Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher (2018) s01e02 Episode Script

When Abby Met Bozzly/Hair Flair Everywhere

Catching Fuzzliesbr /to give them hugs ♪
They're soft and cuddly ♪
Like my best pal, Bozzly ♪
Don't worry, Fuzzlies ♪
You're safebr /when we're together ♪
You know we're going to bebr /friends forever ♪
Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher ♪
Abby Hatcher,br /Fuzzly Catcher ♪
Hold my hand,br /let's find adventure ♪
Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher ♪
Open up your armsbr /and catch a hug ♪
FUZZLIES:br /Woohoo snow! Woo!
La-la-la!br /Whoa-oh-oh!
Sorry, Bozzly, but our snowmanbr /already has a head.
[Laughing, grunting]
Thanks, Otis!br /[Grunting]
Phew! I love snow!
Catch it on your tongue!
It's so fluffy!
BOTH:br /Huh?
BOTH:br /Huh?
Ahh!br /[Slurping]
ALL:br /Ahh!
Mo and Bo love the sno--br /[Shivering]
Play some more, go, go, go!
I think Mo and Bo arebr /cold, cold, cold!
Mo can't feel nose.
Bo can't feel toes.
That happens in the snowbr /sometimes.
Go get a coat and hat, and we'llbr /finish building the snowman!
Coat and hat!We'll do that!
One hat, one coat,
for Mo and Bo!
Share them both,br /and play in snow!
Room for me?
Come in and see!
Look, Mo!
Boots look warm and cozy.
Gonna wear 'em on my toesies.
Flow, to and fro!
Whoa, whoa, wha--
Oh, hello!
Hello!br /Huh?
They seem nice--br /Wait, they?
I think I need to lie down.
MOTHER:br /Kids, who wants hot chocolate?
Bo can't see where Abby go.
[Muffled]br /Mo can't see her either, Bo.
Look, Mo!
[Gasping]br /Snowman in the snow!
Play! Play! Play!
Let's go, go, go!
BOTH:br /Whoa!
Whoo, easy, Mo!
Gotta grab my sled,br /I left it right--
KIDS:br /Huh?
[Screaming]br /It's a snow monster!
MO AND BO:br /Whoa!
Hey, he took my sled!
Okay, Otis!br /Ready for a game of snow slide?
Snow slide!br /Ding!
Whee! Fun!
Ding-ding-ding,br /ding-ding-ding!
[Laughing]br /Fuzz-tastic!
[Fuzzly Spotter ringing]
The Fuzzly Spotter!
MO AND BO: spanbr /Oh no!/span
ABBY:br /Spotted!br /A snow monster in the park?
Fuzzly trouble,br /can't delay!
To the rescue,br /save the day!
[Grunting]br /Hi-ya!
Doot-doo-doo ♪
Yeah! Ah, ah?
Ready, Bozzly?br /Ready!
Then let's ride!
[Imitating engine revving]
ABBY:br /To the park!
Crazy kids!
[Screaming]br /It's a snow monster!
A snow monster?
Splizzacular!br /Where is it?
It wrecked our snowman,br /so we screamed,
and it ran that way.
If it ran when they screamed,br /I bet it's scared.
We have to help it!br /Come on!
BO: Oh no, Mo!MO: Hang on, Bo!
BO: Watch where go!MO: Too fast in snow!
BOTH:br /Woohoo!
Snow monsterbr /getting away, Abby!
But if it keeps running scared,br /it could get hurt!
Time to go--br /Fuzzly fast!
[Tires screeching]
[Tires screeching, gasping]
The forest is so thick,
there's no way we can ridebr /through it!
Ugh! Now the snow monster's allbr /alone in the woods!
Aw, poor snow monster!
[Gasping]br /I got it!
I know where these woods lead.
If we go around--
We make sure snow monster comesbr /out okay!
Yes! To the snow monster!
To the snow monster!
The snow monster'll come outbr /right about here!
[Gasping]br /Sound found!
The bushes!
Snow monster?
Let's hide so it doesn't see usbr /and get scared.
Where we go and what we do?
Not so sure. Maybe we--
Oh, lookie, Bo, do you see?
Another snowman!?br /Yay, whoopee!
The snow monster really lovesbr /that snowman!
[Little girl giggling]
You can't escape from thebr /snowball machine!
Yeah, I can!
[Kids giggling]
[Giggling]br /Look, Bo, flying snow!
Duck away, don't be slow!
[Gasping]br /Stop! You're hitting the snowbr /monster
Snow monster?
[Screaming]br /Snow monster!
Run!br /[Screaming]
Look, Abby!br /Snow monster getting away!
No!br /[Growling in frustration]
How can we help the snow monster
when it always gets scared,br /and runs away?
Hm. I know! Uh--
Hm-- Don't know.
Hm-- I've got it!
We get the snow monsterbr /to come to us!
Yeah! How?
Okay, think!
What do we know about thebr /snow monster?
