After The Party (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

- PENNY: Grace, I've just seen your
father. Did you know he was coming
- PHIL: We're grandparents now,
- I can't believe he just rocked
up after, like, what, four years?
- Five.
- Listen, I know this is tough for
you, but could you meet me halfway?
Would you come
to Walt's birthday party?
- They got busted fishing inside the
reserve. All they got was a piss-weak
- We've got your kayak, ya prick!
- I'll call his parents,
get them to come and pick him up.
- No, no, no, please don't.
- He can spend the night here.
- Ollie, get up. Get up.
- What?
- What the fuck's wrong with you?
- What's happening?
- Your mother's had too much to
drink ― that's what's happening.
- Sit down. Sit down.
OK, now, what did he do to you?
- Nothing.
- What the fuck is wrong with you?
- I saw you. I fucking saw you.
How could you?
- Mum, stop.
- What's going on?
- He was in bed with Ollie.
He was touching him.
- Oh, fuck this. I'm outta here.
- You were― Don't you―
Don't you walk away from me.
- No, no, no, no, no.
Fucking sick in the head.
- Don't you fucking
walk away from me.
Phil, answer me. Don't do this. Phil!
Look at me!
What the fuck were
you doing up there?
He was naked, you sick fuck.
Whose are these?
- What?
- These.
- They're mine.
- No, they're not.
They're a boy's size 12 to 14.
- Well, I've been wearing them.
- You'd never fit these.
Where'd you get them?
- You're saying
I can't get into those?
- Yes. They're way too small.
(glove rustles)
You're kidding.
Oh God. Take them off
before you rupture something.
Where―? Oh no.
Where on Earth did you get them?
- I don't know. They probably
got mixed up on the beach.
I probably picked up some kid's,
and some kid's picked up my pants.
- (CHUCKLES) You're a dick.
Throw them in the bin.
- # Crazy days of crumpets
in a crazy raisin rhyme.
# Sell it for a nickel
when you buy it for a dime.
# Underneath the water
is a crackle and a line.
# Lay upon your belly
like a stone along your spine.
# I see you.
# I see you.
# Oh, yes I do.
# I see you.
# I see you.
# Ooh, she's not Jamaican.
# See, I told you so.
# She's all white; she's not black.
# She doesn't have any soul.
# Get soul. #
Copyright Able 2023
- Bro.
- Settle down, lads.
- Like, I'm into the funny stuff ―
you know what I'm saying?
- Bro, give it, like, a― give
it actually, like, a good try.
- No, no.
The anime isn't that good, bro.
- Bro, it is.
- How do you fucking know, bro?
- Settle down!
- Miss said shush.
- Thank you.
- OK, phytoplankton ― these guys
here, right ― they're single-cell
and they perform photosynthesis,
which creates, as you know, oxygen.
But what you might not know is
they are also one ofthebiggest
producers of oxygen on
the planet, which is good.
they absorb vast amounts of carbon,
OK, and they take that from the air,
and then they store it on the ocean
floor in the form of plankton food.
OK, now the question that we're
gonna be looking at today is
microplastics, which are
little tiny particles of plastic.
What happens when they get
into the life cycle of plankton?
- Sir.
- Yeah.
- How do plankton have, um, sex?
- Yeah, plankton don't really
have what you call boy-girl sex.
- Just like you, eh, Josh?
- Nathan. Cut it out.
- Uh, follow me,
and we're gonna go downstairs.
I wanna show you something that, um,
not a lot of people get to see,
OK, now― Sorry, guys, just squeezing
through. Excuse me. Excuse me.
Now, Ms Wilding, if you could be
so kind to assist me by giving that
container a little gentle sit.
Yeah, that's it. There we go.
- Hey, sick.
- That's so cool.
- CHUCKLES: Oh wow.
- Beautiful.
- It's amazing.
- Bioluminescence.
- Yeah, so what you're
seeing there is thousands
of dinoflagellate plankton
that emit light
when they're disturbed.
It's just a simple chemical reaction
that they use to ward off predators.
Yeah, it's a pretty cool party
trick, I guess.
- Yeah.
- Hey, Pen, do you wanna come to
the film festival with me tomorrow?
Bridge is up in Auckland.
I just hate going by myself.
- I go by myself all the time.
- Yeah, I know, but it's more
fun with someone else, right?
- Oh, that's debatable.
- Stop being greedy.
- Oh, you've had it for ages.
Give it here, you gay spaz.
- Hey!
