All Change at Longleat (2015) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2 of 3

1 - Ah.
- Is it OK to walk on the grass? Um, some yes, some no.
This one hasn't got any signs on it at the moment, so - It is your lawn, though.
- I know.
I guess I'm allowed.
Change is coming to Longleat, the aristocratic house with lions in the back yard.
This national treasure belongs to a lord like no other.
Monogamy wasn't ever going to work for me.
But he has handed control to his son and heir, Ceawlin Sliding down these was a favourite as a kid.
who has moved back in with his new wife.
Sort of a tingling feeling because it doesn't really feel real.
They're our nobility -- they own this joint.
They are of a standing and a breeding in society.
Grand houses like this aren't easy to manage.
Steady, steady, steady.
Hundreds of people now depend on them.
Many of you will notice a lot of changes this year.
I wouldn't have said Ceawlin got off to the best start ever.
And having two lords under one roof creates its own tensions.
They live in separate parts of the house -- they do like to live reasonably separate lives.
I try not to do anything to irritate him.
Now they must try to make a home in this most extraordinary of houses.
He's inherited a massive responsibility and a huge amount of history.
We have to just not be scared to use it.
There's no point having anything if you don't enjoy it.
We haven't done this before.
It's an early morning in peak summer season.
On the first floor of Longleat House, it is breakfast time.
DOG BARKS Lady Weymouth, or Emma, as she prefers to be called, is now six months pregnant.
How are you? Hi, there.
Her husband is Lord Weymouth, or Ceawlin.
Their housekeepers are due in late this morning, so it is a self-service breakfast.
Ceawlin's days are now filled with estate business, but Emma's time is her own.
INTERVIEWER: So, what is your normal routine in the morning? Um, I wake up quite early.
Well, it depends what you call early.
Sort of seven-ish, eight-ish.
And then, erm What do we do? Put the TV on, have a bath and then .
potter around, sorting things out.
It just depends, really.
- Thanks.
- Ta-da! - Thank you very much.
I'll take that one away.
Ceawlin and Emma have become responsible for a house that costs over £3 million a year to maintain.
To pay for it, the estate needs visitors, so it has a safari park with over 1,000 wild animals.
There are pubs, hotels and shops, family rides and its own miniature railway.
And in the centre of it all, the 16th century house itself, manned by over 40 guides.
The head guide is Ruth.
She has worked here for 13 years.
Off we go.
Aren't you going to be late for work? [RUTH LAUGHS.]
As long as I'm there as the door opens.
See, this is where you change from being at home, grubbing about.
Soon as you see the building, you think, "Wow," and then you are in work mode.
What else can we think of to get that more interesting to our visitors? Good morning.
There we are.
We are open when you are ready, if you'd like to come on through.
Having an aristocratic family still living in the house is one of the fascinations for visitors.
I mean, a lot of overseas visitors are astounded that a person lives in the house, and they think, "Is he royalty?" They don't grasp "Is it a palace?" You then have to explain about peerage and no, it's a house and why it was built in the first place and they are absolutely agog.
Ceawlin's father, Lord Bath, has lived on the top floor for the last 61 years.
Ceawlin and Emma moved into the floor below a year ago.
The very obvious difference -- now, this is me speaking very personally -- is that he and Emma are very much in love and they have got a new baby coming and I don't think this house has seen this for a long, long time.
That is going to be the biggest difference in the house.
Emma is very glamorous, she is very beautiful, she's very young, so she really just brings a freshness to the whole place.
I've got to get used to steering it without crashing.
Whoa! Emma has ordered herself a pram.
It has just been delivered.
I honestly don't think I could have it anywhere else.
It's so big! It is a Silver Cross, the model favoured by the Royal family.
How do you make it change direction? Whoops! I need to get good at not banging into things before the baby comes.
Whoops! Her housekeepers have arrived to help road test it.
It does need practice.
I'm scared it won't fit in the lift.
It's so big! Come on in, please.
Right, let's have a go.
Do you want to try? Literally only just.
Like, not even a centimetre.
Get used to it.
Before moving to Longleat, Emma grew up in an affluent part of Kensington, in London.
Her father was a Nigerian oil tycoon.
