A Sign of Affection (2024) s01e02 Episode Script

To Affection

How do I say "sure"
in sign language?
After that, my thoughts
were filled with Itsuomi-san.
And these fluffy white feelings
started piling up somewhere in my heart.
Even now, it hasn't stopped.
Sorry to interrupt your daydream.
The. Time.
You. Gonna be. Okay?
Probably not, in all sorts of ways.
Our breath is white under the blue stars
In the scenery reflected in your eyes
Even if the color is different
In the world you're in
And the world I'm in
There are no such things
As borders anywhere
Our hands shiver in the swirling
Falling snow
But if they touch, our fingertips warm
It is embarrassing but I want this feeling
Of our beating hearts
To remain like this forever
I've been searching for
How to express my love
That confession that
Only the two of us understand
Find me in the world you see
I chant it silently in my heart
So you got his number? Nice one!
Thanks for yesterday, Rin-chan
Come on!
That was nothing!
Were you nervous?
I see, I see!
Just standing beside him
already makes me nervous.
I I think in my whole life,
this is the most I've ever
Let me into your world, Yuki
I keep looking at it.
I asked you to meet me here because
"The international club
is meeting up here"?
He's sandwiched between beauties.
There were also guys earlier!
These girls are so pretty.
Are they half-Japanese?
Looking at his lips,
he's not probably speaking Japanese.
Let me into your world, Yuki
Did he send that 'cause he's never
met a hearing impaired person
and he wants to know me better
like I'm a foreign exchange student?
Even so,
ever since Itsuomi-san
came into my life, I
And there he goes.
I can't look him in the face.
I feel like I'll burst!
He's staring right at me!
No, I have to
look him in the face.
Are you. Not doing this. Today?
So embarrassing!
I have to type.
Itsuomi-san's always so close!
I want to,
but we're at school, so
That's kinda cute.
Did he just say "cute?"
Did I misread his lips or something?
Gotta go.
Have a plane. To catch.
A plane? Is he going abroad again?
Maou? As in Demon King?
I'm going to Laos
You two seemed awfully friendly.
You look so happy
when you're with Itsuomi-san.
It's gotta be love!
It's just admiration!
You're like a different person
from yesterday!
You were glowing!
I look different from yesterday? Really?
How are love and admiration different,
Hey, Yuki.
Look, over there.
It's your childhood friend.
So he was watching.
I wonder what they're talking about.
I can't read his lips from this angle.
So they're friends of yours?
They're cute.
Let's invite them for drinks sometime.
The one with long hair can't hear.
As in completely, or
Then why doesn't she wear a hearing aid?
She does,
but she still can't pick out noises.
I don't get it.
Anyways, see ya, Oushi.
He ignored me.
It's cool your childhood friend
knows sign language
He only uses it to pick on me
But he did learn it.
Want a souvenir?
Or not?
Look at you, you're glowing!
I wonder which is it?
I can't tell if it's love or admiration
Rin-chan, you admire
that cafe manager, right?
Uhabout that
After seeing him yesterday,
I realized it was love!
Wait, really?
I mean, he's just so nice!
If you can't tell,
why don't you just pick for yourself?
You mean, I can decide for myself?
Yes, I'd like one.
Have a safe trip!
If I could decide whether it's love
or admiration
Please wait, sir!
The turnstile was closed.
I'm sorry.
So you can be a good guy sometimes.
It's the first time I've seen you use
sign language on someone who isn't Yuki.
It must be tough being hearing impaired.
If you weren't there earlier,
they would've thought
he did that on purpose.
It's easy to get into trouble
when you can't hear.
If only she'd stay somewhere safe,
out of danger.
Where is he? What is he doing right now?
So is it love? Or admiration?
It's from Itsuomi-san!
I never knew somewhere like this existed.
So cute!
I never knew.
Everything's completely new.
What's it like over there?
What kind of scenery are you seeing?
What kind of time are you having?
Aren't you scared,
stepping into all these new worlds?
At a $7 run-down hotel with bad wifi
Seven dollars!
He's staying at such a place?
Gotta sleep, bye
He pops in and out whenever he wants.
Oh yeah
I'll be back at school
the day after tomorrow
He's coming back.
I wonder if I'll see him.
I ended up leaving too early.
"Good morning"?
My fingers feel stiff.
Ever since you appeared,
my world has been growing.
Even my breath is dyed in tenderness.
I want this to be love.
I choose love.
So, you learned to say "good morning"
in sign language?
When did you get back to Japan?
I have so much I want to ask him.
I should write them on my phone.
Your hand.
My hand!
Your souvenir. From Laos.
It's a souvenir!
I love it!
He might've said something to me.
But I couldn't lift my head to see.
I wonder why he picked this.
Is it some kind of deity?
On a closer look, it's kinda cute.
Itsuomi-san must've seen
many things I haven't
Worlds I don't know.
I went to the same hearing impaired school
from kindergarten to high school.
I only had four classmates.
Everyone there was kind and warm.
I felt safe and secure.
It was my entire world.
Even so
There she is.
She looks busy.
I have so much to tell her
about Itsuomi-san.
But it's not like we planned to meet up
or anything.
You planning to space out there all day?
I'm waiting for a friend.
A friend?
Don't you feel tired working all the time?
Yeah, I wanna go somewhere!
Ain't it the same for you two?
They're talking about their plans
for spring break. Really loudly.
You don't need to interpret that.
So you weren't interested?
She's always taking notes
on her PC during class, right?
What about it?
So she's that kind of friend.
Oushi-kun's signs
always have a sharp edge.
But sometimes, it feels as though
his delicate, gentle fingertips
are actually worried about me.
Why did you even decide to study
in college in the first place?
Itsuomi san
Back then,
when I took my first college tour,
it felt like stepping into a new world.
A whole new world
was unfolding right in front of me.
To me, college students sparkled
like people on TV.
The outside world
The heck was that?
You know
What is it?
Don't go overboard.
I'm not.
Hey, is that sign language?
I wonder what they're talking about.
Hey, there!
You shouldn't jump on her from behind.
She can't hear you coming.
Sorry! I won't do that again.
Remember our talk about love
and admiration?
What was that sign just now?
Something like "What's up?"
or "Do your best!"
Let's go!
When Itsuomi-san moved his fingers,
brand new feelings welled up inside me.
Every time he looks at me,
my heart beats so fast
I can't look at him in the face.
These feelings are
I'm in love with Itsuomi-san.
Every time
Your tenderness touches me
My heart thumps like crazy!
The warmth lingering from your hand
Fills me in every way
I've always been waiting
Shaking more than the fluttering snow
I've never felt this way before
I meet another "you"
A side I've never known before
I'm liking you more and more
I feel like I'm gonna burst!
I meet another "me"
A side I've never known before
If I end up liking you even more
I want you to hear it
Gently through my fingertips
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