Don't use that word.
- Well, which one?
- Both. Neither.
You, apologise to him.
- Nah.
- It's all good.
- No, it's not, and you need
to stand up for yourself.
Go on. You get out.
- It was a joke. Get over it.
- I said get out, you little cunt.
- Whoa.
- Go on.
Get in the van and
don't move till we come out.
- I need a piss.
- Now.
- Kahu, get the door.
- Why weren't you at
the marine centre today?
- Was that today?
- Yeah.
Is your mum in?
I need to talk to her.
- Well, I got the essay in.
- I know. Gonna invite me in?
- Yeah. Take your shoes off.
Penny's here.
- Hey, Pen.
- I didn't wanna intrude.
- Oof.
You never needed an invite, eh?
- I know. I know, I know.
- How's things? How's your big girl?
- No, everything's good, yeah.
- Kiriana's good?
- Yep. Yep.
Three kids.
- You're kidding.
- No.
- What?
- I know.
What about Grace and her bubba?
- Yeah, she's good.
She's good. She's good.
Walt's amazing.
I'm loving being a nana. You know?
- Oh, I know. It's almost
worth having kids, right?
- Nice.
- Son, turn that off.
Get your homework and go upstairs.
- If I leave the room,
are you gonna talk about me?
- Penny is my friend. She is here to
see me. It is none of your business.
- Don't see any science there, Kahu.
- Whatever.
- You be quiet.
Why does he think
you want to talk about him?
- Got no idea.
- How's he doing at school?
- Uh, yeah, he's doing OK.
- Yeah, well, 'OK' will not
get him into law school.
- Law? Well, makes sense, I guess.
He's a relentless arguer, like his
- So, if you're not here for Kahu,
why are you here?
- Phil's back, and he's
living at Mum's place with Grace.
- Yeah, I knew it'd be
something like that.
- Sorry, Nix, but he's back. And
he's reaching at Wakefield, and I
I wanna warn them.
- Seriously?
You're gonna go down
that same rabbit hole?
- That's why I came here;
I wanted to know what you'd do.
- Did you go
and see that counsellor?
- No.
- See? That's the problem, Pen.
You ask my advice,
and then you never take it.
- What sort of woman uses language
like that, let alone a teacher?
- Ms Wilding?
- Nathan, um
what I did yesterday
was completely inappropriate, and
you have every right to be upset.
- I'm not upset.
- He felt threatened and unsafe.
- Out of interest, would you have
felt threatened and unsafe if Josh
had called you that?
- Who is Josh?
- He's a gay spaz.
Right, Nathan?
Well, that's what Nathan
called him before I lost my rag.
- We are not here to talk about
some name-calling with another kid.
You called my son the 'C' word.
There have to be consequences.
- Yes, absolutely there do. So would
it help if you swore at me, Nathan?
- You mean call you
what you called me?
- Yeah, or something similar.
- Oh my God. You want my son
to stoop to your level?
- Well, it's not really stooping that
far from calling someone a gay spaz.
- OK, fine. Well, I've got some
names for you. You are pathetic.
You are immature.
You are inappropriate.
- It's not even swearing, Mum.
- Shut up, Nathan.
Private word, please?
- OK, free shot.
Come on, before they come back.
- Pardon?
- Cunt.
- Anything else?
- Sorry I told Mum.
- It's OK. You did the right thing.
So we all good?
- Yep.
Nathan, you can go.
That's an official warning.
- Fair enough.
- What were you thinking?
- Did you know that Phil MacKenzie
was teaching at Wakefield College?
Did you write him a reference?
- What has that got to do with this?
- Did you even warn the school?
- I No. No.
I'm not gonna discuss this with you.
- You didn't.
You didn't warn them, did you?
Jesus, Ru.
You cried at the beginning. You
cried all the way through the movie,
and then you cried all
the way through the credits.
- I know. Every time I see
that film, it just gets me.
- You're still crying now.
- Yes, I am. It's sad.
It's a sad movie.
- Oh, you are such a sook.
- Oh man.
- You're a real sook.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- Oh, hi. Hey, how was the movie?
- Lame.
- It was sad.
- Did my husband cry?
- Yep.
- Yeah.
- Simon cries at insurance ads.
- Well, yeah, if it's got a dog
in it, I'll cry. Sure.
- You need to show Walt who the best
grandparent is. You need to get him
a kick-arse present.
It needs to be loud;
it needs to be plastic.
- No, not plastic.