She was raised by her mother, Suzanna.
You must have been so delighted when Emma and Ceawlin got together.
It is a fairytale.
It is extraordinary, yeah.
Who could have believed it? I'm so happy for them.
They love each other so much.
Isn't it great? Emma was 27 when she first left home.
- You were living together right until she got married.
- Yeah.
Because I'm a very old-fashioned mum.
Obsessed with, you know, "Where are you? When are you coming home?" Always looking after her.
I drove Emma to school every single day of her school life, even to university, and back again.
- You're proud of her.
- I adore her.
I'm obsessed with her.
My doctor says I'm suffering from grief, since she married Ceawlin.
Emma's new home sprawls across 9,000 acres .
and contains a whole village, Horningsham.
Residents include many retired Longleat staff and farmers.
It's Sunday and the morning service is about to begin.
ORGAN MUSIC PLAYS Today, a newcomer is joining the congregation.
Oh, wow, I thought we would be first in.
They're all busy already.
Hello, I'm Bob.
Bob is Longleat's new chief executive.
- Are you Mr Montgomery? - Yes, I'm Bob.
Nice to meet you.
He is a devout Christian who now lives in the village.
God, hear our prayer.
We pray for an end to vicious rivalry within the European community.
We pray for support groups -- Rural Stress Information Network, Farm Crisis Network and Rural Minds.
We pray for foresters, balancing long-term investment and short-term economic return.
So we will sing hymn 106.
Morning has broken Like the first morning Bob wants to change Longleat for the better, using Christian principles to do it.
I think I was telling you about John Maxwell, wasn't I? John Maxwell is a priest who became a management guru.
I actually like to read it, especially when I'm at work.
And do the staff know about this book? I'm sure they know about the Bible.
Erm No, I don't think they know too much about the book but I do think much of what we are doing here is, I think, based on some aspects of Biblical leadership.
What is Ceawlin's take on your approach? HE CHUCKLES Well, we don't have the same life view, but I do think we can agree on the principles.
I don't think I've got the book here.
Bob has lent Ceawlin another book, written by a monk.
So this is Um This is effectively a management manual, which is something that Bob believes very strongly in.
I must confess I haven't read it yet but I only got it the other day so I will be reading this over the coming days and weeks.
Um Servant leadership means those at the top try to help their staff instead of just ordering them around.
I mean, Ceawlin is a lord.
I mean, he's the lord of the manor.
Can he be a servant - HE LAUGHS - .
and a leader? Yeah, he can.
I can tell you a silly little thing.
Um You know, when we walk around the grounds here, if I walk by a piece of garbage I'll pick it up and why wouldn't I? It's there, I should do it.
I'm not above doing it.
He does that too now.
He didn't do that when I first came, but to me that's a nod to, um And when someone from the staff sees that, that is a big thing, right? It says what we're trying to say.
TRAIN WHISTLE TOOTS Bob's new ethos also applies to his staff.
- Hello! - Hello! He wants them to help each other more instead of just focusing on their own area.
Lee has been a mechanic and driver on the Longleat miniature trains for two and a half years.
Bob wants him to start helping on other rides too, when they need a mechanic.
- It's extra to your responsibilities? - Yeah, extra responsibility, yeah.
- Um - How do you feel about that? I didn't mind to start with, but that was when I was under the impression I'd be getting something back in return through my salary, obviously.
But unfortunately, that hasn't come to fruition.
From how I see things, it's been a bit of a downward slope.
Hello, there! Are you ready for a train ride? Lee has made it clear to Bob he does not want to change his role.
I've given 100% to this job ever since I started.
But when they're not going to support me, I need to focus solely on the railway now.
The miniature railway is a legacy of Ceawlin's grandfather, Henry.
It was part of the move to help make the estate pay for itself.
Quick as you can, thank you, sir.
Quick as you can.
On you go, sir.
It wasn't quite what he'd been brought up to expect.
If my father knew what I was doing, he'd turn in his grave.
He'd been raised when the aristocracy knew few limits.
He was someone who had that sense of I guess, being part of an elite, because their world was so disconnected and unreal compared to the lives of everybody else, compared to the real world.
