A Little Princess (1986) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

(exciting orchestral music)
(gentle music)
- Sara, dear, you will lead
the line, if you please.
(horse whinnying)
Lead on girls.
- [Jessie] Oh, yes, we
must have a princess
at the head of the line, mustn't we?
In case us poor commoners lose our way.
- [Lavinia] I'm surprised
she hasn't brought her maid with her.
I mean, if her nose
starts twitching in church
she'll have to blow it herself, won't she?
- Oh, do you think she knows how to?
- Of course not.
Princesses can't be bothered
with common or garden things like that.
They're far too busy dealing
with affairs of state.
- Stop talking, young ladies.
- [Captain Crewe] Anna?
- Sahib?
Oh, Sahib.
- These cramps are getting worse.
- Shall I send for the doctor?
- What's the use?
He's done all he can.
- Perhaps you should
take some more medicine?
- [Captain Crewe] No!
That foul-tasting stuff
won't make any difference.
- Come, Captain Sahib.
You are young and strong.
You will be on your
feet in no time at all.
- I worry about you
and about the poor darling Missy Sahib.
Oh, Anna, what's to become of her.
- Set your mind at rest.
When she returns, it
will be just as before.
We shall look after her together.
- She doesn't know about the letter.
I didn't want to spoil it for her
because it's her birthday soon.
I've ordered lots of
presents, expensive presents.
She might as well enjoy
herself while she can.
(girls chattering)
- [Miss Minchin] Quickly and quietly.
- Becky.
Becky, wake up.
Your name is Becky, isn't it?
- Yes, miss, how did you know?
- I asked Mariette.
- But why?
- I felt sorry for you.
You look so thin and tired.
Don't they give you enough to eat?
But that's awful.
I shall speak to Miss Minchin about it.
- Oh, no, miss, please don't do that!
She'll throw me out in the street.
- Do you like meat pies?
- Oh, yes, nice and filling them.
- Mariette and I are going
shopping tomorrow morning.
I'll bring some back for you.
- Oh, miss.
- Don't call me miss.
My name's Sara.
- I know, but I couldn't
call you by your real name.
- [Sara] Why not?
- It wouldn't be right.
What with you being a princess and all.
- I'm not a princess.
- [Becky] No?
Well, that's what they call
you down in the kitchens.
- [Miss Minchin] Rebecca?
If I had wished to have my
stairs cleaned at this pace,
I would've hired a tortoise for the job.
- It is not fair, Lavinia.
She's not nearly as pretty as you,
and very much younger.
Why should she lead the line every Sunday?
- Because Minchin's a snob, that's why.
I have plenty of expensive clothes at home
but I wouldn't dream of wearing them here.
It's frightfully common
to flaunt one's wealth.
- Little show-off.
It's disgusting the way
Minchin fauns on her.
"Sara, dear, come and speak
French to Lady Pit, here."
"I want her to hear your accent."
- [Lavinia] "And come
and talk to Mrs. Musclay
"about India, Sara, dear,
her son's about to enlist."
- Anybody would think her father
was a general or something.
He may be rich but he's
still only a captain.
- Yes, a captain's daughter
oughtn't to be leading the line.
Don't you agree?
- What?
- [Lavinia] I said, Sara ought
to be bringing up the rear.
Don't you think so?
- It's not up to me.
- But if it was?
- I don't know.
- You don't know anything do you?
Except that Sara's rich.
That's why you've become her little toad.
- That's not true.
- Of course, it is.
And in exchange she
lets you walk with her.
As if you could ever get
to the front of the line
without your hoity-toity friend,
a fat, clumsy girl like you?
(book clattering)
I asked you a question.
- No, I don't suppose I would.
But that's not the reason I'm her friend.
(Ermengarde groans)
- So what is the reason?
- [Ermengarde] She's the
only one who's kind to me.
- [Lavinia] Kind to you?
You mean she buys you things.
- No, I don't mean that.
- It's her money, go on admit it.
- It's not her money!
- Come on, Jessie,
let's make her admit it.
- Right.
- Ow, you're hurting me!
- [Lavinia] And we'll go on hurting you
till you tell us the truth.
Why have you become the
princess's lady in waiting?
- Oh, please stop. Ow!
- [Lavinia] Repeat after
me, it's because she's rich.
- But he isn't!
All right, I'll say it.
- It's because she's rich.
- It's because she's rich.
- You see Jessie without her money
she'd have no friends at all.
(Lottie screaming)
- Lottie, please just hush!
Will you stop this nonsense, please?
Stop it!