- Yes, plastic. And sugar.
- Mm-hm.
- You need to get him something full
of sugar and full of food colouring.
- Mm-hm.
- Do not turn up
with an educational toy and
carrot sticks. OK? I'm serious.
I (SIGHS) Wear a suit of armour,
if you need to; just make sure that
you're there.
- OK, thanks, Bridge.
- OK, Bridge.
- OK, come on, so that is what you
wantpeople to think, but inside,
you're just a softie.
- No, no, no. I'm an antisocial,
cynical, grumpy old bitch, and my
favourite movie is Terminator2.
- Well, that's a good movie.
- Yeah, well, it made you cry,
though, didn't it?
- Of course. It definitely did.
Oh, hey, listen, this―
this birthday thing
- Yeah.
- I know that Bridget's making
it look easy, but I know it's not,
Wish I could be there for ya.
- Thanks.
- Night.
- WALT: Nana!
- Hello, hello!
I am not Nana.
I'm Pirate Penny!
- And who's this?
Who's this?
- Happy birthday, Waltie.
This is Crockie, especially for you!
And guess what ― these are
You wanna choose one?
Yummy, yummy, yum, yum, yum.
- Oh my goodness.
- Well, I thought I'd dress
for the occasion. You know?
- What are these?
- You can never have too much sugar
at a kid's birthday, Grace.
- Hi, Penny.
- Oh, Kate.
Let me see him.
- This is Eli.
- Hello!
Oh, he looks just like Tom.
- Yeah, you reckon?
- Mm-hm.
- Hi, Penny.
- Hi, Phil.
- Nobody told me it was fancy dress.
- Well just call me Pirate Penny.
- Cup of tea, Pirate Penny?
- Uh, yeah. Yeah, that'd be good.
- 85.
I like your hat.
- Oh
I like your gin.
- Mm.
- Coming!
Ready or not.
Here I come.
Where are you?
Mummy's room?
Is he
Is he under the bed?
I hear a little mouse.
- Aah!
- Aah! Boo!
- Police. Tom's here.
- No!
No! Run!
- Come on, then.
- It's so cool.
- Yeah, it's kinda cool, man.
- OK, now you come over and
let Uncle Tom drive. (GRUNTS)
All right. There we are.
Ooh We're gonna go
catch some criminals.
- Should I go and
get Walt's car seat?
- Oh, nah, it's all good.
I'm just gonna crawl along.
I don't have much time, so
- But, Tom, that's breaking the law,
isn't it?
- Mum, it's fine. He's a cop.
Just get in the car.
- Are you ready?
- All righty.
Where will we go?
- I just don't think it's appropriate
Walt's sitting on his lap.
- Appropriate?
- Yeah.
- Look, are we gonna go or?
- I just think given the circumstan―
- Get out.
- What?
- Get out!
- No.
- Get
- Grace.
- Get out of the car!
- No.
- Get out!
- Grace!
- Get Get out!
- Are you all right, Penny?
- Pen.
Are you sure he wasn't just―?
- It was sexual. It was.
You gotta believe me.
- I do. I do believe you.
- Good.
Cos no one else at
that fucking party did.
- Um, just― I'll go and help Simon.
- Ollie's parents
are on the way over.
They want an explanation as to
what the hell went on last night.
- What are you gonna tell them?
- The truth.
That you had too much to drink.
- That you said some insane things.
Did you not stop for a
moment to think about how much
you were humiliating that boy?
- Don't you fucking
put this back on me.
- I'm not putting
anything back on you.
But if you really believe
that comforting
a drunken,
disorientated teenager
If you really think
that's child abuse,
then there's something
fucking wrong with you.
- No, no, no. I didn't see comfort.
That wasn't comfort.
And why the fuck didn't you come and
get me before getting into bed with
that kid?
- Because you wanted fuck all to
do with it. 'Let him choke on his
own vomit.'
That's what you said.
Were you―? Were you on drugs?
- Oh, for fuck's sake.
- No, I'm serious. Were you―? Did
you take some drugs last night or
- No! No. No.
- OK, well, I am really
struggling here.
I am struggling to know where
the fuck this has all come from.
- Do you wanna know where this is
coming from?
This is coming from all those boys
coming round to our house day and
night, the surfing fuckingholidays,
the driving lessons, the basketball
fucking trips. And those underpants,
they weren't yours, were they?
They weren't yours.
You made that shit up.
- Jesus, listen to yourself.
This is fucking madness.
You just can't take responsibility.
