Actress (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

I Will Die Soon

Can I have a word, Yasemin?
This is my suggestion for the poster.
What do you think?
Fine, okay.
- How's that?
- Good. This is it.
- Should we do a retake?
- There's no need.
Let's watch this one and move on. Come on.
All right, guys. We're done
with this scene. We'll continue with 41.
I won.
Attorney Jülide Kumcu killed a stray dog
she claims previously attacked her
by driving her jeep over it!
The dog-killing lawyer was
released by the court.
What do you say, partner?
Famous writer BAHADIR NEVI
murdered in massage parlor
along with receptionist S.T.!
About this S.T. guy.
Yes, I'm listening.
This is what happened, Ahmet.
Sadly, I wasn't able to kill Bahadir.
I think I have a stalker.
They killed Bahadir.
Seems like a polite person. They told me
that it was on them this time.
The only problem is
that they think we're partners.
Of course, I'm sure you'll want us
to take a break after hearing all this.
So, I'd really prefer
not to elaborate on it.
S.T. was really pushing his luck.
It's great you're expressing your feelings
like this, Ahmet!
I'll clean up this mess. Don't worry.
I said I don't want to, Taner.
Are you getting a commission
from Rafet's company, or what?
Yasemin, we should pay him a visit
and apologize.
You did tell him he reeked of sweat.
Why? Do we go to verify
if he still smells or not?
Do you know why he smells?
He's overweight.
He's bound to be diabetic too.
He'll drop dead one day
if he doesn't watch it.
Bye, Yasemin.
Listen, if the screenplay--
Sack of shit.
Fine, I'm sorry.
I promise not to do it again.
What do you think of Freud?
He claims that life and death are
the two basic human instincts.
The instinct to live transpires
as sexuality. Eros.
The instinct of death is Thanatos.
He says human psychology is healthy
as long as the two are in balance.
Um, we keep on dying.
So, is sex the only thing
that keeps us sane in life?
Oh. Love.
Now, I've never been in love.
Have you?
What's it like? Huh? Tell me.
What's your problem?
I feel like I'm going to die soon.
You know how you get that feeling.
I wonder if I'd be sad if you died?
Would I?
- How did you become an actress?
- What? Did I suck?
- You were terrible.
- Terrible?
What are you saying?
I'm an award-winning actress.
Maybe, but it doesn't show.
Hmm. It doesn't show?
- Award-winning actress. Sure.
- Award-winning act--
What are you laughing at?
- I deserved that.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Nice route, let's run together one day
Are you okay?
Can you give me some water?
Did you fall?
- Do I look like I had a fall?
Cheers. Want another?
Do your wounds need dressing?
I live upstairs.
No need.
Can you make me a coffee?
To go.
This one is on me.
- Thanks.
- Um, Mr. Rafet, how have you been?
Busy, Taner. Really busy
I'm waiting for you on Jülide!
Don't worry, partner!
We failed to convince Yasemin
to join the cast of Efsunsu the other day.
But now, I have something
you guys can't turn down.
A feature film.
It's current and provocative.
We're talking with Barbaros
as the lead actor.
- And we want Yasemin as the lead actress.
- Hmm.
The screenplay is ready.
Turning down a job
without reading the screenplay?
Hold on a minute. You said
we were going in for a quick hello.
- I'm sick and tired of your tricks.
- What trick? I had no idea.
The guy just threw a screenplay
in front of us.
I really had no idea.
What's she doing here?
Aren't you her manager? You tell me.
I get her auditions every day.
You want me to adopt her?
Are you okay?
Dad kicked me out.
Oh, really?
Are you hungry?
Well, am I going to be an actress
and become a whore?
It's what my dad says, not me.
I don't think you are.
You have a really cool house.
Are you a fraud or what?
I don't know. Normally you're quite cool.
Why are you like that in the tabloids?
Like what?
Oh, friends, thank you. You're so sweet.
Guys, please take care.