Lord Bath remembers when the daily paper -- The Times, of course -- used to be pressed and ironed each morning by a housemaid before it was put on the breakfast table.
In his grandmother's day, even the shoelaces were ironed by servants.
His grandmother refused to handle any loose change unless the coins were first washed each day by her lady's maid.
But even as he dragged Longleat into the modern world, Ceawlin's grandfather also indulged his passion for collecting unique historical memorabilia.
The collection is stored away from the public on the top floor.
And, er This door? - Hello! - Hello.
Sorry, Kate.
- WOMAN LAUGHS - Could we just cut for a minute? - What are you looking for? I can't remember which door it is.
It's been so long since I've been here.
It's down the corridor.
I haven't walked around up here for years and years, so Actually, this looks Thank you! [HE CHUCKLES.]
- There's a cabinet here.
- Yeah.
Churchill memorabilia, Thatcher memorabilia and, more controversially, Hitler memorabilia.
Um Why did he collect this stuff? I don't know.
Why do people collect anything? They get a bee in their a bee in their bonnet about something and it becomes an obsession, doesn't it? That's very pretty.
Do you need to pull the blind up? This is one of the - watercolours that - It's one of Hitler's watercolours! And you've just got me on camera saying it's very pretty.
HE LAUGHS Well I mean, he was a controversial figure.
Who, my grandfather or Hitler? - Both! - My grandfather! Yeah, look, I don't really understand what the Hitler thing was about, so I'd rather not talk about it, to be honest.
I'm kind of .
agonising over what should be done with it.
I don't think profiting from it would, um, sit very well, somehow.
I certainly wouldn't be comfortable with that.
So, um I'm wondering whether a Holocaust museum might want it.
Or not.
I don't know.
So we should probably make enquiries.
But has been suggested to me that some nutcase in Texas might pay a lot of money for it, but I don't think you can .
sell that kind of stuff for a profit.
- It's hard to know what to do.
- It's hard to know what to do.
And, the most important thing is that it's not in view.
He does come home for lunch most days.
He's obviously got the wrong time meetings today.
Guess what? It's bath time! With friends and family 120 miles away in London, Emma spends a lot of time with her dog, Monkey.
Good girl! - She's good company? - Yeah.
My God, she's like my best friend.
SHE LAUGHS Sometimes I'm on my own when Ceawlin goes to the office and things.
So now I've got Monkey, I'm never on my own.
Stop it! TOY SQUEAKS Emma and Ceawlin's private apartments is normally off-limits to the public.
But not today.
We're going through into a part of the house that isn't normally seen at all.
So we just need to bear that in mind, that we are going through sensitive areas, such as bedrooms and bathrooms.
Nobody in them, it's not that sensitive! But, you know - LAUGHTER - .
it is their house.
OK, let's go through to the other side.
The family have to allow this tour for tax reasons.
The private flats are filled with antique furniture which would normally be subject to inheritance tax.
But they claim exemption by letting the public regularly see it.
This is another piece which is really lovely, because if you look at the frieze on there, can you see the entwined serpents? And the baa-lambs? So into this room, which Even the family's bedrooms are part of the tour.
This is Ceawlin's mother's.
And just about everything in here is listed.
The bed itself, the two bedroom, side bedroom cabinets, even the mirror.
Everything is tax-exempt.
Next, Ceawlin and Emma's own bedroom.
Come on through.
So again, you've got the beds, you've got the mirrors, you've got the chairs, you've got the wardrobes.
- Splendid.
- What, the daybed? - No, the hats! - The hats.
- The family photos.
- Yes, I know.
That's the heir.
- That's the heir.
- With his new wife.
- With his wife.
Whoops! TOY SQUEAKS It's odd, coming through rooms that people live in, but to get that tax exemption, that is the price you have to pay.
Or you can move the items out of your room and have them put somewhere else.
But if you want to live with the beauty of the furniture, then this is what you have to do, yeah.
Because if we didn't do it and the tax inspector finds out that we're not doing it, he could say, "Right, we'll have all the tax money back.
" And obviously, he can't afford to do that.
It's 7am.
Operations manager Daisy starts her day.
- Morning, Daisy.
- Weightlifting on a Friday morning! She's been hand-picked by Bob to help him change the culture at Longleat.