You can't admit when you're wrong.
- No, no, no, no.No.
This is what you do every time.
- You just dig and you dig
- You patronise me,
and you belittle me
- and you dig yourself deeper
- and you lie to me,
and you blame me, and you―
- and deeper into a fucking hole.
And you will dig until you
take us all down with you!
So here's what we're gonna do ―
we're gonna go to your mother's,
we're gonna pick up our daughter,
and we're gonna come backhere,
and you're gonna start making phone
calls to the friends ― our friends ―
that's if we have any
fucking friends left ―
and you're gonna apologise for
the shite that you said last night.
That's what we're gonna do.
- Oh, Penny
I was about to pop over.
- Uh, a bit busy, Graham.
- Yeah, but do you know there's
a wasps' nest in your pergola?
- Is there?
- Happy to help if you'd
like me to take a look.
- Sorry, not at the moment, Graham.
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck!
- Hey, can I help you?
- Oh, yeah, I'm here
to see the principal.
- Oh, you just missed her.
She's gone down to the pool.
- Uh Where's that?
- Out to the left, past the gym.
Did you make an appointment?
- Ms Reid?
Hi. Sorry to bother you.
Can I have a quick word?
- If it's about your child, you need
to make an appointment at the school
- No, it's not. It's about a teacher.
It's important.
- Which one?
- Phil MacKenzie.
You, uh Are you aware of
the allegations against him?
- I'm sorry, who are you?
- Ex-colleague.
- His police check is clean or
we couldn't have employed him.
- Yeah, I know,
but that's not the point.
Listen, what― what he does is he―
he sucks kids in.
He makes them feel special. He takes
them surfing, takes them on all sorts
of extracurricularstuff.
- Cut to the chase.
- Five years ago, I caught him in
bed with a boy. Kid wouldn't admit
what had happened.
So I went to the police. It was
my word against his; same with the
teachers' council. It went nowhere.
- Yeah, so, effectively,
he's innocent.
- Yeah. Yeah. But no.
- I know who you are, Ms Wilding.
This is completely inappropriate.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm swimming.
Hi, Grace.
- Hi.
- Uh
I was gonna call you.
I've got some lasagne for you.
My freezer's busted. I'm gonna
have to throw a whole lot out.
- We need to talk a whole about
what happened at Walt's party, Mum.
- Sure. Yep.
- Well, it's not safe for Walt
if you can't control yourself.
- Well, you're the one
who lashed out, Grace.
- Well, yeah, I made a mistake
thinking I could trust you to be
in the same space as Dad.
Right? We're gonna have to put
some boundaries into place.
- OK. Fine.
So what, he― he won't be
there when I drop Walt home
from daycare, right?
- Well, we might have
to rethink that arrangement.
- I can't change my schedule, Grace.
- Well (SIGHS) we all just
have to make a bit of an effort. K?
Aah! (PANTS)
- Gidday, Reg. Is, um Is Grace in?
- Um, nah. I'm babysitting.
Phil's out too.
- Oh, right.
Um, I've just got some lasagne for―
- Oh, nice. Come in.
- Uh, no, I was j
I'll just, uh, chuck these
in the fridge, eh?
- Oh, did you make that?
- Yeah. Do you want some?
- You wouldn't mind?
- No, of course not.
Just chuck it in the microwave.
- Look at me. Yo.
Well, you gotta have some with me.
- Uh No, no, no, it's OK.
- OK.
- Um
I might just go give Waltie
a wee kiss. Is that all right?
- Yeah, 'course. He's just, um―
He's asleep, so
- Yeah, shh.
- Oh, yum as!
- PHIL: Cheers, mate.
- Reggie.
- Hey, buddy.
- What the fuck?
- Oh
I left my car keys in the kitchen.
- I'll get it.
- What the fuck is
the matter with you?
- I was just dropping off
some lasagne to Grace and Walt.
- What, you think your lasagne's
somehow going to fix it with you
and Grace?
- You know, things were so much
better before you came back.
- Oh, you think so?
- Yeah.
- Here you go.
- Thanks, Reggie.
- Vegetarian lasagne, is it?
- Pardon.
- Grace is a vegetarian.
- Since when?
- We all are.
Give it to someone who eats meat.
- Shall I get it?
- Yeah, thanks, Reg.
How dare you go talking
to my principal?
- She needs to know that
she's hired a paedophile, Phil.
- Five years you've peddled this
shit, and the only person it hurts
is Grace.
