A Simple Murder (2020) s01e02 Episode Script

Darte Hai Kya?

Dear, you can live here
without any worry.
You won't face any problems. Okay?
Okay, Mr Pandit.
- What's your name?
- Ujwal.
Your future is bright.
Go in, my dear. I will talk to your dad.
Om Shanti. Go.
Thank you, Mr Pandit.
Give them the keys.
Yes, Mr Minister.
The day after tomorrow is auspicious.
I'll get the job done.
Om Shanti.
- Thank you.
Make a video. Come on in.
'Seeing the money safe,
Manish took a big sigh of relief.'
'But the love of his life'
It's over. I'm leaving.
You are going to your boss' place?
Do you know what your problem is?
You are lazy and a coward.
You were never marriage material.
At times, the house gets flooded.
Take your eyes off,
and the house catches fire.
You should have died in the fire.
There are no openings
for the call centre here.
Call us after the 10th.
If there is an opening,
we will let you know.
I'm here for a closing.
You can't meet Mr Pandit right now.
He is performing a 'puja'.
Listen to me.
Hi, Pandit.
Hello, wrestler.
What brings you here?
Did you forget, Pandit?
It's Thursday today. You had called me.
You wanted me to bump off some girl.
Thursday was yesterday.
Where do you get lost, my friend?
It's a leap year. So, I got confused.
No problem.
Tell me who the target is.
He took them away.
- Who did?
It must be one of your men.
I thought today's Thursday!
So, how can the one who came in yesterday
be one of my men, Pandit?
'Hello, Mr Pandit.
- Wish you all the success.'
Sometimes, the scum of the gutter
dream of becoming
the glitter of tall towers.
Tell me the truth, Pandit.
If you were unsure,
you could have googled
whether Brihaspativar is Thursday.
Here you go.
He's the same guy
with whom I had drinks last night.
Is he your friend?
- No.
And yet, you had drinks with him?
If you could give him a contract
without asking his name,
can't I have a few drinks with him?
He has all the information about the girl.
Find him as soon as possible.
I will take care of him.
Keep my payment ready.
Keep the payment ready!
None of these fuckers do any work,
but they want their payment on time.
'Your target.'
'The address is on the back.'
'Don't miss the target.'
'Because I don't spare the ones
who miss their targets.'
Richa, you
Deal with him.
Oh, shit!
You didn't have to come here.
I'd have come to the bank.
I guess some renovation work
is underway here.
Yes. You could say that.
Your money
- Stop thinking about the money.
Looking at the condition of the house,
I'm sure you will pay right away.
Last time, there was water-logging.
This time, there was a fire.
What's going on here?
Next week, I will throw
the instalment in your face
Yes, give it before time.
- Leave!
Close the door after you!
- Damn you.
Where did you get so much money from?
In Investor.
I am not the old Manish anymore.
I have changed.
The man who didn't mend his ways
for five years changed overnight!
I promise I will make everything alright.
Please give me one more chance.
I can't live without you.
For the sake of cappuccino
Madhu, you have left the door open.
You're being careless.
How could you do this?
My darling, my doll, where are you?
Madhu! The love of my life!
Madhu! Ma
Not bad.
Nice touch.
You need to practice more.
Just wow!
Everything looks good,
but the element of surprise is missing.
Is it?
Surprised enough?
- Too much.
Hey, listen. Dump that car.
Meanwhile, I'll take a shower.
Go, please.
Fifty million. Keep them safe.
So, finally, we get to build our new home
with Italian interiors.
And I will write 'ghazals'
all day, all night long.
Come back soon.
'I got so mesmerised with your eyes.'
'Even the rocks ask a man
for directions.'
Nice. Yes?
- Yes, yes.
Interesting. Too good. Fantastic.
'Even the rocks ask a man
for directions.'
Lock the door, baby.
The psycho has left.
Yes, he left the money with me.
Okay, bye.
'This is the pistol,
and this is the magazine.'
'And these are the rounds.'
Yes, I have them.
'This is how you put
the magazine in the pistol.'
'Load it and cock it.'
'That's how a pistol is cocked.'
'This here is the trigger,'
'and this is the lock.'
'Now, the pistol
is ready for firing.'
'The first time you hear a shot,
you will shit your pants.'
'Later, you'll get used to it.'
It's easy.
Darn it!
Yes, sir.
The one who was having drinks
with me yesterday,
where does he live?
- How would I know, sir?
Wherever he lives, he is unhappy.
He is like a brother to me.
He reminds me of myself.
I have been in Delhi for 17 years.
I came from my village with the hopes
of making it big here.
I never make money through wrong means.
A lot of bigwigs come here at night
to buy booze illegally.
They pay the guys here
a tip of up to Rs 2000. I
Where does he live?
Where does he live?
DDA Colony, sir.
Where in DDA?
Where in DDA?
I don't know, sir.