She's been in the job for three months.
Whoops! Yeah, embarrassing! How can so many boxes accumulate over a Thursday evening? Phew! - How are your days generally, then? - They are foggy.
Um, absolutely foggy.
Daisy is responsible for the visitor experience across the park.
The first job of the day, to check the staff have left the place looking right.
I always make I don't think that's really the right signage.
Just little things -- attention to detail.
We just had some work done here from where the simulators were and we've just had some tarmacking done, and you've just seen they've gone in the morning and no-one ever thinks just to do the last thing, which is take down the signs.
It's all well and good putting diversion signs in place but when no-one takes them down Sometimes I like being here when the staff aren't.
Have they been checking the water levels? Daisy manages over 100 people.
There's something about a checklist that sometimes make people go numb to actually doing things, so it's always well and good to just go, "Have you checked the levels?" It's all well and good ticking it.
"I see you've ticked it and signed it, but have you checked it?" Tell me about Daisy.
Um Daisy, um was a real gem for me coming here and she fits in the mould that we want as a leader, that has a servant attitude -- she's willing to do what it takes.
You'll often see her jumping on and helping run a ride or cleaning an area up, working alongside the cleaners.
Exactly the kind of thing that we want to cultivate.
And she's doing that naturally.
It's mid-afternoon.
One of the family rides has broken down.
Basically, as you know, it won't move forward now until we hit start-exit, so we need to get the full cycle in before it's going to be going.
Daisy has hurried to the scene to ensure it's fixed as fast as possible.
It hasn't been fully tested yet.
As soon as we are in that position, we'll open to the public.
- You're being very positive about it all.
- I am.
It's going to be absolutely fine.
Despite his wishes to stick to the railway, Lee is one of those called in to help.
Things have got to change.
There's no segregation, there's no, "Oh, well, they can do this and we'll just do this.
" We're all at the pump together.
We're all doing this together.
And we need to do this together.
We need to keep it cycling, Andrew.
- Andrew, could you keep it cycling for me? - Is that number two now? With Lee's help, the ride is soon back up and running.
- Don't send the next one.
- Brilliant.
- All feel OK? Unit is OK, sounding healthy? - Mm-hm.
- Fantastic.
- Shall I leave you to it? - Yeah.
Thank you very much.
It seems like there's a lot of power being given to one person, who's young, very young, and not very experienced, which obviously can lead to - certain issues.
- You mean Daisy? I'm not going to name names.
Let's just say she's making my life really hard.
Although a whole new team now manage the estate, the house still belongs to Ceawlin's father, Lord Bath.
He lives in a five-roomed apartment on the top floor, looked after by his butler Michael.
- Hello, milord.
- Hi! Lord Bath is still married, but his wife splits her time between Longleat and a home in France.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
He's always been famous for his flamboyance and his extramarital wifelets.
Are you on the lookout for a new wifelet, by any chance? I would never say no if they sent a lovely photograph! LAUGHTER - Right.
Do they not get jealous? - Well, I have enormous problems.
I'm lying if I say different.
Now 82, he is still visited by his wifelets.
But often he's alone.
What's a perfect sort of evening for you? I would watch television until I wish to go to bed, I think.
What's your favourite sort of programme? What do you like watching? Documentaries, really.
But if you ask for a bit of fiction, I like Game of Thrones.
SHE CHUCKLES - Why that programme? - Um, I find it both novel and exciting.
- You still enjoy your life? - Yes.
It's been a pleasant life and one which I continue to strive to fulfil.
But it's, um .
not been .
an unending success story.
- What would you have liked - Um .
do you think? What are your regrets? No, they're not regrets, it's just it's not been as fulfilled as it could have been.
Do you believe in love? Do you think you will one day find someone that your absolutely No, I don't use the word "love".
I think you can have lovely relationships which might be for whatever reason different each relationship, but I don't actually believe that love means too much.
- Right.
- The actual romantic idea of love, no, I don't suppose it's something that will centre on my life.
- So you're not an old romantic at heart? - No.
Ceawlin lives a far more conventional life and take the business of running the estate seriously.
- Quite busy.
- Hm, not bad for a Friday.