It showed up near thebr /little kids--
And their snowman--br /Ta-da!
Right! Then it came out herebr /and went right to--
To other snowman!
[Giggling]br /Cute!
[Laughing]br /They're splizzacular, Bozzly!
[Gasping]br /Brain spark!
They are splizzacular!
And the snow monsterbr /would think so, too!
The snow monster loves snowmen!
So, if we build the biggest,br /most fuzz-tastic snowman ever,
I bet the snow monsterbr /will come right to it!
Yeehaw! Woohoo![Abby giggling]
We're at the tippy-topbr /of the hill,
and if we're going to get thebr /snow monster to come to us,
our new snowman will have to bebr /even bigger than our old one!
FUZZLIES:br /Ready!
Let's build![Cheering and laughing]
Phew!br /[Laughing]
[Abby laughing]
Woo! Yeah!
[Giggling]br /Fun! Fun! Fun!
Super splizzacular!br /Now we just have to wait for--
Snow monster, Abby!
Let's hide!
[Gasping]br /Look up there!
BOTH:br /Snowman!
[Cheering and giggling]
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
No way!br /That's not a snow monster,
that's Mo and Bo!
[Mo and Bo screaming]
Mo and Bo giant snowball!
ABBY:br /And they're headed for thosebr /kids on the playground!
We need to get downbr /and stop them!
Bozzly! Chopper ears!
Otis, swing!Ding-ding!
And ride 'em Curly!
Curly bounce!
Copter ears!br /Otis swing!
Don't worry, Mo and Bo!br /We'll save you!
Hurry, Bozzly!br /We need a net!
"Net"? Ahh, tea set!
Not a tea set!br /A net!
[Grunting]br /Baguette?
Bozzly, a net!
Bozzly! Hurry!
A net! Yes!
Spread out, everybody!
Stretch the net!
[All grunting]
Hold tight, everyone!
[Shouting, cheering]
Hey, look!br /It's snowing! Yay!
Mo and Bo, are you okay?
Mo okay!
Bo okay!
BOTH:br /Play in snow for rest of day!
You really want to keep playingbr /in the snow?
MO AND BO: Yeah!Otis too! Ding!
Curly play in snow!
Stay and play more, Abby?br /Please?
More fuzzly time in the snow?br /Splizzacular!
[All laughing]

[All laughing]
Good morning, world!
Good morning! ♪Good morning! ♪
Good morning ♪
Time to play!br /Peepers play all day! ♪
Rise and shine, Bozzly!
The sun is up,br /the birds are singing--
Sleepy peepersbr /slide and play ♪
The perfect waybr /to start the day! ♪
[Gasping]br /And the peepers are peeping!
Sleepy peepersbr /slide and play ♪
The perfect waybr /to start the day! ♪
Woohoo! Woo!br /Ding-ding! Ding-ding!
[Giggling]br /Swinge-rific moves, Otis!
Abby! Bozzly! Ding! Come play!
On our way!br /Let's get washed up, Bozzly!
Slide with us,br /now Otis please ♪
Swing up herebr /from the trees! ♪
[Screaming, grunting]
Ow. Owie! Ding!
Oh no, owies, oh no! ♪
You've got an owie, oh no! ♪
[Whimpering in pain]
All washed up.
Now to dry thosebr /super sound ears!
Ooh! Stylish!
[Fuzzly Spotter ringing]
The Fuzzly Spotter!
ABBY:br /Otis is in trouble in thebr /courtyard!
Fuzzly trouble,br /can't delay!
To the rescue,br /save the day!
[Grunting]br /Hi-ya!
Doot-doo-doo ♪
Yeah! Ah, ah?
Ready, Bozzly?br /Ready!
Then let's ride!
Vroom, vroom, vroom!
Yeah, ha-ha!
Be right there, Otis!
My Hatcher Palace Hotel cakebr /looks good enough to eat!
And now, for the final touch!
[Motor dying]br /No, it can't be broken!
[Revving, screaming]
[Gulping]br /So high! So very high!
Hi, Chef Jeff!
That's the problem!br /I'm too high!
Curly help!
Curly-back ride!
Thank you, Curly!br /[Laughing]
This is actually fun!
[Laughing]CURLY: Whee!
[Tires screeching]
Otis fell,br /but he's okay ♪
He's good to stay and play ♪
Are you really okay, Otis?
Mm-hm. Just an owie!
Ooh! Lemme see what I have in mybr /bag for your boo-boo!
Hmm. Your head sounds good.
So does your foot--
Owie here!
Oh, well that's easy to fix!
Bozzly, boo-boo bandage, please!
BOZZLY:br /Boo-boo bandage!
There, all better!
And for being so brave--
Um [Clearing throat]
Bozzly brave, too!
[Giggling]br /Very brave!
Mm. Tasty brave!
Sleepy peeper slide and play ♪
The perfect waybr /to start the day! ♪
Ding-ding! Ooh! Otis going up!
Ah! Too high! Too high! No!