You'll catch a cold.
If there was anyone,
you'll be the first to know.
Sorry. Um, I should be going.
Do you have a place to stay?
I'll find a place.
If you want, you can stay here tonight.
No, I should go.
Thanks for the baked potato.
Was it the flower of death?
See you later.
Jülide's house is in Kemerburgaz.
Close to Lake Göktürk.
- How long are we supposed to wait?
- Do we have to wait for long?
- She's still abroad.
- What's the matter with you?
Choosing targets and whatnot.
What's going on?
Nothing. I just want to teach my stalker
a small lesson. That's all.
What are you after, Yasemin?
The woman drove her Jeep over a dog.
How am I supposed to ignore that?
I'm an animal lover.
- Yeah, sure.
I wish you'd show Nuri some love.
For one thing, Nuri doesn't like me.
I tried hard to love Nuri. I really did.
I was going to get a bird.
You want strange things.
You ditch the plan and go kill some guy.
I don't know what your problem is,
but you need to fix it urgently.
Okay, fine. I'll fix it.
- What's up?
Here. And this one is on me.
You shouldn't have. It's late.
Can I come in?
Nice house.
Did you rent it after finding the café?
- Yeah.
- Wow.
Are you eating this stuff
because it wasn't sold?
Isn't it difficult?
Want some?
No. Help yourself.
Where's the whiskey I gave you?
Where's the bathroom?
On the left at the end of the corridor.
Not up there though.
It's on the same floor.
Yigit Özcan.
This one is my favorite.
Who did you kill?
Is everyone in the can
doing time for murder?
But you did time for murder.
Who did you kill?
What difference does it make?
I feel like I'm going to die soon.
You know, you sometimes get this feeling.
How would you prefer to die?
Quick. Painless. You?
I'd want it to take a long time.
-To feel the pain at my core.
We only get to die once, right?
- Are you okay?
Sometimes it feels like I'm being stabbed.
- Let me see.
- Here?
- Yes, that's it.
- Move your hand.
Is that better?
What a lousy tattoo!
You're so polite.
Don't you have a bed?
What are you doing here at this time, Son?
Mom was meant to drop you off
tomorrow morning.
Isn't that what we agreed?
Mom had things to do in the morning,
so she brought me over now.
Why the heck can't you call
to let me know?
- We did, but you didn't hear.
Gee. Anyway. Welcome.
- Hello.
- I missed your call.
- Hi.
He's okay, just fine. He's here.
I'll bring him tomorrow.
At a reasonable hour.
Yasemin Derin?
Yasemin How do you know her name?
How do you know Yasemin Derin?
I'm asking you, Son.
Are you famous or something?
Fine. I guess I'll-- See you later.
Will you come again?
We'll see.
- What's up?
- Good.
- You hungry?
- Nope.
Drop your bag. Then go
and wash your hands. I'm coming.
We're running late on Jülide.
I'm losing patience.
Who can it be?
He has a kid. Can't psychos have kids?
Psycho? [laughs] Look who's talking.
Or is it Ekin? She's a weirdo.
Someone from the past
Is he alive? He could be.
"The Hunter is on the ground
covered in blood.
She dies writhing in pain."
Yes, Yasemin.
Set a meeting
with the writer tomorrow.
Sure, I will.
I knew you'd like it, Yasemin.
You've got an eye for good projects.
This is only the first draft.
There's plenty to change.
But the finale stays the same, right?
That's what is good about it.
I think that's the end
the Hunter deserves. Dying in pain.
No, no. That won't change.
No. Never. No changes to that.
No way. It stays the same.
We'll do some touch-ups
on this Asli character. A few updates.
And since you're in, we'll do some
overall changes and take it from there.
We can do that.
But I came here for Cahit.
- Who's Cahit?
- Um, the cop.
You know, the guy who kills the Hunter
in the junkyard at the end.
No problem. We can do that too,
but isn't that a side role? Huh?
For heaven's sake, Rafet!