The safari park is Longleat's main attraction, and looking after all the animals throws up unique challenges.
He is currently spending over £1 million on a vast new animal house.
So, what's happened since we were last up here? - We've been pouring the concrete flooring.
- Right.
- So we got We're doing another four right now.
- OK.
And this will be all concrete here.
- This is where the wash-down area is.
- Right.
This state-of-the-art facility is being made for the sole use of a single animal.
- I mean, it's huge, isn't it? - It's huge, absolutely.
But there's a chance it's being built in vain.
The animal in question currently lives half a mile away.
Meet Anne, a 60-year-old Asian elephant who was rescued by Longleat three years ago.
A former circus elephant, she suffered cruel treatment at the hands of her keepers.
Now she is nearing the end of her days.
She suffers from arthritis and finds it very difficult to walk.
Her current accommodation is slightly cramped and the hard floors aren't good for her knees.
But Anne is settled here, and her keepers are starting to get anxious about moving her.
She's certainly comfortable here because she knows the building, she knows the yard, she knows the grass paddock, she knows the people that work within this area, she knows how the traffic comes down the road, the sights, the sounds, the smells, the sensations -- she knows it all now because she's been in this building long enough.
It is like moving an old lady from a retirement home, from one to another, isn't it? Yes.
You see those stories in the press all the time of ladies that have lived somewhere for their whole life and all of a sudden they're told, "Right, you've got to move.
" "But I like it here.
I know this.
" And you know, tragically, again, some of those stories end in tears.
They never really get over the move.
I really need to focus on what myself and the rest of the team think is the right thing for Anne.
The new elephant house was planned before keepers realised how frail Anne had become.
If you had the decision over again, would you build something like this? Er I could get myself in trouble here, but no, honestly speaking, no.
Why? Because although it's a wonderful thing to be doing frankly speaking, it doesn't make financial sense.
DOG BARKS Emma is visiting friends and family in London.
How are you? Come in! You seem to have acquired a dog! I have acquired another one -- sneaky.
This is Monkey's sister and we're going to call her Mouse.
We got her yesterday.
The interior of this house was designed by Emma's mum, who recently saw one of the inspirations for it passing the front window.
I was popping across there to do something on the desk and I looked and I saw it was Nicky Haslam! And I opened the door and said, "Is this my hero?" Because everything I do, it's like Nicky Haslam first.
I look at him And he said yes, and I said, "Come in! I want to show you this house.
"Isn't it incredible? Have you seen a house like this in central London? "I mean, can you beat it? Look at it! "All these little gardens -- isn't it wonderful?" He was like, "Yes, lovely.
" I thought, "He must think I'm nuts.
" SHE LAUGHS And of course he's right! Right, I'm getting ready, so we have to finish getting ready.
Come on, then! Emma's been a titled aristocrat for more than a year.
- Do you feel like Lady Weymouth now? - I mean I I don't know.
I think it's more when you get recognised or do an interview or something that you .
really think about it.
Because obviously on a day-to-day basis, you just get on with it, sort of thing.
Not like it makes it any less special being there, or that we're any less appreciative of how lucky we are to be there.
But I just think that you .
you just Life, you know, just goes and you just get on with everything.
- Do you miss life in London and going out and getting dressed up? - Um Sometimes.
It's like fomo -- fear of missing out -- but then you get over it and you don't care as much, cos you think, well I'd rather .
you know, be doing something so incredible for the sake of missing a few parties, I think.
You can't really worry about that stuff.
Hello! Hi! - Oh! - You look amazing.
Emma's going to a party with her friend Julia.
- How are you? - How massive is that? Let me see from the side, give us a pose.
Ta-da! JULIA LAUGHS It got bigger that end.
I would kiss you, but I'll get lipstick on you, Sinbad, - so I don't want to do that.
Missed you! - I know, yeah.
- Are we late? - Doesn't matter, we are late, let's go.
Sorry, that's my fault.
So nice to see you.
- Bye! - Yeah, bye.
THEY TALK OVER EACH OTHER Was so good this weekend.
I watched so much TV it's unreal.
- Did you see Strictly? I saw Strictly.
- Yeah.
- I watched it with my mum.
- Yeah, yeah.
- It was good.