- What on earth is the matter with her?
- I don't know, she won't say.
Lottie, Lottie stop.
- Lottie, Lottie.
If you don't stop this instant,
do you hear?
- Excuse me, Miss Minchin.
- Oh, Oh, Sara, it's you.
If you want to talk to me dear
you better come back later.
As you can see we have a little problem.
- Yes, I was wondering if I could help?
- You?
- I think I can make her stop crying.
May I try?
- What a sweet, thoughtful child.
Yes, well, in that case,
we'll leave her to you.
Come along, Amelia.
(Lottie crying)
- What's the matter, Lottie?
You can tell me.
If you don't tell me why you're
crying how can I help you?
- It's cause I haven't
Cause I haven't.
- Haven't what?
- Got a mama.
- Neither have I.
- Why?
Where is she?
- In heaven, like yours.
- [Lottie] Oh.
- Doesn't mean they can't see us though.
I'm sure they come out every now and then
to take a look at us.
Perhaps they're here now, in this room.
You wouldn't want them to
see you crying, would you?
- Well, I can't see them.
- No, when you go to heaven
you become invisible.
- Why?
- It's a rule.
Angels aren't allowed to be seen.
- You mean, my mama's an angel?
With a white nightgown and wings?
- Yes.
- But I don't want a mama I can't see.
- All right then, I'll be your mama.
Just till you're old
enough not to need one.
(carriage rattling)
(horse hooves clopping)
- Does everyone in heaven have wings?
- Yes.
- Why?
- Because it's such a big place.
If the angels couldn't fly
it'd take them ages to get
from one end to the other.
- But why do they want
to get to the other end?
- To see all the wonderful sites.
- What sites?
- Fields of lilies, streets of gold,
walls made of pearls and emeralds.
- But, why do they have
to wear nightgowns?
- In case they wanna go to sleep.
Flying's very tiring, you see,
and you have to rest every hour or so.
(door knocking)
- Letter for you, miss
- Thank you, Becky.
- It's from India, right?
From your dad?
That's why I brung it up straight away.
- Is that the only reason?
- Well, I was wondering if
you went to the shops yet?
- Yes.
I'm afraid you'll have
to run along now, Lottie.
- But you haven't finished
telling me about heaven.
- I'll tell you some more later.
I want to read my letter.
- All right, goodbye, Mama.
- Bye, Lottie.
(door clunking)
The dressing table,
Becky, the bottom drawer.
- Oh, miss
How many can you spare?
- All of them.
They're all for you.
- Oh, thank you, miss.
What's he say?
- It's just to wish me a happy birthday.
- Oh, when is it?
- Next week, Tuesday.
- I don't have no birthday.
- But you must have,
everyone has a birthday.
- Well I suppose I do.
But I dunno when it is.
I was left outside the
hospital see, as a baby.
So I never knew me mum or dad.
- Oh Becky, what a
terrible life you've had.
- Oh, it's not so bad now.
This place is better than the orphanage.
Only thing is when cook's
in one of her moods,
I don't get no food.
- Don't worry, I'll
always have some for you.
(insects chirping)
- [Captain Crewe] Anna?
- Yes Captain Sahib.
- [Captain Crewe] I am so sorry.
- Sorry?
- For being so stupid.
Can you forgive me?
- [Anna] There is nothing to forgive.
- I've brought you so much misery.
You and Missy Sahib.
May God
(Anna sobbing)
(gentle somber music)
(girls giggling)
- [Cook] Get a move on!
- [Henrietta] I'm going as fast as I can.
- The cake!
Where is the birthday cake?
- Well, cook's still icing it, ma'am.
She sends her apologies.
- Well, one can't eat apologies.
Now, tell her to hurry.
I want everything here by half-past two.
- Yes, ma'am.
- Oh, good gracious, I've
never seen such a feast.
- Fit for a princess, wouldn't you say?
- Can we afford it?
- Oh, it will all go on
the captain's account.
Along with these absurdly expensive gifts.
- You certainly haven't stinted the child.
I thought you didn't like her?
- Oh, this is not for
Sara's benefit, Amelia.
- No?
- No, we have some
important visitors arriving,
or have you forgotten?
- Oh, Lord and Lady Attwood?
- Yes, it will do no harm
at all for them to see
how we celebrate a pupil's birthday.
Particularly as we are not paying for it.
- Look at that.
( Marietta laughs)
(gentle music)
Oh, it's just that face, my petite.
Are you not excited?
- Yes.
I just wish papa could be here.
- Oh, it's no use wishing
for things that can never be.
