mr.
Yanagi? This is the place, just in here.
- What? - You want us to go inside? The key to our survival is in here.
You want to keep on living, right? You don't want those bugs to kill you, right? Then, follow me.
This smell I'm scared! It's all right.
It's dark in here.
Daddy, is that wasp trying to eat the dead caterpillar? Not quite, Hana.
The caterpillar is just paralyzed.
The wasp is laying its eggs inside of it.
When the babies hatch, they'll grow by feeding on the living caterpillar.
So, it ends up getting eaten alive.
This is not good.
Hana? We shouldn't be here! Stop! Mr.
Yanagi, there is no key to our survival in here, is there? You're just luring us into a trap, right? Hey, old man! Holy shit! We're screwed! We'll be larva food, too? I wanted to be a doctor and become an astronaut.
Haru! Stop freaking out and follow my lead! This flame isn't enough.
Old man! Didn't you just tell us you admired heroes? Going out like this makes you a villain! Mr.
Yanagi! Please save us! Mr.
Yanagi! If we all die here, then the project will be a huge failure! Do you really want it to end like this? Get ready to run.
Team Spring was put into cryosleep under Tokyo.
That means we're near the shores of the Kanto region.
If you go west, you should eventually find land.
Yanagi! Search for the seven Fujis.
There, you will find the means to survive.
Let's run while we have a chance! Hana! Right.
I wasn't able to be a hero But I want you all to live.
The old man was serious about this.
He came here prepared to die.
I could never do that.
I wonder if the guides of the other teams are the same way? Hana? Ultimately, he saved us.
All of us.
He said something about searching for the seven Fujis, right? Starting from the north, I think that's Mt.
Akan Fuji, Mt.
Natori Fuji, Mt.
Noto Fuji, Mt.
Ogino Fuji, Mt.
Fuji, Mt.
Kobe Fuji, Mt.
Tosa Fuji, and Mt.
Bungo Fuji.
He said we were in the Kanto region.
Which one of those is the closest? Mt.
Ogino Fuji.
Okay, then that's our destination.
For now, let's make a new raft.
You sure are optimistic, Tsunomata.
Well, like they say, "Rich or poor, we all end up in the same place.
" Thinking of it that way helps me keep going.
Oh, I've heard that before! So, where do we end up? Some promised land? No, not a promised land.
It means we end up six feet under.
Hey, everybody.
You might not have an appetite now, but I'll start making something.
You're amazing, Chisa.
What? My father always used to tell me, "People who remember the necessities, even at the worst of times, are the strongest among us.
" No, I just like eating.
I'll eat, too! Where did Haru go? What are you doing? Hana, what do you think is the easiest way to die? What are you talking about? Mr.
Yanagi just saved your life, didn't he? And he gave us the goal of going to Mt.
Ogino Fuji.
That wasn't my goal.
My goal was the piano competition at the end of the year.
It was my last chance to go to an international competition.
Who decided it was your last chance? That's something we decide for ourselves.
We keep going as long as we don't give up! Things don't just end.
If we keep pushing on, there's no such thing as the end! Why are you the one crying, Hana? You're telling me that, but I think you're the one who really needed to hear it.
You sure are selfish.
Shut it.
I just wanted to try saying that line.
I never actually want to experience what it's like to drown.
Why all the theatrics? - Haru! - Hana! Hey! Come on! Let's head back.
I'm not giving up.
So don't you dare give up either, Arashi.
Are those all the supplies? It's time to go.
I just hope the weather holds up this time.
It's okay.
I don't smell any rain.