- I'm doing thisforGrace.
All I've done is tell
the fucking truth.
- Oh, keep you warm at night,
does it? 'Course it does,
you twisted, cold-hearted bitch.
- Here you go.
- Thanks, Reggie.
- No worries.
- Oh, hi, Graham. Hi.
- Hi. Just me. Uh
I saw you get back.
I was just putting my bins out.
Would you like me to do yours?
- Uh Are you sure?
- Yeah, yeah. It's no trouble.
Makes me feel useful.
- Oh, um, stay there.
You're not vegetarian, are you?
- Oh, hardly.
- Great. Here's some lasagne for you.
My fridge is on the blink,
so you might as well have it.
- How lovely.
Uh, maybe you'd like to share it
with me tomorrow night.
- Uh, no, sorry, Graham. I can't
tomorrow night. But you enjoy.
- Oh, I'm sure I will.
- OK. Thanks for the bins.
- We had no idea
they'd taken the tequila.
- Grace took it, not me.
- You drank it.
What have you got
to say for yourself?
- I'm sorry.
- Don't be too hard on yourself,
Ollie. None of us exactly covered
ourselves in glory last night.
- Why didn't you call us
to come and get him?
- Well, I― actually, I―
- That was my call.
That was my call.
I thought it was a bit too late,
so I thought it best he sleep here.
- So, what happened?
Your mother said there was some
sort of big misunderstanding,
but Ollie won't tell us.
- Ollie got caught up in
a marital dispute that went too far.
- What do you mean?
- It's a bit embarrassing. The truth
is we had too much to drink―
and I'm sure Penny
doesn't mind me saying this ―
she said certain things,
over-reacted to certain
things, and
and we regret it.
we're sorry.
Aren't we?
- Penny.
What's Ollie got to do with this?
- Phil already explained
what happened, Catherine.
- I saw my husband
sexually abusing your son.
- What?
- Please don't let Ollie spend any
time alone with him. It's not safe.
- No, that's not true.
He didn't do anything.
He was being nice to me.
- Thank you.
You just get comfortable there.
- Mm-hm.
- All right, if we just relax
your arms, so you can just
That's it, yeah.
You just release
that tension in that arm.
And bring your back foot
a little bit out. That's it.
Is that comfortable?
And, again, just relaxing
your hand on your forehead.
OK, let start with
a two-minute drawing.
- Hello.
Where are you?
- Um, I'm in a changing room.
- Um, hey, I'm gonna go plankton
sampling, if you're keen.
I could use a hand.
- Sorry, no, I can't. Um
My, um I'm going to visit my mum.
- OK. Well, it's a shame.
It's gonna be a beautiful day.
- Yeah, yeah. Well, I promised.
- Oh, you're a good daughter.
- (LAUGHS) She doesn't think so.
- All right,
well, if you change your mind
Hey, Pen, you all good?
- Yep.
- OK, when I yell, you just throw
that net over like I told you.
- Yep.
- OK, ready?
Yeah, go for it.
Yeah, that's good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, yeah, perfect. Perfect.
See those tiny specks in there?
- Not really, no.
- Ooh.
K, have a look in there.
- Mm-hm.
Oh my God.
All that life.
It's beautiful.
- (CHUCKLES) You called
me a sook for crying in the movies,
and you're tearing up over plankton.
- No, I'm not.
- Don't worry. It can be our secret.
- Do you Do you wanna
know a real secret?
- You didn't call a kid
a cunt again, did you?
Just have to promise not to tell
anyone, OK, cos it's a little bit
- How illegal?
- Bit of graffiti, net cutting.
- That fishing boat thing ―
that was you?
- Bastards nicked my kayak after
that, so I figure we're more or
less even, you know?
- Yeah, wow.
- Don't look at me like that.
- What? No, no, I'm I'm in awe.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Why didn't you tell me?
I would've been there with you.
- No, you wouldn't.
- Yeah, I would've.
- I don't know why I did that.
Fuck, I'm sorry.
- No, it's― it's―
- I'm so― I'm so sorry.
- It's OK. Penny, it's
- Penny!
Hey, it's OK.
Come back in.
- Phil is not your problem any more.
- If he's going away with more boys,
he is.
I have to warn the Basketball
Association. There is no other
way around this.
Has Phil been in contact with Ollie?
Could you tell me where I could find
Hey, has anyone seen Olli?
- Fuck off, Mum!
- Hey, by the way, I don't think
you're fucked; I think you're great.
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