I really want to do Strictly, that'd be so fun.
- Mainly for the tickets.
- One day.
- Hello! - How are you? Hi.
Thanks so much.
The party is a book launch at Gyles Brandreth's, who, as it happens, is friends with Lord and Lady Bath.
- Hello! - Congratulations.
- Thank you so much.
- Well done.
- Thank you for having us.
- We're thrilled to have you.
- I know your father-in-law quite well.
- Really? - We go back quite a long way.
Didn't you know that? - No! No-one tells me anything.
Didn't Ceawlin tell you? You're sure? - Really? Oh, I know most of your secrets.
- Really? - Come on in.
Alexander is notorious for his wifelets.
- She didn't know that I knew Alexander.
- No.
He's been to supper at our house over the years, several times, and so has his wife.
Actually, she is lovely.
- They've stayed married.
- Yeah.
- They stayed married all these years.
Yes, they're still married.
Yes, it seems to work for them.
You know? And of course, yes, along the way there have been tears.
Of course there have.
But there are people who live monogamously, married to the same person for 50 years, and there's still tears.
THUNDERCLAP One relationship which hasn't lasted is that of Longleat and its train mechanic Lee.
He was made redundant yesterday.
It's left the railway temporarily short-staffed.
- All hands on deck today? - It is, yes.
As a "servant leader", Daisy has come to offer help in their time of need.
- What do you need me to do? - Eh? Er Erm They don't seem that grateful.
- What have you got to do? - I'm going to find out.
Be where I need to be.
Is there anything else you want me to? - Can I wash things, wipe things? - No, er there isn't much we can really do at the moment.
- How are the staff feeling? - They're fine, they're OK, it's A bit sensitive today? Well, the It's an emotive time, and I think there will always be an area of sensitivity, but the good thing is, is there is an understanding of moving forward.
And there is also an understanding that to move forward, we need to be a team.
Daisy decides the platforms need clearing.
A lot of times you can release someone, and I believe it can be really good for them.
This might not be the right place for them, and so that doesn't mean that we care about them less, it just means we're being honest with them.
And that's the trouble that everybody has, I think, with this, is that, when you think, "Oh, we're going to love them "and lead them the way Jesus would," it's What they miss is that being honest means being honest.
It was good having him here.
He was a hard worker, he had a passion for the job.
But that's what management want.
It's their choice, their decision.
Can't really do a lot about it.
OVER WALKIE-TALKIE: 'All right, no worries.
' We were a good team.
But the point is that Erm That it, er ENGINE STARTS CATTLE GRID CLANGS Anne is due to move to her new home soon.
But it will require her to walk half a mile, and her keepers must decide if she is fit enough.
- OK.
- They've been working with an elephant osteopath to improve her mobility.
I'll start round here.
MAN WHISTLES Just have a feel of the quality of the muscles and the skin.
- Keep these shoulders moving nicely.
- Yep.
And then as soon as we get back behind them, - the quality here just feels really good.
- Good.
Because I can lift right up, and we can get really good movement.
And then she's going to alternate through there, and then she's going to stretch through.
There you go, and now she's So, using three tons .
and me as a fulcrum.
HE LAUGHS I'm really pleased at the way she can lock those stifles now.
- Because even a year ago she wasn't locking that right.
- No.
- For the last six months, she has consistently locked it.
- Yeah.
She's doing really well.
- She's in the twilight of her life.
- Are we talking about months? Could be, or a couple of years, something like that.
It's really difficult to say.
Do you feel that she is going to be able to move to her new home? They wouldn't attempt to move her if they didn't think she could cope with it.
So it would be monitored and staged such that, yes, the last thing anybody would want is that the move finishes her off.
At the back of the house on the ground floor is an historic old kitchen which Ceawlin's grandfather turned into a shop.
After living above it this last year, Emma has had an idea to improve it.
Hello, how are you? - So, tell me.
- This is a Victorian kitchen, which, at the moment, is sort of on the way out if you do the house tour.
So it's a shop and obviously we sell kitchen-type things.
The actual food that we sell now has Longleat labels, but it's not made locally.
I just think we can make it better because we can make it more relevant, more rooted to Longleat, because it will be actual, genuine local produce.