- I see.
No problem.
He is an ENT specialist.
He is an ENT specialist.
He is a friend. You should consult him.
Thank you.
'Just do your duty. You may
or may not get the reward for it.'
'But here, all this guy can
think of is the reward.'
'And to complete his task,
all he has is a ripped up photo'
'and his shitty luck!'
'1, Prem Nivas, Opposite Ghazal,
Silver Lane, Dwarka.'
'11, Ghazal, Opposite Prem Nivas,
Silver Lane, Dwarka.'
Stop watching stupid Hindi films.
I'll be back soon.
Check everything once.
We have to leave in an hour.
- Check.
Forex card?
- Check.
The main thing.
- What?
Velvet handcuff.
- You're crazy!
Okay. What about your passport?
Damn it
How long will it take?
- Half an hour.
- Okay, bye.
Love you.
Don't look into her eyes.
- Hello, sir.
Can I speak to you for two minutes, sir?
No, I'm in the middle of something.
Sir, you can continue that.
I just need two minutes.
I have a great
life insurance policy for you.
Fifty million rupees on death
for your wife, sir.
So, the wife dies, and I get the money?
No, sir. You die, and she gets it.
- Fuck off!
'Om Shanti.'
'While shooting someone,
you don't look into the eyes.'
Shoot, you fucker!
Ma'am Ma'am
No, listen to me.
- You will kill me?
What? Hey!
Oh, no!
- Wait!
Ma'am, I got confused.
- Wait.
I will leave.
- You want to kill me?
At least, try to talk to me.
Ma'am, there's a misunderstanding.
Please listen to me.
You don't want to hear me out!
- Wait!
Ma'am, I'm sorry. Sorry!
Who are you? Why do you want to kill me?
- Hey!
Who are you?
Just a minute.
It is not here.
Where the hell is my passport?
Where is my passport?
Why do you need a passport?
Nothing. I'm leaving for some work.
- To where?
I am running late.
- You're hiding something.
It's nothing. Bye. See you.
What are you doing here?
- What are you doing here?
This is my office.
- I mean, what are you doing outside?
Getting some fresh air.
Get in. I need to tell you something.
What's that bruise?
Did you molest some girl?
I ran into trouble.
'Don't move forward! I'll shoot you.
- No.'
'Don't shoot
- Who are you?'
'It's going to hurt a lot.'
'I will shoot you!
- What are you doing?'
'Hey, listen to me.
- Leave it.'
You murdered someone.
Was this your plan
to make everything alright?
So, what's the matter?
Look, it's a lot of money.
We can get away.
We'll go to some other city.
Mumbai. Yes, we will go to Mumbai.
And there, we'll start a business.
And even if we don't start a business,
we can live off this money for years!
We'll go to the bank
- Murder.
There's been a murder.
The police will investigate.
You might even get jailed.
No. Nothing of that sort will happen.
Someone was definitely going to kill her.
If not I, somebody else would have.
I am not even vaguely in the picture.
No. Don't think about all this.
God has given us a second chance.
Forget everything else.
Pack your bags.
I will be back in half an hour.
Richa? Pack this.
I'll be back in half an hour.
Where are you going?
Hey, I have to return this to Pandit.
It's the murder weapon.
I'll get half a million more for this.
We have fifty million here,
and you still want half a million more!
Even the TDS of this amount
is five million rupees.
Dump the pistol somewhere.
In the meantime, I will start packing.
Madhu is so silly! Seriously
Oh my fucking God!
Fuck! Fuck!
Hey, do you know a place
where they dump things?
Take me there.
Hey, listen!
Go a little ahead.
Pull over. That's it.
Hey Hey
Why are you throwing it away?
What happened?
You were running after me, right?
I was running
because you were running.
I can't run anymore.
I had mortgaged my house.
My wife was upset.
Situation, compulsion
I don't have any animosity with you.
It's not the right time
to recite a 'ghazal'.
But it's the truth.
I had a few drinks with you.
And so you underestimated me.
I showed you the way
when you were in a tough spot.
And you went right
- I do.
Is this a wedding ceremony?
What do you mean, 'I do'?
- Hey!
I do agree
to give you money. Let's go home.
- Take the gun right here.
Now, you don't even have to do the job.
I got the job done.
I didn't look into her eyes.
You shouldn't understand me either.
Welcome, Himmat.
You don't need to shout any louder.
It's a small flat.
And that too
How long will you lie?
Come with me to meet Pandit.
I will deal with you there.
No, let me call her once.
She isn't answering your call.
Do one thing.
Send her a WhatsApp message.
- Just a second.
Yes, tell me.
'If you don't come here with the money,'
'in half an hour,'
'then I will be chopped into two halves.'
'As the saying goes, don't bite off
more than you can chew.'
'The wife ran away with the money.'
'In such a situation,
only one thing could be useful to him.'
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