I'm sure he wouldn't like
you to be sad on such a day.
(door knocking)
Oh, someone has left you a package.
You know who left it?
- Yes.
- It's dirty and she
doesn't know how to spell.
- Oh, Mariette,
there are more important
things in life than spelling.
- You better hurry up.
- Well, look, she'll just
have to wait won't she.
Hello, miss
- Happy birthday, miss
- Becky, thank you so much.
What a wonderful present.
- Did you like it, miss?
- Oh, it's beautiful.
I shall keep it by my bedside
so it'll be the first
thing I see in the morning.
- It's only cheap stuff from the market.
But you said you like
to pretend, didn't ya?
You could pretend it's satin
with diamond pins stuck in it.
- Oh, I don't have to pretend.
I like it just as it is.
- I made it meself.
Though the stitching's not very good.
- Oh, it's perfect.
It's the most perfect present
you could have given me.
Oh, Becky, I do love you.
When will that be ♪
Say the bells of Stepney ♪
I do not know ♪
Says the great bell of Bow ♪
Here comes a candle
to light you to bed ♪
Here comes a chopper
to chop off your head ♪
Chip chop chip chop
the last man's dead ♪
(girls laughing)
- Put all boxes on the table
so that everyone can
see Miss Sara open them.
Rebecca, you forget yourself.
It's not your place to
smile at my young ladies.
- No, ma'am, sorry, ma'am.
- Now leave us.
- Oh, please Miss Minchin, may Becky stay?
- Rebecca, why, Sara, dear?
- Because I know she'd
like to see the presents.
After all, she's a young girl too.
- No, she most certainly is not.
She's a scullery maid.
- Oh, please, Miss Minchin.
I know she'd enjoy it.
Please let her stay.
- Very well, Sara, since
it is your birthday
I exceed to your request.
Rebecca, thank Miss Sara for her kindness.
- Thank you, miss
Thank you ever so much, ma'am.
I did so want to see the presents.
- Well, go and stand
over there in the corner.
Not too near my young ladies.
Now, before Sara opens her presents
I should like to say a few words.
(girls groaning)
Stand back, please.
Everybody stand back.
Now, we all consider our birthdays
to be very special occasions.
Do we not, Lottie?
- Yes, Miss Minchin.
- But in Sara's case, it is
an extra special occasion
because it will bring her one year nearer
to the time when she will
inherit a large fortune.
- From an army captain.
- It will be her duty to spend her money
in a meritorious manner, Lavinia.
That is why I'm so pleased her dear papa
has entrusted her to my care.
For what use is money
without a good education?
- What use is good
education without money?
- Did you say something, Lavinia?
- [Lavinia] No, Miss Minchin.
- I hope you all appreciate
Sara's generosity
in giving you this party.
And I would like you all
to express your gratitude
by saying altogether, out
loud, "Thank you, Sara."
- [Girls] Thank you, Sara.
- Thank you for coming to my party.
- A very pretty curtsy, dear.
Right, well then, I shall leave
you all to enjoy yourselves.
- [Girl] This one, Sara.
Open this one first.
- [Girls] Oh, books.
- Fancy sending you books.
That's the sort of thing
my papa would send.
- I asked for them.
- Asked for books?
- 'Cause I like reading.
- Oh, the princess
likes reading, does she?
I suppose it'll teach
her to spend her fortune
in a meritorious manner.
- This one's in French.
Perhaps she's thinking of buying France.
- Don't take any notice, Sara.
Open this one.
- Come on, Becky, come and look.
- But the mistress told me
to keep me distance, miss.
- Well, I tell you to come
closer and it's my birthday.
- Oh, Sara, what a lovely hat.
Put it on.
- You look beautiful,
Mama, really beautiful.
- Thank you Lottie.
(girl laughing)
(girls laughing)
- Sara!
Your papa's solicitor has
called to see Miss Minchin.
As the refreshments are
laid out in her room
she suggest you take your tea now,
then she can talk to him in here.
- [Lottie] Cake, cake! I
want some birthday cake!
- I want is a highly unladylike way
of expressing yourself, Lottie.
Now you can form into two ranks
and Sara will lead us to the feast.
In an orderly fashion!
(girls giggling)
- Oh, little high-spirited I fear.
It will end in tears.
Pray, do sit down, Mr. Barrow.
- I'd rather stand, thank you, madam.
- Oh, as you wish.
- Extravagance, ridiculous extravagance.
Such a foolish young man.
- Captain Crewe?
- The late Captain Crewe.
- You don't mean he's-
- Dead, madam.