There's no such thing as a side role.
A role is a role.
Oh, and one more thing.
I have a request to make.
Yes, of course.
I say this with all due respect,
of course,
but I was wondering if this
Hunter character has to be so romantic.
Um, I mean she's a cutthroat.
And, you know, when it comes
to matters of justice--
But she always chooses bad guys.
Um, I mean, we can discuss
good and bad but, um
What was I saying? What was I saying?
Right! I was saying, um, I
Um, I was saying that these people have
some sort of coach who guides them.
I'm sure you know better.
A mentor.
There. That's an amazing idea.
You nailed that straightaway. Well done.
Don't you agree? Isn't it a great idea?
I think it's a great idea.
What do you say?
Fantastic. One idea leads to another, eh?
Okay. No, I like this. I like it.
I was wondering
if you would be the Hunter?
You'll be my first victim though.
Enough! I've had enough!
I'm sick and tired
of this house and this life!
- Now you're screwing me big time.
I need to make a call.
The dialogue sucks, doesn't it?
No, it's you who sucks.
Why are you yelling anyway?
It says I need to be angry.
Um. [sighs] Do it like this.
Just recite it normally.
Tell them it's your interpretation.
And one more thing. If you're going to
wave those hands like that,
please stick them in your pockets. Okay?
The suitcase? Haven't you found
a place to stay yet?
Um, I will.
Fine. Call Taner
or come to my place if you can't.
Could we have a retake?
Good day.
Hmm, Yasemin.
What's this cop role all about?
Do you have anything to say?
Yes, I do.
There's the award ceremony tomorrow.
Don't forget to turn up
and please don't be late.
Award ceremony?
What award are they giving?
The Best Promising Young Actress Award.
Hilarious! Do I have to come?
I get it, I have to come.
- Thank you. Please don't be late.
Fishing season opens tonight.
So, that was her thing?
Yeah. So what?
I was only asking.
Would you ask the same if it were a man?
Yes. I'm a sexist, Ahmet.
I'm a sexist, Ahmet.
Even worse, I'm a misogynist, okay?
Let's do this tonight.
Have you dealt with that problem of yours?
I will.
At last!
You'll pay for this.
Wow! You look great.
Why aren't you ready?
What? I'm coming too?
I don't think I should.
What will I do there?
Do you want to become an actress or what?
I do.
Then I'm sorry,
but you have to get used to this stuff.
What do I do there?
Do I go like this?
Oh, friends!
Thank you so much! So--
Whoa, this one's dead too.
Who's that?
This lawyer woman, Jülide Kumcu.
Found in Lake Göktürk with her throat cut.
The Hunter is the TT again.
Are they making a movie about the Hunter?
Where did you hear that?
I saw the screenplay back at the company.
Did you read it?
- What do you think of it?
Welcome, welcome! We're over here!
Please, Ms. Yasemin! You look dazzling!
She's pretty.
- Hello!
Love the dress.
I can't take my eyes off you.
That's great, Yasemin!
Thank you! One more time!
Can you look over here, Yasemin?
It was a big mistake
to evade me last night!
Thank you.
Ready for a new game?
Someone else will die
before the night is over!
Guess who??
Esteemed ladies and gentlemen.
A warm welcome to all of you from
the 15th Golden Plaque Award Ceremony.
What an honor to have you.
Some great actors and productions
will be receiving awards very soon.
- I would like to welcome you all
One of the guests!
before we move on to announcing
the winners in the first category.
I invite Ilayda Baris to the stage
to receive the Special Jury Award
How about your manager? Or the young one?
Yes, we present the Special Jury Award.
We congratulate her
with a warm round of applause
Where are you going without your award?
And now, with another round of applause,
I invite Best Actress
Yasemin Derin to the stage. Please.
Bravo! You're great, Yasemin!
- Thank you so much. Thank you.
And this is my award to you.
You're going to love it.
You need to see a doctor.
You might have gallstones.
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