[Playing mournful accordion]
Hey, Otis!br /Is everything okay?
Hi, are you thebr /elevator operator?
Hup! Elevator operator Otis!
Great! Top floor, please!
Have fun!
Look at all the buttons!
Can I push one, too?
Yeah, yeah, yeah!br /Ding-ding!
Let's see what this button does!
Uh!br /[Gasping] Oh!
Wow!br /Look at how high we're going!
Way, way up!br /Up to the sky!
Ah! Too high!
[Voice wavering]br /Uh, Abby! Uh, too high!
[Whirring, gasping]
[Teeth chattering]
Oh! Ground floor!br /Guess I'll take the stairs.
Otis, why no go up?
What's wrong?
Otis scared to go high!br /[Sputtering]
Now Otis not goodbr /elevator operator!
Otis scared go high?
That's what he said,br /but that's not like Otis at all!
He was great this morning,br /then--
[Gasping]br /Brain spark!
He fell! Otis is scared ofbr /heights now, because he fell!
But, if Otis too scared,
he can't ride elevator,br /ever!
Da-da-da! ♪
You're right, Bozzly,br /but we won't let that happen!
We're going to find a way tobr /help him,
or my name isn'tbr /Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher!
[Mournful accordion musicbr /playing]
I really think this plan willbr /work, Bozzly!
We'll meet you in the courtyard!
Otis, I have an idea for how tobr /make you not scared of heights.
So you can go up in the elevatorbr /again!
OTIS: Huh?Wanna try?
Yes! Ding-ding!br /Otis love elevator!
Try anything not to be scared!
Splizzacular!br /To the courtyard!
Hi! Are you out here birdbr /watching, too?
Actually, we're herebr /for a picnic!
Huh? Pic-a-nic?
Tree fort picnic! Up here!
Up? No!
That's my idea!
I thought if you could climbbr /just a little,
to do something fuzz-tastic,br /you'd get over being scared.
Wanna try?
Uh-hm. Ding!br /Otis try!
Splizzacular!br /Follow me!
Yes! You're doing it!
[Wind blowing]
No! Too high! Too high!
Oh no!
Pogo spring shoes, activate!
[Grunting]br /Caught ya!
Tree picnic too high!br /[Sputtering]
[Sniffing]br /Huh-- Where did I--
Hey! Picnic gone!
[Giggling]br /From high up here,
it looked like that picnicbr /basket had a motor!
That's it!br /Teeny Terry loves being up high!
I bet he can help Otisbr /love it again, too!
Oh, Teeny Terry!
Roger that!
I think a balloon ridebr /with Teeny Terry
will make you feel a zillionbr /times better
about going up high.
Hope so! Ding!
Have fun!
[Imitating static noise]br /This is your pilot speaking!
It's a wonderful day for abr /balloon ride,
so just sit back,br /and enjoy the flight!
You're doing great, Otis!
And we're not high,br /I promise! Look!
[Laughing]br /This fun! Ding-ding-ding!
Balloon ride!
[Laughing]br /My tickle spot!
Oh no! Teeny Terry's tickle spotbr /makes him--
[Laughing]br /Whoa!
[Screaming]ABBY:br /Deflate!
I've got you, Otis!
Goo gripper gloves, activate!
[Grunting]br /Caught ya!
[Gasping]br /Oh no! Help! I'm stuck!
Bozzly! Tickle his tickle spot!
Bozzly save Teeny Terry!
Tickle spot stuck in pipe!
[Straining]br /And Teeny Terry--
[Straining]br /--Too tight to pull-- Out!
I'm on it!br /Bomber blimp jacket, activate!
[Beeping]br /Activate! Huh?
Uh-oh, my jacket's ripped!
It won't inflate!
Pogo spring shoes, activate!
I can't get up there!br /It's too high!
And Bozzly can't savebr /Teeny Terry on his own!
What'll we do?
Otis want to help!
You do? Fuzz-tastic!
But how?
Hmmm brain spark!
You can climb up there with yourbr /suction cup power!
But are you surebr /you wanna do it?
Hm-- Friend need help.
Otis to the rescue!
[All straining]
ALL:br /Yay!
Tickle, tickle, tickle!
Woohoo! Safe and sound!
Thanks, Otis!
[Grunting]Caught ya!
You can do it, Otis!
You got up to help your friend,
so I know you can come backbr /down!
[Gasping]br /Yes! Otis can!
Ya!br /[Laughing]
Yipee! Ha![Giggling]
You did it, you slide it,br /Otis for the win, it! ♪
Otis not scared anymore!
[Laughing]br /Ding!
To the elevator!
You heard him, Bozzly!br /To the elevator!
Look, Abby!br /Owie all better!
That's great, Otis!
Now-- Where should we go?
Hi! Remember me?
Hi! Top floor, way, way up?
Yes, and can we watch throughbr /the glass floor?
Going up! Ding!
ABBY:br /Splizz-acular!

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