And he died a pauper.
- A pauper?
Oh, but that is not possible.
- All that's left in the estate,
is a half share in some
African hole in the ground.
His partner apparently told him
there were diamonds at the bottom.
Must've been a swindler.
- But the party.
All these gifts.
I paid for them.
- [Mr. Barrow] Then you
too have gambled and lost.
- Why should I be the loser?
You are the captain's
legal representative.
It was you who told me to hire a carriage
and engage a French maid.
- I was merely carrying out
my client's instructions,
his original instructions,
which I can produce in court if necessary.
- And what about your
moral responsibility?
- We are not even morally responsible
for our client's debts, madam.
(Miss Minchin scoffs)
As a matter of fact, our own account
with the captain remains unpaid.
- You can afford it!
I can't!
This is absolutely outrageous!
- Please don't think me unsympathetic.
You have every right to be angry.
- And what about the girl?
Has she any relatives?
- None that I know of.
- Well, she's not staying here.
I shall turn her out into the street.
- Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you.
- Why not?
- It wouldn't look well.
Penniless pupil sent packing
by young lady's seminary.
The story would soon get about.
- Then what am I to do with her?
- Why not put her to work?
And then she can pay off the debt herself.
She's a clever child, I believe.
And I'm sure she would
give you satisfaction.
Good afternoon.
(box thudding)
(Becky sobbing)
- Who is there?
Come out immediately!
How dare you eavesdrop on
my private conversation?
- I'm sorry, ma'am.
I know I didn't ought to have hid,
only I was looking at the presents
and when I heard you coming
I just got in a panic like.
- What did you hear?
- Nothing, ma'am.
Except that poor Miss Sara
ain't got a dad no more,
and she's lost all her money.
(Becky crying)
- Leave this room this instant.
- But what will she do?
I mean she's used to
having a maid and that.
Would you let me wait on her
after I've done me regular duties, ma'am?
Then poor Miss Sara wouldn't feel so bad.
- Poor Miss Sara will wait on herself.
Poor Miss Sara will wait on others.
Now leave this room or leave my house!
And so say all of us ♪
For she's a jolly good fellow ♪
For she's a jolly good fellow ♪
For she's a jolly good fellow ♪
And so say all of us ♪
- Young ladies!
(girls applauding)
Young ladies, silence.
You will all go upstairs,
change out of your party frocks,
and assemble in the schoolroom.
(all groaning)
Sara, you will remain here.
- [Amelia] Quickstep everybody, quick.
- [Miss Minchin] Come along,
come along, come along.
- [Amelia] Slow coach, Ermengarde.
- Quickly.
- Come along.
What's the matter, sister?
(Amelia speaking faintly)
(somber music)
(door thuds)
- Now, I want no crying
and no unpleasant scenes.
I have some bad news.
- Not papa?
- He's dead.
And before he died he lost
every penny of his fortune.
You are left a pauper, on my hands.
- Dead?
- [Miss Minchin] You are a beggar, Sara,
and it appears you have no other relative
to take care of you.
- Papa,
- Don't you understand what I'm saying?
You are quite alone in the world.
Entirely dependent on my charity.
There'll be no more of your grand airs.
No more of this princess nonsense.
Ridiculous expense finery belongs to me
and it'll have to be sold,
pay for all of this.
If I choose to give you shelter,
you must work for your living.
- Work?
Yes, if I can work it won't hurt so much.
What must I do?
- You must do whatever I tell you to do.
Have you got a black dress
in that sumptuous wardrobe upstairs?
- Yes, but it's too small for me.
- Go and put it on
and take those ridiculous
ringlets out of your hair.
And then I will show you
to your new quarters.
Aren't you going to thank me?
- Thank you?
- For my kindness, in giving you a home.
- No, Miss Minchin, you are not kind
and this is not a home.
(door clunking)
(bird chirping)
What will you do Mariette?
- Seek a new position, of course.
Find an employer who can
afford to pay my wages.
- Please forgive Papa.
I'm sure it wasn't his fault
that he lost all his money.
- Perhaps I should have
asked to see his references.
- Wasn't my fault either.
- [Mariette] Did I say that it was?
- No, but you just seem so
cold as if you blamed me.
Don't you like me anymore?
- I do not dislike you
and I wish you well.
Now, I must think of myself.
- Yes, yes of course.
- [Miss Minchin] Are, you ready Sara?
- [Sara] Yes, Miss Minchin.
(bird chirping)
- Then come along.
(somber music)
(wind whistling)
(door creaking)
(door slams)
(somber music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle somber music)
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