I think that's the one thing that's missing.
Emma wants to get rid of the shop and turn it back into a working kitchen selling freshly made food.
I think it enhances Longleat for so many reasons.
Everybody loves food, everybody is interested in food, now more than ever.
We have obviously a lot of cafes and things, we don't actually produce anything here.
We have a kitchen garden, but it's rented out.
So all of that sort of needs bringing back together and I thought this was the time to do it, considering we live here and we're the family and it makes sense.
It just makes so much sense.
And it's an exciting project to do.
Brimming with ideas, Emma has noticed a space from her window which she thinks could be turned into a walled garden, providing produce for the new kitchen.
She's asked Bob and a design team to come and see what they think.
We've got so much space.
There is nothing in here.
And then there is this.
So this is just the sort of nothing space at the moment.
Look, there is nothing happening here.
I literally look at this, my kitchen looks down on this, I stare at this often and wonder what it is here for.
It's so lucky to have this, cos it makes so much sense.
- This is functional for us, it's right in the - Yeah, perfect.
it's right off of where the kitchen would be.
That doorway over there, does that go into where we just walked round? - Yes, it does.
- And then you come out the other side right by the back of the house.
- It wouldn't take a lot to clean it up.
- So good! No, no.
No, it's perfect.
It's good.
Everyone is massively keen to make it happen, and Bob, obviously, we need his his, erm, approval.
He's the boss.
Monkey, don't do that.
You're the boss.
Well, yeah, business-wise, it needs to make sense from a retail point of view and it needs to be something worth investing in.
So I am glad that Bob is on our team for this.
I'm not fighting anyone to make it happen! - It's really exciting.
- Mmm.
Emma wants to oversee the kitchen project herself.
This is the kind of look of the thing.
OK, they've mapped out a plan? I haven't seen that.
- That's it from the front.
- OK, fantastic.
So when do you start actually producing stuff from the kitchen? - Christmas.
- Literally at Christmas? - Good! - Very excited.
- Good.
- New products for Christmas.
- Going to be good.
- No pressure.
We've got, like, weeks.
- New products, new baby, new New everything.
I think it is important that I do something.
- You want to have a role here? - Yeah, definitely, I want to I want to have a role and not be just you know, hanging around, not doing anything.
That's silly.
- You could be a trophy wife.
- I suppose so.
No, it's not That wouldn't be good.
I want to be, you know, productive.
The Longleat miniature train is now fully staffed, as Bob wanted.
But out of the blue, disaster strikes.
You get that call, but you really don't have any information.
You have a sense that it could be serious, but you You don't know how serious.
And there is always that moment where your heart is up in your throat, and it was for me.
Halfway through the summer season, one of the trains derails, with more than 150 passengers on board.
One woman seriously injures her leg.
The incident hits the headlines.
In the last few minutes news has come through that a woman has been flown to hospital after part of the miniature train at Longleat Safari Park overturned.
Two carriages came off the track as the train came into the station.
The HSE -- government health and safety inspectors -- arrived to investigate the accident.
Daisy has been up all night pulling together the information they need.
How are you feeling? - Daisy? - I feel fine, thank you.
- Tired? No.
The train derailed on a corner where the speed limit is 4mph.
Mobile phone footage of the accident suggests the driver may have been going too fast.
But the investigators will also want to look at the way the miniature train has been managed.
- What I think they are going to do is lift the car up - Right.
- .
and look for any damage.
- So when are the HSE coming back? - They're still here.
- They're here now, on site, are they? They're here, they're kind of working, so we'll know pretty soon whether they're going to be back tomorrow.
And this train, as is, has been operating for an awfully long time, so it's a bit of an enigma for us, but I think somebody has gotten hurt and it's It's not, you know it's not OK.
The train will remain closed to visitors during the investigation.
If they find management at fault, the HSE can bring criminal charges.
I don't think it's fully fully sunk in yet, what I felt at that precise moment in time.
Because half of you goes into utter shock because you prepare for these things, you get ready for these things, you have everything lined up so that you know how to respond to a call, erm but when you actually hear it, it's a completely different feeling.
There is a lot of pressure involved at this current, precise moment in time.
There's a lot of pressure, there's always been a lot of pressure.
But it has In a sense, it's brought it home.
Anne's state-of-the-art new home is finally finished.
It has deep sand floors, thermostat heating and some goats for company.
Anne's keepers want to move her into it today.
The only problem -- it's a half a mile walk from where she is now.
The move will be a huge operation.
From the point of view of the support vehicle, the support vehicle carries anything we need for any emergencies, it's got ropes and things like that, if she decides to go off-track and gets bogged down or stuck, or is just not going the route we need her to.
She will either walk up the road to her new house, or she'll get so far and turn round and walk back down the road to her old house.
If we get so far and Anne really decides and clearly turns round and wants to walk back home there's no point in standing in her way.
She is three-and-a-half tons.
- Just come on, Anne.
- Absolutely.
That first grey shape coming up over the brow will just be phenomenal, won't it? INDISTINCT MESSAGE OVER WALKIE-TALKIE Yeah, we're all ready as well.
'Anne is now leaving the building.
' CEAWLIN: OK, here we go.
A £1 million investment is riding on Anne being well enough to make it.
We all want to just try and make out that this is a normal kind of day and we're all pretty easy about this and not excited, not nervous, that we all just feel fine and we're all going to go for a walk up the road.
Oh yeah.
If there's one thing you've learned from animals -- you never know what they're going to do.
They're just going to disappear behind the grade of the hill now.
She drags her back feet a bit where she can't pick them up, but I think once she gets to that hill, that's the hurdle, and then it's kind of downhill, effectively.
The rest of it is pretty flat.
But it just depends how she's feeling today, really.
- She appears to be moving quite well.
- Mmm.
You're being a good girl, Freckles.
Bit of downhill now, sweetheart.
That's a nice bit now, good girl.
Being a good girl, darling.
Good girl, darling, keep going, move up.
After 15 minutes, Anne is two-thirds of the way there.
It's looking good, isn't it? Don't you think? Wow, good girl, Anne.
PHONE CAMERA CLICKS To be honest, that went perfectly.
The team were great, the lads did exactly what was asked of them, but ultimately, of course, it doesn't matter how good your team are, if Anne doesn't want to play ball, then we wouldn't be up here right now! So it was a great effort from the team, but also from Anne, to play ball and work with us on what we wanted to do.
You are such a good girl, aren't you? You're a clever girl.
A selfie.
Oi, it's a selfie - Yeah! - THEY LAUGH Thank you very much.
Great to see you, - thank you very much.
- Good to see you.
The Longleat train has been declared safe to run.
The train's back in operation, we've got lots of families that have been on the past couple of weekends, and absolutely great feedback, which has been brilliant.
Safety inspectors have delivered their findings.
The principal reason for the incident was that the operator was coming into the station too quickly.
So he was coming in much faster than he'd ever been trained to.
The investigation did find flaws in management.
The trains date back to Lord Bath's time, and most never had speedometers, forcing drivers to estimate their speeds.
The trains on this gauge of track were not required to have a speedometer.
That's one of the basic things that we've changed.
Now the whole fleet has them.
Although there were failings, they were not considered serious enough to warrant further action.
No charges were brought.
- At one point you were concerned you might be prosecuted.
- Yeah.
What did you feel about that? HE EXHALES AND LAUGHS Um, you know, not great, of course.
It never really was the overriding issue, it was more about what happened and who was impacted by it.
We have to live with what happened and The focus has really been on making sure it can't happen again.
I'm feeling now, where we are now as a department, as a company, my team, they're in They're finally showing their strengths, finally in a position where we can review the team's structure and we're so strong and we're all working well together, and it's finally in harmony.
I suppose how I'm feeling now is highly positive.
Hi, Linda, just to confirm, I'll be heading up there in about 15 minutes.
Sorry if I'm a few minutes late.
' - DOG BARKS - Hi! EMMA: Mwah.
THEY LAUGH For the baby It's going to be tough for him.
How do these fit into the Grade I landscape? Well, they don't, clearly.
If one's being honest, we were looking to impress them.
Oh, my God.
Nice and gentle, step towards me.
I'm confident that it's been very well planned.
Nobody saw fit to consult my father, so he has taken umbrage.

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